Results for "sdr"

False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda

We all know the story of bin Laden and Al Qaeda, the story that was repeated ad nauseam in the days, weeks and months after the catastrophic, catalyzing events of 9/11. So often was that story repeated that the hypnotized public forgot that it was, at base, just that:...

The Year Ahead – Part 1: Currency

I don't need to tell you that we are living through world-historical times right now. The frequency of world-changing events is accelerating even as the impact of these events on our day-to-day lives is increasing. As Lenin rightly observed: "There are decades where...

The 2010s: The Decade in Review

It's December of 2019, so you know what that means: We've arrived at that special time when newsletter writers start penning their "Decade in Review" articles and pedants vainly contend that, "aKtUAlLy, the new decade doesn't start until 2021!" So let's ignore the...

The Best of The Corbett Report

A lot of people have asked me to post a "Best of The Corbett Report" list so they can get a handle on the vast amount of material in the archives. Although this list is necessarily partial and arbitrary, it provides a window into the type of work...

Meet Xi Jinping, President For Life

As you might have heard by now, Chinese President Xi Jinping has just appointed himself God Emperor For Life. Or, in Chinese Communist Party-ese: "The term of office of the State Council is the same as that of the National People’s Congress." For those keeping track...


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