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You know about the upcoming Summit of the Future that the UN will be hosting in New York, right? Rather than reacting to that summit, what if we were to proactively organize our own summit to set our own agenda and kickstart the development of the decentralized world we want to bring about? Today we talk to Dan Astin-Gregory about Our Summit For Our Future, the UK edition of The People’s Reset that will be taking place in Bath, England from September 27 to 29, 2024.
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Here’s What’s Next on the Globalist Calendar
The UN’s Apex Body with Jacob Nordangård
The People’s Reset: Our Summit For Our Future homepage
The People’s Reset Telegram channel
Very wary of “the globalists’” terminology! Why Re-set??? Why Summit?
Life – the planet is a living being, not a machine that can be turned off, erased, and re-set to be built back better — ‘New Creation’ only after complete destruction, is where all Summit Re-Setters are heading.
Let ‘Us’ climb down from the summits, use ‘our’ own words, stir away (for a while) from all Re-Verbs and use the active forms that may actually point elsewhere.
What “we” are in control of is our relationship to all that is around us. Starting from the ground where “we” are.
Here’re my favorite sign-post to follow:
“All life, regardless of its form, classification or reputation, will respond to genuine interest, respect, appreciation, admiration, affection, gentleness, courtesy and good manners.” [A Kinship With All Life” J. Allen Boone, 1954]
I’ve shorten it to:
All we need is common sense and good manners.
Decentralized Ag is here! “GROW United”, a global DECENTRALIZED endeavor, is the SOLUTION!
We, the people, can and should circumvent Big Ag CAFOs by supporting regenerative, organic grass-fed, or finished farmers! And now we can! More and more incredible farmers who are growing “real organic food” are joining the blockchain, and Grow United is at the helm!
Grow United also has a Tracer, where people can find out how their food was grown, where their food is from, and even what that animal ate!
Just today I ordered 2 boxes of regenerative, organic, grass-fed, and finished beef and paid with USDT-TRC-20 tokens! Prices are great, and shipping was $1! I purchased a GROW United Node on the blockchain that runs 24/7, seven days a week, three months ago, and it’s been generating “rewards” for me.
A couple of weeks ago, I bridged those rewards into USDT-TRC-20 tokens in order to purchase beef, honey, and nurst, which are healthcare items from Royal Family Farms, located in Royal City, WA., which is a part of Grow United.
I am so hoping Dan Astin-Gregory will reach out to Will Taylor Jr., President of GROW United at https://GrowUnited.com, and Austin Allred, President of Royal Family Farms. Will and Austin would be excellent speakers at The People’s Reset: Our Summit for Our Future!
I have also sent the information presented here to GROW United Support to pass on to Will.
I would caution about the phenomenon in which when one has hatred for one’s enemy, one will often become one’s enemy. The gatherings and agendas are looking a bit too much like the enemy’s already. To my mind/heart what is called for is experimenting with other means to establish humanity into both new and some ancient ways of being free from tyranny and in healthy relationships with our fellow beings, human and otherwise.
Simple, honest, natural lives couched in reverence, humility and humor for all could be a goal.
Correction: USDT ERC-20
As we each gradually launch on to our journeys toward a new humanity we can strap on this tool belt: learning, growing, healing, and contributing.
Dan Astin-Gregory is an impressive speaker and I enjoyed what he had to say. I used to go to endless workshops back in the 1980s. This was a petit bourgeois culture. Findhorn community in Scotland became an American dominated petit bourgeois culture based on very expensive workshops by celebrity speakers.
I grew up in a pre enterprise left wing Scottish culture and I am much more comfortable with the Sex Pistols piss taking anarchism than agorism. I find all forms of right wing politics abhorrent. Starting with Thatcher-Reagan gangster capitalism. That was the turning point.
The source of the NWO is corporate not socialist. The freedom of corporations to exploit, to imprison, to poison and most importantly to deceive is what is leading us to the horrors of technocratic control. The anti democratic, ultra neoliberal EU (created by the CIA) will likely be a model for global governance.
£250 a ticket ? The cost of attending events purporting to fight the corporate takeover of the world is proving more expensive than attending corporate events such as Glastonbury Festival, sadly. This is becoming more frustrating by the day ; it’s starting to feel like another business model ; people are jumping on the band wagon. We need to be careful as we seem to be following the same pattern of the society we are fighting to change.
Yes, that’s what I was getting at. Dan is a man of means and many abilities.
“Over the past decade, Dan has directly impacted the lives of more than 100,000 entrepreneurs and business leaders from over 90 different countries with his work in human potential, leadership and entrepreneurship’.
I agree with you, Reedie… I feel the intentions of the organizers of these counter-Reset events are mostly pure. But what I’ve seen is numbers of speakers and some organizers (not all) trying to make a living off of whatever they are selling in their talks (that according to the event hype are meant to empower people). That, to my way of discerning, shows a lot of people trying to survive/feed their families by selling whatever ‘freedom’ products/services they are involved with. That IS the system we are supposedly wanting to free ourselves of.
I try to trust my intuition when assessing whether an event will serve humanity. Maybe it’s just me, but I haven’t seen a whole lot of community building where I live. In fact, despite my many efforts to try to unite neighbors in solidarity, I have found no takers as of yet. Trust in fellow humans has been steadily declining for quite some time; the plandemic nailed the coffin lid shut, as far as I can tell. I want nothing more than to see/feel differently.
On an up note, me and my family are non-compliant. We walk our talk. And we do work on self-sufficiency skills.
Thanks Leslee.
I am finding myself being drawn to those who are changing ; it’s almost as if we are being purposely drawn, it’s bizarre. Like you, no matter what you say, most don’t give it a moments thought when openly discussed. I gave up trying and simply make comments whenever possible. Plant the seed ; as long as I keep changing, others are drawn to me, new friendships and opportunities open, and hopefully others will see and want to experience the same.
Referencing back to my comment regards the cost of tickets : it would cost £500 for my wife and I to attend the event in Bath. It feels like we are no closer to leaving an elitist system, where only those who can afford it benefit. The average Joe can not afford £500… To properly change there must be no exclusion.
Thank you for writing back, Reedie. Like you, I am drawn to those with similar energetic dispositions and I love connecting with and serving others. What I am finding, though, is that none of these kinds of people seem to live near me in the sticks of Arizona! I’ve gone to numbers of events/rallies/retreats in various far off places, and while there, I felt an Ecstatic state of camaraderie, closeness, and possibilities. Perhaps it is just me, but after these events, I’ve come back home to the same isolation that I had previously. Absence has seemingly made the hearts grow wander instead of fonder! The only time I ever felt anything like Tribe was when I played drums with touring original music bands. That vibe was communal and quite nice, until the bands broke up and the friends disappeared!
I don’t claim to understand anything anymore. All I know is that everything I was taught turned out to be a lie, except love, which I love sharing.
I agree with you about the money. Money fuels the system; and only the well off can afford to partake in the big gatherings. I’m not giving up on people, and I continue to work on improving myself and growing.
You rock…
Nothing is going to change anywhere because the same “people” are still in charge and they won’t change from a goal total domination over the natural progression of humanity. To enslave us under a 24/7 track, trace, and data basing living in 5G SMART cities, no private vehicles, no access to the country side, most living on the Government dole and forced to obey any laws or regulations put out by the Government to maintain the dole.
In 1970, Henry Kissinger said: “Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control people.”
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“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
– Ezra Pound
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“The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.”
– J. Edgar Hoover
Take heart. Change starts with you. The only thing you truly control is you. Until you begin to change your world will stay the same. Finite minds form the infinite consciousness. Change will happen, one mind at a time. As I change myself, altering my perception, so my world begins to change. I know it sounds hogwash. I thought so too. Be patient ; be determined ; and don’t forget to breathe… love and blessings on your journey my friend…
I appreciate your new age “hog wash” 🙂 it indicates a good attitude.
Your assumption seems to be I have never reflected on this sort of “hogwash” over my 82 years, which of course would be quite wrong.
Go listen to some of my music where I was addressing public cameras (GLASS EYES WATCHIN’ YOU 4/12/78) or the dangers of AI (THE ROBOT REVOLUTION that same Summer 1978) or the “hogwash” idea of:
However the NWO is composed, the leadership will certainly be robber barons, from the zillionaire family class. There will be no socialist, Marxists or leftists.
I don’t see change as a fight over what to do. Why? “The means determines the end.” If the means is “force first”, not reason, rights, then the end will be tyranny. If the means is voluntary cooperation, non-violent persuasion, i.e., no initiation of deadly threats, then the end will be productive, despite violence, fraud, by some, i.e., politics as usual.
If communication is difficult due to lack of common understanding (agreement) of words (concepts) then that is where we will need to focus. Otherwise, we talk & talk, agree & argue, but wind up in chaos, misunderstanding motives, confused. That’s where Larken/Amanda’s technique of communication becomes necessary, “Candles in the Dark”. This respects every person’s ability to figure it out for themselves, and eliminate their contradictions.
One of your best, James. I have to say, the synergy between you and Dan was impressive to behold; two well informed, intelligent, articulate human beings sharing ideas/solutions to counteract the globalist agenda was inspiring in and of itself.
Perusing some of the comments I see some fellow CR subscribers have made observations/suggestions I feel merit a response.
To LeahReigny – Having lived in Washington (Orcas Island) I am familiar with Royal Family Farms and appreciate the https://GrowUnited.com link and agree Austin Allred would make an excellent CR guest.
To loggin – I hear ya about Findhorn. I discovered Findhorn in the early 70s, and began following the work of Peter & Eileen Caddy, Dorothy McClean, David Splangler. It was after reading one of Spangler’s books, it might have been “Partnering with Earth”, I became convinced the earth was a sentient being; the mind gradually opening to accept everything has consciousness. He’s also written “Reimagination of the World: A Critique of the New Age, Science, and Popular Culture”. Although I haven’t read it, he may address your observation of Findhorn becoming a “petit bourgeois culture”. A critique I share.
To Reddie – Your comment: “£250 a ticket? …it’s starting to look like another business model… following the same pattern of the society we are fighting to change.” reminded me of Mick Hucknall’s Money’s Too Tight To Mention: “I’ve been laid off the rent is due, My kids all need brand new shoes, So I went to the bank to see what they could do, They said; Son, looks like bad luck’s got a hold on you…”…Remember, Dan is a former banker, thus, his mind functions like a businessman. He’s using his skills to create an opposing model to the WHO, WEF, World Bank, and doing a bang up job in my opinion. I could never afford the £250 ticket, cost of the flight to London, hotel, meals, transportation, but there are those with a good heart who do have the means and want to become active in changing the world. Also, remember – the live stream is offered for free for those who can’t afford to attend in person.
To Leslee – Your comment – “…what I”ve seen is number of speakers and some organizers (not all) trying to make a living off whatever they are selling..” That’s why James is so unique. The shear quality of the voluminous information he offers for free is because it’s always been, first and foremost, about sharing the information. He began the Corbett Report while working as a teacher and only offered the $1 subscription rate when he needed some relief and support. Who can’t afford $1?! But there are so many people around the world who appreciated the quality of his work they were/are enthusiastic about supporting him. However, most see the alternative info avenue as a means to make a buck. I believe Joseph Campbell was right – Find your bliss and the Universe will support you. We are all fortunate James has found his bliss. And chose to share it.
Thanks for your comments, OneKnightErrant… I agree with you about James and some of the other Tireless kind people who Truly want to make a difference in this world and do not exclude anybody. The Last American Vagabond and The Conscious Resistance Network come to mind as others like this. Though I am far from well off financially, I find it an honor to contribute what I can to genuine goodhearted and intelligent people like this. Their passion for truth and a Better world is contagious.
The live streams haven’t really changed me any, though I’ve watched parts of the last three or four Reset events. It takes community to make the changes; and watching community is a whole lot different (to me) than being part of one! It takes willing participants to make a real community. Me and my family are an island, though we try to connect with all we meet and/or know. Odd times, indeed!
Was watching Dan Austin during the Covid scam; as we lived near Bristol before we moved to France. Difficult to reach people here in France as hate speech ban here re Macron the bad! We were also involved int the Reset thing with Derick Broze but in France we could not meet fellow growers – there seems to be no one like us in the area. Someone turned up at our place for a free couple of nights on her way to Spain – and that was that! They are getting ready for any other scam here in the supermarkets they still do the hand get thing!
A well spoken guest. I am suprised that I have not heard of him before.
Hi James!
Just wanted to drop you a quick note. We are busy setting up our own personal solution (consisting of buying 19 acres of land and converting it into a food oasis), so I have limited time. I try and watch all your solutions watch episodes, appreciate you concentrating on what we can all do, and how people are organising to create a truly wonderful world.