Results for "isis"

Who Wants To Be A Carbon Trillionaire?

Eat your heart out, Al Gore. Being a carbon billionaire is so passé now that we're in the age of the $100 trillion climate swindle. So the real question is who (or at least which corporate front) will be the first carbon trillionaire? Will it be a carbon...

Weekend Open Thread – 09/18/2016

It's another busy weekend of news and information, so it's time for another weekend open thread. The Syrian truce is in tatters and Moscow is openly accusing Washington of trying to scuttle the peace before it even starts as the US admits to bombing the Syrian army in...

BayerSanto: What the Merger Means For You

If you had told someone a few decades ago that by 2016 the company that brought aspirin to the world and the company that brought Agent Orange to Vietnam were going to team up to control a quarter of the world's food supply, chances are you would have been labeled a...

How Monsanto Silences Dissent (Update!)

Monsanto is one of the most hated companies on the planet. ...Unless you ask FORTUNE Magazine, that is. In that case, it's apparently one of the world's most admired companies. But if you actually ask real human beings then it ranks right behind BP and Bank of America...

It Is Later Than You Think…

I imagine we have all daydreamed of an intrepid archaeologist of some future generation uncovering the relics and debris of our own civilization, puzzling over the function of a lifeless iPad or broken TV. Or, more likely, a mysteriously un-degraded McDonald's...

Soros Hack, NSA Hack, Guccifer 2.0 – New World Next Week

Welcome to New World Next Week — the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. In this week’s episode: Story #1: Hack Proves "Dissident" Groups, Movements Funded By Soros...

Relax, Everyone! Al Qaeda Are the Good Guys Again

CNN aired a 3 minute segment earlier this week that can only be described as jaw-dropping. Watch it for yourself. Go on, watch it. It's almost too unbelievable to take in what you're watching. CNN is giving air time to an Al Qaeda spokesman to talk about how they've...


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