The Drone Wars: You Are Not Prepared

by | Dec 9, 2024 | Newsletter | 35 comments

Do you wanna see the scariest sight in the world?

No, I’m not talking about terrorists or ninjas (or terrorist ninjas). I’m not talking about ghosts and goblins. I’m not even talking about Winnie the Pooh and Popeye.

I’m talking about this:


For those not in the know, that is a drone show put on by the Chicoms to mark the beginning of the Dragon Boat Festival in Shenzhen in June 2023. And your reaction to that scene says more about you than you may realize.

If you just had a shiver down your spine and you can taste that tang of existential dread in the back of your throat, then congratulations! You have your head screwed on straight.

But if you thought “oh, how pretty!” then it seems you are nowhere near prepared for what is coming.

Either way, you need to read about the coming drone wars and what they mean for the future of humanity.


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  1. There was a lot of scary footage in the DUST – Slaughterbots (2017) video linked to above.
    But for me, perhaps the scariest part of the video was when the gentleman pimping the technology uttered these words:

    “Smart weapons consume data.
    When you can find your enemy using data, even by a hashtag, you can target an evil ideology right where it starts.”

    Right. But isn’t evil in the eye of the beholder?

    I reckon all those students who were targeted were hashtagging ‘evil ideology’ amongst themselves.

    • So, thought crimes. Hmm

      Consuming digital data takes a lot of energy. Maybe making a digital universe requires too much energy and this is where it will fall apart.

      I recently did a ‘community energy leader course’ and, yes we did a carbon credit type exercise, but I found out that 8 hours use of the iPhone ‘uses more carbon’ (or is that produces?) than flying from Glasgow to London.
      (the course exercise just asked to rate 1 hour use of the phone, but who only uses a phone for one hour these days?)

      I’m a local councillor now and it’s amazing what little things you find out when you start getting into the mechanics of council stuff.

  2. There most certainly is an upcoming time of trouble that was foretold in the ancient scriptures.
    Matthew 24, Luke 21, Mark 13, Daniel 7,9,11 &12, Revelation 12&13 (and many other scriptures in the King James Version).

    Many (if not all) of you have heard of “the mark of the beast,” but may not know what the scriptures actually say regarding this apparent secure ID or what exactly kicks off this great tribulation, as churchianity is laden with deceptions, privately interpreted metaphors and subtle departures from what “is written. ”

    I would admonish the reader to read those scriptures and others that are referenced in the same topic and read the words themselves as they are written.

    In Revelation 13:15-18 there are three separate forms of identification that all people will be required to have at least one of; “17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Not everyone will receive a “mark,” but if you want to buy or sell, you will have to have at least a name or a number “of the beast,” which is the final kingdom of power over all the earth in the last days.

    The event that Jesus Christ said shall be the one event that will begin the great tribulation will be, is, in his own words, ” the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet stand in the holy place… then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.” Matthew 24

    In the context, there is a call to urgency like none other (read those chapters referenced). The urgency is to flee into the mountains, which bears a striking correlation to the flight of “the woman” in Revelation 12, which shall escape the flood meant to take her away.

    Many eschatological theologians have convinced the masses that there must be a “third temple” in Jerusalem to fulfill the prophecies of the abomination of desolation that we read about in Daniel 9,11&12, 2 Thessalonians 2:3&4, Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21, but the holy place is called “the temple of God,” not a third temple made with the hands of men. The scriptures clearly note that man was made by God in the image of God to be the temple of God. (1 Corinthians 3:16&17; 3:19 2 Corinthians 6:16 )
    This appears to look more like a worldwide “indwelling” of the “man of sin, son of perdition” which would transform billions of people into the eyes and ears of this beast… the all seeing eye is one of Satan’s long term agendas and the digital technology control grid being tied to currency and individuals has been set up by very wicked men that are covenant members of secret societies that are in contact with Satan and his angels, intimately. Revelation 13 speaks on this wise also, showing exactly who has given this final kingdom its power and authority…. spoiler… it’s Satan.

    Apart from studying the scriptures, it is imperative to know Jesus Christ, personally, before judgment day.

    • True, Satan is the god of this world now, the “prince of the air”, but spoiler, he is a defeated foe. Christ defeated him at the cross, and though the complete ramifications of that spiritual event have not finished reverberating into matter, it will. The Lord will return to the earth in the flesh to judge the quick and the dead.The wheat and the tares, the sheep and the goats, all will be separated. Having said that, the wheat and the sheep are those who repent and become followers of the Lamb of God, slain from the foundation of the world. The bright and morning star. Seek and you shall find Him.

  3. LOVE and KNOW YH/YHsha Matthew 7:23, YaHanan/John 8:19; Luke chptr 13 —
    vs Helel/Lucifer/Satan Luke 8:44; Matthew chapter 25 —
    Love NOT the world [Helels/god of this world] or its ways. YaHanan/John 14:15; 1YaHanan aleph/1John 2:15-16; 1YaHanan aleph/1John 4:5 —
    Come out of HER my people, lest you share in HER
    sins [lawlessness/breaking of the 10 command covenant] and receive of HER plagues. YirmeYaH/Jeremiah 51:45; Revelation 18:4.–
    Should the Creators temple [His individual followers] choose to use/wear/embed a tracking device?

  4. “future of drone warfare renders conventional firearms insufficient for the purpose of protecting one’s family from government forces”

    While this is certainly true hasn’t that essentially been the case for the last 100 plus years? What if government forces surround your house with army tanks? Most gun owners I know have accepted this reality long before drones were on the scene. In fact all tech considered I think my browning 1919 stands a better chance against a sworm of drones then say a ballistic missile.

    But that being said, its definitely a topic that needs to be on our radar. At the very least I’m sure this is a card that’ll be used in some future psyop.

    • Thanks for mentioning the browning 1919. My husband likes the antiques and has an M1 Grand. It’s way too heavy for me from a standing position.

      It’s probably a good idea for technologically proficient people to come up with hacks for these drones and have a plan in place to protect against them.

      The robot dogs are scary too.

      If governments ever started mass producing these types of “terminators” civilian populations would be a great risk.

      How much do “elites” depend on civilians?

      If AI could ever replace humans or replace our “function” to any significant degree, I think they’d just start killing without any fancy propaganda to go along with it.

      There is also the narcissistic need for an audience that I think drives some of them.

      Do psychopaths have a need for their victims?

      Maybe it’s like how a cat will play with their prey before killing them. My cat likes to bat mice around like a ping pong ball. I stop him from doing this because it’s cruel, but he doesn’t think so and rather enjoys it.

      • The M1 was a great gun! We inherited the one our grandfather used while in the 101st airborne.

        I don’t know the answers to your questions but I do think the cat analogy is a good one. It certainly seems they enjoy tormenting people on a massive scale.

      • Thats a nice gun from what I hear. My gun nut friend has been wanting one for ages but he spent his money on fancy AR’s.

        They are super light but he mag dumped on a pig one time and it was still trying to crawl away when he was empty so I think those short barrels he likes might not be all that good.

  5. I remember covering DARPA’s work with tiny drones back when I was doing alternative radio. Showing how they could get into buildings through air vents and attacking people as a sample of how tiny drones could be used. Not many things scare me but seeing how far they have come with this terrifies me.

  6. Drones would be the perfect weapon to terrorise civilians into agreeing to a world run by supra national technocrats who wouldn’t start wars. A global state has no enemies.

  7. Boris Johnson’s high profile sidekick Dominique Cummings blows the whistle on the elected politician / civil service charade: elected politicians are little more than cut out models. They don’t contribute to cabinet. Decisions are made before meetings

    Includes video of Cummings

    “Fake meritocracy, fake responsibility and a fake government”
    “Cabinet is a stage theatre”
    “Both sides are happy with the fake version of government”

  8. Perhaps the addiction of the youngin’s to shootem’ up video games may prove to be boot camp for drone plinking?
    They have quick reflexes, good eye sight, and like “killing” stuff hey? 🙂

    • AI is much quicker, more accurate, and less affected than the “useless class” children ( I love my kids and know that they [and all children] are priceless). However, training AI against very astute kids in shoot ‘em up games would probably facilitate the training ground for the “a”pathetic drone swarms.

      • I’ve often put up an observation of mine that most people under 50 have been trained by the controller’s propaganda arm, the “Entertainment” business. The relentlesss movies, TV shows, comic books, etc. have given them controlled beliefs, values, sense of humor, ideas about romance, crime, and the such. Taking away sovereign thought is difficult to find.

        Part of this training is to instill the idea that AI are invincible and inevitable and can out do humans in thought, behavior and action. The reality is they are or will be just assembled parts and electric circuitry.

        Remington makes some excellent “Drone Swatters” and…

        From all the great youtube videos I have seen about the abilities of the young folk, I have no doubt that some nerd or group of them will be able to invent portable, long distant laser weapons that could scramble or fry any of those human made contraptions.

        Don’t let the bastards get you down friend. Just help bring knowledge to those asleep, and when the “giant” awakens, won’t be any room for nonsense anymore.

        • “AI” is not abut circuitry, but massive data.

          No matter how many circuits there are, they have to be engineered and assembled. The creator can them apart and will know its function fully, both individually and as a whole.

          The machine is able to make connections that are far beyond the reach of its creator. Wisdom of the crowds, and that type of thing. The amount of informatiom processed is beyond human comprehension.

          • Mkey, good afternoon.
            Let’s take a look at that opening line logically.

            Can you put forth an example in real time , like
            I, pencil. Could AI, use its wisdom of crowds to animate a armed drone , or pencil into existence sans the creator? Using the abandoned stardust circuitry laying around?
            Now, how is this possible? AI just keeps filling in the gaps until the animation of each step is complete.
            Isn’t that the whole story of the Darwinists? The periodic table of stardust swirled around until it became animated. Then it was off to the Races.
            Highly dependent on circuitry?

            • I am not saying “AI” can create, as a creator could. But, if it was provided with an automated assembly line, could it produce a large number of (just an example) drones and deploy the same drones as a means to an end? I think so, yes.

              When I mention “wisdom of the crowds” I am refering to the phenomena where a large enough crowd of people guessing at something mange, in agreggate, to reach the truth eventually.

              • Mkey
                Someone must put the devil in the circuity, like AC Clark described HAL the computer. Can AI write its own code and self into existence?
                As far as crowds, yes but will they realize it from the background noise. I suppose if it all began as a question but will it reach a spontaneous realization without the driving question? Can you say something about Croatia and what questions drives them
                I got to get my license renewed. All part of navigating this NWO ciphering. How is it at home? Comparison is a handyman for learning,
                programed Americans got a lot to learn .

  9. *****5 STARS*****
    Mentioned in article. Well worthy of a re-watch.
    This is a nice dissemination piece.

    Your Guide to 5th-Generation Warfare
    Apr 18, 2023 – 30:39 minutes with transcripts

    This video is impressive, not only in content but in presentation.
    Broc West did a fabulous job stitching this together, complete with a female voice at chapters.
    Personally, I liked the dark background with James wearing a dark sweater with royal purple shirt.
    These aspects helped to carry an ‘altitude’ of credibility.
    And it was easy on the eyes, while highlighting the contrasts (such as clips).

    Corbett’s humor is sometimes so dry that my brain takes a second to catch up to the punch.
    ”This is a battle being waged by every authoritarian power structure and every government (but I repeat myself) against their own citizens for control of the most important resource of all: their wallets.”

  10. More drone news: Helsing’s HX-2 Karma autonomous (AI) drones being delivered to Ukraine, proving ground for the latest horrific weapons.

    Thanks to Helsing’s Altra Recce-Strike software, multiple HX-2 drones can operate simultaneously in coordinated missions, leveraging swarm tactics to overwhelm enemy defenses. Integrated artificial intelligence enables the autonomous identification and engagement of targets, boasting an accuracy of within 50 centimeters. This capability minimizes collateral damage and maximizes mission effectiveness.

  11. Thanks for the heads up on the drone swarm stuff.

    I suppose I am about as prepared for a deadly swarm of a million micro-drones (with explosives in them looking to kamikaze attack my head) as I am prepared for a level 9.9 earthquake, or an F5 tornado touching down on my house, or a nuclear bomb landing on our town or an asteroid, or the illustrative example JCh129 provided above (“government forces surround your house with army tanks”) in that I am doing what I love to do, living life to the fullest, striving to leave increased biodiversity, hope, empowerment, beauty and abundance in my wake (so, if God decided I were to have to die tomorrow, though I would prefer to keep on living, i would be at peace with that).

    Whether it is a government black ops wetwork agent (using one of ten ways they could kill me and i would never see it coming, nor be able to prevent it), a giant 500 foot high tsunami, a orbital DEW vaporizing me or a swarm of deadly micro drones, I just do not waste my creative energy spending lots of time trying to “prepare” for those kinds of things. I do not even go as far as having a gun myself. I mean I practice martial arts and we have a big dog, so self-defense is something I do put some energy into for deterring random degenerates from harming me or my wife, but taking steps to “prepare” a defensive strategy against the most deadly weapons that the military industrial complex has created? I just do not see the point.

    I think God has a time picked out for each of us to return home and no amount of drone swarms will change that, so I just focus on making the best of the time I do have here on Earth while I am here, until I get called home.

    On a more positive note, when I saw that thing about meth smugglers using drones to carry their weight in speed over the border I thought to myself, ” Hey! Lets turn that problem into a solution and get those drones carrying heirloom seeds instead! Or better yet, we can use them to illicitly plant food forests in degenerated abandoned farm fields and lots! ya, lets use those things for Guerilla Drone Gardening!” 🙂

    Thanks again for the intel James, even though I will not be going out creating a bunker or going out to try and buy some kinda residential scale electronic warfare DEW device to zap the drone swarms as they come in to make a kamikaze run at me, I still appreciate the heads up and find the tech to be fascinating so the research that went into the article is appreciated as always.

  12. What to make of this?
    After reading this article I went to my music play list and clicked on ‘shuffle’.
    The the song that played was Black Sabbath’s Paranoid!
    I thought I didn’t feel any paranoia when I was reading the article.
    Is this a message from my subconscious mind?

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