Interview 1903 – James Corbett on God, Government and The Law

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The Bystander Effect – #SolutionsWatch (video)

The bystander effect describes a seeming paradox: the more people who are around to help in a given emergency, the less likely that any one individual will actually stop to help. Today James dives into the psychology underlying the bystander effect and explains how we can flip this quirk of human cognition on its head to help change the world for the better.

The Bystander Effect – #SolutionsWatch

The Bystander Effect – #SolutionsWatch

The bystander effect describes a seeming paradox: the more people who are around to help in a given emergency, the less likely that any one individual will actually stop to help. Today James dives into the psychology underlying the bystander effect and explains how we can flip this quirk of human cognition on its head to help change the world for the better.

Iain Davis Dissects the Pseudopandemic (video)

Iain Davis of joins us to discuss his new book, Pseudopandemic: New Normal Technocracy. In this conversation Davis lays out the copious documentation demonstrating how the pseudopandemic was generated, identifies the larger agenda behind the push toward implementing the technocratic biosecurity state and talks about what we can do to stop this nightmare from becoming a reality.

Interview 1668 – Iain Davis Dissects the Pseudopandemic

Interview 1668 – Iain Davis Dissects the Pseudopandemic

Iain Davis of joins us to discuss his new book, Pseudopandemic: New Normal Technocracy. In this conversation Davis lays out the copious documentation demonstrating how the pseudopandemic was generated, identifies the larger agenda behind the push toward implementing the technocratic biosecurity state and talks about what we can do to stop this nightmare from becoming a reality.

Merck Pills, Alberta Vaxx Pass, FreeTheNationMusic

This week on the New World Next Week: Merck aims to push pills for the scamdemic; Alberta releases its REP vaxx app; and music brings together musicians who oppose forced vaccinations and segregation.


James Corbett’s Third reddit AMA

Earlier today I appeared on the /r/conspiracy subreddit for an "Ask Me Anything" thread. You can find that thread here: This is my third reddit AMA. You can find the...

The Strangest Documentary You’ll Ever See

Imagine, if you will, a documentary on population control and resource restriction produced by the United Nations. A documentary that opens with Rue McClanahan of The Golden Girls fame pretending to be sexually aroused by the prospect of hundreds of world leaders...

How Big Oil Steers the Environmental Movement

The following article is excerpted from The Corbett Report's new documentary, Why Big Oil Conquered The World. Watch the documentary for free, download the mp3 audio, or read the complete transcript at On paper, it would be almost impossible...

The Entire Global Economy Now Hinges on One Thing

by James Corbett March 29, 2016 As I write these words we are now only hours away from The Most Important Event Ever to Happen in the History of the Global Economy. Investors are bracing themselves. Markets are anticipating. Journalists...

Brussels Is A Hub for (NATO) Terrorism

Brussels has long been a cesspit of globalist activity where the very types of false flag machinations that are now coming home to roost have been hatched, fostered and directed. In this week's subscriber newsletter James delves into the rise of Gladio terrorism in...

The Brussels Attacks Open Thread

by James Corbett March 23, 2016 Two explosions rocked the departure lounge of Zaventem airport in Brussels yesterday morning and, one hour later, another explosion occurred at the Maelbaek metro station. Reports indicate at least 30 have been killed...