Results for "ptech"

Interview 093 – Anti-Illuminati

In this interview, Prison Planet Forum member Anti-Illuminati joins us to discuss the information control grid and the PTech-like enterprise architecture behind it. From OODA loop and C4I to GIG and SAL, AI breaks down the elements of the planned cyber terror false...

Episode 095 – The Biometric Control Grid

Running Time: 1:00:00 Description:Have you had your fingerprints taken for government ID? Your irises scanned? Your earlobes measured? A microchip implanted? Are you prepared to? Where will you draw the line? Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we delve into...

Episode 048 – How to Read the News

Running Time: 1:06:43 Description:Everbody knows that the controlled corporate media uses spin, omissions and outright fabrications to lead the public astray. Today we learn how to get to the stories behind the stories and free ourselves from the media matrix....


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