Results for "eugenic"

What Are You DOING With This Information?

Watch this video on BitChute / DTube / / YouTube Today we hear from a listener who is actually taking steps to detach herself from the Big Tech matrix. So what are you doing with this information and what changes are you making in your life? Inspire us with...

From Silicon Valley to the Georgia Guidestones

Watch this video on BitChute / DTube / YouTube Corbett Report member Octium connects the dots between two seemingly disparate Corbett reports: one on silicon valley and the other on the Georgia guidestones. So who is William Shockley, what does he have to do with the...

Episode 355 – The Dark History of the Minimum Wage

Episode 355 – The Dark History of the Minimum Wage

There's something strange about the idea of a minimum wage. It's one of those subjects that everyone has a strong opinion about, even if they have no idea what makes actual economic sense. But perhaps the most surprising thing of all is that the minimum wage has a...


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