Episode 466 – Japan Rising

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Interview 1884 – WHO Post-Mortem on CHD TV

via CHD.TV: The World Health Organization’s annual meeting has concluded — what were the main takeaways? Join today’s co-hosts of ‘Good Morning CHD’ as they recap the week of events and share their thoughts on the future of international public health.

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Interview 1793 – Georgia’s Dream, Soros’ Nightmare with Riley Waggaman

Interview 1793 – Georgia’s Dream, Soros’ Nightmare with Riley Waggaman

The deep staters at the NED and their loyal lapdogs in the controlled corporate press want you to believe that Georgia just erupted in an explosion of democracy, with valiant protesters spontaneously taking to the streets to demand that NED and Open Society-funded colour revolutionaries be allowed to operate on their soil without government oversight . . . but this is a lie. Helping us to dissect this lie is our man in Tbilisi, Riley Waggaman (aka Edward Slavsquat).

Interview 1792 – James Corbett Redpills the Croatians on CBDC

Interview 1792 – James Corbett Redpills the Croatians on CBDC

In this edition of the Redpill series, James Corbett talks to Andrija Klarić of the Slobodni podcast about CBDCs. As Croatians enter the Brave New Monetary World of the globalists by joining the eurozone, they suddenly find themselves on the doorstep of the EU’s coming central bank digital currencies. James explains why CBDCs are a bad thing and what the people of Croatia (and others around the world) can do to fend off this threat to human liberty.

Dissent Into Madness: Crazy Conspiracy Theorists

This week I will explore how the public has been trained to accept the pathologization of those peskiest of dissenters, the conspiracy realists. I will also explain how the trigger has already been pulled on this psychiatric weapon and how it is impacting those who dare question the motives of our would-be rulers

FLASHBACK: G20 Rules Make Bank Bail-ins a Reality (2015)

FROM 2015: Last month’s G20 Summit in Australia came and went without the protests and riots we’ve come to expect at the summit in recent years. But as author and researcher Ellen Brown notes, the real fireworks happened behind closed doors, where the group rubber stamped new regulations that will make Cyprus style bank bail-ins a worldwide reality.


Agorism in Japan

In this week's subscriber newsletter, James is interviewed by Graham Smith of AgoristNexus.com about agorism, revolution and Japan. Also included this week is a test of a new subscriber exclusive video format and plenty of recommended reading, viewing and listening....

April Open Thread

Spring has sprung! I hope you've had a chance to turn off the computer, go outside and enjoy some natural sunlight. In this age of COVID insanity, going outside and living a healthy life is itself an act of defiance. If you do insist on computing during this spring...

Are You Prepared For The “Infodemic”?

It's silent. It's deadly. It's spreading all around the globe. And, if you're not careful, it'll get you next! The viral pandemic? No, silly! The viral infodemic. Haven't you heard? There's a tsunami of fake news that's coming to get you! And if you plebs don't behave...

Bill & Melinda Gates: An Open Source Investigation

In light of recent events, I am re-releasing Episode 228 of the podcast, How To Become A Billionaire (and what to do with it). CLICK HERE for show notes and mp3 audio download of this podcast or watch/download the video via the player and links below: Watch this video...

A Letter to the Future

The lamps are going out all across the globe. We shall not see them lit again in our lifetime. In this week's unorthodox subscriber newsletter, James pens an epistle to the inhabitants of the post-coronavirus future . . . whoever they may be. Come for the editorial...

This IS The Global Reset. Prepare Accordingly.

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the...