December Open Thread (2024)

by | Dec 1, 2024 | Articles | 217 comments

It’s the first day of December, so let’s start the monthly open thread.

Corbett Report members can use this as a place to discuss the latest news, ponder the bigger picture, share solutions and suggestions, recommend reading and viewing, reveal what Santa left under their tree, swap kickass eggnog recipes, or whatever else they might be interested in.

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  1. I was curious if there were any sites or content creators that I could be directed to that cover the pandemic treaty(or whatever its being called now) and other such pertinent globalist plans . Thank you kindly

    • James Roguski has been all over it for a long time. He is on top of their BS from the get go. His web site even includes a phone # and he will take the call. You don’t see that very often.
      [SNIP – no email addresses or phone numbers in the comments, please. James Roguski’s substack is:
      You can find his phone number on the about page there. -JC]

      Good luck. He will help anybody. As a Canadian, he has been extremely helpful..

      • Thank you so much . I will definitely check out his substack. Your help is very much appreciated !

  2. Preparation for America’s next, and likely last, dictator (puppet). Trump has been a long time ZioCom project, a project that is coming to fruition.

    Every aspect of the “election” was a sham, all to give Chump a seeming “mandate”, from his self-delusional supporters.

    Ever since they gave the election to Biden, I thought, what was this about, I thought Trump was going to bring the hammer down during his second term. But it did not take long to see what Biden was installed for, Weimar 2.0. Biden, with his forced vax and open borders BS, was about driving conservatives crazy so they would whole heartedly embrace the return of Chump, which they have. Chump is not Hitler in every way, but he will be in many ways: We will likely see a Reichstag Fire, they will do a false flag, blame it on communists/leftists…and we are off to the races.

    “All the world is a stage”

    Act 1: Debate-right off the bat I knew the election nonsense had started when a novel pre-convention debate was agreed to. The debate made no sense from a Trump standpoint, Biden was an easy win for Trump, so why would Trump give Biden an out? Right after the disastrous debate, all the calls form the media and influencers, “we were lied to, they fooled us, Biden is senile”. That is a lie on many levels, everyone in Washington/Press knew he was senile, and they new the debate was rigged. This was all just to create Harris V Trump. Biden would have been TOO easy of a win, they had to make it a close to give it emotional weight. I cake walk for Trump would not give him the Hitler push they so desperately wanted. They wanted a “close race”, and an electoral mandate.

    Act 2: The Grassy Null-Here we see a atypical assignation attempt in that it failed miserably. Of course every aspect of this was theatrical, as anyone with more than two brain cells to rub, knew. If the Zio “Deep State” wants you dead, you don’t get shot in the ear, lol (not that I believe he was hit at all, that cowardly POS would not agree to that, nor would his master, the person might miss and actually kill the traitor. It was classic Zio theater, and three days later Chump rose again at the convention, all on script. His Zio-Christian sheep ate it all up.

    Act 3: Harris was told to take a dive, I noticed this right off the bat, so many of the commercials attacking Harris almost seemed like Harris wanted to lose. These are politicians, they are groomed and guided at every turn, yet she was saying stuff that could and was used against her.

    Act 4: was Kennedy’s support for Trump, what a joke that was.

    There was much more nonsense, but all this BS was to give him a “mandate”, to do the evil he will do. I was talking to a Chump supporter who was hoping for more of the House, so they could override a veto. I shook my head, I can’t stand people who support either party, so truly lost they are. I said lets talk after he gets into office, see how long that shine lasts on the apple, if Hitler is any guide, it won’t be long.

    • In the so called “election”, I hated both treasonous candidates, thus I don’t consent by voting, but I was hoping they were going to install Harris. A Harris Presidency likely meant four more years of a slow steady decline, where as a Trump presidency means full on war on America.

      America is a nation of people so deluded, its head so far up its a**, what is coming is only natural. Biden pardoned his son, THAT will get American’s worked up. I remember when Biden started paying off student loans and the right/republicans/conservatives were outraged. Sending billions to Ukraine and Israel, bailing out banks, oh no, it is paying off predatory loans for students. When I went to college, college was 10% of what it is today, not to mention jobs were plentiful, but such context means nothing to the vacuous minds of Americans. Of course, these views don’t originate from these pillars of morality, they are simply parroting what their media/influencers tell them. Paying off student loans was sign of the “decline of America”. Sickens me how so few think for themselves, we truly are a Christian nation, and Trump is going to feed us to the lions.

      I have to add or it might be pointed out, liberals/dems/leftists are certainly no better, they are just as easily triggered, if they are told to be, as the right.

      • The whole thing seemed staged, for sure, if you had eyes that could see. Funny that these American Firsters that want to return to the Constitution are passing a law that makes it a crime to criticize Israel or any Jewish person – even if they are an American citizen. There goes Amendment 1.

        • They may want to pass a law to do that, but it’s unconstitutional and will get push back. It’s like how they tried to mandate the jab, but there was a lot of push back on it. Eventually, some of the jab insanity was rolled back.

          They also might not want to tip their hand too much. Those you can’t criticize are those that rule the world, or something like that.

          But if they do try to pass something like that, people need to stand up against that.

          • It passed in the House (good man Massie voted Nay). Re your point, perhaps that’s why the Senate is talking about burying it in another bill.

          • Here’s a good summary:
            The Return of Status-Based Law
            By Paul Craig Roberts
            “…the assault on the Constitution by the Speaker of the House, Majority Leader of the Senate, and president-elect Donald Trump. The assault weapon is the Antisemitism Awareness Act, which has already passed the Republican House. Senator Schumer is attempting to avoid a stand alone vote on the Act by attaching it to the defense appropriations bill. That way the senators can say they voted for the defense bill and not against the First and Fourteenth Amendments.

            “The Antisemitism Awareness Act is the Israel Lobby’s response to the university protests against Israel’s slaughter of the Palestinians. The bill conflates Israel with Jews, defines Jews as “protected persons,” and removes accreditation and federal financial support from universities that fail to prevent student protests against Israel and Jews in general. In effect it prohibits criticism of Jews. Criticism is undefined. In practice it will include anything to which Jews object.

            “The Act is a violation of the 14th Amendment which requires equal protection of the law. The Antisemitism Awareness Act creates status-based privileges for a specific group that are denied to others. The Act also violates the 1st Amendment’s protection of free speech.”

          • BTW, in my state they have placed mandatory quarantine and forced immunization in the public health laws. Almost same text verbatim as in other states (I compared my state to Florida). I suspect they are following “recommendations” of WHO. You might want to check out your state and local health regulations to see about “mandatory” vaccination rules and whether they can remove a family member from the home and house them in an undisclosed location for an indefinite period of time if they suspect your family member might have been exposed to a communicable pathogen, without a proof of illness required.

            • I’ve never checked, but will look it up. I did get a religious exemption for the jab and this was in one of the most tyrannical states, so they did follow the law that allows it. I think others were afraid to pursue it?

              Americans are heavily armed too so if they tried going door to door might have a problem and not go that far. But if those robot dogs every became a thing, we’d probably be screwed. That kind of tech is expensive though, so I’m not that worried about it for the time being.

            • I know the robot dogs and drones exist, but not mass produced at this point, so as far as policing goes, American’s still have some protections because they can be armed.

              The limiting factor is cost (I think). This kind of tech is very costly and I think at this point it is a limiting factor.

              It would also be unpopular, I think to use on citizens. They do still care what we think and are using propaganda to manipulate people. So there is still a need for us.

              The moment we are no longer useful though and if they could replace human beings, I have no doubt they’d start rounding people up. These people are parasites and they are evil without conscience. They view us as subhuman.

              • They do not NEED to round people up.

                I was exploring other parts of the internet and its a miracle that people who is prone to accepting peer pressure are not offing themselves enmass. There was a really weird anti-birth thing going around too.

                But i doubt very much they will be able to replace humans any time soon, tbh.

        • This is the step by step push to implement the Noahide laws.

          Not long ago, it was basically illegal to be gay, not because of any actual criminality, but because of the Catholic preoccupation with controlling other’s lives. It is hard for me to imagine that “gay bars” would routinely be raided, just because gay people where congregating there. Sounds to me rather unconstitutional, freedom of association, amongst others.

          The point is, Christains had no problem with this gross violation of individual freedoms, in fact they applauded it. Their argument was how destructive the “gay lifestyle” was to society. Yet, when so called “gay-marriage” was introduced, something that would create more stability within homosexual relationships, they were outraged.

          The poison of Christianity has many many vectors, but above all else, it is the presumption that anyone has the right to tell others what is moral or immoral. That is not to say, there is not right and wrong, but as long as you are not harming others, it is live and let live, as far as I am concerned. But not for Christianity, they are “saving souls”, even though their is no more proof of their beliefs than there is for JRR Tolkien and his imaginary world.

          Christianity was designed to bring the Jewish religion to the masses, Jewish-lite if you will. It is important to remember, even Judaism was polytheistic before Yahweh was elevated to be the “one true God”. Yahweh was a “thunder God, very much like Ba’al, which tells us, even Judaism was corrupted to bring us this one world religion. The goal being world domination ( I listen to Rabbis, they are often unbearably supremist, but they give some profound truths, unlike Catholic Priests who sound more like a Trump supporter defending Trump.

          What this anti-semitism hype is being used for is the creation of that which already exists on many levels, a two tier world, one with Jews on the top tier, accountable only to other Jews, and the rest of us on the lower tier, “lesser beings/soulless golem.” This is about bringing in the Noahide Laws.

          With Trump is office, one major anti-Semitic psyop, and they will fully implement Noahide Laws.

          • Organized religions are cults, IMO. I read somewhere that Christianity was created in during the Roman Empire to unite the many conquered territories under a common religion, having bits and parts of all the others. Bits of Gnosticism and Judaism are obvious.

            • Gnostic ideas are anti Christian, Jewish ideas are anti Christian….the main people attacking Christianity are Jewish or gnostic in outlook and it was considered a PITA by the Romans for most of it’s early life

            • @jo-ann

              I appreciate you sharing your thoughts on organized religions.

              My wife sometimes rattles religious people when she asks them to consider that Jesus of Nazareth was in fact, not a Christian himself, and he actually was anti-establishment, pro-decentralized spiritual practice and spent lots of time connecting with Creator in the wilderness, sharing his teachings outside and very little time preaching in manmade structures of organized religious institutions (aside from calling out all those scummy scribes and pharisees from time to time). Sometimes people get really pissed and have a hissy fit at her, but I admire her for stating the obvious facts, which are quite illuminating considering what the Christian Church has done with his teachings.

              In this note I go into how the Church glommed together a bunch of pre-christian traditions to create the “Christmas” tradition in an effort to entice new converts by giving them familiar feeling dates and celebration themes.

              Some of the more prominent cultural roots that were woven into “Christmas” traditions promoted by the church were “borrowed” from the winter solstice traditions of my ancient indigenous (Gaelic) ancestors. The Druids observed the festival of Alban Arthan (also known as Yule) at the time of Winter solstice. They gathered mistletoe from oak trees and engaged in various ceremonies (involving foods and decorative Ogham script engravings in objects) intended to give the forces of Light the strength to triumph over darkness (as the darkest, shortest day of the year transitions to days of increasing light).

              • “…and he actually was anti-establishment, pro-decentralized spiritual practice…”

                I think your wife misunderstands what Jesus was saying.

                By claiming to BE God He was claiming to be the rightful ruler of the Universe.

                He did not in any way suggest that people could just please themselves in how they acted, quite the opposite in fact. He made no claim to over throw government of men, just relegating it to its proper place

              • @Duck

                King of the universe you say! That sounds like something Elon Musk would declare himself as (if he could ever get one of his messy gussied up Wernher von Braun knock off rockets to mars).

                Talk about entrepreneurial skills! The guy went from carpenter to Ruler Of The Universe in no time! 🙂

                All joking aside, I am no expert in matters of Jesus of Nazareth in an empirical sense, but from what i have read and based on my gut intuition, I would say that I think all that noise projected from the church’s manipulated accounts of Jesus’s words relating to them saying he claimed to be God, is a psyop propagated by that Roman dude Constantine so he and his power hungry homies could warp people’s minds and make them easier to control.

                I personally spend more time studying living examples of the wisdom and architectural genius of Creator’s design (eg: ) than I do studying people that have been dead for millennia (and what they did or did not say).

                I can attest that my wife does a lot of research on the subject from an objective standpoint.

                Since she is not a member on here to speak for herself, I`ll quote something she wrote on the subject to provide further context:

                “The most important thing we can do to honor God is to follow the message Jesus brought to this world. Love God with your whole heart and your whole mind and your whole spirit. And along with that unconditionally love all others and yourself. That is what we need to focus on. It can change this world and bring about the peace that religions have not been able to do, thus far.

                Jesus was a man who never wanted to be worshiped or idolized in anyway but wanted to act as an example that could be followed, showing us the most beneficial way to express our love for and service to, God. He never failed to give all glory of his abilities to God and yet from the moment of his death and perhaps even before that, people slowly moved from admiring and following his teachings to idolizing him as God, instead of building a relationship with Father as he had done.

                Jesus of Nazareth, a loving man of integrity with a complete connection to God and very much in touch with his higher self tried to teach us. I believe he was modelling a higher consciousness for us, blazing a path that we might choose to take. How did he do this? He did it by being a man who shared much inspired wisdom and great love for others… bringing the focus away from the religious temples with their scribes and Pharisees, back to a true personal connection to God. He did this by giving us hope through showing people what life would be like if they opened their hearts purely to God and chose to embody the essence of God which is love, joy and peace. And he showed us that if we truly choose to live from the heart, that the peace of heaven is possible on earth.”

                ps – I will not continue to go back and forth on that, just wanted her thoughts to be fully expressed in her absence.

              • G

                “…church’s manipulated accounts of Jesus’s words…”

                We can go back and find texts from before that, dont differ in much but punctuation and spelling.

                “.saying he claimed to be God,…”

                IF Jesus is NOT God then absolutely NOTHING He said or did not say is of any value. It would be silly to hold him up as an example to follow, both because He would be just some dude and you doubt the veracity of the words spoken by Him.

                “…psyop propagated by that Roman dude Constantine..”

                Who was NEVER a Christian, tales of deathbed baptism aside. He merely WORKED WITH Christians for political purposes of his own

                “…The most important thing we can do to honor God is to follow the message Jesus brought to this world…”

                ONLY if that message came from God, otherwise WHY???

                “….Love God with your whole heart and your whole mind and your whole spirit….”

                You need to KNOW to love. Love translates poorly from Greek, its not a FEELING its an action in this case

                “…And along with that unconditionally love all others and yourself….”

                I am pretty sure “love Yourself” is NOT one of the things Jesus said
                “…. That is what we need to focus on…”

                Pretty sure it was right with Love God being the Focus,with the rest growing FROM that.

                “…It can change this world and bring about the peace that religions have not been able to do, thus far….”

                Jesus did not say He came to BRING PEACE, nor did he say His kingdom was OF THIS WORLD.

                “…Jesus was a man who never wanted to be worshiped or idolized in anyway…”

                Considering that He CLAIMED TO BE GOD in the only texts we have about Him I quibble on this

                “… idolizing him as God, instead of building a relationship with Father as he had done…”

                This Jesus you are talking about IS NOT the chap in the New Testament. He is a creation of your own imagination.

                “…in touch with his higher self…I believe he was modelling a higher consciousness for us, blazing a path that we might choose to take…”

                THEOSOPHY, a 19th century reinvention of Gnosticism

                “…He did this by giving us hope through showing people what life would be like if they opened their hearts purely to God…”

                “…. and chose to embody the essence of God which is love, joy and peace….”

                The Bible, which is the text your version of Jesus is drawn from, is pretty clear that God is Love, but that God is ALSO Holy.

                “…And he showed us that if we truly choose to live from the heart, that the peace of heaven is possible on earth……”

                Jesus NEVER Promised PEACE- in fact he promised that His message would DIVIDE people.
                The Jesus you are creating is not derived from the only text that talks about Him. These ideas are not found there, and the jesus you are talking about is a skinsuit of your own ideas.

                “…ps – I will not continue to go back and forth on that, just wanted her thoughts to be fully expressed in her absence…”

                Feel free to pass my comments on or not as you like.

                🙂 Hope I did not come across overly mean, its not personal

              • @Duck

                I appreciate you sharing (and emphatically expressing) your views on these matters. Like I said, I am not gonna be doing a back and forth exchange on the topic of the life of Jesus and whether or not he said he was God, but i`ll ask my wife if she wants to read your response.

                Wishing you an enjoyable weekend with many opportunities to connect with God through recognizing the elegance of his design in the natural world around you.

          • People should listen to what some Chabad rabbis are talking about. It’s pretty scary and creepy.

            Some sections of the Babylonian Talmud are also illuminating. The book is thousands of pages, so I have not read it, but I have skimmed part of it and there are sections of it that are particularly repulsive.

            To be fair, many everyday people who identify as Jews have no idea about what some of these creepy rabbis are saying or what the messages in the Bible and the Talmud mean. But I think people should research no matter how they identify especially if they have any moral compass left.

            Anyone with a working brain can see the influence Israel the state has in the government. They can also see why some people would start to wonder why so many of these powerful “elites” and their underlings are Jews or are affiliated with powerful Jews. It’s a normal question one might have enter their mind. It’s not something racist to ask that question and wonder why IMO.

            I also get the feeling there is a deeper conspiracy perhaps that uses the prophecy and religions to steer people. Maybe some of these weird technocrats and transhumanists believe the prophecies and want to be the masters of the world, I don’t know.

            I have noticed though that many Christians are accepting of what Israel is doing and someone even said to me “well they are Gods chosen people”

            I was amazed that a person is okay with genocide as long as “the chosen people” are doing it. What kind of person thinks that? What if they are under the bombs, how would they feel?

            I just don’t get it that a person who claims to be some upstanding moral person would justify that and assist in that and also assist in the destruction of their own country. It does seem to me like a mind poison. I cannot reconcile that and do not understand how people cannot see those contradictions and access their rational mind or even tap into their conscience.

            • Cu.h.j
              The Schofield Bible was full of pro Jewish commentary and when it was brought out by a certain set of people the average American got the weird idea Jews are brothers in the faith rather then members of the synagogue of satan

              • Duck,

                I don’t know much about Christianity as a religion and even less about Judaism, so my opinions are inconsequential. With that said, I’ve read parts of the bible, I think the KJV and some of the Greek Orthodox book my husband has and some of it is off putting.

                The Talmud is probably worse, but the parts I’ve skimmed were shocking and also explained a lot of the mentality that IMO is pervasive even in our own secular culture that you have pointed out is created by Jews in Hollywood.

                So, no offense to Christians as a group. I know some really good people who are Christians. But the crazy Zionist Evangelicals are people who I really don’t understand. Lots of basic contradictions and cognitive dissonance going on there that no amount of rationality will fix. Maybe if their kid dies in a war, that might wake them up, who knows?

                One thing I know for sure is that the Jewish “elites” and the various types of Zionists occupying our government with Biden and Trump have zero loyalty to the US. We are expendable and they are not our allies.

                These idiots trying to make laws like the “anti-Semitism awareness act” are the enemy of the people.

                People who grovel to Zionists and Israel disgust me, literally. I want to vomit when I hear the groveling.

                “America First” is really “Israel First”. And the left is not much better with their insanity and tyranny. So we get Soros or some other creepy Jewish “elite” running our country? There is something blatantly wrong with that.

            • Christianity has all the markings of a Zionist Globalist psyop.

              Zero evidence, yet it is sold like it is insane to doubt it…sound familiar?

              It destroys all other native religions, early Christains (understanding early Christinaity was simply a Jewish cult) was totally iconoclastic, they would burn and destroy the native cultures religions relics (carve crosses into the figures and chisel off the noses or heads) and temples…sound familiar?

              As stated in an earlier discussion, it requires obedience to it and the state, and questioning is “blasphemy”…sound familiar?

              If not for Christains supporting Israel, now and in the past, America would not give a shit about that genocidal nation. But because tens of millions of “Christains” support Israel no matter what, THAT has destroyed our morals and standing in the world and our nation (not our acceptance of Gay Marriage”, which what so concerns most Christains, lol).

              And most importantly it all revolves around Israel.

              I could write an essay on this topic, there is so much obvious evidence that Christianity falls right into the plan for a Zionist NWO, but I know you guys get the point.

              • “….Christianity has all the markings of a Zionist Globalist psyop….”

                Hahaha… yes, the MASTER PLAN of MILLING ABOUT FOR 2000 YEARS before you strike!
                hahaha… yes, the Jews false flagged their own temple destruction and countless pogroms just to LULL us into a false sense of security…..hahaha

                “……It destroys all other native religions,…”

                Yes, it did, they ARE GONE, and no amount of LARPing will ever make those cults real again.

                They have zero cultural relevance to modern Europeans…unlike Christianity which has beenthe basis for the last 1000 years of every western culture

                “….. (understanding early Christinaity was simply a Jewish cult)….”

                MIS understanding it.

                “…. it requires obedience to it and the state, and questioning is “blasphemy”…sound familiar?….”

                You DO know that the Roman State Cult was much MORE demanding of loyalty to the Emperor dont you???? Christianity seriously LIMITS the areas a rler may poke into, unlike old paganism or atheism/materialism

            • I did not mean to respond to the “Duck” hasbara, my mistake, my comment was meant for cu.h.j and jo-ann, I learned long ago there is no reasoning with fanatics. Sorry for the confusion.

              • Considering that i am Politically quite anti-Semitic thats pretty funny…. especially since MY ideas are based on history and fact rather then the bizarre ideas of Enlightenment perverts which only became popular because of oligarchs, sodomites and rich jews (sometimes all three at once)pushing them on the public.

                Sodomy and Usury being flip sides of the same coin is covered by EM Jones in “LIBIDO DOMINANDI”

                REAL (rather then fantasy) Jewish influence is covered by EM Jones in “THE JEWISH REVOLUTIONARY SPIRIT”

                BOTH books are in expanded 2nd editions.

                Merry Christmass

            • cu.h.j

              Your not wrong about isreal 1st, but right now its the best we can hope for if they back off a bit. Jewish power is not going away for a while yet, its way too entrenched so its kinda a choice between ”bad” and ”really bad”.

              Give it time and we can hope things will improve. Its not like we can DO much about it either way in this case, TBH.

              As to Christian Zionists, they are just ignorant for the most part, and its not like we’re still in the 90’s, the Religious Right was never really much more then hot air but its even less influential now.

              • Duck,

                I really worry about wars. Even if we look at it in terms of economic benefit for regular folks in the US, it’s a disaster IMO. I only see it being bad for us.

                I also don’t want a bunch of American kids dying in wars. And as you mentioned it’s usually a bunch of young American White kids doing the fighting. I don’t want these young men and now even some women to die in wars, or be maimed in wars.

                The White population in the US is declining already, maybe even below replacement levels. That concerns me. I really didn’t understand what that might mean for the future, but I think it’s bad. It might not affect me personally, but it will impact others. I don’t want young people to live in a dystopian hell hole.

                Americans shouldn’t be dying in wars for these “demonic” parasites.

                But as you say there is not much I can do outside my sphere of influence. I do hope and pray that America isn’t sucked into any more wars and that young people can have a future.

          • It would be very weird for Jews to create a religion that then oppressed them and stopped them doing too much jewey stuff for over a thousand years….. damn if Jews can plan that far ahead they probably deserve to run the world

            • Jews did not create it, try to keep up. Jews are just as played as the Christians.

              The Old Testament was created NOT BY JEWS, but to train the POLYTHEISTIC JEWS to follow the “one God”. The Old Testament is psychopathic, as is Israel.

              The New Testament was created to globalize the rest of the world under the jewish religion.

              Now, tie yourself into knots trying to prove reality wrong…cultists are such idiots.

              • Oh…. lol…. so the Old Testament was made BY SOMEONE ELSE…. to trick Jews AND Gentiles.

                So… wise one, WHO made it?

                And why are they playing a 3000 year game? Who are they trying to benefit?

                You see… cultism IS an issue, which is why I try to keep my arguments based in facts of history. Like your thing about christians, it comes across more like YOU have been programed by all the jewish propaganda (well, To be fair, it was not JUST jews) who came up with retarded ideas about how much ‘better’ humanity would be if they could dump christianity (though mainly they just wanted to be perverts without feeling guilty)

                Seriously, read Libido Dominandi…. we’re just in the newest go round of this trash thinking

          • Considering the writers of the constitution were ok with jailing, and probably would have been ok with hanging, sodomites it makes little sense to think it is constitutionally protected

            • The American “Revolution” and subsequent nation, were created with heavy influence of Free Masons, aka Jewish secrete society. America was created to serve a purpose, and now that that purpose is complete they are taking us down.

              To be sure, the writers of the Constitution were not perfect, they too were heavily corrupted with the Christin cult mentality, they certainly did not have an issue with slavery, or the desire to create equality for women…The Constitution is the framework, and I don’t remember reading the part of the Constitution regarding “jailing or hanging gay people”…Perhaps you should trust the Constitution and leave your/other’s assumptions out.

              Furthermore, (always difficult with dealing with the Christ-cucked, they don’t think for themselves, everything is through their Judeo Christian lens, pure projection) BEING GAY, DOES NOT MEAN “SODOMITE”, it means you are attracted to others of the same sex, your mind is in the gutter. So called straight and bi persons participate in this sexual act “sodomy”, does that mean they are gay? Even writing that grosses me out, in that this should not even be a topic for discussion anywhere, it is no one’s business, yet we have Christains to thank for this level of discourse in America. Christianity is truly a disease of the mind. So focused on sexuality, yet usury, war and violence, not so much. You show a breast, or “God forbid” a penis on TV, and the Christains will lose their shit, but you can show murder after bloody murder, crickets. Christians were bred to be warriors for their Jewish masters, they simply can’t think for themselves, seems doing so itself is heresy.

              You would think Christ was more akin to Jerry Falwell, than he himself is portrayed. I went to Sunday School, I don’t remember Christ’s idea on the subject of homosexuality, yet his feelings about judging others is well understood, if not accepted (understanding of course, the existence of Christ itself is highly dubious).

              All these beliefs are just that, beliefs, they are manifestations of the human mind trying to make sense of the universe. Nothing wrong with that, but Christinaity is very different, it projects itself on the rest of humanity, they think they have all the answers, yet ZERO proof. But that does not stop them from trying to control everyone else’s life.

              “If Jews can plan that far ahead, they probably deserve to run the world”, where is the logic in that?

              Jews are fooled just as much as the rest of us. Most Jewish people I know, know of no plans to “run the world” and are horrified by Israel’s actions. Organized Jewry does not represent Jewish people, quite to the contrary, it often works against them.

              Christianity is as globalist as it gets, there is ZERO evidence to support it, and it was created to homogenize world under one religion.

              Christains are going to get a theocracy, just not the one they want.

              • “…America was created to serve a purpose, and now that that purpose is complete they are taking us down…”

                You make your enemies sound ike they are Supermen or something,lol.

                “……The Constitution is the framework, and I don’t remember reading the part of the Constitution regarding “jailing or hanging gay people”…Perhaps you should trust the Constitution and leave your/other’s assumptions out….”

                It would be VERY WEIRD if they wrote a Constitution that was OK with sodomy WHILE NOT THEN REPEALING LAWS AGAINST IT until hundreds of years later. LOL

                “…..BEING GAY, DOES NOT MEAN “SODOMITE”, …”

                IF you act upon those feelings then it DOES make you a sodomite… but to be fair Sodomy also includes a lot of OTHER sexual vices

                “…Christianity is truly a disease of the mind….”

                NO, thats the Enlightenment. THAT was created by a bunch of perverted rich people, with the help of some Jewish philosophy and a touch or neo-paganism mixed with atheism.

                The REAL joke is that you dont understand USURY and SODOMY are two vices THAT ALWAYS EXIST TOGETHER. One feeds the other.

                “…..TV, and the Christains will lose their shit, but you can show murder after bloody murder,…”

                Hahaha, dude its not the 90’s Christians LOST the culture war. Enjoying the post Christian world yet?

                “….. I don’t remember Christ’s idea on the subject of homosexuality…”

                Its pretty clear, God speaks in the OT on it and Paul specifically speaks in the NT. Now, you may not believe that Jesus is God, in which case why would you care what he said?

                “…..they think they have all the answers, yet ZERO proof…”

                The proof is there whenever you WANT it….you will never see it when you dont want it to be true.

                “…“If Jews can plan that far ahead, they probably deserve to run the world”, where is the logic in that?…”

                LOL< because being able to PLAN 200 years ahead would be the mark of the Ubermensch let alone 2000

          • The problem in discussing something like Christianity, is that you are arguing against personal beliefs, not facts, like arguing against global warming or Covid, they can’t prove it, thus you are arguing against the person’s desire to believe, not reality. But unlike other Zio psyops like, “Covid” and “Global Warming”, Christianity is literally impossible, it does not exist, people believe in it because they are born into it, and that delusion is reinforced throughout society. As with everything within the Zio Matrix, it is easier to just go along (that is why they created baptism at birth, so you are branded, not to mention the barbarism of circumcision). In fact, it was not long ago questioning would get you killed, that is a good indication of a controlled narrative. In an interview with Ricky Gervais, who does not believe in the a God, the interviewer asked him why, he said there was no evidence, the interviewer went onto the next question. You see, in our society, the nonbeliever has to explain him/herself, not those who believe in something that has no proof, it is the King Clothing allegory in spades. Christianity is a cancer that has rotted out the West: intellectually, morally, ethically and spiritually. Christianity, as Friedrich Nietzsche put it, “Christianity is the religion of the downtrodden, the bullied, the weak, the poor and the slaves”, it makes a people weak, it is a death cult that which believes in external “saviors”, and believes this real life is only there to prepare for the totally unproven “afterlife”, it truly is a “death cult”. This level of blind faith creates a population of idiots, people who don’t demand proof, but wishful thinking guides them. Those who created Christianity have created an elaborate matrix around Christianity, bible-dupes love to say, “Jews hate Christ”, but that is laughable, Jews control Hollywood 100%, and Hollywood has made endless movies supporting Christ as a savior and the whole Christian mythos. What stops a vampire, a cross, but only if you have “faith”. It is sad that such obvious manipulation is not proof of a greater destructive purpose to Christianity, otherwise Hollywood would not be pushing it so hard. Jews don’t hate “Christ”, they hate Christians. There is a reason Trump’s most rabid supporters are Christians, they are hard wired for blind faith, just tell them what they want to hear and they are 100% loyal, no proof needed, they want to be lied to. Of course other “Christians”, will say,” those aren’t real Christians”, this is the “no true Scotsman fallacy”. Yes, they ARE real Christians, because that religion does not preclude Zio-Trump-Christains, you judge a tree by the fruit it bares, and Christianity has produced endless rotten fruit for 2000 years. We are screwed thanks to the brainwashing of Christianity, I am no fan of the Jews who created that psyop, but shame on the multitudes who do not live based on reality, not wishful thinking and social norms, it will be our end.

      • @Rexleonum

        RE: “I hated both treasonous candidates”

        I suppose those of us that do not recognize the legitimacy of any statist regimes (and actively work to sabotage, subvert and boycott said involuntary governance systems) would also be defined as “treasonous” in a literal sense.


        – the crime of betraying a nation or a sovereign by acts considered dangerous to security. In English law, treason includes the levying of war against the government and the giving of aid and comfort to the monarch’s enemies. (britannica)

        – the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance (merriam-webster)

        – (the crime of) showing no loyalty to your country, especially by helping its enemies or trying to defeat its government:

        “In 1606 Guy Fawkes was executed for treason” (cambridge dictionary)


        As someone that leans more towards endorsing a Voluntaryist approach rather than Democratic (involuntary governance) approach for what I see as a moral and just way to organize how we interact and cooperate with each other, and as someone that works to give people the tools to peacefully cripple the efforts of hypercentralized government structures to achieve their goals of theft (taxation) and organized mass murder (war rackets, big pharma rackets, and big ag rackets, all funded by said government structures) and built alternative parallel decentralized systems for organizing communities and accomplishing our shared goals, would you consider me as “treasonous”?

        Perhaps you do not use the term in the dictionary’s limited context, and if not, what does it mean to you?

        How do you define “treason” ?


        For some related content:

        • During the conquest of the Native American Indians, where was Christinaity, was it a hindrance to the atrocity, NOPE. The Vatican (which of course was Globalist and controlled by organized Jewry) agreed with the removal of the Indians because they were not “God fearing Christians”, they justified the carnage in the name of removing “heathens, devil worshipers”. After it was all over, another atrocity was put onto the eternal “SCAPEGOAT”, the idiot Christians, just like slavery. Slavery was an Organized Jewish system, the slave ships, the slavers, the slave market were Jewish, yet today, Organized Jewry endlessly uses media and entertainment to pit that crime on white “Christains”. Do the Christians push back, NOPE, too busy are they bowing to Israel and its Chosen status.

          We see the same justifications today against the slaughter of the Palestinians, “they are all Terrorists”. Where is Christinaity today, where are the self-described Christian leaders in Washington, they are in FULL SUPPORT OF THE MASS MURDER.

          Christains will be delusional to the end, because to accept ANY reality within that delusion, the whole thing would come crashing down. They would rather die as slaves to their Jewish masters, than live with the reality that their religion is a lie. That is fanaticism, that IS a cult, a death cult, one which will is bringing all of society down with it.

          • @Rexleonum

            I appreciate the in depth, culturally specific information dense and passionate response(s).

            I`ll read over these comments and think on it a bit before I respond.

            Hope you have a great weekend!

        • Loyalty to oneself is not treason, loyalty to a foreign enemy is.

          I certainly don’t buy into the system but that does not mean I am treasonous, I never game my consent.

          Politicians by their own actions ARE part of the system, the system they, by taking part in give life to.

          I am not treasonous because I don’t support my local sports team, but players on that team ARE treasonous if they work against their own team. They choose to participate in the system, thus a bound to its rules, I am not.

          I rail against Christianity because it so well illustrates the ability of those with malicious intent use human nature against us, to so PROFOUNDLY control the masses. You see people on here defend the indefensible, all because they can’t handle those who do not buy into their world view.

          Thus, thanks to Christianity, we see the frailty of humanity, and as long as their are those with the means and will to do great evil, they will always be able to manipulate the willfully ignorant masses.

          You have to think about the absurdity of Christinaity, 2000 years ago, endless wars, disease, crime, usury…where is their God, they have endless excuses, and I mean endless, but there is no critical thinking, no hesitation to push their garbage onto others, and THEY are the majority. ZERO evidence, yet their lives revolve around it.

          To be clear, I am not saying don’t believe, I have my own beliefs, I am spiritual, but they have their place, and I don’t subject others to them, or allow them to block reality. Christains should be marching on DC demanding and end to support for Israel’s genocide, instead of being the primary supporters. To these people, Trump is a messiah figure, words simply can’t convey the insanity of that perception.

          Christianity, like Covid and Voting, shows how truly screwed those of us with eyes to see, truly are, inextricably linked to a absolute death cult. It seems to me, we are the next level of evolution, trapped with self-destruction Neanderthals.

        • G,

          The definition of Treason is well established and as Rexleonum noted that our “leaders” are Treasonous by definition.

          Is that immoral? I think it depends. But you do mention that they are attempting to form a centralized apparatus of control.

          This is dissolving the notion of “nation” or even “state”. I asked many episodes ago about the difference between a nation and a state and I do think there is a difference.

          Being a pragmatist and knowing that for centuries and longer humans have been tribal. I think extreme tribalism is dysfunctional but I must admit that it has been a natural thing to some extent in most human beings, a survival mechanism perhaps. Recognizing that collective action is more effective to ward of threats from other groups.

          I think James Corbett discussed “spontaneous order” but what does that mean and what is it precisely? I think it implies collectivization of human activity.

          If “decentralized” collectives or individuals are going to survive, they must organize IMO because a lone wolf will not survive. It is just improbable based on the human condition as it actually exists in the present time.

          “We” need to collectivize to thwart what “our” enemy is trying to do to us and form alliances with others who do not want to live as slaves. But how we do that will be imperfect and it will not involve a singular solution.

          At least a country and even a state is more decentralized than what they want to create, which is a global tyranny. A global mass of serfs.

          Surely if people want to be “nations” rather than a global mass, this is more decentralized than the latter. It is not ideal but it serves as an anchor to the past that many human beings find grounding and thus I cannot cast judgment on it because it is less than ideal.

          • @cu.h.j

            Please define “extreme tribalism”.

            Perhaps the distilled essence of “collective action (being) more effective” and quintessence of the “spontaneous order” you reference can be found in the pre-statist expressions of Gift Economics that were (and are) expressed in various indigenous cultures and the way they interacted and perceived wealth, which I explored in this essay in detail


            One of the most fundamental differences between the imported European way of thinking that is now dominant on Turtle Island and the original prevalent worldviews of the diverse peoples that lived here is many (if not most) of them perceived the environment around them as being composed as living beings offering gifts, where as the imported European thinking saw the earth as a collection of dead things (natural resources) waiting to be exploited in the name of advancing “progress” and “civilization”.

            You say that “belong(ing) .. means in part a shared sense of morality and social norms.” but what if as James explored in his article titled (Dissent Into Madness: Projections of the Psychopaths) the shared sense of “morality” (or lack there of) and the shared “Social norms” are slowly but surely morphed into that which is sociopathic, psychopathic, selfish, fearful and obedient?

            Defining oneself based on the stated maxims of statist regimes (which often flounder about in how they actually behave and rarely engage in actions that align with the stated “virtues” of their involuntary governance institution) is a slippery slope. It can lead to a person trying to reach for justifications and excuses why the institution they idolize has engaged in various immoral actions, until there is no longer morality of any discernable kind, and rather only obedience to the statist edict.

            Thus, I propose that one of the most potent expressions of the Golden Rule, is to divest from statist thinking, and invest in Gift Thinking locally (more on what that means in my essay linked above).

            Thanks for the comment(s).

            • G,

              “Extreme tribalism” is exemplified by Jews mostly. Many of them are extremely tribal, even when “they” oppose the genocide in Palestine for example, they do so as Jews.

              Certainly not all, but I’d say a majority of people who identify as Jews are extremely tribal in that they view themselves as a people, a collective unit. “They” (certainly not all) are extremely tribal.

              In fact many people who identify as Jews have been so obsessed with endogamy that there are significant genetic defects in the population. That exemplifies extreme tribalism.

              Also, perhaps “elites” demonstrate the most extreme tribalism, they are a club unto themselves and no one shall penetrate it. That is what I mean.

              Extremely tribal people will tend to dehumanize members outside of their definition of who they are. European peoples have not been extremely tribal. Just look at yourself as an example, care and concern for other living things not just yourself.

              I could go on and on with examples, but you might get the gist of what I mean. In short, extreme tribalism is seclusion to such an extent that it is detrimental to the survival of the group. Like those weird looking “blue bloods” who were so inbred that they became freaks and died out.

              I don’t dispute the fact that there are negatives to some aspects European culture, perhaps the proneness to forming states and government. I also don’t dispute the fact that there were some very wise and innovative ways some indigenous peoples lived in harmony with the natural world.

              But there were also some indigenous peoples who did not live in ideal ways with their environment. Perhaps the lack of modern technology limited the amount of destruction wrought, but there are many examples that are a stark contrast to the ideal “noble” and “wise” native Indian narrative prevalent in mainstream left leaning discourses.

              Many tribes were just as barbaric as the worst of European peoples conquering others. But there is little mention of that in historical narratives.

              I do not mean to defend any act of depravity no matter who does it. What I mean to say is that in general human beings are in some ways “tribal”. And I don’t think deracinating European peoples is the way forward.

              This process of cultural destruction has specifically targeted peoples from Europe. This is wrong and it is amoral. I oppose destruction of any group of people but I am partial to Europeans, perhaps because I descend mostly from European ancestors but also they tend to be less tribal than many other groups of human beings.

              This type of altruism perhaps becomes destructive at the polar opposite of the extremely tribal groups of human beings. Maybe there is a happy medium.

              • @cu.h.j

                Thanks for the detailed response.

                Ahh so if someone was to constantly go fishing for red herring and highlighting material that demonizes racial demographics that are different then their own by saying generalizing statements like:

                “Some less technologically advanced peoples are similarly barbaric. There are still cases of human sacrifice and cannibalism in Africa. People harvest other human beings organs in organ trafficing operations. ”

                “When the 2020 riots happened in the US.. ..People were going around hitting white people with bricks in the head. There was a mentally disabled white guy who was taken hostage by two black youths and tortured for 48 hours and they posted it on facebook.”


                “Many tribes (of people indigenous to Turtle Island) were just as barbaric as the worst of European peoples conquering others. But there is little mention of that in historical narratives.”

                and then they were to condone and support isolationism and segregation while simultaneously stating

                “I can totally understand why people may want to separate. That is a normal response to hatred and violence… …As a survival strategy in the coming years, many people are finding communities where they feel safer and have common ground.”

                That would be an example of “Extreme tribalism” right ?

                There seems to be some cognitive dissonance in some of your stated stances on tolerance of diverse cultures, in contrast to your emphasis on the value of protecting and perpetuating what you describe as “white”, “European” and/or “western” “culture”.

                You seem to promote self-imposed eugenics programs intended to maintain “racial purity” with comments like “I would urge anyone, no matter who the descend from to procreate and “be the change you want to see in the world”. That must not stop, procreation of distinct peoples” yet you warn us of the dangers of “extreme tribalism”?


                You use the term “European peoples” and “white culture” in comments like it refers to a specific clearly defined group and specific way of living but it does not.

                You say “I consider myself a member of a “western” nation with “western” values” but again, that is ambiguous and means different things depending on who you ask.

                Those terms mean almost nothing considering very few European, “western” and/or “white” people share a unified ancestry, nor a unified set of moral ideals, nor a unified vision for the future, nor a place based multi-generational knowledge base to draw upon as they connect with the land where they live. There are some exceptions, but they are few.

                It would seem to me that this nebulous idea of “white”, “European” and/or “western” culture you seem to be so interested in preserving lacks definitive, unifying defining parameters. Skin color/genetics does not define a unique culture (IMO).

                Becoming indigenous to place is a great way to set down strong cultural roots regardless of skin color.


              • (continued from above)

                This is what it all boils down to for me okay, we can look for the ugliest examples of peoples from any part of the world and find all kinds of things to be afraid of and repulsed by, but the question is why are we doing that? Does it benefit us going forward? Does it have practical use in building a better future that we will all share?

                Studying the cultures that successfully used techniques like regenerative agroforestry to feed themselves has practical uses for us planning for the future. What color the people are is irrelevant, as they are time tested techniques we can use now and build on.

                In another thread, you said “I am not equipped to live as an indigenous person”

                While you may associate the word indigenous with people with mohawks and feathers in their hair, or people living in “stone aged” dwellings, but that is not what the word means. All the term means is a people that have a long term reciprocal connection to a certain land, it indicates people with multi generational place based wisdom.

                This ambiguous “white culture” you speak of is composed of people with myriad place based ancestral lineages (indigenous ancestors and cultures from all over Europe).

                Most modern day people that most consider as “white” like myself, were born in lands far from where their indigenous ancestors lived and developed reciprocal relationships with that land base (which defined them as a culture based on their pattern recognition, biomimicry and regional food types) and the chance of us being able to live in our ancestral homelands may be slim to impossible.

                Thus, rather than clinging to preserving ambiguous definitions of “western” culture (which in many cases are projections of statist regimes and propaganda pushed by exploitative economic models and not really anything worth preserving at all) I choose to begin the process of becoming indigenous to place (as each and everyone of our ancient ancestors did).

                As more people embrace the long path to indigeneity (regardless or skin color and national location) we begin to weave a fabric of resilient local communities that are using their unique gifts to make the world a better place and define their traditions by their relationship to the land that sustains them. That is culture worth protecting and perpetuating, and it is exactly what I am working on planting the seeds for in my work and local community now.

            • G,

              Have you noticed that it is socially acceptable for every other group to identify as such except for white Europeans?

              Why is that? That is very peculiar to me that there seems to be a deliberate effort to destroy whites in particular, to remove them as a legitimate group of people.

              Whatever downsides there are to feeling a connection to a group of people, there seems to be a deliberate effort by “elites” to destroy this.

              It’s similar to the attack on the idea of what “sex” actually means as a category. They want to erase women as a biological reality. Deracinating Europeans is similar. And it’s just as evil.

              • @cu.h.j

                RE: “Have you noticed that it is socially acceptable for every other group to identify as such except for white Europeans? …

                … Whatever downsides there are to feeling a connection to a group of people, there seems to be a deliberate effort by “elites” to destroy this.”

                No I have not, though I appreciate the question and the sharing of your perspective. I`ll meditate on it and get back to you.

                (if I forget and get buried in other responsibilities please feel free to remind me).

                Thanks for engaging and sharing your experiences and views.

            • G,

              I really admire idealists like James Corbett and yourself and I think it is important to hold onto ideals.

              And it is also necessary to be grounded in reality of the imperfect.

              For example, I believe in autonomy especially in medicine. And I have simultaneously violated autonomy to try to save someone’s life.

              For example, I have helped hold people down and inject them with sedatives to restrain them so they wouldn’t go out and kill themselves. In theory, this is a violation of autonomy but they were not thinking rationally so their autonomy was revoked in order to protect their life.

              Now, sometimes people do have the right to end their own lives, but we make judgment calls when that time is legitimate in mainstream US healthcare system.

              My point is that there are a lot of grey areas with respect to ethics and morality, definitely some absolutes but probably much more nuance than not in regards to most things.

              Even in a voluntary community, you’ll have less than ideal situations arise and maybe even applied force.

              In short, no one is perfect and no system is perfect without flaws.

              • cu.h.j

                You have a good string of thoughtful and profound aspects regarding individuals making their own ethical decisions.

                This quote of yours stuck with me…

                cu.h.j says,
                “And it is also necessary to be grounded in reality of the imperfect.”

              • cu.h.j

                I have noticed that singular taboo for the Caucasians. But we just can’t talk about it, or we run the risk of proving that we are in fact supremacists.
                I agree with Home Remedy Supply that you have an admirable outlook on the complexities of our time.

                Early in the pandemic, I was walking to get lunch. The Floyd marches we then a daily happening here in Portland. I was going past a storefront where a bunch of people were gathering inside…some sort of community action thing. A sign on the door said “We ask that no persons identifying as White enter this function”. It made me profoundly sad. It bothered for days.
                I guess everybody wants to be part of a special club. The power that brings is intoxicating, to be sure.

            • G,

              Let me continue with what I mean with grey areas around moral absolutes.

              For example murder is a sin, but is murder always absolutely wrong?

              There have been women who have technically murdered their abusers. And there are some instances, I think it was justified.

              There was a case of a guy who killed the man who raped him as a child. He technically murdered the guy, but he probably also saved other children the suffering of abuse by wiping this scum bag off the face of the earth.

              What I mean is that there are moral absolutes but there is also nuance. Life is about nuance. Reality is not perfect and there is no perfect solution. We may strive for perfection but it is unachievable.

            • Cont.

              On people’s from Europe. There are different subcategories depending on location, but genetically different from other racial groups of people.

              On European Jews as a group, they are a genetic hybrid of Southern Europeans (mostly) and middle Easterners. They have a distinct genetics and can be classified as a small “race” of people.

              Because people can be classified genetically does not mean I am saying they can be reduced down to chemistry but it nevertheless exists as a genetic category. This is similar to how women are a distinct biological category.

              I’m also not saying some groups are “better than” but some groups may have different abilities if we look at groups. For example, people from Kenya have superior running skills I’d say. Is that wrong to say? This doesn’t mean everyone from Kenya is a better athlete, but they have more exceptional runners than most other groups have IMO.

              This doesn’t mean people should not be considered as individuals and that there cannot be outliers but there are some generalizations we can make when discussing groups.

              What does this all mean? I don’t think it means that other people have a right to oppress and destroy people who they consider different or even inferior. But pretending like biology and genetics don’t exist is not a solution.

              It’s like IQ testing and other types of testing. Is the testing bad? Is it wrong to question authority and mainstream science about what they have been pushing for the last 50 years and possibly longer?

              I want to know truth, no matter what it is, I have a desire to know and to understand. I will not shy away from learning things that upset my world view.

              I have been saturated by “left” leaning science and history for my entire life and I want to learn things outside of the box, stuff that has been censored.

              I want to know why the “elites” are trying to now destroy white people as a biological entity, because they are. That is a fact I cannot ignore.

            • I think I responded to my own comment and intended to respond to your comment.

              But white Europeans are a racial category and genetics prove it.

              You are right, it’s not a monolithic group and there are subcategories but this does not negate the biological reality of the white European race that it is a distinct group.

              This really should not be controversial, like how the existence of women should not be controversial. But it is and that is rather peculiar to me.

              The fact that white people exist really should not be controversial. The fact that that is controversial is very odd. It shouldn’t be odd at all.

            • cont.

              People practice “eugenics” all the time without any state intervention.

              Even the basic attraction phenomenon is possibly a type of “eugenics” and so is the common practice of genetic testing that is common before many women give birth.

              Many women terminate pregnancies that have some genetic traits. I can’t judge.

              If I was having children and I knew I had cystic fibrosis or Huntington’s disease in my family, I would get genetic testing and I would terminate the pregnancy.

              Maybe that makes me evil. But I think it’s actually a kindness. If I had Huntington’s in my future, I think I’d be pretty angry at my mom. This is one of those areas of nuance though.

            • Just to clarify. I never said anything with respect to indigenous people to Turtle Island. I know nothing about these people.

              They seem to have been very wise according to how you describe and people can learn from how they lived.

              What I meant is that not everyone who is considered “native” is like that or lived that way. That is all I meant.

              I want access to modern sanitation and medicine and even computers. I am accustomed to those things, so I am stating a preference.

              I would also like to be able to use some of the innovative skills some “native” people’s like you have described to live on the land.

              There’s got to be a way to live with some modern technology while also living in harmony with the earth.

            • G,

              Sorry for the long ass replies but I just want to clarify because abortion is such a controversial topic and so are genetics and genetic testing.

              I personally would not want to bring a person into the world with a debilitating disease that modern medicine cannot cure. There are people who do and that’s their choice but personally I would not.

              I would also not want to bring a child into the world with Down syndrome. I’m not saying people who have that condition should not exist, but personally I don’t think I would do it. They tend to have significant cardiac disease along with mental retardation so their life span is limited.

              So, I think people can make their own choice in that regard.

              My point is that the discussion of “eugenics” is a huge nuanced topic.

              When people hear eugenics they may think of forced sterilizations and such or state sponsored selective breeding programs or state sponsored abortion. I am strongly opposed to that.

              But I am not opposed to using genetic testing or people who voluntarily pick partners they want to procreate with.

              There is natural law that “governs” these types of things and it is much more intelligent than human beings can fathom.

            • G,

              Thank you also for engaging in conversation. Please do cogitate on that question. Why are elites trying to deracinate people, in particular whites Europeans?

              Why is it so offensive for a person to say, “I’m proud to be White” and not offensive to say “I’m proud to be Jewish” or “I’m proud to be Black” or whatever racial or cultural group.

              But if someone says “I’m proud to be White” in a room full of people, I bet $100 dollars heads would turn.

              It is totally acceptable in mainstream culture to hate white people or pretend that they aren’t even a racial category. I had to ask myself why that is because it’s not in my imagination.

              I think a lot of people have theories about why this is being done, but I’d love to hear your take on it sometime.


              • @cu.h.j

                RE “Why are elites trying to deracinate people, in particular whites Europeans?”

                Could you give me a full description of the process involved in “deracinating” a “pure white” (as you say) from start to finish? I am having trouble understanding what that would mean exactly.

                For instance, lets say the “elites” fully “deracinated” me (a guy with a mostly Gaelic, Irish/Scottish, British and French background) what would the end result be?

                You mention these examples about people saying their proud about the amount of melanin (or lack thereof)
                in their skin, or their pride about some national birth place or whatever makes a person “jewish” and talk about how white people can’t say that, but to me, the real question is, why is anyone getting so excited to say how proud they are about skin color, national birth place or religious affiliation or whatever, it is a bunch of nonsense ego chest thumping as far as I am concerned. It is superficial waste of time vanity.

                I don’t care if your proud to be white, black, purple or hindu. For me, living by example speaks more volumes than any amount of chest puffing or words, so I have no interest in telling everyone how proud I am to be Scottish, or “Canadian” or whatever.

                I am just me, I let my work, my actions, my energy and my unique being define me and other people can make of me what they will. God knows my heart and that is good enough for me.


            • G,

              You make a good point about what I’m saying.

              On the one hand “extreme tribalism” is detrimental especially if it involved trying to destroy other people and isolate to such an extent that it becomes an actual threat to the existence of the people.

              If it involves “in-breeding” to such an extent that the group becomes diseased, that makes no sense as a survival strategy.

              This is the strength of some peoples from Europe who did not do this and were not extremely tribal. I think that is actually a strength.

              And at the same time there has been a deliberate effort to undermine freedom of association in the US.

              Is it genetically sound to isolate to such an extent to have a “pure” race? I’d guess, probably not. But I also understand why some whites are wanting to isolate and exclude some people.

              Are white Europeans a large enough group to procreate among themselves without genetic diseases manifesting because of isolation? I don’t have the answer right now.

              This happened with Jews, so isolationist and endogamous that genetic diseases become problematic. It can become a neurosis and a trait that actually results in extinction.

              IMO with respect to European Jews the most logical thing would be to assimilate. This is what some of my ancestors did. I would not exist had some of my Jewish ancestors reproduced with Gentiles.

              I am a genetic hybrid. And I would probably be excluded from some communities. I am not going to try to force myself into any community. But I am an American and I do feel a natural right to be here on this continent because I do have Anglo ancestors who have been here for centuries.

              And whatever genetics I got from my European Jewish ancestors were pretty good IMO. They were highly intelligent people who valued education who were very intellectually accomplished. Both sides of my family showed strength in intellectual achievement and I am even grateful for my physical health that is in part a gift from my ancestors.

              When people form community and interact with one another, there should be a reciprocal relationship based on trust and good will. This is the ideal encounter not how things often work in reality though.

              Forcing people to come together won’t work. Forcing integration results in distrust and disharmony.

              And people will, it seems, associate with those who are similar to themselves more often than those who are significantly different. Why that is is the question and I don’t think there is a singular answer that is based on a singular biological mechanism.

              I think people are trying to figure out what works best for them and those they want to have community with without the influence of social engineers.

              This is one of those more nuanced topics, a bunch of different conditions existing and lots to consider.

              • @cu.h.j

                RE :

                “I am an American and I do feel a natural right to be here on this continent because I do have Anglo ancestors who have been here for centuries.”

                I was talking to someone that lives in BC recently and she was saying how she thinks people should use drones and high powered rifles to hunt down and kill all the mountain lions (as they have here in Ontario) because they eat people’s pets sometimes.

                When I mentioned how cougars, bears and other large predators have lived there a lot longer than humans and they perform an important role in the ecosystem, she emphatically stated “My family has been farming here for 100 Years!”

                I found that to be a strange rational for her stance on exterminating the keystone predator species from Vancouver island because they eat some people’s pets, and it made me wonder if she would approve of the same rational if another used it. If someone came, re-located her off the farm, claimed it as their own, and pushed her family to live in the woods for a century. Would at that point, the people who forcibly took her land, now have the right to call her an invasive nuisance and hunt her down or expel her from the land? Rather than answer she deleted me from her friend list and blocked me.

                So, i`ll ask a similar question of you based on your rational of your “natural right to be here”.

                If the chinese army or an ‘out of control black lives matter mob of murderous rioters’ took over the whole region where you live, and forced you, and your descendants for a number of generations to live in some unpleasant pocket of land for centuries, would those chinese people and/or murderous black lives matter people then have “a natural right to be here on this continent because they do have ancestors who have been here for centuries.” ?

            • G,

              You also make another good point and question to ponder:

              “what is “white” culture”? and what does it even mean to be a racial white person?

              I suppose I’m white according to the how they classify what that means in the US, but that is probably not quite accurate or precise when discussing genetics.

              Are Southern Italians white? And Northern Italians? Some have said no to the former and yes to the latter.

              In the US, the Irish weren’t considered “white” when they came here. There used to be ethnic separation especially in cities before people were pushed together.

              As far as my own definition of “white” culture, what I’m referring to is specific to the US after the founding of the country and with some nuance around assimilation. White Americans are very different form White Germans and so on.

              Some people are very white appearing or more phenotypically white, but their genetics may be “impure” racially as some define it.

              I probably fall into this category, more white appearing and assimilated into “American” culture.

              I am not suggesting as some might that people who are “impure” be deported or wiped out but that people do have a right to freedom of association.

              Knowing that most “pure” whites I’ve encountered are pretty accepting and I’d venture a guess that even the most racist whites probably wouldn’t hate me that much to want to harm me, I’m not worried about it.

              That’s the beauty of not being so rabidly tribal that an exception cannot be made or that hatred becomes so enmeshed with identity that it involves harming others. I have not found that here in the US. I actually have observed that whites are probably the least racist group that exists in general.

              And this is the group who is being targeted in my observation. I have a problem with that.

              • @cu.h.j


                “I actually have observed that whites are probably the least racist group that exists in general.

                And this is the group who is being targeted in my observation. I have a problem with that.”

                I have not observed the same to be true here in southern Ontario.

                I do not observe less racists in lighter skinned humans (racists seem pretty evenly distributed across the board regardless of skin color here) and I have not felt “targeted” as a light skinned person.

                Thanks for sharing details on your genetic background and your thoughts on “pure whites” (what ever that means).

                I just do not see how it benefits me, my community nor the world at large, to spend lots of time and energy self-identifying based on genetics or skin color being of some central importance.

                I am more interested in how people choose to live, interact, appreciate, share, learn and grow, and less interested in what region their great great grandparents come from.

                In any case, thanks for sharing your views.

            • G,

              One final comment to clarify something I said regarding my own heritage. My European Jewish ancestors did assimilate and marry and procreate with Gentiles and were not isolationists. That is why I am alive, so I’m very grateful.

              There were a lot of European Jews in Austria, mostly from Poland (I think). I think that’s where some of my ancestors are from. I’ve never had a genetic test done and probably never will.

              The other half of my ancestry is “pure” “WASP”

              To what extent this biology has made me who I am, I’ll probably never know. Maybe it’s a secret that only “God” knows.

              I do greatly appreciate your work and what you are doing for your community (human, plant, and animal) and what you share with us here.

            • G,

              There was one more thing you mentioned that I missed that you pointed out,

              “Self imposed eugenics” and “racial purity”

              People will impose “eugenics” with their procreation choices much of the time possibly without even knowing that is what they are doing.

              Cultural norms often steer people into this, but even without that it may be biological.

              There was a small study done that looked at genetics of spouses and found that they tended to have similar DNA:


              There are no laws against procreation among different races of people in the US, but people tend to procreate with those who are similar anyway.

              If you look at the cultural norms in other races of people, endogamy is usually promoted.

              There was a Black doctor I worked with and they casually mentioned to me that they would prefer to marry another Black person.

              But this would not be an issue for them to say that openly and for people to think that was normal. But if a White person says that out loud in public, I bet other people would be thinking they are a racist.

              I would also wager that a majority of married people who have children in James Corbett’s audience have practiced endogamy. And people in this audience are probably some of the most open minded people in the world.

              People tend to pick partners who are similar in education, religion, beliefs, and race much of the time.

              People also tend to segregate themselves voluntarily a lot of the time and there are no laws mandating this.

              Is self imposed segregation evil? Self imposed endogamy? How much of this is even conscious?

              This is a nice segue into free will. How much of our choices are biologically influenced?

              Are there biological advantages for some degree of “purity”?

              With respect to “purity” I do think that there may be some advantages to having a more “pure” group that continues to exist. There will usually be some degree of exogamy but it has usually been smaller than the norm of endogamy.

              • RE:

                “I would also wager that a majority of married people who have children in James Corbett’s audience have practiced endogamy. And people in this audience are probably some of the most open minded people in the world.”


                “Are there biological advantages for some degree of “purity”? ”

                There is a lot to unpack there, but I cannot go into depth tonight as I have a long day of planting trees in the half frozen soil ahead of me tomorrow but i`ll begin by asking you to elaborate on the supposition about Corbetteers favoring endogamy part.

                I will tell you that when I read that part of your comment I had this vision of some of those country club type people that like to “keep all the undesirables out” and keep the club for “pure bloods”, it reminded me of this old scene from the TV show Bewitched:


                The fact that you would assume that Mr. Corbett’s audience is composed of people that focus on something like endogamy says a lot.

                I tend to view people that are obsessed with endogamy in a similar light to how I view poodle breeders and people obsessed with how “pure blood ” their dog is. I have a similar view about people obsessed with creating lab like conditions or extreme isolation distances in the garden so they can obsess over controlling what pollen is cross pollinating with what in their heirloom crops. I trust nature, natural attraction, intuition, love and the compatibility that those things illuminate and make possible more than I do test tube seeds, “pure bred poodles” or “pure white” human breeders.

                If someone falls in love with someone that happens to have the same color of skin, nationality or what ever as they do, and they choose to have a family, Great! That is beautiful. If someone falls in love with someone that happens to not have the same skin color as them, has a totally different nationality or whatever, Great! That is beautiful too.

                I mean, what would make you think that the majority of the members here are focused on endogamy? After all, this is a community created by a guy that was born in Canada, and now lives in Japan, and has a family there now, are we not?

                In any case, thanks for the interesting comments and for sharing your views.

                and RE: “I do greatly appreciate your work and what you are doing for your community (human, plant, and animal) and what you share with us here.”

                Thanks I am glad to hear that and appreciate the kind words.

            • G,

              I think part of the reason you don’t get it is because you live in Canada, not the US.

              I bet a Canadian would start to get it if they took a stroll down one of the rough parts of Chicago. They would start to feel what I’m referring to. The region you live in probably lacks any significant “diversity” so of course you don’t get it.

              My husband is half Greek, and they have festivals and have a sense of cultural continuity. There is value in tradition.

              That has been removed and replaced with a generic consumer mono-culture and people don’t even know what they are lacking.

              You do again mention skin color and that is a very small aspect of what race is.

              Most people fall in love with people who are similar to themselves, that’s all I’m saying. A small portion of people are drawn to those who are different. That’s just the norm, even in people who are open minded.

              It’s good to know that you are above “puffing out your chest” and being proud of your racial heritage because you are more evolved than those simpletons, but there are young people who have no cultural anchors and are instead turning to destructive vices to fill the void.

              There is value to tradition and culture and even race, whether you recognize that or not.

              • @cu.h.j

                I would not say that I am above it, as I have allowed my ego to dictate my words and actions in the past, I just see chest puffing and chest thumping for what it is now (and if I am able to rise to the occasion and let my spirit take the lead, and not my ego, I strive to do that).

                One of the side effects of life long brainwashing we receive in statist propaganda, public school and being indoctrinated to the modern day Colosseum of idolizing and cheering for competitive sports stuff is the whole rigmarole of “my team is better than your team!” and the ingrained propensity of many to assign themselves to various “teams” based on programmed arbitrary outward distinctions, and then declare that they are on the best team, all the other teams are horrible (and full of “barbaric” people doing horrible things) etc. I just do not buy into all that jazz, I see it as a waste of time, I am on team Earth, and that team includes you, all other humans, all other non human beings also residing on Earth and the living earth herself.

                I have elaborated on how I see value in culture and tradition in length, so that is a moot point, but race?

                I have seen people obsessing over pride in what they perceive as race and all it has resulted in for them is anger, conflict, fear and bickering.

                I would like to understand how having pride in one’s “race” can be beneficial, could you please share with me a success story where being super proud about one’s race led to wonderful things happening?


              • @cu.h.j

                “the region you live in probably lacks any significant “diversity” so of course you don’t get it.”

                Well, I have been to Chicago, and Detroit multiple times, as well as Seattle, L.A. and Denver and I can say that here where I currently live there is likely as much or more “diversity”. That was likely not the case 10 years ago and certainly not the case 50 years ago but the massive explosion in ten thousand acre Hydroponic greenhouse operations here in southern ontario in the last decade (in which the greenhouse barons, usually rich italians or chinese oligarchs/mafia heads, import many thousands of people with work visa programs from Haiti, Jamacia, Guatemala, Vietnam, Korea, Nepal, Mexico and India etc to work double shifts 6 days a week for minimum wage in their giant greenhouses and warehouses, soaking flavorless, nutrition depleted garbage produce in chemicals all day, picking it, sorting it and packaging it for export) has led to quite an intense diversity of people living here. So here in our town the streets are teaming with dark skinned humans, brown skinned humans and all kinds of people speaking other languages that are not english.

                There is racism from the imported Europeans here directed at the people listed above, and there is racism from the more recently imported various other races of peoples towards white people too, it is an equal and steady amount of racism, not coming from one more that the other here.

                There are exceptional human beings I meet that are seasonal workers on visas, and recently immigrated citizens. There are also obnoxious, vain, dangerous or government kowtowing people that I meet that also fall into those categories.

                There are also exceptional human beings I meet that are permanent residents of European decent and then similarly, there are obnoxious, vain, dangerous or government kowtowing people that I meet that also fall into that category.

                It is a mixed bag.

                And while the households and programming those people were raised in can lean them towards specific unpleasant proclivities, in the end, that is all learned, and underneath the programming, the ego, the vanity, the fear, the addictions, the submissive/subservient Stockholm syndrome conditioning, and underneath their “race” is the blank slate of their soul. (for reference: )

                What has been learned can be unlearned, and what is being programmed into people need not continue to be. Dividing ourselves into camps and teams, saying we are the “more pure ones” etc, these are choices that align with the will of the oligarchs that like to divide and conquer. I refuse to play their games.

            • G,

              I know there is nuance here and let me clarify which I did think I did previously. There are some small groups of people that have been extremely tribal to such an extent that there is not enough genetic diversity and they are at the point where they have to blend into the greater human gene pool.

              There has been a deliberate effort to reduce the human population size by “elites”. Not only that, they have reshaped cultural landscapes possibly in order to bring about trans-humanism.

              When people say, a population is below replacement levels, that is not a good thing IMO.

              I do want there to be races of people that continue to exist even whites in all their varieties. I also want other people, who are of mixed heritage to exist. Some people might not, but I don’t share those views.

              I now understand why people want some continuity. I don’t think it’s wrong.

              You did take issue with what I said and mentioned it and I am trying to explain. I didn’t say you were wrong. If I implied that, that was not my intention.

              I don’t want any race of people to vanish. When I mentioned European Jews they are quite small in size and I think it makes sense to blend at this point.

              At some point if human are to survive as a species, this might be the only viable option. We are not there yet with some races of people.

              I notice that people become perturbed when a white person mentions that they want to be in a white community and I think that should not really be a strange thing to say.

              I get it now because of what the 2020 riots taught me. I got away from the city, not only because of the scamdemic but to get out of an area that had too much hostility towards whites. And this hostility was coming from other whites as well.

              I had previously mentioned immigration and I do think massive levels of it are problematic. Whether the state has a right to exist IMO doesn’t matter. Canada doesn’t seem to have that problem now, so maybe that why you don’t really notice it.

            • G,

              “Pure” races are a lot to unpack and it is a huge topic that I also have to research and look at some of the genetic research which is continuing to evolve.

              Humans are way more complex than seeds, dogs and other types of life forms, so I’ll dig into it a little as well.

              • cu.h.j
                The male and female division is probably the boundary of any eugenics talk. The rest is superfluous. Do you see the reasoning beyond that?

            • G,

              You said:

              “Dividing ourselves into camps and teams, saying we are the “more pure ones” etc, these are choices that align with the will of the oligarchs that like to divide and conquer. I refuse to play their games.”

              Yeah, it can. It’s good to be able to let down ones guard at times. And it’s detrimental to ones sense of honor to not treat others with the same respect one expects.

              I think there is also friendly competition too. I’m not opposed to sports in general. An obsession with it is weird to me, but friendly competition is probably not entirely bad IMO.

              When working with other human beings I have found that accepting people where they are is sometimes a better strategy.

              • @cu.h.j

                Thanks for sharing your views on this.

                Everyone should be able to make their own decisions as to how they want to invest their attention and limited time on the planet Earth in this life we are each living now. If people want to get into competitive sports (or cheering for them) like most of my family does, I do not judge them for it, it is just not something I see as capable of improving my quality of life, nor something that is capable of improving the quality of life of the other beings I share this world with, so, I personally refrain and redirect my energy elsewhere now a days.

                Once upon a time i was a left defence soccer player on a team called “The Wildcats”, we had quite a few Portuguese kids on our team that took the sport seriously so we were pretty good. Made it to provincial competitions but the lippy Portuguese kids kept getting red carded so we did not go further. I did enjoy being the odd ball player that encouraged both the players on my team and the players on the other team when they did an impressive kick or move of some kind, but in the end, it did not appeal to me as a way I wanted to spend my time on Earth, so I stopped playing.

                All of that reminiscing is to say that I can understand what you mean by the “friendly competition” aspect in a way, but the entire endeavor of competitive sprots as a whole, is just not my cup of tea in this life, so to each their own.

                RE: “accepting people where they are is sometimes a better strategy.” as opposed to what?

                Thanks for the comment(s)

          • G,

            Regarding “European Peoples” indeed it is a genetic group with specific characteristics, just as Japanese people and Chinese are distinct and so on.

            People practice “Eugenics” much of the time without any state sponsorship whatsoever.

            Most people have affinity for those most similar to them, in my observation. Many people get genetic testing done prior to continuing a pregnancy depending on the circumstances. That is the very definition of Eugenics.

            Is that wrong? I think it’s wrong when a state is sterilizing people by force and deliberately pushing abortion to engineer society.

            But there are some biological tendencies people have that are normal. I say normal because they exist.

            Some people are attracted to those who are different, so what? Most people are comfortable to those who are similar. Both exist. No one has the authority to dictate and control the reproduction of other people.

            And I know this is very politically incorrect to say, but there are characteristics of groups that may in part be genetic. The extent of that is debatable and not set in stone.

            If I had the past two decades to live over, I probably would have had a couple of kids with the person who I ended up marrying, who happens to be white. I have felt most comfortable dating white men. I’m just more attracted to them. Is that bad? I think maybe it’s biological.

            Some people don’t tend to do that. Are they bad? I don’t think so, but it’s just less common.

        • cont.,

          So what does it mean to belong to a nation? To me it means in part a shared sense of morality and social norms.

          I consider myself a member of a “western” nation with “western” values of equal protection under law, free speech, freedom of association and enterprise bound by natural law, morality and honor. Most importantly a nation that respects the right to self protection and has no monopoly on violence.

          “The golden rule” is the law of the land in my nation.

        • cont.

          On the concept of “spontaneous order” IMO implies that “order” is necessary and natural.

          Does this “order” involve leadership? It might indeed. There is a difference between a leader and a tyrant. Leadership based on skill, trust and respect is probably a natural phenomenon and the leader is also a follower because no one knows everything and everyone must at some time defer to someone who knows more.

          • G,Rex and cu.h.j
            There’s something you all missed. Treason, leadership and zealots.
            Long time back Jewish zealots , who thought serving “that one” to expedite the end times in order to bring forth the true Messiah are willing to destroy this world in order to expedite that. Look at someone like Zoros working with the devil against all who are not the real Jews.
            Talmudists,Cabalist’s and Torah reading Orthodox Jews will be willing to join in if the ends justify the means. That’s how evil stays alive and well. Is it flawed thinking or a Solomon judgement to arrive at heaven on earth? These people exist and most at the top. Look at the Rabbis who promote this as sane behavior.


            • It does appear that the state of Israel is heavily influenced by religious Zealots that espouse hate and the desire to destroy other groups of people.

              They even killed a prime minister there because he wanted to negotiate with Palestinians. He was no saint by any means but he wasn’t a religious nut case.

              Above I was discussing “extreme tribalism” and I think the state of Israel is the perfect example of what that looks like. That is it, precisely.

              It is insane and it is also very frightening because they hold a lot of power.

              I do think that there may be other things that string pullers want to usher in and are perhaps using this narrative to further their ends. The reason I say that is because I don’t understand how anyone could really believe that kind of stuff, to be forcing a prophecy to come true.

              This is where extreme beliefs become a hindrance and actually start to become insanity.

              I can understand belief and faith and adhering to a set of values but when it involves hurting other people it must be questioned. And it should send of alarm bells when it involves bringing on the destruction of the entire world. Then it becomes a danger and people who facilitate it become complicit.

              Who ever is helping work closely with these types of people really should examine what they are doing.

              • cu.h.j
                Yes alarm bells! I mentioned before Issac Breshear Singer and his writings, warnings of the radical Jews who want to help the Messiah to return, a little sooner than later.. Poland is a good example of Jews assimilating and being wacked by the extremists through proxies. So I must assume you are talking about our nations capitol. Washington and our nation are two separate things. Our founders new this to be so…So we couldn’t ever become Prussia of that time. Or later Germany of its most manipulated time or any of the old monarchs representing God of the old testament or Rome of the new testament. These were very intelligent men who knew how Devine Monarchies behaved.
                You point out so well that ;
                “I do think that there may be other things that string pullers want to usher in and are perhaps using this narrative to further their ends. The reason I say that is because I don’t understand how anyone could really believe that kind of stuff, to be forcing a prophecy to come true.”
                And into my box came this answer from GrandTheftWorld, Richard Grove brings in a Pub Med paper by Parker Crutchfield.
                “Compulsory Moral Bio enhancement Should Be Covert”


                Throw in Poppy Crum and our morals no longer come from faith but from the Grand Masters in Jerusalem.
                You can’t make this stuff up. Well maybe in Hollywood.
                Alan Watt use to rail on this in his weekly show,but alas he is no longer amount us.
                You are so close so why don’t you just say it? Don’t please. Just know it and where it originated from. I’m sure James is gonna talk all about this in his upcoming book.

              • cu.h.j
                Yes my dear you are inspiring others to think, by asking questions. Cuppa coffee, legs up and…
                Today’s lesson ; cause you got me to thinking. Jeopardy question of the day…
                What is…?
                1. deontology
                2. utilitarianism

                These seem to be very important words in understanding ethics. Q F C?
                This reveals what a true follower of Zionism is. I say the above rabid Rabbis are Zionism personified. And backed by one of those two very powerful words above.

                You gave us a wiki definition of Zionism recently. Which I believe is incorrect. As you would expect, this, the monster Rebs of the Rabbinical radicals would want to keep very close to their vest. A mob would tear them to pieces if they( mob) ever figured out what Zionism really is. Mobs of Jews, Gentiles,Arabs ,hell even the lost Tribe of Jews in Americ..ah..Turtle Island down to the lowly donkey that carried Jesus into Jerusalem….. torn to pieces!

              • cu.h.j
                Long is long as can be. Friendly without being absolute.
                Listening to James banging his head against the wall I feel asleep and awoke to Adrien talking to Zuba on just this topic we were discussing . It helped some in understanding some of your points., tribalism, racism, propaganda, power,profit and control.

                The conclusion I think falls on Rockefeller-ish control of humans for all kinds of nefarious purposes. The exploitation, enslaving and manipulation of the human race. The characteristics of all races, TRIBALISM was most effective in subduing humanity.
                From the subtle lifelong propaganda and control of the educational Universities we get these wacky phsydo-sciences , sociology, psychology , eugenics, genetics and allopathic medicine. They all are tools in the agenda to control humanity. The family unit being the nexus of all races tribalism. Man and women being the genesis. There are so many ways to weaken the family unit, which in turn ultimately weaken the races and socal constructs. . It’s done by propaganda.
                Any denial of the propaganda doing this is a step in the right direction.


            • Generalbottlewasher, I did not mention Jewish zealots specifically, though I use the term “ZioComs”.

              You are certainly correct in your assessment, though I am more critical of Christians who whole heartedly support this insanity. Without Christian Zionism, Israel would be nothing. It has been decades of rabid Christian support for Israel, that has led us to the brink of our destruction.

              Early Judaism was polytheistic, they were converted to monotheism and Yahweh. They then created the “Old Testament” to create a nation/people of psychopaths. These are the Jews who will manage the NWO out of Israel with no empathy to anyone.

              1 Samuel 15:3 – “Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.”

              The “New Testament” was created to subjugate the masses, to destroy all indigenous religions and bring them under the globalist one world Jewish God. Christianity is a religion to create slaves, for us to enslave ourselves.

              Romans 13:1-2 says: “Obey the government, for God is the one who has put it there. There is no government anywhere that God has not placed in power. So those who refuse to obey the law of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow.”

              Religion was, as is pretty obvious and certainly well established, created to control the masses. Sadly, that control over-rides logic and reason.

            • Generalbottlewasher,

              To answer your question:

              “The male and female division is probably the boundary of any eugenics talk. The rest is superfluous. Do you see the reasoning beyond that?”

              No, I don’t. It is not IMO. As far as talk of “inferiority/superiority” yes I do.

              Some groups produce greater numbers of people who have certain skills/abilities that are different than other groups. Some of these may have some biological links. It’s more of a tendency not an absolute characterization. Probably impossible to separate nature from nurture IMO with respect to race in particular, but tendencies can be noted.

              Most notably if we look at Blacks and athletics, I’d say in general American Blacks have stronger athletic ability to Whites and other races. Not every Black is an amazing athlete, but as a group there are more “gifted” athletes coming from that race of people.

              Asians in the US tend to excel in STEM fields. When I was in college studying molecular biology, I was a minority in my science classes. I didn’t resent my Asian classmates because of this obvious fact. In fact I was proud of my accomplishments even though I knew many of them were more skilled than I was.

              I don’t think “elites” should every be dictating who can marry or procreate. That is not only wrong but it tries to supersede the intelligence of the universe and the mysterious process that life is.

              They are arrogant in thinking they know the secrets of life or that they can narrow it down to some magic formula. But there are nonetheless traits that are in part genetic. That’s undeniable to me. This includes height, eye color, types of intelligence, musical ability, proneness to diseases, etc.

            • Generalbottlewasher,

              If you mean that the conversation is divisive and makes people uncomfortable, yes I see the logic there.

              As far as working together in community, separate enclaves or together, I don’t think people’s opinions on that should really matter.

              • ch.u.j

                It’s divisive because its invalid. However something like eugenics becomes a-political, is it science, or politics? Being racist is like the liberal retardation being heeped on the conservatives, an opinion . A nurtured Class or party. Can you breed a conservative? Alan Watt explained how the English breed their politics. George lll asked once at a ball who’s that? The man servant said Earl of Argile, George asks is he somebody? Man servant says no. He is nobody. To George lll the Earl had less than 13 generations of selected breeding. However it wasn’t breeding for the superior man but the superior politic of wealth and Class,( politics of heredity.) Generalizations of race support a flawed stance.
                General observable characteristics, phenotype are developed from the unseen genetics. Where do you start? You must start at the male/ female differential, all else down line of that is speculation, wild opinions and bias, in other words religion. Gregor Mendel grew superior peas which as George lll tried to promote into a Superior race culminating in Davenport’s 1866-1944 eugenics.
                Take one male/ female from two different races, Breed them , now have you created a new race? Why mixed race, mixed blood comes up is beyond me but it can be traced to the bloodline of humans who claim they are descended from one man . Who breed with one of his clevered rib bones . Creating a pure race. A race above all other races with dominion over the earth. It’s a small blood club and you aren’t in it. When talking about fellow humans, beyond a male / female differential race is superfluous, divisive leading into error, mischief, rancor and mistrust and manipulation. The birthplace of the seven deadly sins, Pride being at the top. Don’t support it by generalizing eugenics in its many forms when applied to humans as other than one race. IMHO.

            • Generalbottlewasher,

              I think the push to eliminate the category of race is almost as absurd as the push to eliminate the category of male/female. That is my opinion.

              Our cultural paradigm classifies and categorizes. These can be useful in the world as it is, a tool to try to understand. It’s like classification in biology which is just a tool to understand.

              In medicine in particular, knowing what genetic diseases are more common in a race of people can actually help with early detection. For example in my own case, I’m more prone to breast cancer so I get MRIs. Other people who belong to a certain race or are mixed with that race, also may be more prone, so it’s good to know IMO.

              I think sometimes being able to generalize is helpful and may even be an evolutionary survival mechanism. There is a place for less than ideal “pragmatic” decisions.

              I think the ideas of “superior and inferior” are where the error lies, in particular when discussing absolute value. Everyone is born with natural rights IMO but this is not the same as everyone being “equal” in all pursuits.

              Some people will just be better at certain things. But so what? I mean lots of people are better looking and smarter, faster, more healthy than I am. Knowing that does not make me feel inferior in value to them. Because there will be things that I am better at and I’m going to make the most of what I have.

              It’s also very good to point out that stereotypes aren’t always useful and can sometimes be misguiding.

              • cu.h.j
                In your opinion, just to clarify, you are saying to ” eliminate the category of race ” or are you saying” categories of races” ; big difference because In your final paragraph you point out “stereotypes aren’t always useful and can be misleading ” This is part of what I alluded to, beyond male/female divisions of the human race, further divisions are just propagandas for subsets of humans. Like the useless propaganda of the Woke psyop. Misguiding and useless medical statistics by humans in every subset. Welcome to medical globalism.
                It has to fall under medical because their propaganda won’t work as well under the religious control networks. Medical Deonology use to be about following the golden law,do no harm. As we now know medical , has gone to utilitarianism of making money anyway you can. Frankenstein power,profit and control. Laws don’t apply here. Morals or civil, nada Misguided as racism and promoted for all the wrong reasons. Deny them that tool of divisionism.IMO

            • GBW,

              The thing is is that people have been tribal for thousands of years, even in the same continent.

              With the Zionists, they are spiritually tribal, not just racist. They believe that non-Jews don’t have the same worth as souls. This extends out into their secular culture too. Many people are proud to note the high IQ among European Jews and the number of scientists, extreme wealth and power. It’s just the “master race” idea but it was the original.

              But does this mean there aren’t “races of people” or as I said a category of “race” like how people who evolved in different parts of the world are in ways different? Because people can be different, they have different gut bacteria that is located in different areas of the world, etc. You know what I’m saying right?

              When it becomes a mechanism of dehumanization, I believe that is evil.

              I’ve lived in a city that had a large Chinese population and many of them stay in certain enclaves, “China Town”. Many of them kinda stay to themselves. They don’t bother anyone and have their own shops and stuff. They are not violent and really their staying in communities they feel comfortable in doesn’t bother me. It’s not like I can’t walk through the neighborhoods and buy things.

              People will be a little tribal and have their comfort zones and if they aren’t hurting anyone, I really don’t think this should be an issue. When they start trying to harm people, that’s when it is a problem.

            • This begs the question, does acknowledging the existence of “races of people” who have evolved differently in different parts of the world necessarily mean that this is a defense of modern forms of destructive tribalism like Zionism?

              I don’t think it does. People have formed tribes for thousands of years and it served as a defense mechanism to protect against attack from other groups of humans.

              So, what’s the difference? Maybe it’s how some “ethnic” groups have a cultural tradition that they are celebrate which can be viewed positively, such as “Chinese New Year” celebrations in cities or how Greeks have “Greek Festivals” etc. Then there’s “St. Patrick’s Day” etc. Most people view these things positively. But it is a tribal association and people do have some sort of recognition of ethnicity or dare I say “races of people”

              There does seem to be this push to make everyone the same so there are no more connection to the past. Look at the 2020 riots when “anti-Fa” were burning cities and tearing down monuments.

              And people in these communities have no sense of community, no sense of “ethnic” identity that some have argued are a defense to this assault. They just go with the flow and put a BLM sticker in their window, meaning “please don’t rob me”.

              Why is it not okay for Americans to want to keep their monuments? Even if there is controversy around them and we can learn from history, why is it acceptable to tear them down? And it’s totally fine for people to think of themselves as blobs of DNA that have no roots to place, ancestry, cultural tradition?

              We are not blank slates of flesh and molecules. There are “different races of people” and this idea is rooted in the past.

              Is it wrong for people to want to continue their lineage or culture? Lots of Chinese I know are a little tribal, some not so much but I try to engage with people who wish me no ill will with respect. I do this with all people no matter what ethnic or race of people they belong to. I have to working with a huge variety of people several days a week.

  3. Q4C
    Oh you are a rascal; toying with emotions that hinge on the esoteric visual of a book! That button pushing of my desires for you to succeed where others have failed. The mind bending teaser of Santa and book in the same frame. Oh you rascal, you puck pick on the ice book in a box from South of Red Deer. I wonder if your book is as real as Santa?
    You make a person want to write poems. Now I know you are an agent of change. Manudo!

    Is that box a present for Me ?
    To finally be placed under the tree?
    Time will tell, is it plan to see?
    Will seven articles and commentary set me free?
    When will the magic be bound by thee?
    Could you sign my copy please?

  4. Goodwill and peace to all..
    We may have a chance for a moment’s sanity, although it is a long shot, as Charles Barkley, telecaster and former basketball legend, has strongly advised leftie losers to “Shut the fuck up”!

  5. I was just hearing a Spanish podcast recommending a book: The Spanish Civil War Revolution and Counterrevolution by Burnett Bolotten + 2 with decades of investigation on the republicans in the Spanish war and years after, i.e., those who lead to the current sanchez’s, bidens, trudeaus, et al. Today’s Spain, as today’s UK, Canada, Chile, Ecuador, and many more call for research on how the deep state has gotten into through ngos and un agencies to fleece them materially and mentally. I’ve been following you for at least 10 years and highly congratulate your work, but I’ve never seen any interest in Spanish America, which is only a branch of what you and your friend James Evans Pilato so well dissect. Greetings from Ecuador, whose right-wing president, one of the richest in the country, names climate change every day to keep us in the dark with 8-14 hours without electricity and nobody protests! (surely another experiment from good ol’ 1%)

    • ¿Vives en Ecuador?
      I can certainly say that southamerica is riddled with American Soup letter infiltrates, it has been happening since the war with Cuba in 1902.

      Corbett had on his sequestring Carbon Big Oil segment Cristiana Figueres, the daughter of President from Costa Rica, saying “there is a cap and trade system which will be the norm” or something along those lines.

      Her brother, known former president Jose Maria Figueres was also in switzerland from 2000 to 2004 as head CEO of Schwab’s WEF, while being indicted in Costa Rica for 900.000 USD bribe to Spanish Telephony company ALCATEL. He got fired from WEF.

      There are countless schemes like this one. But the reason you dont hear from “emerging markets” south east asia, souh america, arabia, and Sb saharan africa is because the globalists are very focused in the land grab opportunities there.

      I know people in spanish speaking Central America who sell “carbon credits” by “not using the forest” and they get like 1000$ a hectare.

    • Latin America is such a chaotic mess it’s difficult to understand how important it is to know what’s happening there without actually having been there. Maybe people just don’t care. I will most certainly check out the book. Whitney Webb used to write about South America more like her wonderful expose of Eduardo Elsztain:

      It was shocking to me when I was in Colombia in 2021 for the Paro Nacional and people were being “disappeared” by the hundreds in a shock and awe campaign waged against the populace. ‘False Positives’ means something completely different out there. (Y ya sabia que los tombos hptas were trained by the US and Israelis.) Between all the police brutality, guerrilla fighting, drug and human trafficking (Calle de las Pizzas in Lima, [boyloversymbol]Peru anyone?), people killed trying to protect the land from mining operations, political corruption, and economic crises its difficult to keep track of it all (or even a portion).

      In Ecuador a tour guide told me they were proud of the people’s ability to eject presidents. I remember seeing the graffiti on the walls of Quito: FMI Nunca Mas. (It was also sardonic how the statue of The Virgin Mary was turning her back on the poor side of the city). The streets don’t lie.

      \/ Ecuadorian Protest Song \/ Lavaron Sus Manos – Los Nin \/

    • Pete quinones put up his Spanish civil war stuff in one loooong episode a short while ago.


    The Tsarnaev brothers, framed for the Boston Marathon nonsense where NO ONE DIED (just a smoke bomb.) After one brother was seen getting into a police cruiser, naked, the next pics of him were on a morgue table with a torn, beaten body.
    – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    The Columbine shooting where the two kids were murdered in the library, laying on the floor, where blood was splattered on the books of the lower shelves, yet for an hour or more the shooting continued.
    – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    Movies used to be based on novels. Now they’re based on comic books. Nothing better illustrates the Illuminati goal of infantilizing mankind.

    The people of the world and even their governments will be “as children under-age,”
    The Protocols of Zion said in 1905. (Protocol 15)
    – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    “If wars are started by lies, then they can be stopped by truth.”
    – Julian Assange
    – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    The Celts existed in America for 1700 years (1000 BCE to 700 CE) creating vast cities, could smelt iron, do dental work, etc. from West Virginia to Wisconsin.
    – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    “Man-made” objects from as far back as 200 million years in age have been found from a gold chain necklace in Ohio to a multi-metal cup in the Boston area, to hollow, steel balls in South America, etc. indicating “human” history is far more ancient then we are led to believe.
    – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    Eight British scientists discovered and published in a peer reviewed article that in every tested trace of debris from the world trade center, elements of a military grade explosive (thermate) were found.
    – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    No Muslims were involved with 9/11

    No Afghans were involved with 9/11

    No Iraqis were involved with 9/11
    – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    Not one part of the millions of tagged and stenciled ID parts on the air planes has ever been found…not one piece of wire, bolt, nut, nothing.
    – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    Evidence of humans like us from 180,000 years ago. This equals about 7000 25yr generations. We went from horse and buggy to space ships in four generations.
    – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    “We have been engineered into a perception prison of belief and held in place by shackles of fear.”
    – EJ Doyle

    So you gotta ask, do you really have true understanding of who you are…
    WHO ARE YOU (song)

    • In Illinois assault rifles got successfully banned because of a mass shooting perpetrated by a certain Robert Crimo (can’t make this stuff up [or can you wink wink]). Weirdly, a certain twitter handle before the event had the odd tweet ‘Robert Crimo doesn’t exist’.

      • Interesting isn’t it? No such thing as an “assault” rifle but it gets banned??
        No such thing as COVID 19 but millions are forced to take untested injections, wear masks, stay 6 feet from each other, etc.

        Not sure the point of the guy’s name?? The 4th of July shooter??

        Here in AZ you can ride a motorcycle without a helmet packed with a side piece, stop and walk into a bank, store, etc. and do business, and no one but a bad guy will pay attention.

        People don’t have a real involvement with the much outside of their small life circles. How to understand the seriousness of the bill that got passed.

        Take a look at the Nebraska Cornhuskers Football stadium

        That is what 85,458 people look like.
        Now add 1542 and that is how many IRS Stasi agents will be coming for us.

    • If a man made iron sphere is in deposits 200 million years old it’s much more likely that the age of the deposits are wrong…. Radiometric dating depends on knowing how fast something decays over millennia when we have studied it only a century

  7. Silliness perhaps, but for those who like “numbers”:
    There is a claim that this 2010 TV commercial for mattresses is predictive programming for Trump as president, where sheep stand outside rooms 9 and 11. I found this ad after reading a comment on another news site that claimed the math as proof Trump was preselected: 45/47=9/11. Sheep seem to be the appropriate prop.

  8. There is a UK based journalist has been doing good work for years called Richard D Hall. Hes got a whole series on fabricated terror, his site is i just found out after years of not following the site he is currently undergoing a trial for his research that said that the manchester bombings on the city hall prior to the concert arena for Adriana Grande’s concert show NO EVIDENCE of an explosive charge going off there, must bodies peppered in the photos and cameras.

    On a different note, ive been researching Philantropists Fady Jameel from the Jameel Family in Saudi Arabia who funded Imperial Colleges Report #9 on “isolating, testing and tracing” citizens during the plandemic.

    Interesting to know both in italy and UK there are “inquiries” trying to find suspects for the covid handling.

    Who are they trying to throw under the bus?

    • Indeed. Richard has done some great work and is a thoroughly decent man. Of course the MSM branded him Britain’s sickest man for questioning the Manchester ‘bombing’. It was indeed a hoax. Richard released a book entitled Manchester -The Night of the Bang. which I bought and hae read more than once. I believe htis is available free from his website now. Iain Davis who James has had on his show at least once, has a substack worth checking out
      Iain has his own book out on Manchester and I believe you can download it for free. Iain has supported Richard throught his incredibly ludicrous ‘trial’. It’s hard to describe how farcical it was and cannot but lead one to see how corrupt the British judcial sytem can be when t wants to be. Iain Davis dismantles it brilliantly. It’s very much worth your time to read what he has to say.

      • I embarrass myself with my typos – tried to correct them but then started waffling on and ran out of edit time.
        Anyway, there’s a vdeo here if you fancy a watch
        Then have a dig around – it’s a good subject if you haven’t looked into it before.

      • Also, alternative media should be defending RDH vigorously.

        • Thanks Ted. Funnily enought I just subscribed to David Hughes but for the Covid stuff. I hadn’t noticed he’d written about RDH’s trial. Good tip.
          Yes I wholeheartedly agree. This case should be a major focal point for the alternative media as the fallout will undoubtedly affect them one way or another. That said, I don’t think this has gone the way they’d have liked. They’ve underestimated Hall without a doubt. He has stood up to them and they didn’t really expect it, or deal with it very well. If only the general public could be made aware of this farce of a trial. Although farce is the wrong word. It was a crime. And how it could be them on the receiving end of an unjust judiciary! Let’s face it, this debacle is not going to be on ‘the news’ even though it could be the best story the MSM has ever published if they really wanted to boost their readership. Can you imagine The Sun exposing a corrupt judiciary? No, this story has to be spread person to person and that means getting it out as far and as wide as possible. Every little bit helps.

  9. Can someone verify to me if its this is true that Japan food safety Commission found that an active ingredient in Bovaer 3-NOP affects sperm in bad way.

    • I couldn’t find anything using Brave. Perhaps try the Commission’s web site. (I didn’t myself because of the language barrier, assuming they don’t have an English option.)

    • BBC

      “….Some online activists have sought to link Bovaer to such claims, pointing to a past approval letter from US regulator the FDA which found that the additive could lead to male infertility.

      However, the letter was

      referring to precautions that must be taken when handling the product in its pure form –

      rather than when it is added to animal feed…..”

      Hmn…. does not sound good

    • “…..Although Bovaer® 10 is an unapproved drug, at this time we do not intend to initiate enforcement action
      with respect to the drug requirements listed above for Elanco’s marketing Bovaer® 10 or use provided
      FDA continues to have no questions or public health concerns about Bovaer® 10. Based on our prior
      discussions, we understand that you intend to take the following step….”

      Oh, I guess if they can feed waste candy like skittles ground up in the box to cow anyway its fine…..


      “….Legal notice: Relevant information or parts of this scientific output have been blackened in accordance with the confidentiality requests formulated by the applicant pending a decision thereon by the European Commission…”

      ‘……Following a request from the European Commission, EFSA was asked to deliver a scientific opinion on the safety and efficacy of Bovaer® 10 as a zootechnical additive for ruminants for milk production and reproduction.

      Systemic exposure or site of contact toxicity for the active substance 3‐nitrooxypropanol (3‐NOP), for which

      genotoxicity has not been fully clarified,

      in the target species, is unlikely based on ADME data available. Consequently, the FEEDAP Panel concluded that Bovaer® 10 was safe for dairy cows at the maximum recommended level.

      However, as a margin of safety could not be established,

      the FEEDAP Panel could not conclude on the safety of the additive for other animal species/categories.

      The FEEDAP Panel considered that the consumer was exposed to 3‐nitrooxypropionic acid (NOPA), which is one of the 3‐NOP metabolites. NOPA was not genotoxic based on the studies provided.

      The FEEDAP Panel concluded that the use of Bovaer® 10 in animal nutrition under the conditions of use proposed was of no concern for consumer safety and for the environment….”

      Yikes, I guess i was asleep since I missed out on this story

      I’d best get myself a goat

      • This week’s episode of The Highwire covered this topic: Bovine Blowback, Ep. 401. Brooke Miller, M.D., cattleman and medical doctor, was interviewed. The additive/drug causes fertility issues, as do vaccinating the cows before they are bred.

        • I may take a look if I have time tonight. Thanks

  10. More on the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) scam…

    For gungho ESG companies, I had not thought of this approach before…
    Evidently, BlackRock, State Street and Vanguard Group covertly lowered the supply of the coal in order to push prices up. And they profited from inflated coal prices.

    Sat Nov 30, 2014 – The Center Square – By Bethany Blankley
    Texas Leads Lawsuit Against Major Investors For Alleged Market Manipulation Of Coal Industry

    Eleven states, led by Texas, have sued the three largest institutional investors in the world for allegedly conspiring to buy coal company stocks to control the market, reduce competition and violate federal and state antitrust laws.

    The lawsuit was filed in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas Tyler Division and demands a trial by jury. It names as defendants BlackRock, Inc., State Street Corporation, and Vanguard Group, Inc., which combined manage more than $26 trillion in assets.

    The companies were sued for “acquiring substantial stockholdings in every significant publicly held coal producer in the United States” in order to gain “power to control the policies of the coal companies,” Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said…

    …Under the Biden administration, in the past four years, “America’s coal producers have been responding not to the price signals of the free market, but to the commands of Larry Fink, BlackRock’s chairman and CEO, and his fellow asset managers,” the brief states.
    “As demand for the electricity Americans need to heat their homes and power their businesses has gone up, the supply of the coal used to generate that electricity has been artificially depressed – and the price has skyrocketed. Defendants have reaped the rewards of higher returns, higher fees, and higher profits, while American consumers have paid the price in higher utility bills and higher costs.”

    Consumer costs went up because the companies “weaponized” their shares to push through a so-called green energy agenda, including reducing coal output by more than half by 2030, the lawsuit alleges. In response, publicly traded coal producers reduced output and energy prices skyrocketed.
    The companies advanced their policies primarily through two programs, the Climate Action 100 and Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative, signaling “their mutual intent to reduce the output of thermal coal, which predictably increased the cost of electricity for Americans” nationwide, Paxton said….

    • Nice one.

  11. I’m not sure if this has been discussed much – it certainly wasn’t mentioned much in the UK – but did you know that when ‘Sir’ Keir Starmer’s Labour won a whopping majority in the recent UK election, it did so with fewer votes than Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour got in 2019 when Labour lost a huge number of seats and which led to Corbyn’s resignation? And had way less than Corbyn got in 2017. Corbyn has been forever portayed as a loser and now Starmer a winner. Whatever your view of election rigging (and however that mght be brought about) we have gone from one huge majority to another with the winner this time getting fewer votes than the loser last time.

  12. In the UK we have now progressed with assisted dying or whatever you want call it. On the face of it this all seems caring and compassionate but there is of course the danger of the slippery slope. To me this is inevitable. Kit Knightly has written some excellent stuff about this on Off-Guardian. The bill was tabled by Kim Leadbeater, who happens to be the sister of Jo Cox the MP supposedly murdered by a ‘far-right extremist’ a few years ago. Leadbeater took over her vacated seat. Of course this may be co-incidence, and mean nothing at all but worth pondering on nevertheless. I mentioned Richard D Hall earlier. He has done some great work on the Jo Cox murder and whether it was what we were told it was, which I encourage you to view on

  13. Anyone know of a substack or hack proof site I can use to upload cached images of sites like say articles and some transcripts of some clips?

    I’ve Been entertaining the idea since I find myself emailing to myself pictures of some Covid mishandling I’ve been digging up from the alleged perpetrators own mouths, and stuff like that.

    It’s very interesting how it all ties together like WW1, Gates, Big Oil, Education, Green and Gene Revolution, Technocracy, the various false flag agenda, in the real of Corbettpedia.

    Years ago I had a tiny GoDaddy site where I would upload some political cartoons of mine, but now that I’m trying to get some research going the Corbett style, with quotes and researching shady globalist characters, it would be nice to have something like that so even if I lost any of my PCs or tablets my stuff would still be there. Any suggestions? Would’ve great to crowdsource the info, I find myself emailing silly messages to a few folks halfway across the globe…

    Anyway I’ve got some political cartoons on mainstreamy Instagram under same handle.

    • You could try neocities , they are a homage to geocities.

      If you are gathering research materials and fear losing your PC you really must invest in a couple of external hard drives- or you could just zip or encrypt your files and shove them on google drive…. Probably should do both and keep one drive over a friend house and just back up everything once a month.

  14. Question for Corbett or Corbeteers: does anyone know where I can find James quote(s) admonishing people not to think of the ‘deep state’ as merely ‘entrenched bureaucrats’ of the bureaucratic state, et cetera? I believe he refers to Peter Dale Scott and his definition of the ‘deep state’ (an elusive definition to find in search engines, unfortunately). Maybe James brings in elements of panopticon or technocracy. I’ve searched and listened back to a few ‘deep state’ CorbettReport site episodes, but no dice so far…

    • I don’t know when he said that, sorry. But IMO most of the deep state is just a fixture of organizations- there will always be a layer of people that just stay in their jobs.

      In ancient Rome Cato had the same issue with the Treasury bureaucracy just wanting to do their thing…. I think most of the deep state is probably the intellectual equivalent of high level DMV employees….only a tiny fraction of it is probably self aware of what it actually is

      • Cheers, Duck.

  15. We all are being tokenized into assets, just as the late Rosa Koire claimed in her teachings about Agenda 21:

    Tokenization: The New World Order Monetary System To Digitize All Assets And Nature, Including You
    November 4, 2024 by Jacob M. Thompson

    “The new tokenized system is going to REPRESENT, (pay attention to the word represent), not just currency and other financial assets such as real estate, but ALL assets- including you, your past, what you have done, and even speculation on what you may do-including things like life expectancy, what you earn, what you potentially will earn in the future, what you buy, what you may buy, past illness, potential future illness, family history, what medications you take, what medications that you will potentially “need” in the future, your VAXX record, DNA, etc. Which means that this new token-based system, IN ITS ENTIRETY, will reduce/REPRESENT everything to a digital TRADABLE asset. Human life is going to become a tradable/cross-border convertible asset along with every manner of its associated derivatives.”

    Listen to Rosa here:

  16. Hello.

    I don’t have anything to say right now. I just wanted to set the setting

    “If A New Comment Is Posted:”

    to the value

    “All new comments”

    for this thread, so I’ll receive notifications of any new comments in this thread. Is there a way to set this setting without posting a comment?

      • jo-ann

        No, I mean yes, I mean I’m getting notifications for all comments, but that’s because I asked for them when I made my first comment above. What I want to do is turn on notifications for all comments in a future thread WITHOUT bothering everybody by making my own empty comment first.

        Are there settings for this somewhere?

        • Not aware of any way to be notified of new comment to a specific thread. Seems notifications are either for ANY new comment or a comment to your comment. What I do, if I have time or interest, is manually scroll through threads of interest to see where the conversation went over time. I notice some folks use the @ symbol to address others specifically, but this doesn’t notify them of the comment, like it does in other apps (well, I have never been notified).

          • jo-ann

            I scroll too. Scrolling is good the first time reading a page’s comments, or for the new comments that are added at the end. But many comments are responses to older comments, so they can be anywhere in the middle. To find those you need to scroll through all comments again, which can be tedious if the size of the comments section becomes large.

            It’s too bad there’s not an RSS feed for comments. I think that would work too. I use RSS for James’ page postings.

  17. December is here! Christmas time is coming soon!

    It is Gift Giving Season and so I thought it would be an apt time for me to offer some perspectives, ideas and experiences pertaining to nurturing the Gift Economy.

    First of all, what is Christmas… exactly? and where did this tradition originate?

    While the cultural origins of Christmas may be traced back to pre-Christian times over 4,000-5,000 years ago and include the winter solstice celebrations of the ancient indigenous peoples of the homelands of my Gaelic ancestors as well as aligning with ancient celebrations connected to the Roman Saturnalia and the birthday of the Persian deity Mithra, most think of it as a Christian tradition.

    The spread of Christianity in the first millenium led to the Church taking decisive steps to entice new members via merging of some more ancient Earth centered religions (commonly referred to as “Pagan” by some) and Christian beliefs and celebrations. Existing traditions surrounding Celtic deities were woven with new Christian ones as well, for example Saint Brigid is thought to be derived from the Celtic goddess of fertility, Brigid.

    In the Celtic times, druids observed the festival of Alban Arthan (also known as Yule) at the time of Winter solstice. They gathered mistletoe from oak trees.

    In modern times, most religious people associate Christmas with the birth of Jesus and a time of gift giving, expressions of gratitude and joyful meals shared with loved ones.

    At the same time, Christmas day (and season) often gets intertwined with consumerism and ego, so this year I want to invite all of us to take a step back and look upon the concept of sharing gifts from a different perspective.

    Gifts come in many forms and the most beautiful gifts that embody the spirit of hope, kindness, joy and good will are those gifts that you arrived with when you chose to come to this world and live the human life you are living now. These gifts are inside you, they are unique to you and you possess them so that you can engage in the sacred task of sharing those gifts with this world.

    When you take time to look inward, discover your unique gifts and then imagine a way you can use your gifts to nurture other beings to achieve their highest potential, give back to the living planet that gives to much to us and create things that express the essence of your spirit manifested in physical form and/or poetry for the senses, you are giving the most valuable gifts in this universe. No one else can share the same gifts, in the same way that you can.

    Therefore, during this season centering on a day that is meant to honor the birth of a man that shared his unique gifts with this world… with courage, love and kindness… the best way we can honor his life is to do the same ourselves.

    Pursuant to this, I offer the following essay:

    Embracing The Gift Economy As An Antidote For The Scarcity Economy:

  18. Velvet foot enoki (Flammulina Velutipes) should be popping up from elms from now through February in the northern United States. These are the absolutely best tasting fungus I’ve ever encountered in my life. If anyone enjoys morels, here’s a tidbit to help you locate them. In the winter months, look for the enokis I mentioned. They stick out very well and are super easy to find. When you find them, harvest them if they’re good and mark that spot for the Spring morel season. They both grow on the same substrate. Your welcome 🙂


    • @setatliberty

      Thank you for that gift of mycological knowledge and experience.

      My uncle (known as “Mushroom Mark” by some in the Whistler/Van city area) shared his harvests of those mushrooms with me a few times. I agree they are tasty. I especially enjoyed them when stir-fried or added to miso soup.

      I was not aware that their niche habitat has a prominent over lap with morel habitat. That is very helpful.

      Given that most morel species are pyrophilic, I wonder what connection fire has elm trees specifically? Gonna have to research that more to imagine ways I can suggest emulating, enhancing and potentiating that connection in food forest designs for my next book (as stacking the planting of trees with providing habitat for choice fungi species is going to be central in the book).

      Have you ever tried cultivating your own enoki?

      I am currently reviewing “Mycelium Running” (by Paul Stamets) as part of a Bookclup series for my blog and it has a significant section on the cultivation of that species that I can share if you are interested.

      Thanks again for the thoughtful comment, the spirit of what you shared actually aligns perfectly with the concept of Gift Economics I was exploring in my comment above.

      • G, I had a hunch I might find someone here with a hankering for foraging. Yes, I have successfully cloned wild enokis as well as cultivated some from wild spores and a syringe of LC enoki myceli-yum lol.

        One of my passions is mycology. I love the sciences and being able to have my own laboratory has been very rewarding. Most of my cultivation work is for the medicinal benefits of a variety of species to treat cancer, auto immune disorders, nerve growth, and other nutritional benefits. I’ve read Paul Scamets book “Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms.” He did some ground breaking work in the past.

        I really just wanted to share a helpful tip on finding morels if there are any foragers among us here that might want to venture into learning another very overlooked delectable and choice mushroom. Man I love enokis!

        • @setatliberty

          That is awesome!

          I have only grown them from sawdust spawn myself.

          Yes Paul has done some great work over the years.

          One thing I am finding though (as I re-read his book for the review for my blog after not looking at it in over a decade) is that he does use a lot of “beware of the big bad terrorists” (bioterrorism) semantics in his books to attempt to highlight the importance of his mushroom work in anti-viral and mycoremediation etc. I am not really vibing with that aspect of his work as much given what I have learned about the military industrial complex in the last decade. Still great books for growing medicinal mushrooms though.

          Gonna be doing an article on Reishi in the food forest later this winter on my blog.

          • Nice. I went looking for black gold today and found about 7-8lbs. There were plenty of elms among the river stands, but no enokis to seen

    “Masters of Health” magazine Person of the Year 2024 – Michael Connett

    North Texan Lady Cara Davis has put together a very impressive magazine feature.
    Be sure to open up the magazine.

    Fluoride has been continuously in the news cycle, daily, since November 2nd.
    I’ve been busy.
    From around the country and world, I’ve had personal feedback from Mayors and Council people and media.

    I encourage anyone anywhere to let their voice be heard somewhere on the fluoridation issue.
    Change the narrative.
    70 years of Dentist propaganda has petrified minds.

  20. Friday Dec 6 – Reuters
    Canada’s 6.8% jobless rate boosts bets for 50-point interest rate cut

    OTTAWA (Reuters) -Canada had 1.5 million unemployed people in November, propelling its jobless rate to a near-eight-year high outside of the pandemic era and boosting chances of a large interest rate cut on Dec. 11.

    The jobless rate rose to a more than expected 6.8% in November, Statistics Canada said on Friday, a rise of 1.7 percentage points since April 2023. A rate that high was last seen in January 2017, excluding a few months in 2020 and 2021…

    …The rise in the unemployment rate was due to more people looking for work, the statistics agency said, and added that the youth unemployment rate for those aged between 15 and 24 years was the biggest contributor at 13.9%. Youth unemployment, however, always tends to be highest.

    Canada’s labor force grew by 137,800, or more than double the gain in jobs, data showed, reflecting that the economy struggled to keep up with a surge in demand for jobs.

    Adding to signs of labor market weakness, the average hourly wage growth for permanent employees slowed to an annual rate of 3.9% from 4.9% in October. The closely watched wage growth rate was the slowest since the 3.9% rate in June 2023….

  21. Hey brothers and sisters,

    Let’s talk about internet search engines. Which one do you use? Because of James’ solutions watch in October with Colin Pape, I started using Presearch. Anybody else use Presearch? If so, how do you like it? If not, which one do you recommend? Thanks folks!

  22. Edit: Oops I meant March 2022

  23. Would it be possible to host Adam Green of Know More News and discuss how the Abrahamic religions have shaped our history over the past 2000 years or so?

  24. Unsolicited AI Content

    The amount of unsolicited AI content has been increasing. It appears to have made a big jump recently, on YouTube, and hit some content creators hard. The following video reports that YouTube is adding AI-generated descriptions of videos, and AI-generated comment reply suggestions. These features can NOT be turned off, said YouTube.

    YouTube Now Has A Brain – And It Is Insane!

    The video is 2 days old. I did NOT see an AI-generated description on the above video and some others just now, so maybe there was push-back and YouTube turned that feature off, for now. But I looked at some of the video’s comment replies, and it looks like some of those were AI-generated nonsense.

    I guess there’s more than one way to get repersoned on YouTube now.

  25. [ | 24.12.02 | excerpts | machine translated from norwegian]

    Gro Harlem Brundtland out of Norwegian politics

    Gro Harlem Brundtland (85) has been exempted from her duties on the Oslo City Council for the remainder of the election period.

    The city council’s business committee decided this on Monday afternoon.

    The former Labour Party leader and Prime Minister has applied for exemption for health reasons.

    Gro Harlem Brundtland was elected to the city council in last year’s municipal elections and has served on the health and social affairs committee.


  26. [ | 24.11.29 | excerpts | machine translated from norwegian]

    Fight for self-determined abortion

    After the election, Gro Harlem Brundtland has been a member of the city council’s health and social affairs committee.

    Here she has been a strong advocate for expanding the limit for self-determined abortion.


  27. Nice commentary from Corey’s Digs regarding how to be in the world no matter what happens:
    Soul Over Mind – Mind Over Matter | November 28, 2024

    You can safely skip over the first eight paragraphs without missing the main points. The last three paragraphs comprise the punchline. I am disappointed that she fails to mention the looming global financial collapse. Here’s a snip midway through the essay:
    “The way I see things unfolding will be presented to people in a way that makes them feel like government is being cleaned up, they are on our side, and that they are protecting us from the “deep state.” I do believe there will be some cleanup that may benefit Americans, but the big moves will benefit the private companies more, taking control away from big Gov and putting it in the hands of those who cannot be FOIA’d. Changes will roll out in a fashion that looks to be “voluntary” or with your “consent,” but the hype will be that it’s all for the good of mankind so people will willingly jump on board and tell others to do the same. Sort of like taking your hand and walking you off the plank. How much trust you have in those making these “requests” will dictate how far into the control grid you choose to move, because one day those voluntary actions will become “mandates” and then “laws,” all under the guise of protecting people. Now, some of these folks working on these things may fully believe they are doing better for mankind and this new (but similar) system will somehow help people as opposed to some other alternative. And of course, some of them know things that none of us do, so it is always possible that an action may be carried out for some greater reason unbeknownst to us. I always leave room for that, but am not naive to the games being played.

    “I have long suspected there is a much bigger picture than any of us are aware of. Why is it necessary to create so many distractions to keep the world in a constant tailspin? What’s really going on beneath all of this? Is there a major cataclysmic event coming? Is there something happening off planet? Why the need for depopulation? Power, control and money aren’t the only forces at play here. Many people claim to have the answers to all of these questions, but I’ve yet to unearth, discover, or hear any answers that resemble what most would consider to be truth. Discovering and analyzing the physical realm is almost as illusive as the afterlife.”

  28. Educated opinion about the They – the powers that shouldn’t be (PTSB):

    There’s only one global mafia!
    Posted on December 9, 2024 by Paul Cudenec
    “My certainty that the Rothschilds are the dominant force behind the entire global mafia has been confirmed by the nauseating and near-unanimous support voiced by “political leaders” for Israel, the country the Rothschilds played such a key role in creating. [11]
    “But I thought it would be interesting to test my thesis further by taking a look at the Rockefeller Foundation, a giant global “philanthropic” institution founded in 1913 that crops up time and time again in my research, and in particular by homing in on the members of its board of trustees, as constituted at the time of writing. [12]
    “In studying the background and activities of these individuals, do we find that the Rockefeller empire is in some way distinct from that of the Rothschilds?
    “My entire analysis is contained in a new 100-page booklet, The Single Global Mafia, which can be downloaded for free, but I am also going to be publishing it in sections.
    “I’ll get the ball rolling here with the first trustee on the alphabetical list, Afsaneh Mashayekhi Beschloss, the first few paragraphs of whose Rockefeller Foundation profile pretty much answer my question on their own!”

  29. The last section of the free booklet (mentioned in my previous comment), The Single Global Mafia, offers the following conclusion:

    “So there you have it.
    “That was hard work to put together (and possibly to read!) but I think it had to be done.
    “It is plain that the Rockefeller entity, as reflected by the profiles of its president and the trustees of its Foundation, is not in the least distinct from the Rothschilds’ empire.
    “It is part of it.
    “They are the same thing.
    “What is revealed by following the threads of the activities and affiliations of these 14 individuals is a single interlocked web of exploitation and control, implicated in the Zionist genocide in Palestine and intent on profiting from a vast wave of industrial imperialism in Asia, Latin America and, in particular, Africa.
    “There is only one global mafia and here we have seen its ugly face all too clearly.
    “The only question that remains in my mind is what on earth the rest of us – the overwhelmingly vast majority of humankind, after all! – are going to do about this horrible reality.”

    • jo-ann

      That’s an interesting perspective that came home to roost yesterday. Southern Syria has now become Israel. The Genie oilfields now set on Israel’s new northern border, ( buffer zone) and we know from the past how that played out in the south Golan. Permanent squatting, permanent kaputz.

      From Richard Grove at GrandTheftWorld .
      Southern California an elderly Rothschild was found dead in his burned out home. Cause of death being looked into. Then the story from NYC about …drumroll UFOs in the Hudson.
      @ the 1min30 sec mark.
      Grove goes on to say something about the distraction meter running at an all time high by the branding machine of the MSM.
      So Richard’s point being a repeat of history around the 1st world war. One day someone gets assassinated the next day all nations are in a world war. No one knew why.
      What can WE do about it? Its nice to know you care and we should probably prepare and remember how these horrible things repeat in these modern times.

      I’m glad I don’t have a TV. I would throw it out into the ravine behind my house. I like books and pamphlets.

  30. So over the last few years I’ve people comment to me along the lines that they’ve noticed a lot of people acting strange and hard to deal with. I don;t really deal with the public too much so I haven’t really noticed it myself, except for people’s driving, a LOT now seem to struggle to drive at the speed limit and will drive around 10kph lower, it’s very frustrating.

    Anyway, I spotted this article today about a study out of Korea involving over 2 million participants which reports the same observations.

    “An alarming new study into Covid mRNA “vaccines” has sent shockwaves through the scientific community after researchers confirmed that the injections are altering human behavior.

    The bombshell study from leading researchers in South Korea found that people’s emotions, personalities, feelings, fears, stress levels, mental well-being, and general outlook changed after they were injected with the “vaccine.””

    • I don’t know about that as I had noticed peoples’ behavior was fairly uncivilized well before the pandemic. I attributed it so social conditioning by movies, TV, and music. Jerry Springer, Kardashians, and every trashy reality show spectacle seemed to define the new normal in social behavior. Also, I noticed people were non-proportionatey short fused / angry about any perceived injustice, insult, or obstacle years before the pandemic here in rural USA. Maybe something in the water, food, or air (chemtrails), or other vaccines? I am old so didn’t get more than the ones needed to travel abroad, far fewer than younger folks have been subjected to.

    • P.S. The anxiety, fear, general outlook changes could be attributed to the trauma and abuse inflicted on the citizens by their own governments.

      • Wouldn’t those things effect everyone and not just the injected?

        • Perhaps to the degree they are already physically or mentally weak, which everyone can be on occasion over a lifetime. Those that refused the injections are probably already somewhat mentally stoic and guard their health, so I expect they would recover the insults faster than those who received the vaccines. Regardless, people of all walks of life should up their standards of acceptable civil behavior. Feels like the end of Roman civilization to me.

          • It’s felt like that for decades. 🙂
            But then Rome did take a few hundred years to finally collapse, I suspect the fall of globo-Rome might happen a tad quicker. Next 10 year are going to be mighty interesting.

            • Indeed. Also, I wonder if five-gee radiation emitted from all the street lights, utility meters, phones, cell towers, etc. is cooking our brains? It’s been shown to cause gut and brain barrier permeability.

    • Wow Paul ! Thanks.

      That was a very large study with 2 million people, and it was taken via a Health Insurance service where they have records.

      The cumulative incidences per 10,000 of psychiatric AEs were assessed on one week, two weeks, one month, and three months after COVID-19 vaccination.

      The cumulative incidence of depression, anxiety, dissociative, stress-related, and somatoform disorders, sleep disorders, and sexual disorders at three months following COVID-19 vaccination were higher in the vaccination group than no vaccination group.

      COVID-19 vaccination increased the risks of depression, anxiety, dissociative, stress-related, and somatoform disorders, and sleep disorders while reducing the risk of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
      —– —-

      Dissociative disorders involve problems with memory, identity, emotion, perception, behavior, and sense of self, potentially disrupting mental functioning.
      …involve a loss of awareness of your surroundings or self. …feel disconnected from reality.

      To me, it seems like the affected people might have a harder time trying to focus and directing their own attention.
      Unstable in a way.

      • This is interesting but my gut senses another industry-funded problem/reaction/solution scenario. (I recently read that schools are now doing psychological assessments in schools, as opposed to recommending an independent doctor evaluation or follow-up. Who benefits and what could go wrong?) I hope I am wrong, and just overly cynical.

        • You make a very good point.

          It is kind of like saying,
          “Now that the system ruined your mental fabric, let the system help you with that.”

    • Related somewhat to that Korean Study.

      LOOK at this continuing and spiking trend!

      Population – With a Disability, 16 Years and over

      In 2010, it was 26,000,000
      Nov 2024 it was 35,000,000

      (Jan 2021 was the jab rollout.)
      We should keep in mind that people with a disability typically do not have a long life span.
      So, eventually, they will come off the graph statistic.

      • HRS

        If yuor an oldster like I am getting to be you will probably have noticed how back in the 80’s a much higher % of the population were good looking….. zoomers are remarkably ugly in comparison to their age group a generation or two ago. Thats not to say they are all hideous, but a much higher % are just NOT good looking which makes me wonder whats happened to their hormones and general health

        • Duck says:
          “You will probably have noticed how back in the 80’s a much higher % of the population were good looking.”

          You are right.
          In the mid 1980’s, I was doing large women’s fashion sales all around the country. A different city every week. Over a hundred women lined outside the doors before opening in the morning.
          I was directly exposed to many women – tens of thousands.
          I noticed. 😉

        • I have noticed, too. I thought it was just that I moved to a rural community and that the folks were perhaps inbred. They also seem intellectually dull and incurious.

          • 🙂
            I burst out laughing!

            “I thought it was just that I moved to a rural community and that the folks were perhaps inbred.”

          • Hmn… more probably the good looking smarter ones ones left to go to the cities…. thats why cities have been called “IQ Shredders” …. the better folks get drawn there then breed much less and IQ drops in the population

    • Here’s an example that could support the thesis that people are suffering some brain damage, assuming the perpetrator was injected:

      A man who was denied a car return crashed the vehicle into the storefront of a dealership Monday in Sandy, Utah, police said.
      The driver acquired the vehicle that morning from Tim Dahle Mazda, the Sandy Police Department (SPD) said, FOX 13 News reported. He attempted to return the vehicle, which appears to be a Subaru Outback, after allegedly finding mechanical problems. The dealership told him they would not exchange it for a refund because the car was sold “as is,” according to authorities.
      Police said the man told staff he would drive through the front of the dealership if they would not allow him to return the vehicle. He “did exactly that” at around 4 p.m., according to law enforcement.

      Reminds me of the stories in recent years where customers shoot the fast food employees because their Frenchfies were cold or the sandich was made incorrectly.

      • jo-ann says,
        “Reminds me of the stories in recent years where customers shoot the fast food employees because their Frenchfies were cold or the sandich was made incorrectly.”

        I guess Trump was very lucky when he was serving those McDonalds fries.

  31. The topic of “eugenics” and some of the scientists who innovated some of the theories of genetics and behavior, such as Francis Galton are controversial.

    Despite the fact that Galton is creepy and perhaps the product of in-breeding and his theories resulted in horrible crimes against people, evil psychopathic things like forced sterilization, I think that his work is not entirely pseudoscience. Mainly that there are some behavioral traits that may in part be genetic.

    Forget the fact that the man himself was a highly accomplished statistician and not a moron, were some of his theories in part based on observable data?

    The fact that it is almost impossible to separate out the effect of social conditions on genetic adaptation, but there are still genetic influences on things like intelligence. We are not just blank slates.

    I was wondering if anyone has read The Bell Curve and had any refutation of the conclusions about intelligence that are science based, not based on emotional reasoning?

    And what if some of the theories might have some truth, or that some groups of people may have strength in different types of skills which may be in part genetic? I don’t think it means that some creepy elitist has the right to control people. I also don’t think because a creepy elitist would use research to justify psychopathy makes some of the research pseudoscience.

    This goes back to the message versus the messenger. If the person doing research is a psychopathic creep, this fact doesn’t mean the research is invalid. The research must be looked at scientifically, not emotionally.

    • I believe governments track population IQs. I cynically believe this is to monitor their success at dumbing down the masses via toxins (including injectable ones) and malnutrition, and to justify ruling as a nanny/police state. Several generations of clean living and proper nutrition should improve the epigenetics of the population. It would be interesting to see how great the improvement could be.

    • cu.h.j

      I have not read the whole book, but I’ve read bits of it and read on the subject a little. The GENERAL thrust of the Bell curve is correct, though there are some quibbles over bits of the methodology the conclusion is basically sound AFAIK.

      As i understand it IQ is about 50 % genetic- at the base level of maximum achievable IQ.

      The genetic component puts an upper limit on the IQ a person can achieve, though their environment will determine if they are able to reach this. There are inborn differences between individuals inside populations, and differences in AVERAGE IQ between different breeding populations (often called ‘races’ though thats kinda a very LOOSE term)

      There are also BIG differences in the rate of genetic markers for genius level IQ between the races.

      The main arguments against this is based on two false premises and a cope

      1) People dont understand that AVERAGE does not mean EVERY – saying the average IQ for a population is lower is not the same as saying “they all DUMB” or “They all smart”. It just means that as a % of that group you move the statsitcial curve up or down the graph.

      2) People have been fed the disgusting Enlightenment lie of the “Blank Slate” where everyone is nothing but raw material that society can make into any part of its machinery as easily as any other part.

      3) The COPE arises from the very real issue that admitting these well known scientific facts raises the very real issue that there will ALWAYS be disparities between population groups despite the social drive to turn people into fungible units and the masses of effort spent trying to make people all achieve the same levels of IQ

      THAT said I would ALSO point out that IQ is not the determination of value, humans have value because they are Gods creatures. They have an innate dignity derived from this- the drive to homogonize everyone comes from the fact that most people claiming there is NO DIFFERENCE actually LOOK DOWN AND DESPISE people who do not succeed in they way THEY themselves value…….this is mentioned by the Unabomber in “Industrial society and its future” when he points out those saying “x are JUST AS GOOD” actually mean “WILL be just as good when they think and behave like us”

      His book is really short and well worth the couple of hours it takes to read.

      On the subject of genetics, BEHAVIOR is also very linked to genetics, as is body type (which will shape how you experience life) One of the reasons US Blacks have done so well in sports is probably that they tend to hit puberty earlier and thus enjoy sports more then other races, as well as having higher testosterone on average

    • Continued

      on a general note, I’d say that the Victorians knew LOTS of things that have been quietly put away and hidden because they dont fit in well with modern worldview. They knew how bloody and brutal history and human nature were, they knew that lack of sexual morals would bring down or hold back a society, and they knew that people from different parts of the world were different.

      The fact that some of them really WERE weridos and creeps does not deflect from the fact that they often really had a clarity of vision between found in the liminal space between the olde and the new worlds. Though, they ALSO had their share of folks with tertiary syphilis who went round the bend, as well as an attraction to icky forms of occultism

      Mcdonals in “Culture of critique’ writes about HOW many of their ideas were suppressed in favor of the new so called egalitarian worldview, even though they were correct

  32. An interesting 2023 interview of a politician who was once a high ranking director of the UN and Club of Rome. He explains why he (and some of his peers) left those NGOs. He talks about the climate agenda and other manipulations with candor. In 2024 he ran for the office of President of Romania, and won. The PTSB cancelled his win, claiming Russian interference.

    Călin Georgescu should be Romania’s president and here’s why

  33. Jimmy, grant me a Christmas present – a video going into detail the clandestine operations behind the 1993 WTC Bombing! I know there is much to learn about what happened there and how that lead to the 2001 events, but I am completely in the dark.

  34. Potential actions to take to protect property rights and government overreach:

    Change the Debate and Take Back Liberty Locally

    “Change the debate to attack anti-freedom policies and expose nongovernmental (NGO) carpetbaggers hiding in the shadows dictating policy. You can change the debate by making private property protection the key to your local fight. Sustainable policy cannot be enforced if private property is protected. Challenge local elected officials to stand with you in protection of private property. If they refuse — expose them. Force elected officials to be personally responsible for their actions.

    “The American Policy Center (APC) is now working with organizations nationwide to train and motivate local residents to take action in their own communities to push back and restore American freedom. APC has created a Local Activists Handbook and a Tool Kit with all the details you need to start organizing, training, and improving communications between activists and organizations, to share tactics, ideas, and successes. Learn more at”

  35. Tuesday December 10, 2024 – Verified Investing – Gareth Soloway’s website
    Alphabet Inc Stock Soars Following Quantum Chip Launch
    [Evidently, these new chips demand tremendous energy.]

    Alphabet Inc (GOOGL) stock surged on Tuesday following the launch of their groundbreaking new quantum chip, Willow.
    While quantum computing is still in its early stages and years away from widespread public access, the Willow chip has demonstrated a significant breakthrough.
    In recent tests, Willow completed a complex calculation in just 5 minutes, a feat that would have taken today’s most powerful supercomputers an estimated 10 septillion years to achieve.

    This remarkable achievement positions GOOGL to potentially lead the next major wave of innovation in the chip industry, potentially surpassing the recent gains seen in NVIDIA (NVDA) stock.
    With the potential for continued investor enthusiasm surrounding this quantum computing advancement, GOOGL stock could reach new all-time highs in the near term….

    In the NEWS, pundits were discussing the future potential implications of Willow chips.
    How bitcoin and crytocurrencies could be compromised or how online security will have a mess to figure out and deal with.

    Frankly, for me, this type of intense computing power scares the socks off me.
    Can you imagine the Surveillance State?
    This is a tyrant’s wet dream.
    “Be Evil” Google continues to design better methods to enslave us.

    Only the airy-fairie, naive, brain damaged population will think that these chips will be used solely for good purposes.
    And that is the bulk of the world’s population.

    • Yes, we are witnessing the implementation of the control grid AND democide at the same time! I wish I had the energy to compile and document all of this for future generations. With the online historical record being wipe out and false history being published as fact (nothing new with that), what hope is there for future generations to reconstruct the past?


        I see the many wonderful posts that you make.
        They are like journal entries for future generations.
        To me, you are dynamically helping to record the era.

      • @jo-ann

        I agree with HRS and if you ever decided to crowdfund a physical book to get these historical records onto a physical format I would order a copy 🙂

  36. I don’t know what to say…I’m shaking my head laughing…the narrative change…
    Ever since Trump won the election on Nov 5, the stock market has been breaking records.
    Tesla stock prices have been roaring.

    Thursday December 12, 2024 – Associated Press
    Trump will be honored as Time’s Person of the Year and ring the New York Stock Exchange bell

    NEW YORK (AP) — About six months ago, Donald Trump was sitting in a courtroom in lower Manhattan listening to a jury make him the first former president convicted of a crime.

    On Thursday, he will ring the opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange just blocks from that courthouse and be recognized by Time magazine as its person of the year.

    The honors for the businessman-turned-politician represent the latest chapter in his love-hate relationship with New York. They’re also a measure of Trump’s remarkable comeback from an ostracized former president who refused to accept his election loss four years ago to a president-elect who won the White House decisively in November.

    Trump is expected to be on Wall Street to mark the ceremonial start of the day’s trading, according to four people with knowledge of his plans. He will also be announced Thursday as Time’s 2024 Person of the Year, according to a person familiar with the selection. The people who confirmed the NYSE appearance and Time award were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly and spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.

    Trump was also Time’s Person of the Year in 2016, when he was first elected to the White House. He was listed as a finalist for this year’s award alongside notables including Vice President Kamala Harris, X owner Elon Musk, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Kate, the Princess of Wales.

    Time declined to confirm the selection of Trump before the announcement. Last year, the company’s CEO Jessica Sibley rang the NYSE opening bell to unveil the magazine’s 2023 Person of the Year: Taylor Swift.

    The NYSE regularly invites celebrities and business leaders to participate in the 9:30 a.m. ceremonial opening trading. Thursday will be Trump’s first time doing the honors, which have become a marker of culture and politics.

    During Trump’s first term, his wife, Melania Trump, rang the bell to promote her “Be Best” initiative on children’s well-being…
    …Trump has long had a fascination with being on the cover of Time, where he first made an appearance in 1989….

    [My note: “NYSE & Housing Bubble relationship” comment coming.]
    What if you owned the board game, like ‘Monopoly’, for real?

    • Your observations support Leo Hohmann’s assertion described in his essay, The globalist sociopaths have not surrendered, they have merely switched sides. Short and worth the effort to read.
      Excerpt: “Those who make up the brains behind the politicians have not surrendered to Donald Trump and the conservatives. They have simply changed sides. They have the same agenda. They will just go about implementing it a bit differently, using people on the “right” instead of those on the “left” to bring in the same agenda of greater human control.”

  37. Alarming Substack article from Robert Malone on the pathologizing of sharing “misinformation”:
    Information Disorder Syndrome
    “Many of us may be unknowingly suffering from information disorder syndrome. It is more prevalent due to the digitized world where the information flows to every individual’s phone, tablet and computer in no time. Information disorder syndrome is the sharing or developing of false information with or without the intent of harming and they are categorized as misinformation, disinformation and malinformation.

    “The severity of the syndrome is categorized into three grades. Grade 1 is a milder form in which the individual shares false information without the intent of harming others. Grade 2 is a moderate form in which the individual develops and shares false information with the intent of making money and political gain, but not with the intent of harming people. Grade 3 is a severe form in which the individual develops and shares false information with the intent of harming others.”
    . . .
    “The American Psychological Association is at least considering how to fit “information disorder” or even “information disorder syndrome” into their modalities. The APA has developed a consensus statement report on fighting health misinformation, which we taxpayers paid for. The CDC paid the APA two million dollars for this project.”

    Remedy – promote free speech and demand accountability so that truth cannot be suppressed.

    • That is interesting about the American Psychological Association.
      That association certainly seems to have some mental malfunctions.

      I thought of you yesterday/today.
      I guess your area is in for some snow.

      • Yea, I think of you whenever rain is forecasted for northern TX. Not looking forward to bad weather, but even less to Room 101, where someday they might try to cure my Information Disorder Syndrome. While not wanting to sound paranoid, I do confess that I filter myself around blue-pilled family members – just in case hear something, say something is coming.

  38. Inspiring essay in The Washington Free Beacon on morality in light of the recent murder of a CEO:

    Luigi Mangione: Touch of Evil
    Column: The murder of CEO Brian Thompson is a test of moral clarity
    “…Brian Thompson’s job as CEO automatically placed him in the category of oppressor, thereby diminishing the moral gravity of his murder.”…

    “…And in the topsy-turvy world of the global Left, oppressors are presumptively guilty. Condemned by reason of status. Appeal denied.

    “The oppressed, however, are desperately trying to be heard. Their grievances justify lawbreaking, havoc, rampage. Why? Because according to the Left, they have no other choice. Society did them wrong. They are depraved on account of being deprived. And if they, like Elizabeth Warren said, “lose faith” and “take matters into their own hands,” can you blame them?

    “Oh yes, you can. Religion, tradition, and the law tell us that we are moral agents. We possess free will. We are responsible for our actions. And we will be judged by a higher power.

    “The moment you let morality out the door, the second you rationalize terrorism, you open yourself to nihilism and self-destruction. This isn’t just the theme of great literature. It’s the lesson of radical politics from the Jacobins to al Qaeda. The idea that some Americans would walk down the same dark road out of frustration with health insurers is horrifying.

    “Thus the case of Luigi Mangione highlights another deficit that threatens the country. A shortage of moral clarity enfeebles our sense of good and evil. It hampers our ability to arrest and punish criminals in our cities and on our college campuses. It blinds us from recognizing friend and foe abroad. One consequence is a rise in threatened and expressed political violence: swatting, assaults, riots, assassination attempts. Another is a gradual slide in manners, an erosion of the rule of law.

    “Insanity must be treated. Evil must be confronted. But what of the apologists for madness and criminality, the comfortable sophists who invert morality to score partisan points? They are the product of degraded and debased institutions. Families, neighborhoods, churches, and schools are the places where we form our characters and learn right from wrong. The reactions to Mangione’s arrest tell us that many of these institutions—higher education most significantly—are not doing their jobs.”

  39. Jaimie Foxx UPDATE – UPDATE from years past at Corbett Report…

    Tuesday Dec 10, 2024 – ExtraTV
    Jamie Foxx REVEALS He Suffered Brain Bleed & Stroke: ‘I Don’t Remember 20 Days’
    One year and eight months after the medical emergency that made worldwide headlines, an emotional Jamie Foxx is finally sharing the full story in his new Netflix comedy special “Jamie Foxx: What Had Happened Was…” He reveals he suffered a brain bleed that led to a stroke, and doctors told his family that if he didn’t have surgery right away, he would die. Jamie also opens up about his long and difficult road to recovery and how his youngest daughter Anelise, 14, was his “miracle” worker by sneaking into the hospital room and playing her guitar.

    I do not subscribe to Netflix nor any paid TV stuff. Don’t plan to. So, I missed the Netflix comedy special “Jamie Foxx: What Had Happened Was…
    Prior to the release of the pre-recorded special, there were all kinds of rumors. One major rumor was that Sean Combs, also known as P. Diddy, Puff Daddy or Diddy had poisoned Jamie Foxx.

    Jamie Foxx lobbies for Down syndrome funding on Capitol Hill (Dec. 4, 2024)
    (Foxx’s sister, who lived with him and passed away in 2020, had the condition.)

    “I will give you my speculation on WHAT REALLY HAPPENED which prompted SAG-AFTRA by April 27, 2023 to vote against the studios’ mandated vaccines.
    Evidently, Jamie Foxx got the Covid jab near early April, 2023. He had been avoiding getting the jab, but it was mandated by the studio when he was working on the production of “Back in Action” with Cameron Diaz. I speculate that the scuttlebutt in Hollywood about Jamie Foxx’s vaccine injury led to the SAG-AFTRA vote. Of course, it is taboo to say “vaccine injury” for anyone working in Hollywood. They would never be able to work again.” –HRS
    Taken from
    Part 1 of 4 – MARCH 2024 UPDATE
    Actor and “Story Teller” Jamie Foxx plans to TELL A STORY about his medical experience

    PHOTO – Jamie Foxx and Dr. Peter McCullough arm-in-arm
    More info here.

    back to James Corbett…March 5, 2019Positive Propaganda? – #PropagandaWatch
    WATCH this 2 1/2 minute VIDEO
    Cancer Schmancer’s “Be The Change!” Sizzle
    Jamie Foxx joins actress Fran Drescher to point out healthier choices.

  40. Pines – nobles of the global woodlands (Installment #18 of the Stacking Functions in the Garden, Food Forest and Medicine Cabinet series.)

    The above post explores the many gifts offered by Pine trees in the context of Food Forest Design.

    In the article linked above I offer species profiles on 11 species of pines that can grow from places that get minus 50 C to warmer and semi-arid regions of the US and provide not only medicinal and nutrient dense needles and bark, but also protein and omega fatty acid rich large seeds and protein / antioxidant rich pollen.

    Many of these species can live for many hundreds of years (some over one thousand years) and they are extremely resilient to the cold, drought tolerant and they produce several forms of food and medicine that, though often unrecognized, are nutrient dense and highly beneficial medicinal gifts which can become an integrated facet of a multi-generational food forest design.

    My ancient Gaelic ancestors had a reciprocal and reverent relationship with one of these species (Scots Pine, or Pinus sylvestris in their case). The Druidic traditions (evolving into the Brehon Laws of ancient Ireland) placed a special emphasis on honoring the beings they considered to be “Nobles Of The Wood”. They so revered the Pine that he was given an honored standing in their living ancient Ogham tree alphabet.

    For the edible nut pines, they have many advantages over some other deciduous nut trees in the fact that they may be grown in a more far-reaching range of climatic zones, across not only all parts of Ontario; but also Canada, United States, and large portions of Asia and Europe ranging from Zone 1 to 8.

    Growing edible pine nut trees is a great addition to a cold climate food forest. Some of the edible pine nut tree varieties are cold hardy to grow in Siberia, the Alaskan interior and the North West Territories. If nothing else might grow, pine nuts could still grow. Some varieties can also grow in the arid regions of southern US and Mexico so these trees can provide a critically important source of protein and healthy fats in an extremely long lived perennial crop capable of growing in places where not much else can.

  41. In case you are interested, live presentation followed by panel discussion (will be recorded for later viewing):

    Second Annual David Ray Griffin Lecture, being held in honor of the eminent 9/11 scholar who contributed immensely to the pursuit of truth and peace during his lifetime.

    “The lecture will take place on Sunday, December 15, 2024, starting at 7:00 PM CET / 6:00 PM UK / 1:00 PM EST / 10:00 PST and will last approximately two hours. An archived video will be available shortly after the conclusion of the event.

    “The lecture, entitled “My Post-9/11 Awakening: A Path to Self-Liberation and Unity,” will be given Dr. Madhava Setty, a physician, former engineer, and highly regarded critic of the 9/11 and Covid-19 narratives. The lecture will be followed by a roundtable discussion.”

    For more details:

  42. Peter Mungo Jupp: Greenland the Viking Paradise | Thunderbolt

    Greenland was settled when Erik the Red was banished from Iceland for manslaughter after a series of violent conflicts with his neighbors. He converted his misfortune into the foundation of a new colony.

    The initial settlement was on a deep fiord on the south-western coast, next to today’s arctic Canada. Conditions were similar to Iceland, which was itself enjoying a warm temperate climate at that time. Chroniclers even mention swimming in Greenland’s Fjords! Today, totally impossible.

    (The small ice-age that happened during the middle ages, coincides with the plague and famine)

    Archaeologist and Thunderbolts colleague Peter Mungo Jupp describes the evidence with his reasoning on how cosmic rays, comets, and our Sun have electromagnetic effects on weather, life, and the geology of the Earth.

  43. Monday Dec 16, 2024 – Bloomber via Yahoo
    Canada Finance Minister Freeland Abruptly Quits Amid Trump Rift

    (Bloomberg) — Canadian Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland resigned from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s cabinet because of differences over how to prepare for the Trump administration, a stunning move that shakes the government.

    Freeland has been the most powerful person in Trudeau’s cabinet for years — she was also deputy prime minister. She was the point person in developing a strategy on how to counter US President-elect Donald Trump’s threat to impose 25% tariffs.

    She announced her resignation in a post to X on Monday morning, just hours before she was due to deliver a fiscal and economic update in parliament. It’s not yet clear whether that document will still be released. The Canadian dollar fell and bond yields jumped. The loonie fell as low as C$1.4271 per US dollar, its lowest intraday level since April 2020.

    “On Friday, you told me you no longer want me to serve as your Finance Minister and offered me another position in the Cabinet,” Freeland said in her resignation letter to Trudeau. “Upon reflection, I have concluded that the only honest and viable path is for me to resign from the Cabinet.”

    “Our country today faces a grave challenge,” Freeland wrote. “We need to take that threat extremely seriously. That means keeping our fiscal powder dry today, so we have the reserves we may need for a coming tariff war. That means eschewing costly political gimmicks, which we can ill afford and which make Canadians doubt that we recognize the gravity of the moment.”

    The “political gimmicks” comment is likely a reference to the government’s announcement last month that it plans to implement a two-month sales-tax holiday on certain items, such as toys and Christmas trees, and send C$250 checks to millions of Canadians. The tax holiday came into force on Dec. 14 but so far the government doesn’t appear to have the votes necessary to pass the rebate checks.

    Her resignation comes as Trudeau redoubles efforts to recruit Brookfield Asset Management Chair Mark Carney into the government, though it remains unclear where those conversations will lead, an official recently told Bloomberg News. The person spoke on condition they not be identified.

    Trudeau told reporters in July that he had been trying to persuade Carney for years to join politics. More recently, Carney agreed to become an economic adviser to the Liberal Party. The former Bank of Canada and Bank of England governor also serves in a number of philanthropic and business roles, including as chair of Bloomberg Inc.

    Trudeau has now seen the departure of two finance ministers in a little more than four years. Freeland got the job in 2020 after the prime minister had a falling out with then-Finance Minister Bill Morneau over issues such as spending on Covid-related….

  44. Wednesday afternoon – December 18, 2024

    Stock Market Clobbered – U.S. Dollar Index Hits 25-month High

    The dollar index soared about 1.1% to 108.2 on Wednesday, reaching the highest level since November 2022, after the Federal Reserve cut the fed funds rate by 25bps as expected, but delivered a hawkish view for 2025.
    Policymakers now anticipate just a 50bps reduction next year, compared to a full percentage point expected last quarter.
    In addition, the Fed revised its projections for next year, raising GDP growth and inflation forecasts while lowering the unemployment rate. Regarding the next Trump administration, Chair Powell said that some officials “did take a very preliminary step and start to incorporate highly conditional estimates of policies into their forecasts”.
    The odds for a pause in rate cuts in January increased to about 88% compared to 80% before the FOMC decision. The greenback strengthened across the board, with its largest gains recorded against the Australian dollar, the euro, the British pound, and the yen.

  45. Surprise, surprise!!!

    Pentagon says the number of US troops in Syria is much higher than previously reported

    “The Pentagon says there are 2,000 U.S. troops deployed in Syria, more than double what officials with the Department of Defense have been telling reporters for months.”
    “Yeah, I think it would probably be fair to say at a minimum, months,” Ryder said. “I’ll go back and look. But it’s…yeah, it’s been going on for a while.”

    Weird, the DoD has been lying?!?!

  46. I have a question for Corbett. What does your typical ‘christmas’ day look like, and what are you up to on December 25th? I’ll be taking a hot water bottle and a blanket and go up and sit reading books round our local allotment. I’ve successfully opted out and for the first year on record, no one is put out about it. I quite like the peace and quiet of the day but the rest of it, with the whole lead up to it and all that, one of the worst conditioning exercises known. I’m sure you must have an opinion on the whole concept of Christmas and forgive me if this has been covered in a previous podcast. Anyway, happy winter solstice day to every one x

    • @Tednetter

      I like that idea, thanks for sharing.

      Our family sometimes went on a hike into the mountains on Christmas day, we would bring a thermos with hot (fortified) beverages, walk amongst the trees and then head home having earned a good appetite for a big meal that evening.

      This year I gave everyone I know in person a book on trees along with seeds for trees in the books. It is my hope those gifts can transcend the typically temporary and sometimes shallow joys of many purchased gifts in becoming living gifts that enrich those people’s lives in the years ahead, while also giving back to the Earth.

      On Christmas day this year I will go walk in the little patch of intact forest that is left here in Southern Ontario, and accept the gifts of the elder trees in the form of their seeds. I will then sow those seeds in ideal locations so the forest can expand and continue to offer more gifts to future generations. I may also bring a book thanks to your suggestion.

      Wishing you a blessed Winter Solstice and a peaceful Christmas.

      • Sounds wonderful G.

        In previous times a lot of what I’ve seen of the ‘Christmas period’ is consumerism, stress and a lonely place for vast sections of the population. Such pressure on people, and manifested in different way, to make that time of year special, and in conformity to what its ‘meant to be’ – create an illusion using Jesus by a corporation, really tap into emotional centres, to create a chaotic time. Although in saying that, I have noticed more and more people peeling themselves away from the stress of it all and doing what they want with the time off work, or to hang with whoever they want or spend the day on their own if they want. If you think about the peer pressure because it’s a fundamental thing in western society. We should really be understanding and celebrating the seasons instead, but many still do so it keeps the flame alive.
        I haven’t decided what to read yet. I got a lovely present through the door earlier it’s a complete works of John Lennons solo work, or I was thinking of re-reading Filth by Irvine Welsh. Was having a conversation with some friends this week about a concept I had for a fictional character of someone we know and I had a Bruce Robertson in mind. Oh what a book. You will hate him by the end. I would like to read more fiction again as that’s seemed to have slipped off into adulthood.

        • @Tednetter

          Thanks for sharing those insights on the pressures of this time of year.

          I can relate to much of what you share here.

          I mentioned the consumerism and confusion surrounding/exploitative invocation of Jesus of Nazareth aspects of Christmas in the beginning of this post :

          I have not delved into that much fiction to be honest, been too busy the last 15 years trying to teach myself to be a worthy caretaker of the forest and purposeful architect of the regenerative garden. Though I did read one book that was labelled as fiction recently which I found to be quite poignant, insightful and illuminating. It is called The Overstory (by Richard Powers).

          Have you heard of it?

          Here is a link to one page I found particularly moving as I am working with cultivating the original wild apple trees of Kazakhstan

          (if you scroll through there are a few other good pages from the book in pics there but they may not be in the correct order)

          “You can count the seeds in a single apple, but you cannot count the apples in a single apple seed.” is something I first heard here on the Corbett Report.

          The pic of a page linked above offers a fun Ode to John Chapman, the man we know as Johnny Appleseed.

          He planted enough seeds to ensure resilient and adaptable apple varieties could set down roots here on Turtle Island. Land companies would provide settlers with farmland, as long as the settlers proved that they were permanent homesteaders by planting a certain number of apples and peaches. But planting an orchard is hard work. Chapman realized that he could make money by planting apple trees for farmers before they had arrived and then sell the plants and the accompanying land to the newly arrived settlers. In this way, he moved throughout what is now considered the Midwest, planting cider orchards and selling them to homesteaders. Chapman provided both cider and land acquisitions to people on the American frontier, only a slight alteration to the folk tales of the apple-planting wanderer.

          While in the early 1800s most of the apples in North America were meant for cider, people had increasingly begun to cultivate edible varieties – made possible, in part, by Chapman’s and other settlers’ popularization of propagation by seed, which allowed for the development of more diverse and hardier varieties than grafting alone. This cultivation led to an enormous diversity of apple names, shapes, colors and flavors. By 1905, the United States Department of Agriculture recorded over 17,000 different apple names throughout the country.

          I aim to revitalize that tradition here in Canada (albeit, not in the interest of financial gain, but to help future forest gardeners, orchardists and communities all over have access to resilient/reliable food sources).

  47. Wishing you all a blessed Winter Solstice my friends!

    On this day, may you embrace the natural darkness of the season and may it serve to protect and nourish the seeds of hopes and visions you have for the future, just as the blessed darkness provided by the blanket of leaves and soil protects the seeds that were sown on the winter winds.


    Here are some insightful thoughts on the darkest day of the year from Dana Driscoll

    “The period of time around the winter solstice, when the light of the sun is weak and our days are so short, is a period of difficulty for many. Darkness is something that we fear in industrialized cultures; it is something that we work to drive away through our own inventions and ingenuity. We instinctively feel the need to light up our lives every waking moment–our houses at night become as bright as the sun, the various screens projecting intense light, keeping us up and wired late into the night. If a room’s lights aren’t bright enough, we call them “dim” and see this as a deficiency, working to make them brighter. Even as I’m walking down the streets of my town at night, motion sensor lights blind me as I walk past people’s houses on the sidewalk. Consciously, automatically, and unconsciously we are continually working to drive away the dark–and in the process, fighting the natural cycle of the seasons.

    For a moment… let’s consider an opposite approach–that is embracing the darkness this time of year.

    …The seed needs dark soil to spring forth. The roots cannot be exposed to light without damaging or killing the whole plant. Potatoes go green in the light. Maybe we are the same. The roots of our being are found only in the times of darkness: within ourselves, in our dreams, in the promise of a new beginning, in the quietude that can only be found in rest and open time. We need the darkness as we need the air to breathe. Blessings to you on the upcoming long night–may your spirit soar.”

  48. This interview is about the drones that are freaking everyone out. Within the next month we should have a whistleblower reveal.
    WE FOUND OUT WHAT THE DRONES ARE!! ft. Dr. Steven Greer | Superfly with Dana Carvey and David Spade

  49. Happy New Year’s Eve to all the Corbetteers and James and family. Here’s my hopeful prayer that Trump et al will not be the direct or indirect cause of an economic crash, new and worsening wars, alien invasions, drone attacks, biowarfare, or some new and terrifying attack on freedom and peace. I believe US and geopolitics could go in many different directions. I sincerely wish the best for all who love freedom and peace. God bless, Pkadams

  50. It’s Tolkien’s birthday! So there is something to celebrate even after New Year’s Day. There is a nice website for a birthday toast if anyone is interested in something friendlier and more festive than a hashtag:

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