
Japan is Committing Harakiri (But So Is Everybody Else)

Japan is Committing Harakiri (But So Is Everybody Else)

I’m sure you’ve heard the news by now, but, in case not, let me give it to you straight: Japan is dying. And here’s the even worse news. It isn’t just Japan. Birth rates are declining in country after country around the globe. So, why is this happening and, more importantly, what can we do about it?

The Trade Wars: You Are Not Prepared

The Trade Wars: You Are Not Prepared

We all know the ancient Chinese curse: May you live in interesting times! Oh, OK, it's not ancient and it's not Chinese, but it's a good curse, nonetheless. And it's hard to think of a more apt description of 2025 than "interesting." It seems like every day this year...

Back and to the Right: The Pendulum Swings Again

Back and to the Right: The Pendulum Swings Again

The global political landscape has just had a major pole shift. Right wing ideas and parties are in the ascendant and the lefty globalist establishment is on the run. So, what on earth is happening here? Are we witnessing a revolution? And, if so, what does it mean for our future?

What We Learned in 2024

What We Learned in 2024

So, you wanna know what we learned this year? Well, I can take two approaches here. Either I can be my usual sarcastic self and lampoon all the ridiculous things the establishment and their media lapdogs tried to shove down our throats this year or I can be sincere...


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