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9/11 Trial, 9/11 Documents, 9/11 Documentary – New World Next Week

This week the New World Next Week concentrates on the 20th anniversary of 9/11, from the show trial of the tortured mastermind to more promised documents and another scuttled chance for an MSM airing of the truth.

9/11 Livestream and Online Course

James joins you today for a quick update to let you know about a 9/11 Global Livestream that he’ll be taking part in this weekend and a course that he’ll be teaching at Renegade University in November.


Open Thread

There is so much happening in the world today but I am very busy working on a number of things for this week and some longer-term projects, so I'm afraid I don't have time to cover them all. Just some of the bombshells from the last 24 hours: -Theresa May using the...

The Climate Hoax Tipping Point

If the blathering blowhards of the dinosaur media and the Chicken Littles of the Twitterverse are to be believed, the world has officially come to an end. And in a way, maybe it has. Not "the" world, of course, but their world. That's because, as you will no doubt...

What They’re Not Telling You About The Saudi Arms Deal

Unless you're living under a rock, you have no doubt heard something about Donald Trump's first pilgrimage as Commander-in-Chief. (Sidebar: If you are living under a rock that somehow shields you from the 24/7 news cycle, please let me know where that rock is located...

Problem. Reaction. Solution. (Paris Edition)

The meme has already been floated: "Paris changes everything," according to the terrorists in government who stand to benefit from the changes that the Paris terror attacks are bringing about. And in a sense, they're right. They now get to invoke emergency powers and...

Follow the Money: From Paris to ISIS to Paris

James Corbett November 17, 2015 Let us for one moment accept the whole Paris attacks narrative hook, line and sinker. That the French government could not possibly have foreseen an attack. That a multi-site emergency exercise planned for...

3 of The Worst TPP Clauses Explained in Plain English

After years of secretive negotiations in closed-door meetings and James Bond-level shenanigans designed to keep the deal under lock and key, the full text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement has finally been released for public scrutiny. But have you actually...

The Paris Terror Attacks: An Open Source Investigation

by James Corbett and the community November 14, 2015 A series of attacks in and around Paris on Friday night left 129 dead and 352 wounded. The attacks included three explosions at the Stade de France, a siege of the Bataclan theatre, and...