Results for "isis"

2017: The Year of Technocracy

Writing for a publication called "The International Forecaster," it's pretty hard not to throw my hat in the ring with the other prognosticators who are peddling their predictions and pontificating on the prospects for the pursuing year. As I've noted before, these...

Interview 1238 – New World Next Year: 2017

Interview 1238 – New World Next Year: 2017

Welcome to New World Next Week - the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This year: Media Monarchy’s 2016 Story: Mass Movements and the Madness of Crowds The CIA’s...

Next EU Domino Falls as Italy Rejects Renzi

by James Corbett December 6, 2016 The scene is becoming familiar, even if the actors change from stage to stage: A political establishment is overturned by a wave of populist anger. Markets panic and a sell-off looks imminent. And...

Crisitunity in India’s Cash Crunch

What the government giveth, the government taketh away. Like that money in your wallet. Do you really think it's yours? If so, the people of India would like to have a word with you. Oh, haven't you heard? In case you missed the story during the din and clatter of the...

So THIS Is Where That Infamous Soros Video Came From…

A helpful Corbett Report listener pointed me to the source of the Soros 60 Minutes video that emerged earlier this week: a collaborative investigation by The_Donald subreddit. This is a great example of the "open source investigation" model of collaborative research...


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