Interview 1905 – FAANG Goes Nuclear (NWNW 569)

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How to Research Online – #SolutionsWatch

How to Research Online – #SolutionsWatch

James Corbett delivers a live presentation on How to Research Online to the Greater Reset Activation III conference on January 30, 2022. In this demonstration, James shares his screen while he answers some research questions from his listeners.

Interview 1697 – James Corbett Redpills the Norwegians on the Global Conspiracy

Interview 1697 – James Corbett Redpills the Norwegians on the Global Conspiracy

via Award-winning investigative and independent journalist, James Corbett at, has been investigating the power structures of the world since 2007. He has seen the preparations of a biosecurity state taking place for more than a decade, and he is concerned about where the COVID-19 crisis is taking us. In this episode, he explains the origins and ideology of technocracy, influential international organisations, Agenda 2030, the World Economic Forum and how they are aiming for absolute control over the population. Corbett highlights that, rather than being concerned about what “they are doing to us,” one should form alternate systems where one can be self-sufficient and prosper regardless of the technocratic prison state that is being formed.

National Guard Invades the Classroom – #NewWorldNextWeek

This week on the New World Next Week: the freedom convoy rolls on as Quebec abandons unvaxxed tax; the next generation of nanoparticle vaccines are unveiled; and the National Guard invades the classroom to solve the teacher shortage.


Longest Bull Run in History!!! What Could Go Wrong???

Let's party like it's 1999! No, better yet, let's party like it's 2018! What? Haven't you heard the news? The US stock market bull run of 2009-2018 has just surpassed the dotcom bubble era (1990-2000) to become the longest bull market in American history. It was March...

The Secret Battle for Africa

In October 2017 United States African Command confirmed that three Green Berets had been killed and two more had been wounded when their patrol was ambushed in Niger. Reaction to this news from the non-Corbett Report audience was: "What? There's a United States...

The TPP is Dead. Long Live the TPP.

by James Corbett December 14, 2016 The National Diet of Japan made a very strange move this past week: They ratified the TPP. Strange, that is, because the TPP is dead. President-Elect Trump has already said he is committed to pulling...

The Case Against Kissinger

Heinz Alfred "Henry" Kissinger may not be the devil himself, but he sure acts like his emissary. Seemingly everywhere there is death, destruction, carnage, criminality and cover up, you can bet old man Kissinger won't be far behind. Which is why the Nobel Institute's...

Next EU Domino Falls as Italy Rejects Renzi

by James Corbett December 6, 2016 The scene is becoming familiar, even if the actors change from stage to stage: A political establishment is overturned by a wave of populist anger. Markets panic and a sell-off looks imminent. And...

Why Economists Are Always Wrong

Quick. When I say the word "economist," what comes to mind? Fearless truth-teller? Sage wise man? Someone whose deep understanding of the complex web of billions upon billions of daily interactions in the sphere of human activity enables them to predict the outcome of...