Results for "Bill Gates"

Sunday Update – 2011/04/03

DOWNLOAD MP3 AUDIO of this report Welcome. This is James Corbett of with your Sunday Update for this 3rd day of April, 2011. In our top story this week, the man commonly referred to as President Obama attempted to give a justification for the...

Episode 088 – You Are Being Programmed

Running Time: 1:03:30 Description:We've talked about Edward Bernays and we know all about propaganda, but there's more to media control than corporate advertising. Public opinion and attitudes are shaped through the media we consume, from television and movies to...

Episode 083 – Food World Order

Running Time: 1:13:12 Description:Farm-to-fork fascism, electronic identification for animals and failing GM corn in Africa is just the tip of the pyramid when it comes to the unfolding international Big Agra/Big Food system. Join us this week as we probe NAIS,...

Episode 040 – Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars

Running Time: 1:07:19 Description:Obama's pastor recently made some controversial remarks about AIDS as a biological weapon and the truth about Saddam's stockpiles. So is there any truth to his claims? Welcome to the quiet war. Documentation Documentation - The We Are...


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