Results for "Snowden"

Anti-War Goes AWOL: Divide and Conquer in Action

by James Corbett February 4, 2014 Drone strikes in Pakistan. The surge in Afghanistan. The bombing of Libya. Aiding terrorists in Syria. Crippling sanctions on Iran. The Asia-Pacific Pivot. Here in 2014, the Nobel committee's 2009 decision to...

The NSA and the 9/11 Deception

by James Corbett January 26, 2014 As the public finally becomes outraged over the NSA's illegal spying, members of government and the corporate media wage an information war to misdirect that anger to issues of less importance. To counteract this, a bold new...

Secrets for Sale?: The Greenwald/Omidyar/NSA connection

by James Corbett December 17, 2013 Despite what Time Magazine would have us believe, there is no doubt that the most influential newsmaker of the year has been Edward Snowden, a former CIA employee and NSA subcontractor who at the age of 29 became...

UN rappporteur to “investigate” NSA / GCHQ agency spying

A senior UN counter-terrorism official is to assess Edward Snowden's revelations that US and British intelligence agencies are using specific software to retain and monitor telephone conversations, e-mails, and text messages. UN Special Rapporteur Ben Emmerson said in...

BFP Roundtable #01 – Guantanamo, Iran, Open source

Peter B. Collins, Sibel Edmonds and James Corbett of present the latest BFP series, the BFP Roundtable. In this pilot edition of the series the panel discusses the latest "reporting" on Guantanamo by 60 Minutes, the truth about the Iranian nuclear...


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