Results for "Truth music"

The Ugly Truth About the Minimum Wage

The economic ignorace of the "Let's Raise the Minimum Wage" gang is matched only by their smugness. In their confused, economically-illiterate universe, you either advocate for an increase in the minimum wage or you hate poor people. As anyone with an understanding of...

Music with a Message featuring Joshua Owens (video)

From "Humanity is Rising" to "It's Good For You," Joshua H. Owens is penning powerful and popular songs with a truth message. Tonight we talk to the man behind the music about his work, his influences, and how best to reach out to those poor souls who are still...

The Truth About the Gene Revolution (Video)

History is written by the winners, and if the history of the so-called "Green Revolution" tells us anything it's that the Rockefeller Foundation and their cronies in the agrichemical conglomerates were the big winners of the late 20th century. But now it's the 21st...

Truth Poetry

by James Corbett 13 August, 2012 [UPDATE 21 AUG 2012: I have received some poetry submissions in response to this post, so I will add them below as they come in.] Listeners to Corbett Report Radio will have heard an interesting call from Ronson in...


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