Episode 466 – Japan Rising

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Interview 1785 – James Corbett on Deep State Health Control

Interview 1785 – James Corbett on Deep State Health Control

In this interview our hosts Leigh Vossen and Sheldon Munroe get to talk to James about his views on previous global health scares, his thoughts on the covid 19 injections. We also get to hear his thoughts on certain momentous events occurring over the past few years such as the Canadian trucker convoy. James was kind enough to impart his wisdom and advice to students who are looking to stand up against the deep state.

The Magic Words – #SolutionsWatch

The Magic Words – #SolutionsWatch

The magic words can open doors that you didn’t even know were there. They can help you skirt the censors and the fact checkers. They can unlock minds and take your research to a whole new level. So do you know the magic words? Find out in this week’s edition of #SolutionsWatch!

Are You Subscribed?

If you’re a paying member of The Corbett Report (either by Substack or any other method), you can skip this video! But if you’re not, here are two questions for you: Are you subscribed to The Corbett Report? And should you be?


The Year Ahead – Part 1: Currency

I don't need to tell you that we are living through world-historical times right now. The frequency of world-changing events is accelerating even as the impact of these events on our day-to-day lives is increasing. As Lenin rightly observed: "There are decades where...

New Year Open Thread

Happy (?) New Year, everyone. Well, New Year, anyway. Yes, it's a new month and a new year. I hope you're all spending some time with your loved ones and preparing yourself for the year ahead. I know I am. In the meantime, Corbett Report members are invited to use...

2020: Our Annus Horribilis

Welcome to the year-end wrap up! You know, the annual end-of-year stock-taking editorial I write before we all go off to enjoy our Christmas and ring in the New Year? Now, if this were any other year, I'd make some light-hearted joke about all of this. You know, "Oh,...

The Global Government Is Preparing A Global Tax Regime

The New World Order's global(ist) government has just proposed a new global taxation regime to solidify their control over the tax cattle on the human plantation we call planet Earth. . . . . . . But perhaps you missed that story when it ran in the controlled...

How To Protest (Extinction Rebellion Style!)

So you've decided to get off your butt and save the planet. About time! So, what was it that put you over the edge? Was it the impassioned plea to "Act Now" because "Our House is Flooding!" Or was it the finger-wagging "How dare you?" of everyone's favorite...

Your Guide to a World on Fire

I don't know if you've noticed, but the world is on fire right now. From protests and riots to bloodshed and coups d'état, it seems that every corner of the globe is being rocked by an explosion of unrest . . . and no, I'm not talking about the Great Popeyes Chicken...

The Saudi Aramco IPO: What You Need to Know

After years of teasing, the moment has finally arrived: Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (hereinafter dubbed "MbS" or "the Clown Prince") has announced the Saudi government's intention to float a stake in Saudi Aramco. As you no doubt already know...