October Open Thread

by | Oct 7, 2024 | Articles | 12 comments

It’s October again already, so you know what that means: James Evan Pilato is beginning his Shocktober streaming activities over in the Media Monarchy subscriber community! (And I’ll be a special guest for a stream later this month doing a watch along of a Danny Casolaro / octopus documentary!)

Of course, October also means spooky things in the world of geopolitriks, with wars and rumours of wars competing for column inches in the mainstream tabloid rags with October (s)election surprises and other such nonsense. And as you’ll know from Episode 466 of The Corbett Report on “Japan Rising,” October is also the month that the new replicon vaccine rolls out in Japan.

So, what ‘s on your mind this month? What would you like to share with The Corbett Report community? What questions do you need answered? What news do you have to share? As always, Corbett Report members are invited to log in and leave their thoughts, news tips, questions, comments and musings in the comment section below.

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  1. Dear James,
    Thanks for reporting on the anti-Replicon rally. I didn’t even see anything about it, elsewhere.
    How many Japanese people actually showed up for the event?

  2. Things to think about others get name called for understanding:
    In the US, electricity became common in the 1930s. Some people living in the country still did not have access to electricity at this time.

    1st truck in the United States was built by Autocar in 1899 and was available with 5 or 8 horsepower (4 or 6 kW) engines.[4] Trucks of the era mostly used two-cylinder engines and had a carrying capacity of 1.5 to 2 t (3,300 to 4,400 lb).

    So how did all those incredible buildings around the states get built out of marble, brass, sculpted like art work with no power tools, trucks, shipping/delivery sources, etc.

    That is what the “mud flood” videos reveal, a previous world wide culture that is kept hidden.
    – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    The Mandela Effect
    The controllers have spun it as “mis-remembering” but “something” happened giving millions of world wide a similar reccolection of events, product names, bible quotes, entertainment names, etc. that others deny. Since I had no kids I am not familiar with cereals, games, cartoons, etc. that have changed.
    *Cliff Notes is now Cliffs Notes
    *Stouffer’s Stovetop Stuffing
    *”Oscar Meyer” wieners now “Oscar Mayer”
    *Mariott is now Mariot
    *JC Penny is now JC Penney
    *“Jiffy” peanut butter now “Jif” lots of residual evidence
    *“Fruit Loops” now “Froot Loops”
    *Looney Toons now Loney Tunes (it was about cartoons, not music)
    *Vlassic Pickles is now Vlasic
    *Lay-Z-Boy is now Lazboy
    *Haley’s Comet now Halley’s
    *Who was the Publisher’s Clearing House spokesman? Ed McMahon. PCH denies ever having one. Johnny Carson on a youtube video is seen giving Letterman a huge “PCH check” as a joke.
    *Thanksgiving used to be the 3rd Thursday in November, now the 4th
    *How many oceans? 4, Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Artic. Now a 5th, Southern
    *How many in the group The Village People. No longer 5, a 6th is now there, a Soldier.
    *Queen’s “We Are the Champions” no longer ends with …”of the world.”
    *Now the Jackson 6 not 5
    * “The” missing now from band names: Eagles, Dead, Eurythmics, Goo Goo Dolls, Bee Gees, Dave Matthews Band, Ramones, Sex Pistols.
    *In the Wizard of Oz the Wicked Witch said to her monkey guards: “Fly my pretties, fly.” Now changed to “Fly, fly, fly.”
    *On I Love Lucy Ricky tells her: “Lucy, you got some splainin’ to do.” Gone.
    *Sex IN the city is now Sex AND the city
    *Interview with A vampire now Interview with THE vampire
    *Isaiah 11.6 regarding Jesus saying there would be no more killing said:
    “The LION will lay down with the lamb” now “The WOLF will lay down with the lamb”
    *Matt 6.12 “The Lord’s Prayer” “…and forgive us our tresspasses as we forgive our trespasors” changed to “Forgive us our debts as we forfive our debtors”

    “Some things are easy to make fun of but it doesn’t mean they aren’t important”


    • “…So how did all those incredible buildings around the states get built out of marble, brass, sculpted like art work with no power tools, trucks, shipping/delivery sources, etc. …”

      I guess they built them with concrete and such….its the kind of thing a culture does when its on the upswing.

      Considering that the Romans managed to build massive buildings, mult story apartment blocks, things like the Flavian Amphitheater , the Parthenon and such I dont see any issue building anything built in the USA at that time with muscle and simple machines. Roman Aqueducts are still in use in some places IIRC. Greeks cut water tunnels thru mountains, using hand tools and slaves, FROM OPPOSITE SIDES and met in the middle only about 6 inches off true.

      The Europeans in the middle ages built cathedrals, the Victorians made massive viaducts that are still in use. You just need a few smart people and lots of grunt labor.

      I once upset a gentleman who told me the Nasca Lines were impossible for savages to create without aircraft- I pointed out that if you drew them and used your thumb to represent ten paces you could recreate them in the real world quite easily just like you can lay out ‘Ye Olde Straight Track’ with men holding poles. He must have been watching too much Ancient Aliens or something…..people are smart and a few smart people using cheep labor can do wonders.

  3. Hey everyone!

    Incase you missed it (and/or for those of you that find the visual/audio clips I throw together from my Media Monarchy segments (of “The Mounsey Minute” series) more digestible/ for sharing with some of your family and friends) here is the video from last month’s segment.


    I included the extended/uncut audio in the video with additional video clips and images for additional context on the subject matter being discussed in the substack post linked above.

    The link above includes a video slideshow with last month’s Media Monarchy broadcast that featured Food Preservation (MM9) talking different methods of preserving from canning to ecosystem scale food preservation as the Mounsey Minute topic for September (2024).

    I hope many of you are getting out there to forage or gather farmer’s market abundance and preserve it for the winter my friends! You never know when the next false flag is gonna hit and besides, the act of creating/preserving in the kitchen is nourishing in a deeper way regardless of it’s emergency preparedness practicality so it is worth it either way!

    Happy fall preserving my friends!!

  4. Agree with Hanky, James thank you for the podcast coverage on the rally in Japan! Hadn’t heard about it at all! Good to hear about the people over there fighting back! Amazing work!

    Keeping with the October thread theme and with Halloween just around the corner, I have to ask members of The Corbett Report, what is your favorite horror movie?

    I’ll start. John Carpenter’s The Thing (1982), love the practical effects that still hold up today!

  5. Lately, it seems less controlled demolition and more “if I can’t own humanity, then no one can”. Sure, you have the current Neo Manifest Destiny of America with the influx of migrants to serve corporate control. Sure, you have the digital penopticon infrastructure. And yes, you also have the unquestioning lackeys all trying to sheepherd people into their flavor of blind obedience. But there is a point where you light one too many fires and you can no longer control them.

    At the very minimum, there is the “getting high on your own supply” aspect. The ultra wealthy are also sucking down a credit card’s worth of microplastics on a weekly basis. The ultra wealthy are walking through this sea that contains all the poisons that have become ubiquitous in the air. The ultra wealthy all have their cell phones which irradiate their brains with EMFs that cause general anxiety (which helps to make them more fearful of the people than ever) and anger. And, of course, not all wealthy parents get to tell their kids of the true nature of the religion scams, thus allowing their own children to fall into being mindless puppets.

    Here’s a fact many of you will find sad. Many people don’t give a shit about their kids. Sure, they will preach to their dying breath that they do, but that is just optics for many. I decided to watch for myself by spending a while tutoring kids, and there were only few parents who actions showed they were, at best, doing with their kids simply what they were told and, at worst, viewed their own kids as some sort of permanent injury they had to at least attempt to reason with. Of course, you can decide for yourself if this is just my perspective or not, but my point is, of course such a thing exists in the real of the ultra wealthy. Those who want power more than anything will destroy anything that stands in their way, and put focus on making their children nothing more than clones of themselves so their schemes persist after their death, and you don’t need to be rich to want power.

    Of course, as much as those with power have spent focusing on the animal husbandry of the human animal over the centuries, the one group of children they’ve tended to be most successful with is their own family line.

    There you go. There’s my musings for the month.

    On a lighter note, here’s a Halloween-themed song for you guys.


    • Vienticus

      The thing is that most adults today were born after the sucessful push to dump kids into daycare…. they are often at the 2nd or 3rd generation of being brought up by other people rather then their own families.

      Its kinda like my cats- we have cats born and brought up by their mom and they act VERY differently then ‘normal’ cats that are snatched away at the earliest time physically possible. The Tom is the only male cat I’ve seen that LIKES kittens – many house raised toms will kill them. Properly reared cats are smarter and have many subtle behavioral differences.

      I see the same thing with chickens- brought up by a mom they actually carry the avian version of culture to the next generation. Most adults having kids now are mildly brain damaged by being dumped themselves as babies into daycare.

      • If I were to point to societal contributors, I would first point to religious dogma. There’s no nuance in the notion of being obedient to your parents. There’s no “what if your parents are shitty people” clause. Such things tend to breed in these sorts of characteristics.

        Even before things like daycare, people would have children simply to carry on the farm or the name or whatever.

        • I put it the other way round, lol, The desire to free people from religious control ultimately ends with focus on the self.

          If you dont think God is telling you to NOT be shitty why would you NOT focus on yourself? Its the only logical thing to do. Your kids would really only have a minor importance compared to keeping YOURSELF happy. Thats why we’re where we are now, imo

          But whats wrong with using kids on the farm? I can assure you that I’ve seen farm kids and they are generally a lot happier then day acre kids. Their work on the farm fits them into the Great Chain of Being, they exist to do something and be part of something which is what makes most people happy, at the end of the day.

          • The religious aspect exists by barriers on thought. You do this and it’s good; you do this and it’s bad. If you are seeking answers in life more than you are seeking questions, you’ll find yourself very limited.

            As far as the kids on the farm, are they happy because of their choice or some form of Stockholm syndrome?

  6. What to make out of an article like this one?


    For sure there’s truth in it, but there’s also stuff that doesn’t make sense and logical fallacies. I think it deserves some investigation though as i clearly remember how those things shroomed out of the soil by the thousands like magic during the pandemic and nobody seemed to notice or care.

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