
Interview 1497 – Catherine Austin Fitts on Where the Missing Trillions Are Going

Interview 1497 – Catherine Austin Fitts on Where the Missing Trillions Are Going

So we all know about the missing trillions by now, but where is that money going? And what can Americans do to reclaim that money that is rightfully theirs? Join Catherine Austin Fitts of and James Corbett of The Corbett Report for this wide-ranging discussion on the most important topic of our time that no one is talking about.
Interview 1494 – Destroying the ISIL Myth on The Last American Vagabond

Interview 1494 – Destroying the ISIL Myth on The Last American Vagabond

The US government armed Osama Bin Laden; it armed Saddam Hussain with chemical weapons to be used against Iran in 1980; it armed the very groups that later became ISIS. Yet we are sold an entirely different yarn by the US government and its lap dog MSM. Today I have invited James Corbett on the show to very clearly, and once and for all, demonstrate who is actually responsible for the creation and the rise of ISIS.
Interview 1492 – Modeling Solutions with Luke Rudkowski

Interview 1492 – Modeling Solutions with Luke Rudkowski

James joins Luke of WeAreChange for a discussion about some of the bigger truths behind the news headlines. Why does the establishment media (and the so-called alternatives who merely chase the MSM’s tail) focus on hate, fear and paralysis? Can we model solutions and cooperation? Is there a way to overcome our natural human tendencies to defend our team regardless of the truth? Find out in this far-reaching conversation.


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