Results for "cyber 911"

Episode 242 – The Meaning of 9/11 Truth

We've covered the who/what/where/when/why of 9/11 on this podcast in the past, but in this 9/11 11th anniversary episode of the podcast we ask: what is the meaning of 9/11 truth? What do we know? What don't we know? And why should we care? Join James as he explores...

9/11: A Conspiracy Theory

Everything you ever wanted to know about the 9/11 conspiracy theory in under 5 minutes. (Watch French, German, Spanish, Italian, Hebrew, Dutch, Greek or Portuguese translations of this video.) (Watch this video on BitChute, DTube, Odysee or YouTube) TRANSCRIPT: On the...

9/11, the CIA & the Art of the Hangout (Eyeopener Preview)

Note: The above video is a short preview of this report. For the full video, please follow this link to Future editions of the report will be available for free viewing to the public if Boiling Frogs can gain 500 subscribers by the end of this...

2009 Article Archive

2009/12/17 -Yes We Can! (the video) 2009/12/17 - Vancouver 2010 Olympic Police State 2009/12/17 - Ellen Brown on the EU/IMF Revolt 2009/12/11 - Carbon Eugenics 2009/12/11 - An Interview With Webster Tarpley 2009/12/09 - British Group Proposes Carbon Offsets to Stop...

Episode 098 – Weaponized Psychology

Running Time: 56:35 Description:We looked at the 'other' C-word back in Episode 050 of this podcast, but now it's time to look at the other other 'C-word': Crazy. Who gets to call who crazy, and what does that mean? Is it crazy to want to know what the 9/11...

Episode 088 – You Are Being Programmed

Running Time: 1:03:30 Description:We've talked about Edward Bernays and we know all about propaganda, but there's more to media control than corporate advertising. Public opinion and attitudes are shaped through the media we consume, from television and movies to...


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