
Interview 1342 – Vanessa Beeley Exposes the White Helmets

Interview 1342 – Vanessa Beeley Exposes the White Helmets

For the past two years, Vanessa Beeley has been doing on-the-ground reporting in Syria exposing the lies of the NATO powers and their terrorist proxies. Her work on the White Helmets in particular has drawn the ire of the warmongers and their media mouthpieces. Today we talk to Beeley about the true nature of the White Helmets and the well-funded PR campaign that seeks to defend them.
Interview 1341 – PropOrNot Exposed on Radio Fault Lines

Interview 1341 – PropOrNot Exposed on Radio Fault Lines

In 2016 a website called PropOrNot appeared alleging that a number of alternative media outlets that disagreed with the mainstream bipartisan policy of foreign interventionism (including The Corbett Report) are in fact agents of Russian propaganda. In 2018 a startling new expose purports to show the connections between PropOrNot, the Interpreter, the Broadcasting Board of Governors, and the Atlantic Council. James Corbett appears on Radio Fault Lines to discuss this new expose and the broader implications for government-funded propaganda


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