
Rock the Vote! – #PropagandaWatch

We all know that the powers-that-shouldn’t-be don’t put together a decades-long propaganda campaign to condition the public to believe in the plain, simple truth. So why have they spent decades (if not centuries) trying to condition us to believe that voting is important and effective? Today on #PropagandaWatch James explores the propaganda campaign surrounding voting and what it tells us about the statist indoctrination system we live under.

Larken and Amanda Rose Shine Candles In The Dark

Today James’ identical twin brother Statist Jim talks to Larken and Amanda Rose about Candles In The Dark, the two day workshop they’ll be running at Anarchapulco 2020 to help voluntaryists become more effective communicators of anarchist ideas.

What’s Behind the Paywall? – Questions For Corbett

Have you ever wondered what’s behind The Corbett Report paywall? Well, wonder no more! Today James takes you behind the login to show you exactly what super secret insider info you get by becoming a subscriber (spoiler: you don’t get any super secret insider info at all).

The 3rd Annual REAL Fake News Awards!

And now, from the palatial Corbett Report studios in western Japan, it’s time for The 3rd Annual REAL Fake News Awards. Which media organization will take home the most Dinos for their dishonest reporting? Who will bear the shame of the biggest fake news story of the year? Find out in this year’s exciting gala broadcast!!

Who Is Smedley Butler? – QFC

Have you heard of Major General Smedley Butler? If not, you might want to ask yourself why that is. As one of the most highly decorated Marines in the history of the US Marine Corps and as a passionate and eloquent speaker about the racket that is war, Smedley Butler deserves to be a household name. Find out more in today’s edition of Questions For Corbett.

The CIA’s Global Propaganda Network – #PropagandaWatch

This week on the de-program James digs up an old New York Times report on the CIA’s mighty wurlitzer, their global propaganda network that included hundreds of journalists, editors, academics, publishing houses, newspapers, magazines and front companies. Although the Times piece is, as expected, a limited hangout, it does provide some interesting pieces of the global intelligence propaganda puzzle.

Announcing the 3rd Annual REAL Fake News Awards!

It’s a new year so it’s time to bust out the dinos once again! That’s right, James Corbett will be hosting the 3rd Annual REAL Fake News Awards this Friday, so Corbett Report members are invited to log in and leave your nominations for worst fake news story of 2019 in the comments section.


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