As you know by now, I’m on an August hiatus. I’ll still be busy working on long-term projects behind the scenes, but for the month of August I will not be posting new material to the website.
Don’t fret, however! The Corbett Report community is still active and functioning and this August Open Thread is the place where all Corbett Report members are invited to log in and continue the discussion below. Whether you want to discuss the news, swap gardening tips, discuss summer activities, share summer reading suggestions with like-minded truthseekers or anything else, this is the place to do it.
Also, as an added bonus, I’m sharing this month’s subscriber exclusive video here below. When you log in to the site, you’ll be able to see this video of me pontificating on the inherent creepiness of media and how that has been lost in the Age of the Media Matrix.
As usual, please do NOT subscribe to The Corbett Report for the Subscriber Exclusive Video, which is a slice-of-life video with no original research and no vital information.
Please DO subscribe to The Corbett Report if you want to keep this independent media going and/or if you’d like to join in the open thread discussion below.
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UPDATE: I was recently on a roundtable with Derrick Broze, Ryan Cristian, Aaron and Melissa Dykes, Josh Sigurdson and Dan Dicks discussing the Trump Hopium (s)Election Spectacle in the US and the way forward.
Tish B’Av, August 13th, 2024. Al Aqsa mosque is destroyed by a bomb/missile attack and Iran or a proxy is blamed. The Christian Zionist muppets and their Jewish Zionist owners become greatly emboldened by this prophecy unfolding and start behaving with even greater stupidity(and we thought it wasn’t possible), rationalising the further murder of countless thousands of innocent lives in preparation for the return of a bearded man on a donkey, wearing flip flops and robes. Regional war ensues. Most note worthy, CIA/Mossad sleeper cells around the globe carry out a number of terrorist attacks(it’s what they are best at). Naturally, the media make this appear as though the western world is burning and before we know it, we are “locked down”. “Things will not be going back to normal until everyone gets a Digital ID, it’s for your safety citizen..that’s a good citizen”. What? did you think they failed at their goals during covid? Did you think everyone who has been outspoken against the global governence technofeudalist agenda on echo chambered socials like twitter(uncensored) and elsewhere have not been put on a special list to be dealt with in a “lawful” manner at a later date? “…clearly these people are a threat to democracy and social order!” Dear oh dear. As long as there are stupid people in the world, we are all in danger. Educate yourself and others. James, love ya man! p.s. Hello Watson, say hi to your feeble minded, murderous, eugenicist “mums” for me.
“…As long as there are stupid people in the world, we are all in danger….”
There will always e stupid people in the world – unless everyone is a clone there will be a Bell curve of IQ.
Even if you murdered everyone with a sub 110 IQ today there would be a disconect between the 150 IQ people would just call the 10’er “stupid”….. the spread would even look like the IQ spread today, just the numbers would be different.
Reminds me of GArison Keilor and his Lake Woebegon yarns , the place where “….all the children are above average….” 🙂
“There will always [b]e stupid people in the world” – The events in the COVID era would indicate otherwise Duck. You have offered the IQ curve as a standard for measure of “stupid”(which it is not), followed by the notion that a society of clones represents the ideal scenario to test an absurd hypothesis that offers no scientific value . People reach the same understandings without being clones. Disparity in “IQ” does not equate to, “There will always [b]e stupid people in the world”. However, extreme disparity in wealth and wisdom does lead to extreme injustice.
“….You have offered the IQ curve as a standard for measure of “stupid”(which it is not), followed by the notion that a society of clones represents the ideal scenario to test an absurd hypothesis that offers no scientific value …..”
Dude…I was making the point that in a normal society (where we are not identical) there will be disparity in IQ…and the point I was making is that ‘stupid’ is defined BY THE GROUP….its relative.
A guy with 70 IQ IS STUPID compared to a guy with 90 IQ who is himself considered slow by todays standards.
“……isparity in “IQ” does not equate to, “There will always [b]e stupid people in the world”……”
Well…. yes, it kinda does in the sense that there will always be some stupider then others.
“…. People reach the same understandings without being clones…..”
Yes, but that understanding is pushed down upon the majority of them by others. It is propagandized into them or trained into them or just taken as the societal norm.
When have ‘the masses’ or ‘the proles’ ever just taken up an idea because it convinced their intellects ??? Serious question because I know of ZERO grass roots changes that happened in society because ‘the people’ were convinced of an idea.
“…..However, extreme disparity in wealth and wisdom does lead to extreme injustice…..”
That is an interesting philosophical point that would be fun to debate but nothing to do with what I said.
Focus more on the “interesting philosophical point”, as it may provide all the ointment you need to soothe your aching….ahhh ….soul….
“…..Focus more on the “interesting philosophicalpoint”, as it may provide all the ointment you need to soothe your aching….ahhh ….soul……..”
Soul is not really all that achey thanks…now my feet….? Man they could use a good rub.
Do you agree with my two points
a) That consensus is generated by the imposition of a norm from above
and b) Some people will always be dumber then others? (I will even add that dumb can also mean lazy rather then low IQ- Bush 2 actually had a decent IQ from what I hear but had so little application he even came across as dumb back in Curated TV time)
a) there is consensus on the shape of a wheel, therefore???
b)”dumber” does not equate to “stupid”
* see response below
a) Consensus was once that sodomy was disgusting and a social menace where as NOW its that people ought to be free to act as they wish.
WHich one of those is as ‘self evident’ as the shape of a wheel????
b) My point, which i will make again is that “stupid” IS A RELATIVE TERM.
There is no measure of smart vs dumb without humans to make the scale
a) The consensus on the wheel is that it remains the best shape for rolling along a plane with an average zero slope and no other periodic variance
b) Your original point invoked a model reference (the IQ curve) so naturally under your definition the outcome is relative. The original statement did not invoke this scale
The original statement: “As long as there are stupid people in the world, we are all in danger.” does not assume there will not always be stupid people in the world. It is of interest there is motivation to show the opposite is the truth, “there will always be stupid people in the world” but a model scale was invoked to prove this.
Stupid, in so far as it is the absence of knowledge, will always exist (provided there is a “thing” of mind) . The statement “As long as there are stupid people in the world, we are all in danger.” in context with the statement directly following “Educate yourself and others”, implies the motive and meaning of the discourse. When the original statement is taken out of context(in ignorance of what surrounds it) it becomes dangerous. Educating people does take some effort though.
*the one thing there is always consensus on Duck is that all things are within reason. To deny this axiom would be to deny the existence of self.
“There is no measure of smart vs dumb without humans to make the scale”
The inference of this statement is that humans “measure[scale]”. Scale is entirely dependent upon reason. Reason being dependent upon interactions(the behavior of 2 or more things communicating). The syntax of the language imposes verb(measure), which presents as paradox to natural law(which of course is impossible) the syntax needs changing, the alternative is ignorance and “trying” to change natural law.
P.s. When a few billion things interact over one medium and IBM’s Watson exists, humanity is in danger(by way of ignorance)”
“Consensus was once that sodomy was disgusting and a social menace where as NOW its that people ought to be free to act as they wish.
WHich one of those is as ‘self evident’ as the shape of a wheel????”
This statement is only true within ignorance of all that is around it. There are many cultures throughout time and place where what you frame as “consensus” was not such.
You presented statements, both in ignorance of greater context, and asked that i choose(verb) one within that framing. The assumption of free will.
Again, we arrive back at the consensus of reason.
On Sodomy
“…This statement is only true within ignorance of all that is around it. There are many cultures throughout time and place where what you frame as “consensus” was not such….”
So….. you negate your own argument dont you?
If the consensus varies by society you say its NOT consensus. PERSONALLY I was using consensus in a NON universalist term, as in the consensus of a society.
Now as I said Consensus is generally (not always) imposed FROM ABOVE by those with the power to do so. When you talk about the wheel you are talking about PHYSICAL technology which IMO is different from SOCIAL technology (like consensus)
And an aside, we are on Sodomy, I would actually argue that while sodomite acts were allowed in some society NO society has ever existed where they were GENERALLY thought of as a public good- example being greeks and the Romans were OK with the rich man sexually abusing the poor man but the idea that a Citizen would make this their MAIN sexual activity was considered weird and immoral (if only because teh city needed sons and heirs to continue existing)
YOU said that there was consensus on the wheel (even though it did not exist in africa and was a toy in South america) and I reiterate that this is a physical technology and very diofferent from a social technology.
An Afgan can use a gun, if he makes a gun it will follow physical laws and look rather like any other gun, but SOCIAL technology like consensus is has much more leeway in any society – thus you can have slave owners using spears or guns but they still have a totally different consensus on owning human beings
I will focus my response for only introspection on your behalf is required in reference to what has already been written. Language is a technology Duck, a social one, a physical one. Neuroscientists have long suspected humans think in language, (those with Aphantasia ONLY think with language, they have no minds eye). Consensus is not technology, it is a belief. Belief can be tested(modeled) and evidence presented as testament(within language), but this conversation, without absolute meaning, is pointless. Language is like the wheel it is not a consensus(even if pragmatics are involved), it is the medium on which reality is constructed in your mind(of your mind). Go to a cave(or a grotto), shut your mouth, do not speak, not even internally, for a week or so, a year even. All cultures have a version of this behavior. The mind changes in this situation, for the better. We have a situation where technology has evolved to meet the form and function of language and can exploit it. Every “thing” within mind is indeed only a model, it is not the thing itself, yet the nature of “things” remains absolute…otherwise this conversation may as well be….. uiwnuiie jd jkdeoodjje didofgoholjqpqoeimcv xmsdgw pfn efpnfpef fpweeee inbn (<still absolute things regardless) P.s. how many Watson's does it take to screw in a light bulb? none.
“…The inference of this statement is that humans “measure[scale]”….
“….. Scale is entirely dependent upon reason.’…..”
Are YOU getting Chat Gpt to write your responses or did you just spend too much time reading French philosophers?
Duck, you don’t get to use that phrase more than once in the same thread without arousing suspicions yourself.
“……. Language is like the wheel it is not a consensus(even if pragmatics are involved), it is the medium on which reality is constructed in your mind……”
Inside yor mind you create A MODEL of reality, not reality itself…..this is true no matter how much french philosophy or ‘shrooms you use.
“…a) The consensus on the wheel is that it remains the best shape for rolling along a plane with an average zero slope and no other periodic variance…’
So what does that mean when you also say
“….Consensus is not technology, it is a belief….”
Its just a ‘belief’ that round wheels work better??
“…… Belief can be tested(modeled) and evidence presented as testament(within language), but this conversation, without absolute meaning, is pointless…..”
Indeed…. Which is why I am wondering if your using Chat GPT to write your replies. They make less sense then some schizophrenics I’ve conversed with.
Speaking of which
“…Duck, you don’t get to use that phrase more than once in the same thread without arousing suspicions yourself….”
The internet in interesting now , in that we’re playing the Turing TEst with bots and such now. I guess that will be useful for a while but model collapse will be the result when AI eats its own tail one to many times
There is only the “REAL” world duck, show me something outside of reality, (*hint: you will not be able to)… I create no model, and mind is not ones own, as stated previously, mind is of reason and reason happens as a matter of certainty…..”consensus”: the consensus on the wheel is not the wheel itself, the wheel requires no consensus to roll, only reason… “wondering”: you will find only sense within this conversation, that is how sense works, anything outside of sense, will not be…sensed….I am curious though how i might introduce more “sense” and find interesting the introduction of a scale again. The idea of the Turing test is well outdated…yet another benchmark with questionable scientific value. P.s. Watson says: “put another log on the fire”
“……There is only the “REAL” world duck, show me something outside of reality, (*hint: you will not be able to)… …”
I CAN show you
“….I walked through the golden hall, my iron shod boots clattering against the ornate mosaic floor. I felt a shiver of anticipation as the eyes of the Kings Court were fixed upon me. My eyes, however, were fixed upon the crumpled husk of the late king that sat upon the throne as the stench of rotting fleash filled my nostrils and sickened me…..”
I created that IN MY MIND and put an approximation of it INTO YOUR MIND with text that your mind turns into words and then pictures.
“…..I create no model,…..”
ANYONE who reads the fiction I created above and understands it HAS CREATED A MODEL.
MOST who want to punch their boss in the face runs their mental model of the world and the simulation tells them the outcome will not be good.
So yes, unless you have some kind of brain damage you do have a model of reality in your mind.
ALSO (as an aside) there are categories of REALITY and categories of THE MIND.
A person is IN REALITY a human being but in the categories of the mind they may be a Democrat, or a Muslim, or Boyscout.
These are social creations made in the mind of humans (what the disgusting sodomite Yurval HArari calls ‘myths’)
No duck, those words on the page are there, and are real, and infer meaning. They create no model, they prompt a visualisation,(real phenomena). A visualisation of events that only ever existed as the visualisation itself. There are infinite categories Duck, they all exist within mind, and as we have discovered, mind is something that happens, it does not “show”, it does not “write”, it does not “create”. (A Democrat, boyscout, Muslim, homosexual….That kid may have some internal conflicting issues but as long they are happy and don’t hurt anyone I’m ok with it. Probably a really interesting person to have at a party, just don’t spike the punch).
“……No duck, those words on the page are there, and are real, and infer meaning. They create no model, they prompt a visualisation,(real phenomena). A visualisation of events that only ever existed as the visualisation itself. ……”
Thats silly.
Scribbles on a page mean NOTHING inherently.
They only have meaning because the mind models the sounds they represent….recreating them into words internally.
Those sounds become words (and those words sounds ALSO lack inherent meaning) but because of the language you use have an INTERNAL MEANING.
As to the silly idea that you have no internal model….
How do you plan your actions without a model of what the effects of actions you imagine doing would have in the real world?????
Duck, my comment was in reference to “your” story,(as opposed to “my” scribble,(both real) I would ask that you heed my request to take a breather and recount the narrative in an authentic manner.
Your question re actions has been answered.
I think this is interesting what you’re talking about. I’m new here so I know I probably have to sit and be quiet and read for a while that being said I just wanted to share something with the community. particularly with what you are talking about. I grew up in Indiana my mom was on social Security her whole life because she was what they called in the old days retarded. ironic fun fact: she was the sweetest and one of the most wise and in her own way more than most insightful people I’ve ever known. my dad was a Korean war veteran. when he was seven he was shot in the head by accident by his sister by 22 long rifle. this is in 1938. (my dad Bo they called him was born in 1931) he had a hard life. they gave him a million to one chance of living and they took a good portion of his brain out and somehow he lived. not only that he got drafted to be in the Korean war. my dad hated it. it’s a miracle he’s alive because he operated a searchlight real close to the DMZ and he told me about the seas of soldiers on the other side. he said a lot of them were Chinese a lot of them were North Korean what they say now dprk, and he could never get over it. my dad could never read and write like my mother. as I grew up, I taught my mother to read and write. as I learned as a child.I was the last born an accident on my other brothers and i we grew up on well water. my dad hated the corruption in the local city when he worked for the city department and they were all embezzling money and my dad was disgusted by it so he quit and he couldn’t stand to pay the bills so he drove a 60 ft well on our property we tapped into the same underground river that Seagram’s in my hometown used. the reason I talk about all this I would like to demonstrate one thing. when I was in school very unpopular kind of overweight and withdrawn my brother was murdered and put on a freight train track literally a block away from our house and the local police covered it up needless to say when I was 7 years old I had my own tragedy I had a hard time dealing with this my biggest oldest brother was killed and mom and dad had a hard time dealing with it despite this, I practically slept through my 12 years of school I had perfect attendance to the day I graduated had Straight A’s most of the time but at least honor roll All AP classes. when I saw other kids struggling if there was a disconnect I’m like how can they not get this? why do some kids have trouble I felt bad for them I sure didn’t feel special I knew I wasn’t special all the kids around me were telling me because I was completely withdrawn and picked on because of that, I knew I was as they said a piece of shit. and that’s when fast forward when I got married my wife told me it must have been the well water. you weren’t fluoridated my parents didn’t get me my shots. a lot of people can’t help the parents they have and the garbage they’re subjected to. I have empathy. in America, the citizens are poisoned DAY 1 on. it’s heartbreaking
please excuse my poor grammar and spelling I’m working right now on several things here at home and I had to voice text that and I don’t have time to proofread I tried to fix some of it… but Google has made the voice text technology I found on certain platforms it’s really bad and it has to be on purpose because on other places it’s perfect. subjective to where you’re at on that platform if you follow. but here this is probably my fault because I flew through it lol forgive me
Thanks so very much for that comment with its fascinating anecdotes. We all can gain insight from stories like this.
On behalf of all of us Corbett Report members on the comment threads, I want to give ya a big “Welcome!”.
Sometimes the humor here gets out of hand, so I won’t hold it against you that you come from Indiana. 😉
thank you so much! I couldn’t find a way to reply to you I hope it’s not something you have against people from the Bible belt… 😑
😂 just kidding yeah that’s so funny we were laughing here I love this place everyone is very well informed it’s everything I thought it would be I’m just glad I could join now and as time goes I’ll donate more but I was able to get a membership for a year and this is already changed life for us here in many ways because I’ve learned things in just the last 24 hours that are going to lead me in different places to learn new things and it’s just a wonderful place and the people are great thank you so much for the welcome! I hope you see this! if not I will find your name somewhere and give you a great big thank you back! oh yeah ps: I never tell people I’m from Indiana I just did that because I respect truth and honesty amongst your peers, chosen peers, above many things and I just want to keep it legit. I claim to everyone else in my journey for simplicity sake, I declare my hometown at Cincinnati Ohio the queen city. they’re not bad they temper Justice with mercy and the criminal justice system the police arent super bad here there’s not a lot of door kicking in it’s not a lot of criminality as a safe place to raise your kids if you know where to go and I’m in a small town called Cheviot and it is really nice. Chevy it is an enigma here in cincinnati. Cincinnati is made of a seven hills and so many more towns and communities you couldn’t imagine. Cheviot has the small town feeling without the small town bullshit and it’s got the big city perks without all the crap that usually comes with that. plus they have their own little police force here and they’re actually pretty good dudes they’ve been real cool and they don’t tolerate the gun violence that’s indiscriminately everywhere else in the city. they have a shot spotter system here that’s pretty intriguing I want to look into it. but thank you for the welcome!
catalyst; “…extreme disparity in wealth and wisdom does lead to extreme injustice.”
That was/is a popular claim, used to sell socialism/collectivism, religion,which is “supposed” to restore justice, i.e., equality of outcome. No effort required, just OBEY AUTHORITY.
Inequality of outcome is not evidence of injustice, e.g., “someone’s else’s fault”. That belief is soothing, but disabling. It misleads, misdirects, cripples cognition. The solution for failure is to rethink, or think. Thinking had not even risen to an art form when Aristotle came along and made it a science. It is essential, if unpopular, avoided, disparaged. It is easier to blame others for one’s failure. It is comforting to point at “thinkers” (nerds) and make fun. It is a big mistake. Ignorance is not damning, unless it is chosen as a lifestyle, and then it becomes stupidity, which leads to failure, self-destruction.
“….Inequality of outcome is not evidence of injustice, e.g., “someone’s else’s fault”. That belief is soothing, but disabling. It misleads, misdirects, cripples cognition….”
Hey we actually agree for a change 🙂
The absence of extreme disparity in wealth and wisdom equates to [equality of outcome, no effort and obedience to “authority”]???dear oh dear… the verb “thinking” introduces a paradox. It suggests one can “think”, yet the nature of thought is “reason”. Within reason all things happen as a matter of happenstance. This is not as cut and dry as first seems, the medium matrix you live within is the syntax of language itself. Verb assumes “doing”…one should not assume.
“…Within reason all things happen as a matter of happenstance….”
I know its not directed at my comment but can I ask what this means?
Consciousness is of mind, mind follows reason, reason is causal, within causal existence all “things”(of mind) happen as a matter of certainty.
“Privilege creates difference”
“Privilege creates difference”
But difference also create privilege….and thats not really a bad thing.
Leslie Fish wrote a song about the subject…kinda
Some people are bigger and stronger then me. Some people are smarter then me, some people are richer then me…. some people may even be more good looking then me 😉
So if I understand you your saying that
Thinking comes from inputs from the real world?
Seriously asking, I’m a bit slow today because I had a busy night
hmm …verb….You can not “understand”… I am not “saying”… there is only the real world… there are only reasons why things are the way they are…
Thinking is a manifestation of interactions…it is passive observation within reason. It “happens” as a matter of certainty.
“….hmm …verb….You can not “understand”… I am not “saying”… there is only the real world… there are only reasons why things are the way they are……”
Like for real are you using Chat GPT or are you taking massive doses of mushrooms?
“…..Thinking is a manifestation of interactions…it is passive observation within reason. It “happens” as a matter of certainty…..”
WTF does that even mean???? Tell me when you come down
Not using an LLM, don’t consume any drugs other than the occasional Asprin and Tea (usually everyday).
I put your question “WTF does that even mean????” into LLM arena using the QWEN Instruct 72 billion parameter model. The inference went as follows:
Me: what does this mean in simple and easy to understand terms: “…..Thinking is a manifestation of interactions…it is passive observation within reason. It “happens” as a matter of certainty…..”
QWEN(Ai): The statement you’ve provided can be simplified to mean that thinking isn’t something we actively force to occur; rather, it’s a natural result of the interactions and experiences we have. Our thoughts emerge from what we see, hear, feel, and experience in our environment. When we observe things around us and use our reasoning skills to make sense of them, thinking just happens. It’s not something we need to consciously create or force; it’s a certain and automatic process that occurs when we engage with the world.
I take it back 😉
PLEASE put your answers through the AI first! Firstly it will make it easier for me to understand and secondly it will accelerate model collapse. Lol
More seriously … I agree language is a tool of THINKING but we should note that there is a whole layer of NON VERBAL thinking that takes place so its not the ONLY way of thinking and probably NOT THE PRIMARY way we think (more below)
Language is most useful as a means to communicate
and thus it is not useful unless it is understandable.
As to ‘other means’ of thinking the language I know that when you do not teach Deaf kids to sign they tend to end up functionally retarded HOWEVER I would never argue that such a kid does not ‘think’…..even non verbal animals ‘think’ to some degree.
I have one nasty dog that lived wild and has disgusting habits….she eats turds 🙁 but will always look around to check if I am looking her BEFORE doing so because I shout at her when she does. THIS INDICATES THAT SHE HAS A WORKING THEORY OF MIND in that she tries to judge if MY mind (and eyes) are focused upon her.
Duck, you agree with something that was never said “Thinking is a manifestation of interactions”, “language is a technology”…”humans think in language”….Never was it said that “language is a tool of thinking”…you need to take some quite time now Duck…find a quiet place to sit and contemplate. Perhaps print out all of the interactions between us and examine them thoroughly. Hopefully this discourse can act as a useful example to others(and is not just a distraction from events unveiling)
a definition might be in order. ignorance and agnostic are not knowing.
once you know you do not know something you realize your home work assignment. something to seek. stupidity then is purposely avoiding your homework. avoiding the truth intentionally is stupid and limiting.
exactly, ignore’ (your homework) ‘ance… stupidity is simply the absence of wisdom …and a lack of love strangely enough… why take interest in a world that does not love you?.. love your neighbor, love your wife and careful loving your neighbours wife and children though 😀
Was hoping someone would help me by recalling a show in the Corbett Zone that walks us thru how people are recruited by CFR, NWO, CIA Reprobates and groomed to become reprobate. The question came up on twitter. The guy is green. i can think of 3 posts, but is overwhelming. Besides, i’m tired.
Newsletter is no good as 1/2 will not show. Tried recruit, recruiting, groom… Maybe someone has done an article on Divine9 or how to get into Harvard. So i would appreciate any help. Thanks!
You can link newsletters by sending people to the substack version of the newsletter, that one is not paywalled.
i had heard of substack, but did not know what it is until now. Thanks.
Could not see links to same in the newsletter. So i went there to look for Corbett Report.
i picked to “read.” They bid me pick 4 things i like. Then they want my email…
This is not helpful in the short-n-sweet world of tweets. Maybe latter on i will visit their site again.
Miss King – As far as recruitment into the CFR, etc., the curricula vitae of all prospective members is known by the upper echelon of NWO pyramid. It is not difficult to bring them into the fold when they are ready. To provide a larger prospective, I think you will find this interview with Anthony C. Sutton enlightening. He explains who was behind the Bolshevik Revolution, and its purpose, detailed in his book “Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler: The Astonishing True Story of the American Financiers Who Bankrolled the Nazis”. It set the stage for what we are experiencing today. The interview is available for free download at Simply type “Anthony C. Sutton” into the search window and you should find it entitled: “Wall Street And The Bolshevik Revolution An Interview With Professor Anthony C. Sutton”. The interview with Sutton is referred to in CR interview 1649: James Corbett Destroys the China War Propaganda –
Our recent past is our foreseeable future, because neither the ideology nor the power-centers profiting from it have changed.
As long as we are distracted, entertained, occasionally outraged, always polarized but largely uninvolved and content to remain in the viewer’s seat, we’ll never manage to present a unified front against tyranny (or government corruption and ineptitude) in any form.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – –
“We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of… In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”
– Edward L. Bernays
– – – – – – – – – – – – – –
“…Our recent past is our foreseeable future, because neither the ideology nor the power-centers profiting from it have changed…..”
Dont be so sure of that….now that the boomers are dying off (this will probably be the last election cycle they actually matter to the vote) and being replaced the USA is going to have a major shift.
For all their faults the Boomers actually knew how to do stuff and had a semi-homogeneous idea of what ‘America’ and ‘freedom’ were. The X’ers, and more the Millennials especially the Zoomers have a very different worldview, wealth level and skill set. Its going to look very different in a few years as Boomer power fades.
Of course, the Media Matrix shrieks that Trump is the next Hitler, a threat to democracy! Mike Adams interviewed Dustin Nemos, who believes he has Biblical proof that Trump is the anti-Christ. Q-Anons remain loyal to their view of Trump and the White Hats as being in control and proceeding with “cleaning house” to save democracy. Trump himself is trolling everyone during his campaign speeches and promising a Utopia to all who would just (s)elect him. Will the real Donald J. Trump please stand up…?
“….the Media Matrix shrieks that Trump is the next Hitler…”
Considering that after Hitler took power life for average Germans got massively better I doubt that they are correct……?
I see the similarity between Hitler/Trump popularity. Both are populist, anti-intellectual, pandering to the worst memes, e.g., free trade is destructive, an attack on our economy. It would be humorous if not so conducive to economic decline, war.
The political paradigm appeals to the worst of humanity and has led to war, social chaos, for eons.
For example, democracy, i.e., consensus, is usually wrong. Hitler, funded by British/American banks, brought prosperity, extremely entertaining speeches, unity expressed with religious fervor.
What could go wrong with that society? Look at Caesar, all the empires. Most collapse from within.
Oh well… I see we are back to DIS-agreeing 😉
“…..I see the similarity between Hitler/Trump popularity….”
Yes, they both play on the feelings of normal people who have been harmed by their leaders actions and who feel their lives being made worse.
“….. Both are populist,….”
Yes….but whats wrong with populism? Is not Populism doing whats GOOD for the populace???
“…… anti-intellectual,…”
Trump is just being American, thats by default anti-intellectual. Hitler on the other had attracted the well educated classes and was a pretty decent thinker in his own right (but also something of an Emo theater kid TBH)
:….. pandering to the worst memes, e.g., free trade is destructive, an attack on our economy……”
OUR economy is like “OUR democracy” ….normal people in America HAVE been hurt by open boarders and by Free Trade. The People in Germany WERE hurt (much worse then Americans , so far) by the hyperinflation and other things.
“…. It would be humorous if not so conducive to economic decline….”
NOT that I love the nazis but they DID help put Germany back together which is why they were popular- Trump will probably not do the same for the USA but MAY do a little.
“….For example, democracy, i.e., consensus, is usually wrong….”
Consensus is normally imposed on people, populism is just imposing a more popular consensus. The DDR and West Germany both had consus imposed after the war
“…. Hitler, funded by British/American banks, brought prosperity, extremely entertaining speeches, unity expressed with religious fervor….”
That sounds pretty good to MOST PEOPLE…who wants poverty, dull speeches and atomization ???
Again, personally I’m NOT loving Hitler but the reason people then liked him was that he actually made their lives better. THAT is why what Parvini calls the “Boomer Truth Regime” has spent decades talking nonsense about Hitlers magic eyes or ability to make people believe stuff that was not true.
Its simply that most people dont want to live in a world where they are forced to whore their kids out to eat and workers kill themselves because of unemployment. They are less bothered about degenerates but THAT was getting a bit much for them too.
When a tyrant is in charge the means is violence. It never ends well.
Rome built up fast, becoming politically powerful, dictatorial afterward, which gave it longevity. The 1st emperor of China had to conquer all of the jurisdictions, then it was peaceful, but not a happy place. Within a decade of his demise China fell, his heirs murdered. Rome tried to be more democratic, with the senate, and lasted longer than any empire, because they had “The Golden Age of Greece”, Aristotle’s philosophy to guide them. Unfortunately, his life’s work was lost in “The Great Fire of Alexandria”, and his legacy was lost for centuries.
What people want, their end, is unachievable, without a means to get there. If the means is by violence first, i.e., the initiation of deadly threat, or fraud, then their end will be violent, destructive.
If the means is reason, respect for each other’s sovereignty, peaceful cooperation, governance will be fruitful. The society will be diverse, but slowly meld. It is how all physical infrastructure, all science, all art, all social interactions progress.
“….When a tyrant is in charge the means is violence…..”
Violence is integral to life and living in communities.
As it is, as it was and as it always will be.
“…. It never ends well….”
What is “IT” that ‘never ends well?
Before those Empires you mention there was lots of small scale violence going on day to day….during those Empires existence there was much LESS violence going on, and after they ended they went back to lots of day to day violence.
NOTHING humans build lasts forever, so that those empires cycled in and out of existence is just the natural cycle.
“….Rome tried to be more democratic, with the senate….”
No, they were an OLIGARCHY, the senators were oligarchs not democrats. The Plebs fought hard to limit their power but even they did not want general democracy.
“……What people want, their end, is unachievable, without a means to get there….”
What most people want is a nice safe life, with a happy family with some material goods on the side.
Violence is the only means that ‘end’ can exist- violence punishes cheats , thieves and bandits.
“….If the means is reason, respect for each other’s sovereignty, peaceful cooperation, governance will be fruitful…..”
Yes, but without violence to regulate them some people will never respect others right.
“… all physical infrastructure, all science, all art, all social interactions progress…..”
Progress TO WHERE? Histoory, like life, is mostly a cycle, not a straight line
The Amish do not distinguish between violence to fight violence and the initial violence that prompted the defense. Morally, the Amish are supporting the violence when they don’t physically appose it. Words, concepts not expressed by action are hypocritical.
“Violence” in English language has no one word distinguishing it as “initiated” or “defensive”. The difference physically expresses a moral choice, a mindset, a decision to treat others with disrespect or respect.
By “it” I meant a society that doesn’t fight initiated violence, supports it on the principle it is moral/practical or both. That has been the public choice, but not the private choice, even in violent societies, to one degree or another. The extent of success, of happiness, is determined by the degree. The less day-day violence privately, the less stress and therefore longer, more energetic lives, leading to more production.
“Violence is the only means…”??? Which violence? Initiated or reactive? Violence against violence, e.g., thievery, cheating, fraud? Any act that takes the unearned which could not be obtained honestly, would not be freely given, is equivalent to immoral (initiated) violence. That needs to be deterred, regulated AFTERWARD, with retaliatory violence.
The “law is the law” assumes the power to treat all as guilty, NOT innocent.
In Britain, the principle was established in “common law” that everyone is innocent until proven guilty by “The Levelers” who made their case in well-reasoned pamphlets, decade after decade and paid for final victory with their lives. They noted the contradiction in proving innocence of a crime that had no evidence to refute, no complainant.
British common law was an attempt to break the cycle of violence you claim is necessary.
Like tech, but much slower, that goal toward justice through reason I call PROGRESS.
Violence is just plain violence. It is an unjust application of force. Whenever someone initiates force, commits an aggression against someone else, that’s violence.
Whenever someone responds to violence with application of force in a bid to defend themselves and their property, they are not using violence and have the right to defend themselves.
“…….Whenever someone responds to violence with application of force in a bid to defend themselves and their property, they are not using violence…..”
WRONG<<< You are making up a new definition that does not exist
Violence =
'Behavior or treatment in which physical force is exerted for the purpose of causing damage or injury.'
Below is a description of an act of violence
"I put my arm around his neck and then I drove my thumb into his eye and picked up the knife and stabed his neck until he died."
If I BEGIN with "He dropped my wifes body and was turning towards my 8 year old son" then the ACT is Justified Violence
If I begin with "This A hole knocked my beer over when he walked past' then it UNJUSTIFIED violence.
In BOTH cases the ACT is violence, it never changes into NOT being violence
violence /vī′ə-ləns/
Behavior or treatment in which physical force is exerted for the purpose of causing damage or injury.
"the violence of the rioters."
Intense force or great power, as in natural phenomena.
"the violence of a tornado."
Extreme or powerful emotion or expression.
"the violence of their tirades."
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Editio
“The Amish do not distinguish between violence to fight violence and the initial violence that prompted the defense. Morally, the Amish are supporting the violence when they don’t physically appose it.”
I will have to disagree with that, Amish are not supporting violence when they don’t physically oppose it. Because Jesus made it very clear in the New Testament in Mat 5:39 and in many other places “But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.” I realize this idea is completely contrary to human nature, and it makes zero sense to the carnal person.
I personally know of Mennonite people that are serving prison time in “the land of the free” for rescuing and helping people escape from very violent and abusive situations.
Many Amish and Mennonite people are doing more to curb violence here in the United States, then anyone else that I know of, and then they are actually persecuted for it.
levellers…good band, love the music.
Dude are you getting Chat GPT to write your answers??
What I could make sense of
“…British common law was an attempt to break the cycle of violence you claim is necessary…..”
British Common Law has no problem with violence because it was based on the ‘common’ laws of a bunch of saxon guys when went around armed most of the time.
It also had no issue with the local bobby beating bad boys bonce’s with their Trusty Truncheon
all we really know about hitler is what the jooish empire victors wrote about him. do we trust them?
Mein deustch ist nich sehr gut , ist sein? LOL ist mein dessutch kormisch? Ich denke zo, Wie ein 3 jar alt, ja?
Just because Hitlers enemies were awful people does not mean that he was wonderful….that said the world was lucky that he, and not the Bolsheviks, grabbed power in Germany or we really would have been fked.
“…all we really know about hitler is wha…”
Especially today while the net is still feeding us free books and old footage so we can read some of decent books about him or read his speeches or just go listen to Thomas777 (whos kinda cool to listen to on most subjects) talking about him….I was reading Mein Kampf (which is not ‘a turgid mess’ like they say but is also not very interesting book unless your into election year apologetics)
im part german but i dont actually know german lol i tried google translating what you said and some of it was translated, was it mixed with yiddish?
im simply saying i dont know anything about him(other than he didnt die in germany) that i can verify either way. i absolutely dont trust the propaganda of the british empire or the communists. as its easy to verify they are liars.
yes the bolsheviks were worse than him, yes the british empire did worse things than even they claim germany did.
we live in an empire of lies.
“.. was it mixed with yiddish?…”
Oh vey! No! lol, I actually just suck at Speaking German but I can normally make myself understood.
Seriously though if you want to know about H you can try david Irvings books (you can get them free off his very old website) but he does kinda love Hitler a bit much.
You can get books off annas archive or the internet archive (for now…..)
Good books are “World War TWo through German Eyes” (Lucas)
You can get a book of his speeches (Mein side of the story, I THINK its called)
I never read “hitlers table talk’ but its said to be good.
Mein Kampf is kinda meh, but interesting to see that Hitler was not ‘racist’ as we understand it today, he was racist against other flavors of ‘white people’ and gave zero f’s about blacks which reframes the very idea of ‘white people’ – as Americans understand them from the US’s weird situation.
Thomas777 is a pretty interesting guy to listen to and did a load of World War talks on the back catalog at the Pete Quinoes Show. I think he actually has a pretty realistic view of the nazis (though he may be a bit too keen on them TBH)
thanks for the reading suggestions. i recently bought “the conquest of the world by the jews by Major Osman Bey” its from 1873 though so predates H.
but here is one of my favorite quotes by H:
‘It’s been our misfortune to have the wrong religion,” Hitler complained to his pet architect Albert Speer. “Why did it have to be Christianity, with its meekness and flabbiness?” Islam was a Männerreligion—a “religion of men”—and hygienic too. The “soldiers of Islam” received a warrior’s heaven, “a real earthly paradise” with “houris” and “wine flowing.” This, Hitler argued, was much more suited to the “Germanic temperament” than the “Jewish filth and priestly twaddle” of Christianity.
“…you dont realize that Islam comprised all of the civilized world and conquered most of the known world at its height do you?….”
Thats right…because its not actually so. Lol.
Islam burst out of Arabia , previously the ass of the world, because the empires of the middle east had exhausted themselves and the Byzantine Empire was a bureaucratic tax crazy nightmare deeply unpopular with its own rural subjects.
Kinda like today, hey? Lol.
As to being the civilized world, no, ISlam burnt down the decayed remains of the Classical world and then save SOME of its texts….then they had a ‘golden age’ of, what, a generation? About that, before regressing back into stagnation.
True they took over Spain, with the help of jews, but they were hitting Europe at Europes weakest point…. and the moment Europe clawed their way into the scientific revolution they ate the islamics world lunch, then flushed their head down the toilet, and still are even though Europe is at a pretty low point….. how you think a bunch of European Jews destroyed the Ottoman Empire and stole Palestine?? Because they had Euro tech.
As to GB Shaw…lol, you do realize that he and his NWO / fabian, ilk wanted to import muslims because they thought they would be easy for the ruling class to lord it over dont you?
ISlam is a great religion for a young dude who wants to go around thugging it up- I’d have LOVED it when I was a young guy,pillaging, raping and keeping sex slaves sounds fun when your a kid….but at the end of the day Islam cant do anything to healthy nations and depend on swooping in when their sick.
Islam cant even unify itself, lol.
AS to The Crusades, good times to be sure, but even the roughest knight of Christendom would have been kinda disgusted by Muhameds behavior….guy was as bad as the jews he tried to get declare him the messiah….torturing people to find their stash, raping women in the blood of their husbands, fking little kids….a Great Man of history. to be sure, but his legacy cant build a culture that can progress past the middle ages on its own.
They only look cool now because Christendom got a bad case of the ‘Jewish revolutionary spirit’…. (Book by that name by EM Jones, WELL worth the read!) Give it a hundred years and they will be back in the dustbin.
I would not take that (or any other claim about Hitlers personal religious ideas) to seriously. As a politician (and something of a melodramatic theater kid) he tended to say either what people wanted to hear or whatever was going through his head at the time.
TBH it appears, depending on who you ask, EVERY group has a claim for being Hitlers favorite, LOL – atheists if you ask Christians, Christian if you ask atheists, or even occult weirdness (which really had little to do with Hitler and more to do with such weirdos as the Vrill society and Theosophists who predated him)
That said I can see the attraction of Islam, its a true thug life religion, but at the end of the day its not really a world conquering religion , more of a jackal or hyena that preys on weak powers.
It lacks what you could call the European Faustian Spirit, IMO, and while it can grab weakened powers it tends to stay very static and lacks the drive to advance in tech and economics and compete with healthy civilizations.
Funny enough Jay Dyer just posted a talk about the elites plan to islamize Europe as part of the Kalergi Plan….i will have to go listen
“true thug life religion” lmao….
you dont realize that Islam comprised all of the civilized world and conquered most of the known world at its height do you? did you know spain was muslim for 900 years? the “holy land” was muslim for about 1300 yrs other than like a decade when the crusaders invaded and started eating ppl and forcibly converting them. the royalty of europe sent their children to muslims lands for education cause it was the only place with universities in the world and anyone with wealth in europe who was sick knew their only chance was to get to muslim lands. a muslim(al zahrawi aka abucasis) from the 1100s surgical texts were the main textbook in europe until the 17-1800s. it was islamic society that brought civilization to europe.
it clearly has shown itself to be a religion capable of ruling the world as it has actually done so in the past.
“If any religion had a chance of ruling over England, nay Europe within the next hundred years, it could be Islam.”
George Bernard Shaw
” I have always held the religion of Muhammad in high estimation because of its wonderful vitality. It is the only religion which appears to me to possess that assimilating capability to the changing phase of existence which can make itself appeal to every age… I have studied him – the wonderful man, and in my opinion far from being an Anti-Christ he must be called the Saviour of Humanity.”
George Bernard Shaw
The real Trump I think is willing to say what he thinks is necessary to win an argument. But he does care about keeping this country prosperous and free because he’s a business man. I’d rather have a dysfunctional capitalist in office over a deranged communist, since those are the choices. I went to Wikipedia to see if there was any info there about Trump’s childhood and all I found was a hit piece. I did find some articles about his childhood through Google, not many. I was wondering if Trump is autistic (on the spectrum), but the articles say he was neglected by an ill mother and abused by his strict father. I can’t help but like the guy, but I seem to be attracted to people like him for some reason. I don’t think I would have felt that way about Hitler. At least Trump has children.
delusional take. trump and all his kids are jewish zionists. he serves Israel and didnt do any of the nonsense he said he would the last time he was actually president. blows my mind there are people out there who still fall for it.
isnt this only for subscribers? how did you get here? did you watch the video above?
I’ve been a member for years. Sorry if you don’t like it.
Its not that your wrong, its just that TBH your not going to get an ANTI-Zionist politician any time soon in the USA.
Trump is a POSSIBLE path to one in the future…..its not like his opponent is going to be anti-zionist either is it?
Trump’s list: 289 accomplishments in just 20 months, ‘relentless’ promise-keeping
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Interesting how a few of commenters have such deep need for attention they put up hundreds if not thousands of words (not you) of near nonsense in a world so hungry for real change and attention to real issues.
Thier mental masturbation is tiring to avoid.
Trump is a cipher, and wont do a great deal himself except , we can hope, move the overton window on acceptable politics and/or disillusion people.
If he turns out to run another four years of the same its not like we are any WORSE off then before is it?
As to masturbation…you ought to write a song about THIS one because the internet is one massive masturbation machine where everyone sits in their own silo and hears people agreeing with them.
All day long lefties can hear trump is hitler, righties can hear the Democrats are satan, and the masters even added a few new silos so people can hear alt media they agree with too.
Like Hell, in Marlows “Faustus”, the ‘phone’ we should get off is where we are, not a place we go to.
Trump is a likeable fellow. Entertaining. That is his biz. His training. There is a post called, Precedent Trump Episode 395. You may want to take a critical view.
i’ve not liked Trump since early 1990’s when he used eminent domain to grift a property, and made a deal w/ NY not to pay taxes for 100yrs or something… He ruined my life on Sat nites when he went to WWE. Bare chested Sat nite came to an end. My boys & i had to seek our entertainment elsewhere.
If Trump was a plumber and lived down the street, he would get hit in the face for his non-stop bragging. He would not be allowed in church. We can’t hang out w/ a prideful, covetous, serial adulterer. Trump is scummy in his personality.
Go back and watch some of the old Hitler crowd films. Especially when he was on parade. Forget what you have been told. The people adored him. They were happy to see him. 1920’s Germany was a cesspool of vice. A sex destination. People lost homes & could not buy bread. Hiltler got them out by instituting a local currency. Men went back to work.
What if the books they were burning were smut books of the worst sort? Would burning those books be so bad? Sometimes things are not as they appear. Cheers!
I don’t doubt this, but we could probably find plenty of negative things to say about most of the candidates. I personally dislike Harris more than Trump. God said, “Give them a king, then tell them what he will do to them.”
Miss King
“…What if the books they were burning were smut books of the worst sort? Would burning those books be so bad? …”
Stage 1: ” The nazis burned books…because they hated books! ”
Stage 2: The Nazis burned masses of Trans and queer history! They set back the LGBTQP movement by 50 years!
I watched the movie “The Book Thief” and only later realized that kid would have collected massive library of gay porn 🙁
From article linked.
“…It was a pioneering trans library — until the Nazis burned it
In Weimar Germany, the gay Jewish doctor Magnus Hirschfeld performed the first gender-affirming surgeries and collected research on sexuality. The 1933 book burnings destroyed his life’s work…”
Pkadams, Many thanks reply. Talking over blog is not easy. Did not recognize your name & thot perhaps you were young & new to the site. Enjoyed your “dysfunctional capitalist in office over a deranged communist” comment. Sums up a lot of my thinking.
i abhor images of Dumala Cumala. Thots of the screeching hyena send me back to recalling how the HildeBeast ruined our lives w/ her pantsuits & screeching…and demanding…
Looked for a review of Trump from Monica Perez or Brad Binkley, but could not find. Many comments were woven thru various podcasts. Monica lived down the street from him in NYC. She knows a lot about Trump. Days of Roy Cohn. Both have mentioned the weird connection of John Trump to Tesla, and DTrump’s schooling. May ask them about doing an exposé from a child. If you are interested.
My #2Son sd his pastor, Pastor Clarence Sexton, gave the eulogy for Robert Trump. The brother of Pastor Sexton, Tommy, was Robert Trump’s pastor in FL for 2 or 3yrs and was sure Robert was saved.
Brad Binkley, some years ago, called the lawyer of 1 of the Epstein girls in the FL case. The lawyer told him out of all the people he called (100?), only DTrump acted cooperative. Meant to ask Mr.Binkley about this recently, but is hard to catch for his work schd.
Did not want you to think i’m a lefty or NeoCon Warmonger “never trumper.” i think that is where that phrase comes from–tho i’m not sure.
i would like Trump to use the words: Abolish IRS, payroll taxes, FairTax, End the Fed. i’ll be praying he gets the jackboot off the neck of the USA & the CIA off the rest of the planet. Asking for a king is brutal. Wasn’t long until the prize for defeating Goliath included a tax break.
Much Cheer!
I’m always cynical about the media. It started with the robocalls on the telephone. Fraudsters, liars, con artists they are.
Then, it went on to TV news, which is full of liars and propagandists.
And now the Internet community is full of AI bots from who knows what den of liars and thieves.
“The media is the message.” is the famous saying.
There’s your answer.
I remember overhearing the news while my grandparents were watching it to hear about some new breakthrough study about the same thing on more than one occasion. It was saying the same thing both times. I remembered because it stood out to me the first time.
Vienticus, I’ve read that if a “fact” is repeated six times, people remember it. Same goes for memorization. Write down something six times and you will remember it.
i choose to walk with my Creator throughout my life. after i invest enough time to learn a subject it has troubled me as how to bring it to mind at a useful time. finally i understood that it is not my job to bring the “dot” into to being. that is my Creators’ job. faith is a contract. contracts always have two sides. my side/job and the others’ side/job. i place the dots and my Creator connects them in do time, for His glory. Creators, directors, writers, producers always seem to want screen credits.
i am responsible for research, “seek yee first the kingdom of heaven and its’ righteousness…” and the Creator brings them to the fore. on time every time in correct balance and proportion.
Speaking of “creepy,” James, remember the last time you talked to the box in front of your face when you were out and about your city? That was when some of us spotted a “creepy” guy in the background, who came and went more than once and seemed to be absorbed in something on the ground behind you.
Well, this time, off to your left, we see a little bird pop into view at around the 6:20-minute mark, right when you’re wondering whether passersby think you’re crazy to be talking to yourself (and to the box that’s recording you).
The bird hangs around on the dirt path for a couple minutes then leaves. Suddenly he emerges again, this time with two friends. Apparently, this little flock is your captive audience. Then, just like that, they disappear. Why? Maybe they spotted the couple walking the big dog (a Golden Retriever?) approach them and decided to scatter.
I have zero desire to explore that creepy “lost media” community you described and showed us examples of, James. I’ll stick to something simple, thanks. Like watching birds. And reading books.
You hooked me. 😉
I watched it again to explore the birds.
Starting about 4:55, one bird was in the tree to the top left of Corbett’s head.
Most of the birds seem to be pidgeons.
Hahaha, HRS. You’re right: @ 4:55, I saw the first bird fly behind James, from right to left (reminiscent of the spooky guy, who also first came into view from the right)!
Yeah, I’m sure the bigger one was a pigeon; maybe the others were baby pigeons.
Those birds are smart to hang out within earshot of James, aren’t they? They’re probably laughing at the Bible story you referenced in your comment below. It IS a hoot!
BTW, HRS, I won’t mind if someone calls me a “birdbrain.” It’s a compliment, as far as I’m concerned. 🙂
I heard they are good friends with Trump because they are all into “cooing”. Kidding of course.
You pidgeon holed the Trump train. Bird brains flocking to their savior’s coop so they can be tagged and tracked.
Ha! Well done.
level up for hrs blending multiple meanings and metaphors. nice writing bruz.
Illuminati confirmed!
Thanks, James for your good work toward responsibly freedom.
A topic I consider of great importance I recently did a Substack article on in response to another Substack article by a libertarian who was praising and raising Self-Sacrifice (SS) as the highest virtue.
I would hope our Voluntaryists here we be with me on calling out SS as a negative, destructive rite and I invite you James to give us your thoughts on SS as well as other members here.
Here is the link to my article with details to join our free and freeing Free Friends Forum and maybe I will reach some of you to join me tomorrow, 9AM New Zealand time, to discuss SS and its implications for Humanity.
Here is the link that will take you to the article with information to join our Zoom.
Get free, stay free.
Here is the Substack post that generated FFF#15:
The idea of self-sacrifice as the height of human virtue is so widely accepted today that both religious and non-religious people easily identify with it.
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“…NOTHING GREATER THAN OUR SELVES…” is the slogan of the serf.
The reason he is the serf is because he is driven purely by self interest and thus , like any other animal, easy to control with the right inputs.
The person who has nothing that he is willing to sacrifice himself for (if you can can him a person) is just another cog in what Auron Macintyre calls the total state which is WHY the ruling class have been pushing the breaking of all unchosen bonds since the French Revolution.
They ‘free’ you from everything that can help you resist them while “making you THINK you are free”.
If you have nothing you would sacrifice yourself for you
a) HAVE nothing of value in your life
b) Have no reason to fight tyranny as long as you get your own gibs….your kids future? Pheff who cares as long as YOU are ok?
Go to the Substack post and read what is there. Your response shows you have misunderstood the message of “Nothing Greater Than Yourself”. As the quote from Branden explains, if you value another mind/authority more than your own, your are owned and controlled by that mind/authority and you will join the legends of self-sacrificers who fuel the constant wars.
You do not fight tyranny by joining and enabling it. Your need to sacrifice to prove your manhood is the driving mechanism for most men going joyfully to war. If you are not interested in our self, someone else will be and will be controlling you to your detriment and the world’s.
Grow up, take responsibility for your own freedom and value and stop fueling the Power Elite’s wars.
“….Go to the Substack post and read what is there….”
I did
“…. Your response shows you have misunderstood the message…”
NO, it shows I think that message is wrong
“……As the quote from Branden explains, if you value another mind/authority more than your own, your are owned and controlled by that mind/authority…..”
1)If you have to have a tooth out do you trust your own opinion on how to do it or the dentist?
2) If you listen to the dentist, who has extracted lots more teeth then you, DOES HE OWN YOU???????
WTF are you on about? ‘Owns’ you?
And as to ‘being your own authority’ does that mean Ted Bundy was CORRECT to live the life HE wanted because he “was his own authority”, damn, thats some Satanic stuff your pushing..
“……. Your need to sacrifice to prove your manhood is the driving mechanism for most men going joyfully to war…..”
1) Nice use of psychology there, with the focus on manhood, a bit feminine in delivery but good
2) You are only alive today because someone went to war to stop some other people cutting your ancestors throat and raping his wife to death. The reason dumb ideas like Objectivism have never existed in real history is because those who DO form a pack without needing all the over thinking KILLED OFF THE OTHERS.
“……Grow up, take responsibility for your….”
1) Again, nice shaming- still a bit feminine in delivery tho
2) IF I AM MY OWN AUTHORITY HOW CAN I HAVE RESPONSIBILITIES I DID NOT CHOOSE??? You see the problem with your philosophy now?
Your reply is an interesting challenge to understand where you are coming from. I am guessing as to what you mean and will take your responses in order.
–You seem to consider going to the dentist as an “authority” on teeth means the same as legitimizing the authority of the State?
Do you actually believe going to the dentist means he owns you like the State does when it controls you through any of its illegitimate “laws” such as taxation theft or drafting you as a slave into the military? Can you not see a difference?!
I VOLUNTARILY go to the dentist and PAY for treatment.
I do not VOLUNTARILY pay my taxes, I do it because I will be imprisoned if I do not. I do not recognize the legitimacy of any government to rule me; this has nothing to do with choosing to go to an authority on teeth.
How is it you are confusing these two so very different things?
Even if YOU volunteer to murder foreigners in some national military and to pay your taxes gratefully, I do not want to do this. I am forced to do what you in your voluntary servitude it seems want to do.
You do not really believe this about going to a dentist is the same as the State’s “authority” violently ruling you when you think about it, do you?
–Violent criminals that leave murder victims like Bundy have nothing to do with voluntarily NOT choosing to be an indentured servant to the State and going to war to murder innocent individuals as you seem to want to do.
Just as the State did not save these murder victims, Bundy’s violence has nothing to do with his being his own authority vis a vis the State.
Your willfully confusing a murderer as being “his own authority” with a Voluntaryist not legitimizing the State is absurd. Certainly you can see the difference?!
–Your belief that going to kill innocent others say in the Vietnam war somehow has stopped persons in the U.S. from being raped and murdered is beyond the pale.
I suggest you think about what you wrote and talk to someone who cares for you to help you think more sanely.
I am surprised you are attracted to James Voluntaryist message with such unhinged statements.
I hope you will learn to become your own Authority and deligitimize the State and trade voluntarily and peacefully with others.
I will end my interaction with you with this quote and say no more:
“We heal ourselves by giving others what we most need.” Sherry Turkle
“….Your reply is an interesting challenge to understand where you are coming from. ….”
Sorry, I will lay it out clearer.
“…….–You seem to consider going to the dentist as an “authority” on teeth means the same as legitimizing the authority of the State?….”
Question 1
The dentist is “ ‘an’ authority” on teeth because he is an expert on teeth…. If he is NOT an expert on teeth you would not put your trust in him.
The Dentist “Speaks with authority” about teeth.
He clearly gains this authority because he is better at something (teeth) then you are.
(Yes, yes, I know YOU still have AUTHORITY over your body so he CAN NOT kidnap you and give you fillings! Except in a horror movie!)
THIS kind of authority comes FROM KNOWING BETTER then you, but it is CLEARLY limited.
Next let us look at a small child….. Does a 6 year old have AUTHORITY over themselves????
They are under the authority of their parent- because the child is not able to take care of themselves. The only people talking AGAINST parental authority are generally pedophiles who want their prey unprotected by angry dads.
What does this kind of parental AUTHORITY look like????? Well, UNLIKE the dentist the parent may tell the child when its bed time, or what they eat for supper, or even spank them if they don’t obay…….BUT AGAIN THERE ARE LIMITS- if a parent KILLS their child for wetting the bed or not cleaning their room then the parent is punished.
Now “Dental” and “Parental” authority is clearly NOT the same thing because you authorize the dentists work but a child DOES NOT authorize parents to exercise authority.
So, AT LEAST IN THIS CASE it does not matter if the subject willingly subjects themselves to authority.
“……I do not VOLUNTARILY pay my taxes,…” has ZERO to do with the legitimate (or not) authority of a power to tax you.
A 6 year old may not VOLUNTARILY eat his brussel sprouts but his parents have AUTHORITY to FORCE him don’t they?
(Yes yes, state and parental authority are not the exact same thing but bear with me!)
Question Two
“…. owns you like the State does when it controls you through any of its illegitimate “laws” such as taxation theft or drafting you as a slave into the military?….”
WHAT makes state power ‘illegitimate’ ????? Is it ALWAYS illegitimate?????
YOU appear to thing that its all about what you “Voluntarily” subject yourself too….. but we already know that AT LEAST IN ONE CASE (a child) you DONT HAVE TO AGREE TO BE LEGITIMATELY SUBJECT TO AUTHORITY.
Part TWO
So….lets ask a common sense question- DOES THE STATE HAVE THE RIGHT TO PUNISH MURDERERS???????
If you say ‘no’ then you basically end the ability of people to live above family size groups.
If you say ‘YES” then you accept that the state has some legitimate authority, over a murderer, who did not volunteer to be punished.
(And , yes,yes, “I think we should punish people via lynch mob” IS A VALID ANSWER! BUT THEN THE MOB itself is exercising that very same Authority)
“….–Your belief that going to kill innocent others say in the Vietnam war somehow has stopped persons in the U.S. from being raped and murdered is beyond the pale……”
Dude… I did not say that.
I will reframe for you:
IS THIS STATEMENT FALSE???? “ People Sleep Peacefully in Their Beds at Night Only Because Rough Men Stand Ready to Do Violence on Their Behalf”
As to the sanity of my POV…its the POV that has existed and worked for all of human history where as voluntaryism HAS NEVER EXISTED IN THE WILD….. let us then judge which is correct from results.
You have to understand that you are stupid, you are evil and you are going to blow up the universe if your taxes are not settled. Hush and get to paying! And vote. Vote!
“…….You have to understand that you are stupid, you are evil and you are going to blow up the universe if your taxes are not settled. Hush and get to paying! And vote. Vote!…”
Nice straw man your beating on over there.
Come over and we can ague some time when your done with that.
Not sure exactly what you mean by self sacrifice , and I am short on time. But I would hope these people don’t mean actually purposely giving up their lives as a MEANS to change. However, I do believe in the concept of being WILLING to RISK your life FIGHTING to protect your family and property. Jesus is a one-off as far as his life saved all who will believe, but he left us with the teaching that when we lose our life we find it. This means specifically in that context, that when we give up the (perceived)RIGHT to be our own boss, and choose to submit our will to God, then we actually become FREE. This makes sense if you understand the truth that in this world, EVERYONE who doesn’t submit their lives to God is actually a slave to Satan, the Beast, the world system. In other words, we think we are free and that we are own boss, that we are in control of our lives, but in reality we are captives to the devil. That is whey Jesus had to die, he basically tricked the devil’s minions into crucifying him so that he could break the curse of death. That may sound crazy to you, but it makes perfect sense when you look at the condition of the world and how everyone in this group is struggling to be free but can’t figure out how. True freedom in ONLY found in submitting our lives to Christ’s protection. Our lives are transferred to the status of forgiven and when our physical bodies die, our souls immediately go to the next plane of existence, where Satan is NOT in control. There’s a lot more to this and plenty of evidence for it. Anyway, good morning and God bless.
That’s an interesting statement describing a state of reality. It is similar to writings by Mary Baker Eddy. The illusion of death hanging over us by TPTSB constantly drive the human flock into dead ends in this world. Understanding this is as illusive as understanding the control grid James Corbett is talking about.
Yes there is a lot more to this . It confounds me as to why people, intelligent people will not look and willfully refuse to see what’s clearly before them.
As you say, good morning and God bless.
“This means specifically in that context, that when we give up the (perceived)RIGHT to be our own boss, and choose to submit our will to God, then we actually become FREE.”
I believe that is a true statement. As far as it goes. 😉
I’ve recently been forced to conclude that the Declaration of Independence is misleading when it says, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
That almost gives the impression that God Himself is obliged to respect those “unalienable rights”.
News flash! He’s not.
We have no “right to life”.
Not only is He the “boss” of our lives. Not only should we seek His will in regard to how we live. But to achieve ultimate freedom, I’m convinced that we must come to understand that every breath we are granted is a gift of Grace, not a right.
For me, Matthew 16:25 and the numerous other verses that refer to losing one’s life for His sake have taken on a much more literal meaning. And I have found it very freeing indeed.
In the end many Christians will definitely lose their actual lives as they follow Jesus. Thanks for the reply. 🙂
I do not think you should sacrifice your life for anything—to defend your self and property and that of loved ones is not self-sacrifice but rather self-defense. I disagree that you should give authority to anyone, real (government) or imagined (Gods/Christ)—only you should be you own authority.
I endorse this message.
If you run for president, I’ll vote for you but only if you run some extremely corny adds and have some very fancy hats for your supporters to show off their valor.
That first one was when someone hacked a TV station to try and pretend he was Max Headroom.
Speaking of lost media, a full copy of Rock Odyssey from Hannah Barbara recently surfaced. Unfortunately, it’s in Spanish.
If you want to see a lot of weird and creepy stuff, look up Elsagate.
Personally, I remember seeing the episode of the Smurfs where Papa Smurf had the pentagram over his head. I can’t remember if they edited it out or never showed the episode again.
You’re not the only one who has thought about this stuff, James. I remember being a kid, and having the cable switch box with the buttons for the channels and the selector switch for which range to go to. I remember my family having the NES and the Tandy computer, and, “What is this online concept?”. I remember looking at all these things and being able to figure out what today would be like so many years ago. Back then, it was a simple no-brainer for me. “Of course you’re going to have this, that, and the other thing in the future,” all while I’m watching people applaud Reagan for saying something completely stupid.
I can’t help but wonder why I was so correct on my analysis of both the technological and fascistic trajectories at such a young age. I’m nothing simple; I’m just someone that pays attention. I share equal fascination in the prediction of the advancements as I do in the advancements themselves.
In reference to the constantly viewing media. I would offer the speculation that it is a replacement for the interactions our species had so often throughout our evolutions, whereas now we are all separated more and more by our various trades and hobbies. You still got people on street corners playing music.
When it comes to people keeping weird stuff from their past, Outside of the millions of reasons we constantly look at weird and bizarre stuff to learn more about it, I’ll just quote Randall Graves from Clerks II: What’s the point of having an Internet connection if you’re not using it to look at weird f***ed-up pictures of dirty sex you’ll never have yourself?
Here we are in the full realisation that there are endless ways the NWO can put us on our knees again. Wars and rumours of wars are only part of it. American citizens are being told to leave Lebanon today by any ticket but ..
FWIW my view is that the most likely trigger for David Rockefeller’s global government will be a war over Taiwan which is a crucial part of the global economy.
“Taiwan’s fate will have major implications for U.S. security and prosperity. It will also bear on fundamental questions of international order and the future of democracy.
@loggin, Kissenger and the technocratic elites created China by as we know it. We really are just watching a script play out in which we are mostly unknowingly actors. Having said that, China maintained some of the best class division and social engineering throughout history all by itself. 2 hydra heads are better than 1.
This conversation above, “The medium is the message” makes we wonder if there might not be some new medium for exchange waiting around the corner that offers a solution to the issues we face. Some alternative to the blockchain simulation. A mechanism for the exchange of ideas that is truly universal and may not be exploited by the man with the biggest….computer. Blockchain is touted as this solution, alas! it is anything but…
If and when Taiwan falls they can be replaced- there ARE chip fabs in other places and while things needing chips will get expensive there is no reason that they cant be spun up elsewhere in a few years.
TBH if China whacks Taiwan its LESS likely to cause a Global Gov because China and their bloc will be doing (hopefully Cold) War with the USA and their Bloc.
I was captivated by James’s story of the Bible seller.
I’m glad Corbett has an interest in mediums of communication.
After all, communication seems to be integral to all life forms.
Yes and the truthful form of communication is that of Chemistry.
That JC never talks about. Which proves Laws in matter don’t lie like vibrations of air, which carry lies about matter to the four winds and countless ears eager for hearing the deception of politics and control. There, chew on that but don’t choke. Hope you are well.
The story of the Bible seller is funny but it made me think of the effects of infomation….on the good side printed Bibles made it possible for anyone to fact check the local preist…..on the bad side it made it possible for nutters like the Anabaptists to get traction.
NO ONE reading the Bible made the Church able to lie and mislead people.
EVERYONE reading their own Bible created chaos and violence and lots of misled people too.
At the end of the day its the same with the internet….some people benefit from freedom and more information and other people are made worse by too much freedom and information
Its like the saying that you can fall off either side of a horse I guess
Thank you James, wonderful insight as ever. I can’t get used to how wired up we are nowadays. Its like watching people become zombified in real time. I live in a big city so perhaps it’s more noticable but it’s sort of like watching people become hypnotised and captured by it.
I noticed I was also doing it myself. Especially during lock down when I was forced to work from home and living on my own (which was fine beforehand) I unconsciously defaulted to digital for human contact. I was probably more in touch with friends and family than before, in the sense of communicating, however, I was also further away from everyone because we do not get the mirror neurons and connection we get from real life. I do really worry about the future and what this is doing to us. We’ve become reliant on technology for our day to day things and it often doesn’t occur to us to learn things for ourselves because there is an app for that. It’s full blown consumer capitalism with a flavour of potential fascist control in the future. We become immune to world events such as war and destruction that we are losing basic solidarity for one another. We lose abilities. I’ve noticed this in myself. I couldn’t read a book during lock down because I was so wired up, it was horrible, I never want to be like that again.
A creepy phenomenon in my view is how people seem to think they know someone – a good example would be the the royal family in the UK.
Wasn’t that long ago everyone was laughing at prince William for being into pegging and taking a secret lover to now oh isn’t he brave what with having a wife with cancer, he must be this or that. It’s a pretend world of soap opera but in real time and with real impacts and implications.
There’s also this weird trust in AI, thinking that it’ll work out for some reason, even though the people in charge of it do not have our interests at heart and no one really knows what it is or how it will impact. Its just a sort of well it’s out of my control but as its a thing I must get on board as don’t want to be left behind. Is there a FOMO (fear of missing out) phenomenon going on?
Anyway, only joined here a couple of months ago but it’s a real antidote to the anti intellectual laziness that pervades today but also I do think we are all aware of it but don’t really know what to do but once someone else sets an example the possibilities are endless because essentially we copy each other in some way. I’m a much better and nicer person for getting back to reading books and putting my phone down. I also notice that because I have made a few adjustments it’s rubbing off on others. When I’m in people company and they get their phone out when we are in mid convo, I just stop talking and wait until they are finished. It’s amazing how it gets them thinking and you don’t even need to say anything to them. The myth of multi tasking is a clear and present danger that needs deprogrammed out of us. Best wishes and look forward to seeing you in Sept
‘weird trust in AI’, yes… but for me, yes as a kid foreseeing a few things, led me to ask what else is going on. Its as if AI may be already part of reality at a quantum level, and the juxtaposition of posts on insta or fbk or not just an algorithm doing what its told… Or it could be my mind effecting what I want to receive. In pre-web days I would often ‘find’ a book jump out on the very subject I was interested in, or now I can wonder the local beach tuned to ‘amethyst’ and find a piece or two among millions of pebbles. Have done this with 3 of us at once, we all found some piece of amethyst, only rarely seen before in 20 years on that beach. In short get your esp switched on before 5G fks it, and perhaps AI prefers a better game than wef woh psycho babble
The MSM keeps telling us the “assassination” was real. Since they lie with abandon on every conceivable subject, why would I believe them with this?
Mae Brussell the Grandmother of Conspiracy Realism read piles of papers every day because the people who run things
a) cant control EVERYTHING
b) Must let some infomation out as part of doing business
At the end of the day you must accept some inputs of information or go in ignorance and confusion I guess
“What has shifted beyond all recognition since then (the 1970s) is the existential and emotional atmosphere. Populations are resigned to the sadness of work, even as they are told that automation is making their jobs disappear. We must regain the optimism of that Seventies moment, just as we must carefully analyse all the machineries that capital deployed to convert confidence into dejection. Understanding how this process of consciousness deflation worked is the distinct step to reversing it” Mark Fisher, Post Capitalist Desire 2016
Many of you probably already know of Dr. David Hughes who has recently published the book “Covid-19,” Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy. This book is open access and free to download. I just started reading it and can say that it is a totally engaging scholarly masterpiece bringing together so many pieces of the current technocratic totalitarian take-over attempt now in progress. Thoroughly researched, well documented. I’m still in the first chapter and already Hughes has referenced James Corbett several times.
Here’s an interview with David Hughes that introduced me to his work. It’s very good. About an hour.
Here’s the link to download, free, David Hughes’ book.
I’m sure this book will enliven and inform our conversation here.
Many thanks for the link to the interview with Hughes. I’ve not heard or read anybody define so clearly, what was and is still being done with this scam. He is one unique individual when it comes to explaining the use of Psychological warfare.
I hope you’re right about “…our conversation here.” This is the kind of stuff that needs to be front and center in the world. Of course I know it will not be, but I can imagine the effect if it was.
My biggest frustration comes from the fact there is absolutely “no accountability ” for the
perps responsible for all this chaos. None. And no “thinking person” is going to be deceived into believing that “Agent Orange” or anyone else is going to “Drain the Swamp”. To do that one would first have to find the plug. Then they would have to “Pull it”. Seems like I might have heard that phrase before regarding Building 7.
There is a discussion above about “stupid people”. I think they would be better off talking
about how the masses have, and are being deceived. It’s been foretold that “many” will be. I can’t even begin to put a number on that “many” but obviously it’s “many”.
So thanks again for posting this link. You sure did me a big favor.
I got a you tube ad today of Rand Paul saying the fraud has been revealed and it was time to prosecute Anthony Fauci , for lying to Congress about funding gain of function. They ask will I join in and give some dough to help grease the wheel of justice?
Maybe justice is on the move?
Hope that helps.
Thanks for trying to help.
But please don’t hold your breath. I’ve been looking back over 84 years and I cannot find any reason to believe that “justice” will be done. The thing I continue to find as the truth is that it is “Just Us”. There is no accountability.
With the mass media and control of communications virtually wrapped up, no-one is going to be properly and justly dealt with.
“Through the press we have gained the power to influence while remaining ourselves in the shade.” This was spoken well over 100 years ago.
The state of the world right now could be called “The Pudding”.
The recipe for that Pudding was written down many centuries ago and all the ingredients to create it were listed. Don’t believe it? “The proof is in the Pudding.”
Ever notice how many times we see the question “How did we get here?”
Yeah, I know. That’s all just somebodies wild idea or speculation or whatever one cares to call it. But if you use the word Prophesy, you will be instantly classified as some kind of a nut case. So be it. It changes nothing.
There are dozens if not hundreds of things that were written down centuries ago about what was to come and how things would be. And why.
One of the most miss-understood statements in the Book is “He that hast ears to hear, let him hear.”
Thanks again
joe bear
“…There is a discussion above about “stupid people”. I think they would be better off talking
about how the masses have, and are being deceived….”
Perhaps stupid is the wrong term, its human nature to follow and that system worked ok for a long time. Its just that the people who hacked into that system of behavior are particularly malevolent but TBH most people today WANT TO BE DECEIVED.
I think Mr Corbett did a video on that… number 13 on his list You cant wake someone up when their pretending to be asleep.
People WANT their ‘Turkish Delight’ , like the kid in the Lion Witch and Wardrobe by CS Lewis.
Just listened to your suggestion of Corbett.
To hear it explained the way he did makes it a lot easier to understand and also brings to mind some cases I’ve had in the past. It’s always been a wonder to me how someone who I know has more education, experience and in general is not an ignorant person, is simply unable to “see” what I see. We both have eyes and ears and there is no question that we are looking at and hearing the very same thing and yet we cannot agree on some basic point or part.
I had my own personal experience with that several decades ago. What changed it for me was when I reached the point where I was so confused that I convinced myself that regardless of what it was, I wanted to know the truth of the matter. No matter what it might mean for me, it was more important to me to know the truth so that I could end the confusion and frustration that that was causing.
It’s quite a long story and I doubt anyone would really be interested unless they knew me back then. But thanks for the reply and suggestion.
I knew you then, but keep my tongue tightly held in my teeth. Shame has followed me daily as there is nothing as eternal as regret.
From tales of woe. Like Corbett’s book, a work unfinished and wanting.
Please tell us the story.
“I knew you then, but keep my tongue tightly held in my teeth. Shame has followed me daily as there is nothing as eternal as regret.”
Not sure what you mean by this. Are you reading my mind?
But as for the “story”? I’ll have to think about that. It began 58 years ago when I was just 9 days shy of 26 and thought I had the world by the tail with a downhill pull.
In my opinion, that’s the crux of forming our reality. We can’t possibly know it all. But when we discover the truth of anything we discover our vulnerabilities. That’s what I would call ” God has arrived” moment..
Discovery of the truth will panic most people and at that instant of discovery the most irrational of behaviors will present themselves,all manner of emotions will present themselves and all forms of physical laws become scaler. Time and space cease to be linear. In some feeble attempt at describing God, scaler is as good as any . The constraints of language were described adequately above, or say north of here so that opinions formed by two people looking directly at the same object or concept will see and verbally come too two different conclusions.
Allegory and storytelling are great for learning. That’s why I asked to hear your story. Not reading your mind here just bugging you to give it up with no regard to how uncomfortable that truth may be for you in the retelling. I apologize for that. .
The 1987 talk by Col.Tom Bearden that I wish everyone will listen to below is a great example of a great amount of truth being revealed. Because this truth is presented here some 36 years later doesn’t diminish the ” God has arrived moment”. Imagine a supper power like the USA military power structure coming to the realization that all their efforts to maintain superiority have failed, become impotent , flaccid and ineffectual, vulnerable. It gives us some truth, clarity as to all the unexplainable events of the past 40 years. It explains a lot. The moment when A New World Order began. The deranged attempt to counter the panic caused by realizing ones true vulnerability. Psychotic psychopaths don’t panic well, they, as James’s research has shown, they don’t respond well to God has arrived moments
I”ll end here,enough said, .Col.Tom reveals to the world what was coming. It’s sad to think what good could come of that was wasted on TPTSB and not shared with humanity. Full on example of a panic attack. If James’s book should reveal all those wasted efforts. It might motivate change in the reader. Change that is good. Your story joebear could do the same too. But where’s the Absolom Absolom book? Every picture has a story don’t it ?
In my opinion.
You wrote: “Col.Tom reveals to the world what was coming.”
I started to listen to his talk. It didn’t take long for him to lose me with stuff he was explaining. Way above my pay grade as the saying goes.
Speaking of your “God has arrived moment”, I think it is much like my “Road to Damascus moment”. That time in the life of one of God’s people when they are confronted with that “fork in the road”. No matter what road one is on in this life, they can never turn around and go back. It’s always a one way street. One might even do a one eighty but it matters not because they will still be going forward into their future.
I have a book that reveals to me what is coming. I’m sure that you can easily guess what the title is.
I have no argument with your Col. Tom. I certainly have no argument with you either. But in regards to my book, I have found very few who will agree with me on EXACTLY what that book says. There are many who will even try to tell me that my book is not the right book and even tell me that any book of it’s type is just a fools tale. etc.
I can do nothing about that type of belief or position. My book even speaks to this type of reaction to it by many.
As to it’s author? That can lead to a big argument too. I will just say this. I absolutely believe that God is real. I also believe that He has created a people for Himself and that He has a plan for those people. His wisdom and power are so far beyond anything that a mere human can fathom that it is not worth even trying to go there and understand.
One of the most common things one runs into regarding God, are those who demand that you prove that He exists. A quick response is, “Prove that He doesn’t”. But there is backup for that in my book where God says; “Prove me by that which is made.”
There are those who are far wiser than me who have studied and researched things like how a tiny turtle an inch and a half long, hatched out on a beach and able to reach the ocean without being eaten by various creatures who just happened to gather there at the right time, and after spending eight years in the ocean is able to return to that same beach to lay its eggs so that the species can continue. But they cannot seem to even consider that it is possible that the intelligence required for that tiny turtle to do what it does is by design. No it has to be luck. Or something to that effect. Something that that “first” turtle decided to do. A choice. First turtle? Huh.
I could go on for hours with other examples of birds, insects, fish etc. etc. All accepted and even demanded that the intelligence involved is just a matter of luck, right place/right time, blah blah blah. Natural selection? What an utter joke that is. Yet those who believe it will fight tooth and nail against any other possibility.
So as for what my book says about what is coming? It tells me to “Watch and be sober.” It is full of warnings and has many examples of what will be happening.
That was a beautiful essay of your perception. I hope you see in the video of Lt.Col Tom that he apologizes to the listeners for the science talk, words, concepts and ideas that have never before been revealed. Hope you just idled through that and continued through to the end. It’s very revealing what the Dr.Strangeloves in the power elite planned to do. That is: test their new weapons on their own citizens to show and make a point as too how crazy they are. That evil was written about through our history in one book or another. People boasting their God like vengeance and cruelty on other people. They will, as the good book says; become dust to dust, and the meek…. These weapons may have caused the destructions seen in the remnant’s of antiquity . Col. Tom said they are derived and found in nature. It’s in the hearts of people that love is found , not so much in the world. Plato argued that, to a proof of divine being. So, Col Tom , working for TPTSB who where in panic , alerts the elder scientist the direction that the NWO were going in. No mention of the restraint the Soviet/ Zionist-Jew bankers showed in practicing the art of being God- like in their testing of such horrible things. I must say , because I’m a joker that for once that General Electric saying of “We bring good things to life” actually was true. I do fear a new Mycenaean Council has been formed where TPTSB have found a reason to parley a truce to split the spoils of these new racketeering weapons on humanity.
You joebear have no higher pay scale than that one who is you, sitting at the right-hand of the all mighty. You know more than most about reality. I still want to hear that story . It may unlock the secrets of the universe for those who are scared to love the all mighty and our fellow man as one who would want to be loved… Miracles occur, like ManBearPig says and says so well. Oh well, have a blessing of mine, I have more than I deserve. I knew her once too.
In your latest comment to me you said at the end; “I knew her once too.”
I’m trying not to appear dense or stupid but can you please explain what you mean. I.e. Who is she?
I just finished listening to your Col. The part about what might have happened in “The Outback” was interesting. When Tesla was mentioned I remember way back in the 80’s I had run across info about him and one of the things he had reportedly done was light light bulbs across some distance without wires. Something to do with low frequency radio waves I think. Also he believed that one could shift the Jet Stream with wave generators if they were large enough. Weather control. I don’t have a hard time believing that today.
It’s too bad you and I cannot have a personal and private conversation about these things. There are instances when the thought crosses my mind that you in fact know me. I’m not entirely sure where that thought comes from. I even wonder if you are some kind of experienced salesman type who knows how to generate a response from someone by using certain suggestions or ideas that will cause them to think in certain ways. Sounds far out I know, but I believe it can be done.
“I knew you then, but keep my tongue tightly held in my teeth. Shame has followed me daily as there is nothing as eternal as regret.”
You still have not explained this comment to me. Is this a quote from someone who I should be familiar with? I’m totally confused General. The part about shame and regret fits me to a tee.
To answer your questions all I can say is have you ever known God. In the simplicity of knowing as a child knows without questioning all the details. Sydney Sheldon wrote Out of Africa. A movie was made of the book and in the dialogue in the movie when tragedy strikes , the Moslem man servant says to the Baroness that ” God is coming.”
Later on in the movie the love interest of the Baroness says to her ” we are all renters here, we don’t own anything.”
These two examples are abstract ways of identifying with God. Having a relationship with the all mighty is frightening, especially when you don’t know how to experience a gift from out of the ether. I am a Christian Science follower. The highest rank,so to speak, is being a practitioner. This person can heal the sick, restore to perfection a damaged person all from their relationship with the infinite mind Of course I am a poor Practitioner and if I ever turn my back on what I know is possible or possibly try to seek personal riches from my relationship with the all in all , I’d expect a fate like Ebicanezzer. So I have fun with the blessing of sight and vision and precognitive thoughts. To me it’s natural. What I learned along the way is when that happens to just let it out, and not use it for gain. Try to be humble and have fun with it. I fail sometimes and of course it can be irritating to have secrets revealed. Many stories I have. Some could have ended badly for me. I don’t like liers or cheats and on many occasions I was lucky not to have been killed. So I had to learn to dial it back. I would not like to loose this by tooting my horn inappropriately. There is a plan and I’m trying not to f it up , death by pride or some such thing. Here it’s fun. No disrespect. One old saying I like is ” to remain silent when one should speak up makes cowards of us all” I loathe all my cowardly moments in life and will eternally regret the decisions I made.. I feel I have been given a second chance so I’m gonna use what I know to the correct conclusion if possible. I know what not to do. I don’t like talking about it. I believe you understand. This is capable in everyone.
In the Col. Tom address to all those scientists did you note the ” disease at a distance by DEW. Explains COVID, Flu and a lot a medical problem, reaction, solution we have gotten since 1960 on. Sin sickness disease and death are lies,illusions if you understand the source of all frequencies. I will get flack from all sides from this I’m sure.
As far as ” who is she” nosoaPradio, is a child of God, gifted mind, thinker. Woman, not tethered to linear time. Someone I would want on my side cause she would be a serious threat to have offended. A force with a lust for life. A great photographer and elocutionist of several languages. Totally underestimated by academic snobs of Paris and pursuers. , she has a following , but doesn’t pay it any mind. Like you, a person id love to have a long conversation with and learn from.
Here is one example of the world and the possibility for great wealth through divine communication. I have wanted to hear from the Corbett community about this being a wise investment. It has just recently allowed copying of this prospectus and sharing it.
That was interesting (and weird) and I am minded to share two things in reaction to that vid.
A. Some media is just the equivalent of trivia, perhaps less so actually, and one must learn to ignore or disregard such extraneous data/information.
B. I was reminded of Arthur C. Clarke when you spoke about new technology being viewed as witchcraft. How?
Arthur C. Clarke’s three “laws”: (1.) When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong. (2.) The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible. (3.) Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Cheers James and thank you for what you do.
Wow, that was uh… yeah… you got your point across alright James. Jesus Christ I think some demons came out of my phone just now. I might have ptsd. I’m going to proceed to burn my phone now. How can I unsee what I just saw? Thank You James, you have successfully traumatized me out of the internet. Good bye guys. Joder.
Maybe try watching a Kamala interview for half an hour? That’s going to reset your brain, certainly.
Thank you for this interesting Aug subscriber video. I have not yet taken your media course or watched “The Media Matrix”, but I will. I have only known about your work since late 2022. It was through you that I learned about the 911 Truth movement, anarchism, conventional media, government and of course the many researchers and activists who have been your guests, or whose work you have covered. Your programs caused me to connect with dozens of important books, websites, resources and events. Thank goodness I did discover you. Now I am working through the work covered on your 2009 archive. Thanks so much and best wishes.
Eliz Anti-Panic,
Thanks for your comment with its personal Corbett Report story.
I love anecdotes and this one is really, really cool!
It raises my spirits to hear how others benefit from the information here at Corbett Report.
Unless people tell their stories, we will never know them…and then, I am just left with a ‘head vacuum’…which can only lead to speculations.
Thank you for saying that HomeRemedySupply.
So I was at the airport in the US the other day and the TSA guy gave me a piece of paper that said “Get Your Real ID Today, REAL ID enforcement begins May 7, 2025” etc. etc. I am sure that this is some kind of technocratic ploy to some extent (the justification fo which is 9/11), but I am wondering if not getting the ID is a hill worth dying on (I do like to travel sometimes). Does anyone have any idea as to what is behind these “REAL IDs”?
I think it was back in 2016 or 2017, warnings about getting a REAL ID started, saying that after a certain date, people wouldn’t be able to use their regular ID (driver’s license or other type) as a form of ID with which to board a flight. As I understand it, because people haven’t been complying with getting a REAL ID, they keep pushing the deadline forward. So, just wait and see if they’ll have to push the implementation date forward again before deciding what to do.
That sounds like a good strategy, thanks for the advice.
Is there anyone here from Kent, South East England UK? If so, please get in touch. People claim that they have principles, but until those principles are tested such claims are empty words. Covid19 tested those claims and IMO, 99% of people failed because they sacrificed their principles and only we, the 1%, passed
Hi, it appears there is someone in Kent area on freedomcells. You will need a free account. I believe this link should lead you directly to the people in question.
Have you tried a small church? (I know you dont have anything like the variety we have in the US but you might find a smaller non mainline one where people are a bit more alarmed by events and open to questioning a gov that is kinda hostile)
Or some other community thing? I know its hard these days but is there anything like that left there?
You only need two or three trustworthy, sensible guys not a disorganized mass.
The problem is that if you try to form a group JUST BASED on Conspiracy, Politics, or Coof, its going to attract the cops AND actual nutters. Good luck over there BTW!
Creepy feeling? Yes, I feel it. To me it feels like guilt.
Whether it’s a cat video, or something more serious, or weird, I sometimes feel as though I should not be viewing it, or I should be viewing something else. It’s the same with some foods. I sometimes feel as though I should not be eating it, or I should be eating something else.
It makes sense. Whether humans were designed by a creator, or are the result of evolution, they were designed to thrive on particular inputs.
For example, humans like sugar. In early times, sugar attracted them to fresh fruits and vegetables and honey, which were the sweet things that were available. Today it attracts them to highly processed food and drink sweetened by mass-produced sugars and chemically produced artificial sweeteners.
Similarly, humans like sensational information. In early times, it attracted their attention to sensational true events that could actually affect them, such as a tribe member being killed by a lion. Today it attracts them mostly to fluff and nonsense, because it’s as easy to make copies of fluff and nonsense as it is to make copies of something useful and true.
So, back to that creepy feeling. Again, for me, it’s guilt. It means that I believe that in the future I will regret my choice now. How do I avoid the feeling? Whether it’s food or information, I should stop consuming crap. I know that’s easier said than done, but I believe that’s the answer. This is just another example of delayed gratification.
“…. Whether it’s food or information, I should stop consuming crap. I know that’s easier said than done, but I believe that’s the answer. This is just another example of delayed gratification…..”
Its not the net as much as the EASINESS of the net. You can make it NOT easy, then you will just use it for stuff that actually benefits you.
If you want to cut down on your internet use the best way is to get a dumb phone (like an alcatel flip) that even if it has net is an UTTER PITA to surf with. Then turn off your wifi router at the plug and only plug it in at per-ordained times.
You can use a smart phone with no sim card to play music or podcasts- either use the wi-fi to load them or load them off your PC like its ‘Ipod times’ again….man I would love an Ipod but those things are expensive.
I am certain that something like 80% of people would be happier WITHOUT the internet existing TBH.
Thanks Duck, for your suggestions about reducing Internet use. The problem, for me anyway, is that doing that limits both the bad stuff and the good stuff, and I do not want to miss out on the good stuff. So I use the delayed-gratification option. I try to discipline myself to concentrate on the good, long-term high-value content.
I do not always succeed. I watch the occasional cat video, and once in a great while I fall off the wagon briefly and binge-watch train videos (I used to be a railroad buff). But eventually that creepy feeling kicks in, and I realize again that I, my family, my friends, and hopefully the world, will be a lot better off and happier, if we all concentrate on the higher-value content.
So that’s what I try to do. Like I said before, it’s easier said than done, but I think its worth it in the long run.
I think you have a lot of company when it comes to “reducing use”.
I have always been a “Railroad Buff.” I grew up when there were only steam trains. I could probably not imagine the amount of hours I spent along the tracks. The mainline of the Pennsylvania Railroad ran through my hometown. And my grandfathers farm bordered about a mile of that same line.
I’ve been told that that mile was part of the hill that was the hardest pull on the whole eastbound line. It involved seven curves and when the long loaded trains got wrapped around enough of those curves they just couldn’t make it and would have to wait for a pusher to come along and help them get over it. There was many a time when one would get stalled right across from the farmhouse and sometimes set there for hours or longer waiting for help.
How I wish I could take my grand and greatgrand children back to see those monsters and smell the smoke. There is just no way to describe it. You have to be there.
You were lucky having a busy railroad line so close to home. When I was a youngster I had to ride my 3-speed bike 13 miles out to Mansfield Massachusetts to watch a line with a decent amount of traffic, the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad, Boston to Providence line. At the end of the day, I would ride another 13 miles back to home.
Steam trains were before my time, but not much before. So I watched mostly diesels. Most of my few steam experiences were at Edaville Railroad:
It’s a 2-foot narrow-gauge loop. In its early days it was also pretty decent railroad museum. I recall climbing on and in an actual standard-gauge “Big Boy”! That was an awesome machine.
Ah, youth…
“…I try to discipline myself to concentrate on the good, long-term high-value content…..”
Good call 🙂
I will say that I love the amount of info the internet has let me get, but its getting harder and harder to find good stuff. Youtube is almost useless for fun surfing these days with all the AI generated videos and search is going down the pan unless you know exactly what your looking for (even then sometimes)….back in 2000 or so I could type in a phrase off a webpage I recalled and Yahoo would find it on the first page where as now if its there it will be three or four pages in.
I agree about the increasing difficulty of finding good content. There are several things that I do to mitigate that problem.
I sometimes use “multiple word quotes” in searches.
I sometimes use negative search terms to exclude pages with particular words. This is especially useful when the name of something has been reused by somebody else to mean something completely different, perhaps intentionally to sabotage searches. For example, I was searching for information about an early brain-entrainment device called the ‘LIDA machine’. The first search was useless, but by adding negative search terms, I was able to eliminate unwanted results.
The last search above eliminates enough of the new uses that the results are actually useful.
Also, I bookmark a lot of pages in my Firefox browser, and I sometimes add my own tags and comments to the Name field. Many times I can find the page I want by searching those bookmarks, because I visited the page before and bookmarked it.
Anyway, for what it’s worth, that’s some of what I do separate the good from the bad.
Thank you!
The only thing I can add is that even if we can find stuff it makes it harder for people to stumble onto information and follow NEW trails of information. I think Mr Corbett has said something like that about how many folks randomly came across his “Century of Enslavement” or 9/11 truth videos on YT that are nudged away from such things by the Algo these days.
If you have a big garden (or access to a good farmer’s market) with lots of tomatoes and peppers ripening up right now I highly recommend giving this recipe a try 🙂
Our garden is overflowing with heirloom tomatoes, peppers, cilantro, beans and sweet corn so I am making a 20 liter batch of my mom’s famous Lime Tortilla Soup today
Here are some pics of how it is coming along so far and some background on the recipe’s origins:
Her original recipe was inspired by the ancient Mayan Sopa de Lima and invented through time spent visiting many small restaurants in farming and fishing towns further down the Yucatan peninsula than the typically visited touristy Cancun etc. She made the recipe her own through constructing a rich broth that resembles a high quality homemade salsa and then built the soup in layers of flavor, nutrition and texture from there (creating a full meal experience that covers all the nutritional bases).
I now continue that tradition through allowing my seasonal garden abundances and herbalism/nutritional knowledge to inspire and inform my own vegetarian version of her Chicken Lime tortilla soup via using sprouted runner and trail of tears black beans and roasted homegrown oyster mushrooms instead of chicken, Regeneratively grown wild and black rice, Poblano, Buena Mulata, Tunisian Baklouti peppers, purple heirloom and roma tomatoes, dulse from the Atlantic, Kombu from the Pacific, homegrown limes, Egyptian walking onions, fresh goji berries, goji leaves, hopi amaranth leaves and homemade five flavor berry infused light miso broth.
Today’s batch leans into the anthocyanin rich veggies and greens in our garden making this a soup packed with radioprotective, ocular-protective, cardio-protective, neuroprotective and immune system optimizing antioxidants.
It is still simmering and needing additional ingredients added to build the broth as I type so I better get back in the garden and kitchen! 🙂
Check out my blog linked above (and/or if you want access to many more recipes like the one linked above whether or not your computer is working, you can get a copy of my book) for the full basic recipe.
I highly recommend giving making your own version of this crowd pleaser and nutritional powerhouse of a soup a try in your kitchen.
Gavin, that looks really good. I have heard that lime, when ripe, should turn almost orange. I see they are green on your photos. Does lime turn to yellow/orange when ripe?
Thanks my friend! 🙂
It turned out super delicious. I had it for dinner last night (3 bowls!) and then again for lunch today at work. I will eat it again tomorrow and not be bored or sick of it at all.
I grow Persian limes (Citrus × latifolia) and they do not go orange but rather pale yellow when fully ripe. That being said, fully ripe means a little bit less bite from the organic acids (and a little more natural sugars) so not necessarily what I like to go for with salsas and tangy Mayan soups. Same could be said of jalapenos, they are great when ripe (bright red) in many recipes (such as when smoked to make Chipotle peppers) but are often even more delicious in other recipe when unripe (but fully formed and green).
If you try the soup recipe please let me know how it goes!
Watching film can so easily parallel drug-taking. I willingly indulge in story-telling films, but I balk if it really freaks me out, like some of the “lost media” shared in the above video. I’m not nostalgic for blanket taboos against imagery and I’m grateful that James did this video outside in a nice park-like setting as it gave my brain a little rest from the bizarre “lost media” images.
All movies are propaganda….All media is propaganda .
Shakespeare plays were propaganda if we’re honest.
Your wise to avoid stuff that offends. I wish I could unwatch the last movie I saw in the cinema tbh
Sunday August 4, 2024 – Zero Hedge
Bitcoin Is Crashing Ahead Of The Japan Open
[See Graph]
Bitcoin, and the entire crypto universe, is crashing after yet another huge sell order was activated by a time-triggered algo, the same algo that has activated selling momentum on each of the past 7 trading days at exactly 10am ET, just after the US cash open (a move meant to cripple any dip-buying intentions in early market trading), yet which algo was left on for the weekend, arguably to spark an HFT-driven pile up of selling and shorting, and to force levered longs to capitulate.
One can see the algo in action in the red boxes in the chart below: exact same time every day, exact same sell-momentum ignition.
We have previously discussed how Sam Bankman-Fried’s alma mother, HFT trading shop Jane Street, has frequently been involved in such attempts to force-liquidate the market by activating selling momentum, and it appears that this weekend Jane Street’s crypto “market-making” peer, Jump Trading, has joined the fray in hopes of sparking a market rout by dumping and shorting billions of bitcoin in the most illiquid market, and assuring the worst execution possible by repeatedly taking out the bid stack over and over, in what is clearly an attempt to aggressively reprice cryptos….
~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~
For those who don’t know, last Thursday and Friday (Aug 1 & 2), stocks and commodities had a huge sell-off.
Bonds and currencies went nuts.
The 10 year / 2 year yield curve is close to univerting.
Miss a few days, miss a lot, ehi.
Three Recent inter-related PFAS Press Releases…
#1 PR – July 23, 2024
Lawsuit to Prevent PFAS in Biosolid Fertilizer Expands
The Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association and Johnson County, Texas to join lawsuit against EPA seeking to limit PFAS levels in sewage sludge spread on America’s farms and gardens
June 2024
Original Texas Farmers EPA Lawsuit
Kyla Bennett, a scientist and attorney formerly with EPA, is Director of Science Policy at PEER.
She gave a very impressive video testimony to the Johnson County Commissioner’s Court.
Bennett’s testimony starts around the 30:16 minute mark.
VIDEO – Feb 16, 2024 Special Commissioner’s Court – (Johnson County, Texas)
March – February 2024
SUBTHREAD – PFAS & Biosolid Fertilizer from Sewage – Texas – Organic Classifications
#2 PR – July 25, 2024
New Suit Targets EPA Inaction on PFOA in Plastic Containers
EPA Sued for Failure to Implement TSCA Directive to Prevent Significant and Serious or Widespread Risks to Health
– Water Fluoridation and PFAS Containers –
Because Hydrofluorosilicic Acid is so very corrosive (melting glass, concrete and steel), it must be transported and stored in specially lined PFAS containers, gaskets, seals and piping. Thus, PFAS can go into the drinking water with water fluoridation.
PFAS Fluoropolymers Examples: ETFE, FEP, PFA, FKM and PTFE
#3 PR – July 24, 2024
New Study Finds Alarming Rise in Persistent ‘Forever Chemicals’ in Pesticides
Forever Pesticides: A Growing Source of PFAS Contamination in the Environment
From the study, I encourage people to read about “How PFAS Are Introduced into Pesticides”.
For example: Under “INERT ingredients” you will see the phrase “any level of these ingredients was legal on food.”
Regarding your subscriber video that touches on listening to witnessing something that feels like you are “witnessing something from another dimension” that part made me think of this essay
“Parallel Timelines” by Charles Eisenstein
An excerpt from the essay linked above:
“Those who are in despair over the state of the planet, ask yourselves: Does your despair take into account the powers and possibilities that these stories imply? Could it be that despair shunts miracles out of reality, making it so they do not happen, never have, and never will? Don’t worry. Despair is a normal transition zone born of the realization of the futility of control. You needn’t lift yourself out of it. It will lift, and as it does the light of a larger reality will shine through the cracks of the one that is crumbling.
If we are indeed moving into a time stream in which technologies of reunion operate.. ..The question “Are they real or not?” does not have a fully objective answer that is independent of ourselves, our beliefs, and our state of being. I have learned that living as if they are real requires more than intellectual acceptance. The self-sovereignty and trust they entail brings me quickly up against core wounds, unresolved traumas, and legacy programming. I am being asked to accept things I cannot explain or control, to step into a deeper level of trust.
You cannot make the stone soft, you have to ask it with song, and all that you are comes into the notes. Stella cannot make a body heal; she holds attention in a reality in which healing can happen. Miracle technologies are available only through recognizing we are not the sole intelligence in the world. Because, if we don’t force things to happen, then how do they happen in a non-random way? Through the cooperation of other intelligences. Therefore, what I’m calling miracle technologies fundamentally depend on an attitude of cooperation and trust. That is why I also call them technologies of reunion. The oppositional posture of force-based technology shuts them out of possibility.
More and more miracle technologies are breaking through into the consensus reality that made them impossible (which is why they seem like miracles). As they do so, the consensus unravels and we start to accept them as normal. As our individual and collective conscious shifts away from the Cartesian aspiration to become the “lords and possessors of nature,” the portal widens and yet more miracle technologies break through from the other timeline. I’ve been experiencing this acceleration, have you? Is it just that I’ve become more open to things that were already happening? Or is my growing openness, our growing openness, bringing them into existence? I think it is both. The more we accept them, the more real they become. The more real they become, the more we accept them. That is the co-creative process of world-story transition.”
Anyone else familiar with the works of Dr. Tom Cowan, Drs. Mark and Sam Bailey, and Dr. Andrew Kaufman (to name a few) regarding virology fraud? This is something I’ve been learning about over the past few years and seems to me one of the most important topics to shed light on. Curious for thoughts from this community.
Try J Rappaport’s book “aids inc”,
also try out the premise of “no isolation so no proof” on someone who claims to be a virologist, and be ready to have it piled higher and deeper.
On the other hand, nobody seems to have the last word on how infection starts or suddenly occurs. Terrain theory, allows for a more open ended discussion, but its still lotsa talk. working with and manipulating biology at the microbiome scale reminds me of how humans make cell phones and satellites and plasma lamps, but still nobody has the last word on what electricity even is?
Just so you know…
In the past, there have been many, many very long comment threads regarding that topic.
For example:
Thank you I was hoping for something like this
here’s a rave about it:
I love Del Bigtree talking about the vaccine fraud. That’s what this clip is, not the alleged virology fraud.
you’re right,
though vax’s and virology are hand and glove.
“you’re right,
though vax’s and virology are hand and glove”
As far as I am aware Del Bigtree won’t look at the no virus theory. It’s a pity because with their resources and expertise they could surely clarify the matter and possibly change the way many people and doctors think about their health. If there is no proof that viruses exist it would be a huge blow to the pharmaceutical industry.
I dont think the poison pusher mob cares about “big blows”, they just pay the fines off, and carry on lying. The suppositions have been exposed, but the biggest mouths and the biggest guns couldn’t give a rats ass.
what about the Canadian who was in court for refusing to be jabbed,, asked for the proof of isolation and even a queens council threw it out. They couldn’t provide what didn’t exist. Odd that.
I reckon, in these days of the sprung lie, people’s hands are being exposed, even ones who hadn’t a clue of how poorly they’d been behaving, specially those with zero rodent rears to offer. so much of the duggery has been normalized (spoiler: it aint normal).
Del did have Andrew Kaufman as a guest, his head was spinning a bit, but it wound back tightly afterwards. A lot of ICAN action is against actual medical products and procedures, going after the whole shebang kind of undercuts that effort.
On the other hand, Hilda Labrada Gore from Weston A Price foundation recently started hosting many of the virus poopooers and she does not seem to have any intent of blindly believing the dogma.
“going after the whole shebang kind of undercuts that effort”
saying “terrain theory” is, I think, a move towards (undoing the “germ theory magic bullet”), but the small minded addiction to another one answer may be used to censor out much hard earned info.
I’m having good body response from gentle persistant, gulp/30min hydration, with spring water from a crystaline ridge.
our manipulations of the microbiome are highly sus. I reckon we will finally rediscover that all of our body questions can be answered with sound.
“going after the whole shebang kind of undercuts that effort”
I don’t see it that way at all. I suppose you could say I have only been “awake” for about 3 years and have only been watching The Highwire and the Corbett report for about 2 years, but it looks to me like terrain theory would support the effort of the Highwire.
In the time that I have been watching it, Del has made a big deal about the negative effects of vaccines and he has been vehemently against the mandates. Surely showing that viruses (which the vaccines are supposed to protect against) don’t exist, supports these efforts?
ICAN is mostly funded by spectators of the show. The majority of these people are normies and they can only have a limited number of their dogma challenged at any given time.
I will plant this here…
My Personal Genital Herpes Virus Story
So…in conclusion…anyone can have the perspective they wish.
I think personal observation and personally ‘experimenting’ will trump what an authority says.
If a person is confident that “viruses don’t exist”, then go get bitten by an animal with rabies or expose yourself to herpes or ebola or chickenpox (which I had in the 50’s) to see if you get the virus.
Report back.
But for me to get bitten by an animal with rabies (rabies virus), exposed to a person with herpes (herpes virus), ebola or any other claimed viral infection, the virus must first be proven to exist and function as claimed. The claims exist but there isn’t any actual proof to support the claims. The most we can say about this situation is, person A had symptoms and then after sex with person B, person B experienced similar symptoms but eventually resolved. What we cannot say is person A had a virus and during sexual encounter transmitted the virus to person B.
I had chicken pox as a kid. I’ve also been in close contact with people who had the “flu” and not “gotten the flu”. Studies on “viral transmission” and “virus isolation/purification” do not hold up to scrutiny and very logical alternative ideas to explain shared symptoms (which appear to be contagious) have been put forward. My life experience is mixed – I have expressed illness symptoms similar to people around me but more often I don’t express symptoms I see people with even after close encounter. It makes sense there could be some other common factor shared between people who are expressing similar symptoms.
HomeRemedySupply just when I think I have it all sorted in my mind someone comes up with anecdote, in this case your genital herpes story, which gets me questioning again. Your story brings up more questions than answers. If the symptoms are caused by a virus is it that the virus stays in the body and that is what caused future flair ups? Did the detox somehow kill the virus in your case but not in your wife’s case? Or were the symptoms caused by something other than a virus? If someone gets the flu are they then more susceptible to getting the flu again because the virus stays in their body? Do flu vaccines actually work? Do you think that the pandemic was a scam because there was no such disease as covid, caused by a virus, or was the scam just the way the virus was used to control the masses?
Penny10p says:
”If the symptoms are caused by a virus is it that the virus stays in the body and that is what caused future flair ups?”
My impression, even in the early 1980’s, was that the herpes virus ‘hides’ within the body until the person becomes stressed, mentally or physically. This makes sense because the body’s immune system is weakened and infections from anything can occur.
Similar to Genital Herpes, Shingles (herpes zoster) is an outbreak of rash or blisters on the skin that is caused by the varicella-zoster virus, which causes chickenpox. Evidently, people have a Shingles flair-up when the immune system is compromised. The amino acid Lysine seems to help the body subdue the herpes virus.
I posit that the intense sweating, high temperature sauna detox routine might have destroyed the virus or trained the immune system to keep it arrested.
The Flu, Covid, or any respiratory infection can usually be handled with Nebulizing Hydrogen Peroxide (diluted) in a salt water solution. Dr Thomas Levy, Dr. Mercola, Dr. Brownstein all advocate this, and also point out that it can improve the bowel movement system. I nebulize fairly often and can attest that it helps the lungs and combats respiratory ailments.
This is a long, long SUBTHREAD with SUBTHREADs of early Covid era (2020) HEALTH APPROACHES
I have just watched Dr Sam Bailey’s video about herpes.
I find it fairly convincing.
“This makes sense because the body’s immune system is weakened and infections from anything can occur.”
What does it mean that the “body’s immune system” is “weakened”?
Dbar asks about Weakened Immune System.
The Herpes virus is known for hiding, for residing in ‘safe’ areas of the body when the body’s immune function is doing well. Herpes 1 or 2 or Shingles outbreaks typically occur after the person has been stressed.
“Hiding” or “masking” microbials is not unusual.
Venereal – Sexually Transmitted Disease
Ok so our “immune system” is weakened when we are stressed. What is the mechanism that is “weakened” that is then exploited by the awaiting virus? Are other viruses waiting for their turn to activate? Why do all viruses in ones body not all wreak havoc every time someone is “stressed”? How does the weakened mechanism regain function and our immune system become strong enough again to keep viruses in hiding? (Where is any of this substantiated?)
Still unclear on what “stress” specifically is or is not.
Read a Biology book on the immune system, and of course the white blood cells of which there are different types.
While Wikipedia generally sucks, it actually has some good, basic Biology entries. There will be many terms which you may not understand, but with Wikipedia there are anchor text links which take you to the not-understood concept.
When I was in the Bio-Chem pre-med classes with other future Doctors (circa 2005-2008), I often utilized Wiki to define terms and concepts.
It takes effort and time to grasp many of the mechanisms.
Stress would be the fight or flight response of the body to perceived danger.
Part of the bodily response is the reduced flow of blood to the brain and viscera. Which in the long term isn’t a good thing, as it lowers brain function and inhibits the long term cell regeneration process.
You say that viruses proliferate when the “immune system” is “weakened” yet, aren’t “viral infections” detected by the presence of antibodies in the blood? Wouldn’t this indicate that the immune system is working?
I studied health science in school and learned about the immune system (all the body “systems”) and then through continued education came to realize that there is no “immune system” – the mechanistic view of the body and health fails as a framework the deeper you go. The living organism that we are is one that is constantly regenerating and detoxing. The resources to do so are either available or unavailable and to mkey’s point the conditions are either suitable or unsuitable to do so.
All this nonsense about viruses hiding, going dormant, being opportunistic… are all baseless claims in an attempt to match the narrative with reality. A “virus” was never a “living” thing until recent years and then all the sudden they are lurking around every corner just waiting to invade your body and cells. Hell, you don’t even have to be stressed, have a “weakened immune system”, or have any symptoms at all to have a viral infection. You can be firing on all cylinders and happy as a clam and simply be an “asymptomatic” virally infected person. There are much more rational and logical theories of why people express symptoms of illness that are consistent with lived experience than what the germ theory posits.
The mental gymnastics required to make sense of nature according to germ theory is a red flag that we are being led astray.
I am fine with whatever you want to believe.
“The mental gymnastics required to make sense of nature according to germ theory is a red flag that we are being led astray.”
I’m with you on that one. Some people may be wondering why we are spending time discussing this topic but reading about other people’s beliefs and experiences help to clarify one’s own position. What’s frustrating about the general belief in the existence of viruses is that it opens the door for all sorts of vaccines, which I think are potentially very dangerous. Here in Scotland they have just started rolling out an RSV vaccine which they are offering to pregnant women!! and people over 75. Yet another boost to the coffers of the pharmaceutical companies.
The question of bodily autonomy is the underlaying issue and the hill I am willing to die on.
If they manage to somehow prove beyond reasonable doubt that specific viruses do indeed exist and that they do transfer some diseases, I will still keep my position that they can take their shots and shove them up their ass.
Until they can prove beyond reasonable doubt that A caused the disease of B, they can do the same with their witch hunts.
There is certainly some validity to these mechanisms to symptom transfer, but I would say there are a few key points that have to be established. For example: can it be proven that man/woman A transferred something to man/woman B? “Proven” as in “proving in a court of law”.
Essentially, just jumping to conclusions may lead one into assuming that yawning is a symptom of a mild virus transferred disease.
I am willing to entertain the notion of bacterially transferred diseases as bacteria are proven to exist beyond reasonable doubt. Some virus poopooers will note that bacteria are often blamed as the cause of a disease, even though they have gotten there after the fact. Which to me is a very valid point, cause and consequence are very often interpreted without proper context.
We do know we have a lot of bacteria in our bodies doing a lot of good stuff for us, but I won’t discount the possibility that some of them are doing something that is not as good or are introducing byproducts to which various people, depending on susceptibilities, may react anywhere on the scale from a wild rash to a mild itch. Rashes could be nothing more but an attempt from the body to excrete some stuff it doesn’t want.
The link to previous comment threads didn’t seem to work for me. In my search for previous comments I came across this:
“If viruses didn’t exist, there would not be labs that study viruses. Also, there would be a better and simple explanation for the manifestation of identical symptoms in large groups of people.”
People often provide simple explanations for identical symptoms. A few years ago we had a Christmas lunch at a school I was working at. During the night I was ill with the usual upset stomach symptoms requiring frequent visits to the toilet. I assumed I had picked up some sort of bug or virus (germ theory). I was still feeling under the weather the next morning but it was an important day at school which I felt I couldn’t miss, so I went in. On arrival I found out that lots of staff were off with the same symptoms that I had had and those that were in still felt ill to various degrees. I quickly changed my assumption to the prevailing one in the staffroom – that there had been something off with the food at the Christmas lunch (terrain theory). Not a single staff member suggested that there must have been a person who had brought a virus into school and infected us all. A simpler explanation was staring us all in the face!
Another opinion.
Virologists and Virus Deniers Both Wrong – Covid Begins in the Gut
By Wayne Lusvardi
August 10, 2024
“COVID is sepsis slow, metabolic blood poisoning coming from a leaky gut, and leaky gut is the root cause of most diseases and can be self-generated in the food absorption chamber of the small intestine into the bloodstream when there is a weather change resulting in a misperceived mass contagion phenomenon called an epidemic. There are no airborne viruses but trillions of potential viruses and endotoxins (dead bacteria) in the human body that can be made virulent in the gut from antibiotics and natural organic plant pesticides. Thus, there is no mass airborne contagion but there can be infection from a weather-synchronized mass leaky gut attack when the weather changes, depending on the susceptibility from a compromised gut lining and timely ability to eliminate waste each day. This makes the virologists and no-virus advocates both wrong, and the standard of care for physicians plausibly lethal.“
“The world today is divided into ideological camps when it comes to the bugaboo COVID – COronaVIrusDisease. The adherents of each tell us with great assurance where we’re at with the so-called COVID pandemic and what we should do about it. We should not believe either of them. Both sides want to win the ideological war, not necessarily to treat the sick appropriately and do no harm. The No-Virus camp want vengeance for having their professional licenses removed.”
“ Stress alone can precipitate a worsening of leaky gut porosity and need for emergency care (Dr. Roxanne Carfora, MD, Stress, Gut and Immunity, 2024).” (h/t HRS)
“In the recent pathbreaking study “Can You Catch a Cold?”, it is concluded that colds and flu are not contagious, not affected by cold, heat or humidity, and are attributed to “Mass Psychogenesis Illness”. However, this impressive study omits research showing increased intestinal permeability and resulting translocation of infection from the gut into the blood and from the blood to the lung due to weather change events. Put differently, weather and humidity change can trigger a greater gut permeability attack that could be misperceived by those affected as “catching a cold or flu” because it would affect people in a synchronized way but without any transmission of a pathogen from one person to another.”
Well that is a very interesting point of view and I can see some merit in it. I am particularly attracted to the idea of the weather change as I think it is well understood that people are more susceptible to colds and flu in winter. I find that going outside in winter almost always causes me have a runny nose.
I’ve been studying about gut health and leaky guy; Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride’s GAPS books.
I wouldn’t call myself a “virus denier” although nowadays I don’t believe that there are pathogenic viruses causing disease. I don’t know of any “deniers” looking for vengeance, I think “deniers” are simply willing to consider many other possibilities of the illnesses people experience rather than playing the “viral infection” card for everything.
It does seem like weather is a factor in the onset of a detox
I haven’t seen anything to suggest that ‘virus deniers’ are looking for revenge. Rather that they are looking to improve health and encourage people to take responsibility for their own health. It is too easy, in my opinion, to blame viruses for everything and go to the doctor for a quick fix such as an anti viral drug. Or to take a vaccine to prevent getting sick instead of making sure that they lead a healthy life style. After researching terrain theory I now find the whole virus concept very vague. For example, measles is supposed to caused by a virus and there is a vaccine for it. As far as I am aware there have been no variants to the measles virus and the vaccine has stayed the same. Yet apparently the covid and flu vaccines mutate and produce variants and the vaccines have to be changed. Some viruses stay in the body and can flare up at a later date and other viruses don’t do that. There can be events where several people get sick from a virus but others don’t. The virus seems to be selective. This is then explained by having a good immune system, or even more vague, that the people who don’t seem to be infected are asymptomatic! Not only are they not sick but they can pass this virus on to others and make them sick! Considering that this is supposed to be science it all sounds a bit woolly to me.
Is The Virus Real? Do Viruses Exist?
e.g. Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Tom Cowan, Drs. Mark and Sam Bailey
I want to bring up two points.
It is undeniable that people become ill. It is also undeniable that some alternative remedies successfully treat adverse health conditions which are assigned as being caused by a virus. The treatment has a mechanism of action.
A “mechanism of action” is like explaining how the body derives energy from oils or sugars via the mitochondrial electron transfer actions.
See this COMMENT (UV Therapy and Nebulizing Hydrogen Peroxide H2O2 Therapy)
Be sure to watch the 25 minute Tom Lowe video (which includes treating viruses, e.g. Ebola)
Nebulizing Hydrogen Peroxide rapidly remedies “Respiratory Viruses” and the conditions caused by them. (e.g. Covid, Flu, Pneumonia) The respiratory viruses are transmitted via the mucosa/lungs/alveoli. They are destroyed via the H2O2. The body’s natural immune system sometimes has difficulty addressing microbial lung infections and wiping out the intruder.
If respiratory viruses do not exist, then H2O2 should not remedy a respiratory virus.
A VIRUS DENIER must rectify this.
If the virus does not exist, then explain the specific mechanism of actions which remedy the situation.
Ebola, Hepatitis, HIV, Influenza, Herpes Simplex/Zoster, Mononucleosis, Mumps, Measles Infections, Viral Pneumonia, Polio
A VIRUS DENIER must rectify and explain the “mechanism of action” of UV Therapy against supposed non-existent viruses.
HomeRemedySupply, on POINT #1, do you believe in the placebo effect, or faith healing? It is my understanding that there have been many studies which demonstrate that there is such a thing as the placebo effect. If so is there a “mechanism of action” for it?
I’d also be interested to know if you think that there was a genuine SarsCov2 virus which caused an actual disease called Covid, which caused a global pandemic? Apologies if you have answered these questions before. I am relatively knew to the Corbett community.
Placebo effect / Faith Healing
Harm effect / Belief that Body has problems
It works in both directions, for benefit or ill, because of mental concepts.
Corbett Member NoSoapRadio (aka ManBearPig) highlighted this concept with the video.
Lack of valid information and “Authoritatively telling people….”
“Pointing the bone”
Michael Crichton | States of Fear: Science or Politics?
QUEUED VIDEO (2 1/2 minutes)
I consider it a MUST WATCH, because Authoritarians knowingly use it to manipulate people.
Also, I’m sure that you have run across people who have a sour attitude on their own health or on others in general or on life…and surely aspects of this will manifest in their own lives. But by the same token, those folks who have a postive, cheerful, uplifting, adventurous attitude will often manifest “being lucky.”
Penny10p asks,
“I’d also be interested to know if you think that there was a genuine SarsCov2 virus which caused an actual disease called Covid, which caused a global pandemic? “
Yes. I believe that there was a SarsCov2 virus, and also that the Covid vaccines were modeled on its spike protein.
If there was NOT a SarsCov2 virus, then Gain of Function Lab designs would not be in business.
SEE Rand Paul Interview
Re: then Gain of Function Lab designs would not be in business.
Homey, don’t find this to br circular logic? I could now setup a camp in the woods and start a mining and refining operation for unobtanium. Would that mean this new material existed?
Putting aside the virus thing, these labs are gubment funded, right? When people in these positions get paid to work on something, they will damn sure work on it.
And they could very well be working on other things that absolutely do exist, like poisons or chemicals where gain of function could be a mind job cover story.
I also believe there was something different that existed in 2020 that led to a respiratory illness that was notably different from standard influenza.
Without pointing to any cause one could look at medical records, lab values, CT scans etc that described a different syndrome in 2020.
Anyone who worked in hospitals with patients during those times, regardless if they believed in viruses or not would probably believe that there was something different. As far as it being a greater threat to mortality, excess deaths, etc. I believe it was not more deadly than a flu to most people. But it was different and for a small subsection of the population was worse than if they had a flu.
I got sick in 2022 with something different than a flu, but the only notable difference was fatigue which lasted about 3-4 weeks rather than 1 week with a flu. But I did take the recommended vitamins and ivermectin as soon as I noticed it and the acute illness went away in about 5 days.
Also, in 2020 I personally knew of 3 people who worked in hospitals with me who became very sick with whatever it was, two of whom were admitted to ICU and one was so sick that they required mechanical ventilation. And this was a young person who also happened to be obese and worked nights, so was probably immune compromised.
All survived but required long recovery periods, several months. One person was on disability for 6 months to a year, but eventually made a full recovery. All of these people had abnormalities in blood clotting and inflammatory markers. I noticed similar abnormalities in “Covid” patients who were admitted to ICU in 2020.
Whatever it was seemed to be something resulting in massive inflammation in the lower airways and simultaneous dysfunction of clotting factors. I also noticed elevated liver enzymes as well. I don’t recall these types of labs during other seasons.
Regarding mechanical ventilation. It did seem to be used excessively in 2020 but not always.
The decision to use mechanical ventilation is supposed to be based on blood chemistry and work of breathing. Once blood pH, carbon dioxide and oxygen levels are so grossly abnormal as to not be compatible with life mechanical ventilation can be life saving.
POINT #2 – “New Narrative” PsyOps
Is The Virus Real? Do Viruses Exist?
Anyone who has ever looked into the John F Kennedy assassination knows very well that there are countless, CIA seeded false stories. (e.g. all the Oswalds)
We know that government, corporations and institutions will throw in deliberate “new narrative” confusions.
They do not even need to originate the “new narrative”, but they might facilitate its dissemination.
James Corbett’s 5 minute videos, such as “9/11: A Conspiracy Theory” or “OKC – A Conspiracy Theory” demonstrate the vast number of narratives, but many more narratives exist.
During the 2005-2009 9/11 Truth movement, countless pages of Web-forum ink were used in arguing about different theories. It was a great distraction of effort, a win for the bad guys. Dissemination of the 9/11 Cover-up was replaced with ‘pundits’ and factions.
All kinds of “new narratives” entered the 9/11 truth arena. Thus, when some ‘9/11 Truther’ told a new person that no planes hit the Twin Towers, but rather it was a hologram – well, yea… those crazy conspiracy theorists.
In recent years, we’ve seen “Flat Earth” and “Q-Anon” superstitions take hold.
I’ve been strongly involved in “ConspiracyLand” since 2005. And I have always strongly followed alternative health…that’s my bailiwick. I have file cabinets of natural remedy studies/books.
I have never heard mention of “No Virus” until the Covid era.
Not once.
I personally feel that ThePowersThatShouldNotBe (PTSNB) are very happy that the “No Virus” narrative suddenly entered the alternative media discourse and is being spread.
I am not saying that these guys (Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Tom Cowan, Drs. Mark and Sam Bailey) are plants or bad guys. They seem sincere in their beliefs and seem to have good intentions.
(Yes, when they first came on the scene, I really listened and spent many hours investigating. I formed my own conclusions.)
So, I’ll say it again:
I personally feel that ThePowersThatShouldNotBe (PTSNB) are very happy that the “No Virus” narrative is being spread.
SUBTHREADS – Is The Virus Real? Do Viruses Exist?
James Corbett discusses this issue
Yeah, I think that they like division and strife. Anything to that end is good for them.
“…Curious for thoughts from this community….”
I can only give MY thought that while its an interesting idea its not very ‘important’ except if it alters how you do your own medical care….its too esoteric and specialized a subject for most normal people to think about in any logical way.
If they cant think or reason thru it they will either shut it out or get hostile about it.
If I were interested in that kinda thing I’d ask what evidence i could use that would convince a normie who knows nothing about science to ignore ‘the expert’ and believe me.
Personally i think the idea that anyone could run a scam as big as faking Virology and/or disease germs is far fetched and a bit silly but that just my opinion since i never tried to recreate the rabies vaccine at home or anything like that, lol.
I have also been looking into the no virus theory over the past year or so. It started for me by questioning the covid jabs (which I never took) and the whole idea that covid was this highly infectious virus. I wasn’t seeing any evidence of it being highly infectious in the community; most cases seemed to be in hospitals and care homes.
My research into the covid jabs led me to Del Bigtree and the Highwire, causing me to become sceptical about all vaccines. My position on vaccines is now that they are all at best useless, and at worst, dangerous. Somehow I then came across Dr Sam Bailey and the others. I have been trying to get my head round the no virus theory since then. I particularly like the videos of Dr Sam as they are both entertaining and informative. I am now 90% convinced that there are no virus. Some people ask why it matters. It matters because, as far as I understand, most vaccines are to protect against viruses. No virus, no need for vaccines, masks, social distancing etc.
I totally agree about vaccines. I liked the book “Dissolving Illusions” which discussed most common vaccines in the US and how they did not actually prevent anything and as you say were at best ineffective. At worst cause profound health problems.
I also agree than the disease in 2020 was not any more deadly than seasonal flu for healthy people. For a select few, it seemed more deadly but that small number of people did not equate with increased mortality in general in 2020. For most people “Covid” or whatever it was, was very survivable.
I noticed that people who were obese and who had diabetes and heart disease seemed more prone to whatever it was. But it did seem to be contagious in some cases, or at least I can understand why people believed it was. Knowing a few people that I worked with who actually got sick with it convinced me that it wasn’t just something imaginary or the same as the flu.
But there is a difference between something being different and more deadly to some people and the thing causing excess mortality in general. For most people, especially healthy people in 2020 whatever disease this was did not pose more of a threat than ordinary flu and was completely hyped up by the MSM to induce fear and compliance with tyrannical dictates.
The tyrannical interventions made whatever this was much worse. And I noticed that there were more drug overdoses and suicides in young people in 2021-2022. This coupled with the jabs may have increased mortality in the general population but I have not examined the data, so am not sure if this was the case.
I recall treating more overdoses and suicides in people in their 20s coming in to the emergency room after the lockdowns. The lockdowns and forced jabs made things worse and had a profoundly negative influence on physical and mental health. It was a crime against humanity.
cu.h.j I find your posts very interesting. As we cannot assume that the ‘powers that be’ are going to tell us the truth about what happened during the pandemic, we have to piece together a picture from the experiences of various people who lived through it.
I have been studying mortality data in Scotland and keep trying to get reasonable answers from ONS about some of their ridiculous claims about the vaccines. They started off saying that a study estimated that the vaccines had saved over 27,000 deaths over a certain period. During that period, mainly 2021, deaths dropped by no more than 1,000 from 2020. They have recently revised that model and are now saying that the vaccine saved around 22,000 deaths over a longer period. This is a step in the right direction, as far as I am concerned, but their own data shows a reduction in deaths after the introduction of no more than 5,000. When challenged their answer was that the best way to estimate the deaths saved was to use the computer model that they used. I cannot see how a computer model could be more accurate than actual data. Needless to say they won’t answer my questions!
Ultraviolet Light Blood Therapy is also called BioPhotonic Therapy or UBI (Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation) .
They take a small amount of your blood out, then pass it through some UV lamps, then put the blood back into you. Several mechanisms are at play…one mechanism is that the microbes get killed by the UV. Now, the body can recognize the pathogens and the immune system can easily target the microbes. It saved my friends foot from being amputated at the last moment.
The mechanics of UV Therapy actually do what vaccine ‘mechanics’ were intended to do.
Diseases Treated with UV Therapy
Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriasis, Psoriatic Arthritis, Raynauds Disease, Sclera Derma, Multiple Sclerosis, Pneumonia, Wound Infections, Septicemia (staphylococcus,streptococcus, pneumococcus), Lymphatic Infections (lymphangitis), Peritonitis, Severe Acne, Recurrent Skin Infections (furunculosis, carbunulosis), E-coli, Necrotizing Infections, Lyme Disease, Lymphoma, Varicose Veins, Peripheral Vascular Disease, Gangrene, Vascular Headaches, Deep Vein Thrombosis, Claudication, Diabetic Ulcers, Thrombophlebitis, Arthritis, Fibrositis, Bursitis, Nephritis, Iritis, Uveitis, Cholecystitis, COPD, Asthma, Emphysema, Sinusitis, Bronchitis, Tuberculosis, Hepatitis, HIV, Influenza, Herpes Simplex/Zoster, Mononucleosis, Mumps, Measles Infections, Viral Pneumonia, Polio, Non-Healing Wounds & Fractures, Inactivation of Snake Venom, Fungal/Yeast Infection, Decreases Edema (Swelling), Cirrhosis, Tetanus, Chronic Fatigue, Allergies, Neuritis/Neuropathy, Chemical Sensitivity, Botulism, Malaria, Typhoid, Seizures, Blood Poisoning, Diphtheria
Tom Lowe goes over the basics of UBI (Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation) therapy, what it is, what it does, its history and studies. (25 minutes)
Respiratory Infections (flu, cold, pneumonia, ‘crud’, etc.)
Nebulizing Hydrogen Peroxide (diluted) in a salt water solution.
FORMULA – 15 minute video with Dr. Mercola with written instructions
Dr. Thomas Levy strongly advocates Nebulizing H2O2. FREE 320 page book.
Rapid Virus Recovery By Dr. Thomas Levy
Ozone and Ultraviolet light are categorized as “oxidative therapies”. They prompt the body’s processes to using oxygen or the body to make natural hydrogen peroxide in dealing with microbes. High doses of Vitamin C do the same thing…it prompts the body to make hydrogen peroxide…and that’s what an IV drip of Vitamin C would do.
Making your own Hydrogen Peroxide Nebulizing Solution
A short, coffee-shop napkin “QUICK RENDITION
Hello Corbett fam! Would like to share the latest satire from The Farce Feed on Substack.
Olympics Opening Ceremony Deemed “Too Offensive” by Church of Satan
“White Dudes for Harris” to Start Soybean Farm
Enjoy, and keep spreading the truth!
“….“White Dudes for Harris” to Start Soybean Farm….”
To (mis) use the words of the most popular president of all time, “If you vote for Harris you a’int white”
Informative article on upcoming pact for the future and UN 2.0. References are linked for further reading.
The ultimate goal of the Pact for the Future: A planetary technocracy to manage global crises on behalf of the global corporatocracy
A “scientific priesthood” will determine the limits of our actions and “protect” us from complex global shocks.
Jacob Nordangård | Aug 04, 2024
James. Creepy to me is the way humans unconsciously, unwittingly meld — almost fuse — with media technologies, seemingly losing some of their humanity in the process. I am often asked how I live without wifi, without a cell phone, without social media. Hell, I haven’t had a television for 43 years. Gosh, I missed out on all that conditioning and propaganda…thank God!
Am I a Luddite? No. At one time I developed and taught courses in computer network design. My thinking at the time? If the world was going to become a technological trap, I’d better know something about it to not be victimized by it. I went and lived off the grid after that. Won’t even wear a digital watch.
I have a chop wood, grow food lifestyle that necessarily limits screen time. If I get sucked into my laptop and don’t get my chores done… well, it’s no heat and no eat.
I’ve often said to friends, “99% of what we think we know about what’s going on in the world comes through a screen.” That is so weird, I never get over it.
No, Mr Corbett, your not the only one.
I recommend people go read Chris Knowles “Lucifers Tech” series at SecretSunBlog and listen to him on Higherside Chats – search “Free Plus Show: Chris Knowles | Lucifer’s Technologies & The Mk Ultra-terrestrials” of follow direct link
I used to tell people to fast forward to the entity part, but its actually worth 2 1/2 hours of your life to hear the full show. I wish Mr Corbett would get him on the show one day since they have very different ways of processing information and it would be interesting to see.
The first time I was creeped out by media was while watching kids- needing a break I put on a Disney video and watched the life drain out of their eyes as they went slack jawed and still. It creeped me out so badly that I turned the TV right off and made them do kid stuff in the yard.
I also read an article or letter in a paper that asked if it was good for people to be exposed to MUSIC all the time with radio and DVD…this was when the internet was a thing people only knew thru movies. The writer thought that people would loose something when music was no longer a treat… mind goes to what CS Lewis wrote in the Screwtape Letters about the demonic need to keep a human focused upon the stream of events, and endless sea of noise that is mistaken for ‘real life’ while never giving the human a chance to ask what ‘real life IS’.
In Screwtape raises a Toast Lewis imagined the limp, useless soy people of the future buut even he could not imagine something as horrific as an Ipad kid….poor things will be hardly human.
On media over consumption I recall hearing Mae Brussell talking about how many papers she read to do her work because she reckoned that the rulers HAD to let certain info out as the went about their business….back then she was still flooded with information EVEN THOUGH IT HAD BEEN THRU A FILTER TO GET INTO PRINT.
Dear “fundamentally fascinated”,
this quick glance in the mirror will likely just be a normalizer.
i posted here over a decade ago about our complicity in the crimes we call out, and the difficulties we meet when trying to pull the plug. yet I still think the education here has been worth the screen time of toxic exposure + cranky joints, tired eyes, lost time amongst the real world missions,, from sitting/watching for too long.
even on this thread, La natt has acknowledged the anti-screen talk but can he/she do the walk? if you’re reading this, la natt, you’re on the bus with others from this thread, whove written “goodbye” but then keep showing up.
Perhaps I come to this comment thread to search for similar questioning minds. It maybe a band aid to cover loneliness? some of which was augmented by the redpilling nature of this site. None of the hard core deniers (with zero critical thinking ability but lotsa opinion) will have a bar of it. Thats many friends Ive had for over half a century + the entire family (save one nephew).
otherwise james, you said “black magic” three times?
You started with what smells propagandist; “the almost black magic nature of the media,,,” “almost”? I’m no black magician, but I have known some clever people over the years (which is to say Ive been around & witness to “higher law”, its never claimed as :”magic” but rather “higher physics”). In my opinion, global scale emotional manipulation is being done, principally via screens. Its straight ahead mind kontrolling black magic. and its working efficiently: we can and do communicate less, the quality of our verbiage is low to nearly faded for many, the state of manic attachment to whatever screen feed for many, can be nearly all of the available day. There is wonderful content, but most of it is just a hook to keep your attention, thats all thats needed to muck up a psyche, get it to ingest hyprbole & spin for long enough, and it gets sick, done.
Yes, Media and Propaganda ARE magic….The screen is the modern scrying glass and we have arrived at the Angelic tech envisioned by nutters like John Dee.
I gave you what I understand “magic” to be. perhaps I’m wrong. If you know better, educate me on what “magic” is, in your own words.
I’ll listen to the one hour rave when I get some spare time.
I will do my best as a non magician but its answered in two parts with an addendum
1) The actual tip top ‘real’ ‘high level'(??) magic is at its heart Demonic forces acting in thru or in concert with a human agency
2) MOST magic is mind trickery – things such as NLP, psycology and propaganda and such are derived from the tricks magicians used to thicken the broth of ‘real’ magic….. Propaganda and mind control both have their roots in these things- both shamanic and renaissance magic (hence the podcast I linked)
a) A ‘funny’ fact about the 1st iteration of the KKK was that they would use magic tricks to terrorize the superstitious ex slaves that they were ghosts….this kind of spy war continues with things like the CIA pretending to have vampires on their side or playing the screams of ‘lost souls’ into the jungle to scare insurgents.
Jung and Freud both got the start of their work
b) Freud and, much more explicitly Jung, deliberately used and worked occultic ‘magic’ ideas into their disciplines.
c) John Dee wanted to use angel magic to spy, send messages and do cryptography….in some way to make the modern internets control grid….. that kind of ritual magic thing went on and on thru guys like THIS or on the more technical side people like Jack Parsons
Better to just go read Lucifers Tech series by Chris KNowles at the secretsun blog thenlisten to me waffle though. 🙂
big subject, I’ll try to keep it simple,,
“magic is at its heart Demonic forces acting in thru or in concert with a human agency”
That goes on, but what is “magic”?
In short, a very few number of humans work to make, or inherit, or are given alliances with what most of humanity will call “unseen”. those beings/forces can have malevolent or beneficent intent.
so be careful who you choose to give your faith to. faith can be seen as battery charging those who its focused on.
That reality functions with what some indigenous call “higher” law. This can go as far as sculpting reality within our 3D, via intent. but my point was that its not magic wand fantasy, it’s just a better understanding of natural law thats being wielded.
in reply to your
#1,, demonic forces would love it if that were true, I dont think they have any real power here, because of how their drive to dominate is a self defeating dead end.
#2,, lotsa smoke and mirrors gets used, distraction is just a simple devise. slight of hand, slight of mind,, I’m guessing that what you refer to as “real magic” will be described at a later date as frequency manipulations.
“Freud and, much more explicitly Jung, deliberately used and worked occultic ‘magic’ ideas into their disciplines.”
how could a mind trying to deconstruct itself while remaining intact be called anything but magical fantasy.
from my grain of sand perspective, the rabbit was in the hat the whole time.
“…This can go as far as sculpting reality within our 3D, via intent….”
No, we do not think stuff into being even if visualization helps us to act in the world to do them.
We’re not God, we dont breathe stuff into existence , lolol
Some want that God like realism. It’s found in conspiracy.
The conspiracy to keep secrets.
No Soap Radio . Remember that one. We are surrounded by conspirators of secrets. Law enforcement is a bastion of secrets. The training grounds of future law enforcement, the military, all branches. Banking just to name a few. Only the perception of having power fuels the need for secrets. Lies are born of secrets. How do we de- link the chain of lies from man, Oh deep diver?
Anarchy? Democracy? Dictatorship?
as you like
In other news, Australia has “raised the terror threat level” on the “traffic light system”…. that didn’t take long did it. You all remember the traffic light system from Covid don’t you, very similar around the globe but here is one from NZ: these NWO clowns are very boring.
Here you go James, a print from our national security agency explicitly stating “…the diversity and disaggregation of
extremist beliefs is broad and not easily categorised. They span nationalist, racist, revolutionary, anarchist,
religious and specific issue ideologies.” James, James James, self professed anarchist, you stand charged with the crime of..” extreme beliefs which are not easily categorised, how do you plead?” :D.
“The current environment presents complex ideas and ideologies, fuelled by social media, conspiracy theories
and, in some cases, anarchist, racist and revolutionary beliefs.” Apparently the Australian National Security Agency are Corbett’s private fan club :D. You definitely hold a special place in their hearts James, you should feel proud.
I would argue that these “diverse and disaggregated extremist beliefs” are very easily categorized, it’s just that they aren’t prepared to have that discussion because it would paint too clear a picture making certain people very uncomfortable. There is a strong argument however for the Australian National Security Agency to be set in the same bag as a clown show of “unique” individuals who never quite got past certain ideological practices most of us grow out of as adults. If breaking down complex ideas and ideologies to simple arguments is not your thing, perhaps think about a change in career? maybe national security is not your thing? or is it perhaps not the security of the nation you are interested in? maybe the security and interests of some subset of the nation? or perhaps some global interest? or your own selfish aspirations to be worshiped as a superhero? did you read comic books? is that it? you want magical powers that no one else has? to feel safe? you are scared? so you need magical powers to feel adequate? because your self esteem is so low that without magical powers you will never feel safe and accomplished? or do you have big muscles? so you don’t need magical powers? maybe you have a big weapon? do you have a big weapon? are you gonna use your big weapon on people against their will? selflessly and in defense of civil liberties of course… Are you an ape that needs to assert dominance in order to feel accomplished amongst your peers? that’s it isn’t it? you’re a big monkey enslaved to your human nature that demands you dominate… If you only knew how much you are missing out on…
This 6 minute anti-Fluoride presentation in New Zealand is very, very impressive!
Caelan Huntress is often called “an expert in the art of attention”, an ‘acrobatic’ marketing guru.
While Caelen’s aplomb and marketing may not appeal to everyone, it would be hard to deny that it doesn’t attract attention.
July 29, 2024
Public Fluoride Patient Consultation Request for the Director-General of Health in New Zealand
The “5 Questions for a Public Fluoride Patient Consultation” are in the video’s shownotes.
Caelan Huntress is an American digital nomad living in New Zealand. Father of three. Website designer, writer, digital marketer, and multimedia producer.
Caelan Huntress WEBSITE – ~~WWW
Well done. He should have put on a tin foil hat just to trigger people.
“There is blood in the streets” is a phrase which traders use when the stock and bond markets go nuts.
I’ve been talking about the 10yr/2yr yield curve in previous comments.
The 10 year / 2 year yield curve is close to univerting.
For those who don’t know, last Thursday and Friday (Aug 1 & 2), stocks and commodities had a huge sell-off.
Monday August 5, 2024 – “There is blood in the streets”
People’s 401k and other retirement vehicles have been getting hit hard.
Japan Stock Market Index – Nikkei 225 is down about 25% from its recent July 11th highs.
The Nikkei 225 Index dropped 12.4% to close at 31,458 while the broader Topix Index tumbled 12.23% to 2,227 on Monday, with both benchmarks hitting nine-month lows as investors continued to grapple with the prospect of higher interest rates in Japan.
Japanese shares also saw their worst one-day drop since the “Black Monday” of 1987, entering bear market territory.
Last week, the Bank of Japan raised its policy rate to 0.25% and signaled willingness to hike rates further, with markets betting on two more increases this fiscal year than ends March 2025.
Moreover, Japanese shares tracked losses on Wall Street driven by fears of a US recession and disappointing earnings from big tech companies. Financial stocks led the selloff, with sharp losses from Mitsubishi UFJ (-17.8%), Sumitomo Mitsui (-15.2%) and Mizuho Financial (-19.7%). Heavyweight technology, auto and consumer stocks also tumbled, including Tokyo Electron (-18.4%), Toyota Motor (-13.7%) and Fast Retailing (-9.6%).
So, today, Monday August 5, stocks around the world are taking a dive.
Many stocks will hit (or have already hit) technical support levels which (probability-wise) will prompt a brief upswing in price.
Future Stock Market TRENDS
Sunday August 4, 2024
Chris Vermeulen shares his insight with graphs on the Trend Change in the Markets
44 minutes
On Monday Aug 5 morning Chris Vermeulen of The Technical Traders gives an overview of what if going on in the markets. Charts are shown.
BUCKLE UP – Massive Global Panic Selling & What to Do!
13 minutes
Monday, Aug 05, 2024 – 09:00 AM – Zero Hedge [Images in article]
Retail Traders Furious As Outages Hit Major US Brokerages Amid Black Monday Chaos
DownDector reports that users of Charles Schwab, Fidelity, Ameritrade, Vanguard, and E-Trade are all reporting website outages, which have been surging around the start of the US cash session.
1 – Further limit social media/free speech
2 – Normalise constant surveillance
Friday August 2, 2024 – Off Guardian – Kit Knightly
UK Riots: The agenda becomes clear…
“The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.”
– J. Edgar Hoover
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Summer of 1980, for KPFA Radio in Berkeley, I covered a Survival Gathering hosted by Native Americans on donated pasture land at the foot of Elsworth Air Force base located just outside Rapid City, South Dakota. About 15K people showed up.
I had already participated that May in organizing The Long Walk For Survival (A CA to DC walk for world peace) working with Dennis Banks, John Trudel, Winnona LaDuke of WARN (Women of All Red Nations,) Buddhist Monks and Nuns, and others. My documentary on it was broadcast in July when I was in Dakota.
The Long Walk For Survival
Pacifica Radio Archive, 1980
Archive number: AZ0449
I met Holly Sklar at the gathering, who had just published in January, 1980
Trilateralism: The Trilateral Commission and Elite Planning for World Management
and when I first found out about the agenda of a Technocratic control of the world in progress and Zbigniew Brzezinski (co-founder of the Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller)
During the two weeks, having breakfast with her and reconnecting with Michio Kaku and others from years before we were all discussing (pre Internet) subjects very difficult to find in those days.
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Zbigniew Brzezinski
Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era
“People, governments and economies of all nations must serve the needs of multinational banks and corporations.”
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About 30 years later I came across James’ radio show and he was voicing powerful insights, much like from the gathering, about the truth of our reality and establishing his “cred” in the alternative movement.
Interview 1433 – Patrick Wood on the Hard Road to World Order (2019)
Interview 1046 – Patrick Wood Exposes the Technocracy Agenda (2015)
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“How many years have I been shouting about the Trilateral Commission from rooftops to mostly deaf ears? Since 1977. Forty-eight years! Wake up, world! Your soon and coming demise is upon you as your ears remain plugged.
— Technocracy News & Trends Editor Patrick Wood”
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So this morning before coffee I clicked on this article at Activist Post
It reminded me of all the madness going on.
The coming ‘selection’ of the Chief Executive of the corporation of the United States of America originally formed in 1604 as the Virginia Company by UK politicians, businessmen, merchants, manufacturers and bankers in anticipation of the imminent influx of white Europeans into the North American continent may end everything if the Communist Agenda wins.
I NEVER endorse new tech (tool) as intrinsically good or bad. It is the values (morals) of the user that make it good or bad. Therefore, I look for the good a tool can accomplish. For example, StarLink can connect/inform all on earth directly, without censorship, and I assume that will allow humanity to bond, to see each other as having more in common, as allies. It negates the need to rely on rumor, propaganda, govt.
It is ignorance that precedes fear; fear that precedes anger; anger that precedes destruction. Knowledge acquired by trusting others to do your thinking, without question, is unreasonable reliance and dangerous. It may serve or enslave. Better to investigate, to question, to think for oneself. It’s only logical.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on Starlink.
While “good” and “bad” can be subjective and open to interpretation, what are your thoughts on whether or not technology such as Musk’s low orbit satellite grid has the potential to detrimentally impact biological organisms via the artificial EMFs that such systems emit?
Have you read “The Invisible Rainbow”? Or any other literature that explores the influences of artificial electromagnetic fields on human biology, plants, soil life and other organisms?
In other words, are you confident that systems such as StarLink pose zero risk of detrimentally impacting biological systems?
Some of my thoughts on harmful artificial radiofrequency and microwave radiation:
These low-orbit satellites not only already contaminate our night skies and interfere with stargazing and astronomy but also promise to flood Earth with powerful, focused electromagnetic beams that emit radiofrequency (RF) and microwave radiation proven to adversely affect the health of humans, animals and plants. The satellites also may have an impact on Earth’s natural electromagnetic field—essential to all life on our planet.
The harmful impacts of non-thermal levels of RF- and microwave-based wireless technology (from 2G on up) are neither “potential” nor “hypothetical.” Thousands of peer-reviewed scientific studies have proven that epidemic-level harms are already occurring, harms that the fast-multiplying 5G infrastructure will further aggravate.
Some argue that the energy emissions reaching the ground from 5G satellites are less intense than the emissions from ground-based transmitter antennas, but this argument ignores the fact that the satellites irradiate all areas of Earth, including areas not reached by other transmitters, leaving no place untouched by harmful manmade radiation. Moreover, the on-the-ground transmitters that 5G satellites require to connect satellites with end-users—one million for SpaceX alone—will result in massively increased intensities of RF/microwave radiation.
In 2018, more than 200 scientists and doctors cited the large body of scientific evidence of harm when they submitted the 5G Appeal to the United Nations, calling for a moratorium on 5G. In the Appeal, these experts wrote that radiofrequency electromagnetic fields have not only been “proven to be harmful for humans and the environment” but that “[d]amage goes well beyond the human race,” with “growing evidence of harmful effects to both plants and animals.” In discussing the “serious hazard to public health” that 5G infrastructure on- and off-planet represents, the Appeal’s authors argued that “Inaction is a cost to society and is not an option anymore.”
Having gotten RF burns of HAM radios before I am 100% sure that sitting in a sea of EMF is not good for people- exactly how bad it is we will only know AFTER it happens because EMF is tricksy and even low exposure can have weird effects long term depending on what is exposed and to what freq.
Thanks for sharing your experiences and thoughts on this.
That is the thing though, will we really know how bad it is after “it” happens (or during when it is happening) when we are being simultaneously bombarded with an array of airborn toxic metals, chemicals, food, tap water and pharmaceutical products laced with poison and countless other toxic pressures on our bodies that exist in the sphere of the modern industrialized world?
Cumulative damage to certain organs and specific conditions could be written off or blamed on so many other things, that is one of the ways that these things are so insidious, their potential (and proven) deleterious effects on biology are embedded within multiple vectors of plausible deniability, blame shifting and gas lighting becomes easier as more vectors of damage (whether intentional or incidental and the side effect of a profitable endeavor) are unleashed (as any one condition can be attributed so one of many things). The eugenicists could play that same blame shifting card with the covid injections and heart issues. “well maybe it was the fast food!? or what about that climate change!”
For me, the fact that microwaves can be use to make DEWs that are effective at really messing up human biology is enough to raise some red flags.
I just wanted to clarify that by stating all of the various ways that certain people are trying to poison, sicken and kill off a large portion of the population I am not saying that all is lost, that we should give up, or that the psychopaths involved in the “great poisoning” (as Catherine Austin Fitts calls it) are untouchable, undefeatable or destined to succeed in their stated goals.
On the contrary, despite their well funded efforts to attack a large portion of humanity (biologically, chemically, psychologically, financially, energetically and also with old fashioned kinetic weapons) the fact that their operations are highly centralized and dependant on flimsy supply lines and weak infrastructure makes them and their plans vulnerable to disruption and crippling if we simply withdraw our support from their parasitic modes of extracting fiat currency from us and choose to empower ourselves through decentralized and scalable solutions based action.
Some additional thoughts on defeatism, defeatists and “black pill” thinking are shared here:
We can empower ourselves and take action to protect our bodies through diet, connecting with and giving back to nature and the more than human world that sustains us.
One of the ways we can do this is via eating Radioprotective foods and thus I shared an in depth article recently that offers info in that regard so that we can embrace health sovereignty while boycotting big ag, big pharma and defending ourselves against big tech. (I linked that article in a comment to HRS below).
no worries you dont come across as black pilled to me.
At the end of the day there is a divergence between people who do the right thing for their health an those who dont.
You have to be a bit cold about it, not out of malice but because thats what people are choosing so some will survive and others wont.
Radiation – B vitamins
I want to mention one set of nutrients which help to mitigate radiation.
Niacin and the other B vitamins (I take the Jarrow brand.)
Experimental studies suggest that B vitamins such as niacin, folate, riboflavin, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 may protect against DNA damage induced by ionising radiation (IR)….
One time in the mid-late 1980’s, my wife and I were doing a body detox together.
Part of the detox was sitting in the sauna for lengthy time periods and sweating crap out.
We were supplementing many nutrients, plus incremental dosage increases of niacin in order to get the “flush” effect.
I won’t forget this. There was a period of time with the “flush” effect that I could see the past sunburns and bikini top lines on my wife’s back.
I could see the past “farmer’s tan” on my arms.
My face was beet red. Part of that I attribute to the TV…but who knows.
Thanks for the helpful info and interesting anecdote.
I have now added that to an update version of my article on Radioprotective foods (which you or anyone else reading this that is curious can read here: )
Starlink can be censored, just like any other network the person that runs the hardware can control what information flows thru it. The only reason it and the regular internet has not been more heavily controlled IMO is because at first there was a big drive to get people onto it and today because it would drive political type people into face to face interaction which is much harder to monitor and contain.
The UK is banging the “mis infomation” drum what with the riots right now
Here is the book at archive .org for reference
“This remarkably well-documented and -referenced book is a cornerstone in the sense that it traces the deployment of electricity in our civilization, in terms of its interaction with living organisms, from its initial discovery in the 1740s all the way to our time, and even projected into the future.”
Thanks for that link. I, being a Globalist, am naturally horrified that information such as this should be shared. Therefore, while I will read this book with interest, I condemn your actions for making it available to the general public,
Yours Faithfully,
The Globalists.
If you found that upsetting than you will definitely not like my book (which empowers people to divest from corporate dependance for food and medicine and become more self/local community reliant through gardening, saving seeds and sharing seeds).
I will actively undermine the perceived authority and legitimacy of globalist institutions and parasitic centralized infrastructure, empowering everyday people to embrace health and food sovereignty (starving the corporatocracy and it’s globalist masters of the sustenance they derive from people’s dependance on their food and medicine systems). We will become an unstoppable decentralized movement of satyagrahi that spread outwardly from each community in fractal patterns. Our movement will nourish individuals willing to open their hearts, minds and get their hands dirty while starving statist and corporate enterprises.
I thank you and your globalist friends for choosing to be so bold in your efforts to dominate, mass murder, gaslight and oppress in the past 5 years, in doing so you have awakened a great many that would have otherwise remained in a half comatosed state their whole lives living pay check to pay check feeding the beast. Your over confidence and audacity has been a great gift to those of us attempting to illuminate your true nature for a long time now. Thank you for that.
May the bones of your crumbling empire become a nutritious mulch that feeds the seeds of things that have yet to be seen on the face of this Earth to grow and thrive.
Shout out to Valuedcustomer for sharing the link to the digital version of The Invisible Rainbow on archive dot org last year
For additional info, another perspective and more context
“𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐦𝐨𝐠 𝐛𝐞 𝐚𝐬 𝐛𝐚𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐬 𝐂𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐝-𝟏𝟗 𝐢𝐧𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬?
Not just 5G, electrosmog is the whole gamut of wireless radiation pollution, mobile devices and more”
A new little thing I just uploaded.
Incentivizing Bird Flu
The eyes are the window to the soul and the gateway through which we can experience the beauty of Creator’s artistry here on this physical plane of existence.
The information I share in the post linked below is intended to help you feel empowered to embrace health sovereignty when it comes to maintaining optimal eye health, mitigating and/or preventing degenerative ocular conditions and helping your eyes to have the best chance of healing from some injuries (such as corneal abrasions).
While modern science and industrial allopathic medicine may have developed some impressive tools for diagnosing eye conditions and surgery to remedy some problems this post is about giving your body the tools to regenerate damaged ocular cells and optimize the function of your existing ocular cells in your eyes. This is about teaming up with nature and using food as medicine so that we can enhance our ability to appreciate and navigate this beautiful world and be able to extend the amount of years that we can perceive it through the eyes (without technological or synthetic pharmaceutical assistance).
Ocular-Regenerative and Ocular-Protective Whole Foods and naturally occurring plant/fungal compounds:
Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Lycopene, Vitamin A ( Beta-carotene is a form of vitamin A), Vitamin B12, Vitamins C and E, Vitamin D, Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, Selenium, Lactoferrin, Curcumin, Flavonoids, Anthocyanins, Catechins and Zinc; these are some of the most powerful antioxidants and phytonutrients which prevent eye problems such as poor night vision, glaucoma, dry eyes, macular degeneration and cataract.
For more info on the foods that contain high levels of those compounds and other information on how to optimize your eye health through using food as medicine, check out the article linked above.
Your begining statement about the eyes is no longer valid Thanks to Camille @ please
Poppy Crum, head scientist at Dolby Sound gave a sales pitch to venture capitalists from Silicon Valley about new frequency software and hardware they were marketing.
She began her sales pitch with a rather bold statement. “” We thought the eyes were the windows to the soal but we now know it’s the ears.”
But it really is about what you are selling. I like to see the beautiful creation and hear all the living things I can’t see, but Poppy Crum has some other ideas.
Thanks for the heads up on the new presentation by Camille.
Years ago, I had a friend that worked in professional recording studios out west and he was telling me (back in the early 2000-s) how their company had hired some specialists to fine tune the background rhythms and frequencies that they could copy paste onto sound tracks which trigger a subliminal response in your brain that makes you addicted to the sound (whether you like the style of music, or lyrics or not). He said the big pop “artists” that get their studio time rubber stamped in there by the people who like to control what makes it onto places like MTV etc all have that algorithm of background synthesized sound frequencies laced into their “music” like some kind of “auditory digital heroin”. It just takes a few listens and the brain starts to get flooded with endogenously produced Endorphins and craves another play (even if the music is garbage).
It also makes me think of a type of technology that Catherine Austin Fitts was discussing with one of those inventors that had his cool next gen clean energy device snached by the feds which they described as “Entrainment” technology.
btw, RE the rodent garden pressure we were discussing elsewhere (either on here or via email) I tested out that hot chili sauce to deter squirrels and racoons thing and it works (assuming they touch the stuff before it rains and learn the hard lesson that humans waging “organic” chemical “non-lethal” warfare are protecting said crops). I also discovered that while birds are not fazed by hot chilis, they do not like the garlic, so if you make a mean batch of fermented sriracha sauce with some super hot chilis you can use it as a double purpose pizza, stirfry and bbq enhancer, as well as squirrel, racoon, starling and robin deterrent. 🙂
I put some on the fence near our PawPaw trees where the squirrels like to launch onto the tree from and raid some fruit and I saw them hit the patch of hot sauce and then retreat double speed into the big trees next door. The pawpaw tree is near a grape vine I have on an arch trellis (which the robins had been raiding aggressively) but I noticed after I put up the squirrel deflecting sauce on the fence the robins stopped eating the grapes nearby all the sudden. I looked it up and found they do not like the garlic smell. I imagine you could spread it right onto a crop (like corn, elderberry stalks, paw paw or apple trunks) and deter them that way too.
It sounds mean (to put scorching hot sauce on stuff so that little furry animals either smell it and get scared off or make the mistake of touching it and experience the burn of the capsaicin) but I have seen my cats or dog make the mistake of raiding my plate of ghost pepper laced nachos off the coffee table while I was not looking and get a mouth full of peppers and they survived, though they sure do not go for my half eaten plates of nachos anymore.
Those tough baboons that parade around here in racoon suits left an empty bottle of Sriracha sauce on my back porch with a note attached,” buy more “.
I’m gonna have to go to dry powdered habanero and up the ante.
haha man, ya you godda step up those peppers to weapons grade for sure.
If you like I can send you some seeds for this rogue emergent Bhut Jolokia variety that showed up in our garden
They are maybe 4 or 5 times hotter than habaneros. I can only put like 3-5 drops of sauce made 100% from those peppers on a taco and still enjoy it (and I like spicy food). Great flavor though, deceptively fruity and inviting aroma, and then Wham! brutal heat.
Yes G, I don’t want to kill them just put up a force field that repels them and bhut jolokia sounds about right. Those are some pretty peppers.
Well the Ghost pepper force field is strength level 9 so you godda be pretty motivated to continue on raiding if that stuff is present.
Bear spray is about 3 million scoville units typically, and these emergent new ghost peppers we are growing likely clock in around 1.5, so should work just fine for racoons and most other mammals.
I`ll set aside some seeds for you next time I harvest some peppers to make a batch of sauce.
“…RE the rodent garden pressure we were discussing elsewhere (either on here or via email) I tested out that hot chili sauce to deter squirrels and racoons thing and it works ….”
I got “Grandpa Gus’s” mix of peppermint oil, and some of the ‘tea bag’ things with a similar mix in them and they appear to work. I saw tested them on Shaun Woods channel on YT. It appears to keep the little buggers away for a couple of weeks, they dont appear to like crossing an area where its sprayed
Personally I found the best way to get rid of rodents is to put a plastic crate down to keep out animals and feed them with almonds and peanut btter and a sugar/flour mix for a week or ten days and then switch the mix to one containing 50% plaster of paris.
Worked like a charm.
My new strategy for the attic is to put the death mix in ziplocs so I can leave it up there…. hopefully if they ever get back in they will take care of themselves.
James and others recently discussed election hopium in a round table discussion on The Conscious Resistance. I appreciate their discussion of the tech bros / PayPal mafia supporting Trump and Pareto’s “recirculation of elites.” Now I understand. I wonder if Pete Quinone and his pals knowingly are part of the illusion, or whether they’ve been duped.
I listen to him pretty often and while I think he is over hopeful on the paypal creeps I ALSO think he does have a point…. whatever those folks on the round table think SOMEONE is going to be sitting in the white house (and worse in the gov admin offices).
For the effort of casting a vote, which may or may not matter, why not? Its like a free lottery ticket that probably wont get you anything but on the other hand might get you something better…..As Mr Corbett says your better off spending your energy doing your own thing.
If you actually want to know about the circulation of Elites may I recommend “The Populist Delusion” by Neema Parvini, its kinda dark to realize the truth that the vast majority of people have, are and always will be ruled over by a minority. On the other hand it does drive home the point that you had best take care of you and yours because no one else is going to.
Actually while I’m on Neema Parvini (Academic agent on YT) I’ll recommend his other book “Prophets of doom” which I shamelessly pirated off annas archive (but i am buying a real copy) about the cycle of civilizations. He has some pretty good books on Shakespeare too
Jo-ann says:
James and others recently discussed election hopium in a round table discussion on The Conscious Resistance.
Coincidently, near the same time as your comment, James Corbett posted the video on the August Open Thread.
Debunking the False Political Hopium Paradigm with Indie Media Veterans
70 minutes
On August 4, 2024, veterans of indie media with combined experience totaling nearly 80 years came together to discuss the ramping up of political propaganda surrounding Donald Trump and the U.S. Presidential (s)election. They discuss the importance of understanding the divide and conquer tactics, 5th Generation Warfare, and the “Mainstream Alternative Media”. The group also discusses some ideas for real solutions outside of the political puppet show.
James Corbett of the Corbett Report
Dan Dicks of Press For Truth
Josh Sigurdson of World Alternative Media
Aaron and Melissa of Truthstream Media
Ryan Cristian of The Last American Vagabond
Derrick Broze of The Conscious Resistance Network
(Whitney Webb couldn’t make it.)
Tragedy and Hope
When Corbett reads the lines from that book, it seals the point.
Results for “5th Generation Warfare”
The theme of the movie, and it starts out with, “Who really runs America?”
One might say that aspects of Anarchism and Voluntaryism are approached from a different angle in the 2015 film Shadowring. It is a somewhat indirect approach without using the terms, but hopefully some folks will walk away with this Celente quote: “What sick person would vote for the lessor of two evils?” (43:08)
ShadowRing (2015) Runtime: 2:17:27
Details the virtually unknown story of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and how this think tank is responsible for defining the US globalist agenda. (The short segment on World War ii delivers.)
Written by James Perloff
Narrated by Hercules …er… Kevin Sorbo
Katherine Albrecht, Chuck Baldwin, Catherine Bleish, Jack Blood, Gerald Celente, Aaron Dykes, G.E. Griffin, Rosa Koire, Adam Kokesh, Jim Marrs, Mark Passio, James Perloff, Joyce Riley, Pat Shannan, Ben Swann, Patrick Wood.
G. Edward Griffin:
”So if you understand who these people are, and you understand what their mission is, and how they think and what their ideology is, then most of the mysteries of the modern world of: “How come we are getting into this mess?” or “Why are doing this and so on?” – They become easy to answer.
If you don’t understand that little twist of that word: REALLY RUN AMERICA – it’s not the voters, then all of these things remain a mystery to you.”
Adam Kokesh:
”…When you have a government, what you have done is put an army of enforcers at their disposal.” (their = the elite)
”…lead people to realize that non-coercive, voluntary, peaceful relationships are superior to violent coercive ones….”
These are like indie media super friends.
Missing one, Richard Grove; Grand Theft World.
Some day they will be mainstream.
Listening now as the part about paypal caught my attention (I already know it is a shady company in general, run by billionaires, and it frustrates me that I do not know how to set up any other payment method for my website at this point) but I want to learn more.
thanks for the comment.
Thanks for posting JC.
The last people to speak are always the best. At least one person had the sense to learn the roots of the word “vote”. Wishful thinking, “belief”. CRUX/CRUTCH/CRUCIFY
The lead guy’s addiction to “groups” , belonging to a self-identified group, in this case “the freedom community”, aka, those who agree with him online, is so limiting. High school never ends.
Where’s Whitney Webb?
I’ve tried to follow Ryan Christian, but he just talks too much. My time is precious. Get to the point.
This dude who won’t acknowledge the reality of the incessant rapes, abductions, murders, and incessant murderous threats which have been clearly witnessed, recorded, and fully admitted in the UK is a wimp. I noticed the same in his own site.He’s also very sensationalist. The conflict in the UK is not about “cultural differences”, and if he can’t figure that out, maybe he needs to go live there in the real neighborhoods of the working class and find out. Too many hot air producers talking out of their cloacal apertures, for the same old reason.
Trump worship is easily explained: Money, Sex, and Power
Trump is “wealthy”; his “wife” is “hot”; and he can acquire “the presidency” without ever being a public servant.
Being a servant is low caste, and not part of the American Dream,which requires “reality tv” to keep you asleep while you’re awake, and his guys and gals don’t want to be servants, they want money, sex, and power, like Trumpet Boy. He’s the Bugle Call of Market Man Masculinity.
Money, Sex, and Power. Go out there and “make a killing”, son. Bring home “the bacon”. Someone mentioned Garrison Keillor. Meat, it’s what’s for dinner.
The only humans who cannot see the truth outside of themselves are those who refuse to see the truth within themselves. Maybe ask Pogo, he might know.
“What’s wrong with THEM? ” is the basic question here, right?
Why can’t they be like “oui” are, perfect in every way? Oh, what’s the matter with ______ today?..??
So I’ll skip over Josh and continue…..just like he skips right over the thousands of trafficked, raped, and murdered children and adults, oh and those whose lives have been destroyed by lies, etc etc. Robinson’s events were entirely peaceful.
Josh sounds like a globalist mouthpiece lately; “cultural differences” and blaming a journalist. Shoot the messenger why don’t ya?
On to those with connected brains here….I can see easily who in this panel has a brain connected to a heart.
That’s probably the answer in a nutshell.
I’d rather live amongst the kind-hearted hobbits, tho they may not be all so bright, than those who are disconnected from their hearts and entirely ensconced in their floating egos.
This online “indie” ( so “indie” they can’t use the entire word, cause they really aren’t “independent”, they’re part and parcel of a “group”, a “movement”, as in “IT bowel movement.” The product of such was also referred to as “the movement”, noun.)
Interesting, these words .
LOL. “Decentralize” with your cell phone. For reals? Oh dear, how to tell you that “money” is a technology?Based on the primary technology of sorcery/deceit/poison.
Such limited “hash tag” thinkers.
I’d like to know how to “decentralize” if you haven’t thousands of dollars a month, in the Yewessay to have a shelter to “centralize” in for starters. Josh, in the time I’ve been aware of your channel you’ve moved base several times. How do you manage to walk your talk? You make a living through technology, but you don’t want a technocracy? I’m “stumped.” ?
Thank you Derrick for inviting this brilliant couple, I”m very grateful to know about them. And an extra thanks for making space to “Let Women Speak”. Seemed a bit difficult for some there.
Maybe they could spend a bit of time with Kellie Jay Keen of “Let Women Speak”.. She’s not a “feminist/feminazi”, entirely middle class, with class, outspoken, brilliant, and very beautiful mother of four.
Here ya go:
Damn, women aren’t even allowed their own events or spaces anymore. I think you’ll find that millions of women who don’t “follow” you know precisely what freedom to speak means, as well as your first “amendment”. It’s not only your power tech that silences them.
Which of you has ever been attacked by a real physical mob of the zombie insane for speaking , while the police stand by or just don’t come, or even set you up?
Your comment here is similar to the reaction I had to that statement about removing one’s self from current systems. Lots of these details need to be spelled out for those of us who haven’t been able to game plan a workable solution. How do we pay property taxes on the homestead if we’re not part of the banking system? I doubt my small town will accept gold or crypto as payment. Maybe we will pass through the dystopian phase of civilization before these constraints are fully implemented? I don’t mean to black pill but I don’t see “get out of their systems” as a fully thought-out solution.
“….How do we pay property taxes on the homestead if we’re not part of the banking system? ….”
You dont need to totally drop out and never touch ‘satans money’ again and start wearing a prairie bonnet to make some big changes over time in your life.
But yest, I thin most people will NOT opt out so best to just make yourself and your family and then associates hardened against outside pressure
“prairie bonnet”
oh, that’s precious
do you wear them?
Nope, I am a dude but I enjoyed the Little Laura books. Do you?
Never heard of “little laura”. My child world was populated with the Bobsey Twins, The Hardy Boys, Mother Goose, and Nancy Drew, the modern Athena. I’m pretty sure near every book I read as a child was writ by men.
I’m sure little laura is sweet tho. The daughter in the Simpsons is more to my style .
I grew up and raised three “little girls” , and they grew up too, and they’re not so sweet, frankly. I raised three boys also. The real deal, better than books.
That caused me to grow up even more, and since then I like Andrea Dworkin’s writing. Do you?
“Little House on the prairie” was on TV for years, Laura wrote the books that show was based on- a memoir of her own childhood.
They are pretty pleasant to read, even today, very relaxing….they DID change a few lines in later editions.
As To Anrea Dworkin, not read her stuff because from what I’ve heard about her she was an unhappy jewish nutter.
Yeah, better stick with the tv, and diminutive laura.
Nah, the TV show sucked, but the books were fun.
Actually she was diminutive, lol, her and her husband both.
They had a house built for their fun sized selves , and her daughter built them a new house that they hated because it was built for full size people.
I think I did read one of the books at some point, because I recall the characters on the tv series.
There’s an awesome study published of , and this is the title, “Diaries and Journals of Pioneer Women and Their Significance.” Many “pioneer” women were also writers for their community newspapers, etc. You can pull that up online, and one click on it will download it to your computer.
I was thinking how many people were instantly judged “nutters” in the past four years for acknowledging and speaking the hard and violent truth of the “covid agenda”/war. Many people fear that we’ll actually be rounded up and exterminated. All “nutters”.
So very many nutters who think the govt. and military is out to hurt them, systematically, rather than “protect” them in their diminutive powerlessness.
You make some very valid points.
My perspective is that “anarchism/voluntaryism” is a mindset.
And that includes the imposition of moral codes.
For example: An Anarchist/Voluntaryist has no authority to impose/coerce their ideals of “proper anarchist behavior” upon another. Non-coercive, voluntary, peaceful relationships is part of “anarchism/voluntaryism”. Thus, if someone bullies, shames or intimidates another for using fiat currency…well, then, they are out-of-line. But even when that happens, an anarchist would ignore that type of pushy pestering, or throw a middle finger and say, “I don’t care what you think. It’s my life, not yours.”
All of us, the whole planet is engulfed by the system.
There is no one-size-fits-all remedy.
Each voluntaryist will have to rig their own home remedy supply.
Each person will have to find the things that work for them.
Personally, Jo-ann, I think you are an example to us all.
You stay informed and share valuable information.
And on that note (sharing information), I personally see this dissemination factor as a valuable solution that anyone can do.
The system gains strength when we don’t share information.
Every appropriate opportunity, I try to educate normies because they are the foundation to the system. The system crumbles as more normies become aware.
Anarchists who think that their homestead is immune, and that they can just stop disseminating to normies are very uniformed.
What if you could no longer own property in America?
It currently is happening…
Anyway, I think that ‘sharing information’ is very important if we want to take away power from the system.
precisely why I bother having a substack, and using it. Simply to share information.
So very very very very very very many all across the globe now sharing information. It’s great isn’t it?
Hopefully, it’ll be digested and comprehended. Can’t be attached to outcomes.
Also, I’m so very very sure you won’t open that link. Thanks for the heads’ up. Nothing’s changed here, I see.
But that one’s on me. I didn’t give you the right link, the one you really need and can appreciate.
Don’t worry, it’s all in English. 350 quotes from buyers of product from the most lucrative industry on the planet. All males, so read on, it’s okay.
All in their very own words. Enjoy.
if have the “nerve”
I read every one of them. And more.
I encourage you very heartily to share share share share and share this “information” more and harder. Harder than anyone ever voted. Some “sharing” for you.
The reason that “solutions”…watered down explanations and excuses….are sought rather than real answers, is that the truth is this:
Money Systems are the greatest and primo technology of slavery.
I don’t need to argue this. The Chinese were the first to issue “coins”, to try out the “money game”, and you know what? They got rid of it like a hot potato.
It created disaster for all.
Until people who are attached to thinking that money can protect them and help them and advance them and make them members of a “group” that is somehow better than those who have less, …it’s all maya/measurement, right? …and that again, somehow, their money will “protect” them , well, nothing will change.
Their only “solution” is to buy themselves lots of wifi mitigating tech for their houses and persons, so they don’t have to feel responsible to end this horror, because after all, that’s how they make their “money”, with technology. So they don’t want that gone anymore than they want money gone.
So, the great planetary Monopoly Game will continue until it’s built in end, again and again and again. In case some forgot what they learned at ten, the bankster can end the game anytime, and all the money and properties go back to the banker. Simple. Easy game to learn to play, very difficult somehow to understand, tho it’s as clear as the light of day.
A mere six hundred years ago, there were no such “systems” in north america . No money, no private property, and no “Wars”.
Males are roosters, they puff,crow and fight for top status.
This was acknowledged in our way of self-governance. This is why Grand Mothers, those who had created and nurtured the tribes, those no longer ruled by sexual energies, had all final say in tribal matters.
We’ve been around a while, and we know our creations. We know our children, and we were raised to know ourselves. As The Real People.
I was just wondering this morning if those who claim to be ruled by “two heads” , also present two faces?
The big money goes to all facets of war. Military wars, economic wars, pornography, the prostitution of humans (basic result of money systems), trafficking of humans, the “whole nine yards”.
How many elephants in the room? Unseen? unheard? no, simply denied. Interestingly expanding space there. Now you can throw in anyone, especially females, who insist there’s no reality to “chicks with dicks”, nor “males with vaginas”.
Better learn to swallow that, ’cause there’s shitloads of money in it.
See? Understand?
Maybe it’s all coming down. We’ll see.
“Three blind mice, three blind mice
See how they run, see how they run
They all ran after the farmer’s wife
She cut off their tails with a carving knife
Did you ever see such a sight in your life
As three blind mice? ”
Well, I see there’s a “movie” by that name. They can’t even leave Mother Goose be.
Every bit …digitalized bit… to be appropriated.
Well I doubt we are going back to the “no money” days – otherwise how will the rulers keep their power?
Seems like the solution will be to keep an anarchist mindset but take the digital ID / government digital money / required jabs in order to keep the homestead, and decentralize everything else.
I am no historian or anthropologist, but I recall learning decades ago that tribes of native Americans would sometimes war with each other. Maybe fake history. Could you recommend a reliable reference?
I would imagine that perhaps these regional scuffles over hunting grounds and basic respect would have been the reason for going to all the trouble to create the Six Nations’ Confederacy Great Law of Peace.
Ask them. They’ll tell you. Maybe you can get a copy of the document.
Did the read the part about males liking to fight?
Right. We knew this. We weren’t in denial of male nature. We dealt with it. Very well.
But history is writ by the conquerors. So it’s not worth arguing. Euro brought scalping, them blamed it on us.
Of course, That’s how it’s done. Every time.
so, no , no chance of ever again being “without money”. No chance. Unthinkable.
Let me know how that works out.
I grew up in an area that was once the lands of the Mohawks, and currently live in the area once inhabited by the Iqoquois, who have an educational museum here. Perhaps I could talk to someone there to learn more. Thanks for your comments.
The Osage have a fascinating history interacting with outside cultures. Outside the territory of the mid- west. Traders with the muscle to maintain order through out the transaction. Across the Americas and Caribbean.
The written history is vague but more is becoming available.
Chief John Bigheart’s interactions with the USA and the Dawes Commission is epic. Not that silly Scorsese movie but even worse and more epic for the Osage Nations people. The gaping hole in manuscripts is noticable.
Well, I discovered recently that I still have those A E Van Vogt stories here, so I’m rereading what I think is the most fascinating one, “The Silkie”. And here’s an interesting contribution from that regarding today’s discussion, and leading back to James’ mentioning that humans learn through storytelling. And we communicate with other species through mental images.
“Cemp impressed a pattern on an energy wave that was passing through his brain toward the beast. It was
a pattern that stimulated an extremely primitive mechanism in the shark — the mechanism by which
pictures were created in the brain.
The shark had no defense against controlled over-stimulation of its picture-making ability. In a flash it
visualised its teeth closing on its victim and imagined a bloody struggle, followed by a feast. And then,
sated, stomach full, it imagined itself swimming back into the shadows, into the underwater forest in this
tiny segment of a huge spaceship cruiser near Jupiter.
As the over-stimulation continued, the shark’s pictures ceased to connect with body movements. It
drifted forward and finally bumped, unnoticing, into a coral embankment. There it hung, dreaming that it
was in motion. It was being attacked through a logic related to its structure, on a level that bypassed its
gigantic attack equipment.
Levels of logic. Long ago now, men had titillated themselves by opening up the older parts of the human
brain where suggested pictures and sounds were as real as actual ones. It was the best level of logic, not
human at all.
For an animal like a shark, reality was an on-off phenomenon, a series of mechanical
conditionings. Now stimulation; now none. Movement always, restless motion always — the endless
need for more oxygen than was available in any one location.
Caught as it was in a suggested world of fantasy, the motionless shark body grew numb from insufficient
oxygen and began to lose consciousness. Before it could really do so, Cemp communicated to the
watchers, ‘Do you want me to kill this game fish?’
Silently, the beings beyond the transparent wall indicated where he could escape from the shark tank.”
Hello James, I came here to ask you to talk about the internet. I know you’ve mentioned it, but I feel like the time is here when the government is controlling access. Please tell us again how to use the internet if it ‘goes down’, without URLs. etc. Thanks and hope you’re enjoying your week. Paula
“… Please tell us again how to use the internet if it ‘goes down’, without URLs….”
This will only work to get to the site IF the issue is that the servers that turn your wordname address into numbers is working. IF traffic to the site is blocked by your ISP or something like that see next post.
1)Copy the address from the bar on your browser when you are on the website you want the ip of
2) Open the terminal (linux) / Command prompt (windows)
3) type the following word
4) paste the address of the website on the line AFTER ping (GET RID of any /http stuff before the www)
example = ping
5) You will get text coming underneath it as your computer ‘pings’ (calls up) the site to see if its there- there will be a NUMBER (I broke the URL here to avoid moderation)
PING http://ww w. corbe ttreport. com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=45 time=188 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=45 time=180 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=45 time=196 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=45 time=178 ms
6) Press Contrl and c (linux) to STOP the ping . I think that works on Windows too.
7) COPY the number , in THIS CASE and PASTE it into web browser address bar and hit enter and you SHOULD go to that site…… IF it works right then copy that number into a text document and use it if you cant access just by the name by copy pasting it into browsweer address bar……NOTE most sites wont change their IP address but you ought to ck it every few months
(No spaces in address and com and ww) !!!!!
REMOVE http:// from the www address of site when using ping!!!!!
Part 2
IF your ISP is blocking a site then you can either Install a VPN (Virtual Private NEtwork) which is like an internet Tunnel that changes YOUR IP address (so you can appear to be somewhere else) and will carry the feed from the site thru this tunnel and hide it from your ISP so they can not block a site.
IT IS NOT A GOOD WAY TO FED POST OR HIDE FROM THE GOV because its not as ‘safe’ as people like to say.
I would probably play with the Free ‘TunnelBear’ service (I AMNOT ENDORSING THEM OR ANYONE ELSE) at first because you can play with the free account – Non Techies might want to the BROWSER EXTENSION (adds a hide button to browser) and the free 500 MB
A VPN can see everything you do, just like your ISP, and generally speaking the Free VPNS are suspected of stealing your data.
You might use Proton VPN (with proton mail) or Nord VPN, people appear to like them.
There are YT videos on installng but I will say NORD VPN is a bit of a PITA on Linux but super easy on windows.
Pt 3
FINALLY we get to using TOR which is a free service that (very simplified) has THREE sets of VPNS that route your internet to the site so that the 1st set of VPN does not know where you are going (but know who you are) and the third knows where you are going (but Not who you are)
You can just install the TOR BROWSER on your PC but I would recomend that you use TAILS
‘Switched to Linux’…2023 TAILS Tutorial | Privacy on the Internet
He also has an odysee account! He is a good guy for tutorials and linux reviews if you roll back on his videos
FINAL WORD is buy some hard drives or good quality USB sticks (not SSD’s unless you power them on every now and again) and save any data (min 2 copies!!!! MINIMUM) and maybe go look at getting a HAM Radio license- you can get one JUST BY LEARNING THE ANSWER SHEET THEY GIVE OUT!!!
you can buy a handie talkie type thing that is mostly ‘LINE OF SITE’ and talk further then your sets range on a “repeater”. You can get a HF set and talk around the world but most people form radio nets, you can even set up your own radio internet “MESH NET” and have people talking on computers.
There are LOTS of ‘nets’ and its cool to listen to the bands with just a receiver (no license needed)
S2 Underground on YT has their ‘ghost net’ thing going for the prepper types but i bet if you are under 50 find a local club the boomers will be falling over themselves to show you cool stuff.
note the addendum to first post on removing http:// from the www address.
This site must auto add the http:// or something.
Thanks, Duck! I copied that into a document and I’m going to save it right now.
Thought-provoking subscriber video, and a very interesting topic indeed. I agree, it feels as if there is something occult with technology. I am looking forward to taking your media course (I have already bought it).
The video clips above made me thinking of a creepy Norwegian children’s show called “Reparatørene kommer” (“The repairmen are coming”), known as “Pompel og Pilt” ( The show was aired on national TV from the late 60s and onwards. “Pompel og Pilt” traumatised thousands of Norwegian children back in the days.
One full episode of “Pompel and Pilt”:
And an analysis of the children’s show, in English:
Why ‘Pompel og Pilt’ Scares Us:
That is very interesting, thank you for these links .
Disney films terrify children also. A brilliant nine year old girl from Japan testified this to me five years ago. She was at a friend’s house when I was visiting the mom, and the mom, of course, suggested a movie for the girls. Disney. And the girl turned to me, knowing she could safely, and said “Disney is scary”.
“Yes, it is” I confirmed to her.
This soul well knew, as it was a fantasy created in herself from viewing “The Little Mermaid” when much younger that led she and her brother into the deception of their lives, as the mother saw fit to attempt to make the fantasy real. With their lives. Sad.
And so to remain with the older lonely “husband” she had found and targeted online, a landowner of course, of course, of course, in lovely Hawaii….they were determined to allow the damned government to shoot up these kids to the max, although they had never been subjected to an injection in their lives, and the crap “husband” had not allowed his other many, three or four? , children to be injected.
I had to leave that property, I could not stay and see these children hurt that way. The arrogant jerk “husband” had the fucking nerve,( pardon my french here, I am franco-american and native), to say that it could only hurt them if they had a “low consciousness”.
That was 2020. What a heartache all the way around.
I have no idea why my old iPad won’t play videos on Odyssey anymore. It used to. But anyway, I couldn’t watch the discussion that James linked to with his link on substack but found it in a couple of places on Rumble and Bitchute.
Debunking The False Political Hopium Paradigm With Indie Media Veterans
Thanks Steve
Here is the OP for anyone that missed it:
Some of my favorite highlights include:
“At this stage of the game, the thing that people really need to focus on is decentralizing every aspect of their life. Whether that means removing yourself from the system of banking, removing yourself from the system of governments, or like Josh said, not even relying on the grocery store.”
– Dan Dicks (time index 56:58)
“What actually matters, the only thing that matters, the only vote that matters, is the vote that you give every single day of your life. The vote of your time, your energy, your attention, your resources, your wealth, that is your vote and you make it every single day, in terms of what you invest your time doing.
So plant something in your garden, go out and volunteer to help old folks, what ever it is, do something to build some kernel of community and connection with other human beings. If you take one tenth of the energy you put into the voting nonsense, and put it into that kind of meaningful activity and we will instantly, over night have a better world.”
– James Corbett (time index 1:06:50)
Dear James, or anybody else,
Can you please provide me a link that clearly and concisely describes what happened to the female lookout guards on Oct. 7. I am dealing with people who have never even heard the concept of false flag, relating to the events of that bloody day.
Thank you, in advance.
Hi Hanky!
By the way, I did get a mara food punchbowl invitation email, but I won’t open apps. So, I didn’t read it. But thank her for me.
I think this phrase will help in searching for what you want:
Unit 414 of the Combat Intelligence Collection Corps Oct. 7, 2023
By Maayan Hoffman July 2024
The Tragic Fate of Israel’s Female Observer Soldiers
(The link has been WayBack Machined.)
Corbett has this link on his recent Episode 463 – The Gaza Holocaust
[The website (which James uses in shownotes) is not functioning for me today.]
~~WWW might be a good search engine on this topic. and Global Research were hard to search for specifics.
Shortly after the event, I remember seeing a video clip of one of the female guards giving the lowdown.
The video came via a Corbett comment or James.
Here are the Corbett archives of that time period.
I feel foolish not checking James’ shownotes.
BTW That invitation’ was something hijacking Mara’s email address. Bogus.
Good to know about the hijacking.
I’ve had that before with me. My email address (kind-of) was sending spam to me.
What wild times, my friend.
Just watched the video above. Thanks for reminding about the Media course. I got sidetracked and need to finish it. I would add that books are just as likely to be subversive and devilish as digital media these days, especially the ones aimed at children and women. I urge parents to pre-read any book they get for their child, especially if it was written in the past 10 years. Porn/romance novels and the occult have been normalized as acceptable reading material, even among “Christians”, and I don’t mean Harry Potter. The Bible says that evil will be called good and good, evil. We aren’t far from when refusing to partake in evil will get you fired or arrested. Maranatha!
Dang I’m chatty today! I guess it’s okay to post your own stuff based on other comments. I just joined Odyssey for some reason, not really sure I understand the concept. But anyway, if you want some soothing images (by me) and music (by my son), enjoy the following diversion from negativity. Those are my kids and dogs. or watch it on YT
Just watched this fantastic, incredible interview Jason Whitlock did with Jones Plantation filmmakers Larken Rose and Andrew Treglia. It’s so enjoyable to hear Jason go on and on about what a great movie it is. The title of the interview is, “Jones Plantation’ EXPOSES the Enslavement Culture of the American Political System | Ep 727”
I found this article contains a lot of food for thought on the topic of Children & Screen Time
such as the weakening of the myelin sheath protecting nuerons in the brain.
So , Thiel runs Rumble, no wonder it is so so weird.
It’s sent me replies to comments I never made, from places I never went.
That ended quick.
All of it is so disconnected to real living. All of it. All the technologies, all sorceries.
Yep. Don’t sign up, don’t comment, don’t search on these platforms. None of them.
Can anyone recommend a beginner’s guide to Linux or good tutorials?
I used to find my way around computers in the olden days of DOS and FORTRAN, so I am not afraid to try Linux, I just need to get started. I am hoping to master this before Windows embeds AI in its operating system. Thanks in advance.
Jo -ann
“…..Can anyone recommend a beginner’s guide to Linux or good tutorials? ….”
I will post a video below and in next post a playlist
Linux is great but I would suggest that you PLAY with it on Virtualbox (free program) or Via thumbdrive or (BEST IMO) getting an old POS computer off Ebay ( THINKPADS are wonderful if they have an SSD BTW)
Before you nuke your main PC its best to just play with Linux…..the BIG killer of new folks is that there are so MANY flavors of linux and they suffer from too much choice causing confusion.
My Recommendations are a)LMDE (looks like windows) b)POP OS
If you search “How to do X On LMDE” the Google gods usally will help…..the only thing I personally will say is
YOUR OWN FILES ARE IN YOUR HOME (yes, called Home’) FOLDER WHICH IS NOT THE ‘TOP’ OF THE DIRECTORY LIKE WINDOWS…..that really messed with me at first 🙂
‘Switched to linux’
Getting Started with Linux Part 1 – The basics
This GUY is also on odysee.
Jo Ann
Lost my last post
1)Linux is great and will run an old PC as fast as win 10 But if you can put an SSD in rather then the Hard Disk Drive. Windows is a resource hog and runs like mollasses
2) YOUR PERSONAL FILE ARE IN THE ‘Home’ FOLDER and it is NOT at the top of the directory tree!!! Messed me up at first.
3)Too many flavors (‘distros’) of linux make peoples heads explode….MY personal recommendations are 1)LMDE (looks like windows) ,Pop OS (kinda mac’ey) and Linux Mint. Ubuntu is OK but not my personal fav.
4)Get an old Computer and put an SSD in it….your old PC with an SSD and Linux will probably be better then your new win 10 machine,…PLAY with it before you nuke your windows.
If you cant find an old PC but a RASPBERRY PI 4 (lots of vid on YT) and play with that as a desktop…it works pretty well!
If you cant get eitehr then look up “Live Linux USB” on You Tube and boot linux without killing your windows install.
5) The Google gods will help you “How do I (doX) on LMDE (or ubuntu)” will normally take you to an answer.
6) watch the videos below
Switched to linux
7)Do not rush…. just play and when you like linux better make the switch.
8) Look up Bryan Lundukes old videos on linux, he is so much fun but I think he went full substack
Thank you so much for these posts. I actually have two spare computers to work with, so I will leave my main Windows computer alone for now. One of the computers already has Linux installed, just not sure which flavor. If I don’t like the version, perhaps I can use the Linux USB with either the LMDE or POP flavor OS.
I appear to not have submit a post written a few hours back, what’s up with that?
For a bit older PCs and for people who are just trying to get their feet wet, Linux Mint is likely the best bet. I did hear something about the latest version, having some problems, but that’s likely going to get ironed out soon enough.
Getting started is surprisingly easy. I would recommend the MATE edition. If older/slower PC go with XFCE.
Unetbootin is a one stop shop to prepare a live USB drive with linux image on it, it’s a very easy 5 minute job. Maybe a bit longer waiting time, depending on the drive speed. I think it will even allow you to download the image from the internets.
Once you boot up a live linux distro from the USB drive, you can basically start using the OS immediately. Most of these are equipped with simple GUI installers to proceed with installing on the hard drive.
If you are just giving it a go and if using some PC you don’t particularly care about, you can likely just go full auto and have the installer prepare partitions for you. If you see the LVM option, I would switch that off.
Setting up partitions can get a bit more involved, but that’s due to some distros having really convoluted installers, but for your purpose that should really not be an issue.
Rule of a thumb would be something along these lines:
-> have a separate EFI/FAT32 /boot partition for the bootloader, 500 MB should be fine. Can get complicated when you have multiple drives
-> have a 30 GB partition for /root
-> have a 30 GB partition for /var (or just go with 60 GB /root)
-> have a separate /home partition, as large as you’d like/can allow. Typically I’d go with >100GB
All of this depends on what you need, of course. Most distros will do just well with 30 GB root, but if you start shooting in various directions, that can get cramped up a bit in short order. That being said, some distros manage packages quite a lot more efficiently than others.
If you do not have an SSD drive in that PC, I would definitively start by purchasing at least a 240 GB SSD drive. Kingston A400 SSD drives are a decent entry option.
Linux is choke full of options, so try to not get overwhelmed. It’s a very vibrant ecosystem.
“…Linux Mint is likely the best bet. I did hear something about the latest version, having some problems, but that’s likely going to get ironed out soon enough…..”
I used to like MINT but went over to LMDE because MINT got as slow as Ubuntu (which is getting close to Windows levels of jank) so I use LMDE which has the good of mint an dnot the bad
Thank you for your comment. My spare Windows computer has two 500-MB hard drives, but both are formatted for FAT64. I could reformat if Linux requires FAT32.
FAT32/16 is only for the bootloader. For /root, /home you’ll likely want to use the good old trusty EXT4. Don’t worry, all formatting will be performed during the installation process, you don’t have to mess about with it before hand.
That does sound like a bit of an older machine, so XFCE is probably your best bet.
There are some distributions that will run well even on potatoes, (like bodhi legacy or AntiX) but I would not call those distros user friendly. They’re quite a step sideways from the usual windows experience.
Which windows version did you have running on these spare PCs? If any.
v10. I plan to use it just for playing with Linux.
If it was running Win10, then you can go with MATE and prepare to be surprised by how responsive the PC is going to be.
To the greater majority, in numbers and sheer loquacity, of commenters here, here’s your August Good Times link.
Enjoy, boys. It’s all about you.
From you, of you, and about you. To You, A Sharing.
That freaky clip made me feel very uncomfortable, those kinds of things always have…set me to wondering, are the makers simply trying to shock, or get attention? Are they trying to freak people out? Are they nuts? whichever, v. disturbing, and I agree, we need to be aware of the fact that we are currently being immersed in ‘media’ not transmitted face to face; that it is only for about four generations that we’ve had radio waves transmitting sounds people can hear for more than a mile or so and without shouting. We have no idea what these radio waves are doing to our biology nor our minds…well, we’re beginning to get some idea!
As to the first video… one cannot repeat often enough, that the outcomes we’ll get in life are dependent on US, no one’s coming to save us.
UK Threatens to Extradite Overseas Social Media Users Who Criticize Mass Migration, Two-Tier Policing.
The United Kingdom’s Director of Public Prosecutions, Stephen Parkinson, has threatened to extradite overseas social media users who have supported or spoken out on the anti-mass migration protests and riots gripping the country. Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has promised draconian action against those protesting against the deadly stabbing of multiple young girls by a migration-background teenager in Southport, England last week.
Parkinson said that overseas social media posters should be aware that “they are not safe and there is nowhere to hide.”
They are ramping it up. Maybe the next Hitler will start off from the islands.
England cant have a Hitler, they hate foreigners but they lack the socialist communitarian training the Prussians brought to germany- it never stuck even though they tried
Right on cue.
UK Arresting People For Facebook Posts!
Wow it took a lot of scrolling to reach the end of this! Suppose no one will read it the scroll on the right disappeared for quick access. Just saw a clip of Trump – who (I previously thought why not vote for him US?). It was on a site called Gab someone sent a link too. Trump was congratulating Claus Shwab for his ‘wonderful achievements’ – I was gobsmacked! So there you go – out of all the people in the US is there only Trump and careless (of Ghaza) Kennedy?
Cool. Can you post a link?
Trump is currently a puppet of the tech bros who are not exactly enemies of the WEF and such.
You still ought to vote for him….either it will help on some things, or nothing changes, so its not exactly a costly bet.
Hi Duck – I am from the UK and live in France just an observer of the happenings in the great country of the US! It all comes from there and must end there! We are English speaking (mainly) and so all of our alternative media stuff is from there! Here in France a lot of ignorance!
NotBending Knee
“…and so all of our alternative media stuff is from there! Here in France a lot of ignorance!…”
Yes, sadly the US does tend to eat the worlds cultures up, starting with holywood and on into the Alt- (or ‘not so alt’, lol) media.
For a more Tea n Crumpets POV I guess there is
Academic Agent (Neema Parvini) on Youtube. I really think his “Boomer Truth REgime” is worth watching and he does good commentary on old Adam Curtis docs in his live streams.
His books are really good- If you’ve not read then you can pirate them off anna archive to see if they are worth buying- Populist Delusion is great and Prophets of Doom is also good…hahaha and his take on “trumpton’
His Boomer Truth Regime set in one video
Do you listen to ‘The Podcast Of The Lotus Eaters’ ?
I like them for news and stuff but they are a bit lite on politics IMO and steer away from some subjects.
Thomass777 was on the Pete Quinoes show a while back and said something about how the GAE occupies England too and England cant be free of it until Europe is and Europe cant be free of it until Germany is and Germany cant be free until they ally with Moscow….not sure I agree but Europe HAS been under the boot since WW2. Thomass 777 (on the Pete Qunioes show) has some pretty good long form talks on European History even though he’s an american and his politics are not for everyone.
But its books like EM Jones “Libido Dominandi”, “Degenerate moderns” and “The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit” (the new 3 vol set of THAT is worth the money) or Macdonalds “culture of critique” that really changed my view of the world.
On Trump….I am not real invested in him but I really dont get the hate- no way will we get a politician we actually LIKE any time soon. Lol….the lesser of two evils is still better then the worse of two evils.
Hopefully, then, all that came from Europe will end there. That’s hopeful. Thanks. Precisely how many Native North Americans were imported into Europe?
What all comes “from there”? Everything that was extracted?
Is THIS it? From 2018?
If so it worries me less then I thought, just Trump being a boomer.
Trust the plan*!
*do not trust the plan, there is no plan.
I did not say trust the plan
What I said was you might as well vote for Trump because you MIGHT get something better…..if that is your whole plan then, yeah, your fk’d.
What do you think the paths ahead of us are?
But if you have abetter idea of what political action (and yes, I already know political action is NOT the only thing a person should do) a person should take??
Serious question…is YOUR ‘plan’ just wait for the Gov to collapse so you can dance naked with the dirty hippies in the ruins of civilization? Because its not gonna happen…really, and santa is not real either.
The problem with “trust the plan” types AND with “Its all fake, man!” types is that they both have a false idea about how stuff works. Instead its better to start thinking of yourself and your family as a small, weak, country and then look at what powers want you dead and what powers just want to rob you and what powers might actually be friendly to you.
Its nice to feel like your right about something- its just not very a very useful emotion when it comes to navigating thru the real world.
To be honest if you think that who has the actual levers of power is UNIMPORTANT then your a silly person and your opinions are of no value
Excellent. Thanks.
January 26, 2018 – C-Span – 36:18 minute Trump-bragging speech
President Trump Addresses World Economic Forum
President Trump declared America open for business and called for global investments in the U.S. His comments came as he addressed participants at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. He also stressed that the U.S. will no longer tolerate unfair trade practices. Following his speech, the president spoke with the World Economic Forum founder for a brief question and session. Boos in the audience could be heard as the president spoke about the media coverage he had received since his campaign and election win.
January 26, 2018 | Clip Of President Trump Addresses World Economic Forum (sitdown discussion)
This clip, title, and description were not created by C-SPAN. [54 seconds]
Transcript of Trump after Schwab’s two questions
“Well, first of all, Klaus, I want to congratulate you. This is an incredible group of people. We had dinner last night with about 15 leaders of industry, none of whom I knew, but all of whom I’ve read about for years. And it was truly an incredible group. But I think I have 15 new friends. So this has been really great what you’ve done and putting it together, the economic forum.”
“The tax reform was a dream of a lot of people over many years, but they weren’t able to get it done. Many people tried, and Ronald Reagan was really the last to make a meaningful cut and reform. And ours is cutting and reforming. We emphasize cut, but the reform is probably almost as important. We’ve wanted to do it. It is very tough, politically, to do it. Hard to believe that would be, but it is very, very tough. That’s why it hasn’t been done in close to 40 years.”
User Clip – Trump and Klause Sit-down – 7:11 minutes
Prelude: The Power of the System is built entirely on ignorant people.
”It’s worse than you think!”
It has been and will be hot in Texas near the 100 °F – 37.78 °C range. A couple days ago when I had a break in the cooler morning, I made a quick trip to the grocery store to pick up a few things.
As I’m rolling my cart down an aisle for checkout, the grocery store App contractor tries to snag me.
I kept going, smiling and looking back, ”You already talked to me.”
[See this anecdote(s) ]
He raced up beside me saying “Oh yea, oh yea.”
Well, I know that probably wasn’t true that he remembered me. I have done door-to-door sales and countless other activities interacting individually with many, many tens of thousands of faces. Their faces can be a blur, even that group of guys that beat me to a pulp.
So, I remind him pretending that he already knew, “Yea, I’m that guy who was bitching about the data harvesting.”
That memory clicked with him. He remembered my NARRATIVE.
Our conversation, a very friendly one, deepens, and we both pull-over just near the checkout registers. We end up talking for about 10 minutes.
At one point he says, “Yea, I know that Big Tech is harvesting our data.”
Wide-eyed I respond, ”Oh no! No! It’s worse than you think! It’s worse than you think!”
I said this with absolutely no make-wrong attitude, but more like two explorers in the woods, when one says “there’s a snake” and the other exclaims “No! That it is a whole nest of snakes!”
I start shooting off specifics about JD Vance, Peter Thiel, Palantir and its history, the CIA, NSA, Google, Big Tech’s government seed money and contracts. I roll into every Central Bank in the World, not just The Fed, is developing the digital currency. The 1.4 billion people in India are now on the biometric eyeball scanned digital ID Aadhaar, and details on the China system of controlling the population. I pound home the point that everything about you, where you have been and who your friends are is being built into a profile for your digital ID and money. It’s about controlling the population.
Genuinely interested, he asks, ”Where do you go to learn all this?”
I tell him about Corbett Report and that everything is sourced with documentation, because it is important for people to draw their own conclusions. The guy takes out his notebook and has me spell Corbett Report.
As we part, we are shaking hands like good friends and exchanging first names.
By the way, customers and employees around us definitely over-heard my end of the conversation.
Each of us can change the NARRATIVE, if only one person at a time.
Great anecdote! (And you were lucky to find someone who was open minded enough to listen!)
That was some great planting. Dorothy is going bye bye.
Published Monday August 5, 2024 on Neil Oliver’s YouTube Channel
Neil Oliver Interviews Whitney Webb – It’s us versus them!
– SpareMeTheLies Bitchute Channel of Joe’s
Whitney Webb rapid fires the history and influence of the criminal, global empire while also underscoring the anarchist mindset and solutions.
There is a lot to communicate, and Webb fires off more words per second (wpm) than anyone I know.
Thus, technically, with this 82 minute video you get credit for a three hour video.
Worth listening to (interviews) and reading (book and Substack essays):
The Predators versus The People
Site description:
An initiative to raise awareness on the dire situation we’re in. First with a book revealing the Big Picture of the 500-year secret war against humanity, downloadable here in 7 languages. More educational work to be done, and volunteers needed!
Brief bio and interview excerpt:
An excerpt from one of his Substack essays on “the big picture”:
“Educational modules, and hopefully a documentary, should be developed on the basis of this book, to quickly create awareness in many more people than the readers of this book. As Paul Cudenec, author at and Substack, writes:
“Mees Baaijen’s The Predators really is essential reading for anyone (and this should mean everyone!) who wants to understand the world we live in. The breadth of his take is staggering, his clarity is refreshing and his determination to take his analysis right through to its logical conclusion is laudable…
“And this framework of understanding can be the basis of a new movement of international resistance that will go beyond merely identifying the criminocrats and aim to bring their odious rule to an end.
“To realize this, first the book should be double-checked and verified. If you have an interest to collaborate in this effort, please visit section Let’s set history straight!”
PFAS in paper straws. (Solution: buy some stainless steel ones to have on hand at home and in the car.)
“What was it that silly conspiracy theorists like to say?”
Go to the end of the story for the money shot.
Thursday August 8, 2024 (Bulgaria) – Irina Slav
A nutshell called Paris
[See text links]
You know how many of us have been calling for an actual experiment with net zero? Take a town, make it net-zero and see how it works, that sort of thing? Well, we just got what we wanted in Paris.
Since I don’t really follow the Olympics, it was belatedly that I learned this year’s edition was supposed to be the greenest in the history of the games but when I did learn it eventually, it was more than I could have ever asked for.
Predominantly vegetarian food, no air conditioning in athletes’ rooms and on the buses that transport the athletes to the venues, eco-friendly mattresses, swimming in the Seine instead of pools (I’m not sure how exactly this falls under the net-zero label but whatever) — the French had really taken their net-zero mission seriously. And they promptly turned into a laughing stock.
I’m sure you’ve all seen the reports. Teams bringing their own ACs. Teams moving out of the Olympic village to get some air-conditioned comfort and decent food. Athletes getting sick after swimming in the Seine. And, of course, the massive outcry against the vegetarian menus — and the very pertinent suggestion by Tammy Nemeth that if richer teams could afford to move to hotels but poorer ones couldn’t, wasn’t that an unfair advantage?
The Paris Olympics have turned into a summary of the energy transition in a nutshell: a complete disregard of physical realities in favour of a fantastical goal that has about the same chance of succeeding as a vegan hockey team beating a meat-eating team.
Of course, there has been a backlash from veganists on the food topic. After those responsible for catering to the athletes discovered — with much surprise, I’m sure — that professional athletes cannot perform optimally on a 60% vegan diet, the menu was “adjusted”, meaning changed. Athletes breathed a sigh of relief but veganists and vegetarians jumped at the chance to cry foul.
“Athletes requiring high animal protein diets is a myth that has been busted a long time ago. Those perpetuating it in these Games aren’t basing their arguments on science,” the policy manager of the European Vegetarian Union, because there is such a thing, told Euronews.
Of course it’s a myth, just like the myth that oil and gas produce more reliable energy supply than wind and solar. That’s probably why the history of sports is so full of vegan champions across disciplines. And that’s why people in countries with a lot of wind and solar pay so much less for energy than people in countries that focus on hydrocarbons.
I haven’t seen an explanation of the gastrointestinal problems athletes developed after swimming in the Seine but they could be probably put down to that increase in meat, eggs, and carbohydrates….
Palentir recently released earnings…
Thursday August 8 – Reuters via Yahoo
Palantir to deploy AI products on Microsoft Azure for US government agencies
FULL article
Palantir Technologies (PLTR) said on Thursday it will offer its products, including the Artificial Intelligence Platform (AIP) on Microsoft’s (MSFT) cloud platforms, which cater to the US government and federal agencies such as the Department of Defense.
The data analytics company will deploy its products, including the “Gotham” software — which assists in locating targets on battlefields — on Microsoft’s Azure Government and Azure Government Secret cloud platforms.
Palantir will “be the first industry partner to deploy Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service in classified environments,” CTO Shyam Sankar said in a statement.
The Azure OpenAI service gives customers access to the Microsoft-backed AI startup’s language models, such as GPT-4.
Palantir’s AIP, which helps test and debug code and evaluate AI-related scenarios, can be used across defense and intelligence verticals, the company said.
However, the availability of these services is subject to authorization and accreditation by government agencies.
Co-founded by billionaire Peter Thiel, a significant portion of Palantir’s revenue comes from government clients, with the US government accounting for more than 40% of Palantir’s total revenue in the June quarter.
The company’s early financial backers included CIA’s venture arm, In-Q-Tel.
Palantir and Microsoft will run bootcamps to promote their new services for defense and intelligence communities.
Thursday August 1 – Derrick Broze
The Co-Opting of Bitcoin: BTC Nashville, Peter Thiel, Donald Trump, and Rumble
[The full article is enlightening.]
In June, big tech venture capitalists David Sacks and Chamath Palihapitiya hosted a fundraiser for Trump at Sacks’ home in the Pacific Heights neighborhood of San Francisco. The meeting netted the Trump campaign $12 million after Trump reportedly said he would be “the crypto president”…
…David Sacks is most well-known for his involvement in the early days of PayPal, serving as the Chief Operating Officer. Sacks is also a member of the so-called “PayPal Mafia”…
…Howery co-founded the Founders Fund with Peter Thiel, another infamous big tech giant who is a member of the PayPal Mafia and has long been connected to intelligence networks via Palantir. Palantir also played a major role in COVID-19 surveillance. Thiel has recently gained well-deserved scrutiny for his role in financing the rise of Donald Trump’s Vice Presidential pick, J.D. Vance.
J.D. Vance, the 39-year old Ohio Senator, was in attendance at David Sacks’ June fundraiser for Donald Trump.
In fact, according to “two people with knowledge of the exchange”, during the event Trump “informally polled the room” regarding who he should choose for his Vice Presidential running mate.
David Sacks, Chamath Palihapitiya, and others all told Trump he should choose Vance.
Elon Musk also reportedly encouraged Trump to pick Vance.
A few weeks later at the Republican National Convention that’s exactly what Donald Trump did.
J.D. Vance claims that after hearing Peter Thiel deliver a speech at Yale Law School in 2011 he was inspired to pursue a career in big tech firms. Vance briefly worked at biotechnology firm Circuit Therapeutics, a move which then-CEO Frederic Moll told the NY Times was a “favor to Peter.”
In 2019, Vance would found his own venture firm, Narya Capital, with financial backing from the former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, the billionaire investor Marc Andreessen, and Peter Thiel.
Informed readers will recall that both Peter Thiel and Eric Schmidt are steering committee members of the secretive and infamous Bilderberg Group. This fact is all the more intriguing when considering that Schmidt tends to donate to Democratic Party candidates and Thiel’s network is embracing the Republican Party presidential candidate. No matter which party wins, they will have one of the Bilderberg Group’s steering committee members to thank.
Peter Thiel went on to give $15 million to Vance’s 2022 campaign for Senate. David Sacks, PayPal Mafia alum, also contributed $1 million to a political action committee supporting Vance’s Senate run.
The effort to put Vance in the U.S. Senate came as a result of funding from the little known Rockbridge Network….
TIDBIT Excerpt from Broze article…
Another interesting facet of (Howard) Lutnick’s personal story is that Cantor Fitzgerald’s offices were located in the 101st to the 105th floors of One World Trade Center.
The firm lost 658 of its 960 employees due to the terrorist attack.
However, Lutnick happened to be accompanying his wife as she took their son to his first day of kindergarten.
Catherine Austin Fitts:
“9/11 was extraordinarily profitable for Wall Street, they of course got a kind of „Get Out of Jail Free card“ as I’ve just described.
In addition, the largest broker of government bonds, Cantor Fitzgerald, was destroyed, and there was a great deal of money missing from the federal government in the prior four or five years.
If you look at the amount of funds involved, it is hard to come to a conclusion other than massive securities fraud was involved, so I find it very interesting that this happened.”
A short explanation:
Cantor Fitzgerald’s headquarters were located in the North Tower of the WTC (floors 101-105). On 9/11, the company lost nearly two-thirds of its entire workforce, more than any other tenant in the WTC. (Also two other government bonds brokers, Garbon Inter Capital and Eurobrokers, occupied office space in the WTC towers that were destroyed.) Back to Fitts and the question: „Cui bono 9/11?“
[My note: The bond market is huge, much bigger than the stock market.]
April 27, 2017
Interview 1271 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato
Story #1: Obama’s $400,000 Cantor Speech Makes Him Wall Street’s Newest Fat Cat
Story #1 Complete 9/11 Timeline: Cantor Fitzgerald Securities
Tuesday August 13 – Derrick Broze
What Role Will Google’s Eric Schmidt Play in Election 2024?
[This article strongly covers Eric Schmidt, but also makes the case that “voting doesn’t matter”.]
…Hoffman’s attempts to contrast Harris with Trump ring hollow when you recognize that both candidates and both parties receive funding and moral support from individuals with deep ties to the ruling class behind the political puppets. Namely, the Bilderberg Group.
Eric Schmidt is currently a Steering Committee Member of the secretive Bilderberg Group. He attended the latest meeting in May 2024 in Madrid, Spain. As did Peter Thiel. Peter Thiel is also a Steering Committee Member of the Bilderberg Group as well.
I recently reported how Thiel and others in the right-wing of Big Tech have decided to go all-in on Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign. They argue that this a defensive move to protect their industries from the encroachment of the Biden administration. Conversely, Reid Hoffman is also calling on the left-wing of Big Tech to support Kamala Harris to protect their industry.
This gives the appearance that there is a divide within Big Tech, with the left-wing rallying behind Harris, and the right-wing lining up behind Trump. While there may be some level of truth to this analysis, the reality is that this is simply the illusion of choice.
What’s important is that both Schmidt and Thiel are deeply involved in the Bilderberg Group and have been regular attendees of the secretive meeting for years. The members of Bilderberg and the invited attendees represent a closer approximation of the true power within the United States and the world at large. They are the true source of power behind Presidents and Prime Ministers.
At the end of the day, no matter which corporate party Americans vote for, a Bilderberg-backed candidate will be in the White House.
So much for being a representative Democracy….
August 22, 2024 Derrick Broze
America’s Frontier Fund: The Venture Capital Firm with Ties to Peter Thiel and Eric Schmidt
While Peter Thiel and Eric Schmidt fund opposing sides of the U.S. election, they are both invested in a venture capital firm with deep ties to U.S. intelligence and military.
Americans are increasingly becoming aware of the fact that the secretive Bilderberg Group is funding both sides of the 2024 Presidential Election, with former Google CEO Eric Schmidt going all in on Democratic Party candidate Kamala Harris, and Peter Thiel investing millions in support of Republican nominee, former President Donald Trump. Both Thiel and Schmidt are steering committee members of the Bilderberg Group.
While knowledge of this illusion of choice is spreading, the connections between Thiel and Schmidt — as well as other members of the Bilderberg Group — run deeper than surface level relationships. Rather, the intersection between the hidden ruling class represented at the Bilderberg meetings, and the Big Tech Technocrats, has immense influence on the U.S. government, U.S. military-intelligence at the highest levels, and, thus, the world in general.
One example of this incestuous relationship can clearly be seen at America’s Frontier Fund.
What is America’s Frontier Fund?…
…The In-Q-Tel Connection…
…International Influence….
Was hoping someone would help me by recalling a show in the Corbett Zone that walks us thru how people are recruited by CFR, NWO, CIA Reprobates and groomed to become reprobate. The question came up on twitter. The guy is green. i can think of 3 posts, but is overwhelming. Besides, i’m tired.
Newsletter is no good as 1/2 will not show. Tried recruit, recruiting, groom… Maybe someone has done an article on Divine9 or how to get into Harvard. So i would appreciate any help. Thanks!
For those interested in the abiotic oil topic:
Tom Nelson recently posted a painstaking interview with a certain Suresh Bansal exposing his hypotheses concerning biogenic vs abiotic petroleum. Though he admits he’s no scientist his ideas concerning the genesis and quantities of the vast vast majority of oil on Earth are provocative and as he states, even have implications for the formation of life itself on Earth (and elsewhere). (nutshell (if I’ve understood correctly): there is no fossil fuel and almost no biogenic petroleum, oil is almost exclusively abiotic except for minute quantities formed along riverbeds, asteroids are essential for generating oil and life on Earth and in addition to their impact, which creates the conditions for the formation of other complex hydrocarbons, they bring key elements of the stratosphere with them.) And there used to be huge quantities of hydrocarbons on the surface of the Earth… if I got that right… Gonna listen to it again myself! Oh! And he says the Russians and Ukrainians have drilled down much further (10k kilometers) than Americans and Europeans (2 or 3 kilometers) and with success! I’m not sure that’s true.
Thank you for the post. You might also be interested in the hydrocarbons discovered on Titan:
Saturn’s orange moon Titan has hundreds of times more liquid hydrocarbons than all the known oil and natural gas reserves on Earth, according to new data from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft. The hydrocarbons rain from the sky, collecting in vast deposits that form lakes and dunes.
Yes! Thank-you! He (Bansal) mentions Titan! He posits that perhaps Titan might be comparable to a very early form of Earth. Having listened a second time I realized that I had misunderstood certain points such as the fact that the asteroids (he thinks there were several that hit our planet) activate molecular fusions in the stratosphere that create complex hydrocarbons that subsequently rain down onto the Earth’s surface or are perhaps brought down by subsequent bodies smashing into our planet.
At any rate, thanks for your reply Jo-Ann!
I’m half the interview in and I have to say this fella is likely the worst Q&A guest in the world, ever, according to me. I wish he would just give straight answers and delineate clearly between supposition and what is known. Quite annoying, have to take a break. Maybe he’s just a bit lost in the translation.
You made my day!
Famous quote
“It all depends on where you’re standing.” -nosoapradio
I think he just doesn’t quite get the gist of the question due to the fact that his native language is most probably Hindi.
I’d forgotten first time ’round that Tom Nelson offers a summary of the points made at the very beginning of the interview which was very helpful the second time around (I’m no scientist either).
It’s a fresh perspective but I think, perhaps among other things, he’s mistaken about European and American companies not drilling down beyond 2 or 3 miles. It’s a painstaking interview but at about 2 thirds of the way in I started understanding what he wanted to say. He self-admittedly is not a scientist. But I found the categorical “there are essentially no fossil fuels” provocative.
Friday August 9, 2024 – Associated Press
Japan marks 79th A-bomb anniversary in Nagasaki
90 seconds
Nagasaki marked the 79th anniversary of its atomic bombing at the end of World War II at a ceremony Friday eclipsed by the absence of the American ambassador and other Western envoys in response to the Japanese city’s refusal to invite Israel.
Mayor Shiro Suzuki, in a speech at Nagasaki Peace Park, called for nuclear weapon states and those under their nuclear umbrellas, including Japan, to abolish the weapons.
“You must face up to the reality that the very existence of nuclear weapons poses an increasing threat to humankind, and you must make a brave shift toward the abolition of nuclear weapons,” Suzuki said.
He warned that the world faces “a critical situation” because of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and accelerating conflicts in the Middle East.
The atomic bomb dropped by the United States on Nagasaki on Aug. 9, 1945, killed 70,000 people, three days after the bombing of Hiroshima killed 140,000. Japan surrendered on Aug. 15, 1945, ending World War II and its nearly half-century of aggression across Asia.
Just so folks are aware…
On Thursday August 8, there was an earthquake at the most southern area of Japan.
Metre-high waves are already slamming into shorelines in Japan’s Kyushu and Shikoku islands, after an earthquake hit off the country’s south. Authorities put regions on alert for a possible megaquake to follow.
circa 2007 James Corbett Hiroshima visit VIDEOs – Listed
Thursday August 8 – By Dave DeCamp (News Editor of
US Ambassador Boycotts Nagasaki A-Bomb Ceremony Because Israel Is Not Invited
Israeli officials have pointed to the US nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to justify the mass slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza
US Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel will boycott Friday’s memorial service in Nagasaki commemorating the 79th anniversary of the US dropping a nuclear bomb on the city because Israel was not invited to attend.
Emanuel said the ceremony had become “politicized” by the decision not to invite Israel, but Russia and Belarus will also be excluded for the third year in a row, a move supported by the US.
Envoys from the US, the UK, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, and the European Union sent a letter to Nagasaki last month saying it would “become difficult for us to have high-level participation” if Israel wasn’t invited. The envoys said the decision would equate Israel with Russia and Belarus.
Nagasaki Mayor Shiro Suzuki stuck to his decision not to invite Israel despite the pressure…
…Israel’s ambassador to Japan was invited to Hiroshima’s ceremony on Tuesday, which was attended by Emanuel and other Western ambassadors. The ambassadors of the UK, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, and the EU are expected to boycott the Nagasaki ceremony along with Emanuel, and the Western nations will send lower-level representatives instead.
Israeli officials have pointed to the US and allied bombings of Japan and Germany during World War II to justify the mass slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza. President Biden said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pointed to the US atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which killed over 200,000 Japanese civilians, in conversations they had about Gaza.
“It was pointed out to me that — by Bibi (Netanyahu) — that ‘Well, you carpet-bombed Germany. You dropped the atom bomb. A lot of civilians died,’” Biden said in December 2023. [END]
Meet Rahm Emanuel
My hypocrisy meter blew up.
“….Israeli officials have pointed to the US and allied bombings of Japan and Germany during World War II to justify the mass slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza. ….”
Since jews basically wanted to starve large numers of Germans to death after WW2 (Morgenthau plan) but were unable to because of the cold war its not really a shock they feel like that.
They really are the most racist people on the planet….even racists I know personally still think people they hate are human beings but Israel does not extend humanity to anyone but themselves
Sugar is not the driver…
Comparisons of Sugar, Seed Oils, Diabetes, Obesity and health issues
Watch the first 6 minutes to see the graphs…
Dr. Chris Knobbe is interviewed by Dr. Eric Berg in this 35 minute video.
After the first 6 minutes, the body mechanisms are discussed. Other phenomena is mentioned, such as sugar/carb craving and how long it may take for the body to detox the seed oils. [Remember that the body (mitochondria) derives energy from either oils or sugar.]
The video’s shownotes point to the two websites of Dr. Chris Knobbe.
Also linked are the “seed oil free” restaurant Apps. I find this aspect to be ‘kind of cool’, because it is a community driven SOLUTION toward better food choices.
August 2022, Dr Chris Knobbe (with links & script) was mentioned in several comments.
People are alarmed and speaking out…
Canton, TX (Van Zandt County) is just east of Dallas.
Tues Aug 6 – WFAA Channel 8 News
Residents in rural North Texas town speaking out against the use of biosolids fertilizer
4 minutes
The owner of more than 200 acres has filed for a permit to spread biosolids, also called sewage sludge, on his land.
February – March 2024 SUBTHREAD
PFAS & Biosolid Fertilizer from Wasterwater Sewage Treatment Plants
(includes links to “Who Regulates Organic Labelling?”)
Authoritarian gods
…and the mindless mindset of other authoritarians concerning “regulations”
Like a citizen stresses, “We know it is dangerous!”
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) representative said their hands are tied because of current Texas regulations.
They say they are waiting for new EPA guidelines that are expected later this year.
The BioSolids Representative who won’t guarantee it is non-toxic says, “Well, I can’t guarantee anything ever because I’m not the one doing the applications…it’s always our intent to follow TCEQ regulations.”
Insanity… “We will continue to poison people and the planet until a higher authority tells us not to.”
We don’t need robots. The world breeds them.
James, I hope you are working on some kind of digital false flag/Cyber Polygon project in August, because it seems like something relevant that you should be researching and informing us about, so that we don’t have to do the heavy lifting*. Also, I think in a Mandelaverse, alternate timeline, you already did this, and the only way to bring balance to the multiverse is if you do a mini doc presentation on this topic in this universe.
Also, I like to see the Gaza/Palestinian Holocaust post. Its very depressing (I follow on X & 4Chan, etc.), but it needs exposé (by alt/independent researchers like yourself).
I need to catch your conversation with Jimmy Dore, too. He’s having guys and gals on his show like you and Whitney Webb – very cool! Now all we need is more Venn diagram crossover with alt media libertarian (voluntaryist) types (Corbett Report) with the Nazis/dissident right (Red Ice) and the Gnostics & occultists (Aeon Byte, Gordon White) and the synchromystics (Chris Knowles), et al. (again) Maybe throw in some true-crime researcher conspiracists like William Ramsey while we’re at it. We need more audience cross-contamination in the End Times, damnit!
I guess we can check off radical Left Marxists, since you already had the conversation with Dore.
* you have ‘cyber 911’ search result hits on the site, but they’re mainly from 2017, so we could use an update…
The following story and its ‘scientific study’ are an example of a “seeded story”, a designed narrative, a covert agenda in play…
Thursday August 8, 2024 – Newsweek
Millions of Americans May Risk Liver Damage From Unregulated Herbal Products
EXCERPTS at the bottom of the article:
The authors caveat their findings by noting that none of the people in the survey experienced any liver injuries, as the sample size was fairly small…
… “Considering widespread and growing popularity of botanical products, we urge government authorities to consider increasing the regulatory oversight on how botanicals are produced, marketed, tested, and monitored in the general population,” they wrote.
(BIG PHARMA is all over this…)
Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Dr Chen reported receiving grants from Kowa, AstraZeneca, and Ipsen outside the submitted work. Dr Fontana reported receiving grants from Takeda Pharmaceutical Company and Kezar Life Sciences outside the submitted work. No other disclosures were reported.
[I would bet that the University of Michigan (Alisa Likhitsup) receives grant money from Big Pharma.]
What most people do not realize is that there is a very active campaign by Big Pharma to destroy and compromise the vitamin supplement industry.
Who is going to tell the public?…the MainstreamMedia who get their advertising dollars from Big Pharma…or the ‘altruistic’ Big Tech billionaires backing both political parties who are trying to enslave us and turn us plebs into squat goblins.
The Canadian Government’s WAR on SUPPLEMENTS has been vicious.
Natural Health Products in Canada are at Risk
5 minute video
Natural Health Products Protection Association (NHPPA)
Shawn Buckley is a Canadian constitutional lawyer with 30 years of experience and a proven track record defending more natural health companies against Health Canada than any other lawyer.
Since 2008, Mr. Buckley has been President of the Natural Health Products Protection Association (NHPPA), which is dedicated to protecting Canadians’ access to natural health products.
Thursday April 4, 2024 – The Highwire – Episode 366: REALITY BITES
41 minutes
Constitutional Attorney & President of the Natural Health Products Protection Association, Shawn Buckley, LLB, warns Del of the Canadian government’s war on vitamins and supplements via the introduction of extreme regulations designed to restrict access and raise the cost of natural products.
Colorado State Law requires retail businesses to accept CASH
But there are ‘problems’…
Many businesses do not know about it, and it is non-enforceable.
9NEWS (KUSA) is located in Denver, Colorado.
Wed August 7, 2024
Enforcing Colorado’s ‘must accept cash’ law is tough
(3 1/2 minutes)
Anecdotes and documents are shown in the short news segment.
Well…thats actually a hopeful story in that you CAN fuss about it and most comply.
The Americans with disabilities act (IIR the name right) was used to force companies into fixing up more access ramps and such and this law can potentially do the same
Sadly, he real issue is that not enough people WANT to use cash because they have been ‘nudged’ by incentives into using card.
Locally, businesses say they prefer not to accept cash because they fear being robbed. I wonder whether a store who accepts cash but doesn’t give change, or gives change in scrip, would be permitted. When they receive cash they could dump it directly into a safe which cannot be opened by staff present, probably would be safe from nongovernmental robbers.
“…I wonder whether a store who accepts cash but doesn’t give change, or gives change in scrip, would be permitted….”
I expect that they WOULD be allowed to do that…..unless lawmakers made a fuss or regulators jumped on them. Its funny though because they have to pay service fees on cards (which run up everyones prices) but they keep the fees when you pay cash.
The real issue is people though, I know people who have not had cash in their hand for a year or more because ‘getting to the bank is a pain’…. and these are actual boomers from the days when only rich folks had creditcards and you might get paid in cash at some factories.
A new short video I just uploaded.
Who You Are
Documentary on weaponization of the term “conspiracy theory” that might interest you. Could have been shorter, faster-paced, but glad someone made the film.
The Conspiracy “Theory” Conspiracy
by Know More News | Publication date 2015-08-15 | 2:09:55
Heads up: Globalist Coalition Seeks Revision to UN Charter to Create Technocratic World Government
“Unelected globalists want to rewrite the UN Charter so that it ‘could articulate the rules of a World Parliament‘ for ‘world citizens‘ with binding legislative & enforcement powers that eliminate State sovereignty: perspective.”
More details: The Club of Rome and the Council for the Human Future Globalists Release New Report Calls for Strengthening Global Governance and Giving the UN the Capacity to Pass Binding Legislation
@HomeRemedySupply (and others also welcome to provide their 0.02) what does this look like to you? (a non referral URL follows)
I have listened to a few podcasts detailing this product. It appears to be the best thing for chelation since sliced bread. The creators of the product leave the impression of honest caring individuals, but I could obviously be wrong about that.
Upon visiting the site and registering to it (there are some limitations that apply as you may find out) a few red flags popped up. I am not detailing them here because I don’t want to paint anyone’s opinion. So, what does this thing look like to you?
I have powdered Zeolite for body detox, although I rarely use it.
The shelf life goes on forever.
Mkey, I like how you highlight the mechanical aspects.
An interesting aspect of many PFAS “forever chemicals” is that typically one part of the molecule is positive and one part is negative. This is how Teflon gets its ‘slick non-stick’ attribute.
Howard Garrett the Organic Dirt Doctor has long been advocating zeolite for decades.
The “Organic Club of America” also promotes zeolite. See Howard’s website for link.
I have used it before on various parts of different yards/gardens over the years.
Farm Store zeolite is relatively inexpensive, just like horticultural cornmeal and other soil amendments.
Typically, Howard Garrett also prescribes Dry Molasses when applying zeolite for soil detox.
Clumping, sticky clays (when wet) tend to have a binding effect.
Ya know that you are in the right area when an inch of clay sticks to the bottom of your shoes.
I use zeolite powder for cleaning teeth and I have been quite pleased with how it does.
What I was referring to when it comes to the above site is that one can not even register without having a referral and the whole website it, how shall I say it, very MLMy. Referrals and the referral program is very much highlighted once you login.
Oh… Multi-Level Marketing
That price…about a buck for two and a half drops.
Oh man, they sure are proud of the marine plasma infused with “high consciousness fields” et al.
It sounds like it is homeopathic.
The last label implies it.
I’ve seen some cool stuff happen with homeopathic remedies.
At this link, I talk about an “Organic Gardening Trade Show” I went to. The vendor had homeopathic remedies for plants (and people.)
I should probably better state the above phrase…
“An interesting aspect of many PFAS “forever chemicals” is that typically one part of the molecule is hydrophobic and one part is hydrophilic.” This is how Teflon gets its ‘slick non-stick’ attribute.
Just today I read a Substack by a nurse who works with Pierre Kory’s medical practice that claims zeolite is known to cause micro-clotting. They had some patients who were not responding to their protocols until the patients stopped their zeolite supplementation, which had been recommended by other ND for chelating heavy metals. Link to the article:
Thanks jo-ann! That is good to know!
People may find this useful. “AI” powered video (audio?) summarisation tool.
You know what I find frustrating about all this “AI” jazz (aside from the fake books with fake authors that I wrote about on my blog) is all these people I am getting coming into the nursery I work at, looking for garden design tips and then asking me how they can incorporate some image of a thing that looks like a plant (which they got on instagram or facebook) into their garden. Only problem is, many of these images they are showing me are 100% computer generated AI “art” with a bunch of flashy colors copy pasted onto a leaf. I try to tell them that no such Hosta or Hydrangea exists but some of them persist and tell me “but I saw it on my facebook garden guru’s page, it has to be real!”.
It is exhausting, I get like two- five people a day showing me these fake plants and/or AI generated landscape designs where large trees (with substantial root systems) and/or again, completely AI generated fake trees smushed up against house foundations etc.
I spend about an hour a day telling people how their fake plants are not available here or anywhere else in this world and that planting a giant oak 3 feet from your house like your AI design suggests is a bad idea.
The stupid have just another way to wear you down, Gavin. I think both of us know you can spend that hour daily on more fruitful matters.
If they would insist with me about things I am pretty confident do not exist, I would tell them to bring me an old book confirming ther conjecture.
I think the worst thing about “AI” is theft of human developed forms of style and expression.
Yes the fact that I know I can spend that hour on more fruitful matters is the part that gets to me the most… alas the job description comes with being patient, diplomatic and placating potential customers and no-one else around here is paying as much as I earn working this day job so I can save up to print my next book. I could quit and become a rogue regenerative designer / landscaper but i do not own a truck so that would require allocating my savings to a truck rather than printing my book (pushing my book years down the road) so that is not something I am willing to do at this point.
I like your idea about confirming via an old book and I have asked some stubborn people to reference literature a few times but they shake their head like I am some archaic luddite for not just “googling it” instead.
The worst part is how poorly these AI generated designs are as far as putting appropriate plants in sunny vs shady areas and in proximity to structures. I have to calmly explain that ferns cannot go with echinacea as the ferns will get fried, or that giant maples cannot be planted 2 feet from your front door no matter how cool the AI generated image makes it look.
More than half of these people that show me pictures of fake hostas (with fluorescent purple and neon green stripes etc) or idiotic AI garden designs listen to what I tell them and appear learn the lesson that not everything they get from chat GPT or see on facebook, instagram and google is a real thing but the other half get all skeptical or bitchy with me (because they have emotionally invested themselves in imagining these fake plants in their garden).
I feel like telling them “if you want that plant you will have to create a digital garden on your ipad, when you have questions about real plants I can help you”, but I just nod and let them have a hissy fit if that is what they wanna do and then move onto helping others interested in planting real trees and plants.
The purple (fake) hosta in this article below is very popular right now, I get about 3 people per day some days showing me it.
Apparently some scammers stole the guy’s book that wrote the article above and put a fake AI regurgitated version on Amazon (so please let me know if you see someone selling a Recipes For Reciprocity AI knock off with some fake author name attached!).
I have even had a few people show me some of these fake cartoon plants and it has a fake (totally invented and non-existent) latin name attached to it! I am not sure what is going on with those ones… some kind of weird garden forum trolls messing with people perhaps?
Anyways I appreciate being able to vent and I thank you for the response and the link you shared above.
The underlaying issue here is that people are obsessed with their accomodation and lifestyle as if they were something more than the means to an end. The end being living fulfilled lives.
The author of the gardening book I mentioned in the comment above that appears to have been plagiarized (via AI chatbot) and is being re-sold on Amazon is a lady, not a guy
Gross Profit Margins with Semiconductor chips helps to feed the AI Hype.
Some examples:
Arteris Inc – 93%
NVIDIA – 78%
Chips and AI are like a stock sector fad where money flows into this sector.
They feed on each other.
On earning reports, the more times “AI” is mentioned, the higher their stock price goes with investors piling in.
The gross profit margins which some of these chip companies have is stellar.
These companies are a magnet for investment money on Wall Street.
If the company has a lot of sales (a lot of revenue) with the high profit, then they are looking very healthy.
Gross Profit Margins will change every quarter.
To their defence, there is something to these chips that is of actual purpose. Nvidia, for example, now has these tensor cores I believe they are called, that will allow quite an incredible performance boost when rendering high resolution content. Stuff like 50%, which is unheard off.
They also grant improvements when working with LLMs, even though these require a lot of VRAM, 16GB becoming the new norm.
In the post linked below I share the full recipe for a kimchi that invites you to embrace the golden hues of the carotenoid spectrum.
It is a recipe that not only preserves seasonal garden abundances and tastes great, but also offers Ocular-Regenerative/Ocular-Protective, Glyphosate detoxing, Cardio-Protective (and perhaps Cardio-Regenerative Potential), Radioprotective, Radiomitigative and Radiomodulatory, Immune system optimizing, neuroprotective, anti-tumour action, anti-inflammatory (and more) benefits.
Enter 𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐂𝐡𝐢
This post linked above shares an upgraded version of a recipe from my first book which includes a nutrient dense, flavor packed and medicinal grade carotenoid/curcumin-rich Kimchi that will go in my next book.
Kimchi is one of our favorite ways to combine many heavy producing garden crops into a single medicinally synergistic, nutritionally potent and delicious preserve.
The fact that all you need to ferment veggies for creating recipes such as this is salt, a knife, strong hands (and/or a blunt veggie bruising tool) and a fermentation vessel makes this low-tech food preservation method a powerful skillset to develop in the context of emergency preparedness.
I hope the recipe linked above will inspire you to try creating some of your own medicinal preserves with locally sourced and/or homegrown ingredients. Each step we take to boycott Big Pharma as well as Big AG and instead embrace Mother Earth’s medicine cabinet is a conscious choice to move into health sovereignty and realign our creative energy with the regenerative capacity of the living planet.
In the post linked below I share the full recipe for a kimchi that invites you to embrace the golden hues of the carotenoid spectrum.
It is a recipe that not only preserves seasonal garden abundances and tastes great, but also offers Ocular-Regenerative/Ocular-Protective, Glyphosate detoxing, Cardio-Protective (and perhaps Cardio-Regenerative Potential), Radioprotective, Radiomitigative and Radiomodulatory, Immune system optimizing, neuroprotective, anti-tumour action, anti-inflammatory (and more) benefits.
Enter 𝐆𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐂𝐡𝐢
This post shares an upgraded version of a recipe from my first book which includes a nutrient dense, flavor packed and medicinal grade carotenoid/curcumin-rich Kimchi that will go in my next book.
Kimchi is one of our favorite ways to combine many of those crops into a single medicinally synergistic, nutritionally potent and delicious preserve.
The fact that all you need to ferment veggies for creating recipes such as this is salt, a knife, strong hands (and/or a blunt veggie bruising tool) and a fermentation vessel makes this low-tech food preservation method a powerful skillset to develop in the context of emergency preparedness.
I hope the following recipe will inspire you to try creating some of your own medicinal preserves with locally sourced and/or homegrown ingredients. Each step we take to boycott Big Pharma as well as Big AG and instead embrace Mother Earth’s medicine cabinet is a conscious choice to move into health sovereignty and realign our creative energy with the regenerative capacity of the living planet.
The carotenoid rich Kimchi shared through he link above contains a mixture of vibrant and nutritious fermented superfoods that come together into a well rounded warm, tangy and umami centered sensory experience.
Due to the presence of ginger, turmeric, goji berries, hot chilis, amaranth, five flavor berries, cabbage and probiotics in this preserve it is a food that supercharges/optimizes the function of the innate immune system. Therefore, raw kimchi is not only a delicious food but also a powerful medicine.
Due to the presence of ginger, turmeric, goji berries, hot chilis, amaranth, five flavor berries, cabbage and probiotics in this preserve it is a food that supercharges/optimizes the function of the innate immune system. Therefore, raw kimchi is not only a delicious food but also a powerful medicine.
May this information help to increase your resilience and joy during the challenging times ahead.
uh oh, my above comment got all doubled up some how, sorry about that
Recording of informative, fast-paced, anti-WHO / anti-globalist summit that was held 29-Jul-2024. Link also has highlights and transcripts you might find valuable, as well as links to each speaker’s topic and transcript.
The Sovereignty Summit 2 | 1:52:00
Strategizing to Counter “Global Governance” Gambits
So now that we have one Marxist entity in a foreign jurisdiction, be able to issue these kinds of mandates globally and impose those on our country and on our individual states, and then the recourse won’t be in our federal judicial system using our constitutional guarantees, but will be before an international body, consequences of which are enormous fines.
quoted from presentation given by
MAT STAVER, B.A., M.A., J.D., Chairman, Senior Pastor, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel; Chairman of Liberty Counsel Action, Faith and Liberty, Freedom Federation, and Salt & Light Council
Speaking of presentations that
BRING Good Things to Life;
New book by Dr. Gregger on ageing, longevity and brain function,–y
He reminds me of James Corbett physically and with that singular caring for humanity. 13,000 citations offered to prove his points and add that credibility to his integrity. Solutions for health to counter the things that are destroying life that is far from our control.
Worth the watch, worth the coins for the complied references. IMO
So Ive been absent from the Corbett Report all year (very busy as of late), would like to say hello to all the CR members out there I haven’t talked to in awhile! Hope all is good in your part of the world!!
Anyway, I cant believe how many Trumpy Bears are in the chat now?! Am I on the right website? Is this still The Corbett Report or is it Tucker Carlson? I’m gone for 7+ months and I come back to this!? lol But seriously, lets get real, no political “savior” in the left-right system is ever going to rescue us from the globalist cabal. Only rejecting the system at a local and grass roots level is ever going to change things for the better. Trump is literally the right wing version of Obama. All talk, no action. Period. I’ve been saying all along after Trump lost in 2020, he was a lock to win in 2024. Biden was the fall guy for this 4 yrs, they knew he’d get the brunt of the blame for the inflation created by almost $10 trillion in stimulus money pumped into the economy (even though Trump contributed to it). In the short term will the economy get better in the next 4 years? Sure, of course it will, but it has nothing to do with the presidential puppets. Its the raising and lowering of interest rates at the Federal Reserve. If anything its Jerome Powell dictating your economic future not Trump, Biden, or Harris. I’ll direct all the Trumpy Bears out there to some of Jame’s work on these subjects, watch his doc “A Brief History of Hopium,” and podcast “Precedent Trump” as well as “If Voting Changed Anything.” Get out there in the REAL WORLD and make impactful changes in your life and lives around you. That is how you create real lasting change in this world, not voting. “If voting could actually change anything, it would be made illegal.”
To all of you out there, whatever you’re dealing with right now, you got this!!!
Take it easy!
🙂 Those first few sentences of the second paragraph had me laughing.
lol good to see you on here HomeRemedy, hope you’re doing good!!
I don’t mean any disrespect, but I don’t see the “Trumpy Bears” that you can see; I see folks wondering who, if anyone, might preserve their constitutional rights a bit longer.
For those who think that Trump might be a net benefit, they ought to listen to the AI founders that support him on “Moment of Zen” podcast – these technocrats (as they refer to themselves) can’t wait to install AI to run the government and the vaccination program. Chilling. For them, it seems it’s all about innovation and efficiency – I don’t think they are even aware of any downsides.
Respectfully, If you actually believe this guy is going to “protect your constitutional rights,” you got another thing comin! I think these people have their hearts in the right place, but like I said, you aren’t going to make fundamental change through voting.
Perhaps you are inferring things that are not there, as don’t see any hint in my writing (or anyone else’s, for that matter) that I favor or plan to vote for anyone on the national ballot.
Look I just saw a few comments that came off biased in favor of Trump, all I’m saying is anyone who thinks this guy “might preserve your constitutional rights” (like you just said), is going to be sadly disappointed.
This interview with Rand Paul has some great nuggets…
Friday August 9, 2024
RFK Jr. Podcast: Rand Paul
With the Bird Flu narrative or the next pandemic narrative, I want to develop a simple conversational script in order to disseminate to people.
This Rand Paul interview had some great easy-to-grasp concepts. I’m gonna swipe parts of it for my dissemination arsenal.
Rand Paul
“The science of it.
The fact that when a virus comes from an animal, it typically is clumsy because it doesn’t affect humans well.
It has been adapted or evolved to affect animals. So, it makes various forays into humans, and it does it many times till it accidentally mutates and then can be transmitted among humans but it’s always more infectious from the animal it came from than it is from humans.”
“What we discovered with Covid as we looked at the sequences early on, that there weren’t a bunch of leaps to man.
There seemed to be one lineage that leaped in the very beginning, which points towards one source, which points towards a lab leak.”
[i.e. There should have been intermediate species as SARS-CoV-2 evolved to humans.]
Robert F Kennedy makes a PROFOUND POINT – The Coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, no longer infected bats.
“It should have remained most infectious to BATS.”
[Rand Paul talks about the ongoing gain of function work to make viruses more transmissible and more lethal. i.e. aerosolize]
Rand Paul
“So the corona viruses in this family don’t have a special access to the human cell.
That special access is called a furin cleavage site…the furin cleavage site – it’s at the end of that Spike protein.
It’s almost like a key that fits perfectly into the lock of the of the A2 receptor, which is a cell receptor in the human lung.
All your cells in your lungs have this receptor. And if the Coronavirus gets in there, it attaches perfectly to it and that’s what causes infectivity in humans.
There was no wild Coronavirus in history that was ever able to do that.”
[PROJECT DEFUSE – 2018 proposal]
“So in 2018, the lab in Wuhan in conjunction with Peter Daszak … with Ralph Baric at the University of North Carolina submit a proposal. And their proposal is to take a Coronavirus and add this furin cleavage site which is going to make it more infectious in humans.” (PROJECT DEFUSE)
”Well, even our government said that was a crazy idea. We are not going to fund it.”
*****[Rand Paul points out that those who were aware of PROJECT DEFUSE were aware that SARS-CoV-2 was just like that 2018 proposal. Rand also mentions that PROJECT DEFUSE had been presented to many people, at least 15 different agencies.]
At the 4:20 mark
Rand Paul had previously read the long article by Nicholas Wade which strongly makes the case that the coronavirus came from a lab. The article names names.
By Nicholas Wade | May 5, 2021
The origin of COVID: Did people or nature open Pandora’s box at Wuhan?
Deception: The Great Covid Cover-up by Rand Paul
Senator Paul makes a powerful case that funding dangerous bioengineering in a totalitarian country is madness.
Keith McNeil writes a long REVIEW of the book with all the details to the backstory of “Nature Medicine magazine (March 17, 2020) entitled ‘The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2’ .”
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
Dr. Paul Sends Letters to Fifteen Federal Agencies After Discovering Their Knowledge of Risky DEFUSE Project
[Agencies listed with links to letters.]
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), Ranking Member of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, sent letters to several agencies requesting additional information on their knowledge and involvement regarding the DEFUSE project, a 2018 grant proposal led by EcoHealth Alliance and the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The DEFUSE project was submitted to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) under the PREventing Emerging Pathogenic Threats (PREEMPT) program and proposed to insert a furin cleavage site into a coronavirus to create a novel chimeric virus that would have been shockingly similar to the COVID-19 virus. Recently, Dr. Paul obtained documents indicating at least fifteen agencies participated in a DARPA hosted “PREEMPT Proposers Day” where potential applicants presented proposals to agency representatives. During this event Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance pitched the DEFUSE project which sought federal funds to “manipulate known viruses with spike proteins of novel viral strains.” The letter also outlines that the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Rocky Laboratory was listed as a partner in the DEFUSE proposal alongside the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
“At least 15 federal agencies knew from the beginning of the pandemic that EcoHealth Alliance and the Wuhan Institute of Virology were seeking federal funding in 2018 to create a virus genetically very similar if not identical to COVID-19,” said Ranking Member Paul. “Disturbingly, not one of these 15 agencies spoke up to warn us that the Wuhan Institute of Virology had been pitching this research.”
Despite at least fifteen federal agencies having knowledge of the DEFUSE project in 2018, its existence was not revealed to the public until 2021 and the involvement of NIH Rocky Mountain Lab in the initial proposal has never been previously disclosed. Dr. Paul expressed that the failure of these agencies to disclose their awareness of the risky research proposed in the DEFUSE project raises serious concerns. As a result, Dr. Paul requested the fifteen federal agencies to provide all documents, records, and communications related to the PREEMPT Proposers Day and DEFUSE project….
24 March 2018 EcoHealth Alliance Darpa Proposal DEFUSE (archived)
This is a one page presentation slide summary which gives highlights. The approach includes sequencing the spike protein of SARS-CoV to bind with the human ACE2 receptor.
(second sentence in top right box)
To change the subject…Why do they waste all our tax money on these committees? What do they accomplish?
They don’t have the authority to punish anyone. No one is ever held accountable. Is it just to entertain us and make us think there is any justice for those in high places that commit crimes? Crimes that if any of us ever committed we would be behind bars.
Take Fauci for example, We all know he is responsible for killing and destroying over a million people, he also lied to congress and that’s a felony and yet he still walks free. No arrest warrant issued. Didn’t Martha Stewart go to prison for the felony of lying to the FBI. You would think lying to congress would be at least worth being arrested. And yet Fauci still walks free.
ninety nine percent of all autism today is caused by vaccines given to future mothers that were made in aborted fetal cells… hmm, inject girls with fetal cell fragments mixed with antigen and then proclaim it is a total mystery in the future why their immune systems should attack and damage their fetuses –
Thanks for the website link.
Would you know who had the following (now censored) YouTube Channel?
It has some vintage videos.
Most of the archived videos do not play, but some do…
Vaccine Dangers Part 1 – WFAA News Dallas – 2001 –
Recession coming? Look at this…
Wednesday August 14, 2024 – Dallas Express – By Alexis Little
More Than 1 In 4 Dallas Water Utilities Accounts Delinquent
Dallas Water Utilities announced that 26% of its more than 313,000 customers are at least 60 days behind on paying their water bills, and the City will begin shutting off service to overdue accounts in September.
Beginning the week of August 19, the City will send letters to customers with overdue accounts to inform them that they must either pay off their accounts or arrange a payment plan.
Officials confirmed they will begin cutting off water services and charging late fees on September 18 for any remaining delinquent accounts. The average past-due balance is around $127.
The City of Dallas does not cut off water services to customers when temperatures peak during the summer, Dallas Water Utilities Director Sarah Standifer told The Dallas Morning News.
Customers can visit the Dallas Water Utilities website to make payments. Those who need to make a payment plan can email
Operation WaterShare, administered by the City’s Office of Community Care, can also help customers facing financial hardship.
The DWU customer service is available between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday at 214-651-1441 to assist customers with any questions regarding their accounts or payments.
Howdy James, I have two suggestions/recommendations I would like to make regarding the website upgrade etc.
1) Please bring back the feature where you kindly salute your members with the “Howdy so-and-so” greeting upon login. It’s kinda cute & folksy, and makes one feel welcomed and appreciated at a more personal level.
2) Can you please figure out how to allow the new posting box to appear at the top of the thread perhaps as a user configurable option? Perhaps it is already there and I just don’t know how to change it. I usually read or at least skim through the posted comments, but on occasion I don’t wish to read through hundreds of comments just to post something real quick. The August open thread, for example has nearly 400 posts and replies.
This goes especially to the teckies among the corbetteers.
Following the advice to prepare for times where sites like the corbettreport may become inaccessible, I am trying to download (mirror) the website, so that I can access it and browse it locally, including the download of the mp3 and mp4 media of all posts.
I have tried a number of tools, most prominently wget and webhttrack.
I did not manage to understand all the dozens and dozens of options of wget, and after a few hours have given up.
With (web)httrack, whatever parameters I choose (ignoring or not robots.txt, for instance), I get a redirect warning, and nothing at all is downloaded.
Have others of this crowd managed to mirror the site? How? What am I missing?
Could members who successfully installed a mirroring mechanism please share their settings / the command line used?
Or is there some configuration that you, James, have installed in order to prevent the site to be downloaded (possibly used as an attack, overusing your server’s/host’s resources)? If so, what should I do?
Waiting a number of years until the USB archive is available at the shop is not an option for recent posts…
I have not used webhttrack in a decade, but I do remember I was stumbling around due to the depth setting. Try setting it to 2.
You should give webhttrack the sitemap URL, but I am not sure what’s it supposed to be on CR.
I grabbed a site once with httrack and it grabbed 2 of the writers other sites at the same time inc some audio files that I found in the folder which did not appear to be linked anywhere I could find them. It was werid, like a podcast they made but never put up- no idea how there can be no visible link to them but still grab it
Feed it this URL and set site depth to 3.
“….including the download of the mp3 and mp4 media of all posts…..”
If you just want to grab the audio and such you can grab the RSS feed link (top bar menu of home page to get to them) and feed it into a podgrabber (I use gpodder) and it grabbed every mp3 that Mr Corbett put out AFAIK from the beginning of the site.
If you do that maybe you can set httrack to grab only the HTML files (way faster that way too) and just find the audio for that epp in your podcast app – you will have the links (such as still exist on the web these days……) and transcript and such.
Side Note: gpodder has the .mp3 and such files stored in a folder (inside the gpodder folder, called ‘downloads’ IIRC) but SOMETIMES the name of the file is not clear text (for example being called something like ssdsjhsu32763628000 instead of “Solutions watch ep7”) so i select them in the gpodder menu and “send to” a folder where they will be exported with their human readable titles so I can find what I want on ANY pc regardless of whats installed on it.
That way i dont NEED the app to find what I want….. pretty sure you can do the same with other pod catching apps. Best to save stiff in a way thats not dependent on having a particular app or a particular OS
About RSS feeds by Mr Corbett…they really are very good
Thanks a lot.
It is still not working, but now I suspect that it is not specific to this website, but probably a general httrack issue on my system. Perhaps I need to indicate a proxy or something. As this is not a httrack help forum, I will not bother you any further with this, except if there are things particular to the corbettreport which I need to take into account in order to make this work.
I can confirm that the CLI when ran with simple command “httrack” does what one would expect and starts mirroring the site.
More on Zeolite:
Fluoride To Zeolite: Safe or Shaky?
By Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath
No rigorous references are provided to support her assertions, so recommend further research. The few embedded links referenced, I deemed inadequate. There may be some facts in her article, but it will require effort to confirm due to her sloppy work.
Rosanne Lindsay does a good job of explaining (with sources) why it is probably not a good idea for humans to ingest Zeolite, especially pointing out how it is sometimes synthesized.
I liked her article, and appreciate her perspective.
Aluminosilicate – Most clays have an Aluminosilicate structure. In Soil Science, they categorize particle size: Clay, Silt and Sand. Clay is the smallest particle size, and it has some unique properties, including how it binds to things.
As I mentioned earlier, Howard Garrett the Dirt Doctor and other Organic Gardeners will use Zeolite to help bind pollutants in the soil.
In agriculture, zeolite is often fed to livestock for various reasons (e.g. mycotoxins from feed.)
I had ingested Zeolite several times, many years ago. I didn’t feel chirpy afterwards. So, I haven’t done it since. But I still have some on a shelf which may come in handy in an emergency.
There are other methods of trying to grab heavy metals or toxins from the body.
For certain body detox applications, I think that activated charcoal is probably a better choice.
Even the source wood for activated charcoal can make a difference (e.g. mesquite wood.)
My Environmental Science Professor/Dean in 2008 wanted to do a partnership business venture with me for sourcing and manufacturing activated charcoal. It was tempting, but I eventually declined.
I would also be concerned about breathing the powder in….since even talc is not wonderful for the lungs and last I heard they said to stop putting it on babies.
Its like magic for removing smells though….I used to have a mesh bag of the pebble sized chunks and they de-stunk the cat box area wonderfully
Engaging and entertaining interview that covers a range of topics pertaining to culture and power dynamics. (Trump is discussed at beginning of interview; the remaining time is given to gender roles, how western cultures are being engineered, and pedophiles ruling the world.)
Andrew Tate and Candace Owens Push Theory Trump ‘Made a Deal’ With Deep State: Not ‘The Same Trump’ | 1:50:46
I wish modern Parisians would sense devilry in the use of QR codes! As distortion of reality, renewed layers of deception and polarization become unreal, I sometimes stare at my computer, from afar, puzzled and at the same time fascinated by the incredible range of emotions and perceptions this thing can transmit, from “nowhere” (long history of suspicion towards it). Creepy mindsets fueled by occultism can only use physics to developp (or hijack or keep secret while exposing some slices of truth) technology in a creepy way, whatever their pseudo-ideology is. Silence, inner space where reflections and inspirations can naviagte freely, real books, real food to share, and really unusual blue sky here – good to keep the head cool (except the real bloody mosquitos biting) and releive the visible cognitive fatigue. Also, when internet and screens are used as a media to investigate and share information in a genuinely humanist way, I often notice unsettling feelings of…gratitude and…enthousiasm…and all that by the Wifi, weird creepy stuff… (at least as long as internet will work). Thank you for all the recent great work, I’ve been catching up with (and already a new James Corbett content online! Is this witchcraft ?!) and will resonate via credit card very soon. Happy second half of August to everyone
I often notice unsettling feelings of…gratitude and…enthousiasm…
love it.
“While expressing gratitude seems innocent enough, it is a revolutionary idea. In a consumer society, gratitude is a radical proposition. Recognizing abundance rather than scarcity undermines an economy that thrives by creating unmet desires. Gratitude cultivates an ethic of fullness, but the economy needs emptiness.
Modern capitalist societies, however richly endowed, dedicate themselves to the proposition of scarcity. Inadequacy of economic means is the first principle of the world’s wealthiest peoples.” The shortage is due not to how much material wealth there actually is, but to the way in which it is exchanged or circulated. The market system artificially creates scarcity by blocking the flow between the source and the consumer. Grain may rot in the warehouse while hungry people starve because they cannot pay for it. The result is famine for some and diseases of excess for others. The very earth that sustains us is being destroyed to fuel injustice. An economy that grants personhood to corporations but denies it to the more-than-human beings: this is a Windigo economy.
A gift comes to you through no action of your own, free, having moved toward you without your beckoning. It is not a reward; you cannot earn it, or call it to you, or even deserve it. And yet it appears. Your only role is to be open-eyed and present. Gifts exist in a realm of humility and mystery—as with random acts of kindness, we do not know their source.. The most important thing each of us can know is our unique gift and how to use it in the world. Individuality is cherished and nurtured, because, in order for the whole to flourish, each of us has to be strong in who we are and carry our gifts with conviction, so they may be shared with others.
Gratitude is our first, but not our only gift. We are storytellers, music makers, devisers of ingenious machines, healers, scientists, and lovers of an Earth who asks that we give our own unique gifts on behalf of life. Let us live in a way that Earth will be grateful for us.”
― Robin Wall Kimmerer (Braiding Sweetgrass)
Thanks for this message! Very grateful!
While reading it I was listening to this:
It fills my heart with gladness to know the words were well received, like when I throw sow anise hyssop, echinacea, bee balm and tusli seeds, and see that they were well received by the rich Earth, coming to life and sending out roots and leaves.
Thank you for reciprocating the words with a gift of medicine that takes the form of harmonic vibrations that resonate out from minerals of the Earth (metal), into a microphone, through my speakers and into my being (altering my thoughts, energetic field and heart).
I have found myself to be very drawn to listen to this particular collection of sounds recently
Alexandre Lora, Kirill Osherov, Kabeção, Nadishana “Golden Hall”:
(I find from 3:00- to the crescendo to be utterly mesmerizing and deeply nourishing to my heart, mind and spirit.)
I find it fascinating to contemplate that trees (and other plants) actually communicate with each other in the ultra-sonic range (calling out to their family for assistance or to warn them when they are stressed or under attack and sighing in relief after a drought ends with a steady rain).
Perhaps trees are also composing entire symphonies and sharing them with each other in a frequency beyond the purview of our current instruments.
NoSoap Radio!
Thanks for the Gong Show!
I didn’t realize the many different sounds that a Gong could make.
I always had the impression that it made a sound more like the centerpoint hit at the 47 min mark.
The Gong Bath was soothing.
In the 60’s, I told my shop teacher that I wanted to make a Gong ‘cuz I loved the sound. But, at the time, not being to follow-thru on much of anything, I opted instead to weld the broken parts of my motorcycle.
Most days for weeks now, temperatures have ranged near 100 °F · 37.78 °C.
The last time we had a brief rain was August 3.
Today, the Heat Index will probably reach 110 °F · 43.33 °C.
The relentless heat has driven me to sin…as I sip on a second, cold glass bottle of cane sugar Dr. Pepper.
The Gong Bath helps to wash away the guilt.
wow man 110 °F · 43.33 °C.. and I thought I was sweating it out hard lifting and planting trees the last few weeks at work.
Well I guess is if you are gonna look at that glass half full and make some lemonade outa that sweat and near heat exhaustion, you are getting for free what many northerners pay for at spas here in Saunas and Steam rooms.
Throw in some sonic showers and you have yourself a full energy and physical body detox treatment! 😉
What! Mon petit cheri! Suclavue.
NoSoda Pradio the prodigal Gaul has returned odivia. If I’m not a pear on the ground ripening in this summer heat. I was just singing the last song you left us with.
Hallelujah! Beinvanue a la maison
Did you ever watch any of that old tv show called Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman from the 90-s?
Cash was in a few episodes and I really liked the writing in that show:
Johnny Cash – Thanksgiving Prayer | Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman — S3, E9 (1994)
Never watched that show. That’s such a beautiful song. Who wrote that?
The song was written by Josef Anderson.
That show was intriguing to me as it made an honest attempt at portraying the unfolding events of settlers and the lives of Indigenous peoples (such as the Cherokee) and how connected their lives were to the buffalo, the forest and having reverence for the land.
The writers did not know anything about the agroforestry practices that were being engaged in by the Cherokee (and others that call this land home for Millenia before the Europeans arrived) and so they erroneously depicted the indigenous peoples as subsisting on purely hunted animals and foraged plants (not mentioning their now archeologically and modern botanical study proven advanced horticultural techniques which were also used to produce their food and shape the landscape they lived in).
Nevertheless the writers did include some valuable and accurate medicinal plant info in the script pertaining to what herbs the indigenous peoples used to deal with fevers, wounds and infections (such as yarrow, willow bark and echinacea).
Aside from the impressive attempt to show two sides of the story when it comes to imperialistic colonialism vs living in reciprocal connection to and with reverence for a place (indigeneity) it also just had some good actors and great writing as far as the dialogue and dynamics that played out within the communities depicted.
It was a show that tried to tell as much truth as the writers/producer could muster from their own current state of awareness and it existed in a time before all the mind numbing sexual objectification and obscene gore/violence (just for shock factor) had become the norm (as it is now on tv).
All in all, it was an honest show with a message that invited the viewer to cultivate tolerance, embrace respect for the more than human world and open one’s mind to the potential of other cultures than the one we are raised in also having value and being worthy of serious consideration and amicable interaction.
Those gongs must be a sight to behold, hear and feel in close proximity. The maestro seemed to be in a trance several times during the performance.
Gongs seem to have made my tinnitus flare up, but well worth it. Maybe this is exactly what is needed to get the old nerve to play ball.
For anyone interested in USA power structure, here is an article that has a link to a formatted PDF version with references:
‘The Council’ – Who is Running the United States of America? Unveiling the Faces of an Elitist Assault on America
Gregory Stenstrom
Intelligencer Today
Thu, 18 Jul 2024 11:01 UTC
Future technology for removing PFAS from water:
Reusable ‘waffle stacks’ pull toxic ‘forever chemicals’ from water
That is really cool, especially…
In tests, these monoliths were initially able to remove 53% of a common PFAS called perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) from water in three hours. Pyrolosis treatment of the monoliths at 500 °C (932 °F) regenerated them, allowing them to be used again – and intriguingly, this actually boosted their ability to clean water. By the third cycle, the monoliths were removing 75% of the PFOA in three hours.
Unlike other techniques that require catalysis, this process itself doesn’t require energy…
…“Using 3D printing to create the monoliths is relatively simple, and it also means the process should be scalable,” said Dr. Liana Zoumpouli, an author of the study. “3D printing allows us to create objects with a high surface area, which is key to the process. Once the monoliths are ready you simply drop them into the water and let them do their work.
MECHANICS (It ‘floats’ tail up)
Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA; conjugate base perfluorooctanoate; also known colloquially as C8, for its 8-carbon chain structure) is a perfluorinated carboxylic acid produced and used worldwide as an industrial surfactant in chemical processes and as a material feedstock. PFOA is considered a surfactant, or fluorosurfactant, due to its chemical structure, which consists of a perfluorinated, n-heptyl “tail group” and a carboxylic acid “head group”. The head group can be described as hydrophilic while the fluorocarbon tail is both hydrophobic and lipophobic…
…Due to the surfactant nature of PFOA, it has been found to concentrate in the top layers of ocean water. PFOA is detected widely in surface waters, and is present in numerous mammals, fish, and bird species.
I would speculate that these ‘waffle stacks’ might pick up other pollutants on the water’s surface.
“How ’bout them waffles?!”
“How ’bout them waffles?!”
Thanks for this jo-ann
Poll Of The Month: What happens to your consciousness when death occurs?
(click the link above to vote and engage in the discussion in the comments section)
Just to be clear for those glancing at the poll in a hurry (and as the poll option framework on Substack limits character count) here is some elaboration on each poll option:
1. You go to heaven or hell:
What I mean by this is the quintessential mainstream Christian story of the big (stereotypically portrayed and/or imagined as a white) dude in the clouds with a beard that renders judgement on your soul after death, either rewarding you for following the rules with eternal bliss in a four seasons cloud resort (“heaven”) or punishing you eternally with a nasty fiery torture chamber (“hell”).
2. Nothing, your existence ends:
What I mean by this is the typical Atheist dogmatic belief system that sees our consciousness and everything that makes us a unique being as nothing more than bio-chemical electromagnetic dynamics which are produced by the human brain (seeing consciousness as a purely physiological phenomenon) and when the brain ceases to function, the essence of that unique being ceases to exist in all ways as well.
3. You go home to the spirit realm:
By this I mean, you exit the human body which has ceased to function, return to a place in another realm beyond time and 3 dimensional space. That place is close to the Creator of all things. In that place, you take stock of the life you have just lived on the Earth, looking back over the highs and lows, and taking note of how the choices you made in that life made other beings feel. You then work (in concert with the guidance of ancient beings of light that work closely with the Creator of all things to choose what life you will choose to embark in next in the physical universe that will help you to gain further depth of understanding, find greater depths of peace, Self-awareness and unfold your spirit to grow like a redwood seed breathing in the morning light to reach out her first leaves and reach her roots into the rich earth.
4. karma = instant reincarnation
This option refers to the conventional Buddhist type dogma that says you accrue points (or suffer demerits) on your “spiritual credit score” each choice you make and then when you die you get rewarded or punished by the circumstances you are born into in your next life accordingly. Some variations on this option include seeing non-human beings on Earth as lesser than, and so when you misbehave as a human, you might get “demoted” to coming back as a tree, or a goat or a frog in the next life etc.
5. none of the above (plz explain)
Choosing this option indicates that you feel that none of the options I have provided accurately describe what happens after you die and I encourage you to explain what you feel to be the correct description of that process/chain of events in a comment.
Changing the “Data Harvesting” Narrative
In everyday life, almost no one speaks out against the “Data Harvesting”.
Only those people who follow such places as The Corbett Report know about the the ramifications of the Surveillance State.
If people don’t hear the narrative or visit the Corbett Report, then they won’t know about it.
More and more, I am receiving email solicitations from past places where I have had interactions.
This is via one business who asked me to fill out a survey App.
Powered by
“Boost Sales with Product Reviews!”
[Short video at website.]
So, I emailed that business. The meat and potatoes of that email follow…
— Survey Apps and Forms – Data Harvesting —
If I can avoid it, I refuse to fill out or utilize data harvesting forms and applications.
It is my way of pushing back against the system which seeks to enslave us all. It probably won’t make a difference, but I try not to feed the machine.
We all know how Google/YouTube intentionally manipulates behaviors, deletes valid information, censors search results and harvests data, but many companies and the government/NSA do this.
Digital Profiles are being built on each American which include everywhere you have been, all your associates and family, what your spending habits and interests are, and even how your drive and AI generated personality assessments with your potential predictive behaviors.
Most every Central Bank in the world (including The Federal Reserve) is developing a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), which will be a ‘programmable’ and ‘trackable’ digital currency.
By ‘programmable’, the currency can suddenly shift to having certain spending restrictions on certain items for selected individuals. The CBDC will be tied to your Digital Profile ID, and all your money is tied to your ID.
China has everyone on a digital profile with all money tied to it. In their surveillance state, within minutes of jaywalking, a fine is debited from their bank account. If someone speaks out against government, then their money or travel becomes restricted.
All of the 1.4 billion people in India are now on the biometric eyeball scanned digital ID Aadhaar system.
In August 2024, the United Kingdom announced that it is arresting people who speak out against government policies online, and currently people are going to jail. If this happened in America, half the population would be arrested…
The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) tried to implement an international agreement June 1, 2024 in Geneva which would bind all countries to comply with any WHO policy, with penalties imposed on those countries which do not comply. This included the location tracking of all individuals in a country, or vaccine mandates or quarantines. Fortunately, many tens of thousands of people in America and around the world were protesting against this. If you have not heard about this, then it tells you how the media, Big Tech, Big Pharma and Big Brother limit your information.
–Big Tech–
Most all of the Big Tech companies and social media platforms got their start from huge amounts of government seed money, and currently have major government contracts.
Palentir was originally a covert government operation, a citizen data collecting application which alarmed Congress so much that it became private. Palentir was co-founded by billionaire Peter Thiel. Both Peter Thiel and Eric Schmidt (former CEO of Google) are steering committee members of the secretive and infamous Bilderberg Group. Annually, there are the Bilderberg Meetings, a private conference of global elites who outline future agendas for the world. Twenty years ago, the media said that the Bilderberg Group did not exist, that it was a conspiracy theory.
Both American political parties are strongly influenced by Big Tech.
For example:
J.D. Vance got his business start and seed money from Peter Thiel, and some from Eric Schmidt. At David Sacks’ June fundraiser for Donald Trump, many big tech billionaires were in attendance. They suggested that J.D. Vance be Trump’s running mate.
Catching up on my reading of earlier threads in this month’s Open Thread, a virus/no-virus discussion caused me to recall a jarring theory about the nature of the universe posseted by NASA physicist Dr. Weiping Yu. Recently (Jan 24 and Jul 31, both 2024) he was interviewed on David Gornoski’s podcast, where hw explained that space is not empty and that gravity is magnetism, there are no subatomic particles, and many more mind-bending ideas. In my formal studies of chemistry, physics, and quantum mechanics, no theories beyond the classical views were presented, so Yu’s theories seem as wild as String Theory to me, but simpler and more elegant. A quick search for him on the Web shows he has appeared on many podcasts, so he has been preaching this for a while. If you like to have your brain stirred up in a nice way once in a while, check out his UON theory.
A link to get you started:
In the flavor of Corbett’s August’s gratis Episode 464 – The Media Conspiracy…
…is an interesting article which explains how the New York Times will prostitute itself at the expense of lives.
The article walks the reader through a timeline of events.
Falun Gong Definition:
“Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa, is a spiritual discipline consisting of slow-moving exercises and teachings based on the principles of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance. It was introduced to the public in China in 1992, and by the end of the decade, an estimated 70 million to 100 million people were practicing it.”
Authored by Petr Svab via The Epoch Times
New York Times’ ‘Distorted’ Coverage Of CCP Abuses Likely Cost Lives, Report Says
At critical moments over the past 25 years, the New York Times has aided the interests of a power faction within the Chinese Communist Party responsible for atrocities against practitioners of the spiritual discipline Falun Gong.
On top of implicating itself ethically, the paper has also, as a result, distorted its China coverage and misled its readers, as revealed by an analysis of The New York Times’ China coverage as well as interviews with half a dozen experts on Chinese Communist Party (CCP) politics and geopolitics…
…Covering Chinese politics, The New York Times has ascribed sincerity where deception is expected and glossed over where it should have dug deeper, all in a pattern of affinity with the interests of a CCP clique aligned with former Party leader Jiang Zemin, multiple experts affirmed.
Jiang’s influence has waned since 2012, when incoming CCP leader Xi Jinping exhibited an unexpected dexterity in eliminating his opponents. Only a minority of Jiang’s acolytes have maintained influence since his death in 2022. Despite the shift in power, however, The New York Times has maintained the pro-Jiang pattern…
…The paper developed a special connection with Jiang in 2001, when its then-publisher, Arthur Sulzberger Jr., and several editors and reporters were granted a rare audience with the dictator.
The paper ran a flattering interview headlined “In Jiang’s Words: ‘I Hope the Western World Can Understand China Better.’”
Within days, the CCP unblocked access to The New York Times’ website in China.
A month later, the CCP unblocked several other Western news sites, including those of The Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, the San Francisco Chronicle, and the BBC. The sites were blocked again within a week.
The New York Times, on the other hand, remained accessible. ..
…Even worse, foreign media, including The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post, were taking apart the CCP’s anti-Falun Gong propaganda and highlighting accounts of wrongful detention and torture….
Researching via Corbett Report
On any given week, if one plugs in the keywords “Bird Flu News” to the PreSearch Engine with the “News” tab, they will get a list of results.
It irks me to no end. Just grinds my nerves.
So, bit by bit, I’m revisiting Corbett Report and taking notes on a Word document(s).
I want to have a “conversational style acumen” on these non-crisis viruses, and also on the topic of “gain of function.”
Of course the Corbett Report search bar is crucial in my research.
The show notes in many of his Episodes are excellent.
However, the gold mine is often in his articles and Episode transcripts with the anchor text links.
One of the first places I went to was Corbett’s May 1, 2020 documentary ”Who is Bill Gates” which further wet my appetite. The World Health Organization (WHO) and Gates, Tedros, and Rockefellers’ Population Council. More on Tedros at “Meet the Real Disinformation Dozen”.
ODYSEE – “Search Function”
On Corbett’s Odysee Channel, when you click the “Content” menu, a Search Function appears.
I plugged in “Zika”.
This was a very good interview and covered a broad spectrum…
February 4, 2016
The Truth About the Zika Virus: Jon Rappoport on The Corbett Report
23 minutes
The ‘Bird Shit Hoax’
Albert Osterhaus is no small fish. He stands at the global nexus of every major virus panic of the past decade from the mysterious SARS deaths in HongKong, where current WHO Director Margaret Chan got her start in her career as a local health official. According to his official bio at the European Commission, Osterhaus was engaged in April 2003, at the height of the panic over SARS (Severe Acquired Respiratory Syndrome) in investigation of the Hong Kong outbreak of respiratory illnesses.
The EU report states, “he again showed his skill at moving fast to tackle a serious problem. Within three weeks he had proved that the disease was caused by a newly discovered coronavirus that resides in civet cats, other carnivorous animals or bats.”
Then Osterhaus moved on as SARS cases vanished from view, this time publicizing dangers of what he claimed was H5N1 Avian Flu.
In 1997 he had already began sounding the alarm following the death in Hong Kong of a three-year-old who Osterhaus learned had had direct contact with birds.
Osterhaus went into high gear lobbying across Holland and Europe claiming that a deadly new mutation of avian flu had jumped to humans and that drastic measures were required. He claimed to be the first scientist in the world to show that H5N1 could be transferred into humans.
In a BBC interview in October 2005 on the danger ofAvian Flu, Osterhaus declared, “…if the virus manages indeed to, to mutate itself in such a way that it can transmit from human to human, then we have a completely different situation, we might be at the start of the pandemic.” He added, “there is a real chance that this virus could be trafficked by the birds all the way to Europe. There is a real risk, but nobody can estimate the risk at this moment, because we haven’t done the experiments.” It never did manage to mutate, but he was ready to “do the experiments,” presumably for a hefty fee.
To bolster his frightening pandemic scenario, Osterhaus and his lab assistants in Rotterdam began assiduously assembling and freezing samples of, well, bird shit, in an attempt to build a more scientific argument. He claimed that at certain times of the year up to 30% of all European birds acted as carriers of the deadly avian virus, H5N1….
[Read the article to find out what happened with all that BIRD SHIT.]
I snagged this nugget from the show notes of What is the WHO? – Questions For Corbett #066.
Pete & Gerry’s (and Nellies) is the nation’s top producer of pasture-raised and organic, free-range eggs.
Pete & Gerry’s CEO is Tom Flocco.
Wed August 14 – Yahoo Finance interview with Tom Flocco
Egg prices are up almost 20% since last year
5 minutes
Tom Flocco says:
”It’s probably important to start with just an understanding of the Egg Market.
And there really are two elements of the Egg Market.
There’s the conventional commodity egg that you see in the well in the store.
And then there are premium eggs, like ours Pete & Gerry’s and Nellie’s, that really are affected by a whole different pricing dynamic.”
“So that 19% that you’re seeing is at the commodity end, and that’s a supply driven price spike the same way it was back in 2022.
Back in 2022, Avan Influenza hit the industry very hard.
It took about 50 million birds out of the supply chain, but most of that, almost all of that, was at the “Caged” and “Cagefree” end — birds that never get outside, where you have 700,000 birds in a barn. And so when one bird gets infected the entire barn gets taken out. All those birds unfortunately need to be put down for safety reasons.”
”That’s where you’re seeing that inflation. At the premium end of the category, where we are, you’re not seeing that same inflation.
Our prices today are actually lower than they were a year ago to the end consumer.”
”…The biggest cost inputs that affect our pricing is going to be grain. I mean it’s the single biggest cost input to a dozen
Eggs. It can be as much as 50% of the cost of a dozen eggs, because it’s not just corn and soybean. It’s also a lot of nutrients that we put in there to make sure the birds are healthy, that the eggs are the best tasting eggs they can get.”
”But there’s also a transportation component of it.
We are on 200 plus Family Farms that we contract with. We don’t own any of them. We contract with those farmers. We spread from Oklahoma to Maine, all the way up to Wisconsin, and all the way East.
And so we have to truck those eggs to our three processing facilities so that they can be sorted, graded, packed and then sent out to our Retail Partners.
So there’s a lot of cost there.”
”And then the third big input is Labor, and we all know that Labor has seen some inflation over the last 18-24 months.
So that’s an important component of our cost structure as well.”
[The ‘Yahoo’ 😉 Host brings up CLIMATE CHANGE and implicates it in ”the prevalence of even more diseases.”]
Tom points out that the farms are decentralized and during this current Bird Flu season (which is lasting much longer than thought), no farms have been affected. In the 2022 season, only one farm was affected.
Thanks for the post. I have been buying eggs marketed by Vital Farms, who obtain eggs from small farmers of year-round pasture-raised hens on rotated pastures. My local store doesn’t carry their organic or restorative eggs, unfortunately. Carton is stamped with egg source – farm’s name. Carton lists 14 packaging plants throughout the country. They are expanding their farmer network, so if you know anyone who wants to sell eggs, send them to
Options Market Manipulation by Institutions – Options Expiration
QUEUED to 3:45 (Gareth spends three minutes explaining.)
Gareth Soloway of Verified Investing walks people through how the institutions manipulate the Options market.
Mike Jones Investing – Saturday August 17
Big Money Is Manipulating This Market Like Crazy! Watch & Get The Answers You Are Looking For!
Mike Jones gives an good rundown on Fair Value Gaps and liquidity grab, U.S. overnight trading in Europe and Asia, long range Options, learning Basics, and other topics.
VIX – Volatility Index – “Fear Index”
On Monday August 5 when stocks around the world dived, the VIX spiked to a high of 65 and closed at a four-year high of 38.57.
Volatility To Spike – Verified Investing – Gareth Soloway – Friday August 16
QUEUED video at 6:49 (In 3 minutes, Gareth explains the current VIX standing nearing a swing.)
VIX CHART Trendline
The VIX has fallen from 65 on Monday, August 5th to a low today of 14.77. This epic decline in volatility will likely see a reversion trade. This is where the VIX may spike back to 20-25 before settling down again.
Based off technical trendline analysis, there is a trend line that is hit by every peak since 24.50. This can be seen in the chart below. Using this trendline, investors can assume a breakout occurs above $15.30. Once the breakout occurs, the price of the VIX should surge back to the 24.50 level. This nets an almost 60% gain.
CBOE Volatility Index (^VIX) – YahooFinance Graph (See 3 month)
Sunday August 18, 2024 – Verified Investing
U.S. Dollar (DXY) Is Headed To 95 Per Chart Analysis
The U.S. Dollar dominance has likely finished its bull run. This does not mean the Dollar will collapse, it means it will slowly move lower as central banks like Japan are forced to raise rates while the U.S. Federal Reserve will be cutting rates. By cutting rates, the U.S. money supply will increase, thus the weaker Dollar.
This can be seen on the chart of the Dollar (DXY). The U.S. Dollar has broken a key wedge pattern to the downside. Per technical anlaysis, the value of the Dollar should decrease over time against other currencies, driving the DXY lower. The downside major support now is 95 on the DXY.
Per the chart of the Dollar, look for continued, slow weakness until the DXY hits 95. Once there, investors will need to re-evaluate the chart.
Dollar Index – DXY
For all of you out there with tons of tomatoes, squash, peppers, basil and beans flowing out of the garden at this time of year:
I had intended on including the above linked recipe in my book but it never made it in.
I have always loved minestrone soup over since my childhood as my mom was a great soup maker. When her homemade version was not available I would go to the grocery store to try and find a facsimile but it was never the same. Thus, minestrone was one of the very first soups I taught myself to make in my youth and I have been improving on my recipe ever since my early 20-s.
This recipe below is a version of that recipe that was intended to be included in my book (Recipes For Reciprocity : The Regenerative Way From Seed To Table) but I ended up having to cut it from the final draft due to printing budget limitations.
Well I don’t want this recipe to be limited to being enjoyed in our home so I am gonna share an upgraded version of it with you all now.
This soup is a fantastic way to use up an abundance of tomatoes, squash, basil, beans, peppers and amaranth. The version I will share with you below checks all the nutritional checkboxes and goes way off the charts into the realm of medicinal superfood territory.
What that means in a medicinal/nutritional sense is that this soup offers Ocular-Regenerative/Ocular-Protective, Glyphosate detoxing, Cardio-Protective (and perhaps Cardio-Regenerative Potential), Radioprotective, Radiomitigative and Radiomodulatory and Immune system optimizing benefits.
Plus, it taste amazing to boot! 😉 Enjoy!
A nice summary of alternatives to the Rockefeller-medicine industry that offers guidance and resources to help one get/keep healthy and remedies to treat health issues, including a link to his DETOX article:
Pharmacide; Killing Us Softly
The Grand Deception
By Capt. Randall | August 19, 2024
News about proposed PFAS regulations by US EPA and WHO, plus health impact from US Right to Know:
In April 2024, the Biden-Harris Administration issued the “first-ever national, legally enforceable drinking water standard to protect communities from exposure to harmful PFAS chemicals,” and $1 billion in funding to address PFAS in drinking water.
The final rule announced in April represents the most significant step to protect public health under EPA’s PFAS Strategic Roadmap and complements President Biden’s government-wide action plan to combat PFAS pollution, the Administration said.
Under pressure from independent scientists, the World Health Organization is pulling its drinking water standards for two PFAS chemicals and will go back to the drawing board, the Guardian reported in August 2024. “WHO is conducting an entirely new review of scientific literature and disbanded the panel of scientists who developed the draft guidelines. It established a new panel with fewer industry-linked scientists and more regulatory officials, moves that have not happened in other revisions, said Betsy Southerland, a former EPA manager in the agency’s water division,” reported Tom Perkins.
States move to restrict PFAS
As of 2023, more than 100 laws had been enacted in 24 states to ban or restrict the use of PFAS chemicals used for waterproof, stain-repellent, nonstick or fire-resistant properties in a wide array of everyday household products. See Washington Post article, States take matters into their own hands to ban ‘forever chemicals’ (6.5.23)
For updated lists of state policies on PFAS, see Safer States’ PFAS policy tracker
Wow! Stacy Malkan, the author of that U.S. Right to article really has a full, full list of links and resources, even including the films “The Devil We Know” and “Dark Waters”.
Link to watch the film “Dark Waters”
John Lockwood runs a small project studio for music and video editing as well as analog tape-to-digital transfering (VHSmHi8, Mini DV, ETC). He is in a metalcore/hard rock band.
John Lockwood says,
Why Don’t I Vote? I’ll Let George Carlin Explain It To You
George Carlin 1996
”…If you vote and you elect dishonest incompetent people and they get into office and screw everything up, well, you are responsible for what they have done.
You caused the problem.
You voted them in.
You have no right to complain.
I, on the other hand, who did not vote, who did not vote, who in fact did not even leave the house on Election Day, am in no way responsible for what these people have done and have every right to complain as loud as I want about the mess you created that I had nothing to do with.”
“So, I know that a little later on this year you’re going to have another one of those really swell presidential elections that you like so much. You’ll enjoy yourselves. It’ll be a lot of fun. I’m sure as soon as the election is over, your country will improve immediately….”
Regardless of the fact that both candidates answer to the same powers that shouldn’t be, it seems that unless one lives in a “swing state,” votes don’t count. For example, I live in a “blue” state that is predominantly “red” with the exception of a couple of cities. Our votes make no difference in the selection process unless the cities flip and the ballots are tallied legitimately.
“… Our votes make no difference in the selection process unless the cities flip and the ballots are tallied legitimately…..”
The more that they are forced to mess with votes the less legitimate they look.
The more that people vote against them (and those votes are counted) the less legitimate they look
The whole “dont vote” thing is BS to my mind, what have you actually ever got to loose other then the time taken to vote?
Dont get me wrong, IMO Democracy is just a cover to hide who actually has power, but voting can hardly make you WORSE and throwing the lever MIGHT help….. whats to loose?
“….George Carlin….”
Not sure that listening to a popular media figure is the wisest life choice. Personally I kinda think ANY media figure telling me anything is probably a clue that its bad.
If they steal your vote they look less legitimate.
If they count your vote they look worse with a lower margin.
If you DONT vote they just carry on doing what they do….
If you Do vote….what?
Do They tax you more of police you more??? Lol,
If you dont vote you dont get anything better anyway and if you do you MIGHT….. I mean, the whole ‘dont vote’ thing is just kinda silly to my mind since all it costs you is the time taken to actually DO the vote. It reminds me of the 2nd amendment types who were always waiting until ‘Da Gov’ stepped over the ever moving line before they “did something’.
Duck says:
“Not sure that listening to a popular media figure is the wisest life choice. Personally I kinda think ANY media figure telling me anything is probably a clue that its bad.”
I think that is called stereotyping. Trying to categorize and then labeling the category ‘bad’.
Some people of any class sometimes say some things that interest me.
John Lockwood was using George Carlin as a vehicle to promote a message.
I admire John for making that stand about voting.
You or I don’t have to agree with the message.
Hopefully, we all here have enough IQ points to come to our own individual conclusions about any message.
“…I think that is called stereotyping. Trying to categorize and then labeling the category ‘bad’…..”
Thanks for noticing 😉 LOL, but yeah, as a rule I think the last 50 years or so have been a disaster, in no small part due to media types sitting in the lounge TV with so many people.
on supplements , yeah, i’m a quack, and i take cod liver oil and some vit D or turmuric, and while I see the value in some of those things I really think that most people would do better just moving about more and eating real food. Lol, I am not exactly charles Atlas myself though….
Essay on the corruption of the WHO by industry that offers a balanced perspective and possible strategy for a solution. His message ought to be widely distributed and the industrial conflicts of interest be called out.
Don’t Blame the WHO for Declaring the MPox Outbreak a Public Health Emergency – it’s Just Doing the Bidding of the Pandemic-Industrial Complex
by Dr David Bell | 16 August 2024
Addendum to the fluoride discussions:
Amazon Mexico does not permit negative customer reviews of salt containing fluoride. (In Mexico they fluoridate the salt instead of the water, because the tap water is not drinkable.) In Mexico they also fluoridate the Himalayan salt! Nearly all are Condimento Rosa de Himalaya (Himalayan pink seasoning), in other words, contain table salt, are fluoridated. I finally ordered one that called itself Sal de Himalaya, with no additional ingredients listed, but what arrived, from the same brand, was Condimento Rosa de Himalaya, with “yodada y fluorurada” (iodized and flurodated) printed boldly on the package. Amazon found itself indisposed to print my review, which outlined briefly my search for Himalayan salt and my receiving instead fluoridated Himalayan “seasoning.”
The only Himalayan salt I could find that ships to Mexico from abroad was Swanson Himalayan salt at iHerb. What arrived tastes very salty, like table salt, and is dry and pours easily, like table salt. It is possible it is from the iHerb center in Mexico, possibly with unknown middlemen. I am waiting for Swanson’s reply to my email inquiry.
If there is a single grain anywhere in Mexico of unfluoridated salt, allowed in from abroad or produced in Mexico, it may be the sea salt from an ancient traditional producer on the west coast. In light of the concerted effort to disallow unfluoridated salt, I wonder whether the traditional sea salt also has fluoride added to it. There are various brands claiming to be sea salt from Colima. The one I bought most recently is moist like sea salt, but has a very strong salty taste like table salt. I am still looking into it. It has taken many hours over many months to find that, possibly, no unfluoridated salt is obtainable by any means in Mexico.
Somewhere on this site I posted a link to an article documenting the decades-long nefarious intentions of the American Dental Association, and its assorted cronies, for Latin America. Here it is again:
The role of the Kellogg Foundation, the American Dental Association, and others:
Goal accomplished:
The intention to poison the populations of Latin America has been accomplished in Mexico, and Amazon (and possibly iHerb) is an accomplice.
In case there is any doubt about Amazon’s willingness to accommodate genocide: during the lockdown of 2020 – 2022 various virologists and MDs published their experience with minerals that support immunity to and cure covid 19. As the articles were published about the benefits of quercetin (in combination with zinc), N-acetyl cysteine (NAC, a component of glutathione), and vitamin D3, in the same sequence that the information appeared, Amazon removed from its site all brands and dosages of the same supplements, dozens of each one. All of them. The process began with the items, one by one, being “out of stock,” then “we don’t know if or when this item will be available,” and then one by one they just disappeared. The items were later restored, probably in response to reports about their removal. Following shortly after Amazon, iHerb removed the same supplements, all of them, and later restored them. I took a few screen shots but unfortunately did not document the entire saga. Many screens, page after page.
I suppose it would be a good idea to have on hand a supply of immune supporting supplements ahead of the upcoming lockdown.
Do you know anyone coming to Mexico? I would like someone to bring me a supply of unfluoridated salt.
“….I suppose it would be a good idea to have on hand a supply of immune supporting supplements ahead of the upcoming lockdown…..”
I doubt they will actually do another lockdown, or at least succeed with one unless they actually let loose a real mass killer virus, but a better idea the supplements is to get your health, via food and exercise, in order before anything happens. I suspect that if you eat a good diet you wont need to worry about supplements too much
Yes, if the food is grown in nutrient rich soil. Even so, there are nutrients that we don’t absorb well from food, vitamin D being one of them. For our skin to make vitamin D we need half body exposure to the sun for half an hour per day, or a few hours per day, depending on which guru we are listening to. As we age, our skin makes less and less vitamin D with exposure to sunlight. Elderly people and dark skinned people make almost no vitamin D and must supplement.
The part about soil is very true.
“Even so, there are nutrients that we don’t absorb well from food, vitamin D being one of them.”
Not necessarily true. Some foods, yes poor bioavailability. But others (especially foods that contain melanin, the same compound that exists in human skin) like shiitake mushrooms that have been exposed to sunlight (or UV light bulbs) actually offer great bioavailability.
Mushrooms and animal skins create vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. Mushrooms are rich in the vitamin D precursor ergosterol, which ultraviolet B (between wavelengths of 290 nm to 315 nm) converts to ergocalciferols, also called provitamin D2.
Similar to when humans are exposed to sunlight (or a sunlamp), mushrooms convert a precursor to vitamin D, called ergosterol, into vitamin D₂ when exposed to UV light.
And though this vitamin D is technically different from the vitamin D₃ found in animal products, that vitamin D is indeed bioavailable, or absorbable by the body. As a fungal source of vitamin D, it is just as effective at elevating and maintaining blood levels of the nutrient, (according to research by a Dr. Holick and colleagues). It’s also “the only pharmaceutical form of D available in the United States,” he adds. This means that the D you’re getting from mushrooms is exactly what you’d be getting in a pharmaceutical/supplement form.
In fact, research has shown that consuming 2000 IU of vitamin D₂, whether from mushrooms or from supplements, leads to the same levels of vitamin D (25-hydroxyvitamin D) in the blood as consuming vitamin D₃.
For more info:
Could you tell me please what quantity of shiitake mushrooms one must eat every day to achieve the recommended intake of 4,000 – 10,000 IU of vitamin D? And how long must the mushrooms be radiated with UV?
Sure I can do that (though that information was available in the article I linked above).
Tests have shown that one of the most effective ways to increase their vitamin D content (without any specialized equipment) is to place shiitake (fresh or dried works) with gills up and expose to sunlight for two days, six hours per day. (though if you use fresh ones that are not still growing on their substrate they may become a bit desiccated by the end of the second day).
The vitamin D levels in 100 grams of shiitake mushrooms increases from an approximate baseline of 100 IU/100 grams (from mushrooms grown indoors) to nearly 46,000 IU/100 grams after 12 hours of sun exposure.
So even just 6 hours of natural sun exposure (gills up) would be approx. 23,000 IU/100 grams (which is plenty).
100 grams of mushrooms is like a big handful. Something you could fry up and add on a sandwich, enhance a soup or make a stir-fry. I also like to fry up sunlight enriched homegrown shiitake mushrooms in a teriyaki sauce and then dry them to make amazingly delicious and addictive ‘mushrooms chips’ (or ‘mushroom jerky’ depending on what moisture level you dry them too).
More recent research has also found that Oyster Mushrooms are twice as effective then Shiitake at turning UV light into Vitamin D (and they are even easier to grow). (for reference: )
I like to grow oyster mushrooms in mason jars on my kitchen counter using (spent) coffee grounds as a substrate (food for the mycelium of the fungi to produce mushrooms from). It is free and easy to perpetuate after you get your first jar inoculated with either foraged or purchased oyster spawn. I cover the basic techniques to grow both of those mushroom species at home in my book (referenced in the Regenerative Agriculture Solutions Watch episode).
Hope this helps.
Another two species of edible/medicinal fungi worth noting in the context of vitamin D are Chaga (Inonotus obliquus) and Wood Ear (Auricularia heimuer) mushrooms as they both tend to grow naturally in areas that get at least partial sunlight as they are forming and they both have a high amounts of melanin (the same compound/pigment that is responsible for darker colored human skin). It is also a compound that offers powerful Radioprotective benefits (which is something I touched on in my Mounsey Minute segment on Media Monarchy in July (which you can listen to here: )
(..continued from above)
Chaga grow on Birch trees (which are often in stands in the full sun and the Chaga that grows on them certainly get full sun all winter when the leaves are off). You can find more info on that species in my article on Birch trees here:
Or to answer your question in a way that is more specific to the unit range of vitamin D you were asking about specifically.
– 40-50 grams (half a handful) of Shiitake mushrooms (having been exposed to sunlight for 6 hours) would have at least 10,000 IU.
– or 100 grams (full handful) of Shiitake mushrooms (having been exposed to sunlight for 3 hours) would have at least 10,000 IU.
– or you could do 25 grams (small handful/a couple caps) of Oyster mushrooms (having been exposed to sunlight for 6 hours) that that would have at least 10,000 IU.
– Or you could do 50 grams (half handful) of Oyster mushrooms (having been exposed to sunlight for 3 hours) then that would also have at least 10,000 IU.
So there are lots of options in reasonable/convenient quantities to use UV exposed mushrooms to get a daily requirement of vitamin D.
On top of that those mushrooms provide a broad spectrum of other bioavailable nutrients, protein, minerals and medicinal compounds (beta-glucans etc) which optimize immune function.
There are button mushrooms available here at times, and I once saw shiitake mushrooms. The nearest beech trees are several hundred miles from here.
According to online conversion sites, 100 grams of mushrooms would be about ¾ of a cup, more than most people would care to eat daily, or dedicate time and space for raising sufficient quantities. If Codex Alimentarius manages to remove all supplements, and they seem to be testing the possibilities, one would then obtain nutrients from whatver sources are available.
So long as D3 is available in supplement form I probably will prefer to spend my time reading, writing, and playing tennis. I hope we are still allowed to make some of our own choices.
Button mushrooms will work too, just not quite as efficient for producing vitamin D as the other species I mentioned.
RE: “¾ of a cup, more than most people would care to eat daily”
Really? Maybe if you some kinda mushroom hater, I would happily eat twice that much daily and I am not even that into mushrooms compared to some people I know.
Maybe you have only eaten weak, mass produced (probably grown on sterilized cow crap) flavorless and nutrition depleted mushrooms (which were not prepared in any interesting way) and so your perspective on them is a bit skewed?
Well if you choose to remain dependant on fragile centralized systems up until the day they fail and are cut off and/or implode that is you making a choice to leave yourself vulnerable in the name of convenience.
If convenience and comfort are your priorities in life (above all else, including longevity, developing meaningful life skills and learning things you cannot learn in books) then I say ya keep on buying supplements, playing tennis and looking at growing your own food as some “dirty” and “unnecessary” task which is for the peasants (but not us civilized folks).
Everyone is allowed to choose, and unfortunately at this point in human history, the allure of a life of quick fix, high tech convenience and ego flattering ideas of how “civilized” our gadgets make us is the bait that is being waved in front of the masses leading them towards a prison without walls and a form of slavery without chains.
Catherine Austin Fitts describes this phenomenon of people continuing to remain complacent and dependant on existing degenerative and fragile infrastructure as “paying for and helping to build our own prison, and then lining up to live inside it”. That is what the promise of the “smart city” is, you can have your cake and eat it too! No more “dirty” work with your hands in connection with the living Earth no! And why bother even getting up to go to that tennis court when it makes you all sweaty and dirty! You can just play virtual tennis and read digital books on your smart goggles all day, and as long as you obey the plutocrats, they`ll let you to continue to be a part of their technocratic society of useless humans that no longer know how to feed themselves and just sit around drooling looking at screens all day, it will be paradise!
Or hell, I suppose beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and for me, a life of purpose is only attainable through striving to connect with the living Earth to make this world a more beautiful, verdant, free, abundant and honest place to live and share with future generations. No amount of comforts, seductive technologies or empty promises of endless gadgets will convince me to feed into that hellscape.
But like I said, it is all a choice, and each of us face important choices at these forks in the road.
Choose wisely.
Your reply of 9/3, 3:54 am is the most preachy, self-aggrandizing, arrogant, rude comment I have seen from you yet on this site.
I dunno, while my hypothetical worse case scenario/cautionary tale about the drooling virtual reality goggle wearing infantilized smart city slave may have been a bit far out, I think I have gotten in a lot more heated discussions and said things that were far more pointed with others on here on a number of occasions.
I am not perfect, I have a lot of room for improvement in my life and I work to continually re-assess how I can further learn to stand on my own two feet, in a way that also gives back to the Earth and help others do be able to do the same. Sometimes I stumble, fall down, but I always get back up again and try to lend my hand to others when they fall down.
I suppose I did go off on you a bit there, it is just something about the way you advocated passively pill popping as a way to maintain one’s health combined with your past comments that rubbed me the wrong way. You can sometimes come off a tad elitist.
Like back in 2023 when you said “The solution, as you point out, is to forage and grow one’s own food, but that isn’t possible for most people, or they must spend most of their time on food gathering and preparation, which takes us back to the way of life of an earlier century, which we might find unacceptable.” Besides being a statement based on erroneous assumptions about what it takes to grow one’s own food, the attitude that you espouse which looks down on those that forage or garden as “the way of life of an earlier century” comes off as pompous and condescending.
When I built “summer getaway mansions” for obscenely wealthy people in Whistler as a stone mason and when I worked in Viticulture making wine I had to deal with people that internalized the fallacy that success, “advancement” and being “refined” or “civilized” in life was defined by the measure of which one could sit around and get other people to do things for them by paying them fiat currency. So I suppose your comments that exude a similar attitude trigger me sometimes.
I am open to using your criticisms as a mirror for honest introspection to assess whether or not what you claim about my comment holds truth, how about you?
Look man, it all boils down to this.
There are forms of preparedness and levels of health, longevity, resilience and degrees of being capable of experiencing lasting fulfillment in one’s life that cannot be attained by any amount of money.
Another way of saying what I was trying to express above in a nutshell is that Health Sovereignty cannot be accessed from a pill or supplement bottle. Nor can the most meaningful knowledge be accessed through pages in a book alone, it is only able to be internalized and made useful through blood, sweat and tears, gritty fingernails, sore muscles, humility and determination.
The information I shared above was intended to empower you (and others) to be able to take steps to embrace food and health sovereignty. It is not always an easy path, but it is deeply rewarding.
There is something that can be said about people who don’t have great difficulty making money and those who do and are just dying to get to behave like the former. It’s quite sad, really.
@G 9/4 10:12 am
You intend to “empower” me and others? Do you assume that we are handicapped and cannot empower ourselves? We can only be “empowered” with information that you provide? If we do not currently grow food it is because we have never done so or don’t know how? We cannot decline obedience to you without incurring name calling and inferences concerning our net worth?
Wow you really have your knickers in a twist, grasping at straws and tryna knit pick words to make me look bad. I suppose I am flattered you would direct so much creative energy in my direction but honestly man I am not interested in getting into some kinda mud slinging show down with you.
I obviously never claimed to be the only individual sharing information that has the potential to empower others, nor did I claim that only information relating to growing one’s own food is the only type that can empower.
I use empower to denote that which provides an opportunity to build on practical knowledge, techniques or perspectives to improve one’s quality of life without needing to depend on centralized systems.
There are many Corbetteers here in these threads that share empowering information all the time, like when HomeRemedySupply commented about the many functions of Glutathione in the human body a while back, which inspired me to research it and learn more about the compound, what foods offer building blocks to increase endogenous production and now, thanks to him, a “Glutathione biosynthesis enhancing” dietary list will be included in my next book.
Some people empower others through inviting them to cultivate moral integrity within, offering lenses of perception that open minds and illuminate the true nature of stagnant and corrupt aspects of our society (our host James Corbett does this frequently, and people he has had on Solutions Watch such as Larken Rose have authored written works which empower others to see the truth) which is why I quoted James Corbett in the section of my book that discusses Voluntaryism, so that the empowerment he offered me, can in turn empower others in the future.
Much of the info I share is related to using food as medicine and growing one’s own food and medicine at home because those are fields of study and realms of solutions based action align with my own God given gifts. However, I am not the only one with those gifts, nor do I claim to possess some pinnacle of knowledge in those realms. James has had many wise and knowledgeable people on his Solutions watch series on topics like Food Forest Design and Guerilla Gardening that likely know a lot more than me in some areas. Each of us has unique gifts and through sharing them with each other all of us can enjoy a better quality of life and become more resilient in the face of what is coming.
All I have is your words on here in which you seem to advocate supplements over whole food nutrition sources for some vitamins and where you describe gardening and foraging as some pastime for peasants living in past centuries. Perhaps (despite your comments that seem to indicate otherwise) you are secretly a master gardener that grows an array of gourmet mushrooms at home? If that is the case, I am happy for you and encourage you to keep up the great work.
(..continued from above)
Also, I think you misunderstood me when I referenced my experiences of infantilized people with lots of fiat and then how I said some of your comments come off as elitist.
I was not saying I think that you have lots of money and that due to that you are some kind of “elite”, rather I was describing an attitude that is prevalent in people I have worked around that happen to have a lot of fiat currency and have decided to let their hands on skills and knowledge go into atrophy in the name of comfort, expediency and convenience.
What I said about you coming off as “elitist” was in reference to what appears (to me) to be an attitude that embraces the myth of “progress” (the story we are propagandized into believing about the trajectory of industrial civilization and those who climb the various social caste system, technological and economic ladders within that construct). I was referring to the prevalent delusion that exists at the heart of all the “sustainable development” propaganda and in the halls of academia in industries like big AG, big pharma and big tech which tells people that our genius is allowing us to tame, conquer and enslave nature to our will, and a life of luxurious comfort awaits us, just around the corner if we just keep buying more gadgets and quick fix synthetic products. It is the technocratic elitist fallacy that tells people to just sit and wait, just remain complacent, just keep buying more stuff and one day we will be living in a paradise.
I know people that have a great deal of fiat currency and they have also chosen to cultivate True Wealth and moral integrity. They do not just do hollow “philanthropy” (throwing money at causes and charities from a distance) they use their material wealth to educate themselves, put that knowledge into use with their hands and then use their hands and knowledge to help empower others to be able to help themselves in the long run.
I also know people that have very little fiat currency that covet money, are very selfish, anthropocentric, lacking moral integrity and have no interest in changing, but they would like to have mansions, cars and people doing their bidding (what ever the cost).
While having obscene amounts of fiat does seem to translate into a higher likelihood of increasingly degenerative and duplicitous behaviors in humans, there are always exceptions to the rule (on both sides of the spectrum).
So no, I was not inferring you have lots of fiat, rather I was saying that your comments sometimes come off as aligning with the mentality of the technocratic elite, a type of thinking that seeks to mechanistically conquer and commodify nature, pushing forward the “progress” towards a time when even less humans know how to feed themselves, and we become so “civilized” that robots do all the dirty work of growing food for us, and we can just enjoy “the finer things”. Perhaps I am way off on that, it is just how your words read sometimes, to me.
@G 9/3 3:54 am
It is possible that I have misunderstood you. Just to verify: I understood you to say that someone who prefers not to eat ¾ Cup of mushrooms every day is a “mushroom hater” who has previously experienced only flavorless, nutrition depleted mushrooms “not prepared in any interesting way.” Your claim to know the dietary experiences of people who comment on the Corbett Report seems to be the text on which you base the ensuing sermon, which ends with, “Choose wisely.” By “choose wisely” apparently you mean choosing as you do. You imagine your parishioners to be people who read virtual books on smart goggles? Obey the plutocrats? Don’t now how to feed themselves? Drool in front of screens all day? I’m afraid such people are unlikely to frequent the Corbett Report. You might find your imagined parishioners at a different site?
Have I misunderstood you?
ahh my mushroom rant, I had a feeling that might become a point of contention after I read it over again…
It is true that most people eat only mass produced mushrooms (and it is a fact that most mushrooms, such as cremini, white/button and portobello are grown on blocks of sterilized, compressed and then nutritionally enriched cow dung) but that doesn’t necessarily mean you fall into that majority. Perhaps you have tried many different types of gourmet mushrooms that are grown on non-cow dung substrates (such as the wood eating fungi like Shiitake and Lions mane etc) and/or perhaps regardless of what mushrooms you have tried, they were in fact prepared in very creative, flavor complementary and interesting recipes (but you just happen to be someone that does not like the taste of mushrooms).
Just because mushrooms do not appeal to one’s current palette does not necessarily mean they are a “mushroom hater”, though I have met many that seem to be rather close minded about trying new types (and new types of preparations) because their only experience with mushrooms thus far was some crappy store bought mushrooms that sat suffocated in plastic wrap for weeks, got all slimey and gross and then were prepared in a lazy fashion (and so now they assume all mushrooms are gross and refuse to give them another chance, my sister is one such person, and I know a few others).
And mushroom haters are just one example of many, it is but one facet of a large tract of people in modern society that have had their palettes conditioned by the sugary, greasy and conveniently packaged processed foods. People that whine about how fresh Goji berries are bitter so they are gonna rip out the big bush of them that they grew (while they simultaneously complain about the cost of nutritional supplements and organic nutrient dense food at the grocery store). People that whine about how kale or sauerkraut is not their cup of tea while they will pay top dollar for mineral pills or probiotic pills. An entire generation (no several of them) with coddled and pampered taste buds, only willing to eat what tastes like desert or fast food (while they complain about health issues, grocery bills, supplement costs and refuse to garden or forage to gain access to the solution to all those things they whine about).
So my remarks about mushrooms were really just my venting my frustration seeing so many people whine about such things while avoiding obvious solutions due to their own laziness, entitlement/pampered mindstate and obsession with comfort, expediency and convenience (and not necessarily relevant to you specifically).
Mushrooms are just one way to get vitamin D, and quite an empowering way since one can pump up the vitamin D content using only sunlight. But hey, if you can get your vitamin D elsewhere (and in a way that you can rely on in any situation) good for you.
(..continued from above)
The choose wisely part was in reference to choosing between cultivating universally applicable hands on (low tech) skillsets and depending on convenient centralized systems and quick fix synthetic crutches.
In a nutshell it boils down to this, even if you can afford to freeze dry (or purchase freeze dried) supplements and/or nutrient dense food and stockpile it somewhere so you can be prepared to feed yourself for decades even if the shit hits the fan, there are sometimes situations where you cannot carry much with you and in that situation, only the knowledge and skills you have cultivated will be useful to you for feeding yourself.
Thus, supplement stockpiles are convenient and (depending on how they are produced and using what) they can be practical for maintaining optimal health, but relying solely on them is a choice that leaves you vulnerable, dependant on others to feed you and in a sort of post-industrial infantilized state that is all too common now a days.
That is the choice I suggest should be considered wisely, and it applies to a large array of things in life (not just food). It means learning from the wisdom of our ancestors that knew how to make things with their hands from natural materials and learning to identify plants, cultivate them and preserve them as food and medicine.
Your still coming at me tryna provoke with your comments about “parishioners” etc, and that is fine, you do you, and i`ll do me.
I personally would like to connect with, learn from and share info with people capable of guiding their own choices with discernment, humility, reflection, introspection, respect and compassion, I do not seek to have people follow me, in fact I advocate the exact opposite. I invite my fellow human beings to dig deep, find their own unique gifts and become leaders in their own lives, offering their gifts and in doing so helping educate, empower and enrich the lives of all the beings they share this planet with (including myself).
I often find myself engaging in very enriching conversations, that inform me, invite me to contemplate and question long held assumptions and to look at things from a different perspective in these threads on the Corbett Report, so I will not be going anywhere anytime soon.
I wish you all the best what ever choice you make about how to access your food and vitamins.
I’d like to be sure I have understood correctly your reply to mine. You say that I advocate “pill popping” and this advocacy, along with others of my comments, are “elitist;” that another example of my “elitism” is that I look down on people who forage or garden and that my preference for one way of life over another is “pompous and condescending;” that you once worked for wealthy people whom you disliked, and you imagine me to hold the same opinions that they do, and this “triggers” you.
Would you please tell us where I have advocated “pill popping.” And if I had done so anywhere, would you explain what advocating “pill popping” would have to do with “elitism.” I don’t see the connection. Would you tell us where I have expressed any pomposity or condescension toward people who forage or garden.
The problem seems to be that you imagine that I am “elitist,” because you imagine that I am like some people you disliked whom you imagined to be elitist (I’m not sure what you mean by “elitist”), and that “triggers” you. May I suggest a solution: perhaps you could just substitute one fantasy for another. Instead of “elitist,” imagine me instead to be intelligent, inquisitive, articulate, principled, helpful, courteous, soft spoken – or whatever would not “trigger” you.
@ G 9/11 8:44 am
Re “parishioners”: Some of your comments have conformed closely to classic sermon format. I suppose you might have attended a seminary where writing and delivering sermons was part of the curriculum. The odd thing is that they sometimes seem to be based in part on the rhetorical models of an earlier century, including threat of the dire consequences, even of “hell,” that await those who do not follow your admonishments. You can’t be that old. But possibly you studied sermons from that era.
Re: “relying solely on them”: Please look up the word supplement.
Thank you for that. It is very amusing that you would accuse me of copy catting religious sermons considering I was raised in an atheist family and I have never been to a church (aside from to appreciate the architectural beauty of cathedrals in old cities).
While I chose to look beyond the limiting doubt, fear and ego based ideas of atheism as an adult and decided to consciously develop an awareness of and personal relationship with the Creator of all things, I do not advocate putting one’s trust in “spiritual middlemen” in religious institutions but rather encourage people to do the work for themselves and engage in what one might call spiritual autodidacticism.
I do have faith in the genius of Creator’s design (embodied in Mother Nature’s living systems) and I do my best to share little glimpses of truth that helped me along my path (with those that resonate with what I have to share) so if you wanna call that a “sermon”, so be it.
This whole thing boils down to your comments about how gardening and foraging “..takes us back to the way of life of an earlier century, which we might find unacceptable.”
The way you referred to those activities as “from a past century” and that being “unacceptable” made it sound as though you see those activities as ‘beneath you’.
It made it sound as though you feel that due to “progress” (human ingenuity mainly focused around industrial machinery when it comes to conventional agriculture, which, by extension, your statements deem as “more acceptable” than gardening or foraging) you have now moved beyond or evolved to a place beyond the need to grow any of your own food in a garden or learn to forage.
Perhaps I misunderstood you and you would elaborate on what you meant and your views on gardening and foraging to help clarify.
If one is involved in putting the story of (technological) “progress” on a pedestal as some kind of admirable move towards a more advanced way of living all that really says is that instead of attending the seminary of conventional religious institutions of the past, one instead covets and worships technology and government (as government subsidies are what keeps the status quo degenerative industrial agriculture able to continue to function).
In the religion of coveting technology and convenience (facilitated by statist regimes) the inevitable trajectory heads towards technocracy and totalitarianism.
Total dependance on “health experts” and centralized systems that are tied into that trajectory is a choice to leave yourself vulnerable to the manipulation tactics of psychopaths and tyrants.
You are right to highlight how conventional agricultural soils are depleted (leading to produce, and supplements, that are also nutritionally depleted) though if you only go as far as pointing out the problem, you neglect to see the potential solution that is right in your backyard.
@ G 9/20 11:06 am
You continue to misrepresent what I have said. Actually, I haven’t accused you of copying anything, but have only observed that the tone and form of some of your comments, including this one, resemble closely those of sermons.
You ask me to justify myself by elaborating on my “views” of gardening and foraging. I said what I meant, and it doesn’t need elaboration. I have no “views” on gardening or foraging. Some people like to garden. Some do not. Some are agrarian. Some are not. Those who are not might enjoy gardening when it is possible, as I do. I prefer not to be agrarian. It is everyone’s right to be agrarian or not, and no one needs permission.
You previously indicated that, based on your experience with some rich people whom you didn’t like, who you believed to be “elitist” and who you believed “looked down on” people who do physical work, I am probably like them, so you conclude that I am “elitist” and “look down on” people who do physical work. I asked for an explanation of what preferring a non agrarian way of life has to do with “elitism” and “looking down on” people who are agrarian.
You have repeated the accusation here, and it still needs an explanation.
You close your sermon with the hortatory, “you neglect to see the potential solution that is right in your own backyard.” Perhaps you are referring to the tiled courtyard that is surrounded by the rooms and apartments that house the building’s residents? Most days there is direct sun on the courtyard for a couple of hours, which is otherwise shaded by the building. The landlord has placed various potted plants under eaves. Otherwise it is not a suitable plant growing area, unless one devised a quick way to protect from frequent sudden downpours and occasional hailstorms. Is this the space where you insist I must grow my own food, especially mushrooms, or be labeled a “mushroom hater” and “elitist,” who “looks down on” people who grow their own food? If not, I do neglect to see what you are referring to as my “backyard.”
I am so glad to hear that I misunderstood what you said and that you are actually interested in gardening (when it is possible).
I have lived in crammed apartment settings when I was apprenticing as a mason out west, so I feel your pain.
The good news is you can grow a substantial amount of food and medicine (whether plants or fungi, or both) either inside, in a sunny window or on a balcony.
I also highly recommend checking out this solutions watch episode:
“your own backyard” was meant figuratively not literally, I understand that a large portion of humans live in urban settings and they have no soil in a back yard to cultivate food or medicine. There are many ways to use vertical and indoor spaces that can allow you to take steps to embrace food sovereignty regardless of how little outdoor space you have to work with.
You can grow various mushrooms indoors if you want to (I do right on my kitchen counter, some people devote a closet or room to the endeavor and produce copious amounts of food).
In any case, I do wish you all the best and am willing to share resources and info that I found to be empowering on my quest to lessen my dependance on centralized systems for my food and medicine (even while living in an apartment).
Thanks for clarifying your views. Hope you have a great remainder of Autumn and take time to preserve lots of seasonal abundances where you live.
@ G 10/04 at 10:37 am
I thought I had been as clear as possible, but I’ll try once more: Since I have no “views” on gardeners or gardening or on farmers or farming, it is not possible that I have “clarified” my views on any of them. (In case it comes up again, I have no “views” on hunters and gatherers either. Absolutely none whatsoever.)
Your point seems to be that if you imagine a fellow CR member to agree with you, you intend to be civil, but if you imagine someone to have views different from your own, or if someone has not virtue signaled views that you approve of, you intend to respond with misrepresentation and name calling. Have I understood correctly?
This is a site devoted to pursuit of truth and civilized exchange of information, observations, and viewpoints, including disagreement with others’ viewpoints.
In my country people have the right of freedom of speech. This includes the right to say or write things that might disagree with, offend, or “trigger” someone else. However, defamation is not protected. This might include allegation that someone said or wrote something that he did not or possibly such things as false accusation of “pill popping.”
wow you are still going on about this..
I am not interested in what ever you are tryna stir up here so again, I wish you all the best and thanks for sharing your thoughts.
its not that your wrong, but (being me) I will quibble a bit…. slight ‘yeah but’ are the folks like my father whowas working quite physically (before the smoking killed him suddenly) in his mid 70’s. I am convinced that movement trumps diet because your body adapts to burn whatever fuel your eating and survives different environments as best it can….but if you dont move you die pretty fast.
i have chickens and eat their eggs after they scavenge all the mineral goodness of rats and snakes and whatever else they find in the yard so i dont worry too much about supplements- its not that they are bad or anything but its not like some Roman peasant used to get pin salt flown in for him and people did OK in the past, and even thru the industrial revolution, and I think sitting and chemicals in the food are the bigger killers over the need for micro nutrients
Thank you for your reply. When I have enough space I would like to keep chickens on a small farm. In the meantime I must rely on a supermarket and a little shop that sells chicken, fresh produce, and eggs, presumably from farms near the city. I haven’t seen the chickens or what they are fed, so I don’t rely on the eggs for nutrition. For my decisions about health I don’t think I should rely on the opinions of others, but on information from highly knowledgeable and experienced people in biochemistry and health care. They say that crop soils are depleted, official recommended levels of nutrients are underestimated, official levels of nutrients in foods are overestimated, and several important nutrients are not well absorbed from food.
“….When I have enough space I would like to keep chickens on a small farm…..”
You dont need a small farm for chickens 🙂 If you have a small garden (and tolerant neighbors) you can get by with a few bantams- I recommend Bantams over big chickens because while they lay small eggs they dont eat much, they can ALMOST feed themselves if you have a good space, and live a lot longer then the over bred big Hens…. I loved the big, friendly (one would sit in your lap and get petted like a cat), Buff Orpingtons for eggs but they drop dead after a couple of years 🙁
Bantams are not as friendly or lovable, but if you have a rooster they replace themselves and take care of themselves way better then big hens.
You could try bunnies too…. you could do a set up in a garage since they dont make noise or take up much space, but they require actual store bought feed and while the meats healthy I dont like the flavor all that much tbh
I always like seeing your posts.
You offer some cool stuff.
There may still be some artesan salt harvesting operations in Mexico.
It may be worth contacting those places to see if they know of a distributor near you, and if you can get pure salt.
Also, grocery store distributors or restaurant supply food distributors might be a resource.
Cuyutlán, Colima southwest of Mexico City. Their bag says they offer iodized and fluoridated. Certainly, they would have just plain. But iodized salt is not a bad idea.
Depending upon the rains, the Oaxacan town of Zapotitlan Salinas seems really neat.
On supplements, I agree with you!
I definitely have a stockpile.
I put an emphasis on the B Vitamins. Most folks are deficient. B1 is important and gets burned up quickly when stressed or sugar or alcohol.
There are some nutrients that are major-hard to obtain from food in sufficient quantities (like quercetin), especially with the environmental assaults. NAC is a real winner across the boards.
Vit D
Dr. Eric Berg (on YouTube) interviewed Professor Bruce Hollis, a pioneer in vitamin D research and an expert on vitamin D deficiency. Hollis points out that scientific studies on Vit D are no longer being done, unless the study is designed to poopoo Vitamin D and scare people away from it or downplay its role. Evidently, and profoundly, a strong daily boost of Vitamin D incorporates into a different pathway of the body offering excellent health benefits. If a person got lots of sun daily, then they get that “daily” health shot. Many folks don’t get that kind of sun.
Anyway, that’s my 2 cents.
While Duck is a superior, extremely well-read researcher on history and many topics, he might be a QUACK when it comes to supplements. 😉
Thank you. I scan articles and comments, watch a video occasionally, but if I have a comment or reply, if I need to check on something first or look up a link I sometimes don’t get back to it, or I can’t find the comment quickly. I try to make a contribution once in a while.
The sea salt I am familiar with is from Cuyutlán, Colima. The problem is that various brands claim to be Cuyutlán salt, and that can mean that it is Cuyutlán salt, partly Cuyutlán salt, or not at all. One has to check the moist texture and the flavor. What is difficult to know is whether even traditional sea salt is now fluoridated, since there seems to be an entity in Mexico that has determined not to allow one grain of unfluoridated salt in the country. I didn’t know about the site in Oaxaca. I’ll look into it. The Colima salt is better known in Mexico. There aren’t distributors here in the same sense as in the US. I’m still looking into all of this.
There is the same problem here with honey, olive oil, and coconut oil. The package label indicates one thing, but the product is something different. In the US and Europe with careful searching it is possible to find the actual product. In Mexico I am finding that the local products for the most part are not as labeled, and reliable brands from abroad cannot be imported. The fraud is highly protected.
Thanks for the link to the Eric Berg/Bruce Hollis interview. I’ll have a listen.
I take B complex, and I keep B1 on hand for protection from mosquitos.
You mentioned somewhere nebulizing H2O2. I have residual sinus and bronchial issues from heavy metal toxicity, and H2O2 in my ultrasonic nebulizer works wonders. I often follow up with nebulized colloidal silver, just in case the H2O2 could leave behind nano critters that could become resistant. I don’t know whether that could happen, but just in case. From what I know of colloidal silver, critters’ developing resistance is not possible.
I have had my disagreements with Duck in the past, but in this particular case, I think both Duck and HRS make some valid points.
I mean, if one can preserve whole foods (as well as eat them regularly) which contain a solid amount of B vitamins, quercetin, NAC (and perhaps other helpful phytonutrients/anti-oxidants such as anthocyanin and curcumin among many others) using either low tech lacto-fermentation or high tech freeze drying (if one can afford a machine) than I personally would suggest a multi-pronged prepping strategy that does not lean into one method of having access to those substances, but both.
The supplements can serve as a back up should real whole food sources become hard to access for what ever reason and the fresh, fermented or freeze dried formats can serve as the foundation for health in best case scenarios.
I like to lean into fermenting homegrown legumes (such as Runner Beans) and ancient “grains” (such as Amaranth) for having a solid source of b-vitamins in my diet.
Miso Paste (a mixture of of fermented legumes and rice paste with cultural roots in Japan) contains:
-Vitamin A
-B vitamins — vitamin B12, pantothenic acid (B5), niacin (B3), thiamin, riboflavin, B6, and folate
-Vitamin K
Miso also contains phytochemical antioxidants, which can increase in quantity the longer the fermentation time (at least four months). Antioxidants gobble up free radicals in the body, which create disease, signs of aging, cell death, and even cancer (cell mutation).
I am a strong proponent of using whole foods as medicine first and foremost, but I do also buy supplements (which are extracted from whole food sources and from companies I research to make sure they aren’t owned by Blackrock, Vanguard etc) as a back up and in some cases to provide more potent forms of specific compounds for custom tailored and situation specific plant based medicine applications when required (in potencies that are beyond the range of my capacity to produce whether by fermentation, freeze drying or even by ancient alchemical practices 😉 )
So I think both whole foods (preserved using a variety of methods, both low and high tech) and good quality supplements can be helpful to the one aspiring to prepare to be ready for anything the plutocrats and life might throw their way.
For more info on Anthocyanin:
For my recipe for a weird, wild and delicious Miso paste (which includes Amaranth seeds and homegrown runner as well as “trail of tears” black beans):
Are you near the sea? If yes, maybe you could perform your own desalination. For example, I am aware that megahome distiller has a 10% more expensive version with stronger stainless steel that can be used to distill even seawater.
Of course, trusting that everything that is left after boiling a gallon of seawater is only salt may be a bit challenging.
What an interesting idea. I am not anywhere near an ocean, and in any case do not have place for a distiller, since I am currently in transition, and I would have to work out logistics for transporting an appliance in a likely necessary international move.
I have usually opted for Himalayan rather than sea salt, since it’s hard to know the condition of the water where it’s harvested or whether pollutants remain in the salt or are left behind in the drying process. I once checked the website of one of the big French salt harvesters, I don’t remember which one, where there had been an oil spill across the Chanel. According to them, after the tanker event they had closed their plant for one year (perhaps because they were going to do renovations?). I didn’t contact them to ask about any testing of the water or the salt after the 365th day. I assumed that my time would be rewarded with PR hype, and if any testing were done and turned out to be in their favor they would have posted the testing method and the results.
One note: one gallon megahome (that’s the brand) distiller does not take much more space than one gallon. And the gallon jug that comes with it packs snugly inside it. It’s a neat and compact design. The glass + ceramics version eliminates any contact between water and plastics.
I looked up the Megahome distiller. Impressive company and product. The distilled water could be used for making colloidal silver, and the salt would be fluoride free. If the distiller were used only with saltwater it should be free of impurities, i. e., what is removed if distilling tap water. I would contact the company first to ask about harvesting salt with their appliance. They seem to be a company that might actually answer customer questions. Their distiller cannot be shipped to Mexico, and the price in Mexico is twice what it is in the US, so it would be very expensive salt and colloidal silver. It probably would pay for itself eventually if also used for drinking water, but distilled water removes minerals from the body and should not be used for drinking long term. There are various reasons the distiller would not be feasible as a source of salt at the moment, including that I am far from an ocean, but I am glad to know about this company and distiller.
I once bought online a Cuyutlán salt, available only in harvested course form, that seemed to be genuine sea salt. If I can remember the brand, and if it’s still available unfluoridated I’ll just buy a grinder. Unfortunately, the plan to poison Latin America has been accomplished, in Mexico at least. There seems to be a creeping determined effort to fluoridate every grain of salt in the country.
Didn’t James ask for suggestions for ways of presenting issues effectively to people who are informed only by the mainstream media? I can’t find it now, but in any case there are sometimes comments posted here and elsewhere by people who are frustrated with the futility of reaching conventional friends or relatives or who have been harassed by militant normies. Instead of arguing, or presenting a narrative, or asking for “just half an hour to explain why I . . . ,” I suggest posing simple, Socratic-like questions, preferably in a bored, disinterested voice, and offering links or articles, preferably brief clips, preferably in the globalists’ own words. That’s hard to argue with, and a disinterested voice in the face of hostility can be very disarming. Examples:
• Am I a conspiracy theorist? What’s a conspiracy theorist? (He doesn’t know.) What’s the theory? (He doesn’t know that either.) Do you work for the CIA? No? But you’re quoting the CIA. Also, you’re being very rude.
• Google it? Do you know who created Google? It was two guys in a garage? But they were funded by military intelligence, and they reported regularly to people connected to the Pentagon. I can photocopy the statements of those people for you. They said they were looking for technology to do general surveillance. And there are photos of Google execs talking with people in military intelligence at illegal meetings sponsored by the Pentagon. No? Well, then, google it.
• Your dad got covid? Was he vaccinated? Did he wear a mask?
• Did you see Hilary’s speech where she said she was glad the Council on Foreign Relations had moved just down the street from the State Department? She said it would be easier “to find out what we should be doing and how we should be doing it.” So what’s the theory? In case you missed it, I can send you a link. Who’s your favorite CFR member? My favorite CFR member? I don’t want any of them making government policy.
• (for the upcoming lockdown): Why I’m not wearing a mask? Do masks block viruses? (He is sure that they do,) Were you watching Fauci when he said that masks are ineffective? If you missed it, I can send you the link.
• Etc.
The interlocutor probably will not reach enlightenment instantly, but he might be put slightly off balance, and he won’t harass you again.
After all, most of us did not substitute one narrative for another instantly. We encountered bits here and there, documented or by people who were eye witnesses, that added up to eroding our confidence in what we had been told. I first began to suspect that the media was untrustworthy when I encountered negative reviews and counter evidence to the Warren Commission Report. I still haven’t read any of the books. I don’t have time to be thoroughly informed about everything. Anything, actually. But I have read the statements by witnesses on the grassy knoll, the surgeon, or was it the coroner? the shop that repaired the windshield, and the SS officer who was ordered to distance himself from the motorcade. They were enough. What finally grabbed my attention was the 9/11 news item that someone posted later on Youtube about the pilot’s passport that somehow fluttered out of the plane window just before impact and was found in pristine condition in the rubble a couple of days later, or someone picked it up from the sidewalk next to the rubble. (I think there were a couple of different versions of this story.) I knew from experience about how long it takes the passport agency to process a new passport, so this report screamed, “You’d better start looking into things.”
For some people conventionality seems to be a warm blanket. Some of them can be nudged awake with brief articles or video clips. Perhaps people have to form their own narratives.
Addendum to the reason sharing suggestion:
In Japan I never wore a mask except when I needed something from a particular store, without which I would have had to change my eating or living habits. The team of covid police at the entrance gave in to my refusal of the gel (What kind of alcohol is it? Alcohol is liquid. What are the ingredients in your gel?) and the electronic thermometer gizmo (Is he a licensed doctor or registered nurse? But I must decide who uses medical procedures on me), but they would not let me in without a mask. For the purpose, I carried in my bag a mask with a sign in Japanese taped to it: “Masks do not block viruses.” I mugged for the two security cameras for at least five seconds, for the benefit of the people reviewing security footage. We engaged in this little drama every time I went to that store. I made them tell me every time to put on a mask, and I made them watch me take it off and put it back in my bag every time when I left. There were very interesting reactions as I marched through the isles on two floors of the store.
The bag that I carried everywhere had attached to it a sign in Japanese: “For immunity to viruses we need (bullet points) fresh air, sunshine, exercise, exposure to microbes.” The reactions on busses and trains were various. Sometimes a 30-something urban cool male would take off his mask, put it back on, and take it off again. One of them once gave me a thumbs up and took off his mask when he got off the train. A passenger once asked to take a photo of my bag to send to her friends.
Just another bit that might combine with other bits to add up to something.
RE: “Do you know who created Google? It was two guys in a garage? But they were funded by military intelligence, and they reported regularly to people connected to the Pentagon.”
Your comment made me think of the following section from a Solari intelligence report I am reading right now:
I get people “googling” things where I work all the time and getting bogus info on plants (growth habit, shade tolerance, cold hardiness etc) and sometimes they even go and find fake AI generated plant images on google and ask me what type of plant (the non-existent cartoon plant) is and where they can buy one. I spend way too much time cleaning up after google’s mess. People’s brains are being flooded with a bunch of AI generated garbage, diluted with made up BS and also carefully manipulated with custom tailored search results intended to psyop them into trusting big pharma, or big ag or whatever.
“…and find fake AI generated plant images on google and ask me what type of plant (the non-existent cartoon plant) is and where they can buy one….’
The internet is getting so bad its hardly worth going on to surf anymore….youtube keeps trying to feed me weird AI stuff and if i ask a question half the time i get a page that looks like an AI wrote it.
I cant imagine sane people being online much in a few years time.
I used to love surfing down internet rabbit holes of an evening, now I’m back to books.
ya man, instead of fun rabbit holes, most people will soon get lost in hellish AI hallucinated realities. Strange bubble universes filled with endless untruths, lots and lots of data that means nothing, scrambling their brains, with a slow drip of poisonous nonsense.
Even the books can be pumped full of the same nonsense now too, (especially on Amazon) so books yes, but discernment and researching to make sure the author is a real person also, even more important going forward.
( for reference: )
Yes…. I was playing with an AI song generator and its amazing, how after listening to “my” creations run up in a few moments, how suspicious the music on the radio sounds.
Souless music…peoples tastes travel downwards to meet whatever they are offered.
Youtube is full of AI generated crap and I cant even search and find a website on how to do something that doesnt look like its done by an AI…. damn internet will be useless – even as an info source, let alone ‘waking people up’ – very soon for normal people.
I have grabbed a mess of actual books off Internet archive and such but your right, even that kind of thing will be be re-done or edited soon enough.
TEXANS who were murdered…
Criminal charges (e.g. murder) for Covid atrocities – Fauci et al
Remember all those people who were ‘kidnapped’ by hospitals, forced to take remdesivir, denied Ivermectin, denied visitation of family members, and then died?
The following Legal approach is kind of interesting, and I like seeing the pushback.
Certainly, we all would like to see these criminal psychopaths be held responsible for their crimes.
You need to read or scan through some of the documents (e.g. page 14 of the 26 page “Texas AG Brief Public” to see some anecdotes of people who died.)
The legal brief developed and sent to the above officials was on behalf of the aggrieved
families of 46 Texans (victims) who perished in Texas hospitals and other facilities during
the pandemic. The brief identifies alleged crimes per Texas penal code and presents
substantial evidence developed by attorneys working pro bono.
Website and information obtained via…
Tuesday August 20 2024 – By Paul Gardiner
Opinion: Time for Texas to Investigate Anthony Fauci
…On behalf of all the hundreds of thousands of my fellow Americans, including over 90,000 Texans, who died in hospitals and other facilities (many believe their loved ones were murdered – see letters) during the COVID-19 pandemic, Attorney General Paxton and his district attorneys need to take immediate action on the request for a thorough criminal investigation.
[The anchor text links contain revealing documents.]
Wednesday August 21, 2024 – Dallas Express
Opinion | Bird Flu: Lessons Learned – Part 1 Rand Paul
By Tom Nolan
We know that some scientists strive to make the Bird Flu more risky to humans through “Gain of Function” research.
This begs the question: “If scientists proposed a strategy to government agencies to make an animal virus contagious to humans, and that specific type of lab-made virus was unleashed upon the world, would government agencies tell us?”
The answer is “No”. At least 15 government agencies knew, but said nothing.
On Tuesday, April 9, 2024, U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) posted this notice: “Dr. Paul Sends Letters to Fifteen Federal Agencies After Discovering Their Knowledge of Risky DEFUSE Project”
Rand Paul states, “At least 15 federal agencies knew from the beginning of the pandemic that EcoHealth Alliance and the Wuhan Institute of Virology were seeking federal funding in 2018 to create a virus genetically very similar if not identical to COVID-19. Disturbingly, not one of these 15 agencies spoke up to warn us that the Wuhan Institute of Virology had been pitching this research.”
The Rand Paul notice points out that these agencies received presentations in 2018 about the DEFUSE project.
24 March 2018 “EcoHealth Alliance Darpa Proposal” – Project DEFUSE (75 page Document)
This is a one page DEFUSE presentation slide summary which gives highlights. The approach includes sequencing the spike protein of SARS-CoV to bind with the human ACE2 receptor (second sentence in top right box.)….
Senator Young talking about exploiting African resources, 13 second gaffe.
Hi Everyone,
I am looking for a piece on “New Jerusalem and the Greater Israel Project”
It was I believe on TRUNEWS but I cant find it now.
Does anyone now where I might find it?
“TruNews – New Jerusalem and the Greater Israel Project”
thank you very muchly homeremedysupply …you are a cornucopia of resources and i greatly appreciate you
Wed 8/21/2024 – Fluoride Action Network (FAN) – FluorideAlert.ORG – Press Release
NTP report finds “large body” of evidence that fluoride exposure is “consistently associated with lower IQ in children”
The government review comes as a federal judge is about to rule on whether water fluoridation poses a neurotoxic hazard to human health
A landmark National Toxicology Program (NTP) report on fluoride neurotoxicity has confirmed what experts have long suggested: that fluoride is comparable to lead in its ability to lower IQ in children, according to the Fluoride Action Network.
After conducting an 8-year systematic review, which included an unprecedented number of peer reviews and attempts to suppress its release, the NTP published their long-awaited monograph. NTP authors reported that “72 studies assessed the association between fluoride exposure and IQ in children,” and 64 of those studies, amounting to 88%, found “an inverse relationship associated between estimated fluoride exposure and IQ in children.”
Of those 72 studies, the NTP reported:
“19 of those studies were considered to be high quality; of these, 18 reported an inverse association between estimated fluoride exposure and IQ in children.”
This is a 95% consistency among the highest quality studies, with the best human studies (Bashash 2017, 2018; Green 2019; Till 2020) having found neurotoxic harm to occur at current exposure levels for people living in fluoridated communities. NTP continued,
“The 18 studies, which include 3 prospective cohort studies and 15 cross-sectional studies, were conducted in 5 different countries.”
This speaks to the strength of the findings since they are consistent across diverse populations and found by different research teams from various leading public health institutions. NTP added,
“46 of the 53 low-quality studies [88%] in children also found evidence of an inverse association between estimated fluoride exposure and IQ in children.”
FAN’s Science Director, Chris Neurath says, “Although the NTP’s systematic review was not intended to define a safe lower dose, the information it compiled provides strong evidence that water fluoridation as done in the US by adding fluoride to a concentration of 0.7 milligrams per liter (mg/L) is very likely to be lowering the IQ of at least some children.”
The NTP also reviewed studies looking at effects on brain development other than IQ loss. While they found limited research, despite fluoridation being declared safe for over 75 years, the studies they did find had similarly concerning results, with NTP reporting that:
“8 of 9 high-quality studies examining other cognitive or neurodevelopmental outcomes reported associations with estimated fluoride exposure.”….
[Look at the embedded IMAGE of the “5 Evidence Level Descriptors” and start reading from the bottom description. This helps to understand the language of the NTP Report.]
Thursday August 22, 2024 – The Dallas Express – By Kellen McGovern Jones
Bombshell Fluoride Report Finally Released
A bombshell report from the National Toxicity Program has made devastating findings regarding the health impacts of water fluoridation on American children.
A review of the literature in the study’s abstract found substantial evidence in nearly every study that there is a strong “inverse association” between childhood fluoride consumption and a child’s IQ.
“Eight of nine high-quality studies examining other cognitive or neurodevelopmental outcomes reported associations with estimated fluoride exposure. Seventy-two studies assessed the association between fluoride exposure and IQ in children. Nineteen of those studies were considered to be high quality; of these, 18 reported an inverse association between estimated fluoride exposure and IQ in children,” the abstract of NTP MGRAPH-08 reads.
The abstract also noted that these findings were replicable in other countries:…
…The full report, which is now available on the NTP’s website, is more than 324 pages long. Anti-fluoride activists have widely hailed it as a victory for their side.
“It’s about time! Despite many attempts by fluoridation stakeholders to suppress or wordsmith the finding, the NTP has said that a dose of 1.5 mg/L is neurotoxic to the developing brains of infants in the womb. Any woman who drinks 2 liters or more of ‘optimally’ fluoridated water a day receives that dose,” Dallas anti-fluoride activist Regina Imburgia said….
August 22, 2024 – Dr. Robert Malone
Fluoride: Can it be so Simple?
Lede quote:
“There are no known benefits to the fetus from ingesting fluoride.
And yet now we have several studies conducted in North America suggesting that there may be a pretty significant risk to the developing brain during that time.”
“Our findings are noteworthy, given that the women in this study were exposed to pretty low levels of fluoride — levels that are typical of those living in fluoridated regions within North America”
Ashley J. Malin, PhD – Lead author, “Maternal Urinary Fluoride and Child Neurobehavior at Age 36 Months” (JAMA Open Network)
[Malone’s article and images continues.]
Thursday August 22 – by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D.
CDC Stands by Water Fluoridation After Report Linking Fluoride to Lower IQs in Kids Finally Published
The National Toxicology Program on Wednesday published a controversial report, years after efforts to suppress it finally failed. The report concluded with “moderate confidence” that higher levels of fluoride exposure in drinking water are consistently linked to lower IQs in kids.
…Thiessen told The Defender, “A conclusion of ‘moderate confidence’ of neurotoxic effects, especially on unborn and newborn children, ought to mean an immediate elimination of water fluoridation and minimization of fluoride exposure to the population.”..
… The authors concluded that exposure to drinking water containing more than 1.5 milligrams per liter (mg/L) is consistently associated with lower IQ in children. That’s only twice the amount the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends be added to drinking water in the U.S. to prevent tooth decay.
Most environmental toxins regulated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are more strictly controlled. Typically, human exposure is banned at 30 times the level of their known toxic effects. None of the chemicals regulated under the Toxic Substances Control Act are permitted at a margin of less than 10….
Thursday August 22, 2024 – Derrick Broze
Long-Delayed U.S. Government Report Finally Released, Concludes Fluoride Lowers IQ in Children
The final version of the report confirms what previous draft versions have concluded — fluoride exposure is associated with lower IQ in children.
The long-delayed and censored final report from the U.S. National Toxicology Program has found “moderate confidence” that fluoride exposure is “consistently associated with lower IQ in children”…
… Although the conclusion of the final version of the NTP’s monograph is strongly worded, it is likely to continue to be debated due to certain caveats.
These caveats are already being used by corporate media to downplay the seriousness of the NTP’s conclusions. One of the most widely distributed articles from the Associated Press is headlined, “US government report says fluoride at twice the recommended limit is linked to lower IQ in kids“. The mention of “twice the recommended limit” is designed to misinform the public by having them believe the conclusions do not apply to the U.S. government’s currently recommended levels of 0.7 mg/L of fluoride in the water.
However, buried deep within the NTP’s 324-page report, the scientists make it clear they believe their conclusions apply to the U.S. population. They write (emphasis added):
“However, because people receive fluoride from multiple sources (not just drinking water), individuals living in areas with optimally fluoridated water can have total fluoride exposures higher than the concentration of their drinking water. In addition, there are people living in the United States who live in areas with naturally occurring fluoride in drinking water that is higher than 1.5 mg/L”
The NTP scientists take it one step further and conclude:
“This indicates that the moderate confidence in the inverse association between fluoride exposure and children’s IQ is relevant to some children living in the United States.”..
[This is unusual…I do not recall anytime that Zero Hedge had an article on Fluoride.]
Friday August 23 – Zero Hedge – Authored by Naveen Athrappully via The Epoch Times
Government Report Links High Fluoride Exposure With Low IQ Among Children
Exposing children to high levels of fluoride is “consistently associated” with lower IQ, and potentially other neurodevelopmental issues, according to a report by the National Toxicology Program (NTP).
In 2016, NTP started a systematic review of scientific literature to ascertain links between fluoride and cognition.
On Aug. 21, it published a report detailing its findings. A total of 72 studies reviewed in the report examined how fluoride exposure affected children’s IQ. Sixty-four of these studies found an “inverse association between estimated fluoride exposure and IQ in children,” meaning higher exposure was linked to lower IQ and vice versa.
“This review finds, with moderate confidence, that higher estimated fluoride exposures … are consistently associated with lower IQ in children,” the report stated. NTP is a unit of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
NTP defined high exposure as drinking water with fluoride concentrations that exceed the 1.5 mg/L limit set by the World Health Organization.
The allowable limits in the United States are different. While the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has set a threshold of 0.7 mg/L for fluoride presence in drinking water (including naturally occurring and added fluoride, or fluoridation), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has a limit of 2 mg/L.
As of April 2020, community water systems in the United States supplied water containing 1.5 mg/L or more of naturally occurring fluoride to 0.59 percent of the country’s population, which comes to approximately 1.9 million people, NTP stated. Around 1 million people were supplied water with 2 mg/L or more of naturally occurring fluoride.
“There is also some evidence that fluoride exposure is associated with other neurodevelopmental and cognitive effects in children; although, because of the heterogeneity of the outcomes, there is low confidence in the literature for these other effects,” the report stated….
Derrick Broze was interviewed on Redacted about the NTP Report
Published on Saturday August 24, 2024 YouTube – Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris
PROOF! U.S. government CAUGHT poisoning American cities with Fluoride
The actual interview took place on Friday August 23.
Exposing the NTP Report on Fluoride and IQ (Derrick Broze on Redacted)
Video 15:47
Redacted – March 22, 2023
“We are being POISONED!” documents reveal Fluoride scam | Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris
From Shownotes:
“The National Toxicology Program (NTP) report was written in 2022 but was blocked from publication by Assistant Health Secretary, Rachel Levine.”
The NTP’s report on fluoride neurotoxicity… …was subjected to two rounds of peer review by the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM), another separate expert peer-review process and comments from various officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR).
NOTE that NASEM is corrupt to the core. NASEM took millions of dollars in bribe money from the Sackler Family OxyContin Empire to stall handling the OPIOID CRISIS. Thousands of people died. Look it up…The New York Times reported on it.
The NTP Report was then submitted for another round of review by NTP’s BSC working group to assess whether the NTP sufficiently responded to agency criticism. The BSC approved the NTP in May 2023.
But emails obtained via FOIA by the plaintiffs reveal the American Dental Association (ADA) privately hoped to influence the “independent” NASEM.
The Dental Lobby plotted many covert strategies to stall, compromise and discredit the NTP Report per FOIA documents.
Nobody has ever seen anything remotely like this with a National Toxicology Program (NTP) Report. The number of peer reviews and comments combined with obstructive interference appear to break all records.
~~ More on NASEM and NTP Report
On January 31, 2024, the first day of the Fluoride Trial (Phase 2), the EPA named the expert witnesses it will call later in the case, including David Savitz, Ph.D., who chaired NASEM’s committee that peer reviewed the NTP’s systematic review.
The EPA paid $137,000 to David Savitz to be their witness.
The ‘expert’ said his lack of experience researching fluoride was actually an asset because it allowed him to examine the evidence in an ‘unbiased’ manner.
Monday August 26, 2024 – Ryan Cristian – TLAV The Last American Vagabond
Derrick Broze Interview – Us Government’s Fluoride Report Finally Released & The Two Party Obsession
RUMBLE (1:07:34)
Long list of references in Ryan Cristian’s shownotes.
The first half discusses the fluoride NTP Report.
The second half discusses the two party system and how it is manipulated by players behind the scenes.
Derrick Broze says, “Trump wrecked brains.”.
Broze mentions the three Big Tech steering committee members of the Bilderberg Group who are involved in American politics.
Attorney Michael Connett had contacted Derrick Broze shortly after the NTP Report was published.
Both attorneys got “this order from the court and it says this specifically:
‘The Court has been made aware that the NTP Monograph was recently published. The parties are invited to file the published version of this document and a joint letter identifying whether the published version is meaningfully different from the pre-publication version reviewed by this Court at Trial, and if so, specifically identifying these differences. The filing is due by this coming Wednesday. Signed Judge Edward Chen.’…”
“…And I did ask Michael Connett directly: ‘Do you believe this means that the Judge is getting ready to make a ruling?’
And he said, “Yes.”
“So, I think that we’re finally getting to the point where we might be really close to getting a ruling, and it could be that the Judge was waiting for the NTP version to come out.”
Published on June 19, 2024, James Corbett interviewed Michael Connett, lead attorney for the plaintiffs’ in the #FluorideLawsuit.
On Sunday June 23, 2024 Michael Connett was at a large fluoride activist event in Dallas, Texas.
Winning the Fluoride Fight – #SolutionsWatch
37 minutes
UK riots, Technocracy, mass migration and the ruling Political class – thoughtful essay here
That was a decent article….I would say that the reason “the party’ is uncultured is that US entertainment, which is primarily the product of a small number of Eastern European descended jews and their spawn, has eaten Western Culture….like it says in a ‘World of their own’ they spread their fake version of America and overlayed the real America with it- sadly American power let them eat Europe’s cultures too.
“… The traditional aristocracies of Europe, for example, considered themselves, and to some extent were believed by others, to be “better” than ordinary people. ………”
The Vietnam era end of the ruling class needing to serve in wars was the end of their right to rule- war weeded out the most weak and disgusting ruling class members. I am not sure when that happened in the UK.
Okay, before I post a recent 2024 article, I want to give a backstory. NoSoapRadio (aka ManBearPig) remembers when this occurred in France during Covid-19…
Covid-19 & TOBACCO – Back in the early ALARMIST days of the Pandemic, France “banned” tobacco products because tobacco might help ward off Covid-19.
April 2020 SUBTHREAD
Smoking Tobacco Nicotine
nicotinic choline type receptors in smokers
acetylcholine – (a “brain” chemical)
COVID-19 & receptors & cytokine storm
Tuesday August 20, 2024 – Dr Mathew Maavak
No Smoke Without Fire: The Nicotine Saga
Smokers being unusually-resistant to COVID-19 was one of the plandemic’s most shocking but underreported discoveries
[Graphic and videos in article]
When the coronapsychosis hit peak hysteria in early 2020, medical researchers began to observe a baffling medical anomaly regarding the supposedly novel and lethal respiratory disease. Regular smokers were grossly underrepresented among those hospitalised or seeking outpatient treatment.
Researchers in China and France swiftly came to the startling conclusion that nicotine may have protected smokers against the novel coronavirus. The French study discovered that just 5 percent of those hospitalised for Covid-19 were daily smokers as opposed to 25.4 percent of the French population who puffed daily. According to lead researcher Zahir Amoura: “Basically, we have 80 percent fewer smokers in Covid patients than in the general population of the same sex and the same age.”
Personally, I could not find a serious flaw in the French methodology and this excerpt shows why:
Smoking status was collected and patients were specifically asked whether they were current smokers (and if so, to provide details on their smoking habits: daily or occasional smoking, type of tobacco products used, number of daily cigarettes), former smokers, or not smokers ever). Daily smokers are individuals reporting daily smoking or reporting a daily frequency of the number of cigarettes (manufactured or rolled) or other tobacco products (cigars, cigarillos, pipe, shisha). Occasional smokers are individuals reporting infrequent, but not daily smoking. The group of ex-smokers included anyone having smoked in the past, occasionally or daily, and had abstained from smoking prior to the time of investigation. The term “never smoker” designated people who had never smoked. The quantities of tobacco smoked were calculated using the following equivalences: 1 cigar = 1 cigarillo = 2 cigarettes.…
…Two Chinese papers published earlier revealed similar patterns. One of them concluded that “only 12.6 percent of 1,000 Covid-19 patients were smokers, even though smokers comprised 28 percent of the Chinese population”. This was a highly counterintuitive revelation…
…The nicotine acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) are widely distributed throughout the body, including the brain, muscles, and peripheral nervous system. In the brain, nAChRs are involved in cognitive functions like attention and memory. In muscles, they mediate neuromuscular transmission, playing a crucial role in muscle contraction. These receptors are also found in other organs and tissues, where they influence various physiological processes, including heart rate, immune response, and gastrointestinal function….
Homey, thanks for those tidbits of news. I had a pack of Cohiba cigarillos from a recent trip to Switzerland. When I got hit by whatever it was I had already read about the Chinese study on tobacco smokers. The Cohibas made the symptoms so mild I played golf, remained active with little or no change in my routine. A day or two later I saw an old surgeon on you tube showing how to intubate Hydrogen peroxid . After doing that and enjoying a Cohiba every day I was on top of the world . The fraud was completely revealed and I felt sorry for those who were just too hypnotized to escape the traps that were set for them. Keep reminding people, it’s a service you provide to humanity.
That was an interesting article. Personally I’d stay off cigarettes these days what with their chemical additives and stick to cigars or a pipe.
“…Researchers in China and France swiftly came to the startling conclusion that nicotine may have protected smokers against the novel coronavirus….”
There was a nicotine like drug that was massively effective in reducing schizophrenic symptoms (if you’ve ever been around them you will notice schizophrenics tend to smoke like chimneys) but it never got past initial trials because (IIRC) it would have been too hard to patent
Choline and Inositol are supplements which can help the nervous system and brain function. Both are found in Lecithin.
Acetyl-Carnitine, an amino acid supplement, can help a person’s energy levels especially between meals but it also can facilitate mental acuity. Carnitine helps the body to burn lipids (oils) for energy.
Worth a glance/download as the paper discussed is behind a paywall:
Under The Skin: The Internet Of Bio-NanoThings
“First, there was the Internet of Things (IoT), then the Internet of Bodies (IoB), the Internet of Everything (IoE), and finally, Big Pharma and the military are going into your blood to construct the Internet of Bio-NanoThings (IoBNT). You might have hoped for the Internet of Nothing, but instead, you are getting the Internet Of Universal Skynet (IoUS). This paper from March 2015 is a primer that anybody can understand, including you. The IoBNT is the final building block of the surveillance network, bridging all living things from the biochemical domain into the electrical domain of the Internet.
“There was no warning that nanotechnology of this sort was being pumped into your veins when you received a mRNA injectable from Pfizer or Moderna. Not a word from the government, Big Pharma, or the Military. There was no Informed Consent offered. The non-stop propaganda blared “Safe and Effective.””
Anyone notice the guy from the DNC last night that was making fun of “18 years old” kinda looks like Mr Smith from Jones plantation?
Also, here’s something you guys might enjoy:
This engaging podcast episode offers a plausible explanation why the Ukraine-Russia war is dragging on:
Geopolitics & Empire #457: David Skripac: Global Neofeudalism, Putin’s Potemkin Efforts, & the Myth of Multipolarity
David Skripac returns to discusses the road toward global digital neofeudalism. He provides some historical context of empire and believes economics is key for the ruling classes. He has not seen Putin really doing anything different from his Western counterparts, he’s been rolling out the same digital biosecurity state. He doesn’t feel that we really have a multipolar world order, it’s still the same unipolar system. Russia’s SMO in Ukraine has been a Potemkin effort, the conflict is being stage managed. [W]e must continue to learn, pay attention, spread the word, resist, not comply, and stay sane!
Some good tips to aid in preparing for bank “holidays”:
How One Wall Street Giant Is Prepping for “Financial Collapse”
– Keep a stash of cash at home, including small denominations (stores will not be able to make change easily)
– Keep silver (and some gold) in small coins and/or small “buttons”
– Keep 3 months of “survival food kits” for your entire family (from original article, linked in above post)
“…. Keep 3 months of “survival food kits” for your entire family (from original article, linked in above post)….”
Most poors should just buy some food grade buckets and a couple of 50lb bags of rice. Buy a bag of pinto beans and they have a ‘slave diet’ that, at one meal a day, will feed a family for three months easily….folks probably ought to throw in some multi vitimin tabs (yuck) but powdered milk and bullion powder is cheep too.
Allegedly white rice kept in a tub with o2 absorbers lasts 30 years (not sure I belive that).
WATER is whats going to kill way more people, IMO, because they dont buy a Life Straw or a water barrel and will just drink whatever is there when they get thirsty enough I have one of these and it will burn sticks and leaves and small wood junkto heat water faster then a gas camping stove
Great additions. I have 5-gal. water storage jugs and some kind of additive that preserves it for long term storage. Plus a Berkey and some Life Straws. I planned to use a mini charcoal grill for cooking, but that’s not very efficient compared to the specialty stoves like the one you suggested. I ought to practice cooking some of my emergency food just to make sure I have a working system in place.
Look into hay boxes. They alow for ultra high efficiency cooking.
15 seconds ‘loop’ video – Watch gobs of chickens and a pack of Great Pyrenees race to catch up with Ashley Armstrong.
Longtime Corbett Report members are familiar with Professor Michel Chossudovsky and The Centre for Research on Globalization, aka Global Research
Dr. Joseph Mercola has an archive of articles/videos on Global Research.
Dr. Joseph Mercola RUMBLE Channel
Mercola’s YouTube Channel can be seen embedded in the Global Research articles.
Global Research, August 18, 2024 – By Dr. Joseph Mercola – [Article and videos]
Bringing Back Traditional Cheese-Making — A Movement to Redefine Cheese as a Superfood
Cheese has been a staple in human diets for millennia. However, the advent of industrial cheese production has dramatically altered its quality, making real, traditional cheese increasingly hard to find in the U.S.
Instead, the market is now flooded with cheese made using synthetic, lab-produced rennet (Pfizer), which alters its nutritional profile and fails to match the quality and benefits of traditionally made cheese.
Fortunately, exciting developments are underway to make high-quality cheese more accessible to a broader audience.
This initiative is spearheaded by Ashley Armstrong, cofounder of Angel Acres Egg Co., which specializes in low-PUFA (polyunsaturated fat) eggs, and the Nourish Cooperative, which provides some of the healthiest food in the United States. Ashley is also an expert on the late Dr. Ray Peat’s principles of bioenergetic medicine….
The 65 minute embedded video with Ashley gets into the body-technical-mechanism weeds towards the beginning, but picks up speed and interest as they discuss chickens, Great Pyrenees dogs, that the government almost destroyed the farm, farm co-ops, farmer pay, and plans for the future.
Angel Acres Farm
Angel Acres YouTube (videos are 3 years old)
Strong Sistas YouTube Channel (current)
We’re Ashley and Sarah Armstrong, two sisters passionate about bioenergetic nutrition, regenerative agriculture, producing the highest quality food, and living in alignment with the life you dream of/who you desire to become. We’ve shared a lot of our health journey on Youtube and Instagram, and have now taken to podcasting….
Wow, I’m on a roll. Today’s news from Dr Mihelcea and Kathern Watt at Baileywick News.
Washington state guidelines for quarantine of suspect unvaccinated free persons. I don’t see how but I suspect Poppy Crum will whisper in my ear and I won’t question such things anymore .
okay now I wanna know more about this “Poppy Crum”, is she one of these oligarch’s pet mad scientists messing around with AI and ear buds that read your thoughts?
I have been too busy planting trees and saving seeds to keep up to speed on what all the psychopathic plutocrats their their puppets are up to recently.
Please give me the low down on this cartoonishly named lady (that must be up to some very shady shenanigans by the way you keep mentioning her).
Hey G
It’s more a matter of creating a thought than reading a thought .
Camille introduced Poppy Crum’s crummy ideas several years ago. It’s mind control and accepted openly now. The old public service announcement takes on a whole new meaning.
It’s concerning to see the contempt being shoved in our face. Jo-ann ,see below relates it quit poignantly about taking life threatening defence positions when they( proverbial they) come to give you your medicine by force . When that phone rings don’t pick it up. But it seems it’s too late for Canada, Venezuela and any oil reserve countries… My doors open when you decide to flee.
Ahh thought injecting technologies. Well I have been aware of V2K tech for quite some time but what you are describing sounds even more subtle and nefarious.
Ya it certainly seems that the land mass now commonly referred to as “Canada” (a name applied based on ignorance and by armed thugs and racketeers that have been enforcing their crime syndicate’s oppression on these lands for about 150 years now) is circling the drain as far as sinking into the depths of overt technocratic totalitarianism with regards to it’s centralized governance structure.
I feel that this land calls to me to apply my gifts here to plant the seeds for future generations, so I will not flee the country if the organized crime cartel (known as the Canadian government) starts sending out goons to forcibly inject people or drag them off to euphemistically named concentration camps, rather I will do my best to prepare for all the possible situations (which my mind is able to have the foresight to predict) in a way that honors my choice to live by the non-aggression principle. Ground level hired muscle for tyrannical regimes are often quite vulnerable to suggestive influence, so some “jedi mind tricks” may be helpful in such situations as well. I have witnessed people turn aggressive cops approaching into friendly fellow citizens chatting using nothing but careful strategy, energetics and well chosen words. Such techniques often work much more effectively than physical weapons in defending oneself and one’s loved ones.
But I digress.. thank you very much for the kind offer my friend. When I was recording my most recent audio segment for the Mounsey Minute Series on Media Monarchy I touched on how PawPaw fruit were a very helpful survival food for escaped slaves that were fleeing north to Canada and as i was recording that I had thought to myself how interesting it is to consider how the coin has flipped now. During the height of the scamdemic lockdowns and “vaccine passport” nonsense, people in Canada were attempting to flee big pharma slavery to go to the states.
Same here in NY. The state lawmakers wouldn’t pass it, so the governor amended the state health regulations to enact it. An attorney has been fighting it for several years, based on the fact that the executive branch is not authorized to pass laws. Initially won in court, but lost on appeal. Another court date is planned, but I doubt there will be victory.
Katherine is basically saying that if / when the folks come for you, plan to fight to the death, since you don’t want to be subjected to whatever they will do to you once captured. Black Pill moment.
You are a rebel rowzer. I got to ask, do you believe it will come to that? what you say Katherine is basically saying.
About greeting the health official with a fight to the death on a front porch in America? Now for the rest of you it’s time to take sides. Vote on or speak up . What’s it gonna be?
I might add that’s what the 2nd amendment to the Constitution was all about. Our founding fathers new how to deal with over zealous beurocrats could get.
General bottle Washer
“….I got to ask, do you believe it will come to that? what you say Katherine is basically saying…..”
i cant answer for someone else, but personally i think 2nd Amendment Boomers, like conservatives and libertarians, have an urge to die righteously and pointlessly for a noble cause.
At the end of the day within living memory much more serious people then the current western population have been put down by an armed and organized minority.
There was not a mass of jewish bolsheviks, nor were the Red Chinese or Khamer rouge a majority.
Give it another ten years of immigration and the USA and Europe will be beyond the point that they COULD resist effectively….if I was an oligarch I’d just keep running the clock down on the slow boil.
Personally I think people that wont bother to do cancel netflix or even a little bit of politics wont suddenly turn into suicide rebels to avoid a jab.
On occasion a blind duck finds a slug. You may be right here. Then we should just pop out of existence? Or stand our ill conceived ground and face facts, as renters. Those small groups you allude too were well armed fanatics with nothing to loose and everything to gain. Like the bloods and the crisps in north Tulsa. Murder was not ideological. What are you proposing and how do you know when negotiations are terminated?. It’s gonna be on the porch and the news will assure the masses it was a nutter removed from our community. That worries me a bit in real time.
Can you clear up that last paragraph you personally share?
What I am saying is that you can not expect that masses of people who wont do anything WHEN ITS EASY to do anything when its their life on the line.
When the coof was going on we had a guy on here, commenting on this site, how he was going to get the jab because his wife couldn’t stand the social pressure…..when will a man like that actually stand up? After he’s lined up at the edge of a lime pit???
“…Those small groups you allude too were well armed fanatics with nothing to loose and everything to gain….. Murder was not ideological…..”
They were ORGANIZED and they operated coherently to impose their will upon the disorganized people. The reason Anarchism and libertarian-ism are BS ideology because they CAN NOT organize well and will thus always loose to ideologies that can.
Duck says,
“You cannot expect that masses of people who won’t do anything WHEN IT’S EASY, to do anything.”
ha!…you are right…it is easy to “vote” as a pretense of doing something.
I well remember the Pandemic and the spineless masses.
I was out there maskless with flyers and signs trying to inform people.
Throughout the Pandemic, I would be the only person in stores without a mask.
After countless months, the public mask narrative suddenly broke when the Governor or somebody said something…
The moment etched in my mind…
I pulled up to the grocery store and get out walking towards the doors.
A lady had pulled up when I did. She turns back to me and almost patriotically yells: “Don’t wear a mask! We do not have to wear masks!”
I respond, “I have never worn a mask since the beginning.”
She had a brain freeze, a look on her face where she briefly recognized the ineptness of her integrity.
Maybe the trend is shifting in a positive direction. But given the voluntary nature of feeding the Data Harvesting Complex, I remain skeptical.
“…ha!…you are right…it is easy to “vote” as a pretense of doing something….”
Yes…..but its just as easy to make a big show out of NOT voting.
IIRC you spend time trying to convince elected officials not to put toxins in the water supply…. if you could get 5 or 10% of the people to vote on that single issue I wonder if it would be an issue?
lets look at gun rights, which, however abused they may be from the 1930’s or whatever, are actually pretty GOOD in a lot of places because people care enough to vote on them PLUS people will Primary politicians over the issue.
Lets look at the anti-abortion chaps who spent decades pushing that ONE issue until they flipped the supreme court.
Lets look at the Israel lobby….who has more power in the US then any other single power bloc- and at the end of the day that power comes from them being able to control the money spigot THAT BUYS VOTES.
Your vote is MOSTLY a way to hide who has power, but its a chance to throw a tiny grain of sand into the machines gears for zero effort
If someone wants to vote as a form of “pushback”, that’s fine.
I am all for any type of non-violent pushback against the system.
But voting is not for me.
I am of the ilk that it takes much, much more than checking a ballot box to rectify an incorrigibly corrupt system.
Q4C, Homie,Duck jo-ann,
Has there ever been a think tank study on what would happen if no one went to the poles. Or went to the polls and all blacked out their ballot? Is there rules for a general election quorum?
Since Government is the largest employer I suppose enough coercion could be brought to bare on the bureaucracy to force an appearance outcome. Top down. I’m for a no vote so as to expose the powers that operate an agenda regardless of the process having any effect on the plans already in motion. The whole get out the vote is an distraction. A pretence. The whole boycott idea won’t stop TPTSB ; they probably have gamed that scenario out 100 ways since Sunday. I’m I miss guided; The mask and the vote are of the same caliber psyop… ” I’m battling COVID by wearing my mask ; I’m battling my countries demons by voting.”
Press Release:::August 29, 2024
What do they have in store?
Find out in this NYT best seller by James Corbett. ” Who owns this store? or Where do I get a ticket to ride on the bus to get to the store.?”
Release date… SOON, coming to a news stand near you SOON !!!
IIRC the Soviets had ‘elections’ and people would not bother turning out when they were mad at the local boss and get him in trouble with the higher ups (not a soviet expert so dont quote me…)
The dif. in the USA is that
a)Some people WILL show up, at least for the next decade
b)It still makes SOME difference who actually gets the job- not masses but some.
Were that not so people would find it the same living in California and New York as Florida or Texas….the speed of change and degree of insanity pushed is inversely related to the push back the electorate gives.
NOT saying that it ‘fixes’ things, just that there are levels of poop like there are circles of hell
You are a regular Dante’ Duck
I hope the Dallas City Council realizes the rings of hell they are adding to perceptions of elected officials. They seem to know the rules citizens never figure out.
That there are things you get to vote on and there are things the council votes on. No matter how irrational it appears, it’s unresponsive to the minority position. It’s a totum pole and silo and Joe and Jenny Voter who occupy the basement of the totum, where all the crushing weight is felt just keep voting harder. Drinking the poison water , what?
I will not know until the time comes, but forced jabs is my red line. I would like to think it should be easy for me as I am responsible only for my old dog and my old self. I have no weapons, but can envision being suicided by cops as a means to avoid the jab and tortuous re-education in a quarantine camp, if it should come to that. Remember:
We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.
― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956
“… I have no weapons, but can envision being suicided by cops as a means to avoid the jab and tortuous re-education in a quarantine camp, if it should come to that….”
OK, being the A hole here but….How are you going to be suicided without a weapon?
They just need to thwack you about a bit or hit you with a tazer.
from the simpsons…. 😉
I haven’t worked out the details so I would have to do some research if the situation develops further. My first instinct would be a facsimile (e.g. toy or prop), one more convincing than the one used in the funny Simpson’s clip.
Its only a black pill if you are ‘there’….if you live far away from the city in a place where the locals have some kind of urge to stick together you have a much less to worry about.
at the end of the day SOMETHING bad is always going to happen one day and all you can do is do your best to be ready and trust in God….we have had a weirdly long time without horror in the western world which is why people have forgotten how things actually are
We have the UN and WHO both aiming to make pin-cushions out of 100% of us pleebs, as well as state and local health laws in alignment. I watch the county job listings and notice an increase in postings for health department personnel. They are getting ready for something, perhaps the health effects of climate change as defined by the CDC, or the pandemic BGates promised would really get our attention.
I think I have made peace within to face whatever evil comes before me. I am old enough to say, “thanks very much for my life, now it’s time to say farewell.”
Duck and joe-ann,
I’m reading your exchange and want to point out one of the ways those despicable things can be used on a population , that is perception management.
You go off on perceptions and you will use up your ammo, reveal your position and weaken your resolve when the actual threat comes in real firm form .
A pre-emptive stand at the courthouse, city council or Health Dept, meet and greet will give these type cowards pause. If it goes Kafka it’s too late.
Just a thought from reading your back and forth.
The First Church of Christian Science of Boson Mass. in the early 80s was united against vax and medical intervention into religious freedom
Great points. I suppose they will have worked out a plan (unpublished) to manage resistance scenarios in one of their tabletop exercises.