Interview 1905 – FAANG Goes Nuclear (NWNW 569)

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Presearch Search Engine – #SolutionsWatch

Presearch Search Engine – #SolutionsWatch

Now that DuckDuckGo has officially DuckDuckGone in the direction of censorship, what’s a free speech-loving, liberty-minded conspiracy realist to do? Never fear, #SolutionsWatch is here. In the first of a series of explorations of Alt Tech, James talks to Colin Pape of Presearch, a decentralized search engine that is seeking to offer an alternative to the Big Tech monopolization of search.

Interview 1709 – James Corbett Redpills the Italians

Interview 1709 – James Corbett Redpills the Italians

In this edition of the Redpill series, James talks to Giulio Bona of ComeDonChisciotte to inform the wider Italian public about the work that The Corbett Report does. We talk about war, crisis and propaganda, from the Ukraine crisis to the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset to the coming New World Order and what we can do to avoid it.

It’s Confirmed: Tyrants LOVE China! . . . But Why?

China is not just any type of dictatorship. In fact, it isn’t even communist. When you understand the principle that the Chinese government is really operating on, you start to understand why China has been built up to be the rising new superpower of the 21st century and what that means for the future of humanity.

Episode 415 – The Global Digital ID Prison

Episode 415 – The Global Digital ID Prison

Do you get the feeling digital id is being hyped by every government, corporation, financial institution and globalist-connected NGO as “the way of the future”? Well, you’re right! But why is this being pushed so hard right now. Don’t miss this important edition of The Corbett Report podcast where James lays out the digital ID agenda and how it serves as the linchpin of the entire global enslavement grid.

The Highlighter is Mightier Than the Sword! – #SolutionsWatch (video)

As you know by now, #SolutionsWatch doesn’t just highlight the Big Ideas for changing the world; it also showcases the little ideas that can improve your life. As little ideas go, this week’s idea (online highlighting) probably seems like the littlest one of all, but actually it’s revolutionized my online research. Find out more in this week’s edition of #SolutionsWatch.


Earth to Trump: America Is ALREADY A Socialist Country

So it seems that something in Trump's State of the Union speech has gotten the MAGA crowd all excited. Was it this? "My administration has acted decisively to confront the world’s leading state sponsor of terror: the radical regime in Iran. It is a radical regime....

Fake News: Economics Edition

Just when you thought "fake news" was only about those dastardly Russians hiding under every bed, Japan comes out and admits that 40% of its economic data is bogus. That's right, a report from Japan's Internal Affairs Ministry this week reveals that 22 of the 56 key...

Has the Chinese Dragon Been Tamed?

Chinese President-for-Life Xi Jinping is warning that the glorious Communist Party of China (CPC) "is facing long-term and complex tests in terms of maintaining long-term rule, reform and opening-up, a market-driven economy, and within the external environment." Or at...

The #SyriaStrikes: An Open Source Investigation

The Corbett Report Subscriber vol 7 issue 13 (April 8, 2017) Message From James Greetings, friends.Welcome to The Corbett Report Subscriber, the weekly newsletter for members of this website. My editorial is always available for free at,...

The Brain Chip Cometh

Bill Kochevar just scooped a forkful of mashed potatoes into his own mouth. No cause for celebration, you say? Well, it is when you consider that Kochevar is a quadriplegic, paralyzed below his shoulders in a cycling accident eight years ago. He hasn't scooped a...

Central Planning Always Fails: Chinese Investment Edition

by James Corbett March 29, 2017 Riddle me this: As we all know by now, China is bleeding capital, with a record $725 billion in outflows last year alone. Accordingly, the ChiComs have been flipping their lid, imposing new capital controls left and...