
Corbett Report Radio 220 – The Bastion of Truthiness

What is truth? How is it arrived at? What sources can we trust? These are heady philosophical questions that humans have been wrestling with for thousands of years. But never fear, Wikipedia is here to answer those questions for you! Don’t worry, truth isn’t as important as verifiability, and in this rigged game of truthiness, the majority always wins. Join us tonight on Corbett Report Radio as we explore the Wikipedia phenomenon.

Corbett Report Radio 217 – Forcing Change with Carl Teichrib

Carl Teichrib has researched and written over 125 reports on various aspects of the globalization agenda, from the World Federalist Association to the International Criminal Court to the Responsibility to Protect doctrine. Tonight he joins us to discuss the globalist ideology and the people who are promoting it.

Corbett Report Radio 215 – Portland vs. Fluoride

Joining us tonight are Dr. Paul Connett of the Fluoride Action Network and Kimberly Kaminski of Oregon Citizens for Safe Drinking Water to talk about the current drive to add fluoride to the drinking water in Portland. We discuss the political background of this initiative, the adverse health effects of water fluoridation, and what people can do to get involved in the issue.

Corbett Report Radio 214 – Israel’s Nuclear Smuggling with Grant F. Smith

Grant F. Smith, Research Director for the Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy at, joins us to discuss the secret Israeli espionage program that smuggled nuclear materials out of the United States to help start the Israeli nuclear program in the 1960s. We go over the declassified documents tying Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu to the smuggling ring, and explore Smith’s book, Divert!: NUMEC, Zalman Shapiro and the diversion of US weapons grade uranium into the Israeli nuclear weapons program.

Corbett Report Radio 213 – EFF vs. TPP: Battle for the Internet

Maira Sutton of the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) joins us tonight to break down the Intellectual Property law ramifications of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement, a multi-national trade agreement that is currently being negotiated behind closed doors. We discuss the potential dangers of this trade agreement and what people can do to resist these changes.


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