
First They Came For Your Fingerprints . . . #PropagandaWatch

We chuckle at the old-timey FBI propaganda soliciting the public to turn in their fingerprints so that Hoover and his henchman could establish a file on every citizen. But is it so different today, with the exhortations to turn in our DNA? Find out the truth behind the propaganda as James Corbett tackles the nightmare of government identification databases.

Desensitization and Conspiracy Rabbit Holes

James takes a moment to ponder two problems inherent in the independent media space: conspiracy rabbit holes leading truth seekers astray and desensitization to dark subject matter. What do you think? Corbett Report members are encouraged to leave your thoughts in the comments below.

Graeme MacQueen Reveals The Anthrax Deception

In this 2014 interview about his book “The 2001 Anthrax Deception,” Dr. Graeme MacQueen lays out the case for a domestic conspiracy in the 2001 anthrax attacks in the US. James and Graeme discuss the context in which these attacks happened, the way they were portrayed by the government and the mainstream media, their ultimate effect, and the voluminous evidence that disproves the FBI’s assertion that the attacks were the work of Dr. Bruce Ivins.

How to Find Broken Links Online

Marcelo writes in with a common question: A link on your site is broken. Where can I find the information it contained? James responds with two simple ways to find broken links online.

GooTube: Now With Less Corbett Report!

Oh yes, the YouTube filters are getting stricter and stricter. Now a few seconds of bumper music is enough to keep an entire radio program from being seen on the platform. Good thing there are plenty of other ways to get Corbett Report content.

Top 5 “Conspiracy Theories” That Turned Out To Be True

We all know the old trope of the tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist who believes crazy things like “the government is spying on us” and “the military is spraying things in the sky” and “the CIA ships in the drugs.” Except those things aren’t so crazy after all. Here are five examples of things that were once derided as zany conspiracy paranoia and are now accepted as mundane historical fact.


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