Interview 1923 – Your Exploding Car is Spying on You (NWNW #576)

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Episode 461 – I Read The Most Dangerous Superstition (And You Can, Too!)

Episode 461 – I Read The Most Dangerous Superstition (And You Can, Too!)

In the EXACT OPPOSITE of the tradition of the “I Read . . . So You Don’t Have To” series of podcasts, today James presents a read-through / exploration of a book you actually really SHOULD read: The Most Dangerous Superstition by Larken Rose! Strap in and get ready for a data dump. And then get ready to read the book yourself!

Winning the Fluoride Fight – #SolutionsWatch

Winning the Fluoride Fight – #SolutionsWatch

Joining us today is Michael Connett, lead attorney for the plaintiffs’ in the #FluorideLawsuit. We discuss the history of the lawsuit, what’s at stake, and how people who are concerned about the fluoridation of the water supply can get involved in the fight against this uncontrolled medical intervention.

Regenerative Agriculture – #SolutionsWatch

Regenerative Agriculture – #SolutionsWatch

We all know the problem of The Future of Food. So, who’s ready for the solution? Today on #SolutionsWatch, James examines regenerative agriculture, one of the solutions that is already being used to wean us off the industrialized factory farming system…


The Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect

The Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect

Have you ever seen a news story about something you yourself have gone through? Or read a magazine article about a subject you happen to be familiar with? If so, then you've likely experienced what most people have felt in that situation: anger and bemusement. "How...

December Open Thread (2023)

Ho ho ho! It's December. It's cold. It's about to get snowy. So why not pull the laptop up to the fire, kick back with some hot cocoa and share a bit of holiday joy with the Corbett Report community? So what's on your mind right now? The latest news from Gaza? The...

The Global Uprising Against CBDCs Has Begun!

Stop the presses! Here's my hot take for the day: CBDCs are a bad thing. OK, maybe that take is not so hot. After all, I don't even need to spell out "Central Bank Digital Currencies" for my well-informed, switched-on readers to know what I'm talking about when I...

August Open Thread (2023)

Hey everyone! I hope you're out and about enjoying the lovely summer of global boiling, but just in case you do find yourself looking at a screen I present for your edification and enjoyment the August Open Thread. Have fun! Corbett Report members are encouraged as...

Meet J. P. Morgan, Bankster-in-Chief

If you had met him as a boy, you might not have expected John Pierpont Morgan to amount to much. He was a sickly child, for starters, constantly beset by rashes, headaches, rheumatism, scarlet fever and a panoply of other ailments. What's more, growing up in the...

The Revolt of the Pawns

In early 1980, as the diplomatic fallout from the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan began to play itself out on the grand chessboard, then-US President Jimmy Carter sent his National Security Adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, to Pakistan to rally the mujahideen fighters...