Results for "biosecurity"

Episode 460 – The Future of Food

Episode 460 – The Future of Food

We all know the problems of the modern factory farming system. But, as bad as things are, they're about to get even worse. New technologies are coming online that threaten to upend our understanding of food altogether. Technologies that could, ultimately, begin...

Episode 455 – The 7th Annual Fake News Awards

Episode 455 – The 7th Annual Fake News Awards

And now, from a deep underground military base on the other side of the flat Earth, it's time for the 7th Annual Fake News Awards! How did the disinformation specialists of the mockingbird media lie to the public this year? What rich, creamery nothingburgers did they...

The Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect

The Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect

Have you ever seen a news story about something you yourself have gone through? Or read a magazine article about a subject you happen to be familiar with? If so, then you've likely experienced what most people have felt in that situation: anger and bemusement. "How...

Meet the Russians

Meet the Russians

Here's a simple observation: when knowledgeable Americans discuss American politics, they can talk in detail about the various fault lines in the American government. They can expound at great length on the Squad's role in influencing the policies of the Democratic...

The Covid Protesters — Where Are They Now?

If you participated in the recent COVID-911 Watch Along then you'll have the trauma and tyranny of the darkest depths of the scamdemic fresh in your mind. Remember when they were arresting people for the "crime" of shopping while maskless? Remember when they were...


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