Episode 460 – The Future of Food

by | Jun 11, 2024 | Podcasts, Videos | 56 comments

We all know the problems of the modern factory farming system. But, as bad as things are, they’re about to get even worse. New technologies are coming online that threaten to upend our understanding of food altogether. Technologies that could, ultimately, begin altering the human species itself. This is The Future of Food on The Corbett Report.

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If it is true that “you are what you eat,” as the old adage has it, then what does that make us?

As consumers of heavily processed, chemically treated, GMO-infested gunk, we in the modern, developed world have solved the problem of hunger that plagued our forebears since time immemorial by handing our food sovereignty over to a handful of corporate conglomerates.

The result of this handover has been the creation of a factory farming system in which genetically engineered crops are doused in glyphosate and livestock are herded into tiny pens where they live their entire lives in fetid squalor, pumped up with antibiotics and growth hormones until they are slaughtered and shipped off to the supermarkets and fast food chains.

There are plenty of documentaries and exposés detailing the dangers of this industrial farming system that we find ourselves beholden to. Any number of activists ringing the alarm about these problems. Numerous campaigns and marches organized to raise awareness about these issues.

Yet still, nation after nation gets fatter and sicker as traditional diets based on fresh produce sourced from local farmers are displaced by the fast food pink slime sourced from the industrial farms of the Big Food oligopoly.

But, as bad as things may be, they’re about to get even worse. As crisis after crisis disrupts the food supply, the “solution” to these problems has already been prepared.

New technologies are coming online that threaten to upend our understanding of food altogether. Technologies that could, ultimately, begin altering the human species itself.

This is your guide to The Future of Food. You are watching The Corbett Report.

Food As A Weapon

So what is food, anyway?

To a normal human being whose head is screwed on straight, that sounds like a dumb question. Food is fuel for the body, obviously.

Oh, sure, we could get fancy about it. Scientists might talk about the caloric content of different foods, or measure their macronutrient levels. Sociologists might point to food as the basis of human community, drawing people together into families, tribes and communities to break bread and engage in social relations. Theologians may even discuss the transubstantiation of bread and wine and the communion with God that such sacred acts of consumption make possible. . . .

. . . But then there are the psychopathic would-be world controllers. These Machiavellian schemers would define food in a very different manner. To them, food is a very different thing altogether.

To those seeking to rule over nations, food is a weapon.

For millennia, attacking armies have known that a city can be conquered by blockading it. Eventually, the besieged city’s inhabitants will run out of food and will either starve to death or surrender.

The English knew that food was a powerful tool of control. They created the conditions that led to the Irish Potato Famine and then stood idly by as millions died or were displaced, because—in the memorable words of Charles Trevelyan, who was in charge of the British government’s response—”the judgement of God sent the calamity to teach the Irish a lesson, that calamity must not be too much mitigated.” But the Irish were neither the first nor the last to feel the brunt of the British Empire’s indifference to their hunger; just ask the Bengals about their own famine.

The 20th-century example of this “food as a weapon” mindset that immediately springs to mind is the Holodomor, a brazen act of genocide perpetrated by Josef Stalin’s Soviets against the Ukrainians in order to force through his campaign to collectivize agriculture in the USSR and to silence the agrarian peasants who were rebelling against that policy. The ensuing famine killed millions of Ukrainians.

But the Holodomor is certainly not the only time that food was weaponized in the previous century. Who can forget arch-globalist Henry Kissinger’s National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests? This now-infamous document—drafted by Kissinger in December of 1974 and adopted as official policy by President Ford in 1975—argues that since “[g]rowing populations will have a serious impact on the need for food,” food aid to the developing world may need to be tied to mandatory sterilization programs or population reduction quotas. Even the coolly calculating Kissinger was forced to concede that such a scheme would turn food into “an instrument of national power.”

But that was then. This is now! Surely this “food as a weapon” idea has been retired, hasn’t it?

Lest there be any doubt that food is still being weaponized against us in the 21st century, we only have to turn to the latest news headlines to see that this idea is far from a relic of the past.

From the disruptions to the global food supply caused by the COVID lockdowns and restrictions to the decimation of the Ukrainian wheat harvest caused by the Russian invasion in 2022, the shocks to the global food supply chain have contributed to a doubling in the number of people facing acute food insecurity in the last four years.

Given this vivid demonstration of just how fragile the global food supply is and just how much economic and societal chaos can result from any shock to this system, it would be unthinkable that governments would now be deliberately attempting to undermine that supply chain further, wouldn’t it?

Well, think again. From the Netherlands to Ireland to Poland to Italy to Canada to Argentina to Sri Lanka, governments are cracking down on farmers, forcing them to cull herds, lower production, dump milk and comply with onerous new operating restrictions in the name of reducing pollution.

These governments are not stupid. Like the British, the Soviets, the Americans and other repressive regimes throughout history, they know that these measures, if played out to their conclusion, will result in widespread hunger and unrest. In fact, we’ve already seen massive protests against these restrictions in numerous countries, from Germany to Italy to Poland to Spain to Panama to Argentina to Canada. And that’s to say nothing of the mass Dutch farmer protests in recent years and Sri Lankans running their president out of the country when it became obvious that the government’s green policies and farming restrictions had contributed to the collapse of that nation’s economy.

And now, we find that the food supply itself is under attack.

ANCHOR: 40,000 pounds of food meant to feed people in a food desert near Maricopa, south of the valley, is completely gone.
And tonight, investigators are still trying to figure out what caused the fire.


SOURCE: Fire at Maricopa Food Pantry destroys 40,000 pounds of food

ANCHOR: Breaking news out of Pasco County: crews battling a huge fire at a chicken farm. It’s all happening on Cal Main Foods along Simpson Farm Lane in Dade City.


SOURCE: Dade City poultry farm fire likely killed 250,000 chickens

ANCHOR: Firefighters trying to figure out what sparked a fire at a food processing plant on the west side. It happened around 9.30 last night on Merida Street near South Zarzamora.


SOURCE: West Side food processing plant left with smoke damage after fire, SAFD says

ANCHOR: Breaking news in eastern Oregon, where crews are battling a major fire at a potato chip processing plant. Air 12 flew over the scene at Shearer’s foods on highway 207 in Hermiston.


SOURCE: At least two people injured in explosion at Hermiston food plant

ANCHOR: Crews were on the scene of a massive fire at an egg farm earlier this afternoon. The fire broke out at the Hillendale Farms location on Schwarz Road. The Salvation Army says around 100,000 chickens may have died in that fire.


SOURCE: VIDEO: 100,000 chickens die in Bozrah egg farm fire

A series of mysterious fires, explosions, incidents of arson and even cyberattacks on food processing facilities across the United States in recent years has prompted law enforcement agencies to warn of a coordinated attack on the food supply.

In April 2022, the FBI even issued an official notice to private industry warning that “ransomware attacks against the entire farm-to-table spectrum of the FA [Food and Agriculture] sector occur on a regular basis” and noting that such attacks are “disrupting operations, causing financial loss, and negatively impacting the food supply chain.”

This mysterious attack has taken place at the same time as a massive disruption of the global food supply has left the world one crisis away from disaster. With nitrogen fertilizer shortages fueling food inflation even as governments around the world crack down on their farmers’ use of fertilizers and farming inputs, and with war, drought and trade disruptions also playing havoc on food production, the global farm-to-fork system’s ability to feed the world’s population is coming into question.

Organic farmers and local agriculture advocates have been warning about the precarious nature of the global just-in-time supply chain and its lack of resilience for decades. But one group didn’t just warn about the current crisis, they predicted it in surprising detail.

In November of 2015—as you can learn from an official press release on the Cargill website—”65 international policymakers, academics, business and thought leaders gathered at the World Wildlife Fund’s headquarters in Washington DC to game out how the world would respond to a future food crisis.” Over the course of two days, the participants in this “Food Chain Reaction” crisis simulation role-played a response to a number of converging and overlapping catastrophes in the 2020s, including “two major food crises, with prices approaching 400 percent of the long term average; a raft of climate-related extreme weather events; governments toppling in Pakistan and Ukraine; and famine and refugee crises in Bangladesh, Myanmar, Chad and Sudan.” The game—which, we are assured, “was built over the course of months, with maximal realism in mind”—went on to envision some very specific scenarios that bare an eery resemblance to current-day reality, including “a steep price spike with looming global food shortages in 2022” that prompted the EU players to impose a tax on meat.

Lest the meaning of this exercise be lost on the general public, the World Wildlife Fund went on to spell it out in their after-action report on the simulation: “Only by stopping agricultural expansion, augmenting agricultural production, increasing resource-use efficiency, and reducing food waste, can we provide the food and nourishment we need, while ensuring we are conserving nature for future generations.” Accordingly, this “game” ended with the imposition of a global carbon tax.

In February 2024, the European Union ran its own food crisis simulation. The exercise—which brought 60 EU and government officials together for a 2-day conference in Brussels—envisioned a cascading series of food emergencies unfolding over the next two years, from harvest failures and fertilizer shortages to popular uprisings and unrest. The war game ended, predictably enough, with the government bureaucrats calling for more centralization of food reserves and stockpiles in the name of biosecurity and concluding that “diets need to shift toward healthier options and away from meat.”

This EU crisis simulation and the “Food Chain Reaction” exercise, combined with a series of government and NGO-sponsored awareness campaigns related to food security—including the Rockefeller Foundation’s “Reset The Table” report calling for further consolidation of the global food supply and the Chinese government’s “Clean Your Plate Campaign,” which aims to bring technocratic management of the economy into every citizens’ dining room—throw the current round of mysterious and unexplained attacks on food processors and farmers into stark relief. Together, these campaigns and exercises suggest that the current food crisis is not a naturally occurring event, but a deliberately engineered phenomenon.

But if this food crisis is being knowingly engineered, the question is why? What could governments gain by creating food shortages for their own people?

The answer is simple. We are witnessing a controlled demolition of the food supply chain, one that is intended to result in the destruction of the current industrial farming system as we know it. But this changeover is not intended to return us to truly sustainable farming practices, with local, organic farmers producing crops in accordance with age-old agricultural wisdom. Far from it.

As it turns out, the “solution” to this food crisis, the one being proffered by the billionaires of the corporate-pharmaceutical-medical-industrial-philanthrocapital-military complex, is being engineered in laboratories and sold to the public via a bought-and-paid-for mainstream media.

One thing is for certain: the future of food will look very different from anything that we have seen in human history.

The Future of (Weaponized) Food

Now, anyone who has been paying attention in recent years will already know the direction that the food industry is heading.

Yes, by now we all know the “Eat Ze Bugs” agenda being pushed by Klaus Schwaub and his Davos minions. I guarantee that wherever you are, in whatever corner of the world you are reading this editorial, you will have seen (or could easily find) a local news story about high school students “spontaneously requesting” cricket powder dumplings in their school lunch or a puff piece about how valiant scientists are working to save the world with worm burgers.

And we all know about the GMO problem: genetically modified organisms making their way into our food supply. We know about the multiple health studies that have proven time and time again the deleterious health effects of GMO consumption. We know about the insane lengths that the GMO giants have gone to to suppress bad news about their products and the insane lengths that the press has gone to to assist them in this cover-up. And we know about the additional harms that this technology causes, ruining farmer’s livescontaminating the genome of the planet and causing associated products like glyphosate to further contaminate the food supply and further endanger our health.

But do we know about the next evolution in culinary technology? Now that scientists are playing around with the fundamental building blocks of life, reengineering organisms at the cellular level, an entire field of biotechnology is opening up that is threatening to fundamentally transform what we think of as food itself.

Moving beyond the simple insertion of foreign genes into an organism, scientists are now working on creating foodstuffs from designer microbes, engineering organisms into “bioreactors” that can be used to grow proteins and other materials for food production, growing meat-like products from cells in the laboratory and dozens of other zany ideas.

NARRATOR: The meat of the future will likely be lab-grown. Compared to our conventional methods of putting meat on the table, lab-grown meat—which debuted in 2013—doesn’t involve slaughtering of animals, nor does it require as many environmental resources.


SOURCE: The Meat of the Future: How Lab-Grown Meat Is Made

HOST: I’m about to be one of the first people on Earth to eat real chicken grown entirely in a lab. That’s right, we’re talking the most futuristic nuggets ever.


SOURCE: Lab-Grown Meat is Here… and I Taste-Tested It!

AMNA NAWAZ: Nearly 90 percent of Americans eat meat as a part of their diet. But earlier this year the Agriculture Department approved the production of what’s known as cultivated meat. That is, chicken grown in a lab.


SOURCE: How ‘lab-grown’ meat is made and will people accept it?

NARRATOR: This machine is 3D printing steak. The goal is to create a piece of meat without killing a cow. And this Israeli startup is one of the dozens of companies racing to perfect the process.

SIMON FRIED: It turns out that cows aren’t necessarily the most efficient way of making beef.


SOURCE: Can Lab-Grown Steak be the Future of Meat? | Big Business | Business Insider

After a near-decade-long PR campaign, you’ve probably heard of Impossible Foods and Beyond Meat, companies that employ the latest techniques in chemical engineering to create plant-based meat substitutes. But there are many more technologies around the corner that threaten to transform our food supply in even more bewildering ways.

Scientists are bioengineering spores that can be inserted into crops and livestock, allowing companies to identify and track food products all the way through the food system, from farm to factory to fork.

VISHAAL BUYAN: We use microbes as tracking devices. So what we do is we convert data digital data into strands of DNA. We insert that little bit of DNA into a microorganism. A probiotic microorganism, to be honest. And then we can sort of apply that organism and sort of “hitch a ride” on any food or agricultural product or really anything through the supply chain. And the reason we use a microbe to do it is because we engineer it to go into a spore, so that dormant state allows it to be impervious to high temperatures and UV light sort of protect that DNA barcode through transit.

SOURCE: Eating Bioengineered Spores

DARPA is doling out multi-million-dollar contracts for researchers to find ways “to turn military plastic waste into protein powder” for human consumption.

STEVE TECHTMAN: What we’re trying to do is to use microbes to take plastic and other inedible plant material and turn that into something that’s nutritious.


REPORTER: The idea is to turn components of plastic into protein and other nutrients like fats and sugars. If that sounds kind of gross to you, well . . .


TECHTMAN: I don’t want to eat plastic either. What we’re trying to do is to take that plastic and turn it into something completely different.


SOURCE: Turning Plastic Into Protein?

A company called Amai Proteins is using genetically engineered microbes to create peptides that taste like sugar but are digested like proteins, a process that, the company brags, allow their product to be legally sold as non-GMO even though, as they openly admit, these microbes are technically genetically engineered.

ILAN SAMISH: Then, we grow the protein. We biomanufacture it using yeast, just like you do in a brewery. We harvest the protein to get 100% pure protein. And last, our ProTaste food technology incorporates the protein to replace up to 70% of the sugar without compromising taste.


SOURCE: Sweet Protein | BBC StoryWorks

And then there are companies like Indigo Ag, a Boston-based agricultural technology company, and tech companies like EY Global and Microsoft, who are ushering in The New Normal Of Agriculture by—as their thinly-disguised corporate PR masquerading as “investment news” likes to boast—”utilizing advanced AI and machine learning techniques to create a revolutionary agronomics platform that boosts farmland sustainability and productivity through next-gen microbiome treatments, digital regenerative content, time-series satellite imagery, advanced crop monitoring and data analysis, and grain quality testing.”

NARRATOR: What if you could predict the best crops to grow using the power of data, recognize crop disease or pests faster, connect with vendors seamlessly, doing all this knowing you control your own data? With data captured from each field and connected to predictive analysis, farmers have an unprecedented view of their crops.


SOURCE: Innovating for Agribusiness – EY and Microsoft

Of course, these technologies will be sold to the public as a way to remarkably improve upon the boring old “food” that humanity has relied on for untold millennia. This isn’t food after all, this is Food 2.0!

Molecular gastronomy will allow for the creation of all sorts of zany and unimaginable dishes, from spherified juices to deep-fried hollandaise to lollipopified octopus!

In the nutrigenomical kitchen of the future, the AI systems that plan our meals and assemble our food will be able to precisely tailor our diet to our individual genome, calculating the exact portions of foodstuffs (or lab-grown food substitutes) we need to consume to meet our desired health goals!

And who needs a chef? In the future, we’ll bring the Star Trekkian idea of the replicator into reality by 3D printing all our food right in our own kitchen!

NARRATOR: You’re hungry. But instead of whipping up a meal, all you have to do is enter your menu choices into a computer and your dinner appears before you. So magical!


It may seem like science fiction, but it isn’t. Well, not completely. The future is now, my friends!


Is 3D printed food in your future?


SOURCE: Is 3D Printed Food the Future?

The propaganda that is being rolled out to sell the public on this transformation of our food supply sounds like the sales pitch of a used car salesman. This should not be surprising. For those who know the players who are pushing this “Food 2.0” agenda and their real intentions, it is obvious that the enormous and unbelievably hubristic effort to replace natural food with laboratory-made food substitutes is not about helping the poor and starving to achieve food security, but rather to deprive them of the earth’s natural abundance.

The end result will be a population dependent on the laboratory-produced food substitutes produced by a handful of corporations and a population at the mercy of the scientists these corporations employ. These molecular magicians will, after all, be able to insert all manner of exotic agents into the food supply at any time.

But to really understand where this agenda is heading and how quickly we are likely to get there if it is not opposed, we need look no further than the story of Future Fields. This company and its product has managed to combine the Unholy Trinity of fake food: GMOs, bugs and biotech.

MATT ANDERSON-BARON: So, today I’m here to talk about the humble fruit fly and how one day it could save your life—and perhaps all of humanity! So, science has given us countless medical miracles. You know: pandemic-stopping vaccines, life-saving therapies. But one of the most impactful things that it’s given us and given modern medicine is genetic engineering of biological systems.


SOURCE: How can a fruit fly save your life? Future Fields at Collision 2023

Future Fields, a Canadian biotech company, has notified the Canadian government of its intention to commercialize “EntoEngine,” a type of fruit fly that “has been genetically engineered to express a growth factor isolated from cows.” This growth factor, it turns out, is an important component of the lab-grown meat recipe, which has so far required the use of “fetal bovine serum” (FBS)—a substance extracted from unborn cattle—to grow the meat cells. But now that the “EntoEngine” has been created, Future Fields is excited to use these flying “bioreactors” to produce the growth factor faster and more cheaply than before.

Yes, from cricket powder dumplings and bug burgers to GMOs and glyphosate to bioreactors and designer microbes to nutrigenomics and 3D printed material, this is the future of food if the mad scientists get their way.

But who is funding these mad scientists? Where do they get their support? And what drives these shadowy billionaires and their non-profit organizations in their quest to reengineer the world’s food supply?

The Rockefeller Foundation

The Rockefeller family and their namesake foundation are in many ways the progenitors and the architects of the Great Food Reset. From the beginning of the so-called “Green Revolution” to the so-called “Gene Revolution,” the Rockefellers have been there, helping to move things along with their “philanthropic” donations.

In the 1940s, they founded the Mexican Agricultural Program in Mexico and the International Basic Economy Corporation in Brazil, both of which have been criticized for hooking farmers on expensive machinery and Rockefeller-supplied petroleum products. This formed the basis of the “agribusiness” concept that emerged, predictably enough, from the Harvard Business School out of research conducted by Wassily Leontief under a Rockefeller Foundation grant.

The Rockefeller’s agribusiness model arguably did more to change the course of human civilization in the 20th century than anything other than war. It transformed farming and traditional agriculture into the business-led, input-intensive industrial enterprise that it is today, and led to the creation of the global food supply chain.

But the Rockefellers’ influence did not end in the 21st century.

In 2006, The Rockefeller Foundation co-founded the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa, whose stated goal of “elevat[ing] the single African voice” on the world stage is belied by the fact that over 200 organizations have come together to denounce the alliance and its activities, claiming that the group has not only “unequivocally failed in its mission” but has actuall y “harmed broader efforts to support African farmers.”

And in 2020 the Rockefeller Foundation released a report entitled “Reset the Table: Meeting the Moment to Transform the U.S. Food System” calling for a further centralization of control over the food supply, including “a new, integrated nutrition security system.”

Bill Gates

Having explicitly cited The Rockefeller Foundation as one of its main inspirations, it’s no surprise that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has emerged to become one of the most important players in the Great Food Reset in recent years.

Gates was an important early backer of “Impossible Burger” and its lab-grown synthetic biology food substitute. He also provided capital to Impossible rival Beyond Meat . . . until Beyond’s stock began to crumble. Miraculously, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust was able to divest itself of its Beyond Meat stock right before the shares tanked in 2019.

And, as PleaseStopTheRide.com has pointed out, Gates is also investing millions into “hacking your microbiome” to reengineer humans’ gut bacteria.

Ominously, Bill Gates has also recently become the biggest owner of US farmland, a move that allows him unprecedented control over the future of farming in America.


Created in 1961 by executive order, USAID is a US government agency that has participated in subterfuge and counterinsurgency operations in Venezuela, Cuba, Ukraine and numerous other countries under the guise of providing humanitarian assistance and, of course, food aid.

Last year, USAID, in conjunction with “Feed the Future” (the U.S. government’s global hunger and food security initiative), released a working paper titled “Systemic Solutions for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation.” The paper argues that:

. . . a perfect storm of circumstances in which supply chain issues, regional agricultural and nutrition challenges, the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and regional conflict have combined to form a looming food security crisis.

Their proposal for addressing this (generated) crisis includes:

  • linking “carbon markets” to “regenerative agriculture” in a move that continues the financialization of nature;
  • using ESG scores as a way to pressure companies into acquiescing to the nebulous and ever-changing demands of the Food Reset agenda;
  • and, of course, “the promotion of insects as sustainable sources of proteins.”

Throughout the document, USAID’s “leverage” over developing countries is referenced no less than 125 times. Given the Kissingerian food-as-a-weapon mentality that is the very basis of USAID and its mission, the document perfectly represents the kind of Rockefeller-inspired, Gates-funded, USAID-promoted,  agribusiness-based neocolonialism that people in Africa and elsewhere have been warning about for decades.

This list of Great Food Reset culprits is of course incomplete. I haven’t even mentioned the participants in the “Food Chain Reaction Game” or the “nitrogen reduction” schemes being pushed by national governments around the world or the Global Crop Diversity Trust and its ominous Svalbard seed vault or any of a million other relevant players and factors in this grand transformation.

But from this (admittedly incomplete) exploration we can begin to make a list of the types of players that are behind this push to “transform the global food supply” and better understand their methods and motivation. And, armed with that knowledge, we can start formulating our own plans for counteracting this agenda.


Now, if there is any good news to be had in the sad saga of future (fake) food, it’s that the people are waking up to the Great Food Reset agenda and they are not happy about it.

For a trivial example of the pushback against the fake food agenda and the oligarchs stewarding over it, witness Bill Gates’ recent “AMA” (ask me anything) thread on reddit, where one heavily upvoted question put the issue to America’s largest farmland owner directly:

Why are you buying up so much farmland, do you think this is a problem with billionaire wealth and how much you can disproportionally acquire? [sic]

Gates’ answer—employing the fact checkers’ ACKSHUALLY! by pointing out that he “own[s] less than 1/4000 of the farmland in the US [sic]” and that his only interest in farms is “to make them more productive and create more jobs”—is to be expected from a man who has spent billions on PR and propaganda in recent decades to transform his public image from that a reviled tech monopolist to that of a revered billionaire philanthropist.

The response to that answer, however—observing that 1/4,000th of US farmland is still an incredibly large amount of land and that Gates did not explain how consolidation of farmland in fewer hands will transform the agricultural sector—shows that the public is not buying Gates’ PR wholesale anymore.

A less trivial example of the pushback against Gates and his ilk is to be found in the “Open Letter to Bill Gates on Food, Farming, and Africa” published last November and signed by no less than 50 organizations dedicated to food sovereignty, including the Community Alliance for Global Justice/AGRA Watch and the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa. The letter derides Gates’ role in “creating the very problem” of global food shortages that he is ostensibly “fixing,” accusing him of pushing ineffective (but profitable) technocratic solutions instead of simpler, less expensive agricultural solutions:

There are already many tangible, ongoing proposals and projects that work to boost productivity and food security—from biofertilizer and biopesticide manufacturing facilities, to agroecological farmer training programs, to experimentation with new water and soil management techniqueslow-input farming systems, and pest-deterring plant species. What you are doing here is gaslighting—presenting practical, ongoing, farmer-led solutions as somehow fanciful or ridiculous, while presenting your own preferred approaches as pragmatic. Yet it is your preferred high-tech solutions, including genetic engineering, new breeding technologies, and now digital agriculture, that have in fact consistently failed to reduce hunger or increase food access as promised.

The pushback against the transformation of the food supply is not limited to Gates and his eponymous foundation’s efforts, however.

Resistance against GMO foods, for instance, is massive. In fact, the more the biotech billionaires try to shove their genetically modified monstrosities on vast swaths of the human population, the more the public is rising up to reject them. In recent months alone we have seen people rebelling against GMOs in TurkeyKenyaNigeriaMexicoPakistan and Indonesia.

All of these protests against the Great Food Reset are hopeful signs. They show that the public are not simply going to swallow anything that is put on their plate.

But even more important than these examples of protest and pushback are the things that we can do to take the Future of Food away from the agribusiness conspirators and their bought-and-paid-for politicians and put it back in the hands of the people.

It involves getting our hands dirty and getting to work . . . but that’s the way it’s always been. And the alternative to this, this working of the land, is, as we have seen, no alternative at all.

And in the end, the future of food is ours to decide. Happy planting!


  1. I started growing organic in the ’50s at 14 after researching. That led me to eating foods free from chemicals, boycotting refined sugar, homogenated/pasteurized milk products. Recently, I switched to all-grass fed meat, dairy, eggs. It tastes better and it’s better for me.
    The govt. has not helped, instead made it hard.

  2. The British held up an embargo on Germany for a year after WWI Endes with approximately 800 000 Germans starkes to death. Dispute the Versailles dictate was signed.

  3. There are a number of incredible solutions that are getting the attention they deserve including Regenerative Agriculture practices as highlighted in Common Ground.

    Another method that is definitely worthy of global adoption (and interview, James!!!) is the work of Paul Skillicorn developed with God’s guidance over 40 plus years, solutions that work anywhere.

    Putting plants to use for clean water, efficient energy, nutrient dense organic food production, local employment engine, farmers as entrepreneur partners with 10x income, all in a no waste system for the health of the whole planet.

    A Whole New Circular Economy
    Paul Skillicorn (Start 22:05 or 40:00 if short on time)

    Thanks so much, and bon appetite!


  4. Matthew 24:3,7Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your presence*+ and of the conclusion of the system of things?”*7 “For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom,+ and there will be food shortages+ and earthquakes in one place after another.+ 8 All these things are a beginning of pangs of distress.

  5. In Ausjailia right now they are ramping the bird-flu scam pretty hard, only 4 years since the covid scam, cheeky buggers.

    So I’m calling it ‘Scamdemic 2.0: The Famining’

    The government recently killed 500,000 presumably healthy chooks on a farm near Geelong. There’s no way bird flu could have got to Geelong. What is near Geelong is the CSIRO who has been working on H5N1 gain of function research. At least that’s what I assume as there is NO good reason the CSIRO needs to be working on asian bird flu here. How else would bird flu have got to a farm in Geelong? Must have been the Geelong wet market I guess?

    Apparently an outbreak in three farms of H7N3 bird flu1, with another farm 100km away affected by a different H7 strain – H7N9. And according to WAHIS (the animal outbreak monitoring agency) these are the only outbreaks this year in Australia – and they have appeared almost as far South as you can possibly get. As most bird flus are supposed to originate in Asia, it’s a long way to fly, which may be why there isn’t any “naturally occurring” H5N1 (Asian Bird Flu) in Australia And if there were infectious diseases coming from Asia, you would see them in Queensland or the Northern Territories first.

    Anyway, here is a much better read on the subject for those who are interested.


    • There are many here that still believe the narrative that viruses and bacteria cause disease and infection. These hypotheses have been tested in hundreds of experiments and have patently failed to communicate a disease or illness, under controlled experiments from the sick to the healthy.

      As long as people believe that viruses and bacteria cause infections and diseases, there will be implied justification to control the spread of said germs.

      I believed the narrative almost my entire life until I saw a pandemic of convid19 PCR “testing” which did not line up with reason. How can so many people have this invisible virus and not be infirm or show any symptoms? “Asymptomatic’ does not make sense to the critical thinker that analyzes things through.

      Let’s have a look into the “science” of the so called “germ theory,” shall we?

      Scientifically, in order for something to be deemed a “theory,” it must be confirmed with observations and replication. A “hypotheses” is something that is supposed, based upon evidences, but if a hypotheses is tested thoroughly and the results and observations do not show that hypotheses to be valid, it is then disproven and can no longer even hold the status of “hypotheses,” as it has been disproven.

      Dan Roytas outlines his findings in over one hundred published studies and experiments which disprove the hypothesis of viruses and bacteria being the cause of sickness:

      “Can You Catch A Cold?” https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/Dan-Roytas-Can-You-Catch-A-Cold:8

      Here’s an audio/ visual summary of a book titled “Farewell To Virology,” where Dr. Mark Bailey presents the fraud known as virology in a very detailed breakdown of what virology actually is and how it is supported:

      It’s not for those that have a short attention span.




      The global health monopolists depend upon people believing the pseudo science to maintain their monstrosity of endless poisons and profits.

      Please, at the very least look into the experiments outlined in Dan Roytas’ book. It’s an eye opener, to be sure.

        • Yes I was giving thought to the asymptomatics recently too.

          First we were told the virus was an outright killer, that’s what panicked the world’s population.

          Later we were told a subset of those infected by the virus would die, the rest would suffer milder symptoms.

          Later we were told that a subset of those infected were asymptomatic carriers.
          However these asymptomatic carriers were dangerous too for they could spread the virus to others who could then potentially die.

          Thus it was imperative to continually be tested for the virus and self-isolate for ten days – two weeks if tested positive.

          Eventually when they stopped the testing, the scamdemic ended.

          • And now everyone is dying of ‘climate change’ 🙂

            Fortunately I was putting way more weight into the censored medical professionals who were saying that these types of viruses don’t spread asymptomatically. That if a person was contagious enough to be spreader they would have obvious symptoms. In my own experience I’ve only really caught head colds if I am trapped in a small space with someone who is coughing their lungs out. Anyway, it was all lies but as I have been onto these crooks since the 80’s I didn’t fall for it then and I’m not falling for it now with that slowly ramping bird flu scam.


  6. Nice work James and fantastic video editing Broc West.

    James you wrestled that daikon radish right out of the ground again !
    Corbett/ West—1
    Daikon radish —0

    • Thanks for the reply generalbottlewasher.

      I can confirm, as the host for James’ Daikon Issue of Solutions Watch, that there was no “wrestling” involved when he pulled up that daikon raddish. We flew in a stunt daikon raddish specialist from New Zealand to make sure that James didn’t hurt the daikon upon his massive, muscular pull up. You can see the outtakes in the link below. For your eyes only.


      Dr. Noh

      • Dr. Noh,
        You squeezed all the juice outta that daikon radish like a regular Ninja Blender. Proving these things don’t make themselves. Reinforcements need to be called in every once in a while. However that tanned, muscular body double stuntman can’t say two sentences without tripping. Hat tip to editor Broc West.
        It really is a community effort when Mr.Corbett comes to town for one of those docudramas . You can tell James has been lifting and bulking up for this shoot.
        The solutions that James put forth are not all muscle and brains. What you say? One of the muscle saving steps in reaching the solutions goals is having templates. Templates that align the muscles saving ,reinvention, duplication and time wasting wondering around in the dark.
        This was recently done here in Oklahoma and I encourage all you lobbyist hating volunteers to understand how a simple template can undo months of lobbyist salting the minds of hard of think self aggrandizing political corporate sponsors and emboldening the volunteer citizen politicians.
        It’s not the state, it’s the lobbyist cancer on the state.
        Wrestle that big fat daikon out of the statehouses grounds and you got a solution.
        Thanks Dr. I Loved the out takes that show how reels is real.

          • Dr. Noh
            Yes it’s good to have a cipher. Writing happy can be confusing outside ones immediate local. On occasions I have to use my Book of Texican Translations sometimes to kind a get the Texicans points too.
            We with taste buds for food and none for chatter wonder what happened to that daikon radish? How was it prepared ? Was it served to the volunteers who came together? It was large enough and quite the specimen. You have a green thumb for sure.
            This all lead to thinking about recipes. Or templates for cooking up some good stuff, like banning the dictates of NGOs, World Health Organizations, UNs and your uncle Bob’s think tank from the immediate geographical area. As clear as day. I know people would volunteer to get that done.
            Thanks for the blessings Dr. I insist on raising your blessing with ” to the nourishment of our bodies.” Delicious .

  7. Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. The Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

    The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.”

    Genesis 2:8-9, 15-17



  8. Thank you, James. The ultimate Solution is developing the skills for your own food security.

    Man’s first job was to tend God’s garden. There is always the call to tend the land that is intrinsic to being human. Tonight, we enjoyed heirloom sweet corn and green beans from our garden and all it took was sowing seeds in weed-free soil, watering it, and harvesting it (even in sub-par Florida sandy soil). We’ve also planted a food forest on our 1-acre lot and it’s crazy how much abundance occurs just by putting trees and plants in the ground – all by God’s design. Grow food, not lawns!

    There’s a learning curve, of course – we’re on year three – but my advice is plant more than you think you need and eventually you’ll succeed more than you fail and become an inspiration and blessing to others. Plus, there are the benefits of grounding contact with the soil, time in the sun and fresh air, delights of sprouting and harvesting, and learning the patience and endurance of being a steward of God’s earth.

    Grow something, anything. You’ll learn by doing and in time, you’ll know what it takes to be your own farmer and food source and God can provide a bigger plot of land if need be.

    I only have 2 monthly subscriptions: corbettreport.com and schooloftraditionalskills.com.
    My favorite survival gardening resource is thesurvivalgardener.com

  9. Great article/podcast. It reminds me of the amazing Solari Report on the subject. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in the topic.

    In this article/podcast though I find it sad that such an enlightened author fell prey to the NATO propaganda of Holodomor being a weapon against Ukraine 🇺🇦. Many provinces of the Russia suffered terribly too. To this day when someone eats with a crazy appetite they are teased “Are you from the starving Volga region by chance?” «Голодающий Поволжья что ли?»
    Those atrocities were committed regardless of the nationality. I don’t have a horse in the race. My ancestors are Ukrainian, Russian and Belorussian. Historically we are really close, at times indistinguishable nationalities. Only when Nazi founded NATO and Soros NGOs moved in people starting to be told that we are not brothers but enemies. Just a few decades ago anyone would laugh at the suggestion that such level of stupidity and hatred is possible in the near future. This psyop apparently works even on the level of Corbett report. Sad. But I believe that our common past and open hearts 💕 will win eventually. Love always wins. It’s stronger than any psyops.

    • Olga Vita,
      I like seeing your comments. They bring a somewhat personal perspective context to the table which people like me have no background to.
      I saw your other insightful comment about “carrot” voting here…

      — STORY —
      Trying to write a 40 minute verbal-visual, Corbett/Broc story on a topic that could fill a library…well, some things clearly will be left out.
      All research-based narrative writers face this challenge.
      Film makers face this challenge. A lot of great scenes hit the cutting room floor.

      Perhaps a twenty hour documentary only about Stalin’s 5 year plan would include the starvation seen Ukraine, Northern Caucasus, Volga Region, Southern Urals, Western Siberia and Kazakhstan.

      Episode 460 – The Future of Food by Broc West | Jun 11, 2024
      carries a MESSAGE.
      It is the MESSAGE of the STORY, of the NARRATIVE that contains the elements of importance.

      This is where we all should participate in the story-telling.
      It is almost a spiritual duty to spread the story and its message to others in order to better conditions.

      In my mind, this aspect of “disseminating an important story with its message” is one of the failings by many in the truth community. Many in the truth community just view the story like entertainment — they do not share it with the unenlightened.

      Anarchists who have a higher awareness recognize the importance of sharing the message with the uninformed.

      • Earning the Right to Bitch about Conditions
        [My general rant on the subject]

        “Awareness” and “Taking Action” are two intimately intertwined characteristics of an Anarchist.

        I would argue that…
        Those who bitch about conditions in society, but “do nothing” are just blowing smoke up their ass.
        They have not earned the right to bitch.

        One important action that any aware anarchist can take is to help raise the awareness of the uninformed. They spread the message, they disseminate the story.
        These are the ones who have earned “the right to bitch”.
        They recognize that the culture is shaped by narratives.
        And thus, these aware anarchists actively disseminate the important proper narratives.

        • Agreed. “Awareness and action” are what is required. I do think it would be helpful if there were some more organized folks in the community who learn to delegate to others who may be unfamiliar with “taking action”.

          “Spontaneous order” is a concept that I do not fully understand and probably has more merit than what appears at first glance.

          I think organized groups who plan their interventions are likely more successful in achieving their goals. Also having reasonable expectations and flexibility are also important. Often times, spreading awareness appears to fall on deaf ears and this can feel defeating.

          I was very fortunate to move to a place where people were already more self sufficient and “awake” and liberty oriented. I feel good to help those around me and to have others reciprocate.

          IMO putting out flyers and posters in the community is better than having talks with normies in the community.

          I’m better at collaborating with people who have a plan and adding my thoughts rather than leadership in domains outside of my expertise.

          Actions IMO should be targeted and well thought out. Sometimes asking questions and listening to people rather than lecturing people is more effective. It’s a way to build rapport and then the other party (or parties) will be more receptive to the message.

          At any rate, I do feel that I have done some small things via financial assistance for people who are spreading the message and building something positive are actions. But I am aware that more is needed.

          Thank you for sharing this.

    • I too was immediately disconcerted by the surface level understanding of what I have come to understand/believe is closer to the truth of what actually transpired. For me this calls in to question so much. I think it would be well worth the time to look at Yasha Levine’s commentary on the subject. Not intended to be any historical fact but rather an an opening glimpse of a much more probable case. Not enough to shake my faith in the bett… but will force what I believe was always intended… and consistently implored… closer scrutiny of the source materials.

  10. Whoa, a big one! Excellent.

    The reason the British were so pissed that the Irish were getting by on potatoes was that they couldn’t sell them …believe it or not. …..I read this in a history, which plenty of written references and confirmations….”Bread”.

    Not so much a “handover”. The way organic companies are compromised is that once they reach a certain financial income level, they are denied shipping unless they sell out at least 50%. In other words, the Monopolists won’t even allow one singular independent owner past a certain “level”.

    • openlense
      “…The reason the British were so pissed that the Irish were getting by on potatoes was that they couldn’t sell them…”

      I do not think that is right- As I read it the absentee British landlords were quite happy for the paddys to eat potatoes since it meant that they could subsist on a smaller ‘foot plot’ and the rest of the land used for food crops to could be shipped out of Ireland. You cant get work out of a dead tenant and since they must eat to live the less good ground used the better.

      The Irish literally had to watch as the ‘cash crop’ food grown was loaded onto ships and taken overseas, the landlords did not really benefit from having hungry tenants anymore then the US plantation owners (who fed slaves extremely well, see link) would have since dead or starved people are pretty rubbish at working.

      Minimum-Wage Workers and 19th-Century Slaves: An Economic Comparison

      • Thank you for sharing another part of this history.

        Being as what I read of this some years ago included documented statements and editorials from the time. those must have been the political propaganda covering up for the real deal.

  11. Do you know about Masanobu Fukuoka ( Japanese Farmer ) ?  He is famous for what’s called ‘Do Nothing Farming’, and has a few books – the first one I read is “One Straw Revolution”  – I think you’d love it… because he reveals how farming could /modernize/ in natural ways.  Using simple things, such as ducks in his rice fields to mitigate pests… creating seed ‘balls’, ready to scatter on fields with zero tilling… yes that is correct – there’s no tilling of the earth… wonderful methods. Perhaps worthy of a ‘Solutions Watch’ piece about food issues –
    Also worth mention is what’s called ‘Permaculture’ ( and some other things ) … here for example a great book for home gardens with ‘novel’ methods – https://archive.org/details/gaiasgardenguide0000heme

    Bill Mollison is famous for his teachings on Permaculture… in academic and more holistic fashion for larger scale stuff.
    I note that mushrooms may be a better choice for meat alternatives.  So for example, there’s some that taste like chicken, and could ‘replace’ it.   It’s worth promoting decent alternatives to the food industry.  There’s some challenges, as they need clean conditions for cultivation.  Paul Stamets has books on mushroom cultivation of various sorts.  He’s a character, and has found great potential in mushroom products.   One way they are great is it’s working with nature, in ways that create more understanding of subtle ecosystems and environment. 

    Thank you for your work and sharing decent content.. I think it noble – and in a good way, as it is full of merit, and brings benefit.

  12. These “designer microbes” dudes ever hear the word “alchemy”?
    Oh oh, what next, the Plastic Alchemists.
    That’s a pretty cool name for a band, come to think of it.

    Precisely what Kissinger did to Cambodia, with the help of his “kmer rouge” henchmen.
    Dang, don’t those “food crisis simulations” make you wanna dance the Event 201 Boogie?

    China’s “Clean Your Plate Campaign” is A Hoot!!!
    I realized in the past decade or so that here we were being told to eat everything on our plate cause some kid in China was starving…never could figure how that would help them, but it was about helping ourselves obviously….And the kids in China were taught to always leave a little out of politeness, to show they’d been given enough. This is an Asian “saving face” principle.
    So funny. Now to be reversed.
    And now we know just what “cultivated ” people are. Lab grown. Nice.

    Totally love the idiot saying “eat real chicken grown entirely in a lab”. Duh.
    It’s all a plot against cow farts.
    “Our ProTaste (msg) food tech..incorporates the protein to replace up to 70% of the sugar without compromising taste. ” Aka we’ll load it down with aspertame. Cheap. Effective. “Safe” , for them.

    ARRrrghh, these nerds , these nerds. This is the revenge of the nerds.

    “Whipping up a meal”? Come again? How does one “whip up” a “meal”? (other than by whipping the slave? ) Is this like “spitting out babies”?
    Medical miracle mathemagicians in the Kitchen, folks!!
    DISNEYLAND FOREVER. Hang on to your mouseketeers’ caps.

    Awww. The “humble fruit fly”. How sweet.

    Friggin’ Freaks.

    Oregon’s chock fulla small potatoes organic farmers and growers. The country-bound San Fran hippies headed there in the 70’s and got it happening.
    “The Hippies Were Right”

  13. 🙂 I laughed out loud when I was watching and heard this line whiz by:
    “Like the British, the Soviets, the Americans and other REPRESSIVE regimes throughout history….”

    The image of a High School student giving an oral report at a conventionally ‘patriotic’ public school and saying this line would probably shock the teacher.
    ——– ——–

    I hope that Corbett Members caught this line under the Bill Gates segment:
    “And, as PleaseStopTheRide.com has pointed out, Gates is also investing millions into “hacking your microbiome” to reengineer humans’ gut bacteria.”
    Corbett Member Camille of PleaseStopTheRide.com recently posted her latest video on the June Open Thread. ~~WWW corbettreport.com/june-open-thread-2024/#comment-165488
    ——– ——–

    Corbett Report Members are familiar with James’ messages about FOOD.

    Jan 16, 2023 | Newsletter
    What is the Future of Food?

    Jan 23, 2023 | Newsletter
    Who is Behind the Great Food Reset?

    Jan 30, 2023 | Newsletter
    The Future of Food (Is Ours to Decide)

    Mar 6, 2023 | VIDEO
    Episode 438 – The Future Food False Flag

    May 3, 2020 | Newsletter
    Up Next: The Collapse of the Food Supply Chain


    • …and…
      …notice the ‘credits’…
      Episode 460 – The Future of Food by Broc West | Jun 11, 2024

      Nov 25, 2023
      Guess Who the Cat Dragged In? (100 second VIDEO)
      ”Hey guys, Broc West (Video Editor Extraordinaire) is here in Japan helping me film some stuff so there will be no new videos for the next several days. If you haven’t checked out my recent JFK Lancer presentation, now would be an ideal time to do so! See you soon!”

      • It should be NOTED that just previous to the June 11th publication of
        The Future of Food
        …the June 10th publication of Replacing Hollywood – #SolutionsWatch
        Today we talk to independent filmmaker Teace Snyder about how he managed to make a professional feature-length film, Hold Me, without any studio support. We discuss the need to replace the Hollywood propaganda system with an authentic, grassroots, people-led media creation process and the types of platforms and communities that will be needed to truly replace Hollywood.

        • — The Story of James Evan Pilato’s face on film —
          …related gaffers…
          The Future of Food, Broc West, James Corbett, and Replacing Hollywood

          Not long after James Evan Pilato moved to new digs in rural New Mexico, on September 30, 2022…

          …Corbett Report Member Summer68 said:
          ”Is James Evan Pilato doing well? Sorry to share this, but he looks unhealthy. Cheers mate, take care yourself!”
          Chadders replied:
          ” I thought he looked a bit weary too. Maybe just a bit stressed with the move (and parents visiting his place – never easy!) 🙂 ”
          Summer68 acknowledged:
          ”Hopefully so!”
          HomeRemedySupply chimed in:
          ” Lighting has something to do with it.
          The types of light on camera play a role with how a person appears.”

          Comments reference:
          Sept 2022 VIDEO of James Evan Pilato’s ‘unhealthy’ face and heavy brown background colors
          June 6 2024 NWNW VIDEO of ‘healthy’ James Evan Pilato and light friendly background

          MORAL of The Story of James Evan Pilato’s face on film
          “There be more to it than what meets the eye with
          the Mediums of Storytelling.”

  14. This is probably a stupid question but I don’t understand why these psychopathic “elites” are doing this. I suppose a psychopathic mind does not make sense.

    There is no need for any of these fake foods and weird GMO manipulation and bug protein, etc.. If the goal is to sicken the population in a covert way, that makes a bit more sense.

    But a population collapse will IMO affect these parasites too. Maybe they want to destroy themselves too? I suppose I need to get over not being able to relate to the logic of these agendas because it seems like there is none.

    • Firstly, try to see the spirit behind them rather than the avatar itself. That spirit is, as Jordan Peterson puts it ‘An evil clown’. And it ‘s primary motivation is no higher than pure spite. “If I can’t have it, I’ll destroy it so you can’t have it either”

      Having pondered these questions for decades that’s the best answer I have for their motivations at this point.

      We don’t have to obey nor submit to the evil clown(s), there is also love in the world.

    • At this time, all I can figure is that they’re stuck in these human bodies, in a human life, which they despise.
      They want to be clean and shiny like the mommy machine they came from
      Maybe the only way they can cease being here is to have no one whatsoever to possess. ?

      Try as they might, GMO and insertion tech, they are simply not allowed to cross the species barrier. Try it and everything falls apart. And when Humpty Dumpty falls, they know they ain’t putting it back together again. They’re “afraid to die”, to use a human metaphor?

      A largely worldwide alcoholic culture makes it pretty easy for “spirits” to do their thing. Down through the generations of alcoholic and molesting families. It’s in the bible, too, those practices go hand in hand. Denial don’t change it.

      A teacher pointed out years ago that any word that ends in “icide” is a form of “suicide”.

      I consider suicide to be a social phenomena. A cultural marker. Perhaps the past four years has made this a bit clearer to all.

      • I do think life extension and immortality in a physical form is something they desire. They seem purely materialistic and totally reductionistic.

        There appears to be no serious thought about the possible ramifications of these insane agendas on their part or those who are assisting them. And perhaps if they can’t live for ever, they want everyone to go together.

        I really don’t know but the people assisting in this madness, the managerial class who may not be completely psychopathic should consider what these things may do.

        My belief is that this weird GMO tech they introduce are probably only making people sick. Genetics are so vastly amazing and complex and are not well understood. If that is the one thing I realized when I studied this kind of stuff decades ago it was that, the profound complexity was jaw dropping. Considering the “known unknowns” and the “unknown unknowns” really changed my perspective on how miraculous life is.

        I mean our gut microbes introduce a wider genetic pool to the “equation” and are not only involved in digesting food. Humanity is extremely fortunate that we have such genetic variability and epi-genetic influences that acts as safeguards to keep our species alive.

        They seem to want to play god or become god like entities who can create life and shape humanity in whatever way they see fit. They see living things as machines and our amazing biology and are trying to “hack” the system. I firmly believe we are not “hackable animals” and are much more than biological machines but that these chemicals and GMOs may harm vast numbers of people.

        • cu.h.j
          That may be the divine comedy. A joke played on the most egotistical, narcissistic and malignant Scrooge of a scientific man.
          If I may, as MBP would observe;; You are getting more mature and eloquent in your thinking.
          It’s quite comical how the hard of think just double down in their loosing proposition.
          The collection of all that genomic data these last few years has to be part of that “hacking” . We are exquisitely engineered to be resilient. I firmly agree you are correct. We are not hackable animals, we are spiritual not physical…and the jokes on thems that try the hacking.

  15. Thanks again, James/Broc, for yet another life saving edition of the mind expansive Corbett Report. Speaking of which, I occasionally I pop in to see what Nyla Nguyen of 3D to 5D consciousness has to say. I visit her channel even though previously having achieved 5D consciousness in late 1966 after dropping acid in San Francisco’s Haight-Ashbury. During a relatively short window, the CIA was producing/distributing it widely throughout the neighborhood. Unfortunately, upon discovering the Haight-Ashbury guinea pigs weren’t behaving like the confined/traumatized research subjects in the MK-Ultra labs, the pharmaceutical grade Lysersergic acid diethielamide was quickly made illegal and replaced by widely available heroin. As one might imagine, the neighborhood turned to shit; flower power giving way to intravenous H bombs.

    However, as I many times do, I have strayed far off the path from the main theme of the primary topic of interest: saving lives. A portion of nubile Nyla’s post devoted to food additives. In particular, a chemical known as erythrocine, which may be beneficial in the right environment (6′ underground); however, when the macrolide antibiotic is injected into foods, like watermelon, it subsequently winds up in the gut proceeding to kill beneficial bacteria/parsites. Nyla provides a clip – “Here’s the clip” – https://www.bitchute.com/video/Pi9RFirfM1pU/ (20:37) As you can plainly see, when patting the erythrosine injected sample – red splotches. Sample sans erythrosine – no redness. However, it’s not only watermelon; it’s virtually everywhere.

    Here in Thailand I have noticed the kiwi fruit imported from New Zealand, doesn’t ripen like it used to. Instead, after an interminably long time (months in some cases), the fruit suddenly goes bad. Same with avocados. I don’t buy peaches anymore because they are either mealy or don’t ripen. When buying apples, I carefully check the sticker to make sure they don’t come from China or the US. Have been buying ones from Japan. I check now and then, looking in the mirror with lights out. So far, no glow. For the most part I stick to Thai fruit.

    Following the erythrosine exposition, there’s a clip about bread. However, from Joe Roegan’s show. The warning presented by Mr. Spacey X himself – Elon Musk. Who we know is overly concerned about our health. Speaking of hucksters and fakery, I see Woody Harrelson is featured in – Fly Me To The Moon, about the fake moon landing. Now in post production. Will be interesting to see how far they go.

  16. I don’t want to come across in any way as defending monster Gates, but the visual representation
    we were given in this video and others on the net is misleading.

    The visual depiction of 1/4000 of U.S. farmland looks much larger in the video than it really is.
    I have taken the map of the U.S. from the video and done a more faithful representation
    of what 1/4000 of the farmland would look like.

    If Mr. Gates does in fact have 1/4000 of U.S. farmland, this will give you a better idea of the size of that land.

    In case you can’t see it, it’s the blue dot in the upper left side.


    • Just a little clarification on the map I provided.

      The blue dot represents approximately 1/4000 of the area of the U.S.

      If we are talking about farmland (which we are) then as we know
      the percentage of farmland in the U.S. is much smaller than the
      total area of the country.

      A representation of 1/4000 of U.S. farmland would hardly be visible at all
      on a map the size of which James/Brock and I used.

  17. June 12, 2024 – Dallas Express – By Emily Nava
    Americans Skipping Meals Due to Grocery Costs

    A new survey finds that around a quarter of Americans could be skipping meals in response to rising grocery costs.

    The survey, conducted in May by Qualtrics on behalf of Intuit Credit Karma, found that 27% of 2,011 adult respondents reported going hungry from time to time in order to save money on food.

    According to Nerd Wallet, food prices have risen 26% since the start of 2020, while the consumer price index (CPI) shows that grocery prices have remained steady and painfully high.

    Further survey findings revealed that 80% of respondents had noticed the increase in grocery costs within the last few years, and 32% said they spent more than 60% of their income on essential expenses.

    “Food insecurity is a major issue in this country as millions of Americans don’t have enough food to eat or don’t have access to healthy food,” Courtney Alev, a consumer financial advocate for Credit Karma, said in a news release.

    “Over these past few years, a rise in costs for food and household staples have put American households in precarious situations, especially low-earning households who have families to feed. While we’re seeing early signs of inflation relief for food, Americans are still facing rising costs for other necessities such as rent and gasoline, which could be counteracting their journey toward financial stability.”

    Some consumers even make sacrifices just to get groceries. The survey found that 28% of respondents reported going without other necessities to eat. A considerable share of survey-takers have either considered applying or have already applied for food stamps (18%), or are relying solely on food banks or have considered doing so (15%)….

  18. Excelled documentary James and Broc!
    I hope you will focus more light upon that most critical skill necessary in taking back our food supply – the ability to make seeds. I’ve just finished drying thousands of daikon radish and kale seed pods, probably enough for a lifetime of growing. It’s such an empowering feeling to know that, with time and effort, I don’t need to rely on Big Agro for my seeds, or my food. Nature provides season after season.
    Dr. Noh

  19. Thank you for doing this. Since the lockdown I started looking at everything our government was telling us and almost everything was a lie. Now that I know our government has deliberately set out to harm us I have done a lot of good things with that knowledge. My backyard in town is full of above ground gardens, chickens that only eat organic feed, food waste, and green plants from my yard such as dandelions, etc. I gave my neighbors chickens when we hatched too many. My daughter, friends, relatives and neighbors are all learning with me. We now ferment kombucha, buy a grass fed beef and raw milk from a farmer that we showed why not to vaccinate their animals (Their vet agreed, saying the shots change the animals’ DNA). We have brought a lot of books on making our own foods, just brought a freeze dryer. We now have bragging rights on how many months we can stay away from Walmart since they are now proud partners of WEF and the WHO. We plan to help destroy Walmart’s business plan. We and our neighbors also helped Tractor Supply realize its DEI/woke corporate plans were destroying their business model. (ex. all our chickens stopped laying when fed tractor supply feeds.) Walgreen’s pharmacist informed us they would refuse to fill any perscriptions for ivermectin, even if our doctor perscribed them. I said why are you refusing to fill ivermectin, yet are willing to harm and kill people with your Covid-19 shots. 3 weeks later, Walgreens stated they are shutting down their health centers and several Walgreen locations as they are not financially viable. Walmart just shut down theirs. There are many things we can do. I am sure many others are doing just as we have been, and together, we are all making a difference. After 2 years of challenging our doctors, they are no longer pushing vaccines at our annual appointments. I realized we seldom really need a doctor. The light bulbs are turning on! The old enrichments schemes that are harming our health and taking our monies are now breaking down!

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