
Your Guide to The Great Convergence (video)

Haven’t heard of The Great Convergence yet? Oh, it’s just the plan to merge biology with digital technology and redefine what it means to be human, that’s all. Today on the podcast James covers the biodigital convergence that is already being rolled out and what it means for the future of homo sapiens.

Antiganda – #SolutionsWatch (video)

Today James continues the discussion on “positive propaganda” by looking at some examples of #antiganda. Activists around the world are creating eye-catching messages designed to get people to question their conditioning. Here’s how you can join them.

Non-compliance at Travel Checkpoints – #SolutionsWatch (video)

For the better part of a century, the image of a uniformed policeman stopping citizens on the street with the words May I see your papers, please? has been shorthand for a tyrannical police state. But here we are in COVID-1984 where this is happening on a daily basis in many places around the globe. This week on #SolutionsWatch, James talks to Dan Dicks of about his own experience at such a travel checkpoint in Canada, and what it shows us about how non-compliance can work.

The Markets Are Rigged (video)

At base, the markets are a con game where the rich and powerful employ a raft of confidence men to lure suckers into the latest mania. In this game, the suckers are the general public who are left holding the bag as the market bubble bursts while the smart money swoops in to buy up the leftover assets at pennies on the dollar. In this week’s edition of The Corbett Report, James Corbett pulls back the curtain on the Wall Street casino and reveals how the house always wins the rigged games.


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