Interview 1902 – Government Hurricanes? (NWNW 567)

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The Dark History of the Royals

Whatever the future may hold for the loyal subjects of His Royal Highness, the Great Reset-shilling, pedophile-befriending, carbon eugenics-pushing King Charles III, given the disheartening (if predictable) reaction of the normies to this latest royal passing, nothing could be timelier than an in-depth exploration of the lowlights of the British royal family. So, even though I am going to drop an 18,000 word, two-hour documentary conclusion in the next 24 hours(!!!), I have taken time out of my schedule to bring you this.

Flashback: Richard Gage in Kobe (2009)

In this week’s blast from The Corbett Report past, James brings you his 2009 interview with Richard Gage in Kobe regarding the explosive evidence of the 9/11 demolitions to show you that the more things change, the more they stay the same. Also, he discusses the events surrounding this year’s 9/11 anniversary, including the upcoming 2022 9/11 Truth Film Festival where the False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda documentary will be screened in its entirety and James will appear for a Q&A, and the Corbett Pirate Stream, where James and Broc will join Ryan Cristian of The Last American Vagabond for a livestream Watch Along and Q&A of Part 3 of that same documentary.

Interview 1746 – Richard Gage UNLEASHED!

Interview 1746 – Richard Gage UNLEASHED!

Richard Gage, founder and former CEO of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, joins me to discuss his current work at, including his podcast, Richard Gage UNLEASHED!, his upcoming 2022 9/11 Truth Film Festival livestream, his weekly webinars, his work with the Lawyers’ Commitee for 9/11 Inquiry and their upcoming film, 9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom. We also reflect on the 21st anniversary of the “catalyzing and catastrophic” events of September 11th and discuss what motivates us to do this work.

FLASHBACK: Al Qaeda Doesn’t Exist (2009)

Long time Corbett Report enthusiasts will remember Al Qaeda Doesn’t Exist, the ambitious feature length documentary project that I started (and abandoned) way back in 2009. Unfortunately, that video doesn’t exist anymore thanks to the YouTube censors, but it is preserved on the 2009 Data Archive USB. Today I present to you the Prologue from that documentary project.

Email – #SolutionsWatch

Email – #SolutionsWatch

Did you sign up for The Corbett Report email update list? Are you still receiving emails? If not, why not? Today on #SolutionsWatch, James takes a look at one of the simple, oft-neglected ways of staying in touch with others, email, and how it is under attack from the big tech information oligopolists.


Iran Missile Strike Open Thread

I'm sure you've all seen the latest developments in the Middle East by now, and their strange denouement(?) Unfortunately I'm sick in bed today with the tail end of a flu bug and unable to produce an analysis of these events right now. I am, however, starting this...

New Year Open Thread

As you may have noticed, it's Christmas/New Year break at The Corbett Report, so no newsletter this weekend. Corbett Report members are invited to discuss anything that's on their mind in the comments below. Not a Corbett Report member yet? Sign up today and join the...

The 2010s: The Decade in Review

It's December of 2019, so you know what that means: We've arrived at that special time when newsletter writers start penning their "Decade in Review" articles and pedants vainly contend that, "aKtUAlLy, the new decade doesn't start until 2021!" So let's ignore the...

How to Fake Your Own Death

The Gaddafi Viagra rapes. The Las Vegas shooting. The Skripal "poisoning." Ever notice how some stories explode onto the news wires and then—when the official story is exposed as a pack of lies—they just...disappear? Funny how that happens, huh? Well, add another...

India and China Announce The “Oil Buyers Club”

I've been looking at some of the globalist summits around the world lately, but here's one that slipped under the radar: the International Energy Forum. The IEF's 16th bienniel energy ministers meeting took place in New Delhi this past April and brought together 50 of...

Globalist Summits: Open Thread

I'm sure you've all read the latest about the Korean summit, and I'm sure you saw the fireworks at the G7. Heck, maybe you even gleaned something from Bilderberg this year or actually looked into the Shanghai Cooperation Summit. If so, then great! You've come to the...

Globalist Conference Season Begins

Oh, pity the poor globalists. They're going to be running around like chickens with their heads cut off in the next few days....Well, OK, more like flying around in their private jets like well-pampered chickens with their heads cut off, but you get the idea. Why?...