I, Sandwich

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Interview 1703 – Riley Waggaman on Russian Myths vs. Russian Reality

Interview 1703 – Riley Waggaman on Russian Myths vs. Russian Reality

Riley Waggaman, aka “Edward Slavsquat,” joins us today to dissect the propaganda myths that continue to swirl about Putin and Russia in the so-called alternative media and the sobering reality that Russia is neither singularly evil nor singularly good and that Putin is not a freedom fighter valiantly battling the globalists.

The Ukraine Crisis: What You Need to Know

Now, you know me. Here at The Corbett Report, I like to go deeper than the simplistic, binary narratives you get in the establishment press or much of the so-called alternative press. So let’s go deeper today and look at the third side of the Ukraine crisis story.

Give Send Gone (video)

The Canadian government’s recent actions reveal the true agenda like nothing we’ve seen before. The future envisioned by the tyrants is one in which they can turn off your ability to buy and sell with the flick of a switch. So how will we react? Will we build a parallel economy from the ashes of freedom’s funeral pyre, or will we roll over and let the tyrants win? Today James explores the future of money and the real meaning of Give . . . Send . . . Gone.


Mais Non! The People vs. The Paris Agreement

"Let them eat carbon!" said French President Emmanuel Macron this week, offering his peasants a six-month reprieve on their coming carbon sin tax. And, kicking his feet up on his desk at the Élysée Palace, he breathed a sigh of relief. He had bought himself some time...

The WWI Conspiracy

Watch on Archive / BitChute / LBRY / Minds / YouTube or Download the mp4 What was World War One about? How did it start? Who won? And what did they win? Now, 100 years after those final shots rang out, these questions still puzzle historians and laymen alike. But as...

The Deep State Gives Trump His False Flag Briefing

Greetings, Mr. President. Thank you for taking a few minutes to see me today. I understand your time is valuable, so let me get to the point: You thought that whole selection charade made you "the leader of the free world," didn't you? Like you were now in charge of...

Blackwater Heads to China

by James Corbett corbettreport.com February 21, 2017 OK, OK, not Blackwater. That's the mercenary force of convicted war criminals founded by Erik Prince that will never outrun its infamy no matter how many times it changes its name. No, no, no! Not Blackwater! It's...

The Coming Bitcoin Clampdown

We all know the old dictum: "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!" Well, governments have their own version: "If you can't beat 'em, use your jackbooted thugs to go out and steal their idea and outlaw all competition." Case in point: bitcoin. As I pointed out in my Tech...

China Prepping Digital Yuan

by James Corbett corbettreport.com February 15, 2017 If you read these pages then you already know all about the war on cash that is being waged by central banks the world over. From Argentina to Zimbabwe and everywhere in between that dirty, rotten paper money (you...