Whatever Happened to the Ozone Hole? – Questions For Corbett

by | Nov 28, 2024 | Questions For Corbett, Videos | 44 comments

Leilani writes in to ask about whatever happened to that hole in the ozone layer that was going to end life on earth as we know it. Surely it didn’t just go away, did it? Surely the trusted scientists would’ve told us if it got better, wouldn’t they??!!

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The Ozone Hole Was Super Scary, So What Happened To It?

Same Facts, Opposite Conclusions – #PropagandaWatch

The Ozone Scare Was A Dry Run For The Global Warming Scare

Tim Ball on The Corbett Report

Scientists Haven’t ‘Saved’ the Ozone Layer


  1. Was just thinking about that last night. I was making a list of all the fears imposed on us over the decades by the controllers. But some things are quite real aren’t they? Chemtrails, (from independent testing they contain:
    Aluminum (known to cause tinnitus) Arsenic, Barium salts, Cadium [Cadmium], Desiccated human blood cells, Ethylene dibromide, Lead, Magnesium, Mercury, Mold spores, Mycoplasma, Polymer fibers, Radio cesium, Sharp titanium shards, Stonthium [Strontium], Submicron particles, Unidentified living bacteria, Uranium, And many other toxins.

    Or the injections:
    -In 1950, there were 3 childhood vaccines typically given when a child
    entered school.

    -In 1983, there were 10 recommended vaccines by the age of 6 years old (24 doses, 7 injections, 4 oral doses for polio).

    -In 2010, the CDC vax schedule totaled 68 doses with more than half given by the time a child was only a year and a half old.

    -In 2016, the schedule has increased to 74 doses by age 17 with 53
    injections and 3 oral doses of rotavirus.

    or the water:
    “Water fluoridation delivers a drug to infants that if prescribed by a doctor would be gross malpractice.
    Dr. David C. Kennedy, past president of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology

    Or aspartame or the #3 killer of people, the Medical practice. And somehow none of that reaches the Legacy Media Propagandists.

    Been watching Danica Patrick recently. Very interesting people she interviews. youtube still isn’t completely gone. But it sure sucks in many ways.


      • Well done for that! We have hardly any sunny days now in S France they spray those skies and very rarely don’t! Sometimes the spray creates a dome of heat under us and the temperature goes up so we can hardly breathe in the night time. I heard that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is funding the military industrial complex for Geo Engineering as part of his depopulation plan!

        • Bonne journée à des milliers de kilomètres.

          >>part of his depopulation plan>>
          It is all quite maddening isn’t it? All most of us want is to be left alone and live our lives as we choose…family, friends, job we like, etc. but the sociopathic controllers whose lives center around control and greed just won’t let us be :-/

          I am under the impression that the Gate’s, Soros, and others all answer to a small number of hidden controllers themselves.

          The odds of us organizing a true resistance is getting more difficult every year. Their conditioning and propaganda is so powerful they are able to imprison people without chains.
          The lies, distortions, reality manipulation in all nations by the media, entertainment business, educational systems, etc. have all been part of the take down of the natural evolutionary expansion and growth of humanity.

          It is a giant digital deception world with a couple of generations now of narcissistic “victims” and know it all’s. And the big question is…
          WHO WANTS US TO DIE (song)

    • An absent of ozone is a natural thing that happens at the pole where no interactions with the Sun’s Ions And Oxygen. However The Cassini craft sent 72lbs of Plutonium into the eye of a hurricane that’s on a 96% Hydrogen Gas Giant known as Saturn. It’s going to ignite by fission

  2. From Dr. Anna M. Mehalcea .


    The chemtrails are chemical delivery systems for what’s eroding the Ozone layer. You know Palintar has to provide the software to bring it to a gestalt functioning system. How else?
    The collateral damage seems not to be a worry. You know,crack a few eggs to crack a few heads. Then of course as you say , come up with some counter- intelligent hog wash to turn off the eyeballs and ignore the skin carcinomas and nose throat and pulmonary irritation.
    Flying to and back from Nevada last week, the plane had to fly high to avoid the redirected jet stream. I filmed the layer of pinkish crap above 45,000ft where the pilot got a smooth ride. My estimate is the pinkish layer extended another 20,000feet above us flying at the maximum hight for commercial liners. Atmospheric chemical layer that is invisible from the ground. It’s a possible reason the coughing and sore throats of the OKC area, airport personnel and the person that picked us up had. Nobody saw the 50 chemtrails above OKC and Tinker AFB and Fort Sill. Jez , is that the only reasons. You make some good points and Dr. Anna is broadening the awareness that we are slowly becoming aware of. Nobody I talked to could even form a complete or comprehensive response. I’m sure everyone there was glad to see me depart the baggage area. When small talk triggers them they don’t know how to react. It’s observable and predictable and I work hard at delivering the antidote.

  3. If I remember correctly, Bill Maher said last year that he learned the hole was fixed because people stopped using CFCs and the planet just fixed itself.

  4. “Chemtrails, (from independent testing they contain:
    Aluminum (known to cause tinnitus) Arsenic, Barium salts, Cadium [Cadmium], Desiccated human blood cells, Ethylene dibromide, Lead, Magnesium, Mercury, Mold spores, Mycoplasma, Polymer fibers, Radio cesium, Sharp titanium shards, Stonthium [Strontium], Submicron particles, Unidentified living bacteria, Uranium, And many other toxins.”

    There is a lot of stuff in this list that may not be related to chemtrails. For example: mold spores. They are everywhere and always have been, so far as I know. Any outdoor air sampling for any purpose will likely turn them up. As for things like uranium or strontium, those could easily be left over from atmospheric atomic bomb tests of the 1950’s and ’60’s.

    I am not saying that chemtrails don’t exist, or that they don’t dump undesirable substances on us, but I would like to see the methodology for that “independent testing”.

  5. Ive noticed the intensity of the sun is lots stronger. Perhaps thats because ive been in the south island NZ and the west island about mid east coast for the past 2.5 decades. Here the “UV index” is given daily. it used to be a scale of 1-10, where the 9 and 10 level we were warned to avoid any out doors activity more than a few minutes, over the past decade that scale has expanded to levels up to 15! The extra sting of the sun is no joke. whether or not thats related to ozone depletion maybe uncertain, but what is certain is the increased intensity, that does vary seasonally, even daily.

    Its easy to laugh at fear mongering when the “science” is dubious, but its not easy to laugh at the dangerous increase in ,, is it UV light? a well rounded answer to the question “what about the ozone hole,,?” would consider that the threat that was claimed seems to be real,, at least down here.

  6. Funny how they never discuss how ozone and the earth’s atmosphere is affected by the sun, geological issues (like pole migration), loss of the earth’s magnetic field, solar activity, etc. It’s ALWAYS due to ‘human activity’.

  7. What’s even more interesting is that the ‘ozone scare’ was really successful as it was precipitated BEFORE everyone had access to the internet. There is now the ability, with regard to ‘anthropogenic climate change’ for everyone to research and get different views, from the comfort of your own home, rather than having to rely on mainstream news.

  8. SOP – Standard Operating Procedure

    There is a profoundness in this excerpt…

    EXCERPT from the 2015 Tim Ball article:
    Gradually they are presenting arguments that approximate the truth without disclosing they were wrong.
    They hope nobody will notice.

    NASA GISS is at the center of the strategy. Consider the following bureaucratese waffle….”

    We are seeing this media SOP play out right now with the new incoming administration.
    I especially see it in November’s ubiquitous fluoride news.
    “Gradually they are presenting arguments that approximate the truth without disclosing they were wrong.
    They hope nobody will notice.”

    “waffle” …I just like that word. As a verb, it’s sweet.
    WAFFLE definition:
    1. to talk or write a lot without giving any useful information or any clear answers.
    2. to be unable to make a decision.

    How ’bout them waffles?!
    Waffles prompt Black Dynamite to solve the Anaconda malt liquor conspiracy…
    (3 minutes)

  9. As with all of the Globalist’s machinations, their scams are always multifaceted, I wonder what other aspects of this issue with CFCs was? Was the production of CFC’s outside of their control, thus they needed to destroy the industry and replace it with something they had a monopoly on, nothing would surprise me these days. There is never just the obvious goal.

    For attacks great or small, they plan them out for maximum adverse effect on us, and maximum benefit to them.

    From WW2, 9/11 and Libya, to Paradise Valley, Jasper National Park and Maui, to JFK, MLK and Sandy Hook, to cyanide laced Tylenol and the Boar’s Head listeria outbreak, my first inclination is to assume a conspiracy. Could it be some lone psycho, absolutely, but history tells us that is not usually the case. but no matter how much evidence points us to conspiracies, the bulk of society will always be more concerned about the threat their “loner” neighbor will pose than any conspiracy (so well conditioned they are for that response).

    9/11 and WW2 are a bit more obvious, but if something makes the national news, like the depletion of the Ozone Layer, it is something they want disseminated. I would love have the records of Wall Street trading building up to and after all these events, that is often the cue to their conspiratorial nature.

  10. All bad science seems related to the false “scientific” assumptions on the sun.
    The false ideas climate science, nuclear fusion, ozone all ignore what we see on the sun.

    Even with basic observations one can see plasma flow in thick circular curves on
    the surface of the sun. One can also see strong magnetic fields surrounding these
    streams of plasma.
    Electric currents are the only thing that can make plasma move in this way,
    and create the observed magnetic fields. These electric currents always connect
    with sunspots of different polarity.

    But the NASA declares that no electrical currents exist.
    Instead the magnetic fields are created by magic (frozen magnetic fields), and
    that the plasma moves by magic. And that magnetic field lines (which do not exist)
    can magically create high amounts of energy by magically colliding and breaking.
    (Every magic reference relates to a process that does not exist in the laboratory.)

    It took me a while to see that most of the solar science is based on circular
    reasoning mixed with magic, hidden by nonsense math equations.


    Even the scary black holes are based on bad science.
    Because no real evidence for black holes exists.

    Addition: Lots of observations break the big bang theory.
    Halton Arp falsified the redshift relation with distance.
    SkyScholar prof. Robitaille showed that there is no microwave background, only foreground.

    Even the extreme difficult theory of quantum mechanics was
    based on a false idea of reality. Particles like photons do not exist.
    It has been completely falsified:

    There may be a conspiracy related to astronomy and theoretical physics
    to dumb down generations of intelligent people.
    And keep them busy with theoretical things that do not exist.

    As fake alternatives, especially the crazy theories are promoted.
    Like the fake theory of flat earth. Or the false theory of electro-gravity.
    Or the religious theory of a multi-world matrix.

    What astronomy / physics conspiracies do you think are real?

    (can not split the post for some reason)

    • I always assumed HAARP was blowing holes in the ozone layer…

      Open to better physics theories – ones that don’t need black energy and black matter, or strong nuclear forces to cram protons into an atomic nucleus.

      Here is a good beginning – UON theory – a new unified theory of physics that reclassifies gravity as a property, rather than a fundamental force. Check out:
      The Uon Theory
      “David Gornoski interviews physicist Dr. Weiping Yu about his unified theory of everything, Uon Theory. In it, the nature of light, electricity, gravity, and magnetism are explained. Recorded almost a decade ago, this provides the world with the first documentary exploration of the new paradigm of physics.”

  11. Dane Wigginson says it is to do with all the Geo engineering – the cause of ozone depletion therefore making a BIG PROBLEM whilst supposedly solving the ‘global warming problem’. We have been assailed with heat domes from spraying in the air circles and crosses everywhere what is that doing?? I know Bill Gates is funding this it is part of his depopulation programme.

    • I tried to point out obvious chemtrails over Long Beach, CA on the normie Next Door app about a year ago. Such push-back and shilling for ‘contrails’ by my ‘neighbors’… I think mainstream social apps like these are flooded with Narrative™ shills to keep their agendas from becoming too clear to the masses not yet clued into Real Conspiracy.

  12. Question for Corbett or Corbeteers: does anyone know where I can find James quote(s) admonishing people not to think of the ‘deep state’ as merely ‘entrenched bureaucrats’ of the bureaucratic state, et cetera? I believe he refers to Peter Dale Scott and his definition of the ‘deep state’ (an elusive definition to find in search engines, unfortunately). Maybe James brings in elements of panopticon or technocracy. I’ve searched and listened back to a few ‘deep state’ CorbettReport site episodes, but I no dice so far.

    Happy American Thanksgiving, you heathen conspiratards! https://i.ibb.co/0rYZr8N/happy-happy.png

  13. I remember this exactly as James does.

    Media: It’s a disaster! We’ll all be dead in two years if we don’t change our fridges!

    Media a couple of years later: lol, never mind

    • I hear ya.
      Past memories of the “Ozone Scare” would appear in my mind during the episode.

      One memory was a distinct location while driving on a street about 11am circa 1992 or so.
      I was worried about the cost of Freon and being able to purchase cans in the future.
      What good would my vehicle’s air conditioner be without coolant?
      There was an auto service center / parts store that I was near.
      In my head, I was debating if I should pick up a couple cans. But money was tight.

      Summers get pretty hot in Texas.
      I remember the 1960’s with no car A/C.
      Well, actually vehicles were cooled with four-downs. Four windows down.
      Humid areas like Houston were rough on hot days. The sweat would just drip when there was no breeze.

  14. If you haven’t watched Dr Steven Greer’s inspirational, transformational documentary entitled The Lost Century please do it now. It’s an informative, exploration of the financial, scientific and political corruption that has kept humanity bound to a course of self-destruction. A sense of urgency builds throughout the presentation which is resolved in the hopeful conclusion that portrays the beautiful recovery of our planet and the unlimited possibilities of liberty and happiness that await us if we act now.

    Please help spread this link far and wide across the internet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLF3PWieN_8

  15. I believe there is a newer ozone “hole” in a different location, that has appeared in recent years. The reason for it was being attributed to the ongoing magnetic excursion/pole reversal, combined with solar maximum.

    Ionospheric heating (HAARP) can also affect the ozone layer and we all know how they’ve gone bonkers with that in the recent decades. So in that sense, some ozone depletion could very well be due to those dastardly humans. Just not us plebs.

  16. I personally blowed a hole in the Ozone in the 1970’s as so with every commercial refrigeration mechanic converting R 12 Freezer compressors and units to R 502 blend ! We would order equipment drive to site and hook a hose from unit to a secure fence or something and let it blow wile we picked up parts !
    The Ozone hole is bigger and worse now as it has always grown and closed due to solar activity ! Had my computers been hacked and wiped recently I could site article I had saved recently !
    Climate change as was the Ozone hole and even Cancer is a profit center , if you take the profit out of any of them they will cease to exist and be replaced with another fear based profit and control mechanism !

  17. Thanks for another Great show, James… as always

    During the time the ozone hole scare was rearing it’s head, and concurrently having been inculcated with New Age think (e.g., Gaia, etc), it occurred to me, perhaps the hole in the ozone is analogous to the earth’s cervix and was growing larger because of the imminent ‘birth’ of the “Age of Aquarius” – something more in accord with Nature than something to be feared and avoided

    That, along with seeing a great cutaway view of the earth & atmosphere, and seeing the minuscule ‘film’ on the planet’s surface within which we reside led me to consider how insignificant our anthropomorphic activities are in relation to the whole planet – mere microbes on the surface of an elephant. Try as we may, it seems rather ludicrous to think our deleterious activities have any real effect on the health of Mother Earth. However, such activities are assuredly spoiling our own nest.

    Consider wine fermentation: Yeast (Candida, for one, … “most common cause of fungal infections”) is added to the juice (“must”) to initiate the process. “Yeast ceases its activity whenever all of the sugar in must has been converted into other chemicals or whenever the alcohol content has reached 15% alcohol per unit volume; a concentration strong enough to halt the enzymatic activity of almost all strains of yeast.” [WikidPedia]
    … hmmm, are we perhaps akin to the ‘fungus’ whose activities generate the very toxins that could lead to OUR demise

  18. James covered most of the usual bases – the fear factor, human-caused…, avoiding potential liability issues for dangerous product producers, ad nauseam

    As seems usual with most of these type of alarmist campaigns, there are often many agenda items which benefit from the contrived ‘necessary’ response – power, control, population reduction, divide and conquer and, of course, follow the money…

    Following the money for a moment

    At the time of the ozone hole alarm I was working in an government / commercial property operation and maintenance environment. One of the notable results was the requirement to replace refrigerants and even retrofit existing HVAC systems accordingly (read: more $$$ for producers, mechanics, training, etc.) for starters

    Along the same lines, and around the same time was the asbestos SCARE. All the staff mechanics, and even the custodial staff, building managers, and architectural & mechanical engineers were all required to attend, sometimes extensive, training (like me) in dealing with asbestos: abatement, cleanup, inspections, etc.

    My first week-long class as a staff architect/engineer began with a day and a half lecture by a doctor turned architect. After going into great detail about the detrimental health effects, and the necessity to abate it, he concluded with the statement “… or at least that’s what we think”. (Whaa?!)
    – Certainly, those who worked in an environment where they were continuously exposed to large amounts of friable asbestos (e.g., miners, applicators, etc), without suitable PPE, were likely to express deleterious health effects… but what about the millions of folks exposed to insignificant amounts of friable asbestos released by braking vehicles on the streets, also an alleged issue (… more $$$ replacing brakes in vehicles)

    It lead me to realize all this spawned an enormous opportunity for new products, and a huge and very costly abatement industry ($$$) + lots of scare with minimal ROI insofar as our collective health is concerned
    … has this been rinse-and-repeated in the likes of the costly lead and mold abatement industries ?!?!

    Speaking of PPE’s when working around friable asbestos – one the topics covered in-depth was MASKING: the importance of choosing an effective (e.g., HEPA) mask (along with full body coverings) and ensuring a proper seal/fit on the face (no beards permitted!)… 🎼… and then, along came ConVid, yeah, yeah… 🎶 and me thinks, hmmm, asbestos fibers are quite a bit larger than alleged virus particles – how in heaven could surgical masks be effective (Oh, wait, “…well maybe we made a mistake about the effectiveness of masking”… but wear them anyway)

    Problem, Reaction, Solution Rx – round and round she goes, where she stops, nobody knows

    Gratefully, it seems growing numbers of people are waking up and jumping off the not-so-merry-go-round
    … “Fool me once, …”

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