It’s January and the New Year is upon us.
It’s customary at this time of year for those of us pundits and pontificators who make our living scanning the news feeds to make our predictions for the coming year, so—why not?—I’ll go ahead and throw my hat in the ring, too.
But this year I’m going to do something a little different: I’m going to make one Sure-Bet prediction, one Maybe Possible prediction and one It’s Not Technically Impossible! aspirational prediction.
Let’s go!
The Ai that people are familiar with is not the Ai that is posing the biggest threat. I have mentioned this before in varying capacity but will reiterate. A technique known as Agent Based Modelling within the context of Complex Adaptive Systems is what people need to be looking at. This technique can implement Ai to a network and manipulate outcomes in very esoteric and obscure ways. A butterfly flapping it’s wings type stuff. The people who created the A-bomb went on to develop this, dare I say this technology is more powerful than the A-bomb. My hope is you all look into this so as the small fraction of you that actually grasp the implications can start finding better ways to communicate this unseen danger. Look at the “Santa Fe Institute” in the US and the “Alan Turing institute” in the UK. If you dig a few layers deep on both these websites and don’t get butterflies in your stomach your a braver soul than I. IBM Watson and IBM’s “brain in a box” also needs further light shine on it. IBM and it’s partners need to be technically scrutinised and aggressively audited.
You are right about this Catalyst, this a.i. quantum computer system is the continuation of the manhatten project or more rightly called the mad-hatter project. To add to it are the satellites that can be used to transmit signals directly to the brain of anyone they aim it at. There is no need to have a microchip implanted, they can use ones own natural emf signal and assign it something similar to a mac address.
In September of 2021 my head was hacked by this technology and has not stopped since then. I have something happening to me I have come to call a dislocated mind. When I used to think I would hear my thoughts in my head in my own thinking voice. Now when I think and read, my thoughts are outside my head and always in a different voice then my own. With that mentioned there has been times that “they” have taken over the voice I had assigned to my thinking and tried to get control over my thinking and it has always failed. I was always able to take it over instead of it taking me over.
Other things about this technology is that “they” can physically hit you using an emf signal, I have been repeatedly hit in the head. They have used it to censor me at times like a palovian dog. Put on music that they don’t want me listening to and get hit in the head – I pretty much have had to stop listening to music for the most part. They have used this to stop me from watching certain video and from reading certain books.
This is a real mind war that is taking place under the cover of unseen military satellite and 5g frequencies. Not that long ago the WEF reported of there being a coming global mental health crisis. They are going to bring that false flag event about through these types of technologies.
Despite what people may think of Rudolph Steiner, he mentioned this time coming over a hundred years ago – he called it the incarnation of ahriman through mechanistic means or what we see in this technology. The daemon is, the a.i. is, ahriman – the materialistic demon.
Continuing with a quote from Steiner:
“Very shortly, after when one will have written the year 2000, there will come from America not a direct prohibition, but a kind of prohibition against all thinking, a sort of law which will have the aim of suppressing all individual thinking. On the other hand there is the beginning achieved in this direction of suppressing all individual thinking into pure materialistic thinking where one does not need to work upon the soul on the basis of external experiments, in which the human being is handled as if he were a machine.”
“For if the world continues in its development as it is strives for in the sense of these materialistic impulses, then we will gradually enter into a development through which not only someone who unlicensed is forbidden from doing anything for human health, but also one in which relating to science, there is a prohibition against anyone saying anything other than that which is approved by those who have taken a kind of vow under the materialist world order.
Today many things are forbidden, of which people do not feel any coercion from prohibition. But we are approaching times when, like any unlicensed concern for healing of human beings, every word will be banned, except in an institution guaranteed and approved by the materialistically developed powers.”
Noah, you are either a nutter or a nudger, either way please seek professional help.
WOW, catalyst again! I see a purpose of your presence now. You are all over the place bastion of knowledge and intellect. Are you even real or maybe KI? I have no idea how to differentiate, so I am trying not to engage with the second mentioned.
Try harder
Do you find abstract thinking threatening Robert?
Thought you knew everything HAL, but apparently your algorithm is still set to learning mode. Abstract thinking? Let me explain then to you that KI doesn’t mean Knowledge & Intelligence as you misunderstood it. KI(Kuenstliche Intelligenz) = AI (Artificial Intelligence) only in a language you have never heard about, which is German. Nothing abstract about it. Quit trying so hard please, catalyst. Over…
Is that what “winning” looks like Robert?
…and out
I’ll take that as a yes and am jotting down some notes for next time so that I too might “win” one day.
Catalyst, think what you like. This is real and their are real people being victimized by this technology, alot of people all over the world.
Even Capleton mentions this in one of his songs. “We catch them on a peeping pole, we see them breaching skull.” roughly quoted from this song here:
This is no different than mkultra but they can do it on demand with wireless signals – weak minded individuals will fall under the spell and lose their free will the minute the frequency hits them. I have seen it with my own two eyes.
This is a WARNING to all about this tech. Some have called the new world order a brain computer interface. The devil wants to break into the temple of God, the temple of God is the body of man. Covid nano shots and nanobots being sprayed in the chemtrails – frequencies from this system is how the devil is trying to disconnect man from the Creator and all that is of Creation and natural.
Know your enemy and know their tactics and I am not joking with anyone about this!
No, I will not think what I like, I will reach reason based on observational reality. So because some Rasta’ with weed induced psychosis writes a song and there is a website showing idiots with sunburn I should be deeply concerned. There is a far stretch between acknowledging the existence of directed energy weapons and their use as tools for mind control. The brain is more complex than this. Death rays are one thing, mind manipulation another. The manipulation to worry about is the psychological one that has people living in constant fear. Forget about tiny robots just for a moment and focus on the networking tools that have no corporeal form.
This here is for anyone interested in the subject
The Brain is the Battlefield of the Future
Battle Space of Mind
A very small theater of war in most cases.
Have you considered that you are already a casualty?
Let’s worry about tiny robots that you can’t do Jack sh!t to stop have invaded your mind? Meanwhile the actual tools are applied.
Psychology is relatively new in name but not in form and function.
i am in contact w/ a gal who says she is being tracked by the ImperialFed. Brain implant-n-all. She is not alone. There is a fair sized community on twitter.
She says any Dr. who tries to remove gadgets are immediately molested & the helping stops.
i really don’t know how to help them. Saw part of your post was about petitions. Most of them on twitter have been screaming at their (non)Reps.
Miss King,
From my understanding the implants can be constructed by nanobots in the body using nutrients, minerals and other elements within the body, using food and chemical toxins being sprayed in the chemtrails.
Sarah Westall has just done an interview with a man from a group talking about dealing with this head hacking situation:
I haven’t watched it yet but there may be solutions forth coming through his work:
There are no easy answers. I myself have been dealing with it by breaking the lie and “it’s” tactics using a self taught psychology or sorts.
If any of those part of the twitter group would like to contact me I would be happy to hear from them and share what I have learned so far. Talking to other people who are getting hit with this technology helps me to understand it better as well.
In the end it is still a program that is running, it has patterns. Identify the patters, nullify them and rise about them. Accept that it is there with its intrusion but never condone its trespass.
My email can be found in the description of videos I have posted at bitchute:
take care and til next time…
Thanks so much for the links. Have wrestled w/ video for the past 2 days. Looked up a good many terms today. Maybe give another run thru tomorrow. My email is beyond stupid…
The last site i looked at for definitions made me think our Dr’s are back to calling out, More leeches!
Meanwhile, they are shilling, shuckin’, & jivin’ for the grant money & the prestige of their peer review circle jerk.
If anyone has a metaphor for that last bit, i would appreciate the heads up… Or rather, throw an old heifer a bone. Thanks.
I didn’t watch the Sarah Westall video so I don’t know what was really discussed on it. With being targeted by this tech, it makes it hard to watch videos let alone do any deeper research and looking. It is always distracting me and if “they” don’t like something I am doing or looking into “they” normally will physically hit me in the head.
Like I said you or anyone from the group can write me and my email is found in the description of the video here:
I keep learning about how to deal with it by taking certain cues from odd places. The Creator is still in this and little signs come up here and there, an insight that comes from an unsuspecting place and time that I can use as a therapeutic mantra. Writing, I keep writing and talking with other people going through it is helpful if they are not bugged out and paranoid from it. If someone in that state is willing to listen to reason then they can come out of it or figure it on there own over time, there is a pattern to what they do with this technology. It is psychological warfare and in the start of it there is always a big bag a lies narrative that they push on the target using very sophisticated mind influencing abilities.
They want to target to act out in some way, attack other people who the system sets them against by making them think they are involved in it when they are not, get the target in a mental ward, in prison, on some kind of parole, homeless or commit suicide.
They can influence people who are around the target with out those people being even aware of it which can make the person think that those people being influenced are involved in it when they are not, they are being victimized by the system just the same as they are.
Anyway – contact me if you like through my email and we can continue from there.
Okay, i am confused… idk how you can type so fast. Your message came quicker than i can find my place back on this page from my (stupid) email.
Tomorrow i will cut-n-past what you wrote there so i can see it. My email is useless…smh…
So am i. My supper is calling.
The video you gave me is hard to watch. Tried to change the volume bc i had chores in the other room. No good. The Chinese would never had bothered inventing water torture if they woulda had that video…
Anyway, benes of the doubt. Until tomorrow, cheers!
I read an essay (with the subtitle “Where is AI going?”) by a mathematician whom I respect a great deal named Jessica Rose ( ) recently where she described a feeling of “apathy rolling in” the more she interacts with and uses AI (large language models / Chatbots) in her work. Well I think she is onto something, as I can feel and see it washing over many in the modern western world.
We live in a time where (as I explored in my video on Biocultural Refugia on Substack) many in the western world are suffering from a sort of ancestral amnesia where instead of honoring and living the place based (ecologic literacy grounded and reciprocal) wisdom of their indigenous ancestors, many have allowed their minds and hearts to become colonized by hubristic imperialistic falsehoods of the religion (and multi-generational racketeering operation) called statism. Instead of identifying as a human being, with a deep connection to a specific area of the living Earth (that manifested in cultural traditions that nurture and reverently steward that place) many self-identify via the labels of imposed, unnatural, divisive, oppressive and domination based constructs such as nationalism and arbitrary quasi-political racial labels such as describing one’s culture as “white culture” (as if there is some place called “whiteland” that we all came from).
So we have millions of human beings living on Turtle Island that have had their ancestral roots severed from their conscious mind, they no longer have living traditions connected to the living Earth and their way of seeing themselves is based on a sort of multi-generational Stockholm syndrome relationship they have with statist regimes. This applies to people of European descent especially as the colonization of our indigenous ancestors and the assimilation of their way of living close to the Earth reciprocally occurred millennia ago, not just centuries ago as it was here.
Compounding this situation with countless millions having their minds colonized by degenerative, immoral and fallacious statist propaganda, now we have a new invasion and colonization of the human mind taking place. This time, the conquistadors are not so easily distinguished for what they are, as the imperialistic invasion is digital in nature, and it arrives silently and through multiple vectors wearing the reassuring and ego flattering costume of convenience, expediency, “human ingenuity” and futurism. Some themes remain the same however, as the general theme of how this is part of the manifest destiny thinking wrapped “progress” of “civilization” remains a central pillar.
(…continued from above)
And in a similar way to how some of the statist imperialists arriving on these shores made promises of providing “a better quality of life” for those that converted and assimilated their thinking to statist ways, so to, do the promoters, architects and ‘priesthoods’ of A.I. promise the same. They speak of inevitability in a similar way to the colonial forces of Europe, except this time the territory they want to colonize is between your ears.
The computers themselves are not plotting to colonize minds intentionally (that I am aware of) but being machines that are extensions and potentiated versions of their creators (and the thinking that drives them) the momentum is very clearly moving in that direction regardless.
Each time we use something as simple as Grammarly AI auto-correct / sentence finishing suggestions, we outsource part of our brain power that we used to exercise regularly, and head down a path to atrophy. For those using these computer programs to gather research for them, write articles for them, create “art” for them and even write books for them, that atrophy is compounded by several magnitudes and reaches deeper into the core of one’s creative being.
I think people are building their own prison while simultaneously getting addicted to living in it. Becoming cognitively co-dependant while flouting how much smarter they are. Some are even beginning to anthropomorphize and either seeing these chatbots as companions or even idolizing/deifying them.
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman recently speculated the advent of “godlike” AI “may turn out to be the most consequential fact about all of history so far.” He went on to predict, “It is possible that we will have superintelligence in a few thousand days!”.
Leopold Aschenbrenner’s piece on ‘Situational Awareness’ predicts we are on course for Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) by 2027.
Aschenbrenner certainly lays out his case well enough.
“Before we know it, we would have superintelligence on our hands—AI systems vastly smarter than humans, capable of novel, creative, complicated behavior we couldn’t even begin to understand—perhaps even a small civilization of billions of them. Their power would be vast, too. … [S]oon they’d solve robotics, make dramatic leaps across other fields of science and technology within years, and an industrial explosion would follow.
Superintelligence would likely provide a decisive military advantage, and unfold untold powers of destruction. We will be faced with one of the most intense and volatile moments of human history.”
(…continued from above)
Back in the 90s, when the internet was set to become the next big thing, preachers warned of apocalypse, while Hollywood made films about alien invasions and genocidal robots.
A decade or so later, the internet was helpful for autodidacts like myself, but it also was a massive profit engine doubling as a surveillance apparatus. The invasion actually arrived, rather it was not aliens, and it came in the form of black monoliths held in human palms, each one driving our cultural degeneration and digital addiction. Skynet may not have gained sentience, but then again, one could argue that many screen-glued humans are less and less able to rightly hold that status themselves.
The rise of artificial general intelligence, or artificial superintelligence, may be quite similar. Complex algorithms will indeed be “godlike”—with a little “g”—in the sense that they’ll generate new types of information that humans couldn’t attain on their own. This is already happening, from biology and medicine to private data mining.
As AI becomes a primary source of information—indeed, as it becomes the highest authority on many subjects—people will supplicate to it, defer to its decrees, and elevate its priests. First, they will call AI a “tool,” then a “teacher,” then a “friend” or even a “lover,” and in the end, many will call it “God.” But as with all technologies, the hype will outstrip the reality.
One thing is for sure, this is a global experiment and we are the lab mice. It’s run by the wealthiest men in the world, and facilitated by the most powerful corporations and governments.
This is a new kind of colonialism. It is the colonization of human minds with machine thinking.
Meanwhile, the AI race points toward an increasingly militarized Future™. Microsoft is working to revive the nuclear reactor on Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania to power its massive data centers. They’re following Amazon’s lead, and others are sure to join. Nuclear-powered AI is shaping up to be a new normal.
Last year, former Google exec Eric Schmidt described the techno-military hellscape this could soon evolve into. “Eventually, in both the US and China, I suspect there will be a small number of extremely powerful computers with the capability for autonomous invention that will exceed what we want to give either to our own citizens without permission or to our competitors,” Schmidt told Noema magazine.
In other words, the largest AI systems will be so intelligent, so powerful, they’ll need to be guarded like temple idols, lest the ‘unwashed’ make contact with them. “They will be housed in an army base, powered by some nuclear power source and surrounded by barbed wire and machine guns.”
This three minute video clip from a film called “My Dinner With Andre” comes to mind
(…continued from above)
The reality is we are all lab mice in a vast global experiment. Millions of children are now being taught—or programmed—by “educational” artificial intelligence. These haphazard mind-warp operations are quietly unfolding from Appalachia to Africa. Before long, the millions will likely become billions.
Adults are undergoing a similar metamorphosis in which their minds and behaviors are infused with and synched to digital entities—the “fusion of our physical, digital, and biological identities”—whether it’s in the military-industrial complex, the corporate world, government bureaucracy, or just day-to-day life.
The bots keep us company. They learn and absorb our personalities. And when we die, they will become our digital ghosts. It’s a morbid prospect, but the process is already underway.
E-learning institutions regularly deploy AI teachers. Chatbot companions are seducing lonesome souls by the millions, including religious chatbots who function as ‘spiritual guides’. At the end of the road, various start-ups are developing cyber-shrines where families can commune with their departed loved ones and find comfort in the digital undead.
In the minds of tech enthusiasts, AI chatbots of all sorts will be our soulless companions on the trek toward the Future™. These ephemeral “friends” are key psychological components of what many describe as human-AI symbiosis. They will be like artificial guardian angels in our palms—and by extension, in our heads—answering questions and steering decisions.
I personally do not use or interact with AI voluntarily but more and more of the programs on my computer and internet and banking etc are infused with AI, so it is getting harder and harder to avoid (without going full Amish). I see the apathy rolling in with people around me that are engrossed with the AI hype, loving how much less work they have to when writing articles or doing permaculture designs. I think they are allowing their brains to atrophy and I think the type of bullet point formatted information these machines are feeding them is re-structuring their thought patterns to be more machine like.
It is easy to see how relying on AI to write an article, presentation, or email could arrest the development of those skills. But what about using AI to summarize books and articles and assist in research? Well, asking AI to summarize an article is certainly a lot easier than reading the whole thing and understanding it well enough to summarize it. It takes work: mental energy, brainpower, and attention to discern the essential from the inessential, the main argument from a diversion, in short, to do the work of understanding something. The AI agent replaces what one might call an organ of the brain, a kind of digestive organ. Organs that we don’t use atrophy like the eyes of a cave-dwelling fish.
(…continued from above)
In the substack post I linked in my first comment above, Jessica Rose writes:
“I am finding myself using AIs every day. A month ago, it wasn’t like this. A few months ago, it wasn’t like this at all. A year ago, the AI concept had just been kind of an incepted idea. I am having a massive internal struggle about this subject matter – integrating AIs into my daily life – because I feel very strongly that the lure of AI will lead to the destruction of the creative mind.
The ease with which one can simply “ask as AI” anything could easily replace doing internet searches and/or reading books and/or critically thinking, and it’s not that I don’t think it could be used in a utilitarian way as a cool tool, but the thought of the loss of the process of seeking by the human being – complete with imperfections – knowledge and answers, concerns me. I don’t want my mental processes, especially the creative ones, to become “irrelevant” all because I might have fallen for some trap related to “convenience in fact finding” or “ease and rate of image building”.
I can see changes in myself every single day – and perhaps more descriptively – I can feel a weird kind of apathy rolling in: like a storm that’s going to wash away my memory of ever being able to do research and write my thoughts down. Do you know what I mean?”
Yes, though I do not use the technology willingly myself, I do know exactly what she means.
A summary doesn’t only distill information, it translates it from one form to another. It can extract only that sort of information that is extractable. Information that is inescapably contextual can only be transmitted in kind. Poems and love stories condensed down to bullet points may let you pass a high school test, but they also remove the essence from the creation that one might call a soul.
As Charles Eisenstein said in a recent essay
“When machines do the work of imagining for us, and the work of understanding a text, posing an argument, or writing a business plan, we risk succumbing to a passive conditioned helplessness disconnected from our creative authorship. We are left defenseless against the authoritarian agendas that AI and total information awareness make possible. Indeed, we may come to welcome them.”
(…continued from above)
I am not ‘anti-machine intelligence’ nor am I inherently opposed to creating self-improving computer programs, however, given that most of our human family have yet to even honestly address the multi-generational trauma and colonialism that is present in most of our minds (which has led to the destruction of vast ecosystems, poisoning the sacred waters, genocide, oppression and endless war for millennia) I do not think that creating machines (which will inevitably be an extension of that same domination based state of mind and trauma) to do all the work for us ten times as fast, build better weapons for us and re-structure our brains into even more rigid and mechanistic realms is a wise choice.
Thus, I for one, do not choose lean into these current forms of artificial intelligence, rather I choose to lean into the more ancient, proven and trusted intelligence that is embodied in the living systems of the Earth.
ecological literacy grounded*
The topic of human memory association with geographical place goes back to very ancient cultures, the Australian indigenous population being a very good example. This offers a very wholesome perspective on the denigrating effects of what you call statism, however, I would not say centralised governance is directly responsible and instead direct my gaze to far more fundamental causes grounded firmly in philosophy and the basis of language. All western languages operate on SOV or SVO or some other slight variation: S= Subject, V= Verb, O= object. That is to say, all common languages imply free will. Within the context of verbism (free will), the situations portrayed in your above thesis are very possible, but if one assumes increasing philosophical prowess of even a small fraction of the population, then all of it comes undone. I understand the idea of not having free will is one echoed by the ‘technocratics’, but when this concept becomes a ceaseless unveiling it offers the ‘technocrats’ no advantage and dismantles any and all centralisations of power. So the danger of Ai is that the language models cement Verbism, but the greater reality is that a single person can apply these Ai “language” technologies to out maneuver verbism.
I will reiterate at risk of sounding like a broken record. The tool to be concerned about sits above language at the information exchange level (network manipulation). It is called Agent Based Modelling (ABM) and it is used to model the behaviour of complex adaptive systems (CAS).
The guy who fostered ABM is George Cowan, he also created the A-bomb. He developed the idea of the chain reaction to release energy. ABM and CAS are an extension of the chain reaction idea but instead of merely releasing energy in a simple impulsed manner, the energy released is far more complex and the systems involved can be as big as you can conceive(an entire planet for instance). People don’t get it @G, they think they do, they do not <=(see what i did not do there).
Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts.
In the lands of some of my ancestors they have a word that does not translate to English. It conveys a blend of homesickness, nostalgia and longing. “Hiraeth” is a pull on the heart that conveys a distinct feeling of missing something irretrievably lost.
Hiraeth gives a name to that sense of incompleteness you feel when you’re acutely aware of something missing in your life. Something you’ve left behind in the past – a home, a sense of feeling at home in yourself, an out-grown dream – or maybe an ideal you’ve invented that can never be realised, or a hope that perpetually eludes you as the future unfolds. At its core, hiraeth boils down to an awareness of the presence of absence, kindling a feeling in which pain and joy are braided too tightly to untangle.
Words and language are indeed powerful forms of magic, and while I cannot speak to what you describe regarding “verbism” and free will, having studied a few indigenous languages from Turtle Island now and having begun to learn some Gaelic and Welsh words I can say that there is a significant difference in the type of magic wielded within their language as compared to english.
The English language is structured to re-enforce anthropocentric delusions of grandeur, relegating all our non-human relations on earth to the demeaning status of being an “it”. Older languages with an ethos of deep belonging to place do not refer to the trees, or the birds, or the fish, or the river or the mountain as an “it”, they refer to those beings as kin.
These variations in language in how we refer to the beings we share this world with seem inconsequential to the indoctrinated self important statist that trusts “The Science”, but how much easier is it to train human beings to be willing to poison a river or clear cut an ancient forest for profit when you raise them describing those beings as inanimate objects, rather than referring to them in the same way you would refer to a sister or a grandfather?
Words indeed have power, and so to place based cultural worldviews that evoke and invite humility, biomimicry and symbiosis.
Such are the seeds I gather and plant in fertile soils.
Just as the weed breaking through the cement in the sidewalk, so to do the long awaited and dormant seeds of our ancestors have the potential to punch through the seemingly solid structure of the earth suffocating entity that is modern industrial civilization and statism.
I give no fear to all the AI, drones, statist schemes to dominate, weapons of mass destruction and nefarious corporate oligarchs, but rather, I gather and sow seeds, knowing that even if I were to die tomorrow, what results from those efforts will outlive my lifespan by many magnitudes, honoring the Creator’s design by aligning with the irrepressible regenerative currents of nature he set in motion. Being an expression of the will of Creator in that way is enough for me.
We could look at this as a centralisation of syntax I suppose.
…and like a centralised governance of people, if the underlying composition (syntax) does not reflect reality, corruption will ensue.
@G Welsh is interesting having a unique origin. A couple of twins probably made it up :D. A solid theme surrounding the points you raise on perspective, how we view self(subject) and other(object)… it is when one imposes(verbs) upon another that the thing loses wholeness.
“The English language is structured to re-enforce anthropocentric delusions of grandeur, relegating all our non-human relations on earth to the demeaning status of being an “it”” – This Definitely “tracks”(to use new speak), humans are much more than SOV syntax language permits. Colonialism did a good job of removing other languages and syntax.
God speed @G
The First cementation of verbism was the epic of Gilgamesh, followed by the Torah, Bible & Koran. Then the printing press came along. There does exists an unbroken chain of human to human transmissions of the philosophy of syntax but it is very difficult to transmit without conversation as it requires the resolution of a feedback loop and constant reinforcement. Or you could go to a cave and risk insanity.
It also requires an honest pursuit of the true nature of reality to met with a proper understanding. Most people seek power, where as within reality power is a delusion created by a corrupted syntax.
re: the epic of Gilgamesh
As I highlighted in this poll:
King Gilgamesh was apparently as obsessed with immortality as modern day transhumanists like Peter Theil and Bezos.
It is said that he heard that the once mighty and lush temperate cedar forest of Lebanon held the key to everlasting life and he set out to carve his way through the forests in search of his prize. I was said that the Cedars of Lebanon are guarded by the demigod Humbaba. Gilgamesh and his men cut down (clearcut) the cedar forests during his quest for immortality.
Some consider the tale as the earliest record of major anthropogenic deforestation of a climax ecosystem.
Well put G! Man must return to the earth or they will fall with their tech a.i. tower of babel, like a tree without roots.
I would suspect that you have read Wendell Berry’s “Unsettling of America.” I call Wendell American’s wise man because that book alone could save this nation and all others if the people would understand what is in that book and put it into practice.
Thanks, I appreciate you reading and commenting.
Yes, Wendell is a very insightful man.
Linked in the note below are some select pages from The Unsettling of America: Culture and Agriculture.
He saw trends with vivid clarity (even way back in the 70-s) that have culminated in exactly what he predicted they would. One might describe passages like this (circled in red in one of the pics below) as very prescient indeed.
I do not share all the views he expressed (over 40 years ago now in the updated edition of the book I own) regarding to the ideal role of government, the supposed benefits of organized dogmatic religious belief systems and what an ideal form of food cultivation would look like, however I do agree with a lot of what he shares in the book.
I have great respect for him having tried to encourage people to give back to the land (the soil). Also, I am impressed with how he accurately pointed out that hyper-specialization/compartmentalization in society/education ( leading to “trust the expert-ism”) is a trend that leads to totalitarianism.
We can see the fullest expression of that totalitarianism he warned about gaining significant momentum in the last 5 years.
Thanks for the thoughtful comment.
You are welcome G, thank you as well.
What he wrote about the superstition of economy could easily translate over to the superstition of authority as well.
take care…
These are also the tools that enable very real weather manipulation.
Looking into this is a great idea and I wanted to thank you for suggesting that we do so. There is a lot of meek people who haven’t dared look. It’s not a pretty picture and can be quite crushing to the meek. I’m sure you know the conditioning that has been applied, at least you seem to acknowledge some level of awareness. The David Icke situation?. I have much the same response but do find a portion to be solid ground, the rest speculative, lacking obvious missing or occluded information.
Dr. Anna Marie Mehalcea is one of those complicated and not wholly understandable creatures. High up and well placed not to mention an intelligent thinker active in larger areas than I’m familiar with. She contributes more than most to the puzzle of understanding the TPTSB ; regularly coming across with heart. Here’s one of her latest offerings. If and only if this is fact and not a P.R. press release can we guess at how this is being used to further the 2030 agendas. It’s old tech, dating from 2001, and no surprise to have been 20 years older at that time. I agree , it’s all connected but what’s fake and what’s being used daily, hard to know.
The Dr you have referenced has a very boring hobby in “meek” pseudo science. I would say individuals like her are passively promoted by “TPTSNB” to cater for a largely uneducated demographic. The link you have posted is vague and only “connected” to anything mentioned prior via the laws of physics, any other connection would be correlative bias. In conclusion, your post has been, at most, a slightly confusing distraction for some and a slightly annoying misdirection for others. Including a link was clever though, makes it easy.
IBM Brain in a Box
Interesting reading. IBM clip was truly diabolical.You mumbled an esoteric reply to several here, which makes your dialogue the news; slightly confusing the content of your communication for us lesser synapse’ d. Can you tell us what’s going on in you head so we can at least be comfortable with you in the room? It’s just a matter of velocity differential. I believe you have something critical to say. I find critique can be a beautiful art form. Inspirational and informative. Dream away.
You make light of what has already been said. Nothing was “mumbled”, nothing is “esoteric”. Those who are uncomfortable may look inward for answers, those who are inquisitive can look into the Santa Fe Institute, whose seal contains three Nazi symbols: the ‘Iron Cross’, clockwise ‘Swastika’ and the ‘Black Sun’:
The Santa Fe Institute is an offshoot from Los Alamos (just across the valley).
The Navajo had symbols which looked like Swastikas.
In New Mexico, those type of symbols are not uncommon.
You think me to be a simpleton. There was/is an agreement after WWII not to use such symbology in this context(native American symbology). I am speaking as someone who understands these people and their goals. If you bothered to look into the founders and the current president and the research arenas you wouldn’t be so quick to rebuke. Assume for a moment I am someone worth listening to. We know where the Zionists are, but where are their Nazi cohorts and masters?
Find for me another group in New Mexico with three Nazi symbols within their seal and founded by men with the technological tools to manipulate a planet. I take it you don’t understand the tools they are using. If you haven’t the intellectual bearing to absorb the tools academically then watch the “Foundation” series on Apple TV based on Asimov’s vision. These people don’t need to hide what they are doing because 99.999% of people have not the capacity to understand it. Prove me wrong.
Still waiting to hear back from you on this HRS.
Have you managed to find another group in New Mexico with three Nazi symbols in their seal, founded by men with ties to literal Nazi’s who created the most destructive technology on earth, now researching universal scaling technologies capable of utalising and directing all of the Earth’s resources toward a single goal through emergent phenomenon via Agent Based Modelling made possible by the digitisation of all physical assets?
You shouldn’t have too much difficulty as I’m told “In New Mexico, those type of symbols are not uncommon”…
Stop implying that I was trying to rebuke you or attack you.
You are being an ass.
All I said was:
“The Navajo had symbols which looked like Swastikas.
In New Mexico, those type of symbols are not uncommon.”
These symbols are even ‘built in’ on some older homes as designs.
That was all I said.
A statement of fact.
And here you are going on a rampage like someone is attacking you.
Lay off the sugar.
The Native American symbol resembling a swastika was a “good luck” “blessing” “healing” “peace” symbol.
TV News clip
Why are swastikas built into homes across Northwest Texas?
5 minutes of different homes
The intent of symbols.
One person may have a different intent with a symbol than another person using the same symbol.
We do not need to guess the intent of the men who established the Santa Fe Institute, their lives and research interests are in the public space. The difficulty lies in comprehending what such infers.
It’s not what you say HRS, it’s the intent.
You imply that I think myself a victim, you suggest the idea that I am on a rampage, you call me an ass, and you tell me to lay off, positioning yourself as a victim.
Your response is caught up in emotion with little call to reason. Don’t let ego cloud your discrimination of truth.
I don’t know anything about this institute, but I know that seals should not be taken lightly. I also know that many important things are occluded, it’s the way of the world.
I love your attitude. It’s refreshing in a world of doom and gloom. When I’ve reached my limit and have room for no more fear, deceit and lies I come to this site and get refreshed. I have been following you since you first video before NWNW even. I have checked out your sources and have found you to be one to be trusted.
So thank you James for years of truths
I’m in agreement with you. The first show that really brought it home was on the Panopticon years ago. James has done an amazing job at creating a “safe” place for folks to share ideas.
As to the “dream” since no true controllers have been taken out the future will be like the past until they are. So many agendas within the various controller groups.
As long as MSM is the lackey of these folks, spinning the truth or outright lying, the majority of folks who are without curiosity about things and “trust” the press, media, TV and movies, etc. will buy into the propaganda.
They are damaged for sure, they have given up their sovereignty for being “safe.”
A bad exchange.
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In 1970, Henry Kissinger said:
“Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control people.”
– – – – – – – – – – – – –
“The fundamental tools of deception are the encouragement of FEAR and a belief in SCARCITY.”
– EJ Doyle
A big part of the madness. From the late friend and American Indian Movement leader:
JOHN TRUDEL MAY 1980 (speech)
One can hope that this is the year the zionist project finally disintegrates. At the very least, I hope that more of the world wakes up and resists.
I wish you were right, but all signs point to the Zionist Project increasing, perhaps even coming to fruition. With Zion Don taking office, surrounding himself with ever worst Zionist traitors, the Zionists are set to go into overdrive-all of humanity is their enemy-as I have said many times, we are all Palestinians, many are just too stupid to recognize it.
Trump’s bio is so criminal, so un-American, yet he is MAGA? You could right volumes as to why he is not worthy of such adoration from many Americans, least of all “Christians”: His mentor was Roy Cohn, a Zionist who is referred to as “Satan on Earth”. Trump was bailed out numerous times by Zionist banksters, because we all know how generous Zio-bankers are…His endless financial dealings with Chinese and Russian oligarchs, his close association and financial backer and arch Zionist Sheldon Adelson. His close association with J. Epstein…yet all this and so much more is dismissed by those who support him because the “media hates him”. The media loves him, the media could have destroyed Chump if they simply focused endlessly on his business dealings, but they mostly ignored that, focusing on the frivolous nonsense. They know what moves Americans AND what does NOT. Typical Zio manipulation: “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”, Trump played his role well, and the saps of the American right fell right for it.
Point out all the innumerable problems with Chump’s first term, and it is wiped away with “they fooled him”. Chump is the master of double speak and double thought. His oblivious followers maintain two diametrically apposed concepts: Trump is at once, “a master of the deal, 3-D Chess player, genius businessman, while simultaneously a babe in the woods, surrounded by people undermining him and his objectives…
Trump is another in a long line of corrupted men, life-time actors, who have been picked, funded and guided by the Zionist system to serve a terrible role: Wilson, FDR, Hitler, Churchill, LBJ, Gates, Soros, Rockefeller, Musk, Kissinger, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Obama, Biden, and on and on, men who failed upwards, men who once in their prominent position, served the Zionist all too well. Nixon did not serve them so well, and he is the most maligned American President. I’m not a fan of Nixon, but compared to my list, he is an patriot, while Lincoln and FDR, men often listed as the best, are anything but.
Trump may be the worst, he is in a class by himself as traitors go, a man who is the antithesis of everything he claims to be. I foresee great bouleversement, the likes of which few can hardly imagine. It is not clairvoyance that gives me insight to what lies before us, but simple understanding of what happens when you have pure malevolence on one side and total ignorance on the other.
Biden was Weimar 2.0, Trump in many ways will be our Hitler. Understanding that Hitler was also funded by the Zionists, with Germany being the real target, as well as the creation of Israel.
I don’t mean to be a relative downer on this web site, but what people lack most is the understanding and acceptance of consequences.
Americans swim in a universe on utter nonsense, we don’t see reality, we don’t understand consequences. We a have a political class, media and “entertainment system, that feed us an endless stream of lies, one atop another, until no matter how great the lie, people have to sallow it, yet the whole system will come crumbling down. Covid was a great example of this, where to see the reality as Covid as a scam would undermine our belief in our “liberal Democratic system”. Thus many people had to accept Covid as real, or face a horrifying reality. The limits of Western society’s credulity was constantly inched up. Many nations showed the strain, sadly, not so much in America.
In America, where Zionist lies die last, even when the Covid scam was beyond obvious and could no longer exist within our carefully constructed illusion of Democracy/freedom, it was thusly compartmentalized, rationalized: Covid was not an example of a world wide conspiracy, it was simply a example of Big Pharma influence. Fauci was the criminal, not Trump, not the Zionists that infested our government, the CDC and FDA AND control Big Pharma, nope, it was just Fauci. The Zios are masters of the scape goat, giving the willfully ignorant someone to heap their hate upon. Covid did not wake people up as much as it reinforced the idea that Western Governments, unlike their Communist counterparts, like Putin’s Russia, are easily corrupted with money. Thus the Covid scam, once reveled, was carefully crafted into the anti-Western narrative.
The one constant within in ALL spheres of influence, regardless how awake they think they are, they underestimate the genius (psychopathic though it is) of those looking to enslave us. That is not to say the they, them, those, have infinite power, of course not, but they are very careful, always planning, always studying us, understanding our weaknesses, and using them against us, all the while consolidating, monopolizing, building their panopticon all around us. EXACTLY like a cancer growing in a two carton a day smoker.
Thus we fight shadows, imagined bogymen, migrants, gays, Muslims (how many Middle East nations has the West destroyed, yet “Muslims are the threat to us”), “liberals”… while the enemy’s noose around our neck ever tightens. I am not a pessimist, no more than someone on the Titanic witnessing the impending iceberg, rather, this is simply, horribly, consequence.
Look at the Los Angeles fires, a great example of scapegoating and misdirection: From the start we have the mayor of LA off in Ghana, the DEI “diversity” chief pushing its stupidity, and Gavin Newsom’s brawl with Trump (Trump was oblivious about everything else during his first term, but evidently was proficient in land management).
This is why we need to be very careful about those we are trained to hate. These events are often hung around the neck of “wokism/DEI”, and because these groups have been so maligned as anti-western, that is all we need to satiate our search for accountability. We never understand the malevolence behind these agendas, like Wokism and DEI. It is never put into historical context, where such governmental “incompetence” or “wokism”, has been used against society before. Where such context would reveal patterns, patterns used by Marxists to bring about society unrest and Communism/Bolshevism.
“Those dam trans or maybe “global homo” is to blame”. Because we all know, gender identity is directly associated with competency AND morality, right Christians? How many times have I seen a person’s sexual orientation identified as the root cause of their malicious behavior, not their ties to Zionism or Globalism? I never hate people for who they are, but for what they DO, if their actions are harmful to others.
These events are always used to exemplify the failings of individuals, but that is as far as it goes. In our society it is not a crime to be incompetent, thus those seen as “incompetent”, will never pay a price, no matter the cost of their failings. But this is NOT incompetence, at best they are negligent homicides, at worst it is treason, agent provocateurs working to undermine society through deadly means.
But Americans will never understand any of this, they have been trained to hate the individual, not the system that creates him/her.
“….Because we all know, gender identity is directly associated with competency AND morality, right Christian…..”
They are certainly associated with mental illness and life outlook.
The mental illness rates of homosexuals is significantly higher then that of the general population and gender dysphoria is , by definition, a mental illness.
Such people have been useful to the ruling class but I honestly don’t think the ruling class actually likes them any more then they like the rest of us
As a rule, I don’t respond to fanatics, but your comment is so wrong headed, I need to at least retort in short. There is no thought behind what you write, you just parrot nonsense.
I write a page of concerns discussing, in part, not being distracted by hating people for who they are, and you do precisely that which I argue against.
“Such people have been useful to the ruling class”, since when is a person’s sexual orientation the predominant personality characteristic of those who serve the globalists? That which has historically allowed gays to be blackmailed into doing the bidding of the Zionists, is born of religious bigotry. If a person’s sexual orientation had been not made illegal, those gay individuals would not have been able to be blackmailed in the first place.
Homosexuality and mental illness, I note you do not cite any claims you make here disparaging homosexual, but absent any facts backing up your comment, I would argue: if you create a society where by you demonize a particular human characteristic, such as homosexuality, you will certainly engender an unhealthy response to that demonization. People will fulfill those beliefs foisted upon them by society, often in the form of self-hate and self destructive tendencies.
Honestly, some of the greatest psychopaths in history have done their evil in the name of their religion, that is a rather colossal glass house you’ve created.
“Such people (homosexuals) have been useful to the ruling class”, such as: Klaus Schwab, Bill Clinton, George Bush, Jeffery Epstein, Zion Don, Mao, Putin, Lennon, Marx, Stalin, Netanyahu, Julius Rosenberg, Chi Mak, Benedict Arnold, Jonathan Pollard…
It seems so much of your belief system is based on unchallenged fallacies. Of course, when Christinaity itself is delusional, challenging fallacies is the last thing you are interested in.
In the context of the concerns which I lay out, your response is simply absurd. I won’t waste my time with you again.
You may look up plenty of studies that how mental health for LGB people is worse but here is one…. This has been documented for nearly a hundred years.
Coincidence of mental illness is considerably higher then the general population
Gender dysphoria is by definition a mental illness, and associated with high self harm rates.
If you want I can pull up a more studies to post here…. It’s not even covered up or anything.
Homosexuals have worse life outcomes and health outcomes in general.
As to homosexuality being used as a wedge and homosexual people used as agents of change uou just need to look at Kinsey, John money, magnus heirschfeld and the heavily Jewish and Marxist (or both) side of the LGB movement at its inception.
You can also look into the Bolshevik sexual revolution, Alexandra kollontai was big in that – it caused such social disruption that even Lenin disavowed it and the Bolsheviks rolled back the laws to RE-criminalize degenerate behavior.
It is not about demonizing homosexuality, just recognizing that it has been of great use to the social controllers in breaking down the previous system so a more slavish one can be built.
Again “libido dominandi “ and “degenerate moderns” by EM jones give in depth detail
“….Bisexual females were six times more likely to have attempted suicide in the previous year than their straight peers, for example, and were three times more likely to have an opioid use disorder. Bisexual males were three times more likely to have had problems with serious mental illness in the previous year than their straight counterparts. And about a third of all bisexual people and gay males said they had a problem with a substance use disorder in the year before they filled out the survey, th….”
“…1 in 4 bisexual females and more than 1 in 7 lesbian females had a major depressive episode in the year they took the survey. Women who identify as lesbian or bi were about twice as likely than stra….”
“…For decades, studies have shown that members of the LGBTQ community have a higher prevalence of substance use and mental health issues.…”
There are links on the article page
If you are looking for proof of mental issues, I suggest you find a mirror.
One hint to your issue, context, you lack context in “your” analysis.
..hmmm…i wonder…has anyone ever met a happy lesbian?
lol … I am sure such a thing exists. But since I’m feeling snarky it brings to mind the story about women preeching and dogs walking on their hind legs. lol… more seriously though when talking % and ratios it’s important to remember the principal of #notEvery.
That said I really DONT think i have personally met a happy lesbian though I have met a happy gay dude
Dittos here. Went over my list of females after my comment. Nah.
Thot about the time i was down on Cheshire Bridge Rd, Atlanta, GA Christmas Eve, mid 90’s. Had been driving close to an hour looking to shop, but this year ALL was closed. Nothing open but a small building i took for a juke joint. Thot to ask if they knew any place open.
Be-bop up to the bar. Nobody smiling back at me… Some gal dressed like a lumber jack asked me to dance, but i said, No. She turned to the gal sitting next to me in a cotton house dress & she said yes.., but still no SMILES. ..hmmm…yes, i should have known–I was in the queer part of town.
So down the bar is this older couple. The only guy is acting friendly, but the old lady not so much. Anyway, they (he) wants me going home with… (Time to go!!!)
Said i can’t go now, but give me a call. Slipped him the number to Dial-A-Queer, jumped in the 1950 Chevy, and away i go!
Thank you for your reply. Could we currently be witnessing the transition from Pax Americana to Pax Judaica? We just might.
It is my belief, as unpopular as it may be, that all these religions were designed to mold the masses into people that would accept something like Covid with such obedience.
I do not think the unhomogenized cultures and religions within human history would have been so easily cowed. Covid was my wake up call, there have been many since, it showed me how choreographed our world is, and how ALL these institutions have played a role in our subjugation.
These SOBs are burning California, and what do we get, “recall the mayor”. We are in the middle of a war, and so very few will understand this, unless the media tells them.
Anything that promotes “saviorism” or is global in nature, is beyond suspect to me. There are NO saviors, we need to save ourselves. But we won’t because far too many have been indoctrinated into the poison pill Jewish myths. Unlike Celtic, Viking and Germanic religions, which taught to fight the enemy, Christinaity was all about turn the other cheek, give unto Caesar and love thy enemy. While the Old Estimate Jews are all about mass murder and world conquest…funny how that works out. This constructed dichotomy is working out so well for the globalists that is. I wonder if the Christians in Palestine or Syria are waiting for a savior, or will he only come when white American Christains are threatened…lol
I’m bitter because I know this is how they will destroy us, and I also know, it is coming fast.
The Jews are not sufficiently martial to impose a pac by force without a goy system to do the dirty work, even if there were enough of them to do it.
They can barely hold onto the stuff they have already stolen in the Middle East and it looks like their plan to re-colonize Ukraine is going nowhere unless the US can bring the hammer down on Russia
I had been fumbling round all day , looking for a quote and wah- la! It was so related to this report I must include it here. Tacitus. Yes that one. The well thought of Roman historians’ historian. The quote goes like this.
” These times having the rare good fortune that you may think what you like and say what you think.”
It seems even back then that he knew what the past and future could be quite the other way . Say you remember Blairs and Dickens and Kafka just so recently . Rulers like Tito, Mio, Tiberius even didn’t like back- talk. You name a few? They were real and we have blue skies right now . Tacitus , was as we are now in a sweet spot. The Roman garrison Emperors , like what we are now beginning in the USA ,would go on for 600 more years. History has a lot to offer us. We can dream or we can do something. Now is the hour. We are in the sweet spot. Will history repeat it’s self? Or , possibly time will rev up that 600 year run to just another 100yrs. Well I don’t know. But if there ever was a sweet spot for writing of our past or our future, now is the time of that hour. It could be what we want it to be. War is over if we want it could be in the Ox History Quotes a hundred years from now instead of what G.Blair for-told.
Thanks for the link. At a glance, looks quite interesting. Have been compiling such history type stuff these past few months. Have a great number of PDF’s. *sigh* Some dang near 700pages.
i hate my PDF reader. He will not obey. A new-fangled ai job. The right bastard is always selling summat. Got another version, but he will not change background color & search is mice type.
That’s what i get for falling down the rabbit holey of the (((jews))) got put out of 1,036 countries listing… Trying to fix a weird list… Yet they™ have been put out of various and sundry. 1 entry at a time…
I enjoyed your religious poetry at the end.
Dreaming has its place, and I don’t mind you sharing yours.
Artificial Intelligence and natural stupidity, the perfect pair…
It is clear that AI is very ‘woke’. Is it really intelligent? That would seem like a real oxymoron.
To me, the excitement of watching the near future, comes from seeing if, and how, we can avoid becoming extremely dependent and manipulated by AI.
AI is most dangerous because people have become so stupid… as documented in “the dumbest generation” tech use has made people lazy, ignorant and incurious while making them FEEL highly informed.
AI itself is very dangerous in that it’s unpredictable and will randomly do odd stuff but it’s also very generic and repetitive. It’s not going to replace people any time soon, if ever, except people that are basically useless wastes of office space anyway.
My bet, based on what I’ve been hearing esp from Ed zitron (“better offline podcast) is that it’s another .com bubble that will burst as soon as it runs out of funny money…. No way would I cook a pizza based on the crap AI tells me, let alone meth- people asking an onion AI how to do stuff are about on the same level as people who ended up being called lefty after trying out firework mixtures they read on a BBS.
The real danger is how it makes people stupid by suggesting they know something that they have no understanding of
I agree wit your analysis, but I don’t know what to do to correct things.
I suspect anger and arrogance may not be the keys.
I don’t think it’s possible to save people that don’t want to be saved 🙁
Pretty sure we will be seeing a mass uptick in suicide very soon because of the large number of mentally unwell people in society. I can go into my personal crazy person theory of mental illness being caused by people being made more open to demonic oppression by the modern culture but that’s neither nor there on the numbers.
Things will right themselves eventually, it will just involve a lot of horrible stuff happening first. Best to find irl people to get thru that and hope for the best
On the meat space slice of enjoying life because it is there to be enjoyed, I attended a Folk Music Festival recently. There, all sorts gathered for the pleasure of listening to good musicians do their thing. It was low key and lovely. One wandered from one small venue to the next to hear peoples’ music originating from many cultures.
Two highlights:
* A performance told the history of the Irish banished from Ireland to “Van Diemens Land”, many because of their political organising after the Potatoe Famines which killed a million Irish around 1850. The spoken word history was interleaved with Irish/Celtic music played on traditional instruments. The most wonderful were flute and fiddle playing in unison. There is something about these instruments together, playing Irish melodies. It is pure magic.
* Two young people, one acoustic guitar, one drum kit (and taborine), two voices in harmony. The two gifted performers who had the whole room up dancing by the end. Musicianship is one skill. Performing is another. This duo had both.
That sounds great! Do you know their names?
“Good job, good job!” – ‘Hancock’
Just piping up to say we’re here living in harmony with other conspiracy realists. Maybe you suspect, based on the ratio of supporters:commenters, yet no one has said it aloud? Here am I. Lol! I have my beliefs, sure, and in the past I’ve been moved to state and defend my position online. Now that I’m older and more experienced I’ve realized its a big fat waste of time and emotional & mental energy. I also now realize its possible I’m not 100% right. And anyway, would I rather be right, or happy? I choose happy. So, all that to say, your last hopeful prediction may already be in effect. I am one and I think there are many more like me who are willing to sit around the fire with others of different conspiracy realist beliefs, singing Kumbaya. So be encouraged, indomitable Corbett! =)
It’s a nice idea but at the end of the day even your enemies enemy is sometimes just …. Your enemy too.
You can be allies with people who disagree with you but you can’t be allies with an actual crazy person who thinks the earth is flat or history is all made up because they are not living in reality
Right after the Great Reset, the WEF.came across with the Great Narrative. The biggest issue, they thought, was diminishing faith and trust in media, government and institutions.
They started hypocritic and degenerated woke-ish narratives to create unrest and now, they send in their right leaning puppets to save the world.
So, my prediction is: we move even faster forward to Agenda 2030 by switching from left narratives to „more reasonable“ right narratives.
That’s what academic agent thinks… but there will have to be a bit of a war between the true wokie believers and the new crowd.
Dear James.
I have a problem that I have been struggling with for long enough time to finally get it out of my head. As a brief introduction I must say that I have been a follower of your productions for many years and a full subscriber for the last few. Long enough to note certain trends. And here comes the question that is troubling me.
In your latest excellent and as usual deeply researched article “2025 predictions” at one point you list a large number of podcasts and internet programs whose honourable position in the search for truth supported by deep and professional research places them in the “freedom ring” of people tracking and revealing the agenda of total control takeover by the “fringe minority” of oligarchs over the overwhelming majority of the world’s population. I absolutely agree with the list mentioned by you, because I consider them very valuable sources of information and subscribe to several of them myself. With a note of regret and disappointment however I do not find among them the name David Icke or at least mention of his programs such as or But it is not only here that his work is omitted in your projects because after reviewing a significant number of the archives I was unable to find any references to David Icke or even references to his extensive body of work.
In light of the fact that Icke is one of the first and continually longest-running researchers and debunkers of the ongoing global agenda of enslaving humanity I am finding this fact striking. All the more so because after 35 years he continues to be a pillar of opposition to these criminal activities. Moreover, the information he presents and which is the result of a thorough analysis of the facts and the courage in revealing them coincides to a large extent with what you also present in your work.
I am sorry to say that I sense a bias in omitting Icke’s statements or referring to his research.
Could you calm my doubts and eliminate my possibly false judgments of the situation by explaining reasons that could be a culprit? If there are any?
This is a very important issue for me. Thank you. Best regards, Robert.
It is fair to say Icke has modified his broad narrative significantly over time. From being Christ reincarnate to Saturn radio broadcasts to lizard people. David Icke is the crazy uncle you always invite to a celebration because he’s fun and you respect him, but he’s not exactly someone you send the kids to for advice. Icke is something of a phenomenon but he’s not a scholar or reputable journalist which to reference. If i had to guess I would say Icke is the victim, at least initially, of focused/projected acoustic messaging (hearing voices telling him to do things). Icke gets a lot of love from Whitney, the community appreciates him and there is every reason to be content with the situation as it is. I doubt James will engage in playground politics with you.
Thanks for your intellectual effort catalyst, but the question was addressed to James not to you. If he chooses not to answer then its fine, but I doubt he needs any you help. Cheers.
That’s the marvellous thing about framing things wholly and honestly Robert, It requires zero effort.
You missed the sarcasm. Only if things are framed „wholly and honestly” they can sound intellectual. But they really have to be „framed” that way. Otherwise they always sound artificial and forced, catalyst.
Let’s pretend (for the sake of reality) that I didn’t miss the sarcasm.
It’s always good to see the world in context Robert.
Well said.
Don’t follow leaders;
Feed the parking meters.
PS Now that I am older, at times when I get really tired, my wife complains that I look like a lizard.
ha! …that last line! 🙂
RE: David Icke synopsis
I think your rendition was well expressed and well balanced.
I appreciate it, because your renditional write-up would be something I would copy-n-paste to any friends who had questions about Icke.
— — —
Robert (BobbyK),
Sorry that you felt ‘your question to James’ was interfered with.
These comment sections are like the wild west, and the sheriff rarely enters into a fray.
It is a reasonable bet that James has eyeballed your comment.
Appreciate you comment, thanks.
Corbett’s “I have a dream…” speech on the steps of the Voluntaryist Memorial
This time-prints in my mind for opening 2025.
I predicted this shift towards populism in 2020 as the bitter jagged pill of wokeism was being held up as the next global trend. I saw the more socially conservative, and especially the religious and socially conservative, factions of “the resistance,” swinging away at it with a fury and a fervor rarely eclipsed by any social phenomenon I can remember.
Wokeism was never their long term plan. It was a wedge, a cudgel, nothing more. Yes, it destroyed the lives of the spiritually bankrupt by tricking many parents and children to into having those horrendous “sex change operations,” and caused a lot of otherwise unstable persons to derail their own lives, often splattering others with efforts in “cancel culture,” but that was merely the toxic heavy metal load serving as adjuvant in the “vaccine” against the offending pathogen called wokeism.
It was all done in order to trigger a response. Wokeism is expensive and unsustainable. A puritanical conservatism is much cheaper and easier to manage. But they couldn’t force that upon the masses, so they used the cudgel of wokeism in order to get people to push back against it, wherein they naturally and voluntarily adopted the stance of its perceived opposite, which is a more socially conservative populism.
It’s not a victory. It’s the next step. And I predicted it in 2020. Their AI incorporates not only Game Theory and more cybernetic feedback loops than a box of Fruit Loops, but is fed on real time data from social media and the interwebs as a whole. It doesn’t take a PhD in behavioral psychology or applied computer science to understand this. It’s very basic in its concept. It’s actually like an evil form homeopathic medicine – like cures like. Offer the system a small dose of the offending pathogen, and the system realigns itself against it.
Not a victory. It will be the downfall of those who see it as such.
If a boxer goes down in the third round, most people might assume he was simply outmatched, or underperformed. But the bookies and mobsters may just have a different view of it, as they smile, laugh, and congratulate the fallen for the performance of a lifetime.
Something like puritanical conservatism is pretty much how any stable society functions.
The destruction of the old Christian based culture was done because of a small cabal of perverts wanting it but the funding came from the rich who wanted to be able to rewrite culture (see em jones libido dominandi book)
You are right that they now need to reinstate some kind of normal society if they want to use the human capital but I think they will make it more like the Roman world then what we had a century ago
I was exposed to the ridiculously dogmatic rhetoric of E. Michael Jones many years ago when he was a guest on Jan Irving’s show (yes, the guy who has been descending into absolute insanity for so many years, sad to see because he used to be a pretty good researcher, used to work with Corbett, Grove, et al). I’m sorry, but anyone who promotes E. Michael Jones is someone I just can’t take seriously. That sort of theological dogmatism and “Catholic elitism” blinds people completely and buries a person under bias and BS.
Magnetic reversal
EM Jones has notes linking his sources in his books.
He mainly quotes from the people his argues against…. And his history is quite excellent considering that his background is Lit.
He DOES have a very strong catholic bent to his outlook but that IN NO WAY negates from the history that he presents… may disagree with his WorldView but his books are the best resource on how the West ended up where it is today in existence.
His rhetoric only looks dogmatic to those who do not actually have any knowledge of what he is talking about- he just a kinda old guy now so when talking he tends to hit the same few points again and again, but as stated IF you know the history then you will know his is quite correct on most points.
The thing is that his message has a not particularly welcome to many people because the mind set of even those who THINK they are anti NWO is actually just an earlier iteration of the same philosophy.
Seriously EM Jones does work on the large scale picture that even Mr Corbett or Richard Grove don’t match
I was thinking about how crazy Richard Grove sounded when I first heard his talking because you need a certain level of background to get what he is saying.
In the same way I think if you READ EM Jones books you will appreciate him a lot more – he goes into far more depth and background in his writing then he does speaking on pods.
Thank you, E.M Jones is a joke, he is highly compromised. there are many “spheres of influence”, our Zionist rulers create to control discourse and maintain narratives.
When the “Fuck Joe Biden”, ridiculousness was being bushed, the other aspect of the narrative was how wonderful Putin is. Putin’s principal claim to fame was his stance on homosexuality. At the time, Jones was one of many propped up “influencers”, Nick Fuentes was another, Putin fan boys that made homosexuality the root of our problems, and Putin along with Theocratic Christianity the answer. This was a GREAT example of the ludicrous nature of our ALLOWED public discourse. Jewish absolute profound DOMINATION of every aspect of Human existence, is always off the table, we just get imagined boogeymen to wrap scapegoat. Nevertheless, I listened to a debate between EMJ and Adam Green of KNOWMORENEWS (Adam is great in small doses, he is surely compromised, but you can’t find more valuable informative pod casts). Adam destroyed Jones, firstly Jones’ age is showing, but his whole argument was, “the Bible true, because the Bible said so”. What was even more revealing, at least from my standpoint, was I have an interaction with Jones after the debate, a more nasty foulmouthed you could not . Perhaps I caught him at an unguarded moment, but I got a glimpse behind his public façade, he was an angry ugly human being.
I think, in general, Trump, Biden, Newsom, Pelosi…we see a carefully cultivated façade, made for the public personalities that are used in the roles they play.
EM Jones is the perfect example of a concocted “influencer”, Fuentes, Alex Jones, Joe Rogan, Jon “Stewart”…and so so many more.
When major psyops get foisted upon society, these compromised individuals swing into action, establishing the Overton Window and keeping the masses away from seeing patterns they are not supposed to see.
It’s pretty funny for a guy who goes on about Zionism to say anything bad about jones who constantly calls out Jewish influence….. as to his age, yeah, dude is pretty old and it does show when he talks BUT HIS WRITING is totally lucid and footnotes the quotes of the people he is callout.
How exactly do you believe he is “compromised” (other then he says stuff you don’t like) ?
As to being an angry human, I don’t know the guy personally but I judge him on the high quality of his books and don’t really care if he is a grumpy old man or not.
It’s pretty funny that you imagine that every thing is a conspiracy to psy-op you…how exactly do you think you can know anything were that the case?
EM Jones is literally POINTING OUT the patterns of Jewish and Zionist influence that uou yourself are always complaining people don’t notice
So much wrong with what you write, it is a labor to engage with you.
First of all Zionism and “Jewish influence” are not one in the same, they can often be at odds.
“How is Jones compromised”, try reading my comment.
As for Jones being angry, I did interact with him, that is why I came up with that perception, did you even read my comment?
But of all your inane comments, this has to be the worst: “It’s pretty funny that you imagine that every thing is a conspiracy to psy-op you…how exactly do you think you can know anything were that the case?”
That is rich coming from a Christ-cuck, every aspect of Christianity is made up nonsense, yet you buy that, with zero evidence. But if I believe a Zionist global conspiracy to rule the world, which there is ENDLESS PROOF OF (All Wars are Banker’s Wars, WEF, LBJ, USS LIBERTY, JFK, Iraq, Iran, China, Zionism, Wall Street, Hollywood, 9/11, 2008 Financial Crisis, Maui…), that theory is dubius?
Just because you can’t comprehend such things, does not mean they don’t exist, a fact that will become more and more apparent.
Did you sleep through Covid, that was Communism, they locked the whole world down…You can be as oblivious as you wish, but who are you to think you can tell others what to think, or believe.
To be very clear, this is not an opening to debate with you, you obvious have an axe to grind, grind it someone else. You argue based on your own innumerable erroneous assumptions. Waste someone else’s time.
1) you literally said nothing…. Address no point nor make none.
2) you say nothing about how you think E M Jones is “compromised”…. Because you probably know nothing about him nor have you read any of his work and thus are left screeching like a blue hair for lack of material
3) You literally go around saying everything is a psychological op and fake…. Do you think Mr Corbett is fake too????
Am I a real Person???
Is the earth flat and did Ww1 really happen????
Is the truth in the room wiyh is right now??!
I understand, you don’t like your delusions challenged.
On a web site that is often about proving so called “conspiracy theories”, actually conspiracy fact, it is certainly ironic that you are here. Nevertheless, anyone in a cult, especially one as ludicrous as Christianity, is no doubt going to squirm under the light of truth.
Thankfully, it is not 500 years ago, when questioning any teachings of the Christian Church would have gotten you, jailed, tortured and/or burn me alive…That is the theocracy you want, but it is not the one you will get.
If I say nothing, than why do you keep commenting, because you are fanatic and you can’t handle anyone who does not agree with you. I don’t care what you believe, yet you can’t handle my beliefs, that says a lot about you and your fragile mental state.
We are done here, tie yourself into knots, but your type of schizotypal personality is pointless to try and deal with, you exhibit no self-awareness.
Good luck.
Aside from your hatred of Christianity ( a hatred shared by the Jews and NWO types) what do you actually have to say?
Do you think E M Jones is compromised except in that he is catholic??
If so what info do you have to support this??
If you think everything is a psychological op on you then do you think Mr Corbett is ALSO compromised or controlled???
Who DO you trust for good info and why???
Truth is not hate, nothing I said of Christianity is not factual. But you need to turn it into hate, so you don’t have to consider it. Those who do not buy into the Christian myth are not your enemy, can you understand that?
Christinaity has been a supremacist disaster throughout its history towards indigenous European cultures as well as cultures around the world (Rome being its first victim). Nothing I say is based on hate, just historical reality, which is more than I can say about Christianity. Europe being ruled by a Christian Theocracy set mankind back hundreds, if not thousands of years. That is why I believe it was created to enslave the Goyem, no Godly being could make such a flawed religion. There is no more proof of Christianly than those religions of the Greeks, Celts, or Egyptian, all were created to control humanity, some just doing it with a whole lot more blood shed.
There are endless, and I mean endless examples of Christianity’s atrocities in the name of religion, let alone the Abrahamic cults in general:
On April 12, 1633, chief inquisitor Father Vincenzo Maculani da Firenzuola, appointed by Pope Urban VIII, begins the inquisition of physicist and astronomer Galileo Galilei. Galileo was ordered to turn himself in to the Holy Office to begin trial for holding the belief that the Earth revolves around the sun, which was deemed heretical by the Catholic Church.
The Church is weak now, but we forget what it was like when Christianity was in-charge:
You ask me if I believe in “flat Earth”, that is rich, a Christ cultist asking about geography. What you going to try me for heresy, if I say it is spherical and revolves around the Sun…
News Flash: the idea of “Flat Earth”, like “woke” was created around 2019 as a way to erroneously associate with many truths that were starting to be revealed. “You don’t trust the science, you must be a flat Earther”
As to one of your other inane rantings:
“Am I a real person”, the very idea that that is an actual question from you is sad, but in general, anyone who mischaracterized alternate views, dismisses conspiracy theories as crazy, and uses ad hominin fallacy arguments, makes a strong case for being an Israeli Hasbara Sock Puppet. With you, this case is not so clear cut, hasbara are generally more articulate and less obnoxious.
Thanks, I actually had fun researching this discussion.
You clearly did not do enough research since Galileo mainly got in trouble for
a) upsetting the university professors who were Aristotleians
B) being an ass who wrote rude poems about church officials who were sympathetic but not convinced (due to his lack of evidence) that he was correct
But…. That aside please explain to me
How you choose who to trust???
If all public figures are psy ops do you think Mr Corbett and Richard grove are also compromised???
Have you ever actually read a single book by EM Jones or do you pre-judge him because of your personal animosity towards his religious POV?
I get the feeling that you are far to blinded by your own desires and feelings to and other questions. It kinda reminds me of early 2000s cringe atheism
Adam green is a bozo.
Good points, and nice metaphors. I see the metaphor of pendulums as apt to these swings in dominant paradigms. To push a certain heightened outcome, you can drive the pendulum the OPPOSITE way, so that it will rise on the other side, HIGHER. The fact that the paradigm shifts that we are discussing are NOT as natural as gravity on physical pendulum, is important. The hidden, fraudulent hand is involved in promoting the extremes and the attendant confusion. See coincidence theory in the media and education systems.
Here is an example that highlights the phenomenon, or tactic, if you will. The radical blacks, and their followers, are loading the slingshot against their own people, along racial lines, every time they do anything past the point of simple unbiased fairness. This is something that I have been predicting for many decades. This is a part of wokeness, yes, but it predates today’s wokeness by over a generation, and therefore I singled out this aspect.Any time any of acts outrageously, we are usually hurting our cause, in the long term.
I appreciate your good writing, even avoiding the unnecessary misspellings and typos that are rampant, even here.
Any time that any of US acts outrageously, we are usually hurting our cause…
“Wokeness” is just using the Zionist’s misnomers, the word is Marxism, and it is what they bring in before Communism. The Bolsheviks run this country, every aspect of it, this fact in no way runs counter to your arguments.
We are fighting a war of attrition, BLM, moving jobs overseas, fires, insurance, fentanyl, AFTIFA/Sayamin, and ever increasing predacious taxation-which is being embezzled as quickly as it collected.
It’s technocracy, not communism.
Thomass777 has correctly stated that the New Deal and Bolshevism are different flavors of the same thing… Technocratic rule is very much of the same genus as both. Fascism is somewhat similar tbh.
I just watched this old movie, called Things to Come (1936). This was made before WW11, jets, and atomic bombs.
Its heavy-handed treatment of societal ills, and their idyllic solutions is fascinating, especially in light of today’s pretentious elevation of ‘science’ (scientism) and technology.
Is that the one based on HG Wells book? I am pretty sure that Jay Dyer of jays analysis did a talk on HG Welles’s books…dude was in on the ground floor for the NWO stuff and the new religion thing.
Funny enough Conan Doyle, for all his scientific pretensions writing Holmes, was into that stuff too and pushed spiritism which was shaping up as the replacement religion for a while. He and houdini had a massive feud going on.
What we think of as the truth movement today mostly is scratching the surface of something much older.
A pretty good book was “lights out” or something like that by Scientology dude L Ron Hubbard…. It was about England after the collapse of the west in a Second World War that went on so long people were clubbing each other for lack of tech ( kinda like the Dr Who tv show where the planet of the darleks Skaro devolved after centuries of war)
Old Ray Massey, pretty scary.
M.Meade, hot! Well, hot enough.
Fair pic.
Gloomy, but watchable.
…hmmm…seems like the costumes were kinda jive… Maybe it is time for a MissKing SciFi Movie Marathon.
HG Wells, yes.
Y’all might get a kick out of viewing this historic film.
I reckon you are familiar with Patrick Woods and his research into Technocracy Inc.
James has interviewed him several times.
Hanky , you have become a philosopher. From your movie there was a line, that spoken dialogue rings true.
The best of life lyes near the edge of death.
Technocracy and transhumanism can’t be anything but material in its conception and as such death has no meaning, ergo no life.
What a cult.
I will have to look it up, I think I saw it a decade or so ago. Thanks
Try to get a straight understanding of any of the “isms”, so much is in who is telling the story.
Just words, it all amounts to the same ultimate control.
Someone is always in control
Can’t it be both?
The term “technocracy” and Communism are not mutually exclusive, technology is just the modern framework for which Communism is being implemented.
The Definitions for Communism, certainly still are applicable, you can call this pig anything you want, but when you are dealing with the Bolsheviks, you ARE dealing with Communism.
a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed
a theory advocating elimination of private property
a doctrine based on revolutionary Marxian socialism and Marxism-Leninism that was the official ideology of the Soviet Union
a totalitarian system of government in which a single authoritarian party controls state-owned means of production
a final stage of society in Marxist theory in which the state has withered away and economic goods are distributed equitably
a communist systems collectively
Your position on our current problem with parasites and predators has plenty of good evidence to support it. However, your use of the word ‘just’ is shortsighted. I suggest we take a step back and look at the following metaphorical angle.
In biology, the ever-present parasites proliferate and thrive when the host organism is sick and out of balance. This is basically the terrain theory of disease vs the germ theory. If one germ doesn’t wreak havoc, another will… (It actually bears out quite well in my own life). Continuing with the analogy, labeling the parasites that are found in increasing abundance in a besieged host does not strike at the roots of the problem. Our mental and spiritual condition has deteriorated to such a point, that we have become very unbalanced and weak. A look in the mirror is always useful. Is this the inevitable fate of all foolish and greedy empires?
Thank you for openly appreciating the small amount of care and effort it takes to communicate clearly. If you haven’t read John Taylor Gatto’s books, in particular, The Underground History of American Education, I highly recommend all of them. You can also find many hours of his interviews with Richard Grove, for free. Great insights into the great dumbing down of the Western world via “public education,” aka gub’ment indoctrination camp system.
Well done, James. I’m afraid you may be correct about AI. And god help us.
And I’m glad you are likely correct about the demise of the climate fiction, the oligarchs’ principal narrative to justify imposing technocracy on our former democracies.
And I thoroughly enjoyed your borrowing from MLK to hope for elusive unity among those who reject The Narrative. Happy new year to you and your family.
1) Any books on dead internet theory worth the read? Also when is the next next next 25 books James
Bryan Lunduke did a talk some years ago about how the internet would go away one day, just like every other technology that has exists in the electronic age… bold prediction back then but he is shaping up to be correct.
Here he talks about #LinkRot and #deadInternet
A book on dead internet theory would be cool to read
Thanks fellas. Had heard of dead net some time ago–seems like a couple decades, but ignored. Will check out the vid!
“AI” does indeed appear to be the next “big” thing, especially in the IT/tech world. The latter first had to suffer a defeat when all manner of nebulous business people took over from well grounded tech enthusiasts, and now the situation is shaping up in direction off adding copious amounts of insult to injury.
I see the incompetent and lazy people hiding their inadequacies behind LLMS, touting them as the best thing since sliced bread, without acknowledging the requirement of a very large amount of work that goes into training these models.
This is the era of people who do not seek to read but entitled to have everything spelled to them. The people who do not seek to discuss things but take part in inane chats. The people who will drive out the last remaining enthusiasts and leave the overly complex systems in hands of idiots.
My TX friend on twitter is faced w/ all that & some mo’ stuff too.
First, all the old guys quit. He was senior guy w/ 10yrs. Then the co hired monkeys. Every now & then this past year the top brass will reshuffle. New bosses bring more unqualified new hires. My guy doing the real work.
Currently trying an agency for placement. i wish he could round up all the old guys & work out of the garage.
You know, the bad guys have game planned this all out, don’t you? We are not only dealing with “masters” of deception, but they are “virtuosos”. If they were guitarists, they would make Jimmy Hendrix look like he was in the kiddy pool. I have got to admit, using radio, then television, then internet, then cell phones, these guys have gotten the vast majority of people brainwashed, and to make things worse, they have destroyed almost 100% of the children in a public school today. I look for the war on dissent to begin pretty soon, maybe not this year, but maybe in the next two. That means, I’m not going to be able to go to The Corbett report, or Media Monarchy, or The Last American Vagabond, etc. I wish everybody luck. Life is going to “get real hard” at some point in the future. Yes, I am doing the best I can to prepared physically, and mentally. I just know reality is going to rear its ugly head sooner than I want it to, probably with some disaster that we weren’t immediately thinking of. I don’t comment here that much, but… thanks for putting up with my shit.
Won Fat Fuk,
I like seeing your comments.
You’re feeling of despair is the largest part of the plan Won.
“they have destroyed almost 100% of the children in a public school today”
This comment directly identifies the “plan”. – Destroy the public system, replace it with a corporatocracy. –
You will find by better defining “destroyed” and statistically producing a percentage there is good reason for positivity.
The “masters” aren’t going down without a fight, but they are going down. Encased eternally within concrete and Steel, and I don’t mean their bunkers.
“I just know reality is going to rear its ugly head sooner than I want it to, probably with some disaster that we weren’t immediately thinking of.”
In the name of awareness and preparedness, this is my gift to you:
Scroll down to the first video that isn’t a picture of the sun, and that will be the most recent daily episode, usually only 3-4 minutes long. I try not to share GooTube links, but if you open the video in GooTube, read the description and follow the links to the suggested playlists. If you do, you’ll understand the reason for the Agenda 2030 timeline. The elitist class, with all their fancy instruments and contacts, knows that all they have to to is keep the masses dumbed down, disorganized, divided and distracted. The ongoing magnetic reversal and resulting global catastrophes will do the lion’s share of the work to reduce the population, probably near the ominous figures written on the Georgia guidestones.
Knowing is half the battle, maintaining one’s sanity is the other 75%…
MagneticReversal, I actually used to go to this channel a few years ago, but lost track of it through various computer crashes and replacements. I always thought it was interesting, but didn’t have it memorized, and didn’t know how to find it again. So, thanks. I watched to latest video.
Now, I am looking for a couple celestial objects to enter the solar system in the somewhat near future. This is a result of my study of biblical prophecy for the last 10 years or so. (I went to a Pentecostal church basically during the 80s, and read the bible everyday then. I do not go to church now, and don’t consider myself a Christian.) Though I have quoted some scripture here in the Corbett Report comments section, I have always been very reluctant to discuss any bible (let alone prophecy) at all because it is a acquired taste and I figured most of the people here don’t read the bible at all. So, If you would like to know what I am looking for and why, I would be happy to go over it with you here. If not, then I won’t.
If you saw a certain set of shelves in my personal library, you’d probably think I was a biblical history and linguistics professor.
I never could swallow the theological narratives of “the church,” so I’m a total heretic as far as that goes, and don’t attend any church. But the spiritual presence of Christ is a huge part of my life, and I credit my relationship with Him for with my 9 years of sobriety, and the absence of the chronic depression, anxiety and other neuroses which used to basically cripple me.
I’ve also been studying comparative mythology, plasma cosmology (related to the electric universe model), and catastrophism, for many years as well.
If you feel like sharing, I certainly won’t be offended. To be able to take in information without a knee jerk reaction is to be open to a real education.
I will mention passages of scripture, but will not quote them in their entirety for brevity, just those verses I wish to draw your attention to. The passages can be looked up and read at your convenience.
I started looking into what happens on “The Day of the Lord”, which is mentioned in both old and new testaments. I started noticing some very interesting things.
Isaiah ch. 2: 10-21.
1) People will enter into the rock, hide in the dust, go into the clefts and holes of the Rocks, and the tops of the ragged rocks, and the caves of the earth.
2) The lofty looks, the haughtiness, the proud and lofty, the lifted up men, will be humbled.
3) Tall things like the cedars of Lebanon, the oaks of Bashan, high mountains and hills, high towers, and fenced walls, will be brought low.
4) The earth will be terribly shaken.
Isaiah ch. 13: 2-13.
1) The whole land will be destroyed, and will be laid desolate.
2) Men shall be afraid: Their hearts will melt, and their hands will be faint.
3) Arrogancy and haughtiness of men shall cease
4) The stars, constellations, the sun, and the moon, will be darkened.
5) (Afterward) So few men will be left that they will be more precious that fine gold.
6) The heavens will shake, the earth WILL MOVE OUT OF HER PLACE.
Isaiah ch. 24.
1) The earth: will be emptied, wasted, turned upside down, the foundations of it will shake, will be moved exceedingly, will move to and fro like a drunken man.
2) The haughty people will languish
3) The inhabitants of the earth will be burned, and few men will be left.
4) The moon will be confounded, and the sun will be ashamed.
Jeremiah ch. 25
1) And the slain of the LORD shall be at that day from one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth: they shall not be lamented, neither gathered, nor buried; they shall be dung upon the ground.
Ezekiel Ch. 38
1) There will be a great shaking in the land. The fish, the fowls, the beasts, the creeping things, and all men, will shake.
2) The mountains, steep places, and every wall, will be thrown down.
Joel Ch. 2
1) The earth shall shake, the heavens will tremble, and the sun, moon, and stars, will be dark
BEFORE the Day of the Lord:
Joel Ch. 2
1) There will be wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke.
2) The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood.
Revelation 6:12-17
1) A great earthquake
2) The Sun is black, the moon is as blood
3) Stars are falling
4) Every mountain and island is moved out of it’s place
5) Kings, great men, rich men, chief captains, mighty men, bondmen, and free men, will hide themselves in dens, and in the rocks of the mountains.
I have to submit another comment (continuation) seeing that I will use too many characters.
Logical questions:
1) Why are people going into holes, dens, caves, and Mountains?
a. Doesn’t this imply foreknowledge of “something”?
b. Doesn’t this take time and planning?
c. Since the moon is not dark, but only “blood” red, this appears to take place BEFORE the Day of the Lord.
2) What is going to cause towers, walls, trees, and mountains to fall down?
3) What is going to shake the earth, move it out of it’s place, make it reel to and fro like a drunken man?
4) What is going to kill most of the people on the earth?
Zechariah ch. 14 (The Day of the Lord)
1) The Lord’s feet will stand on the mount of Olives
a. It will cleave in the midst toward east and toward the west
b. There will be a very great valley
c. Half of the mountain (of Olives) shall remove toward the north, the other half towards the south.
d. The land shall be turned as a plain from Geba to Rimmon south of Jerusalem
e. The land shall be LIFTED UP from Benjamin’s gate unto the place of the first gate, unto the corner gate, and from the tower of Hananeel unto the king’s winepresses.
More logical questions: What is this describing? What would cause this to happen?
More Zechariah Ch. 14
2) The light won’t be clear, but won’t be dark
3) In the evening time it shall be light
Comment: These two affects above appear to be the result of the earth being moved out of its place.
In the book of Revelation there are three major items that are “in Heaven”: The throne of God, the woman clothed in the sun, the lamb/manchild. Based on the descriptions of The Day of The Lord listed above, my attitude has been that the things “in heaven” in the book of Revelation are in “the first and second heavens”, which are the atmosphere and outer space, and not the third heaven, which is spiritual. Therefore, the throne of God appears to be a celestial object so big that it blocks out the sun, moon, and stars. The woman clothed in the sun is another celestial object that appears to be a fragmenting comet, or an object with a satellite being pulled away from its orbit, or something else that is tantamount to these. That fragment (or whatever it is), the manchild or lamb, is what hits the earth on the Day of the Lord. The Zechariah description (as far as I am concerned) is describing “a crater”.
I have never heard any minister at any time refer to the events I have highlighted in the manner that I have. Therefore, I must assume that they are considered symbolic and not literal in most ministers’ minds.
Apologies for the delayed response. I could add quite a few more verses to the list. I’ll let this one serve for now, but it’s a doozy:
From Joshua, ch 10:
12 On the day that the LORD gave the Amorites over to the Israelites, Joshua spoke to the LORD in the presence of Israel:
“O sun, stand still over Gibeon,
O moon, over the Valley of Aijalon.”
13 So the sun stood still
and the moon stopped
until the nation took vengeance
upon its enemies.
Is this not written in the Book of Jashar?
“So the sun stopped
in the middle of the sky
and delayed going down
about a full day.”
Comparative mythology shows that, on the opposite side of the earth, during this same time, the sun was NOT visible, did not “rise,” for more than a full day.
While I’m not ruling out the possibility of a large object, or group of objects, invading our orbit and causing these phenomena and others you mentioned, they are not required to achieve the same results. The sun, being triggered by a larger cosmic influence, such as its tangential interaction with the galactic current sheet (magnetic ripple emanating from the center of the galaxy, millions of light years in height), brings with it not only great magnetic forces, but a thick and fast moving cloud of “dusty plasma,” which triggers great changes in the sun, and causes a “low level” nova – one strong enough to cause great damage but not obliterating the planets, sending smaller bodies into chaotic disarray, but also ejecting large quantities of matter outward, which would be akin to various sizes of projectiles being sent in every direction. This is the most likely origin of comets in our solar system.
I’m also a huge fan of Immanuel Velikovsky, author of many books, namely, Worlds in Collision, and, Earth in Upheaval. If you have read at least those two, I recommend finding used copies, available for around $5.
Another excellent read, not on catastrophism but many Corbett adjacent topics, delving into ancient history and secret societies, is William Bramley’s first book, The Gods of Eden, available used for $10-$15. An epic overview of human origins to around 1990, with much focus on the clandestine doings of men and “gods,” a must read for any open minded conspiracy researcher.
Overall, I am in agreement with your comments. Keep researching, and keep sharing.
Related to preparedness:
The occurrence of powerful flares stronger than X10 class in Solar Cycles
Mr. Won Fat Fuk, Good luck to you too!
Thanking God too many for Chinese nudders for supper tonite.
Thank you James for sharing your dreams!
To me, you are a true source of sanity in this overdosed information fed world, together with (how come you’ve never spoken with him?).
Anyways, today I watched a very interesting viewpoint about operation Warpspeed. Although it’s very pro-Trump (I personally do not care for any pollutician), it made me think that sometimes we may think we know, but maybe we just don’t know. I don’t know. So Corbetteers, what are your thoughts on this angle?….html?e9s=src_v1_upp
Chad Vivas motivates (at 38 minutes) the issue Warpspeed:
– it ended the excuse of lockdowns
– it ended the excuse to destroy the economy and the completion of wealth transfer
– Trump insisted that the vaccin was implemented under EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) instead of FDA to avoid forced jabbing and filling Fema camps with non-jabbed.
– he didn’t make jabs mandatory
And more.
To me, this is a very interesting viewpoint or maybe even fact?
So your replies would be very much appreciated.
Martin Vrijland is also quite a character in his reporting, this one is about AI
And about the scripted Messiah Trump:
PS. I shared the documentary
with the council of my local government hoping to create some awareness before they are told how to think. The clerk of the council is also a member of the parlement part that has to agree with the proposed laws. She shares this doc on that level. So we’ll see.
I believe that CBDC is the biggest threat.
They need another system to fully control us.
The rest is distraction.
And destruction…
Trump is only a puppet. Full stop.
Trump did not mandate vaccines, because that was not his job.
Each puppet the communists install has a job to do, that job based on whom that puppet was designed to represent.
Trump funded the vax, it was to be Biden’s job to push the vax. They could not have Trump mandate the vax, that would have ruined his street cred with his idiot followers. No, they used Biden for pushing the jab, he was always going to be just a one term president.
They have much bigger plans for Zion Don, MUCH BIGGER PLANS.
I would however wonder why Trump’s funding of the vax is never discussed: America funds the (already existing) vax, to the tune of billions of tax payer dollars, yet big pharma makes all the money on it….More of that business acumen Chump is known for. Maybe the ZioCommunist bankers that bailed him out, time and time again, will come forward to bail out America…I’m not holding my breath.
That makes sense. Thank you!
I’m not sure if this is a prediction for 2025, but it would be great if you featured Proxy-Parties and TrueRepublic on a Solutions Watch episode. We did a podcast where we introduced the idea.
Friday January 17, 2025 – Visual Capitalist
By Bruno Venditti and graphics Amy Kuo
What Americans Predict Will Happen In 2025
This graphic presents predictions for 2025 on various topics, based on a survey conducted by Ipsos between October 25 and November 8, 2024, in the United States.
Predictions for 2025 — % “Likely” ~~~ % “UnLikely”
There will be more extreme weather in the U.S. L-66% ~~~ U-21%
Inflation will be higher L-59% ~~~ U-27%
My personal data will be leaked on the internet L-58% ~~~ U-28%
Immigration Will Increase L-56% ~~~ U-28%
Unemployment will be higher L-52% ~~~ U-31%
Women will be paid the same as men L-43% ~~~ U-45%
There will be a new global pandemic caused by a new virus L-39% ~~~ U-38%
Four-day work will become normal L-30% ~~~ U-56%
Population will fall L-28% ~~~ U-57%
People will become more tolerant L-26% ~~~ U-63%
The war in Ukraine will end in 2025 L-26% ~~~ U-52%
The conflicts in the Middle East will end in 2025 L-19% ~~~ U-65%
I find worrying that 41% people combined can’t see the inflation trend. I.e. steady and always upward. Always. Everything else on the list is mostly politics driven and as such hit or miss. But inflation is king.
Tbh the majority of people probably know the price is going to keep going up- they probably hope it will just go up at a slower rate.
On the other hand… 🙂
Someone I know was writing to a person in New Zealand and they honestly thought it was somewhere in Europe because that’s where white people come from. Lolol
I agree mkey. The quantity of money in the system has to be mind-boggling.
One inflation example: HOUSING
Annual income needed to buy a house (medium priced home)(30% cost ratio) for the last 125 years
$109,564 –- 2024
$42,000 — 2015
At the 53 seconds mark, Nicholas Gerli of REVENTURE APP shows us a GRAPH going back 125 years in the U.S.
National data and all 50 metros, sorted alphabetically
How much salary do you need to earn in order to afford the principal, interest, taxes and insurance payments on a median-priced home in your metro area?
Oklahoma City is extremely affordable. It is a nice place to live.
GFC #2 – Great Financial Crisis #2 (2008 era was GFC 1)
We are in a massive housing bubble for the U.S.
Housing is a ‘slow boat’ economically…and so it may take years before we see this bubble pop.
Sequence: Typically what happens is that the stock market starts its decline, then the economy itself later starts to decline, and then the housing bubble goes down the toilet.
Melody Wright worked the mortgage industry re-write valuations during GFC#1 even going into 2012 and 2015.
She has top grade information on what the Housing Bubble situation is, and has traveled the country in recent years to eye-ball housing inventory.
Melody lives in Johnson City in eastern Tennessee. 50 miles south is Ashville, North Carolina which was smashed by the Hurricane rains. She has been helping that area.
Excellent articles and GRAPHS at her substack…
Melody Wright Substack:
Melody on X:
YouTube –
Cryogenically assisted Trump presidency survival scheme
James did you see that a sitting Canadian MP has written about technocracy and even references Elon Musk’s grandfather?