Interview 1901 – Never-Ending Middle East Escalator (NWNW 566)

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Interview 1754 – James Corbett on The Free Thought Project

Interview 1754 – James Corbett on The Free Thought Project

Corbett has long covered important issues from 9/11 Truth and false flag terror to the Big Brother police state, eugenics, geopolitics, the central banking fraud and more. On this week’s podcast, we take an eye-opening look into his epic three-part documentary series, False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda. The trilogy is a jaw-dropping deep dive into the decades-long history of the West’s intervention in Africa and the Middle East, which eventually led up to the creation of Al-Qaeda. We discuss how these pieces on the global chessboard have been moved to usher in a new dystopia in which freedom-loving citizens are considered the new “enemy of the state.” We also examine how this entire police and military state which has risen up since 9/11, will be turned inward to target those who will not comply with the state’s total control system.

Episode 429 – Meet Elon Musk, Technocratic Huckster

Episode 429 – Meet Elon Musk, Technocratic Huckster

Elon Musk is back in the headlines again (not that he ever really went away). He’s going to save free speech on Twitter (honest)! He’s going to end the war on Ukraine (that he supported with Starlink)! He’s going to give Taiwan to the Chinese (and not just because of Tesla’s Shanghai factory)! Yes, Elon Musk is a WEF Young Global Leader and a self-promoting charlatan who would have amounted to absolutely nothing without unrelenting support from government and his globalist pals, and he is the next white hat saviour that is being set up to mislead the masses with their next hopium fix. But as James peels back the layers of this technocratic huckster, you’ll find that it’s even worse than that . . .

Thank You!

Thank you to all those who heeded the call in the most recent edition of New World Next Week and who have re-subscribed after cancelling their PayPal account. As a token of my appreciation for all those Corbett Report members who make this website possible, subscribers will find a coupon code for 50% off on any Corbett Report purchase (excluding t-shirts) from the New World Next Week store at the bottom of this weekend’s newsletter. Hurry, the offer ends on October 19, 2022!

What Is Programmable Money?

Are you at a loss to explain to your normie friends why the coming central bank digital currency (CBDC) paradigm is so important and why it should be a primary concern for all of humanity? Well, then, today is your lucky day. This editorial is for you . . . and them!

Interview 1753 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

Interview 1753 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

This week on the New World Next Week: SWIFT announces the next step in the creation of the cross-border CBDC financial architecture; masses of people rise up against PayPal (by unsubscribing from Corbett and Pilato); and a sabotage agent lowered fluoride levels in one town’s drinking water for years before being caught.

Wikispooks and LittleSis – #SolutionsWatch

Wikispooks and LittleSis – #SolutionsWatch

If only there were some handy-dandy websites for finding out more information about the people and organizations we see mentioned in the news. Oh wait, there are! Join James for today’s edition of #SolutionsWatch as he guides you through an exploration of Peter Thiel and shows you some interesting websites along the way.


Bill & Melinda Gates: An Open Source Investigation

In light of recent events, I am re-releasing Episode 228 of the podcast, How To Become A Billionaire (and what to do with it). CLICK HERE for show notes and mp3 audio download of this podcast or watch/download the video via the player and links below: Watch this video...

A Letter to the Future

The lamps are going out all across the globe. We shall not see them lit again in our lifetime. In this week's unorthodox subscriber newsletter, James pens an epistle to the inhabitants of the post-coronavirus future . . . whoever they may be. Come for the editorial...

This IS The Global Reset. Prepare Accordingly.

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the...

Open Thread – November 2018

As you know by now, I'm busy at work on my next project. As you also know, the news doesn't stop just because I'm away. So what's on your radar lately? Let's keep each other informed of the latest breaking news, your deep reflections on the big philosophical issues,...

How (Not) To Pop A Bubble

It may not have been the craziest headline that the Trump whirlwind has generated in recent months, but you might have noticed it amidst all the Stormy Kavanaghs out there: Trump says Fed is his 'biggest threat' because it is raising rates too fast This latest...

Know Your Memes: NPC

So surely you've heard that 2001: A Space Odyssey's evil A.I. super-computer HAL is a thinly veiled reference to IBM, right? You know, change each letter in "HAL" to the next one in the alphabet? Well, what do you get when you change each letter in the word "MOB" to...

Crime Pays (If You’re in Government)

"The weed of crime bears bitter fruit. Crime does not pay. The Shadow knows!" Perhaps you're old enough to remember this tag line from the 1930s radio dramatization of The Shadow. Or perhaps, like me, you spent your childhood listening to "Those Old Radio Shows" on...