
Corbett Report Radio 187 – The Battle for Syria with Syrian Girl

Tonight we talk to Syrian Girl about the latest in Syria, from the “battle for Aleppo” to the moves toward all-out sectarian war. We discuss the US Government’s own “Guide to the Syrian People,” the outside influence of the Freemasons, the Zionists, and other groups, and the real endgame for the region.

Corbett Report Radio 186 – Politics and Language with Andrew Gavin Marshall

It’s all around us. We all use it on a daily basis, and it is used against us, even if we don’t know it. It is language, and it can be used as a political weapon even more effectively than outright oppression. Andrew Gavin Marshall of The People’s Book Project joins us tonight to discuss his article, “Austerity, Adjustment, and Social Genocide: Political Language and the European Debt Crisis” and how the public can put up their mental defenses against linguistic manipulation by the would-be so-called political elite.

Corbett Report Radio 185 – Mind Reading Technologies

As he retires from the web, tonight we dip into the archives of Corbett Report interviews with Greg Nikolettos to highlight some of his work exposing the transhumanist agenda. Tonight we look at the “mind reading technologies” that are being touted by the Big Brother agencies that are seeking to control our behaviors and regulate our actions.

Corbett Report Radio 184 – While You Were Sleeping…

While the public was distracted in the 24/7 mass media mind control of the Batman shooting incident, the world edged closer to World War III and the brink of financial armageddon. Tonight James updates you on the headlines you missed while the media had you focused on Aurora (and before it focuses you on London). In the second half of the program we’re joined by James Evan Pilato for our weekly update.

Corbett Report Radio 183 – Meet The Conspiracy Theorists

Brethren, a vile band of treacherous vermin have infested our land! They speak of a power behind the throne! They believe that the government does not work in their interests, that the banking system is controlled by a few private financiers, that the two-party system is in fact only the illusion of choice! Worse yet, these conspiracy theorists call themselves “founding fathers” and “presidents” and “defense secretaries” and “professors” and FBI agents. Tonight, we call out these traitors and their vile words, that they may be better known.

Corbett Report Radio 182 – The Copycat Effect with Loren Coleman

Loren Coleman is the author of The Copycat Effect: How the Media and Popular Culture Trigger the Mayhem in Tomorrow’s Headlines. Tonight he joins us to discuss his work on and his latest article on the Aurora/Joker/Shooting meme that is being played up in the media right now, and how that coverage is increasing the possibility of future copycats.

Corbett Report Radio 181 – Dark Knight Rising with Jon Rappoport

The dust has yet to settle on the scene of last week’s tragic shooting at the Century 16 Cinema in Aurora, Colorado, but already the “official” narrative of that shooting is starting to emerge: that the attack was carried out by a lone nut with no obvious motives. Now that the usual people are trying to use this event to launch their own agenda of arms restriction, it’s important to question that official story and look at some of the neglected pieces of the Dark Knight puzzle. Joining us tonight to help us do that is Jon Rappoport of


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