Results for "isis"

The Ratings Game: How the Banking Mafia Operates

Five years ago in the pages of this very column I examined "The Ratings Game: Rating agencies as weapons of economic warfare." In that article I explained how the major credit rating agencies—Standard & Poor's (S&P), Moody's, and Fitch Ratings—act as adjuncts...

Dueling Drills: World Powers Are Prepping For SOMETHING

Are you keeping your eye on the news? Have you noticed any worrisome patterns lately? Do you get the sense that we're drifting toward war? And not just another Libya-style "destroy the country and leave" war, but an all-out war war? Don't worry, you're not the only...

Terror Drills and War Games on The Ochelli Effect

Watch this video on BitChute / DTube / YouTube via In the second hour James Corbett, the unique and prolific producer of constant content that challenges viewers and listeners to think for themselves far outside of the MSM sandbox, joins Chuck Ochelli for...

Italy vs. The Banksters

Remember when Bilderberg "helped create the euro in the 1990s"? And remember when that oxymoronic singular-currency-for-many-nations-with-distinct-monetary-policies was launched in 1999? And remember when Goldman Sachs helped Greece cook its books so it could join the...


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