Episode 467 – Naming Names and Connecting Dots in the Globalist Agenda

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Winning the Fluoride Fight – #SolutionsWatch

Joining us today is Michael Connett, lead attorney for the plaintiffs’ in the #FluorideLawsuit. We discuss the history of the lawsuit, what’s at stake, and how people who are concerned about the fluoridation of the water supply can get involved in the fight against this uncontrolled medical intervention.

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FLASHBACK: Graeme MacQueen Reveals The Anthrax Deception (2014)

FROM 2014: In his new book “The 2001 Anthrax Deception,” Dr. Graeme MacQueen, co-editor of the Journal of 9/11 Studies, lays out the case for a domestic conspiracy in the 2001 anthrax attacks in the US. In this conversation, James and Graeme discuss the context in which these attacks happened, the way they were portrayed by the government and the mainstream media, their ultimate effect, and the voluminous evidence that disproves the FBI’s assertion that the attacks were the work of Dr. Bruce Ivins.

Interview 1805 – Trans-formers, Psyops in Disguise! – #NewWorldNextWeek

Interview 1805 – Trans-formers, Psyops in Disguise! – #NewWorldNextWeek

This week on the New World Next Week: the WHO, the UN and other globalist institutions are grooming children for sexual activity; the culture creation industry is grooming children for gender dysphoria and the transhuman future; and Epstein’s child sex operation continues to unfold in the courts.

Interview 1804 – James Corbett Explains Musk, AI and Solutions to Dr. Mercola

Interview 1804 – James Corbett Explains Musk, AI and Solutions to Dr. Mercola

via Dr. Mercola’s Censored Library: In this interview—RECORDED ON MAY 8TH, 2023, BEFORE ELON MUSK APPOINTED WEF INSIDER LINDA YACCARINO AS NEW TWITTER CEO—Dr. Joseph Mercola interviews James Corbett about Elon Musk’s military and governmental ties, the controlled opposition infighting psyop, and the solutions we can implement to avoid the technocratic AI transhuman nightmare of the globalists.

Thwarting Facial Recognition – #SolutionsWatch

Thwarting Facial Recognition – #SolutionsWatch

We all know about the danger of a future society where we’re all tracked everywhere we go every single day in real time by our phones or devices . . . but actually, it’s worse than that! You’re already being tracked everywhere you go, every day, and it doesn’t matter whether you leave your phone at home just as long as you bring your face. Today on #SolutionsWatch, James explores some of the options that are on the table for heading off the facial recognition dystopia.

Episode 444 – Remembering Graeme MacQueen

Episode 444 – Remembering Graeme MacQueen

Esteemed scholar, researcher, author and 9/11 Truth and Justice advocate Dr. Graeme MacQueen passed away on April 25th. Today, James pays tribute to Dr. Macqueen’s life and legacy with a remembrance of his groundbreaking work and the testimonies of his friends, colleagues and loved ones.

Sanctions Are War By Other Means

Imposing sanctions on a country is a way of waging war against that country. It’s not just that economic embargoes can cripple nations’ economies nor that they tend to disproportionately affect innocent civilians. No, the reality is even more stark than that: sanctions kill. Don’t believe me? Let’s look at some of the examples of how sanctions have been used throughout history as a tool of warfare.


September Open Thread

So, here we are. Another month, another open thread. And, as always, there's a lot to discuss. Perhaps you want to discuss the truckie blockade that wasn't. Or the right-on-queue new terror threat popping up in New Zealand. Or how to order your new Bovid-84 bot. Or...

The Worst “Miscalculation” in Human History?

Just when you thought the coronascam couldn't get any stupider, along comes a new curveball. Take that, conspiracy theorists! Now Trump has the 'rona! So when your 74-year-old, obese, out-of-shape God Emperor dies of the COVID, even you crazy anti-maskers will swallow...

When False Flags Go Viral

If you're reading this column, it's highly likely you're familiar with "false flag" terrorism. You've at least heard the term before, right? As I've had cause to note in my work in the past, the 2013 Atlantic Wire article, republished by Yahoo! News under the headline...

September Open Thread

As you might imagine, between publishing COVID-911: From Homeland Security to Biosecurity on Friday and preparing to deliver my presentation at the Justice Rising conference later this weekend (see here for details and for a live link to the conference), I'm unable to...