Interview 1900 – James Corbett Dissects the Food Crisis on the SLOBODNI Podcast

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Gaslight (1940) – Film, Literature and the New World Order

FROM 2013: In this edition of Film, Literature and the New World Order we welcome Thomas Sheridan, author of The Anvil of the Psyche, to discuss Gaslight, the 1940 British psychological thriller that introduced us to the concept of ‘gaslighting.’ In the discussion we point out how common gaslighting is, ask “Are you being gaslighted?”, talk about techniques for defending oneself from gaslighting, and talk about how this technique is used on a societal level by the psychopaths at the top of the pyramid.

Freedom’s the Answer! (What’s the Question?) – #SolutionsWatch

Freedom’s the Answer! (What’s the Question?) – #SolutionsWatch

So you want to know the answer, do you? You know: The Answer. Well, freedom’s the answer! (What’s the question?) Joining me to demonstrate this point and discuss a few of the details are Keith Knight, Managing Editor of The Libertarian Institute and editor of The Voluntaryist Handbook, and Larken Rose, author of The Most Dangerous Superstition and creator of Jones Plantation film.

Everyday Conspiracies

Everyday Conspiracies

The last thing you want is to be cornered by one of those tinfoil hat weirdos at a party, amirite? But, hey, you’re into sports, right? And social media? And entertainment? You know, everyday stuff that normal people like to talk about? Great! Because, boy, do I have some stuff to talk about with you! Don’t worry, no crazy political rants here, I promise!


November Open Thread 2022

Alright, you know the drill by now (or maybe you don't!): it's the first weekend of the month, so it's time to open the monthly open thread. Do you want to discuss the latest news from around the world? Hankering for a lively discussion about philosophy or history or...

How to Control Your Soul’s Desire for Freedom

Thank you, comrade! Thank you for doing what's right. Thank you for doing what you know you should do. Thank you for doing what we tell you to do. After all, we couldn't defeat the deadly and oh-so-real threat of the vile Omicron scariant without your dutiful...

May Open Thread (2022)

It's May Day, so you know what that means: Time for the monthly Corbett Report members open thread. As always, Corbett Report members are encouraged to log in and use this Open Thread as an outlet for discussion on any topics of importance. Not a Corbett Report member...

The Greatest Trick of All

Magic is the ability to make someone believe something that isn't true. It follows, then, that most great magicians are keen observers of human psychology and that magic routines are, at base, a skillfully arranged set of techniques for preying on our cognitive...

Here’s What’s Next on the Globalist Calendar

As you should know by now, the threat facing free humanity is not a secret conspiracy but a perfectly open one. Those seeking to monopolize the resources of the planet and institute a system of perfect technocratic control are, generally speaking, not secretive about...