What’s the Story of WTC 1993? – Questions For Corbett

by | Dec 16, 2024 | Questions For Corbett, Videos | 42 comments

TheThrone writes in to ask Santa for a deep dive on the story of the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing for Christmas. Well, I don’t know about Santa, but I’m here with a deep dive on what really happened at WTC 1993 . . . and a five-and-a-half-hour documentary on the complete story of Al Qaeda to boot! Enjoy!

Video player not working? Use these links to watch it somewhere else!



False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda

Purchase the False Flags DVD at NewWorldNextWeek.com

(Corbett Report subscribers can use the discount code at the bottom of this week’s newsletter for 50% off their purchase! Everyone else can use the discount code “christmas25” at checkout for 25% off their purchase.)


  1. You must have a workshop full of elves to pull off this kinda gift giving. You must also have the world’s biggest beak. Wetting your beak in this had to ruffle a few feathers and the flock thanks you for sorting it out for them. You have laid an egg and the flock will keep it warm, turn it over and anxiously await to see what hatches. Boy I can’t hardly wait. Good job. Happy Christmas don’t worry. You are not the only button pusher. Checks in the mail, unfortunately it was sent from Red Deer.

  2. Oh, my, FBI…
    What’s the Story of NJ+ swarm of drones?

    • Well, it is on the MSM scripts, and the narrative does insinuate that “We need to know who is flying these drones,” so just with that alone, it appears to be a PRS to further restrict drone usage and possibly abolish anonymity of private citizens. This also comes at a very peculiar time when the NDAA has been revised to restrict drone commerce

    • Why am I absolutely not surprised!?

      The FBI clearly have their tentacles everywhere, no matter how dirty it is..

      Exactly who are the FBI? Still the Colonial families who were saved (hidden) after WW2?? and, maybe some others from various secret brotherhoods of all dirty kinds?? All in all, same type as the CIA, right?

      Just asking??!


  3. Ah yes, in so many arenas, it is “incompetency, naivete, Wokism”…and so many more adjectives describing the take down of America, is the common refrain.

    2008 financial crisis, the establishment created the proper way to look at it, bankers were “too big to fail”(so why would locking up a few criminal bankers cause banks to fail?), the problem was poor were allowed to get loans they could not afford”. Answer bail out the banks, those who caused the crisis, and no assistance for the millions of Americans.

    “Hollywood is making endless money losing prequals and sequels that are destroying the industry”. We are given the excuse of “woke politics” and DEI, people really think the predatory filth that runs Hollywood gives a shit about woke/DEI? They are taking Hollywood down, just like they did the WTC, from the inside. No jobs for Americans.

    “Trump was fooled his first term, they won’t fool him again”. Trump, a man sold as a business genius, Mr. Art of the Deal”, except for when he is a babe in the woods, fooled by what should be obvious.

    Maui, all about government incompetency and misguided priorities, not a malicious conspiracy to remove people from their homes by any means possible. And if we can burn a few people alive to serve as offerings to our blood God, all the better.

    It is all such endless manipulation, obvious to anyone who wishes to see, but most people don’t want to see. Most people hide within their bubble, accepting any lies the establishment feeds them, while in the real world around them gets destroyed.

    Looking at the absolute abomination of the last election, with its undemocratic nature and endless theatrical events, yet no outrage, because the powers that be made these results acceptable, so no outrage. In 2020, they purposely gave Biden too many votes and used the media to hype the idea of a stolen election. Yet, what changed between 2020 and 2024, after 2020 was there an investigation with voting officials replaced, nope, yet this election was democracy in action…In 2020 they wanted to set up the January 6th protests, to cement in the “far-right-insurgents” (see: domestic terrorists) meme. Something we will be seeing again used, I am sure.

    Everything we see coming from the matrix is part of a narrative. Each event is carefully crafted, the who, what and why placed within the public conscience long before the actual event, pre-programmed. And as the events rolls out, every question that might arise in the public’s mind is carefully answered by that same system. The parameters of thought are created, and the answer to that any problem they are ready to create.

    • “…..Everything we see coming from the matrix is part of a narrative….”

      That is just a psyop…. the elite will have 2 or three ‘exits’ that are lesser ‘wins’ when they dont get exactly what they want.

      The idea that there is an all wise, monolithic, enemy. other then satan, is an excuse to loose gracefully.

      I doubt very much that a large section of the elite were happy that they had to play Trump, its just a different section of the elite wanted him. The Elite, DO, however WANT us to think they they are playing 5d chess and know everything and always win….. but they dont.

      IF they really were that good we’d be dead or in the pods NOW.

      • So, you believe in an all powerful “Satan” with ZERO evidence, but Zionism, with endless evidence of their power, running Hollywood, Central banking, Wall Street, BlackRock, Vanguard, Most Weapons Manufacturers…Did 9/11 which set up the next 20 years of war and American foreign policy…You don’t see the problem with your thinking?

        The ADL, the primary censor on all media/social media isn’t a Buddhist organization.
        Look up PNAC, those are not a bunch of Mormons.
        HIAS the main organization organizing migration into the West aren’t Zen practitioners.
        Every US President’s Cabinet over the past 20 years has been all Zionist, many of which are Israeli.
        I will stop there, but the fact is, the examples are literally endless…

        You really don’t get the scope of what we are dealing with.

        They install the person most suited for the job: They installed Obama to bail out the banks, destroy healthcare, destroy Libya and cement the patriot Act into law. They installed duplicitous Trump to be the perfect POS for Covid, allow all the Covid tyranny while playing like Covid was no big deal. They installed Biden to create the Weimar 2.0. They installed Trump as a Hitler type 2.0. Not the fake Hollywood Hitler, the real New York Banker funded Hitler, like Trump.

        You seem to think Trump is a lesser choice, here is Trump’s first term:

        Elections are rigged, Governments are all ZOG, and whoever is in power around the world is there because THEY put them there. Has it always been this way, no, but it is that way now. This is all about creating the NWO out of Israel. Not believing what I say will not chance what is coming, and is if history is any guide, Trump’s Zionist tyranny will start very soon.

        Likely a Reichstag fire to start things off.

        “IF they really were that good we’d be dead or in the pods NOW”, that is not a logical thought, one idea does not necessitate the other. Considering you can’t even fathom their obvious power over us, you certainly can’t comprehend their plans. They are ruthless cowards, so they are careful, meticulous and persistent. No matter how obvious their power is (See: Hollywood, Wall Street, Covid world Lockdowns, Israeli Genocide unstoppable-just to name some of the most obvious), some will never see…and I don’t think that is important either, not like that would change anything.

        • 1) Your saying ZIONISTS created Christianity ….. back when they HAD a home land?

          2) ALL those things you list happened, yes, but they did not all happen the way “they” wanted….. what, you really think Israel and the Zionists WANTED to turn Iraq into a menace to their little strip of dirt???? LOLOLOL… they give themselves ways to come out ahead whatever happens but they DONT ALWAYS get their way

          3) IF you are correct and “THEY COnTROL it ALL MAN” then I must ask you
          YOUR PLAN

          I really want to know, because really your just saying “” its all over, they always win, now shut up and die goy””….. honestly, YOU are spreading their propaganda better then they do.

          • 1) Back when Jews were just as polytheistic as the rest of the peoples on the Sumerian plains, Yahweh was just another “Thunder God”, along with Ba’al. Yahweh was not the top God, not even then. Making Yahweh the one and only God was introduced to the Jews. This is history from a Rabbi I follow, and it makes way more sense that the garbage we are fed.

            As I understand it, the Old Testament was created to make Jews a ruling class, and the New Testament was written to destroy Pagan religions and create a slave class. I know this is not what you want to hear or believe, but it is likely the case, since this has been the outcome, if you are keeping score.

            The Jewish people are just as much under the delusion as Christains and Muslims, they are all being manipulated to create a one world order.

            As for Iraq, I am not following you:

            Iraq was the enemy of Israel long before 9/11. The Zionists did 9/11 for many reasons, not least of which was to tie Iraq to WMDs and 9/11. Thus they got idiot America to go along with the Zionists to DESTROY Iraq. America destroyed Israel’s enemy Iraq AND Israel got the Iraqi oil pipeline to boot. PNAC- was all about making Israel’s enemies, America’s. That is what the Zionist’s do, make their enemy’s our enemy’s.

            I mentioned all the things they control, you don’t refute any of that, but just repeat they don’t have the control I say. What am I missing here. If you wish to prove they don’t control everything, you might start with refuting what which I say they control. Though it is irrefutable.

            It is certainly not propaganda to point out their control, but it surely disingenuous to say it is.

            Lastly, I have no plan (I am doing a what you might call a “Noah’s Ark” scenario): Covid showed me how strong they are and weak we are. Covid restrictions only went away because THEY decided to lift them. Each time they do one of these global events, THAT THEY OBVIOUSLY CONTROL, they get stronger and we get weaker. Your brand of willful obviousness does not help.

            The only hope is the idea that complex systems are prone to failure and/or internal conflict from competing interests. But one thing is for sure, it will not come from the idiot masses, you guys fall for all their BS, think truth is a lie…

            • 1) “…Making Yahweh the one and only God was introduced to the Jews. This is history from a Rabbi I follow, and it makes way more sense that the garbage we are fed. …”

              Do you think following a RABI is really a wise choice?

              2)”……As I understand it, the Old Testament was created to make Jews a ruling class, and the New Testament was written to destroy Pagan religions and create a slave class….”

              OK, NOW we’re getting somewhere.

              WHO Created book 1 and who created book 2

              And WHERE are you getting your information from?

              Because, aside from my being a brainwashed Christian I ALSO LIKE TO READ HISTORY so whats your source?

              Also…. if “they” control everything WHY are they letting you know such things?

              “…The Jewish people are just as much under the delusion …’

              By WHO? put a name on who can orchestrate a multi thousand year plan.

              But the US loosing Iraq made iran stronger.

              “…Lastly, I have no plan ….”

              Then why do you even care?

              You have resigned yourself to death or slavery… if your REALLY so black pilled your a damn fool for not partying your imagined last few years away.

              “…Covid showed me how strong they are and weak we are. …”
              Not really…. it showed how weak MOST people are. But they will probably just die when things get hard anyway. You are counting yourself among the soon to be dead, TBH.

              “…The only hope is the idea that complex systems are prone to failure and/or internal conflict from competing interests…”

              WAIT…. YOU just said

              a) They have a multi millenia long plan
              b) They Control EVERYTHING and ALWAYS win

              and NOW your saying that the fight, and compete with each other…?????

              Do you see how those things dont match?

              You have been infected with the ruling classes propaganda worse then a normie after 9/11.

              IF you actually think its all over stop whining about it and go get drunk and laid or something like that…..because you HAVE CHOSEN to loose. if they was any chance you have CHOSEN not to take it…..so just go party until your number comes up if you believe that.

              • I think this topic has been sufficiently debated for this venue, I’m not interested in arguing for the sake of arguing. I discuss to come to an understanding, if I don’t see that as an option, I move on.

              • I’m done “debating” with you, but I will point out an example of where you are lacking:

                Example 1: “Do you think following a RABI is really a wise choice?”

                Now, that is NOT a complete thought, which is what an honest debater would counter with. IF you believe a Rabbi is not a valuable source, state why, and what would be your alternative source.

                Example 2:

                a) They have a multi millennia long plan
                b) They Control EVERYTHING and ALWAYS win

                You express this as contradictory, when I never said that they have ALWAYS CONTROLLED EVERYTHING. They control everything NOW, that is why we are coming to the end. This is not rocket science, stop being so contradictory.

                And that does not even get into your erroneous condescension, which is not worthy of a response.

            • 1) “….The Jewish people are just as much under the delusion as Christains and Muslims, they are all being manipulated to create a one world order. …”

              hence the question why (esp. when your going on about zionism like its the ONLY issue) you FOLLOW ONE AND BELIEVE WHAT HE SAYS.

              2) “…….when I never said that they have ALWAYS CONTROLLED EVERYTHING….”

              BUT you said
              “….. the Old Testament was created to make Jews a ruling class, and the New Testament was written to destroy Pagan religions and create a slave class. …”

              Which WOULD kinda mean they always controlled everything…. other wise how’d they DO that???


              But Do not bother debating me… JUST TELL ME WHERE YOU GET THIS INFO FROM.

              4) IF everything is ”’coming to an end”’ then why are you even posting on the Net…when I feel its gone that far I’m straight off to the cabin after burning my electronics. You honestly sound like covid gave you a bad case of depression, so honestly a bit of time in nature would probably do you the world of good

              • I see what ejdoyle’s point, just stop.

                You draw your own conclusions, then demand others to back them up. I’m not meaning what you say, thus it is a null argument.

                Just stop…I won’t be engaging with you again.

            • Ok…. just forget everything else I asked and TELL ME WHERE YOU GOT THIS INFORMATION (what you posted below) so I can go read it myself

              “…….As I understand it, the Old Testament was created to make Jews a ruling class, and the New Testament was written to destroy Pagan religions and create a slave class…….”

              Just post WHERE you got this from and i can fact check it myself, no need to debate

  4. IMO, the biggest “elephant” in the room these days is those who portend to be “awake” and spout cut and paste social/political “insights” offer no true activism beyond keyboard commando outrage.

    In most instances and events the “bad” guys are quite obvious but no solutions are offered, even at the best of “alt” blogs. On goofy pro Israel (Zionist) blogs like The Gateway Pundit beyond occasional excellent opinions and facts it becomes a clown show of each person trying to be more funny then the previous.

    Here for over a dozen years it has been much better for sure. The importance, as most know, is understanding the past to get a grasp on future behavior. When Trump and others said the election was “too big to rig” it was more metaphor regarding the higher level of awareness brought about by truth seekers.

    In a far more advance audience of web truth seekers from across the nation it would seem by now some level of organized resistance would have surfaced. Then of course this is the only blog I haven’t been throttled or shadow banned by the owner, just poked at by other bloggers. So I don’t really see the bigger picture of our society anymore.

    But it is no longer “my” world. Far too much anger, competition, snarky know it all, tail gating nonsense for me.

    SOLUTIONS (essay)

    • “…..In a far more advance audience of web truth seekers from across the nation it would seem by now some level of organized resistance would have surfaced. …”

      Yes, but you wont because at the end of the day even the dissidents are believers in the same project as the Globalists….they just wish to park at an earlier part of the Revolution.

      At the end of the day people need to believe in something bigger then themselves and even the majority of people over here believe mostly in doing whatever they like.

      Like the Afrikaner farmers vs the British Empire they may be great shots and horsemen, but they dont get organized in a way that would actually provide proper resistance because, again, they basically think its all about just doing what feels good for themselves

      • @Duck
        >>At the end of the day people need to believe in something bigger then themselves>>

        That is trained behavior to weaken and give up one’s sovereignty. The need for “Heroes” to save them from Jesus to Trump.

        IMO, what they really “need” is know the truth about things and to be left alone for making their way in the world of choices. Doing what one “likes” is the essence of free will and with it must come the acceptance of consequence.

        The larger picture of course is is one doing what one “likes” out of free will or conditioning. As I have said before. The majority of most people’s beliefs, patterns of behavior in romance, etc. come from the conditioning arm of controllers…the entertainment business (TV, Movies, Video games, etc.) and the media. Hence the cartoon world of “Heroes” saving others.

        • “…IMO, what they really “need” is know the truth about things and to be left alone for making their way in the world of choices. Doing what one “likes” is the essence of free will and with it must come the acceptance of consequence. …”

          Yu have ONE conception of freedom, and its been so entrained into you imagine that one type of freedom is the only type that exists. The training started BEFORE you were born, much as you correctly point out the programing of others you miss it in yourself.

          “…Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other…..” As john Adams (IIRC) said, and the fact is since the 60’s Americans have been NEITHER of those things.

          If your focus is just upon your own pleasure and your personal wishes you end up atomized, screaming into the void (or the internet) because you are easy to either control or ignore until you die.

          • @Duck
            You are such ass. For a year now I have attempted to deal with your childish narcissistic need for attention with your know-it-all nonsense. I have ignored you, asked you to not comment to me, and when I attempt some level basic communication you just HAVE to get insulting and snarky.


            • I’m a DUCK, not an ass

              and considering the format was you posted a thing, I said a thing you said a thing back, I said a thing back and you went grumpy old man on me i dont know why your so angry.

              Seriously…. dont you ever wonder how many people on the internet are real anymore?

              Why even come to the internet if not for feed back so you can see where your wrong – I’ve been wrong so many times and every time someone shows me up I’ve been thankful.

              What do you even WANT from the internet?

            • Mr./Mrs. “Duck” seems to argue for the sake of arguing, he/she gives no credence to any opinion but his/her own. I like debating, I don’t like arguing. When talking to this person, you make a point hoping to give insight, but he/she wants you to do all the thinking for them, that is why they will never get it. I seek unanimity, not discord. Such an exorcise is a waste of time.

              • Indeed. Being the loudest in the room is not being the adult in the room.

    • The Powers-That-Shouldn’t-Be, are very good at erecting leaders for us to follow, perhaps like you refer, “Jesus to Trump”.

      How sublime is their creation of the Trump myth, so few can grasp he is nothing but an actor playing a role, just like Obama, Biden…It has not always been this bad, they used to have to be a bit more creative. I mean when they put Trump in the first time, they had to fund a Libertarian, a Green Party and an Independent (7 million votes between them), and Hillary still got 3,000,000 more votes that Chump (Ironically, that is more votes than “Mr. Mandate” Chump got over Harris), that was before unit 8200 had full control over the ballot box, as they certainly have now. Now they just need to manage expectations, which is what they do the best.

      What I have come to understand is that most of humanity is ill-suited to deal with the Zionist threat, they simply can’t grasp the entirety of the situation. I have contemplated that perhaps, some of us are an evolutionary development to counter this existential threat. This is a great threat to us all, and it is not unreasonable to think nature may be evolving to counter it. There is no doubt, when these obvious scam are introduced, some few take to the idea that it is a scam, while others will look for any excuse not to see it as so.

      During the Covid scam, the hardest thing was watching how weak society was. I wore shirts that said Covid was a lie, even wrote it on my stupid mask. I argued and complained, but I was alone. At a Costco standing in line outside, I was told I had to wear a mask, I said “I would not put on a mask outside”, he said “do I need to call someone”, I said go ahead, I told all the sheep around me, “this is what communism looks like”. He did not call any one and I did not wear the mask. But I was alone. No Christians, no libertarians, no patriots, rose in support, not that I expected it or needed it.

      I realized we live in a pathetic nation, a nation that will kill for our Zionists masters, but will not lift a finger to defend ourselves. A nation that will rally to stop the “scourge of global homo”, but are silent about the genocide of Palestinian men, women and children.

      As an American, I live in a nation that, more than any other nation, deserves what is coming. We have been the brute force that the Zionists have used against this world’s populations, dropping nukes on civilians, agent orange on peasants, Firebombing POWs and civilians in Dresden/Tokyo, and destroying nation after innocent nation, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan…I am horrified to know what is coming, but I know it is justice, you can’t be the hand of this evil and not think that evil will one day be turned on you.

      • @Rex
        At the top I must admit that my political/metaphysical/spiritual (not religious) beliefs help me understand that we are a nation of victims of the most elegant but sociopathic mind control. While I can forgive them I must always be on guard.

        In one of my lyrics I allude to us being like fish in a fish bowl with no real grasp on what the bigger picture is and truth being a very rare commodity. So I don’t know who Trump really is and in a stoic sense I can’t care because there is not a damn thing I can do about any of that. With a congress mostly sold out to the Zionists and other “special interest” folks, I can only work locally and through my music.

        I was part of the last attempt a freedom in the 60’s in the Bay Area and witnessed the power of controllers at manipulating the natural evolutionary progress of humans. Very stunning to be “awake” at that time.

        Up here in the White Mountains of AZ the push to use masks was minimal after a month or so. I just carried mine and said I had asthma and couldn’t block my air way at Walmart. The VA and local hospital were the worst with guards at the doors. Still have it in my Van 🙂

        My free pdf download and/or video from months of research is still available from a few years ago:
        LINE IN THE SAND (essay)

        I would offer that “what is coming” is not justice but rather consequence of behavior or lack thereof.

        I am still in amazement from all the great research that has been done on the evidence of a previous “great reset” to the world, many call the Mud Flood. Where the obvious has been in front of us…a horse and buggy culture with no power tools, shipping, etc. building impossibly beautiful buildings world wide indicating ‘some’ sort of would culture was around in recent times.

  5. My favourite conspiracy. One of the most insidiously evil organisations in history was stitched up by one intelligent human being and laid bare in court.

    “Fake terror plots, paid informants: the tactics of FBI ‘entrapment’ questioned

    Critics say bureau is running a sting operation across America, targeting vulnerable people by luring them into fake terror plots”


  6. RE: What’s the Story of WTC 1993? – Questions For Corbett

    This was supurb craftsmanship…the way that Corbett designed this 32 minute QFC presentation.
    I kid you not — I am so impressed!

  7. We will never know, but ever since I learned about the WTC 93 bombing I have wondered if even if the bomb was placed in the correct spot, if it could have actually knocked one tower into the other. I thought that perhaps the 40,000 fatality number was just a ploy to build up fear of terrorism.

    • IIRC the bomb COULD have collapsed the supports and brought it down…. I dont know if its true but Wikipedia says so too “…Had the van been parked closer to the WTC’s poured concrete foundations, Yousef’s plan might have succeeded….”

      linked to https://web.archive.org/web/20050316140649/http://msnbc.msn.com/id/3069653/ which says “…. On February 26, 1993, the World Trade Center merely shook but did not collapse. But it was a close call. Later, the WTC’s architect would tell jurors that if the van had been left closer to the poured concrete foundations, they would have succeeded. The tower would have fallen….”

      Funny that it happened in ’93, which is also a Thelemic number considering how many other numbers showed up in the 9/11 attacks.

      • Yeah so I guess it was not spoken of as being a definitive thing. Also is “Thelemic” a reference to Aleister Crowley’s religion? I was never too convinced of numerology Aron d 9/11, but who knows.

  8. THANK YOU JIMMY! You have made my Christmas that much better. I should have known you probably went into WTC in depth already. I’ll have a great documentary to investigate before the end of the year, now.
    I think I’ll grab some stocking stuffers for the less-informed individuals in my family. I hope they appreciate you as much as I do. God bless.

    • The Throne, EJ, Rex, Duck,Homie ,loggin and the rest of the subscribers and interested persons who enjoy yours and James’ interactions. That’s open source news, and open source propaganda. I must commend my daughter for digging this documentary up. It shows how talented James and Brock really are by comparison. Produced by the BBC it’s packed with information and propaganda. There is always room for examination if you have the time. Knowing it all is a thankless job and seldom if ever achieved. All of you add to the mysteries of our reality. I spent 6 hours on James’s work and several hours on this. It was worth it and I am curious to see how you contributors handle this information. So much here , some obvious , some that came to mind hours after viewing. It may have already been in the comments earlier, regardless, it’s very interesting and on target. Who’s target? Let us know.
      Hypernormalization, by Adam Curtis.
      One year ago.


      • Thanks general. I downloaded it to my iMac with iTube Studio to watch off line. I don’t like having my wifi on for 2 hrs to avoid whatever is in the waves.

        • ejdoyle,

          This whole documentary is a deck of cards*, as others I’ve seen are . Reminds me of some of your lyrics meaning…
          *Half the cards are facts the other half are propaganda. Shuffle and deal . A person winds up with a hand from a stacked deck. Going all in is a misdirection more than half the time. House edge. Never what it appears.

          • “Reality” is such a fragile thing, Hey?, composed of the very things you offer…facts and propaganda, and I would add experience. The key that is most important, IMO, is to not be too invested in either and be more stoic about one’s “inner beliefs” as opposed to one’s “information.”

            The “facts” about Lee Harvey Oswald, The Moon Landing, 9/11, COVID, various shortages, election results, etc. are real wake up calls if one is not seeking confirmation bias but rather truth.

            My life experience with other cultures, Medicine Men and Woman and elders, journeys with “teacher plants” like Psilocybin, Mescaline, Pure LSD, Ayahuasca, even high grade pot, and probably a really big one, staying out of the pop culture world of lies and misdirection for 50 years have opened up incredible worlds of “reality.”

            The propaganda “cards” put out by the controllers is about not going within for guidance and truth and follow their world of lies. While I am not religious I do seek knowledge from all sources and as I have offered before, the quote “The Kingdom of God is Within” was slipped in by some rebel scribe a long time ago. 🙂

  9. Yes thanks once again James, for this codicil and addendum to the main Documentary. You are a real and confirmed Braveheart. Many thanks for your work exposing so many topics, please continue throughout 2025.

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