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Interview 1817 – Bohemian Grove Sacrifices Staffers – #NewWorldNextWeek

Interview 1817 – Bohemian Grove Sacrifices Staffers – #NewWorldNextWeek

This week on the New World Next Week: The people push back against the WHO pandemic treaty at the EU parliament; Ireland prepares to sacrifice 200,000 cows on the altar of Mother Earth; and Bohemian Grove staffers sue over their mistreatment at the hands of club members.

How (and When and Why) to Cite Your Sources – #SolutionsWatch

How (and When and Why) to Cite Your Sources – #SolutionsWatch

Today on #SolutionsWatch, James goes into further detail about the theory and practice of source citation. In addition to the hows and whys of citing sources, James also addresses the weaponization of the “What’s your source?” question and how people can use citations to improve communication, not interfere with it.

The Internet Is Dead. Long Live the Internet.

Yes, the Internet—the “Information Superhighway” version of the “Internet” that was sold as a digital panacea to a credulous public in the 1990s, that is—is now officially dead. So what does this mean? And where do we go from here? Today, I’ll get to the bottom of the dead internet theory and what conspiracy realists should make of this news.


October Open Thread

It’s the first weekend of the month and it’s a busy one for my family here in Japan so let’s start the monthly members open thread. Corbett Report members are invited to log in and discuss anything happening in the world right now, ask any burning questions you may...

Everything is Connected!

Did you ever see Connections? It was a late-1970s' British TV series hosted by author and historian James Burke, and it was devoted to exploring "the various paths of how technological change happens and the social effects of these changes on Western society." Each...

October Open Thread

As this was a particularly busy week for me, there will be no subscriber newsletter this weekend. In its lieu, I'll open up this October Open Thread (to take over from last month's September Open Thread). Corbett Report members are free to use this thread to post...

The Worst “Miscalculation” in Human History?

Just when you thought the coronascam couldn't get any stupider, along comes a new curveball. Take that, conspiracy theorists! Now Trump has the 'rona! So when your 74-year-old, obese, out-of-shape God Emperor dies of the COVID, even you crazy anti-maskers will swallow...

When False Flags Go Viral

If you're reading this column, it's highly likely you're familiar with "false flag" terrorism. You've at least heard the term before, right? As I've had cause to note in my work in the past, the 2013 Atlantic Wire article, republished by Yahoo! News under the headline...