
Going Viral

So what does it mean to “go viral” anyway? No, no, no. What does it really mean? Join James for a philosophical exploration of memes, virality and the body politic on this edition of The Corbett Report podcast.

What’s In A Logo?

On today’s Thought For The Day, James riffs on a conversation in the Corbett Report comments about the Exxon logo and the surprising things hidden in many corporate logos.

Did Soleimani Kill 600 Americans? – QFC

Everyone has heard by now that Soleimani was responsible for 600 American deaths . . . but where does this oddly specific number come from? Today on “Questions For Corbett,” James finds the answer at the bottom of a barrel of neocon lies.

Michael Maharrey on Facial Recognition Pushback

Today Michael Maharrey of the Tenth Amendment Center joins us to discuss the recent legislative successes that have helped to push back on the encroaching facial recognition panopticon . . . and what remains to be done to combat this technocratic tyranny.


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