Episode 467 – Naming Names and Connecting Dots in the Globalist Agenda

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Interview 1813 – WTF Just Happened in Russia? with Rolo Slavskiy

Interview 1813 – WTF Just Happened in Russia? with Rolo Slavskiy

Rolo Slavisky joins James to discuss the crazy events in Russia this past weekend. Did Yevgeny Prigozhin just lead a mutiny? A coup attempt? Was this a psyop? A false flag? A “special military operation” (to use the Kremlin’s lingo)? Or something else entirely? And, is it really over? If so, who won? Buckle up and get your notebook ready, folks. This is going to be a data dump.

France Pretends NATO is About the North Atlantic

That NATO would seek to extend its reach beyond its supposed North Atlantic regional remit is hardly surprising. In fact, as anyone following the rise of the Evil Empire will know all too well, NATO has been involved in a process of truly global expansion for decades now. But still, France’s objection to this brazen attempt by NATO to stray from its nominal North Atlantic confines presents a new twist on the story. So, what does all of this mean? And if it isn’t reined in, where will NATO be heading next? Let’s find out, shall we? . . .

FLASHBACK: Requiem for the Suicided: David Kelly (2011)

FROM 2011: Famed microbiologist and UN weapons inspector Dr. David Kelly became the centre of a dispute between the BBC and the UK government over claims that the government had “sexed up” its dossier on Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction in order to sell the Iraq war to the public. He was found dead on Harrowdown Hill on July 18, 2003. It was ruled a suicide. Today we look at the troubling discrepancies, inconsistencies and questions surrounding that official verdict, and broach the question of what secrets Dr. Kelly may have taken to the grave…

Interview 1812 – Moving Ukraine Closer to NATO – #NewWorldNextWeek

Interview 1812 – Moving Ukraine Closer to NATO – #NewWorldNextWeek

This week on the New World Next Week: NATO talks about a Ukraine-NATO council that will move Ukraine closer to NATO…but they’re totally not inviting them in, guys; the IMF is working on a CBDC platform (along with every other globalist bankster institution); and Obama calls for digital fingerprints to counteract disinformation.

Interview 1811 – James Corbett on the WHO’s Anti-Human Agenda

Interview 1811 – James Corbett on the WHO’s Anti-Human Agenda

via The New American: In this interview with The New American, award-winning investigative journalist James Corbett speaks about the gradual expansion of the biosecurity state and the weaponization of the healthcare apparatus and explains the key facts about the WHO’s proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations and Pandemic Zero Draft that would provide the organization with unparalleled authoritarian powers.


Another Globalist “Simulation” Comes True

You know how Event 201 was just the most high-profile in a string of "simulations" and "scenarios" (including Clade X, Crimson Contagion, Lock Step and SPARS) that just happened to predictively program the fear of a global coronavirus pandemic into the minds of the...

Mass Media: A History — Course Notes

Following are the course notes for the students of my Mass Media: A History course. James Corbett of The Corbett Report presents Mass Media: A History, an online course examining the history of media, exploring media's impact on society, and revealing where...

November Open Thread (2021)

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds / Odysee or Download the mp4 As I'll be busy with my course on Mass Media: A History for Renegade University, things will be quieter around here for the next couple of weeks. In the meantime, Corbett Report members are encouraged to...

New Year Open Thread

Happy (?) New Year, everyone. Well, New Year, anyway. Yes, it's a new month and a new year. I hope you're all spending some time with your loved ones and preparing yourself for the year ahead. I know I am. In the meantime, Corbett Report members are invited to use...

2020: Our Annus Horribilis

Welcome to the year-end wrap up! You know, the annual end-of-year stock-taking editorial I write before we all go off to enjoy our Christmas and ring in the New Year? Now, if this were any other year, I'd make some light-hearted joke about all of this. You know, "Oh,...

Another 25 Books You Should Read

Since books are so central to the work that I do here at The Corbett Report, it should be no surprise that one of the most frequent requests I get is for a recommended reading list. In response to those requests, I compiled a New World Order Reading List back in 2015....

December Open Thread

It's December again. You know what that means? We're 11/12ths of the way through this Year of Transformation. There's a lot to reflect on as we approach the New Year, but a lot happening as well. As is the new Corbett Report tradition, I'll be opening this post up for...