Replicon: Big Pharma Preps the Next Bioweapon

by | Sep 16, 2024 | Newsletter | 48 comments

We’ve all heard of mRNA “vaccines” by now. In fact, no matter where you are in the world and no matter how switched on to Big Pharma and its scamdemic tricks you may be, you doubtless know people who took the mRNA jab. Perhaps you were even coerced into it yourself.

But have you heard about the next generation of “vaccines” that Big Pharma is preparing to unleash upon the public? They’re called sa-mRNA vaccines, or “replicon” vaccines, and they’ve already been approved in Japan, where they are expected to start rolling out as early as next month.

If you’re concerned about the dangers of the mRNA “vaccines,” you should be very concerned about the threat posed by these new experimental replicon “vaccines.”

Let’s examine the details.


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  1. I swallowed the germ theory narrative my entire life and dismissed the findings of studies that attempted to show pathogenic transmission, such as the Milton J. Rosenau M.D. experiments of 1918 Spanish Flu, because anecdotally, I believed that viruses caused disease. That’s what we’ve all been fed for our entire lives.

    In 2021 the health departments of Chinada and Ireland were ordered by their perspective high courts to show scientific evidence that SARS-COV2 had been isolated from all other contaminants and shown to infect cells and cause disease. Both health departments conceded that this has never been done. Then I remembered the Milton J. Rosenau M.D. experiments of 1918 and began looking further into this mythological microscopic villain they call viruses and behold! The establishment has conducted hundreds of controlled studies and experiments that have yet to show,, scientifically, that they even exist and that they cause disease. The electron microscope images that they offer us, that are claimed to be viruses, are nothing more than waste particulates from dead proteins that do not do anything of themselves, but are carried out of the body through the body’s natural waste removal processes.

    You can see why it’s a very foundational belief in order to fool the masses into taking “immunizations” which are toxins that should never be injected into any person, as they cause a plethora of diseases and illnesses, which keeps the Rockefeller Monster consuming the resources and labors of the tax cattle and also effectively reduces the population increases in the earth.

    • And they also use the germ theory to justify tyrannical stripping away of individuals rights of autonomy and slaughter hundreds of millions of livestock.

    • This is an important and interesting subject. I am interested, but not strongly convinced, either way. To add clarification, I suggest that you, or DR. Kaufman and his family, do a public demonstration, replicating the Rosenau experiments. These include inhaling and injecting gross fluids directly from sick people.
      I don’t usually indulge in predictions, but I reckon you will ignore this request, or find some excuses. I, personally am very open to the idea of all virology being based on fraudulent claims, but I fall far short of flatly declaring that all microbial or viral contagion is a myth. So, if you are sure enough to state that, please at least provide us with an excuse for avoiding the Rosenau 2.0 tests.

      • Note that one is absolutely not obliged to perform experiments on oneself nor to propose theories that would supplant theories they are bringing into question. With all the shit that transpired this decade, seeing the vast majority of the people not undarstanding these concepts is still mind numbing.

        I for one would not put other peoples’ secretions into my body because I am well aware of the amount of crap they put into theirs.

        Whoever proposes a theory has the onus on themselves to provide proof. I am sure there is ample, overflowing evidence that A can transfers something to B and then be proven im the court of law as having done so. Right! Right?

        I say, Santa does not exist . Do I have to provide a theory that would posit someone else goes down peoples’ chimnies? No, I don’t think so.

        I say, Smurfs transfer covid while we sleep! Prove me wrong. I dare ya, I double dare ya!

        • It’s indeed quite surprising how many people have no clue about the concept of burden of proof

      • The valid excuse is that the original goal is to prove the virus is the lone cause of disease and not the other particles in fluids. Of course someone will get sick if their body is full of excess toxins and waste which prevents their cells from functioning properly and causes those cells to also produce more waste leading to a disorder we call infection.

        I still think the Rosenau experiment is flawed and biased. All the test subjects have lived in and survived the most unsanitary living conditions imaginable so they will be immune to all fluids from sick people. It doesn’t prove contagion is a myth but prove that the test subjects are resistant to illness.

        • They are either immune or there is simply nothing infectous in those fluids.

          • Mkey,
            Bingo, there is a nano bio available matrix that exists in the environment now that was not present 40 years ago.
            There are frequency generating transition towers,aircraft and satellites that can cause sickness manifesting effects ranging the full spectrum.
            Humans are tough to kill. Just the astral electric stream can kill and we have some defences gained over millennium. The nano particulates, whether metal or ionized plastic can form shapes in the body now, corresponding to the external frequencies that we are exposed too. So what’s new in the neighborhood besides the sun? People are inherently dumb and haven’t grown past Hans Christian Anderson’s stories. Sad to see . Good day .

            • Yes, but we get some really high download speeds, so that we may stream 4K propaganda.

              • Mkey,
                Fairy Tales, Fables and programs oh my !

      • Hi Hanky,

        Another interesting factor is the conflation of other microbes with viruses. Could it be that bacteria, fungi & other microbes are responsible for at least the symptoms of ill health, but so-called viruses are something (or nothing) else altogether?

      • There have already been HUNDREDS of scientific studies that have falsified the narrative that viruses and bacteria are the causes of sickness. The Milton J. Rosenau Experiments was only the most popularized one that the novice is familiar with. Big tech is very effective at censoring information on the digital landscape (as many people are aware).

        This is one rabbit hole that has a very liberating and useful prize to be attained for the astute student of truth!!!

        Here are a few links which have more than enough sourced information to clearly show that the “germ theory” (which is not even a hypotheses, scientifically) has been solidly falsified.!:f/Can-You-Catch-A-Cold-Webinar-from-April-10th,-2024:2

        I know that there are some here that get their panties in a bunch when this topic is presented and I can only admonish you to critically examine the facts. I can only lead you to information. I cannot make you think and ad hominem responses only reveal your heart and ignorance.

        Yes, I would gladly participate in any pathogenic/ contagion study that would add another (among over 200) nail in the coffin of virology.

        I would lick a Chinese doorknob of a restroom in a wet market on new years morning for $100 🤣🤣🤣

        It’s a safe bet, just might not taste very appealing

        • The smurfs only work in the morning, so your theory is clearly illogical. I subscribe to terrain theory. And not lightly, it has been a cornerstone of my life for decades, before I ever even heard the term. It is vastly superior to what they have been selling us for centuries. Yet we cannot deny the existence of contagion, however other causes, besides microbes, especially viruses, are suggested. These include environmental factors such as similar diets, exposure to similar household chemicals, even similar psychological stresses. It is also worth considering that those of us who fall ill, are actually often undergoing a restorative experience, a spring cleaning, if you will. The virus, or exosome could just be a trigger, that only manifests when the immune system is compromised or somehow unbalanced.
          However, Dr. Kaufman, and some of his followers are peddling an ‘extreme’ version, which actually does have enough merit to warrant further real investigation. A public demonstration would be a great public service.

        • Do I have problems with the germ theory?
          I sure do.

          I was ready, willing and able to jump onto the terrain theory bandwagon a few years ago, but a few ‘flies in the ointment’ stopped me from doing so.

          Sexual diseases (caused by pathogens, not viruses)

          Terrain theorists are very clear in their theory.
          They don’t simply claim that viruses don’t exist but go
          much further than that. They claim that no pathogen
          can be transmitted from person to person.

          Well maybe someone here can explain how I got an infection on the tip of my penis after having sex with a woman?

    • Thank you. I am with you 100%. I am aware of these studies. To be honest, it is very liberating to know there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of. I would be first in line for any study that tries to prove a pathenogenic virus is responsible for illness. The next time you have the sniffle, look around, check your terrain, figure out what happened. Was it something in the air we breath (good chance), was it something we ate (good chance), is it something in our lifestyle (good chance). The powers that shouldn’t be are aware of this but instead they have us running to the criminals for their jabs. An adverse reaction will lead to another jab, and then another etc. it’s a vicious circle and they love it! Good health does not come from the tip of a needle. Take responsibility!

      • I concur with you 100% about the best way to personally deal with the subject.
        But citing the Rosenau data, as gospel, would gain a LOT more traction if the absolutist believers would publicly do the experiment on themselves. It begs the question of how deeply do they believe the story they are selling.
        For those who are unsure about what we are discussing, hers are some links to the subject.

        https://www.exosomes kaufman

        • It’s not just that study. It’s literally every study undertaken to prove contagion over the past two hundred years. See Daniel Roytas’s book “Can you catch a cold?”. Mind blowing

          • Another of my predictions seems to have failed. I believe that you DID at least offer to replicate the contagion experiments! Bravo!
            But this must be done in a highly public and monitored venue. Dr Kaufman and his loved ones would be ideal subjects. This is to redeem mankind, not to make $100.

          • That’s nice, but studies only go so far, in and of themselves. Are there not even more studies that assume the germ theory model? Did they not have infinitely better P.R. ? It may be time for something more dramatic than an obscure paper.
            Time to put your money where your mouth is, or rather scary fluids where your mouth is.

            • You’re missing the point. Germ theory has never been proven, no matter what we believe we experience. And it is PR that began in earnest with Pasteur and his ilk that has led to us believing that “germs” make us sick. If it can’t be proven in any well designed scientific experiment then it behoves us to open our minds to other possibilities.
              And to your point, many many doctors / scientists have “infected” themselves with all kinds of so called pathogenic microbes but have not gotten sick. It’s good to be sceptical but having an open mind is also essential lest we fall into the trap of confusing “knowing” with “believing”

            • You should consider the fact that I subscribe to terrain theory over germ theory much more than anyone I know. Perhaps you can look at my other posts on this very thread. I think more people should know about especially open minded researchers and caregivers. That is why I say what I have said here.

              • Apologies! I assumed from you suggesting eating snot as a way to prove germs don’t cause disease that you were not open to terrain theory, my mistake!
                Have you read Can You Catch A Cold? Beats eating snot but if that’s what it takes….

              • Of course I accept your apology. It reminded me that we have to read arguments more closely, especially those we don’t agree with. We, as humans, are always a mixture of hot emotion and cold logic. Even smurfs suffer from that condition.

                I wish no harm to Dr Kaufman in proposing my stunt. But it is such an important topic, even more so now, as the medical industrial complex has grown to such a huge and aggressive monster.

                Dr Kaufman did say, repeatedly and publicly, that the Rosenau experiments are gospel, and that if you are healthy, there is nothing to fear from viral contagion.
                I guess I should confront him, not you, as his public profile is key to this angle. I don’t see how reading another book or paper is going to be effective at this point.

    • Germ Theory or not…
      Microbial or Viral contagion or not…

      On BEING SICK…

      Regardless of where your opinion lies on the existence of a virus or germ, there is one aspect of the immune system which is irrefutable.
      We should keep this aspect in mind.

      After a child is born, the body’s immune system tends to gain strength as it becomes exposed to different environmental assaults. The immune system retains a ‘memory’ of how to defend itself against a specific assault.
      And on that note, we all should keep in mind that getting sick occasionally is not an unnatural thing. It is natural. And thus, being occasionally sick can be healthy for the longterm travels of life.

      To remove entirely the idea of getting sick would be like an athlete that doesn’t exercise.
      “No pain, no gain” as they say.

      James Corbett actually was the one who set me straight on BEING SICK

      James Corbett had an Open Thread on 1/28/2018 instead of his weekly newsletter.
      He writes:
      “A nasty flu bug has made this week a write-off. So what did I miss from the news? Keep me updated with all the latest in the comments below!”

      Well, many Corbett Members, including me, were giving out health advice and “get better” messages on that Open Thread.

      In Corbett’s next weekly newsletter, he had this…
      On Being Sick – Subscriber Exclusive #073
      Am I the only one who thinks being sick isn’t always a bad thing?

      Here is that Subscriber Video link (with how I found that link)

      [Post 2020 NOTATION: The “Subscriber Exclusive #073” YouTube Video is no longer.]

      • Good points. We can afford to be philosophical as we age. Too bad respect for elders is out of style .
        What is lacking in the discussion of contagion is an acknowledgement of our inevitable personal decline and death. Is this not a necessary part of the immune system of the body politic? Is it not natural?

        PS If you do happen to live forever, please notify me.

        • Hank,
          🙂 You got me grinning with that last line.

          Yep, at this stage of my life I certainly have more attention on “our inevitable personal decline and death”, but also a greater appreciation of the natural processes.
          I am continually astounded and impressed by the workings of complex natural systems.
          The architectural-engineering firm of the universe easily dwarfs any bio-lab in the yellow pages.

          I appreciate your conversations above regarding “microbes, viruses, et al”.

          Remember the 2008 era when YouTube was the wild west, and search result information was very accessible?
          We had all kinds of documentaries and videos available for topics down the rabbit hole. The selection of topics was vast.

          “Do you ever recall seeing a “Virus/Microbes Not Exist” topic?”

          I don’t. At Barbecs during that 9/11 truth era, I don’t believe anyone ever brought it up.

          The first time the topic really hit my radar was after the Plandemic started.
          When did the topic first hit your radar?

          • “The architectural-engineering firm of the universe easily dwarfs any bio-lab in the yellow pages.”

            That’s the way I see it too, but I don’t have a Nobel Prize or media hype, so we can ignore that. BTW, we should find out what Taylor Swift has to say about this…

  2. I would offer for those who don’t have a bigger understanding of the truth/facts about the “pandemic” false flag waged on us in 2020 I have a video with a free pdf download on ALL the info available I could harvest 3 years ago…who planned it, the lies of what the PCR test (Polymerase Chain Reation) with WHO’s ridiculous recommendations of 45 cycles when 30-35 is viewed as unusable; vaccines, fetal deaths, masks are toxic, etc.

    It is good to stay refreshed on the truth of false flag as so much everyday goes down the toilet called the Media.

    Feel free to share it…

    LINE IN THE SAND (essay)

  3. I’ve noticed that the MSM never mentions mRNA or Fauci or any of the 2020 hot topics anymore. Thsnks for the heads up.

  4. When one conjures things out of thin air, the imagination is the only limit. We were likely all once upon a time in the “I will believe anything” phase of our lives. Then some of us grew up.

  5. A few weeks back Del Bigtree was talking about another mob that was working on airborne ‘vaccinations’, I’ve never really been convinced that those sorts of things would get past our body’s defence systems but reading this article makes me kinda wonder what would happen if the combined both technologies?

    Then again, knowing the nature of our enemy I’d be very surprised if they unleashed something that might accidently affect them. I guess their game is still about getting needles in arms, something I will NEVER willingly submit to. Next couple of years will be interesting/terrifying.

    • “I’d be very surprised if they unleashed something that might accidently affect them”

      Yeah, I thought the same thing. I don’t think we’ll ever see a truly dangerous artificial pathogen, because there would be no way that the developers could be sure that it wouldn’t backfire on themselves. What’s more likely is massive media hype about ordinary ‘flu variants to encourage/coerce people into taking further costly experimental shots.

      • Paul says:
        “I’d be very surprised if they unleashed something that might accidently affect them.”

        For the most part, I do not think that “something that might accidently affect them” is a major consideration for psychopaths.
        I make the case that we are generally dealing with a special kind of evil, an insanity of compulsive urges with psychopathic agenda thought. By its nature, it is not ‘survival logical’, because humanity-based rational thought processes are warped.

        One example is that Psychopaths cannot be wrong. They must always be right. Therefore, a self-originated notion ‘sticks’. e.g. Fauci, Bill Gates, Tedros, Gov Cuomo’s mandate to send infected old people into nursing homes and despite knowing of the death statistics the policy continued.

        We officially now have booster Covid vaccines for young children (who historically were never affected by Covid.) Any person involved with the statistics of Covid vaccines and injuries is well aware of the risks and dangers. It takes a special kind of evil to rape a young child’s health.

        • HRS,

          I agree with you that logic and rationality are not the drivers behind the decisions being made by evil people to destroy humanity.

          I believe there is a spiritual element involved. As a Christian, I have always understood the world through a biblical lens. Yet it was still puzzling to me how those bent on evil would go to any lengths to achieve their goals, even if it meant their own destruction. Recently, I was listening to a sermon by my pastor from 1 John 1. He mentions two Greek words that we would translate as “evil” in English, but which have slightly different meanings in the original. The two words are: “ponēros” and “kakos”.

          From the transcript:

          (ponēros) “…means evil in active opposition to good, aggressively evil, fervently evil, determinately (sic) evil.

          “…It is evil in active opposition to good. There are other words for evil, there’s the word kakos, which means evil in itself. Ponēros goes beyond that. In my understanding, ponēros means evil to the extent that you want to pull everything down with you. It’s one thing to be kakos, that is to perish in your own corruption. It’s another thing to be ponēros. And that is to sweep everybody you can into that corruption so they all go down with you. That’s Satan. He is ponēros. He is consummately evil in that he is not content to go down and perish in his own corruption, he wants to take the whole world with him.”

          This nailed it for me. I believe that there is no other explanation apart from this that gets to the heart of the matter.

          • “He is ponēros. He is consummately evil in that he is not content to go down and perish in his own corruption, he wants to take the whole world with him.””

            Indeed, I have often pondered that our enemy’s highest motivation is simply pure spite.

  6. I’m not a doctor. Hell, I don’t even play one on TV. That said, I look at this replicon crap as mRNA on steroids and crack cocain.

  7. Can’t help but wonder what comes after replicon . . . .

  8. I am shocked, shocked, to learn that mRNA vaccines can be made to hijack the DNA reproduction mechanism. Especially as during the start of the mRNA rollout all the usual talking heads were trotted out to tell us that was impossible.

  9. According to the German neuroscientist and medical doctor Micheal Nehls in his book “The Indocrination of the Brain” ( a must read!!!), the mRNA was purposefully designed to continuously release spike protein in the brain thanks to the nano lipid envelop in which it is wrapped and which can go thru the protective brain membrane. The spike protein in the brain inhibits the brain hippocampal neurogenesis function which is basically the process of creating new brain cells that increase the brain storage and information retrieval capacity. People who took the mRNA jabs have a very high risk of having Alzheimer because they will not have enough brain cells to store new information or to retrieve “old” ones. He also explains the process by which the brain stores information in the hippocampus (short term) which is very emotionally driven. Hence the highly intensive level of fear mongering during Covid. I would highly recommend you James to invite Mr. Nehls for an interview! He blew my mind on Tucker Carlson!

  10. Several scientific papers from Japanese researchers published recently about the many bodily damages and diseases caused by mRNA injections make it reasonable that even non-confrontational Japanese citizens would protest this technology. I hope that people discover a way to refuse these jabs and otherwise protect themselves from their fellow human bioweapons (i.e., the jabbed ones).

    On a good note, Pierre Kory reports that the medical staffs and policy-makers in some locations have finally woken up to the dangers of this mRNA technology / platform:

  11. The amount of side effects these mRNA injections carry is very scary……

  12. ” and induces a protective immune response at a markedly lower initial RNA dose than conventional mRNA vaccines ”

    Don’t you love how bleeding edge technology from just a few years ago (mRNA vaccines) has suddenly become ‘conventional’? 🙁

    “But all this explanation seems a bit superfluous at this point. Why is the updated vaccine being approved without years of rigorous testing?
    Because it’s 2024, that’s why!”

    Yeah these new vaccines are safe alright.
    Safe for 5 minutes.
    About the same attention span most people have these days for anything!

    • With you there my friend! I had to laugh when I read that. “conventional mRNA”, pretty sinister really. What a slick little piece of propaganda slipped in there so innocent seeming. Makes me feel like I need to have a good scrub, just from reading it.

  13. James thanks so much for covering this issue. Much appreciated. Have been thinking about this lately with the upcoming rollout announcement, but wasn’t aware of many of the references you posted. Especially great to hear about the resistance to all of this in Japan.

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