Interview 1923 – Your Exploding Car is Spying on You (NWNW #576)

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Meet the Sentient World Simulation: How the Government Predicts the Future

Meet the Sentient World Simulation: How the Government Predicts the Future

Have you heard of the “Sentient World Simulation”? Do you know that the US Defense Department revealed two decades ago that they were working on putting together a real-time model of the earth and every person in it? And do you know that project has effectively been swept under the rug and was never mentioned again?

Interview 1894 – AI Ring of Steel Descends on Paris (NWNW 563)

Interview 1894 – AI Ring of Steel Descends on Paris (NWNW 563)

This week on the New World Next Week: Biden drops out of the (s)election race while congress genuflects to their real leader; the Crowdstrike fiasco was a win for evil online disinformationists (say the establishment stooges); and Paris nabs 1000 dastardly spies in the lead up to the AI drone surveillance Olympics.

Interview 1893 – ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED??? (NWNW 562)

Interview 1893 – ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED??? (NWNW 562)

This week on the New World Next Week: the shadow-casters are trying EXTRA HARD to get you to look at the shadows on the cave wall this (s)election cycle; swamp-dweller-in-chief Trump taps Peter Thiel’s minion to be his VP; and the MSM tries their darndest to make Bohemian Grove sound boring and unimportant.


The Globalist’s SECRET Message!

The Globalist’s SECRET Message!

Psssst. You. Yeah, you! Wanna know a secret? OK, but you gotta promise not to tell anyone. Here it is: the inbred eugenicist elitist globalist technocrats that presume to rule over humanity are speaking in subtle code. If you listen extra carefully and you think very...

The Climate Death Cult’s Mask is Slipping

The Climate Death Cult’s Mask is Slipping

Have you heard the latest nonsense from the climate cultists? No, I'm not talking about recycling human hair to change the weather. And I'm not talking about the hot new fad of defacing works of art (and the US constitution) to end climate change. No, I'm talking...

March Open Thread (2024)

March Open Thread (2024)

Can you believe it's March already? I, for one, absolutely and categorically refuse to believe it. But still, the calendar insists otherwise so here we are in the March Open Thread. What's on your mind this month? Are you keeping up with the latest events in Gaza? Are...

Everyday Conspiracies

Everyday Conspiracies

Thank you in advance to all of the regular Corbett Report readers who forward this week's editorial to the person (or people) in your life whom you think will benefit from reading it. What's that, you say? You're sick of hearing from those crazy conspiracy...

November Open Thread (2023)

Hey, everyone. Remember my challenge at the end of "Context Is Everything"? And here's a challenge for the rest of you: how would you reframe the problem of the globalist technocratic conspiracy in a way that inspires people to take action and make changes in the...

Meet the Russians

Meet the Russians

Here's a simple observation: when knowledgeable Americans discuss American politics, they can talk in detail about the various fault lines in the American government. They can expound at great length on the Squad's role in influencing the policies of the Democratic...

Context Is Everything

Context Is Everything

I often get asked about an image I've had cause to include in several of my articles over the years. It depicts a television camera capturing a knife attack in such a way as to completely flip the reality of who is attacking and who is being attacked. In case you...