The Strange Story of Peter Thiel

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Interview 1894 – AI Ring of Steel Descends on Paris (NWNW 563)

This week on the New World Next Week: Biden drops out of the (s)election race while congress genuflects to their real leader; the Crowdstrike fiasco was a win for evil online disinformationists (say the establishment stooges); and Paris nabs 1000 dastardly spies in the lead up to the AI drone surveillance Olympics.

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What Was the Jessica Lynch Story? – Questions For Corbett

What Was the Jessica Lynch Story? – Questions For Corbett

So you’ve watched 9/11: A Conspiracy Theory and now you’re wondering who Jessica Lynch is? Well, you can always check the hyperlinked transcript. But while we’re at it, why not dig a little further into the Jessica Lynch and learn all about how the media fabricates war stories for the consumption of the fluoride-addled, television-addicted masses?

Context Is Everything

Context Is Everything

Context is everything. If you have already internalized this point and you understand how this insight has been weaponized by the powers that shouldn’t be, great! But here’s another point to consider: we can use this insight about the importance of context to our advantage.

Paperclipped Nazis and Stay-behind Gladios (2008)

FROM 2008: In the waning days of WWII, as the cold war began to freeze Europe, as the Iron Curtain was erected, intelligence agencies began a mad scramble to recruit the best and brightest minds from Nazi Germany. Learn more about how Nazi war criminals were brought over to found NASA, work in military weapons labs and start stay-behind networks in Western Europe to carry out terror attacks in the strategy of tension.

Interview 1843 – Daniele Ganser Exposes The Ruthless Empire

Interview 1843 – Daniele Ganser Exposes The Ruthless Empire

Joining me today to discuss war, peace and the future of humanity is Daniele Ganser, an historian, author, energy and peace researcher and head of the Swiss Institute for Peace and Energy Research (SIPER). He is the author of the groundbreaking book on Operation Gladio, NATO’s Secret Armies: Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe, and joins us to today to discuss his latest book, USA: The Ruthless Empire.

Episode 452 – The Great Travel Reset

Episode 452 – The Great Travel Reset

Are you aware of the Great Travel Reset that is already underway? You should be! Are you outraged about the fact that one of your most basic human rights is being stolen from under your very nose? You ought to be! Are you willing to spend more than a few minutes a week informing yourself about this issue? You’d better be! If you want a two-minute explainer on this topic, go to TikTok. For everyone else, this is The Corbett Report.


The Dark History of the Royals

Queen Elizardbeast is dead, long live King Charles?! Yes, for those lucky souls who are so blissfully detached from the 24/7 newsfeeds that you haven't heard yet, I bring you the news that the longest-reigning monarch in British history, Queen Elizabeth II, is dead....

September Open Thread (2022)

OK, if you're seeing this thread at the time I'm posting it, you'll know that it's not quite September yet. But as you know by now, I'm hard at work finishing up Part 3 of the Al Qaeda documentary (and so is Broc!), so no newsletter this weekend or next. In the...

Droughts, Cloud Seeding and The Coming Water Wars

Here's a puzzler for you: why is it that every time the MSM reports on cloud seeding, they treat it like some kind of crazy new invention that the world has never seen before? For the latest example of this phenomenon, check out China is seeding clouds to replenish...

Do NOT Go Back to Sleep! This is NOT the End!

Remember the end of The Return of the Jedi? It's something I've referenced a few times because it's a handy cultural signifier for a certain idea. For those who don't know, here's the gist: Darth Vader is dead. The Empire has fallen. The Rebels have won! Time to...

What Hitchcock Taught the Social Engineers

You'll recall that late last year I was exploring the central role that narrative plays in shaping our lives. Although it may sound trivial at first glance, story-telling is not just a fundamental part of the human experience, it is one of the primary ways we come to...

2022: The Year Ahead

I'm sure I don't need to tell you that there are many ways that the current global crisis could play out in 2022 and, sadly, none of them involve everyone joining hands and singing "Kumbaya" until the Gateses and the Schwabs of the world have a change of heart about...

Holiday Open Thread

 Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds / Odysee or Download the mp4 It's the end of year hiatus, so while you're here, why not kick back with the Twelve(ish) Days of Corbett and participate in the Holiday Open Thread? Corbett Report members are invited to log in and...