Results for "psychiatry"

Episode 321 – Why Big Oil Conquered the World

Episode 321 – Why Big Oil Conquered the World

The 20th century was the century of oil. From farm to fork, factory to freeway, there is no aspect of our modern life that has not been shaped by the oil industry. But as the "post-carbon" era of the 21st century comes into view, there are those who see this as the...

How & Why Big Oil Conquered The World

Oil. The 19th century was transformed by it. The 20th century was shaped by it. And the 21st century is moving beyond it. But who gave birth to the oil industry? What have they done with the immense wealth and power that it has granted them? And what are they planning...

Medicated to Death: SSRIs and Mass Killings

by James Corbett April 16, 2014 [CLICK HERE for a French translation of this video.] In May 1998, 15 year old Kip Kinkel murdered his parents and two classmates, as well as injuring 25 others, after engaging in a shooting spree that ended up in...

Meet the DSM: Big Pharma’s Psychiatric Bible

Since 1952, the American Psychiatric Association has published the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or the DSM, as a guideline for the classification and diagnoses of mental health issues. The DSM, according to the APA itself, “is the standard...


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