It’s the first day of March, so let’s start the monthly open thread…

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Whatever Happened to the Ozone Hole? – Questions For Corbett
Leilani writes in to ask about whatever happened to that hole in the ozone layer that was going to end life on earth as we know it.
Interview 1915 – Can You Wake Someone Up? with Kate Ledogar
James talk to Kate Ledogar of Here Come the Meat Bastards about who to place your trust in and how to shift someone’s paradigm (hint: it might not be possible).
The Chicoms are Coming! Quick, Close the “AI” Gap!
Move over, Salt Typhoon! There’s a new Chinese cyber threat on the horizon for you to worry about: the “AI gap.”
Interview 1914 – If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, ATACMS! (NWNW #572)
This week on the New World Next Week: Ukraine crosses Russia’s nuclear retaliation line with Western missile strikes; Trump signals a national emergency to start a mass deportation; and the Australian government opens the door to digital ID with an under-16 social media ban.
Interview 1913 – The Future of Decentralized Media on Collapse Life
In this week’s episode of the Collapse Life podcast, Corbett joins host Zahra Sethna to explore the challenges and future of independent journalism…
Becoming Sovereign – #SolutionsWatch
Benny Wills joins us once again to discuss his latest online course, Sovereign Secrets, which teaches you how to gain independence by starting your own business, how to maximize your productivity, and how to live with purpose by creating a future on your terms.
Here’s Why the World is Falling Apart (and What You Can Do About It!)
Do you ever get the feeling that everything is breaking down all at once? Forget about starting a family or buying a house. It's becoming harder and harder for young men and women just to put food on the table. And those lucky ones who defy the odds and manage to...
Trust the (Computer-Generated Gobbledygook) Science!
"Trust The Science!" This is the mantra of the technocratic tyrants. The rallying cry of the Orwellian thought police. The injunction of the modern-day censors who would seek to rid the marketplace of ideas of any and all opposition. If you're reading these words, you...
Remote Amazon Tribe Gets Internet Access . . . You ALREADY KNOW What Happens Next!
Have you ever wondered what would happen if you suddenly gave the internet to a remote, isolated indigenous tribe with no prior experience of the modern world? Well, wonder no more! That's exactly what you're about to find out. Yes, as either an elaborate PR stunt or...
The REAL Solution to the UN Madness
You'll never guess what just happened. Politico published an article about a real solution! Yes, an honest-to-goodness solution! Shocking, isn't it? Even more shocking: it's a solution that details how we can free ourselves from the clutches of the UN! And the most...
April Open Thread (2024)
As you know, I've been off this past week and won't be posting anything for another couple of days. So, why don't we start the April Open Thread a day early? If you're a Corbett Report member, you're invited to log in to the site and leave your comments below on the...
No World This Week
As you know by now, James Evan Pilato got sick last week so we weren't able to record New World Next Week as scheduled. And as you're already aware, I'm going to be off this coming week working on some administrative duties and longer-term projects. So you know what...
The Globalist’s SECRET Message!
Psssst. You. Yeah, you! Wanna know a secret? OK, but you gotta promise not to tell anyone. Here it is: the inbred eugenicist elitist globalist technocrats that presume to rule over humanity are speaking in subtle code. If you listen extra carefully and you think very...