October Open Thread

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Interview 1687 – James Corbett Discusses the Secret History of Al Qaeda

Interview 1687 – James Corbett Discusses the Secret History of Al Qaeda

via PatrickCoffman.media: My guest this week, James Corbett, debunks official narratives for a living. His Corbett Report is a must-save source for alternative news and views. And in this episode of my podcast, James walks us through the true history of al-Qaeda, from the players to the multi-layered deceptions promoted via the American media, to the group’s nature and aims.

Kazakhstan Under Control? – New World Next Week

This week on the New World Next Week: The unrest in Kazakhstan is at an end…or is it?; the EU simulates a cyberattack on the supply chain; and Uncle Sam sets a $600 reporting threshold for payment apps.


Globalist Summits: Open Thread

I'm sure you've all read the latest about the Korean summit, and I'm sure you saw the fireworks at the G7. Heck, maybe you even gleaned something from Bilderberg this year or actually looked into the Shanghai Cooperation Summit. If so, then great! You've come to the...

Globalist Conference Season Begins

Oh, pity the poor globalists. They're going to be running around like chickens with their heads cut off in the next few days....Well, OK, more like flying around in their private jets like well-pampered chickens with their heads cut off, but you get the idea. Why?...

How to Evade Sanctions

"Abandon all hope ye who enter here." That, famously, is the inscription above the gates of hell in Dante's Inferno, and, if Uncle Sam gets his way, it will be the first thing that comes to mind for any company seeking to skirt the sanctions on Iran that are snapping...

Deutsche Bank: Europe’s Ticking Time Bomb

by James Corbett corbettreport.com October 5, 2016 You have no doubt heard by now about the precarious situation that Deutsche Bank finds itself in, including the impending US government fine for selling faulty mortgage-backed securities in the run up to the financial...

SDR World Order

Message From James Greetings Friends, For those of you reading this newsletter for the first time, this is The Corbett Report Subscriber, the weekly newsletter available exclusively to members of The Corbett Report website. The subscriber editorial is always posted...

Who Wants To Be A Carbon Trillionaire?

Eat your heart out, Al Gore. Being a carbon billionaire is so passé now that we're in the age of the $100 trillion climate swindle. So the real question is who (or at least which corporate front) will be the first carbon trillionaire? Will it be a carbon...