Results for "climate"

Climate Myths Debunked

by James Corbett December 9, 2013 Myth #1. The earth is warming! On what time scale? 16 years? 2000 years? 10000 years? 420000 years? 65 million years? (Answer: None of the above) Myth #2. This year was the hottest year ever! Was that before or after...

10 Climate Myths Debunked (in 60 seconds!)

by James Corbett December 9, 2013 Myth #1. The earth is warming! On what time scale? 16 years? 2000 years? 10000 years? 420000 years? 65 million years? (Answer: None of the above) Myth #2. This year was the hottest year ever! Was that before or after...

10 Climate Myths Debunked (in 60 seconds!)

by James Corbett December 9, 2013 Myth #1. The earth is warming! On what time scale? 16 years? 2000 years? 10000 years? 420000 years? 65 million years? (Answer: None of the above) Myth #2. This year was the hottest year ever! Was that before or after...

Interview 980 – Tim Ball Lets the Hot Air Out of the Lima Climate Deal

Interview 629 – Tim Ball on Climategate 3.0

With the release of the password to unlock the full 220,000 email treasure trove, the Climategate saga has entered a new phase. Joining us to discuss this latest development is Dr. Tim Ball of SHOW NOTES: Climategate: Dr. Tim Ball on the hacked CRU...

Geoengineering: The real climate change threat

Geoengineering: The real climate change threat

by James Corbett February 13, 2013 For decades now, we have been told to be afraid of the long-term effects of manmade carbon dioxide on our climate. Seemingly every day some new storm, drought, warm spell or cold snap is featured on the news, with...


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